Showing posts with label Nuclear death terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuclear death terror. Show all posts

Mar 1, 2010

Nuclear death terror - demo, Lp and 2 seveinches

-Corpse painted mikxxx :
As i'm waiting dbill to write about gorilla angreb, i remember that i have promised him that we'll definetely do a post about nuclear death terror. Having as a base the ungdomshuset squat, these crusties began their illegal action back in 2003 (if i'm not mistaken), but only in 2005 made their first attempt to destroy our ears and make us love them with the release of their 8-track demo...
Consisting of members of skarpretter, uro and some others these corpse-painted, zombie-like crusties released also two seveninches and one full-lenght lp.
Speaking about music, if hellshock played a less bit boring and not so "i'm-over-30-years-old-and-only-now-i-discovered-sunlight-studios-sound", yet clear as a plastic diamond metallic edge definetely their name would  be NUCLEAR DEATH TERROR! Epic, d-beat crust by these old wolves of the danish scene, heavily influeced by (old) Bolt thrower (or even the best band ever to came outta sweden - Entombed (for me - don't start to throw rocks on me, guys)) with the proper black / white artwork...
So, i didn't make an upload for these guys 'cos they had already posted all their music by themselves in their netpages, that's why you may ask why i got myself in such "trouble", to write some bad-english shit about some punks from copenhagen. the reason is, that i feel like i share some common views with this band about what is d.i.y. and what is profit. I think that downloading music (when no asshole gets money out of it) is a good thing, it helps you find new bands, share some views and opinions. Afterall tape-trading is the power of the scene for over of 30 years now and maybe this is a way of "tape-teading" nowadays, also if you like the band the best think is  to grab some here some interesting views from the band on this topic (i'm not posting the cahrecords mail 'cos i think it's too big, but you can read it at the band's my(as)space):

There's some messages going around to the tune of "downloading mp3s is killing the punk scene." The one we just received is below. After responding to it that not only were we not interested, but that we were actually against charging money for music downloads, I checked out the site and discovered that our album the top selling record there - for $8. We didn't give permission for this. Where's the money going?

I've nothing against Nick or CAH Records (or at least I didn't before this), it's a good label and he seems like a friendly, genuine guy. I presume one of the labels who released our album gave CAH Records permission to sell our music online, which we're entirely against. We'll get to the bottom of it and make sure the situation is remedied. I should probably find out what the story is and clear all that up before posting this...but I'm pissed off and astounded at this situation, so I'm not going to wait.

It brings up an interesting issue: that of music downloads. We're completely in favour of them. The fact that some of the biggest DIY punk labels around are against free music downloads has influenced our decision not to work with those labels before. The labels we do work with continue to sell out of their pressings of our records, whether on CD, vinyl or cassette, so although sales might be down on what they used to be, and postage more expensive, it's complete bullshit that downloads are killing the scene.

Music downloads are killing the scene for people who commodify and commercialise punk and make a living out if it. If that's what they want to do, that's their business (literally) and I won't villainise them for it. But when they claim that they're "trying to educate people that stealing mp3s is killing the entire scene right now" and describe selling mp3s on the internet as " total D.I.Y." (it would more accurate to describe it as "total bullshit" or "a load of bollocks"), whilst making a profit from selling our music without permission, then naturally we're going to react.

Our LP and our demo are available for free at and after the first pressing is sold out of our new 7" EP that'll be up there too. File sharing and free music downloads are one of the greatest threats to property and copyright that have ever occurred. To describe it as stealing is ridiculous. The true theft is when people build on other influences to write original music, and then define that as their own "intellectual property" which they then attempt to protect with copyright. Fuck that shit. People will keep sharing music for free, and we'll support them in this.

You can download their whole discography from here or here.

-"don't you satanize me" Dbill :
I might have my fair share of crusty records, but i'm not really fond of this style of punk too much anymore. Mainly because it tends to get soooo repeatetive, and boring to hear the same melodies again and again, read the same war lyrics again and again, see the same images again and again and get the picture..There are exceptions though, every once in a while you'll hear a crust band which just shines from the millions of others.

Nuclear Death Terror.

The name really says it all. Pure raw holocaust. What really impressed me was their cassette demo, from back in 2005. I heard the LP, and the 7'', but the demo is the real deal here. Raw dirty recording, with monolithic rocking heavy crust riffs, mid paced dbeat pounding attack, and gruff phlegmatic vocals that makes you think their vocalists have had one a dozen too many whiskeys...brilliant! The whole demo actually flys by, no pauses between tracks, like a good powerfull live gig that ends up in ashes.

If you are not too into crust hardcore, then listen to their demo tape...if you are a Decrepit looney then download (or if you have the chance buy) their whole discography...

Speaking of downloads, and since it was mentioned by Mike, with the addition of words from the Nuclear Death Terror site, i figured i'd also chip in to give you my annoying said-before point of view... Claiming that downloading diy music kills punk culture is absurd and plain stupid. It brings people closer to music they would otherwise never had the (financial mostly) possibility of listening. Personaly i don't enjoy downloading music too much cause it feels out of touch with the bands aesthetic view on things. With soul-less mp3 files you can't get the artwork (in it's full extent i mean), you pack it with the rest of the bullshit you download on some hick named file like ''punk rock and stuff'', rather than ceremonialy placing it in your record collection...I'm definately no record collector (and don't intend to become one!), but i enjoy having a library with records, and picking the one i want to accompany me with whatever i feel like doing, jamming it on the record player and letting the needle fall on the dead sexy wax grooves!!!! With binary digits you can't sit down and read the lyrics sheet, figuring out what the hell the singer is yelling about (bands also seem to have nothing interesting to say, but thats another story to be told..)....BUT it offers in an uncommercial way the opportunity to people who live in greece (some example ehhh!) to learn about punk (or noise, or whatever..) bands/culture from far abroad (japan maybe?usa anyone?). As for ''diy'' labels cashing in by selling mp3...fuck that shit...that's not my punk..

keep bootlegin'!!!!