Showing posts with label Gorilla angreb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorilla angreb. Show all posts

Feb 28, 2010

Gorilla angreb - Aborted 2000 EP & bedre tider 12''

As i finally get my self together after a ferocious, funny as hell night with a lot of alcohol (what a straight-edge-r i am!) running in my veins, i got up unexpected good and fresh. As a result of my good overall condition i decide to post gorilla angreb. Plan A was a Young wasteners post, but i think those guys are not the type of band that amuses me, i'll dare to say...
Gorilla angreb took form once again in the beautiful gardens of Ungdomshuset squat. When amdi petersens arme finally torn-apart, their members made some other great bands - as you may already know - and one of those bands was Gorilla angreb.
Peter from Amdi Petersens Armé started the band with Mai, Banger and Retardo (who got his name after having played in Danish punk band Los Retardos). Mai and Peter had originally formed the band in the autumn of 1999 as a sort of a project, but after 2002 the band began to be a real full time project.
The 7'' aborted came out in 2005 to deliver 4 tracks of fast, unwounded punk rock. Great female vocals that are not the smooth-tongued thing, but clear, bruisy and phlegmatic...
On the other hand the "bedre tider" 12'' has a more radio-friendly sound and is the more easily recognizable and ear-catchy in my opinion. Think that you get the same "beautiful" voice with a more "shake-your-body" rock thing that is totally amazing, if you are the type of human that can stand 5 minutes without listening to all the boring warhate thing...
They tend to remind me some other bands after many listenings, but i can't recall the names. So, i am either a fool, or they are good enough on the cheating-thing... who knows? hehehe
Surely, melodic and for specific tastes. Enjoy

P.S. the k-town series can go on and on forever, that's why we'll do just one more post for this section (propably ripping headache), to continue with some japanese and greek stuff... It's time i guess... take care...


O.K, so this isn't pure headfirst hardcore punk, or crust as fuck..crust, nor true norwegian black metal, but hell this is really good! Gorilla Angreb is a K-town band (obviously!) playing a weird style of punk, other times leaning towards raw garage, and other times sweat-talking pop themes...

You can distinctively see two different periods of the band, one being the earlier days, namely the ''Aborted 2000'' ep, where the band has more garage punkrock structured songs with shouted girly vocals, a rawer production and an urge to get through the songs as dirty as possible. On the other hand, the ''Bedre Tider'' 12'' shows a more mature songwriting process (''the process'' by Judgement is a fucking good song!), stearing away from normality, while the band explores new ground. It is dangerously poppy, but in a harmfull un-pop way...the song melodies can stick to your head worse than a bubblegum on your filthy skateshoes...speaking about the melodies, what an oddity they are indeeeed!!! Especially the song ''Pa Patrulje'' feels like a mix between the Wipers and Neil Young's ''Dead Man'' soundtrack (the excellent Jim Jarmous film with Jonnie Depp) has an earie haunted dessert feeling to it...very good!

I think one of them runs the really good Repoman record store in Kobenhavn, while another guy is P.J. Bonneman (hehe)...don't know anything about the others...actually what do members of broken-up punk bands do when they no longer play in a band? Do they still stay in the scene?

P.S. it is actually nice having a cup of coffee while listening to ''ciggaretter & kaffe'', a song about the singer of No hope for the Kids skipping work (and his girlfriend!) to enjoy ciggaretter & kaffe with mr. Bonneman himself in layed back attitude...good valuable times!

dbill in coffee mood