Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts

Jan 20, 2010

Container crusties from hell

After taking the kind permission of rawter (trouble on your system) i decided to post this great but not so "well-known" band...
But first let me tell you a story... Some years back alt t.c made a split lp with the french band 20 minutes de chaos. When the split was finally out they arranged a mini-tour in greece. 4 gigs in 4 cities was scheduled...
20 minutes... came and was a total destruction, but alongside them have come and some friends of them...
in their first night in greece and in front of 10 men and women in a small studio in corfu these friends of 20 minutes took the instruments and played one of the most aggresive crustcore ever to be seen, ever to be named...
Their name was CONTAINER CRUSTIES FROM HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here you got a cassete tape that they had released as a banefit for "food not bombs"....
Let's go to the music part : fast and aggressive, yet mean and unstoppable hardcore / crust (even grind sometimes) with male / female vocals that screaming and yelling, some mid-paced and "dancing" parts before power-violence assaults all in the mix, all in a good measure...
Almost forgot it, this band is from dijon, france and has been created in a squat in dijon...
rawter, thanx again...
