Showing posts with label Flyblown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flyblown. Show all posts

Jan 18, 2010

Flyblown - Fear and the fury

FLYBLOWN was a crustcore band from uk that was active from 2004 to 2007, they had released a demo, a split with disclose and two lp's...
The political intent and their extreme music style made Flyblown one of the best crust bands of the 00's..
Heav(il)y influeced by the early scandi-crust scene they had created a  mix of d-beat in the vein of anti-cimex, mob-47 alongside the noisy parts of bands like confuse, disclose and the metallic production and feeling of bands like skitsystem or martyrdom... I can hear some extinction of mankind influences (in the mid-tempo parts mostly) and even more, some clear-vocals reminds me crucifix...
All the above mentioned bands can guarantee the quality of this lp (2005 release)..
So, enjoy this d-beat crustcore , heavy and distorted as it should be
