Showing posts with label Crude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crude. Show all posts

Jan 2, 2011

Crude - Corner 12'' (2010)

Happy new year to everyone, guys. Hope the new year will be much better than the previous one. I had a perfect anniversary evening with lots of friends, good home-style wine and tsipouro, met the guy behind crustcracker blog and slept on a floor. The previous year was in general bad, but it had the so-called highlights.

I start feeling like the official site of Crude 'coz the majority of band's album are posted here, but'on : Crude! PLUS : this month i'll post only japcore albums (what an originality, ha!).

Being among the lucky elitists that saw these sharp-eyed mosters some time ago in a basement somewhere in the world, and being impressed from the shinning smiles of the japanese guys (great for a band that the only english were "ok", "yes", etc) i thought that you might want to listen this album before you buy it.

Here you'll get no fancy, car-stereo, diamond-sound album. The album is recorded on a four-track and i must admit that i was a little bit sour with the sound 'coz you can't listen clear enough neither the bass lines, nor the guitars. After 10 times, i finally believe that the guys do the right thing. The know that these tracks have not the quality of "Attitude" lp so they accomplished to have a dirty and raw sound so the recording to be more "dog-bitting". If you expect some familiar poser-friendly solos or the usual epic Crude guitars you can skip this post 'coz it will led you down for sure. On the other hand here we have CRUDE.


Nov 14, 2010

Crude - 1st Lp

Thanx to great guy the japcore world know as fabian...take his words for granted and cut your throat!

- Fabian, the mongoloid behind Burial's drumkit :

So, what to write about CRUDE/s album from 1996...I am not really sure when it came out but it was recorded in 1996, 14 years ago. I think it came out on Straight Up Records in Japan and on some label called Dynamite kids from Belgium. Whatever, like their earlier stuff it's a little raw, which suits the songs really well. There are ten tracks on this record, the first song being kind of an intro which is pretty atmospheric and moody. My favorite track is the fourth song on the first side with a Japanese title. A real punk stomper they perform live on a regular basis. Come and get wild! And bring weed for them, they will appreciate that. I am not sure if they will like Tzatziki as much as I do, but you should try. Back to the record. On the LP they were a four-piece, now they turned into a three-piece, having two original members left, the drummer and the bass player who are brothers. Weed-adorers. Potential Tzatziki-fetishists. Unfortunately their new LP is already sold out, for all of you who wanted to buy it...but so you can safe your well-earned cash and get `em some dope. Opa opa, otsukare!!!


Apr 20, 2010

Nightmare & Burial & Crude - Axis of wolves - 3 way split Lp

I think, you already know who the fuck these japcorers are, so i'll keep it simple.
Nightmare hails from osaka and it's propably the longest act from japan. Started in 1988 they have released a bunch of records, seveninches and splits and they have been part of the famous "Eye of the thrash guerilla" compilation Lp. Here they participate two ugly, noisy, long and fast as fuck tracks of pure raging japanese hardcore. If you like the first releases of nightmare (and not the shitty lp scaterraw) this will shake your body really bad.
Next in line, my favourites german japunks (or japanese germ-punks?) from hagen, germany. You may be aware of the unleashing power of Burial's tank, but for those that don't, this is by far the best japcore band around the globe nowadays. They have released two lp's, two seveninches (get them here), and a split 7'' with athen's finest Antimob (get it here). Also, they have toured constantly including in their tours isolated places such as greece and japan, or not so isolated like northern europe.
Here you'll get two awesome in your face anthems, with the sound to be similar with their first 7inch. Forward, forward, forward....
Last on the bill, Hakodate's Crude. They started back in the mid 90's and they made a bunch of releases also. Full lenghts, splits and the list goes on and on... If you visit this blog frequently you already know that crude is the sword to chop some stupid heads off. Enjoy responsibly their previous posts here and here.
The vinyl version released as an one-sided, gatefold lp from hate records and the cd version by HG : fact records from japan, so if the economical crisis hasn't affect you yet, go and buy it...
This release came out to support the japanese tour these three bands did in 2007.
Thanx to dbill for this one, once again. cheers, mate.

tsouuaaa (download)

I'll start this off with one and only statement...this split LP is worth buying (or downloading) for the Burial tracks alone...they fucking rip you to pieces. I have said before that Burial is one of the few bands who constantly evolve their, and true to their game they add a heavy dose of thrashing to their equally heavy rocking...rocking and thrashing actually sums up what this band does on this LP. Bare in mind that these tracks were recorded after the ''Hungry Wolves'' 7'' and before the ''Speed at Night'' LP, with Norman from Bombenalarm as the guitarist (the bald jazz cutie they toured greece with the second time)...Eternal Excess might be my favorite track......addictive shit.

Packed in this piece of frozen petrolium is the monstrous Nightmare, and the epic Crude. If you are into total noise attack then you will fall in love with Nightmares sound. Raw as fuck production topped with nonstop screaming...I'm not the biggest fan of Nightmare, but their audio violence is well appreciated. Crude on the other hand are one of my favorite bands...the epic guitar leads, the catchy riffs, and the great song structures...though they are really held back on this recording mostly due to the really bad recording...''Attitude'' or ''1999'' LP's would be a much better introduction for you to this Jap monster...the songs on this split were later re-recorded with much better production, and re-released on Jannick's Feral Ward label as a 7''.

Last but not least the artwork is done by the huge Sugi, while the gatefold LP has a beatifull collage of pictures from the Nightmare-Burial-Crude ''Axis of Nightmare'' japanese tour, which will make you grateful you aren't as fucked up as your face Fabsie!!!!!!

dbill, Ph.D. in loving Burial

Jan 22, 2010

Crude - Change everything from in to you first

-my partner dbill:

CRUDE ''1999'':
My first introduction to CRUDE was on a Sunday morning, after a hard-working Saturday night (and I don't mean partying the ''hard way'', i really was working...), so with approximatelly 3 hours of sleep I woke up to the awesome, raging sounds of the ''attitude'' LP, spinned by beloved flatmate George Sk. (of notorious Mountza fanzine fame!)...
Needless to say, I sprung out of bed like a well-tuned WP suspention on a wild Husaberg FE650 hitting a big triple jump!!! I poured me some coffee, and we had about 3-4 straight listens to the LP...
You know a band is THAT good when you order the LP your flatmate has on the spot!!!
''1999'' is just as good as the 2000 ''attitude'' LP, some say even better...I personaly save a slightly warmer place in my (not so) cold cold heart for the ''attitude'' one, maybe because of the afformentioned story!
Expect hardcore punk the japanese way, ''burning spirits'' style rocking energy, a hell of a lot of beautifull guitar work, and a powerfull, sturby rhythm section filled with neat melodic bass lines....masterpiece!!!
The records have been repressed (thankfully!) by the kind mr. Yannick of FERAL WARD recs....I'm pretty sure you can lure him into giving you a free press if you mail him a dozen fresh baclavas (I SAID FRESH!!!)... you can always pay for them though!!!!
Be inspired by the powerhouse called CRUDE....


Jan 17, 2010

Crude - Attitude

Crude comes out of hakodate city, japan and is one of the best japcore bands nowadays...
They play a total disasterous music mix of raging hardcore and old-school japanese hardcore in your fucking face...
Alongside paintbox, forward, burial (germany) and selfish (finland) holds the japcore flag (to stand) high...
Here you get their lp "attitude" from 2000 and it's maybe the best album on the whole genre, full of great epic riffs and powerful drums. It has been recently re-released by feral ward records...
i don't know what else to say for this terrific "burning-spirit" japunk / hardcore style album...
You know what to do...
