Showing posts with label Anarchist black metal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anarchist black metal. Show all posts

Jan 26, 2010

Black trinity - In this black thrashing night of infernal hell

As you can see i am a man of my words...
I promised black trinity and black trinity it is... (read also the previous post)
Black trinity are a "traditional" old-school black metal (or primitive black metal carnage) band and with the term traditional i mean all the influences that some crusties can get from the first two waves of the norwegian black metal... Clearly Darkthrone fans with the "transylvanian hunger" elements shining as the burning sun of a dry summer in kenya but also some more mid-tenpo parts to remind me a hybrid of "the cult is alive" and bathory's bathory (or not?)...
Add some satanic threat and darkthrone t-shirts and you have the picture...
Here you get their first full lenght release that comes as a cd(-r?)...
Check the bands blog for infos and stuff

total havoc

It certainly is not common to have black metal releases amongs the DIY punk movement (in the shithole pit of greece at least), let alone good ones!!!

(The) Black Trinity hail from the northern part of the (not so) infernal country of greece, from Thessaloniki to be more specific. They are four punks (fuck this whole corpse painting bullshit, and the whole ''I am evOl, but please don't kick my ass'' attitude most ''evol'' black metallers have these days!) and their sound is heavily influenced by the first (mostly) and second wave of norwegian black metal (a true university of its kind...). Think of early Darkthrone, but my ear picks up hints that remind of Leviathan (''Massive conspiracy against all life'' era) in the guitar, and some punky moments equivalent of the (also) punky black metallers Ravencult (also from the shithole pit of greece)...

This is pretty close to the roots of black metal, a path many bands have steared away from, either serving mostly polished orchistrical metal garbage, either copying the more modern Orthodox Black Metal style (not to be confused with orthodox christianity, as seen in shithole pit of greece)..though cheaply. The production is clearly raw, but very, very listenable, with the addition of some noise and some ambience here and there to strengthen the atmospheric feeling.

A promising new band (consisting members of Go Filth Go! and Dyspnea if I am not mistaken..both bands worth a listen, or more...), that gives a great live performance. You can get their DIY self-released record by contacting them through: theblacktrinity (a)

dbill from the mountains of Agrafa

Jan 4, 2010

Panopticon & Lake of blood - split

I don't no how to start this post..
This split has rip my mind off for at least one week
Here we have the ultimate panopticon(one-man band) and Lake of blood, a band that is more blackened rotten crust to my ears than black metal!

This post is a rip-off from the great red and anarchist black metal blog
so check that blog also
