

After much thought, I have decided to "call it a day" here at the Lo-Res Viscera.

A few weeks ago, MediaFire neutered 90% of my links - thusly, nearly all posts are dead.

In a way, it is for the better.

Almost 5 fucking years for a blog is a good run, but sadly, the Feds seem to think that SOME of us who actually give a shit about the bands that we WRITE about is a crime - THAT IS A FUCKING CRIME.

This blog was never about leaking garbage put out by mainstream labels, nor was it about undercutting a band's profits - most all the bands I ever wrote about were just like you & me (I would assume).
In the end LO-RES VISCERA was just a place I could do a bit of ranting, and flex my (lack of) "wordsmithing skills" about how much a certain band meant to me on a given day in my life, and if anyone else out there felt the same way, it was nice to hear from you.

For the time being, I'm gonna keep the blog up - not sure what links are still active, but have at it. I'm gonna take a bit of time off, maybe team up w/ some other bloggers - (anybody want / need a hand?) - and then when I am (mentally) ready to attack the internets again (and can figure out a system that won't be nuked by "Big Brother") I will be back in a new form.

Keep The L-R V in your RSS Reader / Google Reader / Facebook Feed for further updates!
As far as Facebook goes, I will be keeping that page up, & updating it from time to time w/ music, videos, info, etc. You can still always reach me via the orange contact button floating over there on the left hand margin, by the way - don't bother asking for re-ups though, okay?

Once again, thank you for being a loyal reader (or leecher) all these years.


  1. Thanks for all the great music! Your writing and the music will be missed.

  2. Sorry to hear it but it's been happening a lot. Fuckin psychic wars going on on the internet right now.

    Raven Mack

  3. It's weird how the slow demise of the once-thriving metal/hardcore/underground music blog scene feels just like the death of a "real life" music scene. The last six, seven years have been so great: a bunch of great bloggers tipping me to some fantastic music and asking nothing in return. I enjoy your thoughts and opinions regarding the bands you've featured, you have good taste and I'd still read your blog even without the DL links. I can find them myself.

    1. Thanks A. Nonymous.

      I'd go nuts if it weren't for the MP3 Blogosphere turning me on to good shit constantly.

  4. Long time reader AND leecher sad to see you go. This blog and a lot of others mainly on the RIP list really put some rad tunes in my life during some crazy years, and that means a lot. Sucks to see stuff like this go away because the blogs were not only free music but opening my eyes to new bands and scenes and ideas. Thanks for sharing some ripping tunes and for doing a little bit to make my musical world bigger and better!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Bryn!

  5. Thanks, man. The bands were all either great and/or interesting, and all respectable, and the your artwork helped bring them across.

    1. Thanks Jim.

      Sometimes finding a great photo to tweak would inspire the post...

  6. A sad day indeed (listening to Blue Sabbath Black Cheer, the perfect soundtrack to this post). In all seriousness it was a blast coming to LRV and getting to virtually know one of the coolest guys on the planet. I bought several records as a result of your posts and at the very least enjoyed the artwork and your wordsmithing. Blah blah blah...cheers J!

    1. Thanks Justin!

      I will be back in some for or another at some point in the not-too-distant future, I am quite sure of that...

  7. Nooooooooo! Not another victim of the dickheads at mediafuck!! The fuckers deleted my whole blog,which mostly consists of bands and projects I've done over the last 30+ years,and bands of friends of mine from around the globe.I do post "commercial" release from time to time,but it's all underground/out of print stuff that's not posted anywhere else on the web.I found a reliable hoster which is like the library of the web.No fear of deletions of anything!!I've had links on this hoster for over a year and none of the links have been deleted! i don't wanna say the name here,but if you check my blog(s) out ,you will find links that go to the hoster.I've already helped a few others get to this site,to save their blogs.I hope you will reconsider your early retirement,and try my hoster ,for future (and past!) links.Thanks,and if you need any help,drop me a message -G O D

  8. Oh yeah....FUCK MEDIAFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Sad to see you go brother... in the immortal words of Chris Rock: "but I understand". Enjoyed the posts and the dry wit - thanks for introducing some top notch shit!

  10. Sad to see you go. LRV has been my source for the rawest shit imaginable.

  11. Thanks for all the cool sounds: the stuff I'd forgotten, stuff new to me and for taking the trouble to pass it on with your knowledge. Take Care. Rock On.

  12. A damn shame, it is! Sad to see you go. But I can't say that I blame you. Thanks for all the great tunes. Rest In Peace mah brutha! Doc

  13. Sad day. Sorry to see you go. Thanks for all the great music I'd forgotten, never owned, or never heard of until this page. You will be missed.

  14. I'm going to miss you brotha. I've been on to you for about 3 years now. I may not like everything you post (not that you'd expect us to be sheep) - but because we have a similar ethos and style with music I always gave everything you posted a good listen and a good shot. You were one of the blogs that inspired me to give it a go. Stay "cool" (sorry for the yearbook ending).


  15. The content industry copyright maximalists are on the way out. Someday in the future we will look back on incidents like your Mediafire account being destroyed and laugh. Keep promoting innovation. Keep promoting music.

    Thanks for all the great bands you've exposed me to over the years. I never would have found out about Festering Rinyanyons or Drunk Injuns without you, just to name a few.

  16. media fire shut our account down too. sucks.
    keep in touch!

  17. This blog was fucking awesome. I found it doing a search on the Part Time Christians. Obscure? You know it. And without this blog I would not have heard one of my favorite song lyrics "I'm rubber and you're glue. When I wanna get fucked up I sniff you". Thanks! Tim.

  18. Cheers, pal. Thanks for lots of great stuff over the years.

  19. So sad to see you go. Your blog is an inspiration and one of the very few that I visit nowadays. What did it for me and my blog is that my older kid (2 years) doesn't play with anything without buttons, so basically I can't use my computer without the interference from another typist. The only thing that I get these days that consider my blog are letters from Mediafire. Such nice folks.
    Joke aside, I'm leaving the link to LRV 'cause even without the mp3s the blog is worth the visit + I know you'll be back. Cheers.

  20. Good run, mane! thanks for all the posts!

  21. Thanks for everything you've done. I've discovered so much great music thanks to you. I will definitely check out your facebook page. Best wishes to you.

  22. I love this blog. Like some I've found some of my favorite bands through you. Thanks.

  23. You helped me find Only Living Witness, and a bunch of other great stuff. Thank you.

  24. Sorry to see you go. I discovered your blog the first month of my freshman year of college, and it definitely exposed me to some wicked stuff. Where else am I going to find bands like Cherubs and Shallow ? Thanks for everything!!

  25. sad to see you go, thanks for all the tunes...

  26. Thanks from Portland, OR. You'll be missed.

  27. Thank you so much for this place, for your time and generosity, it's always sad to see "an old friend" disappear.
    All the best.


  29. Thanks for everything. You've enlightened me about a lot of wonderful music, and reminded me about even more. If you're ever in Denmark, I'll buy you many beers.

  30. Thanks For All The Great And Obscure Music!
    All The Best!!
    Cheers From Greece

  31. OMG ... I just saw this post right now ... Shit!! I am so sorry for this! Thanks for your awesome posts for so many years! I hope you'll be back someway sometimes soon. In spite of what mediafire thinks, bloggers help the scene greatly, and bands know this. Mediafire sucks but there are alternatives. So ... we are waiting you back in action! \m/ \m/

    1. Hello Mari!!!

      It's been awhile...

      Yeah, blogs serve a purpose, and it isn't to rip off bands - well, SOME blogs aren't about ripping off bands, but um, yeah... I miss the SLUDGE SWAMP blog as well & I'm just gonna take a break from al of this for a while, not sure how long, but I am sure I will be back in action at some point once I have regrouped & feel rejuvenated, etc.

      Thanks for all the kind words over the years!

  32. Here's how fucked Mediafire is, Deathwish - a label - has a free label sampler up for grabs. Their bands or songs they cleared with the artists to include. They give you four links to get it from, including Mediafire. Mediafire is denying the file - even though this is the goddamn label saying it's okay!!!! Bullshit.


    1. I think MF are just using bots to catch "keywords" & deleting / flagging all files the come up w/o actually looking into the upload itself. Anything to keep the feds off their back, right?
      Honestly, they must be losing a TON of $$$ due to the pressure...

  33. You had a great run....and you managed to outlast most of the rest of us. You turned me onto a lot of great bands over the past 5 years and I thank you for that. Take care, man.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Fred.
      I'm still lurking & "powering up" - just waiting for my next move is all...

  34. Thank you. Your blog and writing are/ were great. I have been turned on to such great music ( din't even hear of deadmoon till you posted something). I will keep my eyes and ear open. Enjoy some time off and thank's again.

  35. Sorry to see the blog end, but you can always use Bitorrent. Remember to use Peerblock too.

    1. I'm sorry it ended too.

      Bitorrent is something that takes FOREVER to download, and I'm not too keen on leaving my computer online / open for nights' on end. I always wanted to back it, but it is futile in my opinion. Soulseek was fun for a minute - wish it would have been bigger / more functional, etc.

  36. Thanks for all the intros to great music over the years. Much appreciated.

    1. Thanks, Chairmaker.
      I totally miss your blog too.
      Your posts were always a gateway to new stuff for me as well for the most part.
      Hope you come back again someday too...

  37. Glad to see you go go goodbye:) :)
    Actually not at all, Quality over quantity, postings that Hitlermoustachehipsters never ever heard of. So sad it s over, please come back in someway. Maybe a invitianonal only blog/page/1 and 0 in a specific order so that it resembles a page full of forgoten, or maybe for kids never ever heard of music....

    Strange Aeons Indeed...

    Im a member on some site that req password to log in, free of charge, 4shered i think its called

    BezZzt Wishes from Sweden

  38. Very sorry to see this site close down. Your stories were wonderful. You really should compile them into a little book.
    I have to agree with others. It does feel a like a little scene is dying. Or at least undergoing unwanted bumps in the road. I understand that artists are being cut out of huge amounts of money by downloading. I wouldn't post the new SWANS album on my blog. Or anything else The Man is currently selling on his site. But live shows and long out of print albums, or music where the principle artist has passed away long ago (and has no children to support)? It seems like there are no distinctions being made by the robotic corporate online programs.
    Anyway, hope your new projects go great and loved the resources on this blog.

    1. Ido -
      Thank you so much.
      Not sure how I found you, but your blog is unique, and filled w/ gems no one is posting - thank you.
      I haven't given up completely, just giving it some time before I come back - I need to figure out what will be best in the long run, but yeah... I've always done this for me & me alone, and many have come along for the ride. so yeah... I'll be back...

  39. rip to one of my all time fav blogs!

    I remember starting mine after reading yours and sludge swamp.

    always admired your writing style!

    keep it up H

    1. Thanks Huanso!

      I am still a regular reader of your blog(s).

      Maybe one of these days when I have more time I will start a new blog...

  40. Hate that this happened brother. Thanks for years of great work and maybe we'll meet up in the private trading world some time since we noticed it's headed BACK to the old ways we employed long ago as far as that goes. You won't be forgotten and thanks again for all the dedicated service. A and B.


Please refrain from posting as "ANONYMOUS", thanks!