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Aides to Yemen's President Hadi have denied that he has fled abroad in the face of an advance by Houthi rebels, following a report quoting the presidential guard which said he had left the country. Two officials insisted he was still in Aden and had no plans to leave. The president has been based in Aden since fleeing Sanaa last month. Although forces loyal to Hadi have been rallying to defend the city, Houthi fighters are said to have advanced to within 40 kilometres after overrunning Yemen'… READ MORE : What are the top stories today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 14 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Bloody protests in southwestern Yemen, Uruguay closes its borders to a select few, Mexico probes conditions at a maximum-security prison, and a Dutch court will soon deliver a verdict in a horse meat trial. YEMEN Rebels Fire Tear Gas and Bullets at Protesters in Taiz At least six are dead following demonstrations against advances by Shia Houthi rebels. URUGUAY Borders Close to Former Guantanamo Detainees and Syrian Refugees The new government has distanced itself from the decisions made by former President Jose Mujica. MEXICO Prisoners Complain About Mistreatment and Unsanitary Conditions More than 100 inmates wrote an 11-page letter listing grievances such as solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, spoiled food and squalid cells. NETHERLANDS Verdict Expected in Horse Meat Trial Prosecutors are seeking a five-year sentence for the owner of a processing plant raided during Europe's horse meat scandal a couple of years ago. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:
As Houthi militants took full control of Yemen’s capital, Sana, Mona El-Naggar traveled there to cover the unrest and observe how the political crisis affected everyday life in the Arab world’s poorest country. Bonus scenes: Inside a Khat Session: Where Are the Women?: مع إحكام الحوثيين سيطرتهم على العاصمة اليمنية، سافرت الصحفية منى النجار الى صنعاء لتغطية الاضطرابات السياسية و تأثيرها على الحياة اليومية للمواطنين مشاهد اضافية في جلسة القات : أين المرأة؟ : ______________________________________________________ Arabic transcript: هذه صنعاء، عاصمة اليمن، التي تشهد الآن فترة من الاقتتال الطائفي خلفت مؤخرا أكثر من مائة وثلاثين قتيلا في تفجيرات انتحارية. وقد اشتد العنف عندما سيطر الثوار الحوثيون، وهم جماعة متمردة لم يكن معظم الناس قد سمعوا بها، على المدينة في يناير. - شو بتعمل؟ - جريدة النيويورك تايمز - يعني، شوية وراح تقولون انقلاب وحركات بصراحة لا أعرف بالضبط ما أسميه، انقلابا؟ انتفاضة؟ ثورة؟ ولكن بعد أن سيطر الحوثيون استقال رئيس الجمهورية. وأصبح البلد الآن بلا قائد ومقسّما. بالمناسبة، هذه أنا. اسمي منى النجار وقد وصلت هنا في الأيام الاولى من سيطرة الحوثيين. وكما ترون، إنني ألبس عباية للاندماج. ولكنني ما زلت امرأة وصحفية أعمل في الميدان ... في وقت لا تعرف إلا قلة قليلة من الناس ما الذي يجري هنا فعلا. - أصور ولّا لا؟ لذا تفاوضتُ من أجل العمل ولكن في معظم الأحيان مارستُ عملي حسب الظروف. - الموت لأمريكا، الموت لإسرائيل، النصر للإسلام، الله أكبر إنني أعرف أن تلك الصرخة عدوانية ... وأن الأسلحة مخيفة بالتأكيد ... ولكن اسمحوا لي أن أشرح ... إن الناس الذين تكلمتُ معهم ليسوا متطرفين بقدر ما يظهرون. فالحوثيون، وهم طائفة شيعية، ينأون بنفسهم عن الجماعات السنية الإرهابية مثل القاعدة وداعش. إنهم ينتقدون الولايات المتحدة، لكنهم قالوا لي إن غضبهم موجه حقا الى القادة الدكتاتوريين المدعومين من أمريكا في المنطقة. - الله أكبر، الموت لأمريكا، الموت … لحظة من فضلكم. هذه مناسبة جيدة لشرح شيء معين. هل ترى الانتفاخ في خد هذا الرجل؟ هذا قات. إنه نبتة يمضغها اليمنيون منذ آلاف السنين. هو منشّط خفيف ... أشبه ما يكون بتناول قنينتين من مشروب "رد بل" ... صدقوني، سترونه في كل مكان. - الموت لإسرائيل، حسنا، فلنعد الى الحوثيين. إنهم يتمتعون بالشعبية الآن، ولكن معظمهم شباب وغير مجربين. إنهم يسعون الى تعزيز سلطتهم، لكن معظم اليمنيين يعانون من مشاكل أكثر إلحاحا. فاليمن أفقر بلد في العالم العربي والحكومة تعجز عن الوفاء بالحاجات الأساسية. وثمة نقص في وقود الطبخ والكهرباء، كما أن معدل البطالة عال. لكن الماء، بالتأكيد، هو مصدر قلق الجميع. بعض الخبراء يقولون إن اليمن سيكون أول بلد ينضب ماؤه. وفي بعض المناطق لا يجري الماء في شبكات المياه سوى مرة في الشهر. وبالتالي تضطر العائلات الى تخزين الماء. وهم يفعلون ذلك بهذه العلب. والعلب منتشرة بالتأكيد في كل مكان. هل تتذكرون القات؟ حسنا ... زراعة القات تشكل أحد أكبر عوامل استنزاف المياه. نقص المياه بلغ درجة جعلت الناس يقطعون كل أمل بحكومتهم. لذلك بدأوا بحفر آبار خاصة بهم وبيع المياه من صهاريج الماء في مختلف أرجاء المدينة.
Yemeni anti-government Houthi fighters reportedly seized control of the the country's largest airbase al-Anad, a key strategic base, located near the southern city of Aden, Wednesday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: Video ID: 20150325-050 ---------------------------------- Twitter: VK: Facebook: LiveLeak: Vine: Instagram: Google Plus: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
Residents of Taiz protest a Houthi takeover of their city, in an escalation of Yemen's power struggle that risks drawing in Saudi Arabia and main rival Iran. Mana Rabiee reports. Subscribe: More updates and breaking news: Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
In a recent TV address, Abd Al-Malik Al--Houthi, leader of the Yemeni “Ansar Allah” movement, threatened to harm the interests of foreign powers such as the U.S., France, and Britain in Yemen. “The same powers that are upset now and create confusion will be harmed should they choose to toy with our economy,” he said, adding: The Yemeni people will not stand idly by.” The address aired on Mayadeen TV on February 11, 2015.
Spiraling Out Of Control - Houthi Rebels In Yemen Seize U.S. Air Base - Fox & Friends =========================================== **Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "Mass Tea Party" Videos: ===========================================
Ben Anderson went to Yemen to visit the Houthi militia -- an enemy of al Qaeda that his far from America's friend. This is his debrief Season 2 Episode 9 of ...
Source: MemriTv Yemen worshipers were cursing Jews when mosque blown up. God said to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you." - Genesis 12:3
The Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center hosted an event in which three experts discussed the current Yemini crisis and the future of the country following former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi’s resignation.
Il tempo stringe per trovare una soluzione politica alla crisi in atto nello Yemen. Lunedì, le milizie sciite Houthi hanno preso il controllo dell'aereoporto e di una base militare a Taez, terza città del Paese, dalla quale intendono muovere verso Aden, dove il mese scorso è stato costretto a ripiegare il presidente Abd rabbou Mansour Adi. Il ministro degli Esteri yemenita, che ha chiesto ai Paesi del Golfo di intervenire militarmente per bloccare l'avanzata degli Houthi, ha spiegato di averlo … ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! euronews è disponibile in 14 lingue: In italiano: Sito web: Facebook: Twitter:
Key sites in Yemen's third-largest city have fallen to Houthi rebels, security officials say. "According to reports":, the Shi'ite militant group has taken control of the international airport in Taiz, as well as other key areas, leading to city-wide protests. The Houthis' latest operation in a seven-month anti-government offensive has "raised fears the country is surging toward civil war":http://www.euronews.… READ MORE : What are the top stories today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 14 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:
Security sources and residents said, Houthi forces backed by allied army units attacked a big airbase about 60 km (37 miles) north of Aden on Wednesday, triggering heavy fighting with defenders loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The fighting at the al-Anad facility was also reported by media affiliated with the Iranian-backed Houthi movement, which has taken over much of the north of the country in recent months and contests U.S.-allied Hadi's legitimacy as head of state.
Yemeni Houthi militia entered the city of Aden Wednesday, right after seizing the country's largest airbase - al-Anad - earlier that day. Residents were fleeing volleys of gunfire, as the anti-government forces tried to capture the southern port of the town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: Video ID: 20150325-059 ---------------------------------- Twitter: VK: Facebook: LiveLeak: Vine: Instagram: Google Plus: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
Houthi forces in Yemen backed by allied army units seized a key air base on Wednesday and appeared poised to capture the southern port of Aden from defenders loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, local residents said. The Houthis and their military allies later advanced to within 40km of the city, where Hadi has been holed up since fleeing the group's stronghold in the capital Sanaa last month. Public sector workers in the city were instructed to return to their homes and some residents began arming themselves.
Shia Houthi rebels have taken control of Yemen's third largest city Taiz and its airport, according to officials. Dozens of tanks and military vehicles were said to be heading from north Yemen towards Taiz, according to reporting by the BBC. The seizure of Taiz brings the insurgents within 140 km (86 miles) of President Hadi's new base in Aden, the BBC reported. At least one person was reportedly killed in Taiz when residents took to the streets to protest the takeover, and rebels fired back with tear gas. Insurgents already have control of the capital, Sanaa, after President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi was overthrown in February. Hadi fled to Aden in the south. Houthi rebels declared a new government in February. Meanwhile, the U.S. announced on Saturday that was withdrawing its troops from the country due to the worsening security situation. The U.S. evacuated a southern military base that was important to its use of drones against al Qaeda militants. ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to TomoWorld, where we animate the biggest headlines from around the world. Stay up to date on the latest international news when you subscribe now! Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos: Check out our Android app: Check out our iOS app: Stay connected with us here: Facebook Twitter @tomonewsus Google+ Instagram @tomonewsus
Fresh clashes have broken out between Yemeni Ansarullah fighters and forces loyal to fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi in the south of the country. The violence erupted in two areas south of the city of Taizz. There are no immediate reports of casualties yet. The city is seen as a strategic entry point to Hadi's refuge in Aden. Ansarullah fighters, also known as Houthis, also sent reinforcement to an area in the neighboring Ibb province. They have reportedly taken over several schools in the area and turned them into military barracks. Forces loyal to Hadi have been deployed in Lahj province in anticipation of a possible attack by the Houthis. The fighters took control of the capital Sana'a in September. They're now trying to advance toward Aden. Live @ Twitter @ LiveLeak @ Facebook @ Google+ @ Instagram @
Yemeni officials say the presidential palace in the country's capital Sana'a has been seized by Houthi rebels. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports. More from CNN at To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit or e-mail
Large crowds turned out in Yemen's northwestern province of Saada over the weekend during a ceremony to mark the birthday of the prophet Mohammad and to hear...
Abdulmalik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Shia Houthi community, has accused the government and international community of bias against his people, warning of civil disobedience. Authorities have deployed security forces to prevent any violence between Houthis and their opponents, with some accusing the rebels of using the protests as a pretext to stage a coup against the government. In 2011, the pro-democracy movement galvanised the whole nation to rise against the-then government, culminating in the formation of a new government. But the minority Houthis say that the revolution has been hijacked by the old guard and that they will fight for their rights. Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra reports from Sanaa.
The Shiite rebels who stormed Yemen's presidential palace are known as Houthis. What do they want from the government? Follow Elizabeth Hagedorn: See more at Sources: Al Jazeera;_medium=redirect CNN Middle East Eye YouTube RT BBC Al Jazeera Image via: Getty Images / Brent Stirton
In Yemen l'avanzata delle milizie Houthi, mobilita anche la popolazione civile. Il tentativo di conquistare completamente la città di Taiz, la terza del paese, viene contrastata anche con manifestazioni di piazza. I ribelli che hanno il controllo di alcuni quartieri e dell'aeroporto puntano ora verso Aden. Uno scenario che preoccupa anche i paesi della regione, tanto che dall'Arabia Saudita, dopo un incontro con il ministro degli esteri britannico è stato ipotizzato un possibile intervento es… ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! euronews è disponibile in 14 lingue: In italiano: Sito web: Facebook: Twitter:
Yemen's Shia Houthi fighters are becoming a political and military force to be reckoned with. The group was originally a small limited faction based in the n...
Yemen's Shia rebels have seized parts of the southern city of Taiz and its airport and are pushing to seize more territory across the country. Al Jazeera's Emike Umolu reports.
Their quick and growing influence may pave the way for strategic shift in Yemen and the region. Presenter: Sami Zeidan Guests: Abubakr Al-Shamahi - British-Yemeni Journalist who writes for Al-Araby Al-Jadeed newspaper. Hussain Al Bukhaiti - Activist and Houthi supporter. Adam Baron - Political Analyst who focuses on Yemen and the Middle East. - Subscribe to our channel - Follow us on Twitter - Find us on Facebook - Check out our website:
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Die Golf- Koalition, bestehend aus Saudi-Arabien und neun weiteren Ländern, führt ihre Militäroperation im Jemen gegen die schiitischen Houthi-Rebellen weiter, nachdem diese den von den USA unterstützen jemenitischen Präsidenten letzten Monat zur Flucht gezwungen hatten. Die Offensive begann in der Nacht von Mittwoch auf Donnerstag mit Luftangriffen. Saudi-Arabien hat angedeutet , dass eine Bodenoffensive den Luftangriffe folgen könnte. Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Die Golf- Koalition, bestehend aus Saudi-Arabien und neun weiteren Ländern, führt ihre Militäroperation im Jemen gegen die schiitischen Houthi-Re.
Houthi power grab shocks world A day by day program bringing its audience political analysis of the most vital news making headlines The Daily Scoop
Saadah is not a small place, but the largest in the North Yemen. It began in June 2004 when dissident cleric Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, head of the Shia Zaidiyyah sect, launched an uprising against the Yemeni government. Most of the fighting has taken place in Sa'dah Governorate in northwestern Yemen although some of the fighting spread to neighboring governorates Hajjah, 'Amran, al-Jawf and the Saudi province of Jizan. In August 2009, the Yemeni army launched a fresh offensive against Shia rebels in the northern Sa'ada province. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced by the fighting. The conflict took on an international dimension on 4 November 2009 as clashes broke out between the northern rebels and Saudi security forces along the two countries' common border and Saudis launched an anti-Houthi offensive. The rebels accuse Saudi Arabia of supporting the Yemeni government in attacks against them. The Saudi government denied this. Houthi leaders claim that U.S. involvement in war started on 14 December when the U.S. launched 28 air raids. During Yemen's 1994 civil war, the Wahhabis, an Islamic group adhering to a strict version of Sunni Islam found in neighboring Saudi Arabia, helped the government in its fight against the secessionist south. Zaydis complain the government has subsequently allowed the Wahabis too strong a voice in Yemen. Saudi Arabia, for its part, worries that strife instigated by the Shia sect so close to Yemen's border with Saudi Arabia could stir up groups in Saudia itself. On May 21, the government released estimates of the impact of the rebellion, announcing that it was responsible for 552 deaths, 2,708 injures, and over USD 270 million in economic damages. U.S. President Barack Obama claimed he had authorised the strikes against al-Qaeda. On 20 December, Saudi air strike killed some civilians. According to a spokesman for the Houthis, a Saudi attack killed 54 people in the town of Al Nadheer in the northern province of Sa'dah. The fighting between Yemeni and Saudi forces and Houthis killed at least 119 Yemeni government forces, 263 Houthis, 277 civilians and 7 foreign civilians. Saudi casualties were confirmed at 82 at the time. With more soldiers killed in subsequent clashes and missing soldiers being found dead, however, the casualties rose to 133 killed by January 23, 2010. The number of missing was put at six. In early January 2010, the Houthis chose Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani to mediate in their political standoff with the Yemeni government and to find a solution to the conflict. This choice was criticized by Saudi cleric Mohammad al-Arifi, a preacher at Riyadh's central mosque, who dismissed al-Sistani as "an infidel and debauched." The remarks by the Saudi cleric were considered extremely insulting by Shi'as around the world, causing major outrage in some Shi'a populated countries like Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. On December 2009, According to The New York Times, the United States has provided weapons and logistical support to Yemeni government strikes against suspected hide-outs of so-called Al Qaeda within its borders. The officials said that the American support was approved by President Obama and came at the request of the Yemeni government. Houthis claimed in a statement that the U.S. has used modern fighter jets and bombers in its offensive against the Yemen fighters. Houthi leaders however claim that US involvement started on 14 December when the US launched 28 air raids. At least 120 people were killed and 44 injured by the alleged US air raids on the regions of Amran, Hajjah and Sa'ada in North Yemen, a Houthi leader was quoted as saying: "The US air force perpetrated an appalling massacre against citizens in the north of Yemen as it launched air raids on various populated areas, markets, refugee camps and villages along with Saudi warplanes, The savage crime committed by the US air force shows the real face of the United States. It cancels out much touted American claims of human rights protection, promotion of freedoms of citizens as well as democracy.
Shia rebels seize power in a political takeover condemned by the international community. Folly Bah Thibault speaks to Hisham Al-Omeisy, political activist and co-founder of the Al Wattan Party; Abubakr Al-Shamahi, a journalist at Al-Araby Al-Jadeed; and Sarah Jamal, a sociologist and researcher of Transitional Justice. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check out our website:
Follow The Stream and join Al Jazeera’s social media community: This episode’s story: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: GOOGLE+: **************************************************** On The Stream: A discussion of the continued political uncertainty in Yemen. Thumbnail: A Houthi fighter holds a machine gun as he rides a truck near the Presidential Palace in Sanaa January 21, 2015. (REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah)
Yemen is in political limbo, without a president and government, since the Houthi militias took over government institutions and the presidential palace in capital city Sanaa. With the announcement of the "Constitutional Declaration" by the Houthis, a new power shift is taking place. What do Yemenis think? How do they perceive the transitional period under Houthis rule and what are their main concerns? Join us as we discuss these questions with activists from Yemen Osama Alrawhani (@AlrawhaniOsama), Alhussain Albukhaiti and Noon Arabia. Amira Alhussaini, our MENA editor and Sahar Habib Ghazi, our managing editor will be moderating.
Will a newly formed ceasefire between the Houthis of Yemen remain in tact. This as Yemeni government troops are supported by Saudi Arabia and Riyadh itself h...
Content: aden jemen, saudi arabia houthi, saudi attacks, rebel iran jemen, tehran huthi jemen, tehran war, war against terror, coalition egypt islam, jemen coalition, proxy war jemen, iran sanctions, russia china iran, obama kerry ruhani, us iran relation, king salman war, fighting terrorism, civil war jemeni, hadi saleh militia, sissi saudi partner, peace middle east, north jemen, south jemen, america iran peace, switzerland talk, sana casualties Do more and better content to this. Diversify it´s accessibility with concrete different search-terms + tags than - that the content-base to counter bias get´s broadened. Very important - thank`s !!! This video by the way is only a non-linear walkthrough. I jump between the argument-lines and am non-intentionally. As I do not come from the result - as I break up the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kommentare sind nun wieder offen - bitte verlinkt in soziale Netzwerke auch auf Google+ dann durch Eure Kommentare. Besser und in jedem Fall ist eine (am liebsten eher inhaltlich nicht auf mich bezogene) Videoantwort und andere Reinarbeitung von Inhalt (in Netzwerke und auch in Internet generell). Und bessere wie auch andere Videos zu diesem und hier von ausgehenden Inhalten sind willkommen. Hier nur Durchwanderung des Themas. Videoantworten sind willkommen aber nur ohne Namensnennung im Titel und anonymisiert in Zukunft - gern Link dann zuschicken - allgemeine Antwort ist aber besser - sprich grundsätzlichere Antwort dann.
Content: war against shia, split shia sunni, houthi saudi, riyad negothiations, sunni countries, egypt bahrain coalition, iraq iran is, islamic state syria, unity irak bagdad, israel ally saudi, religious extremism, houthi rebel battle, al jazeera jemen, report jemen sanaa, iran mistrust us, nuclear talks, atomic bomb tehran, iran shia iraq, pressure on rohani, netanjahu salman speech, development iran economy, split between muslim, peace talk east, cnn spin iran, strong obama president, war assad peace Do more and better content to this. Diversify it´s accessibility with concrete different search-terms + tags than - that the content-base to counter bias get´s broadened. Very important - thank`s !!! This video by the way is only a non-linear walkthrough. I jump between the argument-lines and am non-intentionally. As I do not come from the result - as I break up the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kommentare sind nun wieder offen - bitte verlinkt in soziale Netzwerke auch auf Google+ dann durch Eure Kommentare. Besser und in jedem Fall ist eine (am liebsten eher inhaltlich nicht auf mich bezogene) Videoantwort und andere Reinarbeitung von Inhalt (in Netzwerke und auch in Internet generell). Und bessere wie auch andere Videos zu diesem und hier von ausgehenden Inhalten sind willkommen. Hier nur Durchwanderung des Themas. Videoantworten sind willkommen aber nur ohne Namensnennung im Titel und anonymisiert in Zukunft - gern Link dann zuschicken - allgemeine Antwort ist aber besser - sprich grundsätzlichere Antwort dann.
Houthis and Sunni tribesmen clash in Yemen At least 40 people have been killed in clashes between army-backed tribesmen and Shia Houthi fighters in northern Yemen in the past two days. The battle in a. Army-backed tribesmen clash with Shia Houthi fighters in northern Yemen Over two dozen people have been killed in tribal clashes in northern Yemen. Security . Fighting continues in Yemen between the Houthi rebels and al-Qaeda-backed Sunni tribesmen, leaving at least 68 Houthi fighters dead in the province of Bayda.. Clashes at capital Sanaa airport between Yemeni police and Shia Houthi fighters have left three dead, in a rare confrontation since the rebels overran the ca.
BBC News BBC News 21 March 2015 21 March 2015 BBC News
Saudi Arabia has carried out air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen. It's heading a coalition of 10 Gulf partners and other allies. The Houthis, backed by Iran, staged a coup in January. Will the offensive force them to negotiate, or fuel a bigger fight?
Yemen’s president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi has appealed to Gulf countries for military assistance to stop the advance of Shia Houthi rebels. The Houthis have pushed south to within 50 kilometres of the port city of Aden. President Hadi is reported to have left his palace compound in Aden - where he's been staying since he fled from the capital Sanaa last month. Hadi has turned to neighbours and the United Nations Security Council for help, requesting military intervention and a no-fly zone. And Saudi Arabia has reassured him it will take "necessary measures" to protect the region if a peaceful solution cannot be found. Hopes for a diplomatic solution rest with UN-brokered talks expected to be held in Doha in the coming days. But does the crisis risk splintering into a regional conflict? Presenter: Dareen Abughaida Guests: Abdullah Baabood - Director of the Gulf Studies Centre at Qatar University. Steven Zyck - Author of the book 'Mediating Transition in Yemen: Achievements and Lessons'. Gordon Lubold - Senior Military Writer at Defense One, who has also worked with the United States Institute of Peace.
Thousands of Yemenis have protested in many cities across Yemen against the government takeover by Shia Houthi rebels as the threat of civil war increases. The deteriorating situation has forced many countries to close their embassies including the United States and Saudi Arabia. It all comes as the United Nations is warning of dire consequences if a solution is not reached. So, is Yemen sliding into further chaos? And what does this mean for the region? Presenter: Hazem Sika Guests: Hussein Al-Bukhaiti - Houthi Supporter and Yemeni Activist. Hussein Shobokshi - Columnist for Asharq Alawsat newspaper. Mohammed Jumeh - Columnist and Editor for Al Quds Al Arabi newspaper.
Oil futures jumped more than 6% on Thursday following the start of Saudi Arabian airstrikes in Yemen in an effort to defend Yemen’s existing government against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, who have driven the Yemenite president from the capital of Sanaa. However, the military operation against Yemen hasn’t yet affected the oil facilities of other major Gulf producers. Fears that the conflict could spread stoked concerns about Middle East oil shipments, which caused oil prices to rally for a second straight day Thursday. Erin weighs in. Then, Erin sits down with Gerald Celente – author and publisher of the Trends Journal. Gerald tells us what geopolitical effects the airstrikes will cause and gives us his take on the protests that followed the new ECB building in Germany. He also speaks somewhat negatively about the prospects for the European economy and Greece’s ability to prevent more austerity to come. After the break, Erin is joined by Richard Wolff – visiting professor of international affairs at The New School and expert in Marxist economics. Richard tells us what he expects to happen if and when the Fed raises rates and also gives us his different takeaways from what’s going on in Europe. And in The Big Deal, Erin, Edward, and Bianca go over viewer comments posted on social media. Take a look! Check us out on Facebook -- and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @
The five-year long fighting between government forces and Houthi fighters in the north of Yemen has cast a shadow on the future of this Arab country. Houthi ...
Yemen's political landscape is shifting again as the southern city of Aden becomes the new focus of attention. After being deposed in a coup when Houthi rebels overran his presidential palace, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi is seeking to resume his duties after escaping from the capital, Sanaa. Presenter: Sami Zeidan Guests: Mohammed Qubaty - Member of Yemen's National Dialogue Conference. Abdul Ghani Al-Iryani - Vice president of the Khobara Center, a think-tank that focuses on economic and development issues. Peter Salisbury - Former consultant on Yemen for Chatham House. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website:
Like elsewhere in the Middle East, post-revolutionary Yemen is in trouble. Years of instability created a power vacuum that has been filled with groups trying to overthrow the government. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) remains a major threat. The US considers it the group's most dangerous offshoot. But it is Shia Houthi rebels who are really wielding power. Presenter: David Foster Guests: Osama Sari - A Houthi Journalist who runs what was formerly a government newspaper, Al Thawra, which is now under Houthi control. Mohammed Jumeh - A Yemeni Analyst who was a member of the national conference in Yemen. Abubakr Al Shamahi - A Freelance Journalist, Writer and Blogger Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
Yemen minister calls for Gulf military intervention The Yemeni foreign minister has called for Gulf Arab states to intervene to prevent the advance of Shia Houthi rebels into the south of the country. The Houthis ousted President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi last month, who fled to the southern port city of Aden where he established a rival power base. At the weekend, the Houthis seized Taiz, Yemen's third largest city, bringing them closer to Aden. The UN has warned that Yemen is on the edge of civil war. Mr Hadi's Foreign Minister Riad Yassin told the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat newspaper he asked the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to intervene, without elaborating what that would mean. He also said he had asked the UN and GCC to impose a no-fly zone, after warplanes hit the presidential palace in Aden over the weekend. The Houthis' rise has alarmed the GCC, and in particular Sunni-controlled Saudi Arabia, which accuses the Houthis of being a proxy for their key regional rival, Shia-majority Iran. Both of them have denied the Saudi claims. line Yemen - who is fighting whom? The Houthis: A minority Shia from the north, the group seized control of Sanaa last year and have since been expanding their control. President Hadi: Backed by military and police loyalists, and by militia known as Popular Resistance Committees, he is trying to fight back against the rebels from his stronghold in the south. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Seen by the US as the most dangerous branch of Al-Qaeda, AQAP opposes both the Houthis and forces loyal to President Hadi. Islamic State: A Yemeni affiliate of IS has recently emerged, which seeks to eclipse AQAP. line Also on Monday, the Saudi foreign minister warned the Gulf states could take action to shore-up Mr Hadi. "If this issue is not solved peacefully, we will take the necessary measures to protect the region from their aggression," said Saud al-Faisal. The UN envoy to Yemen, Jamal Benomar told the BBC the Saudis had "good reasons" to be concerned about the situation. But he added: "I don't think any side could win a civil war. No side can win a civil war - the only way forward is negotiation, which implies concession from all sides, which implies also, a compromise." ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the official World News YouTube channel. Interested in global news with an impartial perspective? Want to see behind-the-scenes clips and footage directly from the front-line? Our YouTube channel has all this and more, bringing you specially selected clips from the world's most trusted news source. Check out our playlists to find the latest clips and let us know what you think by leaving a comment. Don't forget to subscribe to the official World News YouTube channel for daily video updates! Subscribe Now For Updates :
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Mosaic needs your support! Donate here: "Saudi Arabia claims victory over Houthis," Al Jazeera TV, Qatar "Houthi leader offe...
Report: Usman Ghazi Footage Source: Thomson & Reuters Date: 19-01-2015
من هو عبدالكريم الخيواني؟ (سيرة ذاتية) اغتيال الكاتب الصحفي عبد الكريم الخيواني برصاص مسلحين جوار منزله بصنعاء Prominent Yemeni journalist and Houthi activist assassinated Prominent Yemeni journalist and Houthi activist Abdul Kareem al-Khaiwani assassinated - al-Maseerah TV via Yemen: assassinato giornalista e attivista Houthi
Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m... Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi...... Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi... Witnesses: Yemeni Army and rebels in gunfight Witnesses: Yemeni Army and rebels in gunfight
Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi... Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m... Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi...... Witnesses: Yemeni Army and rebels in gunfight Witnesses: Yemeni Army and rebels in gunfight
Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi.
Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi..
Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni government and Houthi political officials have agreed to a ceasefire after heavy fighting erupted in the capital, Sanaa, on Monday, Yemen's interior m. Yemeni security forces opened fire Tuesday on a crowd of Zaidi Shi'ite protesters who were trying to advance towards the prime minister's headquarters in the.
Police shoot dead at least seven Shia protesters as hundreds of activists attempt to storm government HQ in Sanaa. Read More
Yemen's dominant rebel Houthi group has released Prime Minister Khaled Bahah and all his cabinet ministers, after nearly two months under house arrest, government spokesman Rajeh Badi said. In a statement on his Facebook page on Monday, Bahah, who resigned in January after the Houthis captured the presidential palace, said the move was a goodwill gesture to ease talks on Yemen's political transition, but said he had no intention of resuming his post. Speaking to Al Jazeera from the Yemeni capital Sanaa, Hakim Al Masmari, editor in chief of the Yemen Post, said that the Houthis were under pressure from different armed and political groups to release Bahah. Al-Masmari said that Bahah has already left Sanaa. But it was not clear where Bahah was headed. "The Houthis right now are under massive pressure, and that is why they needed to show some goodwill and that there is still a chance to reach a deal," he said. On Sunday, Houthi leader Abdel-Malik al-Houthi said his group was engaged in indirect talks with neighbour Saudi Arabia. The indirect talks are the first between the Shia Muslim group and the neighbouring Sunni regional powerhouse, since the Houthis took over much of Yemen last year. Saudi Arabia, impoverished Yemen's main benefactor, suspended its financial aid soon after their takeover and has accused Shia majority Iran of backing the group as part of a possible region-wide power grab. The Houthis say their rise is a revolution against corruption and misrule, but a civil aviation deal inked with Tehran last month and a series of military drills by the group on the Saudi border last week have increased tensions. The Houthis invaded the Yemeni capital Sanaa in September and dissolved parliament last month in a move Gulf countries denounced as a coup.
Government spokesman Rajeh Badi said, Yemen's dominant Houthi group on Monday released Prime Minister Khaled Bahah and all his cabinet ministers after nearly two months under house arrest. In a statement on his Facebook page, Bahah - who resigned in January after the Houthis captured the presidential palace - said the move was a goodwill gesture to ease talks on Yemen's political transition, but said he had no intention of resuming his post.
houthis , say , they , have , secured , aid , package , from , iran , al jazeera , news Yemen's de-facto rulers, the Shia Houthi rebels, say they have secured an economic aid package from Iran. A delegation of Houthis just returned from Iran and a spokesperson said Iran had pledged to expand Yemen's ports, help build power plants and provide Yemen with enough oil to last a year. Yemen is caught in a standoff between deposed president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the Houthi rebels, who seized control of the capital Sanaa and staged a coup in February by dissolving the country's parliament and creating a "presidential council". A spokesman for the exiled government, Rajeh Badi, said the Houthis would be the only ones to benefit from a deal with Iran. "The Iranian interference is merely, inside or outside Yemen, about military support to some militias or military groups," Badi said. Meanwhile, Yemeni political forces opposing the Houthis released a statement announcing their alliance on Saturday, saying they want to restore state authority and rebuild weakened security forces. The National Alliance for Rescue comprises Sunni Muslim and secular parties, as well youth groups, tribal alliances and members of the Southern Movement, which seeks greater autonomy for the formerly independent south. The United Nations warned this week that the situation in Yemen can spiral into something similar to Syria, Libya or Iraq if no solution is found through talks between the country's rival parties. The UN special envoy to Yemen, Jamal Benomar, told Al Jazeera on Thursday that there was a real danger of the country disintegrating and a civil war erupting. Benomar has been meeting all parties in Yemen as well as regional powers in a bid to resolve the country's crisis "If there is no agreement, the prospects are very bleak. It’s a combination of scenarios like Syria, Libya and Iraq. It’s a horrible scenario and all sides are aware that every effort should be made for a peaceful way forward." The Houthi takeover has also stoked secessionist sentiments in the south, raising fears of a repeat of the 1994 civil war, when the formerly independent south attempted to break away from its union with the north, forged four years earlier.
Yemen's de-facto rulers, the Shia Houthi rebels, say they have secured an economic aid package from Iran. A delegation of Houthis just returned from Iran and a spokesperson said Iran had pledged to expand Yemen's ports, help build power plants and provide Yemen with enough oil to last a year. Al Jazeera's Natasha Ghoneim reports.
Shiite leader Abdel Malek al-Huthi on Feb. 7 defended his powerful militia's establishment of transitional bodies to resolve Yemen's political crisis, in the... Yemen's dominant Houthi movement on Friday dissolved parliament and said a new interim assembly would be formed. According to a televised statement, the new ... Leader of the Houthis Abdul Malik has defended a "takeover of power": Yemen: Houthi leader defends power takeover Yemen: Houthi leader defends power takeover
Yemen, Feb. 11 (UPI) -- U.S. Embassy vehicles, and the weapons of departing U.S. Marines, were confiscated by Yemen's Houthi rebels, an official at Sana, Yem... Yemen rebels seized U.S. Embassy vehicles in the capital of Sanaa on Wednesday as diplomats fled the country and several foreign embassies closed amid deteri... Houthi rebels in Yemen's capital have reportedly seized U.S. embassy vehicles after American diplomats left the country following the embassy's closure. VOA'... Houthi followers seized 20 Armored Chevrolet Suburban vehicles, valued at $105000 (€ 87607 each, that were previously used by US embassy staff in Sanaa on ... A security official in Yemen says more than 20 US embassy vehicles were seized after the ambassador Yemen: US embassy vehicles seized by Houthi followers Yemen: US embassy vehicles seized by Houthi followers
Thousands of Houthis, the Shi'ite Muslim militia that controls much of Yemen, are holding military exercises in the northern part of the country near the border with Saudi Arabia, local tribal and Houthi sources said Thursday. The drill in al-Buqa area, which lies in the Houthis' home province of Saada, involves using different kinds of weaponry, including heavy weapons acquired from the Yemeni army, the sources said. Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, regards the Iranian-backed Shi'ite group to be a terrorist group. The group seized control of the Yemeni capital Sanaa in September. In 2009, Riyadh carried out a military operation including air raids against the Houthis after a number of cross-border incursions.
Local tribal and Houthi sources said on Thursday that thousands of Houthis, the Shi'ite Muslim militia which controls much of Yemen, are holding military exercises in the northern part of the country near the border with Saudi Arabia, The sources said thehe drill in al-Buqa area, which lies in the Houthis' home province of Saada, involves using different kinds of weaponry, including heavy weapons acquired from the Yemeni army, . Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, regards the Iranian-backed Shi'ite group which seized control of the Yemeni capital Sanaa in September as a terrorist group.
Yemeni Researchers and Clerics on Houthi TV Indulge in Multiple, Antisemitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Al-Masirah TV (Yemen) - September 4-5, 2012 .. Anti-American Antisemitic Cartoons on Yemeni Houthi TV Al-Masirah TV (Yemen) - September 7, 2012 . In this video-clip, posted on the Internet on September 26, a young Yemeni boy is seen leading the crowd in chants of Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death t. At least 10 Yemeni soldiers and militants from pro-government tribes have been killed in clashes with Houthi fighters on a road to the capital Sanaá. Local o.
Houthi Leader Accuses Gulf States of Backing Al Qaeda in Yemen The head of Yemen's Houthis accused Gulf Arab states on Tuesday of supplying weapons and funds to Islamist militants, in an effort to create an environment in the southern part of the country where al Qaeda could flourish. Subscribe to Times Of India's Youtube channel here: Also Subscribe to Bombay Times Youtube Channel here: Social Media Links: Facebook : Twitter : Google + : Download TOI Android App Here For Free: Times Of India's Official YouTube channel is managed by Culture Machine Media Pvt Ltd.
The head of Yemen's Houthis accused Gulf Arab states on Tuesday of supplying weapons and funds to Islamist militants, in an effort to create an environment in the southern part of the country where al Qaeda could flourish. Speaking in a speech broadcast on al-Maseerah television, a media outlet of Ansarullah, the Houthi political wing, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi also accused unnamed parties of recruiting al Qaeda militants from abroad to justify a Western operation to occupy Yemen. Yemen, which shares a border with Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, has been in turmoil since protests in 2011 forced President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down. The turmoil worsened in September when the Shi'ite Houthi captured Sanaa, Yemen's capital, a move that Gulf states condemned as a coup.
Officials said on Sunday, Yemen's defense minister has fled Houthi-controled Sanaa for Aden, in a move expected to bolster President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in his power struggle with the Shi'ite Muslim group. Yemen is caught in a stand-off between the Western-backed president and the Iran-backed Houthi clan, now the country's de facto rulers. The group seized the presidential palace in Sanaa in January and confined the president to his private residence. Hadi managed to escape from the Houthis two weeks ago.
The push for independence and sovereignty continues in another rally staged by the Ansarullah movement in Sana'a, where its supporters launch their weekly Friday demonstration. They say the revolution will continue. The protesters have condemned the US and Saudi interference in their internal affairs. Over the past month, a number of Western and regional states have slammed the Ansarullah movement for taking over the presidential palace and for gaining control of the country's political affairs. The UN has continually called on Yemen's political players and the Ansarullah movement to settle their disputes through peaceful negotiations. However, all dialog efforts have so far failed. In his latest visit to Riyadh, US Secretary of State John Kerry blamed the Houthis for causing and sustaining the ongoing political vacuum in Yemen. This army official however, said the US secretary of state needs to mind his own business. Amid the ongoing political vacuum in Yemen, a number of foreign embassies, including the US and French embassies have closed in Sana’a and could relocate to the southern port city of Aden, where former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi currently resides. Live @ Twitter @ LiveLeak @ Facebook @ Google+ @ Instagram @
Yemen's dominant Shi'ite Muslim Houthi militia seized the offices of a political conciliation body late on Wednesday, hours after the president refused U.N.-brokered talks with their powerful movement unless they withdrew from Sanaa. Yemen, a neighbor of top oil exporter Saudi Arabia and global security worry because of its strong al Qaeda presence, is caught in a stand-off between Western-backed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the Houthi clan, now the country's de facto rulers who are supported by Iran.
US secretary of state John Kerry has warned Iran over its alleged backing of Houthi rebels in Yemen.
The Irish Times 2015-04-09Houthi ... The Houthis are Shiite Muslims who have long felt marginalized in the majority Sunni country.
CNN 2015-04-09The Houthis were jostling for a greater share of power ... Houthi ... Houthi and his new friend Saleh.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-09ADEN, Yemen — Houthi forces fought battles street by street against local militia in the old center of Aden on Wednesday.
The Columbus Dispatch 2015-04-09Residents said the Houthis, who had been in control of the town for more than two months, retreated without a fight.
Huffington Post 2015-04-09Iran, which denies accusations that it is arming the Houthis, has sent two warships off the coast of Yemen.
The Guardian 2015-04-09ADEN, Yemen, April 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of the violent clashes between Shiite Houthi gunmen ...
Xinhua 2015-04-09Sheik Abdullah said a Saudi-led coalition now attacking Iranian-allied Houthi fighters in Yemen wanted a U.
Voa News 2015-04-09Mosques broadcast appeals for jihad against the Houthis, the Iran-allied fighters who have taken over large areas of Yemen.
The Irish Times 2015-04-09Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies accuse Iran of arming the Houthi fighters but Iran denies the allegations.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-09The Houthis are aligned with Iran, the region’s principal Shiite power, although Tehran denies arming them.
The Los Angeles Times 2015-04-09... -- denied by Iran -- that it has trained and equipped the Shi'ite Houthi forces ... HOUTHI ADVANCE.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-09... the anti-Houthi fight ... The members of the coalition allege that the Houthis are proxies for Tehran.
Antiwar 2015-04-09The Houthis (Arabic: الحوثيون = al-Ḥūthiyūn; alternately: (al-)Houthis) are a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as a "powerful clan," and by the title Ash-Shabab al-Mu'min (Arabic: الشباب المؤمن, translated as Believing Youth (BY) or Youthful Believers). The group takes its name from Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, their former commander, who was reportedly killed by Yemeni army forces in September 2004. Several other commanders, including, Ali al-Qatwani, Abu Haider, Abbas Aidah and Yousuf al-Madani (a son-inlaw of Hussein al-Houthi) have also been killed by Yemeni forces. The Houthi brothers' father Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group.
Membership of the group had between 1,000 and 3,000 fighters as of 2005 and between 2,000 and 10,000 fighters as of 2009. In the Yemen Post it has been claimed, however, that they had over 100,000 fighters. According to Houthi Expert Ahmed Al-Bahri the Houthis had a total of 100,000-120,000 followers, including both armed fighters and unarmed loyalists.
By the shores of Gitche Gumee
By the shining big, sea water
Downward through the evening twilight
In the days that are forgotten
From the land of sky blue waters
And I said: Hello Operator, get me Memphis Tennessee
And she said: I know who you're tryin' to call darlin'
And he's not home he's been away
But you can hear him on the airwaves
He's howlin' at the moon
Yeah this is your country station
And honey this next one's for you.
And all along the highways
And under the big western sky
They're singin' Ooo oooooo
They're singin' Wild Blue.
And way out on the prairie
And up in the high chaparral
They hear a voice it says: Good evening
This is Captain Midnight speaking
And I've got a song for you
Goes somethin' like this:
Starlight Starbright
We're gonna hang some new stars in the heavens tonight.
They're gonna circle by day
They're gonna fly by night
We're goin' sky high. Yoo Hooooo hooo.
Yeah yoo hooo Ooo Hooooooooo
So good night ladies
And good night gentlemen
Keep those cards and letters coming
And please don't call again.
Geronimo and little Nancy
Marilyn and John F. dancing
Uncle took the message
And it's written on the wall.
These are pictures of the houses
Shining in the midnight moonlight
While the King sings Love Me Tender.
And all along the watchtowers
And under the big western sky
They're singing Yoo Hooooo
They're singing Wild Blue.
And way, way up there, bursting in air
Red rockets, bright red glare
From the land of sky blue waters
Sent by freedom's sons and daughters.
We're singing Ooo Hoooooooo
We're singing Wild Blue.
We're singing Ooo Hoooooooo Ooo Hooooooooo
And dark behind it rose the forest
Rose the black and gloomy pine trees
Rose the firs with Cones upon them
And right before it beat the water
Beat the clear and sunny water
it's the money not the principle it's the taste of wine
from a plastic fishbowl it's so funny versus what you
know it's the scent of them that always brings you home
dead of winter sets inside your soul silent slumbering
but since when was peace our goal and you know you could
be anything here but so scared afraid of how it might go
second guess this looking glass show i'm feeling low sink
your teeth in the snow break these heels and let it go
loosen your grip and let the blood flow burning time on
the anthills with your jackets on fire nevermind this
small razor slip up cut a grin and carve out a smile at
the center of downtown i'm screaming my fair lungs out
can i get an amen my friends i'm slipping now sink your
teeth in the snow break these heels and let it go loosen