Latest environment news

Acidic oceans blamed for Earth's worst mass extinction

6:42 AM   It is one of science's enduring mysteries: what caused the worst mass extinction in Earth's history. And, no, it is not the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Fossil fuel-free super funds pay off for investors

Keeping it super green: Nic Nelson has made the switch to a fossil fuel-free super fund and hasn't looked back.

Lucy Cormack 8:45 AM   Nic Nelson was wandering through a market one morning when he was made an offer to shift his life savings to a fossil fuel free super fund.

Embracing scientific targets for climate change imperative for Labor

Felicity Wade dinkus

Felicity Wade 9:04 PM   A weasel on reducing pollution will cause serious damage to the ALP brand.

Comments 11

View from the Street: Government reiterates that renewable energy is for jerks

Andrew P Street dinkus

Andrew P Street 11:07 PM   After all, that global renaissance for coal is just around the corner, probably. Your news of the day, reduced to a snarky rant.

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US forecaster ups El Nino chance to 70 per cent for later this year

Pacific Ocean conditions remain favorable for an El Nino event this year.

7:03 AM   A US government weather forecaster on Thursday raised its forecast for the chance of El Nino conditions during the Northern Hemisphere summer to 70 per cent, up from a 60 per cent chance last month, with a 60 per cent chance it lasts through autumn.

Abbott puts pressure back on Labor over RET

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Environment Minister Greg Hunt.

Lisa Cox 11:53 AM   Prime Minister Tony Abbott has conceded the ongoing deadlock over Australia's renewable energy target must end, but has indicated the Labor Party should shift further before a compromise can be reached.

Energy white paper 'wilfully deluded' on climate change

Coal-fired power stations

Lisa Cox   The Abbott government's energy white paper is "wilfully deluded" for failing to put climate change at the centre of Australia's future energy policy, say climate groups.

Scientists confirm Arctic could become a major source of carbon emissions

A warming arctic could be disastrous for greenhouse gas emissions.

Chris Mooney   As the frozen Arctic soil known as "permafrost" thaws, it could release large amounts of carbon - in the form of both carbon dioxide and methane - to the atmosphere. And this new source of greenhouse gas emissions could be large enough that it could substantially undermine attempts to cut down on emissions from fossil fuels.

Three more banks rule out financing for Galilee Basin coal projects

Galilee Basin.

Lisa Cox   Three more financial giants have declared they will not finance coal projects in the Galilee Basin.

Jodi McKay the surprise in Luke Foley's new shadow cabinet

"This government will be held to account": Luke Foley.

Sean Nicholls, Nicole Hasham   Opposition leader Luke Foley has reneged on his promise to make Strathfield MP Jodi McKay his planning spokeswoman, opting instead to give her the justice and police portfolio in his revamped shadow cabinet.

Energy white paper recommends privatisation of remaining state-owned electricity assets

A major federal government report calls for the privatisation of all remaining state-owned electricity assets to bring down prices.

Lisa Cox   Remaining state-owned electricity assets should be privatised to increase competition and lower power bills a federal government energy white paper recommends.

Snow dump follows burn-offs

Jayne Webster and Catherine Sim from Melbourne enjoy the snow on Mt Ginini in the Brindabellas on Wednesday morning.

John Thistleton   Early snow draws holidaymakers into the mountains.

Wet April weather brings snow falls around Canberra

Snow on Mt Franklin in the Brindabellas on Wednesday April 8.

Georgina Connery   Up to 20cm of snow fell on the Brindabella Mountains after record monthly rainfall fell across Canberra overnight.

Brady the eagle survives feral animal trap

Brady the wedge-tailed eagle was caught in a feral animal trap at Gympie.

Natalie Bochenski   A huge wedge-tailed eagle has wound up in hospital after getting on the wrong end of a feral animal trap in Gympie.

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The beauty, the stunning views and the bushfire fuel of the high country

Charlie Lovick in Victoria's Alpine National Park.

Darren Gray   It might be beautiful and the treasure of the high country but, unless the fuel on the ground is cleared, the Bluff Range is an accident waiting to happen.

Net closes on pirate fishers

The poaching vessel Thunder sinks in suspicious circumstances.

Andrew Darby   The suspicious sinking of the Thunder brings the long battle against Antarctic pirate fishers close to an end, legal fishers say.    

Police called in over mass greyhound burial site found in Cessnock

Greyhounds racing

Jessica Brown   Two greyhound burial sites on the Keinbah Trial Track at Cessnock are under police investigation.

Ambitious project to save Australia's biodiversity launches

Field Officer Brett Peden on the Murrumbidgee River at Scottsdale Reserve.

Bridie Smith   On Wednesday Scottsdale Reserve will be the launch site for an ambitious project to study Australia's biodiversity loss.

Climate change a health hazard the White House aims to cure

President Obama has made tackling climate change a priority of his second term.

Justin Sink   President Barack Obama is warning that climate change will start affecting the health of Americans in the near future and he's recruiting top technology companies to help prepare the nation's health systems.

A sunburnt country spotted from space

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly snapped this photo of Australia from space.

Bridie Smith   The rusty reds and free-form smears of blue and white could have been created by renowned landscape painter Fred Williams, whose abstract work famously presented a birds-eye view of Australia's ancient interior. 

More wet weather forecast for Canberra after wet end to Easter

Keep an umbrella handy throughout Tuesday

Georgina Connery   After a wet finish to the Easter weekend, Canberra had another cloudy, rainy and windy day on Tuesday.

Wildlife carers take aim at cats

Conservationists are calling for wider cat containment throughout   the ACT.

John Thistleton   Carers who patch up the victims of roaming domestic cats in Canberra say they should be kept under wider control.

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'Australia, you are very beautiful': astronauts marvel at continent from space

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shot Australia from the International Space Station: "Australia. You are very beautiful. Thank you for being there to brighten our day"

Su-Lin Tan   NASA astronaut Scott Kelly was gobsmacked as he soared above the red centre.

Six things needed to save the Great Barrier Reef

Queensland scientists have laid out a six-point plan to save the Great Barrier Reef.

Jorge Branco   Queensland researchers have laid out a plan to restore the Great Barrier Reef to its former glory, criticising the federal government's plan as "inadequate" and "short-sighted".

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E-waste disposal lags rest of the world

Larissa Shashkof, with children Harry, Elly and Lucy Boyd, has an e-waste box in their home.

Lucy Cormack   It’s Monday morning and Larissa Shashkof’s alarm goes off. As she and husband Neil wake, they reach for their smartphones, checking the news and the weather.

Panda breaks mating records with 18-minute session

Lu Lu the panda has broken the record for the longest mating session with Xi Mei.

William Wan   They call him "the Enduring Brother." And for the second time in days, a particularly amorous male panda in China has smashed the record for longest mating session, zookeepers say.

Study forecasts 70% loss of Western Canada's glaciers by 2100 from climate change

Canadian glaciers - and many others around the world - are shrinking as the planet warms.

John Schwartz   The glaciers of the Canadian West could shrink by 70 per cent by 2100, according to new research that has implications for predicting glacier loss around the world.

Great Barrier reef takes centre stage in mine challenge

Abbot Point coal terminal would get much bigger if the Galilee expansion go the go-ahead.

A Queensland court will hear evidence of how plans to build Australia's biggest coal mine in the Galilee Basin could damage the Great Barrier Reef.

Captain cheered as ship sank, Sea Shepherd rescuers say

Forty people were rescued from the vessel.

Megan Levy   The captain of a ship accused of fishing illegally in Antarctic waters clapped and cheered as his vessel sank off the West African coast overnight, an indication that the vessel had been deliberately scuttled to prevent evidence, according to Sea Shepherd activists.

The Bjorn legacy: Lomborg and our aid program

The director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre, Dr Bjorn Lomborg.

Markus Mannheim   Policymakers should embrace cost-benefit analyses, but be wary of their limits.

Sea Shepherd rescues crew of sinking pirate fishing ship

Successful rescue mission: Crew from the Thunder aboard life rafts.

Kate Aubusson   The Australian crew of the Sea Shepherd have come to the rescue of a illegal fishing vessel sinking off the coast of West Africa.

Severe thunderstorm warning issued for parts of NSW

Thunderstorm brewing at the Entrance on the Central Coast.

Brittany Ruppert and Kate Aubusson   Sydney has been spared the brunt of the severe thunderstorms this afternoon, with the wild weather hitting the state further north.

Shelf cloud over Newcastle

Shelf cloud

A shelf cloud rolled over Newcastle Monday evening as the state braced for severe thunderstorms.

Do sharks really mistake humans for seals?

Great White Shark
Credit: Getty Images

Nicky Phillips   At Taronga Zoo, researchers have run a series of experiments to understand what drives a shark to attack by mimicking what they see and hear underwater.