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1998 is taken from Built on Glass out now here - Credits Production Company: Flutter Director: Domenico Bartolo Artist: Grace Lee ( Animation: Stephen Elliget, Glenn Hatton, Domenico Bartolo, Neil Sanders. Producer: Li Liang Johnson
Chet Faker - 1998 » Become Fan of Gaz: » Follow us on twitter: » Soundcloud: Subscribe for more! Follow Chet Faker : Facebook: SC:
A pop culture nostalgia trip to the year 1998. for the full tracklist. Spotify Playlist [Thanks to Eric Nilsson] Spotify Playlist [Thanks to Sharika Joseph] More Remember vids:
Tahun 1998 Reformasi Terjadi di Indonesia, Kejadian ini di Tandai Lengsernya Presiden Republik Indonesia yang ke-2 Presiden Soeharto dan Reformasiini Menelan Korban Meninggalnya Beberapa Mahasiswa. Ingin Lihat Video Lainnya Silakan : Subscribe / Langganan.
Lo mejor del año 1998
Финал чемпионата NBA 1998 год Игра №1 Матч в Солт Лэйк Сити
Финал чемпионата NBA 1998 год Игра №6 Матч в Солт Лэйк Сити
Australian producer/singer Chet Faker first came on our radar a couple years ago with an ear-grabbing cover. Since then, he released his full length debut, Built on Glass, which has been a favorite on our airwaves. Watch / Listen to the full session here:
EP Delicious is the debut extended play from Birmingham quartet Peace. Through Columbia, the extended play was first released on September 7, 2012 in the United Kingdom. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Click here to see more Honest Trailers ▻▻ Become a Screen Junkie! ▻▻ Voiceover Narration by Jon: h...
FACEBOOK: SUBSKRYBUJ: W programie "Tego się słuchało" Jacek Tomkowicz sprawdza jakie utwory królowały na listach przebojów przez ostatnie 25 lat. Czas na muzyczną wycieczkę do roku 1998!
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Shrnutí hokejového turnaje v Naganu Sportovní vzpomínky: Zlatý turnaj století Zlatý turnaj století, který vznikl díky České televizi mapuje neuvěřitelnou cestu našich hokejových reprezentantů za olympijským triumfem v nejkvalitnějším měření sil historie ledního hokeje, ke kterému došlo na zimních hrách v japonském Naganu na 18. zimních olympijských hrách. Turnaj se hrál od 7. do 22. února 1998 v halách The Big Hat a Aqua Wing Arena. Turnaj, který zastínil všechny ostatní sporty na olympiádě, byl jednoznačně největší událostí v novodobé hokejové historii. Poprvé totiž mohli na zimních olympijských hrách startovat i profesionálové z NHL. A tak jednotlivé země přijeli reprezentovat skutečně ti nejlepší hokejisté planety. Závěr známe každý, výhra nad silným Ruskem ve finále nás katapultovala na zlatý trůn Můj INSTAGRAM :
NCAA Vault - Relive history by team, year, game or moment using the new interactive play-by-play timeline - - 1998 NCAA Div. I Men's Basketball Elite Eight, Kentucky vs Duke
Em uma das mais marcantes finais de todos os tempos do futebol brasileiro. Quando Raí veio da França dois dias antes da final para jogar o ultimo jogo. O Tricolor havia perdido a primeira partida da final por 2x1, perdendo a vantagem do empate para o Corinthians e, uma semana antes, Raí tinha passado pelo pior momento de sua carreira; ao ser vaiado e ter seu nome gritado para sair em um Maracanã lotado, no ultimo jogo da Seleção Brasileira antes da convocação final, perdendo a ultima chance de disputar a Copa do Mundo. No entanto, sem se abater, e sabendo do risco de ser massacrado caso o São Paulo perdesse, Raí comandou a equipe de dentro de campo, marcando um gol e dando uma assistência para França marcar o segundo gol do São Paulo. Com o terceiro marcado pelo mesmo França, o Tricolor garantiu o título do Campeonato Paulista e Raí; o de principal nome do campeonato, mesmo jogando apenas uma unica partida.
One day almost 13 years ago I just decided to fill a VHS tape with me using the internet. I've edited out a lot of even more boring bits of this video, you're not missing much. I've uploaded this to show to friends, but it'd be cool if more people find something they enjoy here. 0:00 I visit #3dfx on IRC 4:17 I show off my old Geocities website 5:18 I check for the latest gaming news 3:57 browsing the anime web turnpike 5:42 more #3dfx on IRC 9:07 I go to looking up news on the upcoming Zelda64
The Fight between the both American interpretations of the character is here! Godzilla 2014 VS Godzilla 1998! Done entirely in CGI. The animation was done entirely in Blender 3D a couple months ago, I just never got around to rendering as it takes a really long time! In 720p, each frame took around 1.5 to 3 mins to render! The longest it went was 5 mins per frame! This was done just as more of an exercise, it was me having fun and animating something that a lot of fans probably wanted to see, including me! The little teaser at the end was done very quickly, just wanting to get this video out. The video that will arrive of Kong VS Godzilla will hopefully be 100x better than the teaser. I'm currently writing the script and working on the characters and assets needed! It will be much longer than this one, and will be 10x better technically and storywise, hopefully. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video! Please Subscribe! More upcoming Videos!
France 2 - 1 Croatie - Demi-finale - Coupe du monde 1998 - 2e Mi-temps.
Storia del Campionato Italiano di Calcio: Racconto della Stagione 1998-1999 A sorpresa, il Milan, partito un gradino sotto le altre contendenti al titolo e in una fase di transizione dopo i successi degli anni precedenti, riuscì a rimontare, grazie ad un eccezionale finale di campionato, la Lazio, squadra in continua crescita e considerata ad un certo punto della stagione destinata a festeggiare il bis del titolo conquistato nel 1974. Il torneo successivo a Francia '98 partì il 12 settembre 1998; ai nastri di partenza, le favorite parvero essere la Juventus, con Zinedine Zidane al massimo della sua popolarità e ed eletto Pallone d'oro nel dicembre di quell'anno, e l'Inter fresca vincitrice della Coppa UEFA, con le romane, la Fiorentina, il Milan e il Parma a fare da possibili outsider. All'inizio furono i viola di Giovanni Trapattoni a candidarsi come protagonisti del torneo: andando in testa già alla terza giornata, rimasero ancorati alla vetta per quattro domeniche di fila, fino al sorpasso da parte della Juventus. Il dominio bianconero durò fino all'8 novembre, quando i torinesi furono rimontati nel recupero dall'Udinese con un gol irregolare e il leader della squadra Alessandro Del Piero rimase vittima di un grave infortunio; il rendimento dei bianconeri ne risentì e la Fiorentina poté così riconquistare il primo posto in classifica. Il 17 gennaio i toscani superarono il Cagliari, laureandosi campioni d'inverno. Con l'inizio del girone di ritorno, uscì dal gruppo delle inseguitrici la Lazio che, dopo un avvio stentato, ritrovò sia il capitano Alessandro Nesta che il bomber Christian Vieri, e il 21 febbraio, battendo all'Olimpico un'Inter in crisi, staccò i viola, bloccati sullo 0-0 dalla Roma. I biancocelesti, nel giro di un mese, fecero il vuoto, arrivando a un vantaggio di 7 punti sul Milan secondo in classifica, e, con la Fiorentina bloccata dall'infortunio di Gabriel Omar Batistuta e con un Parma in calo, sembrarono ormai senza rivali; la gara del 3 aprile tra Lazio e Milan terminò a reti bianche, nonostante un gol annullato a Bobo Vieri. Nelle settimane successive, però, accadde l'imponderabile, con i biancocelesti dapprima battuti nel derby e poi sconfitti in casa dalla Juventus; vincendo con Parma e Udinese, il Milan riaprì il campionato, portandosi a un solo punto di distacco. Decisiva fu la penultima giornata, anticipata il 15 maggio: mentre il Milan s'impose senza problemi su un Empoli già retrocesso, la Lazio non andò oltre il pari in quel di Firenze, con contestazioni all'arbitro Treossi; il 23 maggio la Lazio vinse per 2-1 contro il Parma che però non bastò per la vittoria finale, mentre i rossoneri di Alberto Zaccheroni, vinsero a Perugia per 2-1 anche grazie ad una parata decisiva di Christian Abbiati. La festa terminerà all'alba in un tripudio di bandiere, sciarpe e striscioni per festeggiare il più inaspettato e sofferto scudetto nella storia della squadra milanese. I biancocelesti si consolarono con il trionfo di Birmingham portando a Roma l'ultima edizione della Coppa delle Coppe e, come accadrà per i viola dopo i preliminari estivi, con l'accesso alla nuova Champions League ideata dall'UEFA. Per il secondo anno consecutivo il capocannoniere, Marcio Amoroso con 22 gol, vestiva la maglia dell'Udinese. Stagioni da dimenticare per Inter e Juventus, che persero anche la qualificazione alla Coppa UEFA negli spareggi rispettivamente contro il Bologna e l'Udinese. Fra l'altro entrambe le formazioni ebbero degli avvicendamenti in panchina: l'Inter partì con Luigi Simoni, poi al suo posto arrivò Mircea Lucescu che, dopo il 4-0 di Genova contro la Sampdoria, venne a sua volta sollevato dall'incarico per affidare la squadra nerazzurra a Luciano Castellini, che poi dopo poco lasciò al più esperto Roy Hodgson. Alla Juventus invece fu fatale per Marcello Lippi la sconfitta casalinga per 4-2 contro il Parma, e al suo posto venne chiamato Carlo Ancelotti. In coda cadde un Empoli mai in gara e penalizzato per un presunto tentativo d'illecito nei confronti della Sampdoria, mentre finì il sogno del Vicenza. Fu breve la permanenza in A della Salernitana, che mancava dalla massima serie da cinquant'anni, e una grave crisi di risultati costò un'inaspettata retrocessione alla Samp, che chiuse amaramente un decennio ricco di successi. Si salvò invece il Venezia, ritornato in massima serie dopo trentuno anni trascorsi nelle categorie inferiori.
The 1854 Wyoming historical drama is based on Tom Shell's adaptation of the true life memoirs of Pony Express rider Nick Wilson.
0:00 旅行的意義 2:14 告訴我 4:25 還是會寂寞 6:12 孩子 8:43 太聰明 11:02 距離 12:38 九份的咖啡店 13:57 慢歌3 15:57 魚 17:17 倔強愛情的勝利 19:15 失敗者的飛翔 20:46 太多 24:00 嫉妒 27:15 會不會 29:13 狂戀 30:53 太陽 34:47 self 37:02 吉他手 38:26 讓我想一想 39:50 躺在你的衣櫃 41:48 煙火 44:43 1234567 46:27 腐朽 50:11 我親愛的偏執狂 52:00 孤獨是等待 53:31 孤島 56:31 下個星期去英國 58:20 每天都是一種練習 1:01:09 寫一首歌讓你帶回去 1:02:28 小塵埃 1:05:13(失明前)我想記得的四十七件事 1:06:42 sentimental kills 1:08:23 飄著 1:09:58 越洋電話 1:11:14 after 17 1:12:15 表面的和平 1:13:42 迷霧中跳舞 1:14:52 一起去巴黎 1:16:59 下午三點 1:18:14 最初的起點 1:19:08 小小校歌 1:20:02 天天想你 1:21:45 不應該 1:23:35 靈感 1:25:48 蜉蝣 1:27:10 華麗的冒險 1:29:16 80%完美的日子 1:31:31 靜靜的生活 1:32:15 我的驕傲無可救藥 1:34:05 情歌 1:35:59 微涼的你 1:37:36 花的姿態 1:39:29 雨天的尾巴 1:41:24 就算全世界與我為敵 1:43:20 小步舞曲 1:45:16 慢歌1
Pra Não Pensar em Você (César Augusto / Piska) 0:00 Flor de Flamboyant (Zezé di Camargo) 05:04 Imperfeito (César Lemos / Karla Aponte) 09:19 Dois Corações e Uma História (Danimar / Carlos Randall) 13:10 Pior É Te Perder (Alvaro Socci / Claudio Matta) 17:16 Amores Que Vêm e Que Passam (Danimar / Carlos Randall) 21:22 Volta Pro Meu Coração (César Augusto / Piska) 04:04 Quando a Cabeça Não Pensa (Zezé di Camargo) 04:05 Seca Malvada (Lado Prado / Cecílio Nena) 04:01 À Queima-Roupa (Zezé di Camargo) 04:17 Sabor de Pecado (Zezé di Camargo) 03:12 Meu País (Zezé di Camargo) 04:32 Fim de Festa (Lucas Robles / Antônio Luiz) 04:09 A Mais Loca Paixão (Carlos Randall / Danimar / Tivas) 03:50 Vida, Viola e Violeiro (Nildomar Dantas / Ivan Medeiros) 03:34 Deus Salve a América (Fauze / Jamil) 05:03 Felicidade, Que Saudade de Você* (Paulo Henrique / César Augusto) 04:47
Film ini didedikasikan kepada segenap mahasiswa dan rakyat Indonesia yang telah menyumbangkan segalanya, bahkan jiwa mereka, untuk berjuang membela kebenaran...
(update this movie can't be seen on phones. can only be seen on PC's and Macs.) This is a re upload of the original 1998 movie and hopefully it stays longer. In HD and in one part, it's the underrated movie, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer the Movie. No Infringement Intended.
Todos los Goles del Mundial FIFA Francia 1998 - All Goals World Cup France 1998 Group A: Brasil/Brazil 2 - Escocia/Scotland 1 Marruecos/Morocco 2 - Noruega/N...
The Jets are trying to get to the Superbowl for the 1st time since 1969. The Broncos are attempting to repeat as Superbowl Champs.
I Love the 90's - 1998
1998 World's Strongest Man heats from Tangier, Morocco. The format of the heats was different this year, there were 10 heats instead of 5. There were 4 event...
New York Yankees 3 at San Diego Padres 0, F -- The powerhouseYankees finished up the sweep of the Padres for their 125th win of the season and 24th World Cha...
Финал Восточной Конференции NBA 1998 год Игра №1 Матч в Chicago
1. La Maladie d'Amour (0:15) 2. La Java de Broadway (3:50) 3. Les Bals Populaires (8:24) 4. J'accuse (12:00) 5. Rouge (15:38) 6. Je vais t'aimer (19:29) 7. Je vole (26:40) 8. Il était là (29:21) 9. Être une femme (33:23) 10. Les Vieux Mariés (36:26) 11. En Chantant (40:23) 12. Mon dernier rêve sera pour toi (45:45) 13. Les villes de solitude (49:33) 14. Une fille aux yeux clairs (52:49) 15. Casino (55:48) 16. Le bac G (59:30) 17. S'enfuir et après (1:03:11) 18. Et mourir de plaisir (1:06:19) 19. Le France (1:09:00) 20. Les yeux d'un animal (1:12:58) 21. Afrique adieu (1:16:35) 22. Les Lacs du Connemara (1:21:14) 23. Musulmanes (1:26:00) 24. L'an mil (1:31:13) 25. Chanteur de Jazz (1:37:18) 26. Salut (1:43:00) Michel Sardou en live à Bercy, en 1998 Bonne écoute!!!! en même temps, abonnez-vous à ma chaine, c'est pas long et c'est sympa =)
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18. März 2015 - Trauermarsch für Laura Marie Klein // Ein ökumenischer Impuls von Pfarrer Reinhard Müller (li) und Diakon Herbert Knobloch - mit den musikalischen Einlagen von Berenice Fernández Langa und Vanity Colleen Williams (zwei Einlagen). - Die Trierer Umschau hat die verbindende Ruhe der vielen Menschen vor dem Dom motiviert den Beginn des Trauermasches zu dokumentieren und Lauras Familie zu widmen.
full movie full movies full film full video teljes film teljes video ruby bridges The true story of Ruby Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate the all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to, (and since all the white mothers pulled their children out of class, she was the only one there, period), and though she faced a crowd of angry white citizens every day, she emerged unscathed, physically or emotionally. Encouraged by her teacher, a white woman from the North named Barbara Henry, and her mother, Lucille, and with her own quiet strength, she eventually broke down a century-old barrier forever, a pivotal moment in the civil-rights movement.
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Вся сила Eurodance: Русский хит - по годам начиная с 1991: Еще несколько видео, которые ютуб не позволил опубликовать.. за 99, 2000 и 2001 год... в соц сети Вконтакте. ниже ссылки. 99 год: 2000 год: 2001 год: Плэйлист этого видео: 1. Brooklyn Bounce - Get ready to bounce 2. Mr. Credo - Воздушный шар 3. Dj Quicksilver - Planet love 4. Блестящие - Где же ты, где 5. Celin Dion - My heart will go on 6. Иванушки - Тополиный пух 7. Руки Вверх - Крошка моя (видео с деффектом, увы((( 8. Scooter - How much is the fish 9. Hi-Fi - Не дано 10. Yoda - Get get static 11. 666 - Paradox 12. Восток - Донна осень 13. Стрелки - Красавчик 14. Groove gangsters - Funky beats 15. Brooklyn Bounce - Contact 16. Т.Буланова - Ледяное сердце 17. Катя Лель - Я по тебе скучаю 18. Scooter - Call me manana 19. Белый орел - Как упоительны в России вечера 20. N.Y.C.С. - Can you feel it 21. Яна - Голубь 22. Гости из будущего - Беги от меня 23. Русский размер - Вот так
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The Metro reported that Geri announced her shocking split from the globally successful girl group on May 31, 1998.
The Inquisitr 2015-03-26... spotlighting 1998 Calder Cup Champion and longtime Phantoms and Flyers goaltender Brian Boucher.
noodls 2015-03-26Links ... Two karts which were raced by the 1998 and 1999 world champion for sale ... 1994-1998 500cc world champion Mick Doohan.
F1Fanatic 2015-03-26... a budget produced by the assembly without amendment or veto was in 1998, in the first year of Gov.
Richmond Times Dispatch 2015-03-26The Kerala Tourism website (www. keralatourism ... Launched in 1998, the Kerala Tourism website today receives around 4.2
The Hindu 2015-03-26(Source: ... Dating back to 1998, the Golden Bears have won 21 PSAC Men's Tennis Individual Championships. distributed by ... kubears.
noodls 2015-03-26Agent: Hooke & MacDonald. This 64sq m two-bedroom home is on the third floor of this central apartment block built in 1998.
The Irish Times 2015-03-26(Source: Northern Iron Limited ) Search results: ... * Edited text summaries are available from 1 January 1998 to 30 June 2003 ... .0
noodls 2015-03-26She left the band in 1998 to be closer to her family, and the band continued without her.
Mashable 2015-03-26David Cameron’s announcement from the dispatch box that he was ruling out any increase in VAT was ...
The Independent 2015-03-26NEWTOWN, Conn ... The Lanza family moved from southern New Hampshire and bought the new house in 1998.
Syracuse 2015-03-26... patients certificates, the government initiated an enquiry in 1998 by constituting a medical team.
The Hindu 2015-03-26Vajpayee, who was PM from 1998 to 2004, and has faded from public life due to age-related illness, ...
The Times of India 2015-03-261998 (MCMXCVIII) was a common year that started on a Thursday. In the Gregorian calendar, it was the 1998th year of Anno Domini; the 998th year of the 2nd millennium; the 98th year of the 20th century; and the 9th of the 1990s.
The year 1998 was designated International Year of the Ocean by UNESCO.
White Stones, Queens 1974
Fathers talking shit
motherfucker slam the door
Hittin' the streets runnin' can I take this any more?
In the reins of the trains I cuddle on the floor
Well the park bench, door and
Sleeping in the rain
Little kids sitting in the shooting gallery
Set yourself up
rom innocence to misery
Oh if this is what you want not
the way of what they fucking say
Hangin out with Sid yet again in the USA
Sidney Sidney in the USA
Lower east side 1976
Who's got the dope and
who's turning tricks?
Should I call a user all for a fix?
Rippen off some lady just to avoid from gettin' sick
But a life runs low when you got no where to go
What the fuck happens to your soul when your low
Is he comin' over is he comin' home
Oh momma's disappointed waiting by the phone
Hangin out with Sid yet again in the USA
Sidney Sidney in the USA
Same fuckin' shit 1998
Lifting bait, and by the motherfuckers that he hates
Hit some fucking people by the Kennedy strait
Who's got the bag gonna seal his fate?
Well the park bench, door and
Sleeping here for free
Little kids sitting in the shooting gallery
Set yourself up for manifested misery
Well this is what you want
not the way they fucking say
Hangin out with Sid yet again in the USA
Ooooooh, ooooo-ooooh
(Go, go!)
Oh-oh oh-oh woah, oh-oh-oooooh
When you go on the floor and turn it loose
Move those sexy legs and feel the boost
Hard to know where ever my steps might end
Let the party go on - In a way you're going fine by me
Come on, try it like this
Wait too long, you got nothing right there where you
Hell yeah, I'm the man
What else you you expect from my beautiful command?
I want to take you where (I want to take you where)
(go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, c'mon!)
We can party (we can party)
From dusk 'til dawn (1998!)
I know you feel (I know you feel) (go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go, c'mon!)
Like letting go (let it go)...
The music make you high
The music has the power
(Music make you high)
One, two - are you with me?
Feel the beat and make your body sweat
(Music make you higher)
Like a sheer taste, start things again
Go X - and Y, movin' free
(Music take you higher)
Party up, fellas like your dreams
Stay, don't miss the pow'r again
(Oh, music make you higher)
Free that mind,
Work your body 'til it's wet and soakin'
We hot 'n smokin'!
You got to bring your mind (bring it up, let it go, let
it go!)
And then (come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on!)
Work that body
Go on, get down (1998!)
Oh, go with me (Oh go with me) (go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, c'mon!)
And let go (you gotta let it go)
The music make you high (and it make you high)