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Xeer Caashaq 2014(Official Music Video) Dafle iyo
Nimco Yaasiin Xeer Caashaq Erayadii Abwaanka Cabdirashiid Dhagajilic
Le xeer issa par Dr Ali Moussa
Xeer ILaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka oo La ILmeeyay Dhacdo Xanuun Badan uu Ku Arkay Xabsiyada Somalia
Daawo Universal Tv oo dood ku ceebeeyay laaluush qaataha Xeer ilaaliyaha Qaranka sheegta
DAAWO Xeer Ilaaliyaha Qaranka Somaliya Oo Sheegay In 21 Garsoore Xilkii Laga Qaaday
Jaaliyada Columbus oo soo dhaweysay Xeer ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka
Cod Sira Fadeexo Xeer Ilaaliye ku xigeenka Somalia oo gabadh sina u diiday eryay
Xamar tsagaan xeer
Ereyadii Abwaan Abdirashiid Dhagajilic Caaqilka iyo Laxankii iyo Musigii Mustafe Dafle, Waa Codadkii Dafle iyo Nimco Yaasiin, Video Production.
Nimco Yaasiin Xeer Caashaq Erayadii Abwaanka Cabdirashiid Dhagajilic
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Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Qaranka Dr Axmed Cali Daahir oo Su,aalo Badan Kaga jaabay Dood Wadaag Universal tv,( 23 Feb 2015) ayaa Su,aal laga weydiiyay - bal inuu kormeer kusameeyay dhibaatooyinka kajira Qaar kamid ah , xabisyada somaliya, ............................................................... Join Us on Facebook @ Follow us on twitter @ Email: ………………………………………………… Subscribe to our channels to keep up to date with All the latest news and updates, Our Larger Channel … Our new Channel ….
Daawo Universal Tv oo Madal dood wadaaga ku ceebeeyay ninka ugu musuqmaasuqa badan Hay'adaha Garsoorka ee sheegta Xeer ilaaliyaha Axmed Dahir ,wuxuuna Axmed Dahir xaqiray cadaalad daradda ay ku xiran yihiin kun iyo afar boqol oo badankood ah dimbilaabayaal lacag laga rabo madaxooda
Dr. Ahmed Ali Dahir oo ah Xeer ilaaliyaha qaranka Soomaaliyeed ayaa lakulmay jaaliyada Columbus
Dhageyso Cod si sira looga duubay gabadh ka shaqeeyn jirtay Xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia oo shaqadii uu ka eryay ninka hada ku magacaaban Xeer Ilaaliye ku xigeenka Qaranka Somalia Axmed Cali Abokar. gabadhaan inkastoo la sheegay inuu qasab ku kufsaday Axmed Cali Abokar hadana waxeey nasiibdarada ugu weyn tahay in xilalkii Qaranka loo dhiibo shaqsiyaad nuucaana- waxaa dhici karto inuu gabadhaan dilo ama xiro markuu maqlo wareeysigaan sida sirtaa looga duubay
TUHUNKII BADA SOOMAALIYA OO UU XEER ILAALIYA QARANKA CADEEYAY.. isagoo faahfaahin sugan ka bixinaya siday ku dhacday iyo halka uu xaalku hada marayo. isla markaan wuxuu faahfaahhin ka qiireysay ka bixiyay wadciga XABSIYADA SOOMAALIYA oo ay maxaabuusta qaarkeed ku DHINTAAN...
Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka oo sheegay in Musuq maasuq Hareeyay Wasaaradaha Dowladda
Barnaamijka kulanka todobaadka ee ka baxa Radio Muqdisho iyo telefishinka Qaranka ayaa todobaadkan looga hadlay nidaamka garsoorka dalka, iyo duruufaha ka jira. Barnaamijka ayaa waxaa marti ku ahaa xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Qaranka Axmed Cali Dahir kaasoo si faah faahsan uga hadlay shaqada xafiiska iyo kan nidaamka garsoorka. Intii uu socday barnaamijka ayaa xeer ilaaliyuhu waxaa uu ka jawaabay su’aalo ay soo weydiiyeen qaar ka mid ah dhageystayaasha barnaamijka ee ku sugan dalka iyo dibadda.
Wararkii ugu dambeeyay & Riwaayado qosol badan kala soco We are the largest Somali Productions Company.
Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Qaranka ayaa soo dhaweeyay talaabada hay'adaha amniga ku xireen Idaacadihii FM-yada ee Shabeelle iyo Sky kaddib markii lagu eedeeyay ...
Xeer Ilaalinta Guud ee Qaranka oo soo bandhigtay gaadiid siday raashin gargaar ah oo la doonayay in lagu iibsado suuqyada magaalada Muqdisho.
Saxafada Somaliland Oo Xeer Iyo Awaamiir Cusub Lagu Soo Rogay Iyo Dhaawaca Ka Iman Kara Dimuqraadiyadii Somaliland Oo U Muuqata In La Cabudhinaayo Warbaahinta Madaxbanaan Jirtay
Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Axmed Cali Daahir, ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay xariga Suxufiyiinta ku xiran Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo uu sheegay inay Maxkamad suggayaal yihiin, sida uu yiri.
Organise advocacy and awareness campaigns for a creative land dispute resolution proposals, such as ...
noodls 2014-08-05Elders used to convene under an acacia tree to arbitrate rows, using a customary legal process known in Somali as ‘xeer’.
IRINnews 2013-07-18Masuuliyiinta gobolka Bari, xeer ilaalinta, saraakiisha amaanka iyo asluubta ayaa ka goob joog ka ...
Mareeg 2013-04-30... dishay’’ sidaasi waxaa yiri Xeer Ilaaliye ku xigeenka guud ee dalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xasan.
Mareeg 2013-04-26... todobaadlaha ah ayaa meel mariyey xeer loogu magac daray Xeerka la dagaallanka argagixisada.
Mareeg 2013-04-18... halka fariistaan garsoorayaasha, xeer ilaalinta, eedeysanayaasha iyo qareenada iyo dadweynahaba.
Mareeg 2013-04-04Xeer ilaaliyaha ayaa maxkmada keenay qalab uu sheegay in lagu soo qabtey nimankan iyo caddeymo kale, ...
Mareeg 2013-03-02... barlamaanka uu ku shaqeynayo sida xeer-hoosaadkooda iyo misaaniyadda baarlamanka sanadka 2013.
Mareeg 2013-02-27... barlamaanka uu ku shaqeynayo sida xeer-hoosaadkooda iyo misaaniyadda baarlamanka sanadka 2013.
Mareeg 2013-02-27Xafiiska Xeer Ilaalinta ... Tifatirayaasha labada wargeys ee Xeer Ilaalintu u yeertay ayaa kala ah:
Mareeg 2013-01-14... gudiga xeer hoosaadka, anshaxa, xasaanadda iyo daryeelka xildhibaanada iyo gudiga difaaca.
Mareeg 2013-01-0506/11/2012. Mareeg ... The often cross-flagged ... g ... first ... In the Xeer, the traditional law of Somalia, those forest people, who.
Mareeg 2012-11-06... yeelanaya kulan ay uga doodayaan xeer hoosaadka baarlamaanka oo loo qeybiyey 14 October ee tagtay.
Mareeg 2012-11-03Xeer, pronounced [ħeːr], is the polycentric legal system of Somalia. Under this system, elders serve as judges and help mediate cases using precedents. It is an example of how customary law works within a stateless society and closely resembles the natural law principle. Several scholars have noted that even though Xeer may be centuries old, it has the potential to serve as the legal system of a modern, well-functioning economy.
According to one report, the Somali nation did not begin with the common use of the Somali language by the clans, but rather with the collective observance of Xeer. Xeer is thus referred to as being both the father and child of the Somali nation. An analogous phenomenon is said to have occurred among the neighboring Oromo nation, which is now under Ethiopian rule.
Under Xeer, there is no authority that dictates what the law should be. The law is instead discovered by judges as they determine the best way to resolve a dispute. As such, the Somali nation by tradition is a stateless society; that is, Somalis have never accepted the authority of any central government, their own or any other. Under Xeer law, Somalia forms a kritarchy and conforms in many respects to natural law. The lack of a central governing authority means that there is a slight variation in the interpretation of Xeer amongst different communities. The laws that are widely accepted are called xeer guud and those particular to a specific community are referred to as xeer tolnimo.
I know you and her got something goin on,and I respect that,but you gotta admit,there's something between us..
Everything I want,you got it,
And I must admit that I'm..excited,
That girl aint right for you,
See I'm the type for you,
And what I'd like to do is chill...Feel me?
So let a girl be down and come kick it with me,
No time to play around cus I'm for real baby,
I'm Feelin everything you do,
You know that you're feelin' this too,
So lets..keep it real..
Cus I dont...
I dont care about them other chicks,
I wanna be the one only one that can get close to you,
I dont care about them other chicks,
Cus they aint gonna do all the things Ima do for you,
I dont care who you dealing with,
Just let em know that you found a girl who gone be down for you
So forget about them other chicks,
Just forget about them other chicks.
Like the days when the song used to make you say
Ohhh (ohh) what you do to me,
I'm Feelin you so much I just cant let go (noo) baby see
I'm day dreaming bout your love everyday and I must say that its on and its crazy..
So let a girl be down and come kick it with me,
No time to play around cus I'm for real baby,
I'm Feelin everything you
do,You know that you're feelin' this too,
So lets..keep it real..Keep it reallll..
Boy you got me trippin cus I dont wanna ooh ooh ooh,
Nothing but think about ya, be without ya,best thing gon do..
Wanna be Wanna be ya girl,
You should get with me not her,
Gotta roll wit me come on,and help me sing my song...
Ready ready ready to get it poppin no stoppin so let me know is this what you want..ready ready,ready to get it poppin
I bet we can make it hot so baby come on
(I dont care,
baby boy got your girl so deep in love (in love, in love)
you got me thinking about that ass on the wake up, uh
if only i could wake up, next to you
got me blushing, just imagining that things we would get into
when the thought of you and me arises ain't no limit to what we could be
sitting on the deck ...named after us, oho
if only you knew, if only you knew
i'd be with you, oho
if only you knew, only you knew
i'd be with you
i told myself next time i'll see ya
just gonna make it happen
thought i was ready but i saw you when i
thinking myself cause i really need a boy like you
cause baby you so...
i see myself as your wonder woman and i can handle
till the day you'll get with me it won't be the last time
that you gave your heart away
when the thought of you and me arises ain't no limit to what we could be
picture us at a town clear water at a sandy beach
if only you knew, if only you knew, if you only knew
i'd be with you, oho
if only you knew, only you knew,
i'd be with you, you, you
cause i'm other only frost, only want you for what you got
cause what i want for myself just believe that i can ...oh
but this friendship thing it's killing me
and boy it isn't that i am trying to be
cause where i wanna be is with you
and boy if you only knew, oho
if only you knew, if only you knew, if you only knew
i'd be with you, oho
if only you knew, only you knew
i'd be with you
if only you knew, only you knew
i'd be with you
only baby if you knew, oh baby i'd be happy,
i'd be with you
if only you knew, if only you knew,
i'd be with you, oho
if only you knew, only you knew,
Everytime he call - I come
...but, this time I think about ME! (that's right!)
And what I need (that's right!)
Tonight I'm doin' ME! (that's right!)
And I ma hav' fun! (that's right!)
I bet you won't get crunk, ...
That's my jam, ...
Get crunk, get crunk, ....
That's right, that's right, ... (ooooh)
Let's go,
Let's go now... now ladies...
Let's go, let's go now...
If you always...
Let's go, let's go now...
Looking out for everybody else...
Let's go, let's go now...and not yourself...
Let's go, let's go now...tonight...
Let's go, let's go now...
It's all about you...we gon' party baby...
Let's go, let's go now
C'mon, crank that thang c'mon
I was driving, cruisin' on the highway...
It was a Friday, midnight, when he called me...
I was thinking "HELL NO!"
I already know what he wants: SURPRISE - SURPRISE
So I changed plans and made some arrangements
I won't be chasing, someone that's replacing, and..
That's when I called my girls up..
We about to hit the club up...
Tonight's the night (let's go..)
You can miss me all you want
But I'm not coming over
Tonight I'm doing me
I'll call you in the morning (that's right)
Hanging with my girls
Until the break of dawn
You can't tell me no
'Cause I can do what I want
Tonight I'm having fun
Tonight I'm going out
Let's ride up in a party
All night long
I'm turning off my phone
So we can get it on
O-ooh, o-ooh, o-ooh
He kept sending e-mails
Asking for details
"When are you leaving?"
"When will you get here?"
Kept calling my cell phone
I send him straight to voice mail
...leave a message {spoken}
I usually call back
This time I won't fall back
I know what the real be
You just wanna see me
'Cause he wanna
Tap, to tap, tap, tap, tap (that booty)
But he's not gonna get (that booty)
If he think that it's like that (uh)
He can think that's nothing
I got my hands up on my back, back
Take it to the flow, flow
We gon' ride on out, that's right, take it down low, that's right
What's up? I'm hot tonight
What's up? We in the spot tonight
What's up? That's right, that's right, that's right,
Like this uh this, like that, that, that,
JOHN drop the beat and bring it back, back, back!!
Wassup? Wassup? That's right, that's right
You like it? I like it!
You love it? I love it!
You want it? You want it?
Wassup? Wassup?
Here's another one, yeah another one
Trey, T styles
This is where they stay crunk, throw it up, dubs on tha cadillac
White tees, Nikes, gangstas don't know how to act
Adamsville, Bankhead, College Park, Carver Homes
Hummers floatin on chrome
Chokin on that home-grown
They got the southern cookin, they got them fellas lookin
Thinkin I was easy I can see it
That's when i say no, what for?
Shawty can't handle this, Ciara got that fire like
Round here we ridin slow
We keep it gutta , you should know
Gettin crunk up in the club, we gets low
Oh (oh)
All ma ladies to da floor
Handle it, ladies back it up
Gettin crunk up in tha club, we gets low
Ready? Take a new whip, paint strip, into a bowlin ball
Still smoke, hundred-spoke, wood grain armor all
Light skinned, thick chicks
Fellas call em red bones
Close cuts, braids long, gangstas love em all
They got the southern cookin, they got them fellas lookin
Wishin I was easy I can see it
That's when I say no, what for?
Shawty can't handle this, Ciara got that fire like
Oh (oh oh oh)
Round here we ridin slow (we ride it slow, oh oh)
We keep it gutta you should know (you should know)
Gettin crunk up in tha club, we gets low (get low)
Oh (oh ohhh)
Oh (oh)
All my ladies to the floor
Handle it, ladies back it up (back it up)
Gettin crunk off in tha club (in tha club), we gets low (get low)
Oh (oh oo oh oh ooohh)
Southern Style, get wild, old skools comin
Down in a different color whip, whip, whip
Picture perfect, you might wanna take a flick, flick, flick, flick, flick
Call up Jazze, tell him pop the bottles, cuz we got another hit, hit, hit
Wanna go platinum, I'm who you should get, get, get, get, get
Ludacris on the track, get back trick, switch on the lac, I'm flexin steel
Same price everytime, hot song, jumped on cuz Ciara got sex appeal
And I keep the meanest, cleanest, baddest, spinnin on stainless wheels
Could care less about your genius, I bump yo status, I keep the stainless steel
Trunk rattlin, what's happenin, huh? I dont even think I even need ta speed
Bass Travelin, Face cracklin, huh? Turn it up and make the speakas bleed
Dirty south, we ballin dawg, and never think about fallin dawg
Ghetto harmonizing, surprising, runnin back cuz tha song is called
Round here we ridin slow
We keep it gutta you should know
Gettin crunk up in tha club, we gets low
All ma ladies to tha floor
Handle it, ladies back it up
Gettin crunk off in tha club, we gets low
Round here we ridin slow
We keep it gutta, you should know
Gettin crunk up in tha club,we gets low
All ma ladies to tha floor
Handle it, ladies back it up
Gettin crunk off in tha club, we gets low
Featuring: The-Dream
Ay a ay, ooh a ay, ooh yeah, ooh yeah Ciara
That's me, the dreamer
The Dream, ooh yeah, ooh, baby
Wanna say come over but I told you that it's over
How much pain can one heart take? Oh yeah, yeah
And well, I wish that you were closer so I could love over and over again
Today I may have lost my friend
Girl, you, you are my baby, well I can't just let you leave
I'm caught up in this lover's thing
It's love and that I can't deny, won't even start to lie
I'm caught up in this lover's thing, baby you
Baby ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby, ay, baby
Girl, take back your decision and paint me back in your picture
I'm calling on your phone, girl
You keep sending me straight to voice mail
Now why ain't he persistent? I'm sure by now he misses this
Calling on the phone, you won't answer my call
And you, you are my baby, I can't just let you leave
I'm caught up in this lover's thing
Yeah, it's love and that I can't deny, won't even start to lie
I'm caught up in this lover's thing, baby, baby
Baby, ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby, ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby, ay, baby, ay, baby, ay, baby
Baby, ay, baby, yeah
Oh, ay, I wonder does she know that I love her
Oh, ay, I wonder if he knows that I care
Ooh uhh, will you ever forgive me?
Ooh uhh, hello, are you there?
Boy you, you are my baby and I can't just let you leave
I'm caught up in this lover's thing
It's love and that I can't deny, won't even start to lie
(Get it girl)
G-g-g-g-get-git it girl
Get it get it get it girl
G-g-g-g-g-get it girl
(get it girl get it girl get it girl get it girl)
Yeah watch me be the best (be the best)
Big money no less (no less)
That card? on deck
Represent short-ay
You know I get it in cause my money gone
So all you other broads better run it gone
And if you think you hittin' then you dead wrong, then you dead wrong
I like the letter S with the line down the middle
If it ain't money I can't hear you
If you stack paper leave ya haters in the rear view
Get it girl you a get it girl
Talk that talk like this if you a
Walk that walk like this if you a
If that shoe fit wear it if you a
If you if you a Yeah
When you see me in the club you say get it girl
When you see me in the club you say get it girl
When you see me in the club you say get it girl
When you see me in the club okay
Shut it up wood grain
Custom eyes my paint
I ride low when I pull up to the club
Everybody keep the change all drinks on me ahh
You know I get it in cause my money gone
So all you other broads better run it gone
And if you think you hittin' then you dead wrong, then you dead wrong
I like the letter S with the line down the middle
If it ain't money I can't hear you
If you stack paper leave ya haters in the rear view
Get it girl you a get it girl
Talk that talk like this if you a
Walk that walk like this if you a
If that shoe fit wear it if you a
If you if you a Yeah
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club okay
All my ladies get wit me
Put your hands in the air I know you feel me
Do it good girl do it do it good girl
Better make him lose his mind
Do it to him girl
(Repeat 2X)
And say get it get it girl
Get it get it get it gurl
(get it get it girl
Get it get it get it gurl)
(chorus 2x)
Talk that talk like this if you a
Walk that walk like this if you a
If that shoe fit wear it if you a
If you if you a Yeah
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club they say get it girl
When you see me in the club okay
Get it girl
You better get it girl
Get it girl
Lemme in your head, watch you learn some
Tryna see you sweat, watch you burn some
Uh huh (AY… )
Uh huh (sweat)
Yo, (yo) I peep game cos I came with it (uh)
Insured with a claim with it (claim with it)
Everything'll be alright again
Alright again, alright again
The heart is stronger than you think
Like it could go through anything
And even when you think it can?t
It finds a way to still push on though
Sometimes you wanna to run away
Ain?t got the patience for the pain
And if you don?t believe it look into your heart
The beat goes on
I?m tellin? you things get better through whatever
If you fall, dust it off, don?t let up
Don?t you know you can go be your own miracle
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you?ve had enough
But the heart keeps telling you 'don?t give up'
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don?t give up, through it all, just stand up
Ooh, it?s like we all had better days
Problems getting all up in your face
Just because you go through it
Don?t mean it gotta take control, no
You ain?t gotta find no hiding place
Because the heart can beat the hate
Don?t wanna let the mind keep playing you
Saying you can?t go on
I?m tellin? you things get better through whatever
If you fall, dust if off, don?t let up
Don?t you know you can go be your own miracle
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you?ve had enough
But the heart keeps telling you 'don?t give up'
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don?t give up, through it all, just stand up
Through it all, just stand up
You don?t gotta be a prisoner in your mind
If you fall, dust it off, you can live your life
Yeah, let your heart be your guide
Yeah yeah yeah
You will know there's a good if you trust the good
Everything will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark, if you follow your heart
And it will get better through whatever
If the mind keeps thinking you?ve had enough
But the heart keeps telling you 'don?t give up'
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don?t give up, through it all, just stand up
If the mind keeps thinking you?ve had enough
But the heart keeps telling you 'don?t give up'
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don?t give up, through it all, just stand up
You got it in you, find it within
You got in now, find it within now
You got in you, find it within
You got in now, find it within now
You got in you, find it within
You got in now, find it within now
Find it within you, find it within
Going round round round
CiCi will have you going round round round round
Darkchild you got me going round round round round
Oh baby, baby, baby, baby
I like to party all night, you'll see
And you're exactly the type that I need
My hi-hat drives you Congo and you know
That I can make the bass beat beat solo
Do that again, again, spin me around
Do that again, again, I'm gon' put it down
I got you runnin', goin' crazy, you don't know what it is
I'm in control, baby I-I-I-I
You know how I gets down
Let me know right now if you can keep up, switch!
Try to turn me down, cause I hit so loud
Overload your speakers, switch!
When the lights go down, all the freaks come out
And I know you see 'em, switch!
Then me on you now, switch!
And then you on me, lets switch!
Let's slow it down to this beat baby
I got you right where I need, and you'll see
Turn up the 808 more, make me
Feel the snare in my car, I need more
Do it again, again, spin me around
Do it again, again, I'm gon' put it down
I got you runnin', goin' crazy, you don't know what it is
I'm in control, baby I-I-I-I
You know how I gets down
Let me know right now if you can keep up, switch!
Try to turn me down, cause I hit so loud
Overload your speakers, switch!
When the lights go down, all the freaks come out
And I know you see 'em, switch!
Then me on you now, switch!
And then you on me, lets switch!
I like when you do this to me
Make me wanna tear it up
The way you move me, it's music to me
I just wanna turn it up
Higher level, highest level, feel like I can't be without you
Take you to a bass in no time
My body on your's, and your's on mine
You know how I gets down
Let me know right now if you can keep up, switch!
Try to turn me down, cause I hit so loud
Overload your speakers, switch!
When the lights go down, all the freaks come out
And I know you see 'em, switch!
Then me on you now, switch!
And then you on me, lets switch!
I'm gon' release, release, release then switch
Release, release, release then switch
Release, release, release then switch
Yeah Yay..Ooh
I like to introduce name is Ciara
I like to introduce name is Ciara.
I’m giving props to the people that help me out.
And right now I’ma take the time to shout out...Riverdale, North Hayden, and all of my haters.
I finally made it and I won’t stop.
It feels funny to hear the world say my name.
I’m makin money, I’m still the same, and I won’t change.
And if you down with me, stick around with me, ‘cause I’ma hold you down and that’s no doubt...
And I want
I want my hood to represent me (that’s right)
I want you to represent me (uh huh)
To all my girls, represent me (yeah yay)
Around the world, to represent meee
I want love to represent me (Represent me)
I want us to represent me
To all my girls represent me (ooh yeah)
Around the world to represent meee
It’s all love when you hangin out (on my team).
I’m here for ya.
I’ll help you out (Bigger dream).
If you gotta struggle, then we gotta struggle.
Let’s love another and keep the peace.
And to my family.
I know that ya’ll, got my back.
‘Cause when I need you, you’ll be there just like that.
And I’ll be down for you, because you’re down for me.
And I’ma hold you down and that’s no doubt (yeah yeah).
I want my hood to represent me (represent me)
I want you to represent me (to represent me)
To all my girls, represent me (uh huh)
Around the world, to represent meee (uh huh)
I want love to represent me (Dirty South)
I want us to represent me (Uptown)
To all my girls represent me (West Coast)
Around the world to represent meee (Fa’ Sho)
I want New York, and Miami, and all of Atlanta, hometown to represent me (that’s right).
Cali, Alabama, and all of Ohio, Chi-Town to represent me.
To all of the girls and the fellas that got my back.
Much love and I promise I’ll give it back.
All good when you try, there’s no other like it, you should (you should) represent me..
I want my hood to represent me (yes I do)
I want you to represent me (I want you)
To all my girls, represent me (That’s right)
Around the world, to represent meee (alright)
I want love to represent me (Yeah yay)
I want us to represent me (ooh ooh)
To all my girls represent me (uh huh)
Around the world to represent meee (everybody say)
It’s all good when you rep yo’ hood (yeah)
It’s all good when you rep yo’ hood (yeah, yo’ hood)
I took your love think I took too much
Somebody call the doctor, somebody call the doctor
I took it all but it's not enough
Somebody call the doctor, somebody call the doctor
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Hold me tight I'm coming down
I need your love and I need it now
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Somebody call the doctor before I Overdose
I'm feelin' crazy going back & forth
Caught inside your storm
But I want some more
I up yo kisses and yo daily touch
Come on keep me up
Cause I need the rush
Let me fall, let me fall baby let me drown
Can't breath, can't breath give me mouth to mouth
Got my heart beat racin' not slowin' down
Got me sweatin', got me shakin' I'm freakin' out
I took your love think I took too much
Somebody call the doctor, somebody call the doctor
I took it all but it's not enough
Somebody call the doctor, somebody call the doctor
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Hold me tight I'm coming down
I need your love and I need it now
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Don't let, don't let, don't let, don't let go
Ohhhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Ohhhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
I ride like a soldier
Put nothing before ya
Anything you ask
I'll be right there to do it
But if I react you tell me to relax
Don't need to take it back
Cause boy you put me through it
This circular motion is all we do
I'm so sick of going back and forth with you
You should have been happy to have me
You said you wanted to have some kids build a family
(Now I)
Wish it wasn't true
It's killing me to do
What I gotta do
The problem here is you
Ain't nobody new not even my crew
Could take the place of you
The problem here is you
Cause if you only knew what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love
Kick it with ya friends (go)
Go out with other chicks (go)
Be all up in the mix (go)
You got the right to do it
You wanna be a pimp
Be treated like a prince
Go 'head and click the switch
Cause now you got ya crown back
This circular motion is all we do
I'm so sick of going back and forth with you
You should have been happy to have me
You said you wanted to have some kids build a family
(now I)
Wish it wasn't true
It's killing me to do
What I gotta do
The problem here is you
Ain't nobody new not even my crew
Could take the place of you
The problem here is you
Cause if you only knew what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love
My hugs (and)
My kisses
You know you're gonna miss it
And while you're tripping on the love we could have had
I'm moving on
I got to (and)
Ain't no looking back
Cause if you only knew what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love
Boy you had a keeper, didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love
Ohhhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Ohhhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
Oh ooh oh oh huh huh
See boy
You had a keeper
But you didn't know
Shawty you can kiss my swagg
Hello, hello, hello, mwah!
Hello, hello, hello, hello
Everybody riding shotgun, scared to play the driver
Ci, got the pedal to the medal going super lightspeed
They say I'm far to gone, that's right yep, yep
I'm far to gone, these dollars signs, they follow me
Eh-Everywhere that I go
You don't like how I rock my swagg
How ya gonna tell me how to rock my swagg
I'mma wear my SuperGirl swagg
If you don't like it , you can kiss my swagg
You don't like how I rock my swagg
How ya gonna tell me how to rock my swagg
I'mma wear my SuperGirl swagg
If you don't like it , you can kiss my swagg
Pucker up
It'll make you famous ha-hollywood
Pucker up
Just kiss my, just kiss, just kiss kiss my
Pucker up
I can see you feenin', my swagg is waitin'
Pucker up, pucker up, pucker up
Just kiss, just kiss my,
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss, just kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Kiss kiss kiss kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss just kiss my (swag)
Just kiss, just kiss, kiss my (swagg)
I gotta save myself, 'cause I'm just by myself
Keep trynna sit me down, the world is my playground
I'm gonna do me, no matter how you do me
Money is still green, so pay me like you owe me (yup!)
You don't like how I rock my swagg
How ya gonna tell me how to rock my swagg
I'mma wear my SuperGirl swagg
If you don't like it , you can kiss my swagg
You don't like how I rock my swagg
How ya gonna tell me how to rock my swagg
I'mma wear my SuperGirl swagg
If you don't like it , you can kiss my swagg
Pucker up
It'll make you famous ha-hollywood
Pucker up
Just kiss my, just kiss, just kiss kiss my
Pucker up
I can see you feenin', my swagg is waitin'
Pucker up, pucker up, pucker up
Just kiss, just kiss my,
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss, just kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Kiss kiss kiss kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss just kiss my (swag)
Just kiss, just kiss, kiss my (swagg)
It's hard enough trynna keep it up, without fallin' off
You got all the place looking, eh, eh...
When I close my eyes and I shake this lame disguise
Gimme on my toush a kiss
Girl I made you of your one
Pucker up
It'll make you famous ha-hollywood
Pucker up
Just kiss my, just kiss, just kiss kiss my
Pucker up
I can see you feenin', my swagg is waitin'
Pucker up, pucker up, pucker up
Pucker up
It'll make you famous ha-hollywood
Pucker up
Just kiss my, just kiss, just kiss kiss my
Pucker up
I can see you feenin', my swagg is waitin'
Pucker up, pucker up, pucker up
Just kiss, just kiss my,
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss, just kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Kiss kiss kiss kiss my (swagg),
Why don't you just kiss my (swagg) (pucker up)
Just kiss just kiss my (swag)
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Whoa Whoa Whoa!
Say, looky looky. Aw suki suki!
Want dem goody goodies?
Dats my pookie tuki.G
one gurl! Get ya back up off tha wall
Do dat matrix part but don't fall!
Aw naw we ain't neva done it
You want a hit? Stamp SHO' NUFF on it
(Ladies and gentlemen) Pay attention
Ciara's what the game been missin
I aint come here to play wit ya'll
And naw I dont play no ball I just BALLLLL
Dranks for all yall gin gale in it
Put ya cups up! Zin Zale sent it
You may look at me and think that I'm
Just a young girl
but I'm not just a young girl
Baby this is what I'm lookin for:
Sexy, independent down to spend it type that's gettin his
I'm not bein too dramatic that's the way I gotta have it
I bet you want the goodies
Bet you thought about it
Got you all hot and bothered
Maybe cuz I talk about it
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh
Just because you drive a Benz
I'm not goin home wit you
You won't get no nookie or the cookies
I'm no rookie
And still I'm sexy independent
I aint wit it so you already know
I'm not bein too dramatic that's the way I gotta have it
You may feel slick tryna hit
But I'm not dumb I'm not bein too dramatic it's just how I gotta have it
I bet you want the goodies
Bet you thought about it
Got you all hot and bothered
Maybe cuz I talk about it
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh
You way too hot to keep ya goodies on lock
I dont need a locksmith
I got the key to that box
I wanna see you next to me in that drop
Us chillin in Tahiti no shoes no socks
Maybe in Jamaica poppin bottles on the Yacht
Then back in Miami grand hustle no stop
Give it to me cuz you wanna
I aint workin for it
You can keep ya nigga look at me look at me
(You think I'm payin for it?)
You're insuating that I'm hot
But these goodies boy are not
Just for any of the many men that's tryna get on top
No you can't call me layta
And I dont want your numba
I'm not changin stories
Just respect the play I'm callin
I bet you want the goodies
Bet you thought about it
Got you all hot and bothered
Maybe cuz I talk about it
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh
I bet you want the goodies
Bet you thought about it
Got you all hot and bothered
Maybe cuz I talk about it
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh
Ladies and gentlemen
He said, ?Hi, my name is so and so
Baby can you tell me yours?
You look like you came to do
One thing"
(Set it off)
I started on the left
And I had to take him to the right
He was out of breath
But he kept on dancin' all night
You tryin' admit it
But you just can fight the feelin' inside
You know it
And I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as a mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh, uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
Move, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up
I said, ?Ciara's on you radio
Everybody turn it up?
Spicy just like hot sauce
Careful, you might burn it up
You can do the pop lock
Ragtime, don't stop
That's the way you gotta get
Get it, make ya body rock
You tryin' admit it
But you just can beat the feelin' inside
You know it
'Cuz I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as a mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh, uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
Move, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up
Ooh, I love the way you vibe with me
Dance with me forever
We can have a good time, follow me
To the beat together
You and me, one on one
Breakin' it down
You can't walk away now
We got to turn this place out
It's the kid that stay ridin' big
The one, the police tried to catch ridin' dirty
In the club before eleven o'clock
Like I'm tryin' to catch it down kinda early
Look, ya thick her hair brown and curly
She love the way, my ride shinin' pearly
City boys say, she fine a pretty
In the country boys say, she fine and purrty
My pockets thick as green, it's curvy
And the ladies know soon as they see my jewelry
If bein' fresh to death is a crime
I think, it's time for me to see the jury
You know Chamillionaire stay on the grind
A hustla like me is hard to find
I ain't really impressed, yes
Unless it's about some dollar signs
Ain't really no need to call you fine
I know, you be hearin' that all the time
I'm watchin' you do ya step, do ya step
Yep, it's goin', down
Ooh, uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
Move, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up
Ooh, uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
Move, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up
I got to have you, baby
Uh, I feel it
I got to have you, baby
I got to have you, baby
Uh, I feel it
I got to have you, baby
travel all around the world i even
my headin treasure nothing can measure
mama so precious when you're here with me
you make me feel special like a first place gold metal
the winner of my heart
when i looked up in the morning first i think about
you have everything i can do without
oh i wanna see i wanna sing it loud
everything is changed 'cause i'm with you now
for no aparent reason all i do is smile
i don't have a trouble for singing now
i love you
pre chorus:
nothing at all, my heart is yours
and i will be with you wherever you go
travel all around the world
i'll swim swim swim swim swim swim
swim swim to you baby
swim swim swim swim swim swim to your love
swim swim swim swim swim swim to me baby
swim swim swim swim swim swim to my love
you understand me and i understand you
you got to pull up and that's why i'm with you
this morning physical deeper than baking up
for sitting up my heart
and i know that i'm not crazy to feel the way i feel
i know you feel the same way so i'm gonna keep it real
one day i'll have a baby, a big house on the hill
whatever you want on me whatever you want i'll be so to me
pre chorus:
nothing at all, my heart is yours
and i will be with you wherever you go
i run a million miles to you
travel all around the world
i'll swim swim swim swim swim swim
swim swim to you baby
swim swim swim swim swim swim to your love
swim swim swim swim swim swim to me baby
swim swim swim swim swim swim to my love
i'm in love, i try to play it cool
but i can't control myself
there you go, there you go
i love you boy that's my boy
don't care is nothing i won't do for you
'cause don't left me far
i'll get to your heart oh baby i love you
that's my baby
i want you, i love my baby
ah that's my baby i love ya
oh oh baby
[pre chorus:]
nothing at all, my heart is yours
and i will be with you wherever you go
i run a million miles to you
travel all around the world
i'll swim swim swim swim swim swim
swim swim to you baby
swim swim swim swim swim swim to your love
swim swim swim swim swim swim to me baby
So long
Hello, to the new me
The better me
That's right
My Life...
21, and I've realized,
Everything you want's not meant to be.
21 then you qualify,
The standard to responsibilities.
So I tried to prioritize
By deciding what I know is best for me.
And then there's always, love that tries to trip you up.
You try to catch yourself before you hit the ground.
But nothings promised.
Friends are there to cheer you up,
To give you strength and mend you up when you are down.
So I set sail emotion
I say
So long, farewell,
My life's moving forward.
My ship has sailed,
And I'm so glad it's over.
My heart is well,
After all that I've been through
I found myself.
22, I hope that I'm,
With someone who truly cares for me.
If I'm not, I'll be alright,
I'll accept the time i know God has for me.
One day I'll be the perfect wife.
That's what destiny,
And i won't be afraid to try
though is always....
Love that tries to trip you up
But then someone who sweep you off the ground,
But nothings promised.
I'm not gonna give it up
Just because the last one let me down.
So I set sail emotion.
I say
So long, farewell,
My life's moving forward.
My ship has sailed,
And I'm so glad it's over.
My heart is well,
After all that I've been through
I found myself.
I'm looking out for me,
Taking care of my needs.
Life isn't guaranteed,
It's time to start living.
It wont always be the same,
Can't be afraid of change.
You wanna have your way,
Demand till your Satisfied
You lower your self esteem,
You gotta live your dream.
It's all bout confidence,
To let them know that you can stand up.
You never try,
Learn to express you mind.
Sometimes you gotta fight,
It's your life so don't you give up.
I say
So long, farewell,
My life's moving forward.
That ship has sailed,
And I'm so glad it's over.
My heart is well,
After all that I've been through
I found myself.
After all that I've been through
When I listen to the radio I feel like music is so different to what it used to be...
and because of that I was inspired to do something different than that
uh uh uh uh uh uh
baby the way you do me is a damn crime
the way you push into me
i love it so much
i remember all i could hear was
UH UH UH me screaming it
you got me going crazy sexy baby
its about this long and that wide i reamember you squeezing my boobs
uh uh uh uh uh uh
wow im goin craazay baybay
i feel so great
uh uh uh uh uh uh
baby the way you do me is a damn crime
the way you push into me
i love it so much
i remember all i could hear was
UH UH UH me screaming it
I'm used to men approaching me
Tryna talk to me.
Always tryna buy me things
Drinks to diamond rings.
Fast cars, first class to the Philippines
That's a daily thing.
It don't interest me.
Just then it came as a surprise.
When I looked into your eyes.
Never walked up to a guy.
But here I go.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girls ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
So tell me what your name is.
I see you sitting all alone.
Tell me though, if you got a girl at home.
I gotta know,
Is she taking care of you.
Like I would do.
And he said I don't have a girl at home.
But I'm feeling you.
Just then it came as a surprise.
When he looked into my eyes.
Never walked up to a guy.
But here I go.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girls ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
So tell me what your name is.
Tell me what your name what your name
Tell me what your name.
Tell me what your name is.
Tell me what your name what your name
Tell me what your name.
Tell me what your name is.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girl's ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
So tell me what your name is.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girl's ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
So tell me what your name is.
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna make you mine.
Wanna play with you all night.
So tell me what your name is.
And I know I'm acting strange.
Girl's ain't suppose to talk this way.
But I can't let you slip away.
Ladies and gentlemen
Jazze Pha, Field Mob
Ciara, Superstar DJ's
Here we go
They say he do a little this, he do a little that
He always in trouble and I heard
He's nuttin' but a pimp, he's done a lot of chicks
He's always in the club and they say
He think he slick, he's got a lot of chips
He's sellin' them drugs and I heard
He's been locked up, find somebody else
He ain't nuttin' but a thug
So what, so what
So what, so what
Hey hey and they say I'm a slut, I'm a ho, I'm a freak
I got a different girl every day of the week
You're too smart, you'd be a dummy to believe
That stuff that you heard that they say about me
They say that I'm this, they say that I'm that
But all of it's fiction, none of it's fact
But you don't be hearin' it about your lover
You let it go in one ear and out the other
Now he say, she say, they say, I heard
If they fake we can't let it get on our nerves
She miserable, she just want you to be
Like her, misery needs company
So don't listen to that vine of grapes
They're nuttin' but liars hatin'
I bet they wouldn't mind tradin' places
With you by my side in my Mercedes
They say he do a little this, he do a little that
He always in trouble and I heard
He's nuttin' but a pimp, he's done a lot of chicks
He's always in the club and they say
He think he slick, he's got a lot of chips
He's sellin' them drugs and I heard
He's been locked up, find somebody else
He ain't nuttin' but a thug
So what, so what
So what, so what
Mo' money, mo' problems, life of a legend
Haters throw salt like rice at a weddin'
So what, that's your cousin, that don't mean nuthin'
Her like missin' the type of affection
You get, you just blind to the facts
See the lies is just obvious cries for attention
Yield to the blindness to apply your suspicion
But listen, say you love me, gotta trust me
Why you stress this high school mess?
Break up never, they just jealous!
Drama from your mother, mean mug from your brothers
I'm that author of the book, they can judge by the cover
Yes, I been to jail
And yes, I'm grindin' for real
I'm a positive talkin' negative pimp
They hate to see you doin' better than them, so!
They say he do a little this, he do a little that
He always in trouble and I heard
He's nuttin' but a pimp, he's done a lot of chicks
He's always in the club and they say
He think he slick, he's got a lot of chips
He's sellin' them drugs and I heard
He's been locked up, find somebody else
He ain't nuttin' but a thug
So what, so what
So what, so what
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ciara!
Some people don't like it
'Cause you hang out in the streets
But you my boyfriend
You've always been here for me
This love is serious
No matter what people think
I'm gon' be here for ya
And I don't care what they say
Some people don't like it
'Cause you hang out in the streets
But you my boyfriend
You've always been here for me
I love the thug in ya
No matter what people think
I'm gon' be here for ya
And I don't care what they say
He do a little this, he do a little that
He always in trouble and I heard
He's nuttin' but a pimp, he's done a lot of chicks
He's always in the club and they say
He think he slick, he's got a lot of chips
He's sellin' them drugs and I heard
He's been locked up, find somebody else
He ain't nuttin' but a thug
So what, so what
So what, so what
Featuring: Ludacris
Catch me in the mall, you know I buy it out
G5 plane, yeah, I fly it out
Lud's in the back look like Lex in them 28's
And, oh you can't get her if you ain't got plenty cake
ATL Georgia, booties look like this size
23 waist, pretty face, thick thigh
I can do it big, I can do it long
I can do whenever or however you want
I can do it up and down, I can do circles
To him I'm a gymnast, friskin' is my circus
I market it so good, they can't wait to try me
I work it so good, man, these niggas tryna buy me
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride the beat, how I ride the beat, I ride it
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride it
They love the way I ride the beat like a motherfucking freak
And I won't stop, don't stop, get it, get it
I'ma pitch it down the middle, baby, hit it, hit it
I do it to him right, sittin' good
Handle my business like a big girl should
1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4
5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, baby give me more
Pick me up, pick me up, you are my Ducati
All up on your frame, baby, say my name
Show you how to get 'em, show you how to do it
Left hip, right hip, but your back into it
I market it so good, they can't wait to try me
I work it so good, man, these niggas tryna buy me
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride the beat, how I ride the beat, I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
(I love the way you ride the beat, baby)
He love the way I ride the beat like a motherfucking freak
(I love it)
She ride it like a roller coaster
Soon as I get her to the top, she screams
I put her out like a light, she'll be out for the night
Soon as her head hit the pillows, sweet dreams
Wake her up about 30 minutes later
Calling me the Terminator, let's go again
Red zone, I'ma get her first down
Call me Luda true breeze, I throw it in
Touchdown, he scores, Ludacris the MVP
With a rack like that and a back like that, CiCi better CC me
'Cause them legs just keep on going, so I gotta put her to bed
Let the 808 thump, and the beat go bump
'Cause she ride it like a thoroughbred
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride the beat like a motherfucking freak
Oh baby, baby, baby, do you like it up when I'm up?
When I'm down, when I'm down
Oh baby, baby, baby, he can't stand to look away
When I'm whirling this around
Oh baby, baby you like it, let's get up and down
Oh baby, he love it when I twirl this thing around
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride the beat, ride the beat, ride the beat
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride it
He love the way I ride the beat like a motherfucking freak
Catch me in the mall, you know I buy it out
G5 plane, yeah, I fly it out
Lud's in the back look like Lex in them 28's
And, oh you can't get her if you ain't got plenty cake
ATL Georgia, booties look like this size
Featuring: Ciara
Wait a minute motherf**ker !
You gotta twerk a little
it didn't work to me,
now turn back and make a try
Now pick it up, get teasy with me and bundle me to stop
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger, ya you got that nigger
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger I'll show you how to really get you feels right
He might be the one who already know what I'm talking 'bout
Nobody's calling on you, there ain't gonna be any doubt
Showing the way to touch your body
Back it up and trying get it, like it, guarantee them
Hmm, boys keep coming
You gotta twerk a little
It didn't work to me,
now turn back and make a try
Now pick it up, get teasy with me and boundle me to stop
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger, ya you got that nigger
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger I'll show you how to really get you feels right
Don't stop, just get it, get it
Bounce it round, bounce it
Now you got his attention
You know what he wanna see
You're in the mirror looking at him
... look what you can have guaranteed boys
You gotta twerk a little
it didn't work to me,
now turn back and make a try
Now pick it up, get teasy with me and bundle me to stop
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger, ya you got that nigger
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger I'll show you how to really get you feels right
Hey, that's my jam
Oh yeah
Wait all night long
And Dj call for the last song
So, call it all night long
All around the world
And let me show you how to keep the boys coming along
You gotta twerk a little
it didn't work to me,
now turn back and make a try
Now pick it up, get teasy with me and bundle me to stop
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger, ya you got that nigger
Now, you got that nigger, now you got that nigger I'll show you how to really get you feels right
Seems like yesterday we were hanging in the hallway
Waiting for the bell to ring then walk into class late
We had no intentions on paying any attention
Throwing notes across the room, end up in detention
Hiding from the teachers up under the bleachers
First make out experience, before I got experience
Someone's student council, while others fought in bathrooms
Oh what I give to go back to the past, as I...
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's crazy how everything changes
Silly things we used to do, I still remember how it was
'Cause those days were the greatest
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's a shame that everybody changes
Wish everyone I knew could stay the same just like they were
'Cause, change is overrated
It's four or five years later, I'm home, Christmas vacation
Ran into Michelle, head cheerleader, she's three months pregnant
Said our high school quarterback got paralyzed in an accident
He was on his way to the NFL
Whatever happened to Alvala, Victoria and heard she,
Had a breakdown, fall semester second year
I hope she pulls it together and I wish I could help a friend
I wish I could reverse the hands of time, go back again
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's crazy how everything changes
Silly things we used to do, I still remember how it was
'Cause those days were the greatest
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's a shame that everybody changes
Wish everyone I knew could stay the same just like they were
'Cause, change is overrated
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's crazy how everything changes
Silly things we used to do, I still remember how it was
'Cause those days were the greatest
Oh, thinking back to my past, I wouldn't change a thing
I probably do everything exactly the same
Getting the opportunity to live it over again,
I would cherish every moment oh
Back in the days, when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again
Back in the days, when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's crazy how everything changes
Silly things we used to do, I still remember how it was
'Cause those days were the greatest
Flipping through my yearbook pages
Thinkin' it's a shame that everbody changes
Wish everyone I knew could stay the same just like they were
'Cause, change is overrated
Change is overrated, don't feel the same and
If I could go back, I'd probably do it all the same
Woo waah ooh ooh waah oh uhh ooh waah oh
Change is overrated, don't feel the same and
If I could go back again, I'd do it all the same
This is where they stay crunk, throw it up, dubs on tha Caddillac
White tees, Nikes, gangstas dont know how to act
Adamsville, Bankhead, College Park, Carver Homes
Hummers floatin on chrome
Chokin' on that home-grown
They got that southern cookin'
They got them fellas lookin'
Thinkin' I was easy I can see it
That's when I say no, what fo'?
Shawty can't handle this
Ciara got that fire like
Oh, 'round here we ridin' slow
We keep it ghetto, you should know
Gettin' crunk off in tha club we gets low, oh
Oh (oh), all my ladies to tha flo'
Handle it ladies back it up
Gettin crunk up in tha club we gets low, oh
Buddy take a new whip, paint strip, into a bowlin' ball
Still smoke hundred spokes, wood-grain armor-all
Light-skinned thick chicks, fellas call 'em redbones
Close cuts, braids, long, gangstas love 'em all
They got that southern cookin'
They got them fellas lookin'
Wishin' I was easy I can see it
That's when I say no, what fo'?
Shawty can't handle this
Ciara got that fire like
Oh, 'round here we ridin' slow
We keep it ghetto, you should know
Gettin' crunk off in tha club we gets low, oh
Oh (oh), all my ladies to tha flo'
Handle it ladies back it up
Gettin crunk up in tha club we gets low, oh
Southern-style, get wild, old skools comin’ down in a different color whip (whip, whip)
Picture perfect, you might wanna take a flick flick flick flick flick
Call up Jazze tell him pop up the bottles cuz we got another hit (hit, hit)
Wanna go platinum? Im who you should get get get get get
Ludacris on tha track, get back trick, switch on tha ‘Lac, Im flexin still
Same price every time, hot song, jumped on cuz Ciara got sex appeal
And I keep the meanest, cleanest, baddest, spinnin on stainless wheels
Could care less about your genus, I bump ya status, I keep the stainless steel
Trunk-rattlin’ what’s happenin’, huh?
I don’t even think I need to speed
Bass-travelin’, face-crackilin’ huh?
Turn it up and make the speakers bleed
Dirty south we ballin’ dawg
And neva think about fallin dawg
Ghetto harmonizing, surprising, run it back cuz tha song is called
Oh, 'round here we ridin' slow
We keep it ghetto, you should know
Gettin' crunk off in tha club we gets low, oh
Oh (oh), all my ladies to tha flo'
Handle it ladies back it up
1, 2, 3 Go...
Here we go, talk to 'em...
Ya touch is so magic to me
Strangest things can happen
The way that you react to me
I wanna do something you can't imagine
Imagine, if it was a million me's talking sexy to ya like that
Ya think ya can handle, boy if I give you my squeeze
And I need you to push it right back
Baby show me, show me,
What's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I'll volunteer...
And I'll be flowing, and going to go the distant place
with nothing but shoes on me
Ohh baby...
[Ciara & Justin Timberlake]
All night showing, just you in the crowd
Doin' tricks you never seen...
And I bet that I can make ya believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
[Justin Timberlake]
Everything ain't what it seems
I wave my hands and I got you
And ya feel so fly, assistantin' me
But now is my turn to watch you
I ain't gonna stop you
If ya wanna grab my neck, talk sexy to me like that
Just do what I taught you, girl when I give you my heat
And I need you to push it right back
Baby show me, show me,
What's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I'll volunteer...
And I'll be flowing, and going to go the distant place
with nothing but shoes on me
Ohh baby...
[Ciara & Justin Timberlake]
All night showing, just you in the crowd
Doin' tricks you never seen...
And I bet that I can make ya believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
This is the part where we fall in love (Ohh, suga...)
Let's slow it down, so we fall in love (Ohh...)
But don't stop when you give it to me
All night showing, just you in the crowd
Doin' tricks you never seen...
And I bet that I can make ya believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
(You know what I mean)
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
All night showing, just you in the crowd
Doin' tricks you never seen...
And I bet that I can make ya believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
(You know what I mean)
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
Uh, uh, uh...
Yeah, I see you on the floor
Get it girl
Love, sex and magic
I see you on the floor
You know what I mean
Get it girl
I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic, ow!
I See you on the floor
Listen, if he don't love you by now
He ain't gon' never love you, let's go
Throw yo' hands up in the air if you know he love ya
Tell the DJ play this song right here if you know he love ya
L-l-let me see you 2 step if you know he love ya
It don't matter if you by yourself if you know he love ya
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
I know you think that I just be tripping on ya boy you see
This ain't how I normally be but I can't help this jealousy
Ooh, it's taking over me, ooh, I'm falling way too deep
Without you by my side I feel like I can't eat or sleep
But I gotta come down to earth, I don't wanna
But I gotta let you go, but baby I don't wanna
And I, I gotta see that you and me ain't meant to be
That's why I tell myself
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
I can't help but fantasize, wondering what it might be like
You and I sound so right but I'ma let it go tonight
Ain't nothing covering my eyes, ain't gonna see it more than twice
I get it, I got it, baby, baby
But I gotta come down to earth, I don't wanna
But I gotta let you go, but baby I don't wanna
And I, I gotta see that you and me ain't meant to be
That's why I tell myself
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
Girl, you gotta listen
Alright, alright, alright, okay, I see your point, I must admit
I grind, I grind, I grind all day, this paper's what I'm tryna get
Now normally when I'm paper chasing, I be having tunnel vision
And if it's really like that lady, just turn on ya television
And there go Young, I said there go Young
You tryna get it did, just know I gets it done
She love the way I cheat, she love the way I move
I sh-I show it to her, shows about 100 good
Blacks this, black that, black car, black flags
I really hope that's money that y'all got off in them black bags
808's and heartbreaks, states who puts in interstates
Giving me a bad vibe, guess I'm just a bad guy, ay
Throw yo' hands up in the air if you know he love ya
Tell the DJ play this song right here if you know he love ya
L-l-let me see you 2 step if you know he love ya
It don't matter if you're by yourself if you know he love ya
If you know he love you
Let me see you 2 step if you know he love ya
Don't matter if you're by yourself if you know he love ya
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
head back eyes close
deep breath let it go
bare with me i'll take good care
i'm an expert other girls just can't compare
i'm highly recommended
don't need a second opinion
you'll be all better baby once i'm finished
so be a good patient be patient
stay under my observation
and holla back in the morning
i know you never had a girl quite like me (uh) me (uh) me (uh) meee
i take a hot boy(oy) and give him cold feet (uh) feet (uh) feet
when it comes to love i'm like a surgeon i'ma true techtician
i'ma make your body better when we get in the right position
I'm like a surgeon i'ma make yo body jump
everytime my body pumps (uh huh uh huh)
I'm like a surgeon until yo reflexs leave your knees
my Loves like anesthesia I'll rock you fast to sleep
I'm like a surgeon ooh yes i'm fully qualified
lay yo head back on that pillow and relax yo mind
check check calling patient patient patient number one
make sure that you sign out sign out out when your done
make sure you grab a sucker on the way and out the door
and make your next appointment and come back and get some more
now that you learned
you'll be so glad you returned
open up yo mouth
let me check you out
my ears will be your stethoscope
we'll fill your vidal signs
make sure your heart beats like mine
i appreciate your recovery time
but you need a physical one more time
head to feet baby your just fine
your my best patient and you never have to wait in line (nooooooo)
i know you never had a girl like C (UH) C (UH) me(UH) me(UH) MEEE
i take a hot boy (oy) and give him cold feet(UH) feet(UH) feet
when it comes to love i'm like a surgeon i'ma true techtician
i'ma make your body better when we get in the right position
I'm like a surgeon i'ma make yo body jump
everytime my body pumps (uh huh uh huh)
I'm like a surgeon until yo reflexs leave your knees
my Loves like anesthesia I'll rock you fast to sleep
I'm like a surgeon ooh yes i'm fully quailified
lay yo head back on that pillow and relax yo mind
check check calling patient patient patient number one
make sure that you sign out sign out out when your done
make sure you grab a sucker on the way and out the door
and make your next appointment and come back and get some more
that's it baby you can count on C give you everything you need
C I A R A, come on
Pull up your pants, just like him
Take out the trash, just like him
Getting your cash like him, fast like him
Girl you wanna act like he did
I?m talking 'bout, security codes on everything
On vibrate so your phone don?t ever ring
A foreign account
And another one he don?t know about
Wish we could switch up the roles and I could be that
Tell you I love you but when you call, I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me, like 'Where you be at?'
'Cuz I?m out, four in the morning on the corner rolling doing my own thing
What if I had a thing on the side, made you cry
Would the rules change up or would they still apply
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Girl go ahead and be just like him
Go run the streets just like him
Go home missin' sleep like 'em, creep like 'em
Front wit' you friends, act hard when you with them like him
Keep a straight face when you tell a lie
Always keep an air tight alibi
Keep it hid in the dark
What he don?t know won?t break his heart
Wish we could switch up the roles and I could be that
Tell you I love you but when you call, I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me, like 'Where you be at?'
'Cuz I?m out, four in the morning on the corner rolling doing my own thing
What if I had a thing on the side, made you cry
Would the rules change up or would they still apply
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
If I was always gone, hit the sun getting home
Told you I was with my crew when I knew it wasn?t true
If I act like you, walked a mile off in your shoes
Messing with your head again, dose of your own medicine
What if I had a thing on the side, made you cry
Would the rules change up or would they still apply
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
Can?t be getting mad, but you mad, can?t handle that?
R A go
Here?s the clutch
If I paged you, would you like that?
Had friends, would you like that?
With a car, would you like that?
Hell nah, you wouldn?t like that, no
What if I made you cry, would they still apply?
What if I, if I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy
Can?t handle that?
(Intro - T.I.) Ay, ay, ay! Now listen to me for a minute. Ay, ay, ay! Can ya hear me? (Ciara) Yeah, yeah, ye-ah! La-la-la-la-la-la-la! Ha ha ha, yeah, ye-ah! La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ye-ah!
(Verse 1 - T.I.) I know what you be thinkin' when ya hear me tryna holla, I'm a baller! You don't wanna come near me. I know ya hear me, but you really ain't tryna be bothered. Cause you probably used to leavin' out the club gettin' followed. But listen, shawty, I ain't nothin' like a stalker. If I say then I mean it, I ain't just a sweet talker. I know I want a woman 'fore i ever try to call her. I know ya first mind tell ya to decline, but you oughta. Come and chill for a minute, take a load off. Know ya heard rumors, playin' hoes, them throw it off! If ya choose to listen to them then it yo loss. But what you wanna do let me know, 'fore I roll off. I know ya havin' second thoughts, it ain't yo fault. Just don't let the bling scare ya off, I'm a sure floss. But I keep my business to myself, let the hoes talk. Kick it wit da King, be the Queen, yup, at no cost.
(Chorus - Ciara) I'll be your Queen, for a day. baby we can get away (maybe we can get away). I can do anythin u wanna do (yeah), any time just pick its place. I'll be your Queen, for a day. Maybe you won't have to chase (baby). If ya really want me to be the one, all ya gotta do is say, "Be My Queen!"
(Verese 2 - T.I.) Come and hang wit me, shawty, I can change ya life! Not a lil bit, look I'm talkin' major! Like first class flights, not firt class seats. Got a "Go-G Phone" if ya commin' wit me. I put you in position bra, we beyond the ol' beach. Hoppin' in the cool cars, right in front of the suite. Tell the driver to drop us off in front of the beach. Set up a table in the sand, fix us somethin' to eat. You'll be surprised whatcha learn sit and talkin' to me. How the moon and the stars glisten off of the sea. You've hardly ever seen only one woman it me, and if ya did then she probably mean something to me. I know you know I toll blocks, and I come from the street. Now, I done grown up a lot, sinceI was runnin' the streets. And even if that don't change ya opinion in me, aren't ya glad you got the chance to come and kick it with me, right?
(Chorus - Ciara) I'll be your Queen, for a day. baby we can get away (maybe we can get away). I can do anythin u wanna do (yeah), any time just pick its place. I'll be your Queen, for a day. Maybe you won't have to chase (baby). If ya really want me to be the one, all ya gotta do is say, "Be My Queen!"
(Verse 3 - T.I.) I know ya had a chance to listen to the rest flirt, for you give on up its all come and try the best first. I can give it to ya slow, i can make the sex hurt. Ooh, but no pressure, we ain't gotta have sex first. I know you wanna note on this, some nutural respect first. But before we go kick it if ya wanna clear ya head first. We can blow on the first bloat, 'till it make ya chest hurt. Take a couple shots, shot the top of the wet vert. Call up ya homegirl, we can go and get her! if she love a good time then tonight might impress her (ha ha). Squeeze in ya tight skirt, match wit ya best purse. I can show ya both how to ball im an expert.
Ladies and gentlemen!
He said
'Hi, my name is so and so
Baby can you tell me yours?
You look like you came to do
One thing (Set it off)'
I started on the left
And I had to take him to the right
He was out of breath
But he kept on dancin' all night
You trying, admit it
But you just can fight the feeling inside
You know it
And I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as a mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
I said 'Ciara's on your radio,
Everybody turn it up'
Spicy just like hot sauce
Careful, you might burn it up
You can do the pop lock
Rag-top, don't stop
That's the way you gotta get
Get it, make ya body rock
You trying, admit it
But you just can beat the feeling inside
You know it
Cuz I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as a mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
Ooh, I love the way you vibe with me
Dance with me forever
We can have a good time, follow me
To the beat together
You and me, one on one
Breakin' it down
You can't walk away now
We got to turn this place out
It's the kid that stay ridin' big
The one the police tried to catch ridin' dirty
In the club before eleven o'clock
Like I'm trying to catch a dime kinda early
Lookin' thick her hair brown and curly
She love the way my ride shining pearly
City boys say she fine a pretty
In the country boys say she fine and 'purrty'
My pockets thick as green, it's curvy
And the ladies know soon as they see my jewelry
If bein' fresh to death is a crime
I think it's time for me to see the jury
They know Chamillionaire stay on the grind
A hustla like me is hard to find
I ain't really impressed, yes
Unless it's about some dollar signs
Ain't really no need to call you fine
I know you be hearin' that all the time
I'm watchin' you do ya step, do ya step
Yep it's going down
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, somebody ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
I got to have you baby
Uh, I feel it
I got to have you baby
I got to have you baby
Uh, I feel it
Feat. Chris Brown
Ahh, yeah,
Didn't thin you'd expect
This one right?
C Breezy
Excuse me Mr. DJ
You need to turn it up
This song is fire
I'm about to burn it up
You ready, I'm ready
Go right to the left
If you get tired
You fired
So stay on track
Imma holla back
I'm too beautiful to be alone
Take me to a place
That only we know
Wats the deal bout
What ya lookin for
Know what ya need
Baby come on
Be my DJ kinght
Won't ya come n save my life
You turn me on (on)
Me on (on)
Me on (on)
But ya need a raw record
With somethin unexpected
To keep me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
I want you to
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Runnin' back I put you in a trance
Spinnin' like I record
I'm in your hands
My selection makes you wanna dance yeah
Before ya leave I have one request
Be my DJ kinght
Won't ya come n save my life
You turn me on (on)
Me on (on)
Me on (on)
But ya need a raw record
With somethin unexpected
To keep me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
I want you to
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Don't know why they tryin for
They can't keep me off the floor
Coz you keep me wantin more
Don't Stop what you're doin
Coz I don't know why they tryin for
They can't keep me off the floor
Coz you keep me wantin more
Don't stop what you're doin
Be my DJ kinght
Won't ya come n save my life
You turn me on (on)
Me on (on)
Me on (on)
But ya need a raw record
With somethin unexpected
To keep me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
I want you to
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Ha, c'mon
Now turn 'em on me baby
Why don't cha turn em on me baby
Be my DJ kinght
Won't ya come n save my life
You turn me on (on)
Me on (on)
Me on (on)
But ya need a raw record
With somethin unexpected
To keep me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
Me goin (goin)
I want you to
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
Turn the tables on me
Turn the tables
Turn the tables
You changed the game
I like your thug style
Hey you its me turn the music down
So you can hear my invitation
La la la.. la la-la la-la la la… la la
Now what I want u to do is come through the crib right now
Without hesitation
La la la.. la la-la la-la la la… la la
So don’t ask me what I want
Cuz I want u to hurry up
And get over here to see me
Act just like u need me
Hurry hurry hurry
Got ten minutes
Tick tock
Where u at
Looking at my clock its about that time
Knock knock
There u is
I’ve been waiting on u for a long long time
Baby don’t stop stop
I don’t mind if u make me hot hot
Cuz imma keep your love on lock lock
Lock ooh ohh yeah
U changed the game
I like your thug style
When im around u
U always make me smile
Make me so excited
Come on don’t deny me
Oohh let's take our time
Oohh lets do it right
U changed the game I like your thug style
Now my parents are gone
I know you can't believe its me who needed to see u
La la la.. la la-la la-la la la… la la
Nobodys home we can kick it all night
I no that u don’t have a curfew
La la la.. la la-la la-la la la… la la
Now don’t move too fast
But don’t move too slow
Baby catch the rhythm that im giving u
Ooh I love the rhythm
I’m feelin u
The thug in you
that’s got me wantin u like I do
Baby now I cant wait for your love
I anticipate ooh
Baby just tell your friends that you wont be with them tonight
This yo girl ciara wit young weezy
See this is how it goes...
I am the girl
that rides around in 28
I'm from ATL me and my boo bow-weezy
We soon going to be getting married
But let me flip it over to ya boy lil weezy
Weezy- Ima fireman Ima soldier and lova
Im the type to keep you fresh to death
I like to ryme i'll take ya to the new orleans and have a good time
me and the beautiful ciara
Chorus- thius is the girl
that you know
and if you mess wit me
The 1st day I began walkin was the 1st day I began dancin...
The clothest thing in any dance lessons for me was streetdancing...
Once Ive learnd the basics, I tried to take it to a whole 'nother level,
and I can still sayin from myself evlovin...
[Lil Jon]
Let's go
Right about now
We need all the ladies to report to the dance floor
Now I only got one thing to say
If you didn't come to party, then you can get the hell out of here
I'ma dirty dance for ya, I'ma shake my ass for ya
I'ma drop my pants when you get up on da dance floor
I'ma dirty dance on ya, when I get my hands on ya
Shawdy, I can prance when you get up on da dance floor
Oh, I turn you on showin' you my thong
You can't believe all this ass is me
Know what you savor, thirty-one flavors
I'm gonna shake and turn out this party, oooooh
Now we got ourselves a party, oooooh
So come on now everybody
We're dirty dancing, fuck that romancin'
Come hit the dance floor, it's ready with me
All my ladies, if you got a big butt go head throw yo hands up
All my ladies, if you don't give a fuck and you're ready to cut
And say
[Ciara: chorus]
I'ma dirty dance for ya, I'ma shake my ass for ya
I'ma drop my pants when you get up on da dance floor
I'ma dirty dance on ya, when I get my hands on ya
Shawdy, I can prance when you get up on da dance floor
I'm gonna turn you out, you come drop your mouth
I'm sending this ass on a shakin' spree
You wanna touch it, might let you rub it
Like you can hang with a freak like me, oooooh
Now it's time to light the candles, oooooh
And the powers I enbrake up
Everyone's sippin', nobody's trippin'
Everyone's dirty dancin' with me
I'ma dirty dance for ya, I'ma shake my ass for ya
I'ma drop my pants when you get up on da dance floor
I'ma dirty dance on ya, when I get my hands on ya
Shawdy, I can prance when you get up on da dance floor
[Lil Jon]
Yeah, okay ladies it's time to take this thing to another level
I need for you to look around in the club, look for a thug
We're gonna turn it out,a little something like this
All my single ladies, go head grab you a thug, show that nigga some love
All my sexy ladies, if you horny right now, go head break that shit down
And say
I'ma dirty dance for ya, I'ma shake my ass for ya
I'ma drop my pants when you get up on da dance floor
I'ma dirty dance on ya, when I get my hands on ya
Shawdy, I can prance when you get up on da dance floor
Ladies and Gentlemen
(Ladies and Gentlemen, ooh wee)
This is a Jazze Phizzle Product Shizzle
(Jazze Phizzle)
The princess is here
(Ooh wee)
(She's here)
(This beat is)
Automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funky fresh
Work my body, so melodic this beat flows right through my chest
Everybody, ma and papi came to party, grab somebody
Work your body, work your body, let me see you 1, 2 step
(Here we go)
Rock it, don't stop it
Everybody get on the floor
Crank the party up
We about to get it on
Let me see ya, 1, 2 step
I love it when ya, 1, 2 step
Everybody, 1, 2 step
We about to get it on
(This beat is)
Outrageous, so contagious, make you crave it
(Jazze made it)
So retarded, top-charted, ever since the day I started
Strut my stuff and yes I flaunt it, goodies make the boys jump on it
No, I can't control myself, now let me do my 1, 2 step
(Come on)
Rock it, don't stop it
Everybody get on the floor
Crank the party up
We about to get it on
Let me see ya, 1, 2 step
I love it when ya, 1, 2 step
Everybody, 1, 2 step
We about to get it on
We gon' drop the beat like this, ooh wee
It don't matter to me, we can dance slow
(Ladies and Gentlemen)
Which ever way the beat drop, our bodies will go
(I like this)
So swing it over here, Mr. DJ
(Hey, hey)
And we will, we will rock you
(Oh yeah)
It don't matter to me, we can dance slow
(Dance slow)
Which ever way the beat drop, our bodies will go
(Yeah, yeah)
So swing over here, Mr. DJ
(Ladies and Gentlemen)
And we will, we will rock you
I shake it like jello, make the boys say hello
'Cause they know I'm rockin' the beat
I know you heard about a lot of great MC's
But they ain't got nothing on me
Because I'm 5 foot 2, I wanna dance with you
And I'm sophisticated fun
I eat fillet mignon and I'm nice and young
Best believe I'm number one
Rock it, don't stop it
Everybody get on the floor
Crank the party up
We about to get it on
(Come on)
Let me see ya, 1, 2 step
I love it when ya, 1, 2 step
Everybody, 1, 2 step
We about to get it on
Rock it, don't stop it
Everybody get on the floor
Crank the party up
We about to get it on
Let me see ya, 1, 2 step
I love it when ya, 1, 2 step
Everybody, 1, 2 step
We about to get it on
This is for the hearing impaired
A Jazze Pha production
(Ooh wee)
(Ooh wee)
The past four years in my life have truly been a journey...
So many things about me have changed, my faith is stronger,
I'm much more confident, shook, my jeans feel a lil' different,
A lot of life lessons learned, but no regrets, because I know,
Come enjoy the life, baby, take a ride
I just wanna find you, you
Baby you and I can have a good time
Tell me what you like ooh, ooh
Now listen, I've been single for a while now
And I been kinda lonely
I've been looking for somebody to talk to, love me
Someone who can hold me, is that you?
I'm looking for somebody I can call boo
Looking for the only one that I can give my all to
Tell me if it's you, you, you
What you wanna do, do, do? Make ya move
You can be my teacher I'll do homework
You can give me extra credit baby I'll do more work
What you wanna do, do, do?
Now it's me and you, you, you
The mood
The mood is so right, how it feels so right
You can be my prince, my knight
You can be my Superman, save me here I am
'Cause baby, there's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
There's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
You and me together, picture perfect
I'll spend all my money, all the time because you're worth it
It's just me and you, you, you
What you wanna do, do, do?
Make ya move
Call me momma, spoil you like a baby
Thinking 'bout you, dreaming 'bout you got me goin' crazy
What you gonna do, do, do?
Now it's me and you, you, you
The mood
The mood is so right, how it feels so right
You can be my prince, my knight
You can be my Superman, save me here I am
Baby, there's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
There's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
Oh! I mean everything that I say
From the bottom of my heart
I would never, never ever hurt you
I open my heart
Open my heart, give it to you
Tell the whole world that I'm in love with you
Whatever you want, baby I'll do
I know I don't want nobody else but you
There's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
There's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my all to you
(I will give my all to you my baby boo my love is true, oh!)
I promise that I will never lie to you, boy
Come on boy and join me I'll be waitin', waitin', waitin' for you
You can be my homie I'll be waitin', waitin', waitin' for you
Baby, come and hold me I'll be waitin', waitin', waitin' for you
Lookin' for my one and only, you can be my one and only
You know, it’s been a while since I felt like this
The last time was high school
But this feeling I think he’s so cute
I want to tell him so bad-but I can’t
Yeah I got one really bad
This is how he makes me feel
He puts the beat in my heart
Every time I see him, thoughts are getting deeper
And I knew from the start yeah, from the “Hi” and “Nice to meet ya”
I was blinded by he’s features.
Girls said “You’re wrong”, but I said la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la, la, la
She said “Ci your in love”, but I said na, a, a, a, a-na, a, a, a, a
C is for your confidence-Boy I love the cool in you
R is for rumors they make-I wish that they were true
U, you put a smile on my face - you're unforgettable
S is for your sexiness
H I gotta have it
I gotta crush on you-I love me some you
A big crush on you-I love me some you
A big crush
He knows the right ways to say hey
I can’t help but pay attention to everything he says
He says he has fun with me
It’s been a while since he could do this, tell me what does it mean?
My girls say “you’re gone”-but I said la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la, la, la
They say “Ci your in love”-but I say na, a, a, a, a-na, a, a, a, a
C is for your confidence-Boy I love the cool in you
R is for rumors they make-I wish that they were true
U, you put a smile on my face - you're unforgettable
S is for your sexiness
H I gotta have it
I gotta crush on you-I love me some you
A big crush on you-I love me some you
A big crush
I can’t control how I’m feeling inside-I’m off the meter
He’s always on my mind-been a while since I felt this way-ay-ay
I don’t know what to say-ay-ay, when I see him
I get the chills when I look in his eyes-he’s so beautiful
He’s everything and more-when I see him every day
Hoping he feels the same, am, am-he’s a keeper
C is for your confidence-Boy I love the cool in you
R is for rumors they make-I wish that they were true
U, you put a smile on my face - you're unforgettable
S is for your sexiness
H I gotta have it
I gotta crush on you-I love me some you
A big crush on you-I love me some you
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
C.I.A.R.A. (I.A.R.)
C.I.A.R.A. (I.A.R.)
C.I.A.R.A. (I.A.R.)
C.I.A.R.A. (I.A.R.)
I feel it, it’s in me tonight
I see this tonight, I’m pulling up
I see him, he’s walking out
He gives me the eye, and he’s a thug
What’s the deal, I’m 21
I'm legal hey, now I'm free to run
That’s the one I meet this morning
Pulling me to the floor wanna get to know me
I’m ready to have fun-lets bang the thing up
But you gotta be prepared to get your weight up
See I’m at the train since I came up
In the ATL is where it came from
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
I’m full grown you can go tear it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
Last one I had on the floor couldn’t do enough (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Don’t talk about it boy be about it
If you got it we can see about it shorty what’s up
Wait a minute, no he didn’t
Ya’ll the DJ tried to slow it up
Oh my bad, he didn’t
All he did was (erra) switched it up
See that, now you see that
Cause this burn up will start acting up
Ya’ll might let me start showing my signs
Ain’t nobody here seen my fun
I’m ready to have fun-lets bang the thing up
But you gotta be prepared to get your weight up
See I’m at the train since I came up
In the ATL is where it came from
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
I’m full grown you can go tear it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
Last one I had on the floor couldn’t do enough (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Don’t talk about it boy be about it
If you got it we can see about it shorty what’s up
Listen don’t lie to me boy
Acting like you are-never seen me before
You like it-you know it don’t ya
They said you wanna know-what was taking me so long
Since you’ve been so patient-you’ve got the right to…
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
I’m full grown you can go tear it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
Last one I had on the floor couldn’t do enough (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Don’t talk about it boy be about it
If you got it we can see about it shorty what’s up
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
I’m full grown you can go tear it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up
Last one I had on the floor couldn’t do enough (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Bang it up boy gon’ bang it up (bang it up)
Don’t talk about it boy be about it
If you got it we can see about it shorty what’s up
Been on the floor
Ci at the door
We know you want it
Ci getting on it
Bang it up, bang it up, bang it up
Bang it up, bang it up, bang it up
Bang it up, bang it up, bang it up
Bang it up, bang it up, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang, bang-bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
It's serious
I don't care if you're in your car
I don't care if you're on the dance floor
And it don't matter who you are, it takes you over
It's crazy, what could you be doing?
Tell how, come you're not moving?
Energy, let the music get you high
It moves you when you see the flashing lights
It feels so good I can't control my waist
I can't control my hips, it makes me want to break
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
I bet you're curious
How I pop so hard and make my back break
It's in the beat, why aren't you hearing this?
Hit me so hard you feel the big bass
It's crazy what could you be doing
Tell how come you're not moving
Energy, let the music get you high
It moves you when you see the flashing lights
It feels so good I can't control my waist
I can't control my hips, it makes me want to break
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
I'm lookin' for my lover, someone I can call my dream
And like a brother also treats me like a best friend
He ain't got another, 'cause I'm the only one for him
Feels like magic when we're holding hands
He touch my heart
It makes me move
He makes it pop
And makes me groove
It's crazy, what could you be doing?
Tell how, come you're not moving?
Energy, let the music get you high
It moves you when you see the flashing lights
It feels so good I can't control my waist
I can't control my hips, it makes me want to break
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
I'm lookin' for my lover, someone I can call my dream
And like a brother also treats me like a best friend
He ain't got another, 'cause I'm the only one for him
Feels like magic when we're holding hands
He touch my heart
It makes me move
He makes it pop
And makes me groove
It's crazy, what could you be doing?
Tell how, come you're not moving?
Energy, let the music get you high
It moves you when you see the flashing lights
It feels so good I can't control my waist
I can't control my hips, it makes me want to break
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
And therefore I proceed to break it down
It feels so good I can't control my waist
I can't control my hips, it makes me want to break
And therefore I proceed to break it down
{Your call is been forwarded
To an automatic voice message system}
Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh
Where you at boy?
Where you at boy?
{At the tone, please record your message}
(I've been callin' you all night long)
And I'm becomin' best friends with the dial tone
('Cause you not pickin' up the phone)
I called ya cell and ya home
And still I sit here alone
Boy you got me wonderin'
Where you at, where you goin' and where you been ?
Here I go again, dialin' your number
Thinkin' how you just won't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
Pick up
I know you see me on your caller ID
So pick up the P H O N E
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
Aee, yeah, yeah, yeah
I said, “You know it would be nice
(That's right)
If you could call somebody
(Call somebody)
And let somebody know that you alright"
(Let me know)
(You know ya, dead wrong)
Yes, you are
For sendin' me straight to voice mail
('Cause if it was my fault)
And if I did the same you'd be raisin' all kind of hell
(Ooh, ooh)
Called the second time it go
(Prr, pu)
Like you on the other line
Run game on a rookie
'Cause I'm too sharp for that
Why don't you pick up the phone?
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
(Pick up)
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
(Pick up)
Pick up the phone
Pick up
I know you see me on your caller ID
(Oh yeah)
So pick up the P H O N E
(Pick it up now)
Pick up the phone boy
(Pick it up now)
Pick up the phone
Aee, yeah, yeah, yeah
I said, “You know it would be nice
If you could call somebody
And let somebody know that you are alright"
Hoo, hoo
Hey now, don't act that
I know you got my message, boy
Call me back
(Call me back )
Hey now, don't act wrong
(Come on)
Be a real G and pick up the phone
(Pick up the phone )
I said, “Hey now, don't act that
I know you got my message, boy
Call me back
Hey now, don't act wrong
Be a real G and pick up the phone"
(Time again to keep you right here)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Hey now, don't act that
(Hey, hey, hey)
I know you got my message, boy
Call me back
(Ho, ho)
Hey now, don't act wrong
(Would you?)
Be a real G and pick up the phone
(Pick up the phone)
I said, “Hey now, don't act that
(I'm all alone)
I know you got my message, boy
Call me back
(Ho, ho)
Hey now, don't act wrong
(Pick up the phone )
Be a real G and pick up the phone"
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone boy
(Please pick up the phone)
Pick up the phone
Pick up
I know you see me on your caller ID
So pick up the P H O N E
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
Aee, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Aee, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
(If you could call somebody)
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
(Let somebody know)
Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
(That you are alright, tonight)
Pick up the phone boy
Pick up the phone
I give a little lesson and sex education
You know I can't working like that
I got working overtime and no time for waisting
(feat. The-Dream)
I just wish I had extra, extra everything
Trick, we did it again
Now I, I just wanna be wherever you are
And I will love you baby sun or rain
And I just wanna let you know that I will always be down
Boy I, I, I, I just wanna make you feel good
And I just wanna love you like you deserve
You'll never ever need for another girl
I'd need extra day on the week
An extra hour on the clock
Just to show you how beautiful you are
You're so good to me boy
You're so good to me
Yeah I'd need an extra month on the year
One extra holiday just to kiss you all over your face
You're so good to me boy
You're so good to me
You got me
I'm speechless
I'm speechless
Ahw, you got me speechless
I-I-I-I'm speechless I-I'm
What do I do baby
I just wanna pay to get your house fixed
Just wanna be the one that get your nails did
Just keep your money baby
I'll pay all the rent
Yeah, yeah, yeah
See I understand and I know you've been on your feet all day (yeah)
You need a man that when you reach for your money he say
Put that shit away (yeah)
You need a break baby (yeah) and I'm you break baby (yeah)
If love could talk, it would say you deserve it all
I'd need extra day on the week
An extra hour on the clock
Just to show you how beautiful you are
You're so good to me boy
You're so good to me
Yeah I'd need an extra month on the year
One extra holiday just to kiss you all over your face
You're so good to me
You're so good to me
You got me
I'm speechless
I-I-I'm speechless
Ahw, you got me speechless
I-I-I-I'm speechless
I'm speechless
I'm speechless
I-I-I'm speechless
Ahw, you got me speechless
I-I-I-I'm speechless
What do I do
See I'm thankful for every time you wash my clothes
Could have been anywhere in the world
But instead you right here on the road with me
I can't count every bill that you pay
And I can't forget when I didn't have it and you said
Baby, it's okay okay
It'll take forever to pay you back the love you gave
An extra day on my week
An extra hour on the clock
Just to show you how beautiful you are
Girl you're so good to me
Boy you're so good to me
I'd need an extra month on the year
One extra holiday just to kiss you all over your face
So good to me, you've been so good to me
Everytime I look up
He be slidin' through in the F150 pickup
On them things shinin' with the crazy bangin' system
Laid back reclinin' with his arm up out the window like OOH
Everytime he calls I pick up
When he doesn't I be quick to double check my signal
Hold it out the window and pull up my antenna
Im so gone gotta hit em, Im infatuated wit em
And ooh I never felt this before
Ooh Ooh Baby
Ooh Ooh Baby
Dont know what to do wit chu baby
You just got me actin' so crazy
And I think this could be love
This could be love
Ooh Ooh Baby
Ooh Ooh Baby
I just cant say no to you baby
Whateva you want Im so gone I cant think
And I think it might be love
This could be love
Say baby you're like
Part of the puzzle I been missin' all of my life
You're like a brother but my lover you my get right
Im like an addict gotta have it
When I go my body goes UH OH, OH NO
See you give me such a good vibe
When the drama sittin' ridin' on the B ride
I'll still be wit ya even if ya pockets aint tight
I may be young but I know love and you're the one
And boy you really got me feelin' so right
Ooh Ooh Baby
Ooh Baby Baby
Got me actin' up
Im diggin' on you
I dont know what to do
Ooh Baby
Ooh Baby Baby
Got me actin' up
Dont know what to do, you got me so in love
Cause Im diggn' on you
Verse 1
You got that budda love, that kinda love to make me
fall in love again
Pour it in a Bottle Baby, I cant get enough of it.
Addicted to this Cronic , got me floating high up in
the sky, sky
In the Cronic then I close my eyes & Im in love with
Now we're on to something, baby tell me what you wanna
First I was reluctant, til you touched me then I gave
it a try, try
Love me, early in the morning
Make me feel so special, every time, time
Love me, early in the morning
Make me feel so special, look in my eyes, eyes
Chorus : x2
Baby Im warning you
You gon' make me fall hard for you
And when I fall hard for you
Imma give this love to you
Imma make it go, (Up and Down)
Cause you make me go , (Up and Down)
Imma make it go, (Up and Down)
Cause you make me go , (Up and Down)
Verse 2:
And now we're making music, melodies are taking over
Caught up in the moment, keep it going I'm involved
with you
I - Cant hold it back, back
Imma give 100, what you give I'll give it back to you
Drive me crazy baby, be the leader show me what to do
Yeahhhhh, I like that, that
Love me, early in the morning
Make me feel so special, every time, time
Love me, early in the morning
Make me feel so special, look in my eyes, eyes
Chorus : x2
Baby Im warning you
You gon' make me fall hard for you
And when I fall hard for you
Imma give this love to you
Imma make it go, (Up and Down)
Cause you make me go , (Up and Down)
Imma make it go, (Up and Down)
Say what
You look good
(say it two times)
You look good good
(say it three times)
You look good good good
(say it four times)
Oh oh oh oh good
[verse 1]
I,i, like the way, way you get down, down
(thats the way I like it)
You're the kinda guy
That makes me feel proud
Don't have to show you're the boy, oh
I,i, like you the way that you are
I like my man undecover
Smooth dark brotha
Fly to the bone
You don't need no fly jeep
To come and scoop me
You can drive what you own
(thats the way I like it)
A man undercover
Smooth black brotha
Fly to the bone
Don't need no Gucci Sweater
To make you look better
You can wear what you own
I,i, love, love the way that you smile, smile
You, yo the type of guy
That got his own style
All I want to do is be with you
You, you got me feelin
The way that I do
I like my man undecover
Smooth dark brotha
Fly to the bone
You don't need no fly jeep
To come and scoop me
You can drive what you own
(thats the way I like it)
A man undercover
Smooth black brotha
Fly to the bone
Don't need no Gucci Sweater
To make you look better
You can wear what you own
Say what
You look good
(say it two times)
You look good good
(say it three times)
You look good good good
(say it four times)
Oh oh oh oh good
We be freakin up in my jeep (my jeep)
Listenin to this phat L P (L B)
Lets cruise around the town (the town)
I'm diggin you are you diggin me
Let's hop on my Harley Dave (Harley Dave)
It cost about 20k (20k)
What it takes me to persuade (persuade)
Turn ten night into to day (to day)
I never seen a girl (a girl)
Who hypnotize like you (like you)
Who walk just like you (like you)
Who talk just like you (like you)
I wanna be your lover (your lover)
That ill type brotha (brotha)
Baby girl baby girl (baby girl)
We can keep it undercover
I like my man undecover
Smooth dark brotha
Fly to the bone
You don't need no fly jeep
To come and scoop me
You can drive what you own
(thats the way I like it)
A man undercover
Smooth black brotha
Fly to the bone
Don't need no Gucci Sweater
To make you look better
ever since the other day i can't forget you
i never thought it'd be this way before i met you
you must be a superstar, yes you are
cause you got me open on and i never felt like this
i'm on the count of baby
and i'll be counting down until we go out
we can do this again, because i love to pretend that i am more than your friend
i'll be your new chick real quick
we got this me and you ever you wanna do
let me know what you want, baby i'll be more than ready
more than spectacular, oh yeah, i'm talking incredible
imagine you and me together, one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
i've been by myself a while but now i'm brave
i will run and make it rain with you if you let me
whatever you going through, stressing you
baby i'm telling you that i can make it all stop
i swear it ain't the drama when you're with me
promise i will never play you out, we can do this again
cause i love to pretend i am more than your friend
i'll be your new chick real quick
we got this me and you ever you wanna do
let me know what you want, baby i'll be more than ready
more than spectacular, oh yeah, i'm talking incredible
imagine you and me together, one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
uh, we can hook up anytime and weather
your skin now it lookin better
got what you looking for, you have
whatever it just let it flow
and put your trust in me, homie & lover type
imagine you and me together, one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
we can wrestle you and me
one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
one .. all day, bumping with you night
we can catch a if it's what you like
sunday, man in every night,
i'm what you looking for the homie and lover type
1,2 all day, 3,4, sunday,
I don't need you, boy
I don't need nobody else
I can do damage by myself
Walk in the room, everybody like damn
She can do damage by herself
I don't need nobody else
I can do damage by myself
Walk in the room, everybody like damn
She can do damage by herself
Ms. Everybody wants it
But can't nobody touch it?
Ms. I don't rain, I'm hailing
Go get the umbrellas
Ms. Silence in the room
Click, click, click, my Jimmy Choos
Listen around for tension then
And everybody's chick is wishin'
They had that eye action
Always attackin'
Swaggers go so automatic
Starts to get like an addict, addict
You say it's incredible
Maybe it's unbelievable
Damn near inconceivable
But I say, I say, I say, I say
Turn off the lights
I got my right hand in position
So I can get that when I'm with ya
Come on, on, come on, on
I'm on, on, I'm turned on
Come on, on, come on, on
I'm on, on, I'm turned on
I don't need nobody else
I can do damage by myself
Walk in the room, everybody like damn
She can do damage by herself
Ms. Call the paramedics
'Cause chicks is lookin' sick
Ms. I don't need your paper
My net worth never waivers
Ms. On your mark, set, go, yeah
I'm runnin' this show
Ms. Back at it once again
Lights, camera, action
They had that eye action
Always attackin'
Swaggers go so automatic
Starts to get like an addict, addict
You say it's incredible
Maybe it's unbelievable
Damn near inconceivable
But I say, I say, I say, I say
Turn off the lights
I got my right hand in position
So I can get that when I'm with ya
Come on, on, come on, on
I'm on, on, I'm turned on
Turn off the lights
I got my right hand in position
So I can get that when I'm with ya
Come on, on, come on, on
I'm on, on, I'm turned on
Umm, I'm turned on
I'm on overload from dusk to dawn
Ready to explode
'Cause baby, I'm on, I'm on
I'm on like the light, lights
I'm on like a fight, fight
I'm on 'cause it's right
'Cause it's right, 'cause it's right, I'm on
Turn off the lights
I got my right hand in position
So I can get that when I'm with ya
Come on, on, come on, on
I'm on, on, I'm turned on
I don't need nobody else
I can do damage by myself
Walk in the room, everybody like damn
She can do damage by herself
I don't need nobody else
I can do damage by myself
Walk in the room, everybody like damn
She can do damage by herself