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Palestine-Israel, The collapse of the deterrent ability of Israel in the last Gaza war is expressed every where*

category western asia | indigenous struggles | news report author Wednesday April 08, 2015 04:37author by Ilan S. - AAtW, ainfos Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

The frustrated Israeli state force who do not dare to prevent the weekly non armed popular demonstrations - Joined and purely of Palestinians, resort to shooting on demonstrators with frequent use of live fire by snippers. In the annexed regions of Jerusalem they no more pretend it is not an occupied area and apply there the occupation procedures - both in treatment of detaining children and houses demolition. The "hot" areas of the popular non armed struggle gradually expand but still far away from a general uprising. The international popular struggle worry the Israeli elite but the damages to the Israeli economy is still in the margins. It seems the Zionist settler colonialist elite which bribed the tycoons section of the capitalist elite with extreme neo liberal measures cannot do it any more as other sections of the capitalist elite (backers of Cakhlon) rebelled.


Friday 27-3-15 Mahmoud Abu Rahma aged 12 was arrested today when the Israeli army entered the village. The reason for his arrest was unclear. The army use these tactics to intimidate Palestinians. He was later released. During the week-long demonstration 4 protesters were injured from rubber coated steel bullets.
Yisrael Puterman ·

Friday 3-4-15 Today in Bil'in half a dozen Israelis with the anarchists against the wall, about a dozen International activists joined the Bil'iners for the 522th Friday demonstration.
before we even started to march the Israeli state forces started the shooting of the first few tear gas grenades. Not long later started the shower of tear gas and an ambush of few soldiers tried to arrest one of us and shoot bullets coated rubber. The soldiers failed to catch any one and injured "only" two. The changing wind and the failed mission dis-heart the state forces and the left after the shorter ever demo. surprised from the fast retreat of the state force we lingered for a while before returning to the village.

"A Palestinian youth and an international activist were injured in the Israeli occupation forces. The Palestinian youth was wounded after being shot in the leg several times with rubber bullets. The foreigner was injured after being shot in the neck with a tear gas canister at extremely close range, less than two meters. The Israeli occupation forces attempted to trick demonstrators by hiding in between the trees, from which they fired shots at them and tried to arrest the Palestinians demonstrators who regularly participate in the weekly demonstration against the illegal Israeli occupation in the village of Bil’in. Despite their attempts and their close distance, the Israeli army failed to arrest any of the protestors."
Haitham Al Khatib

Nebi Salah

"Hundreds commemorated Land Day in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, in protest of ongoing land annexations, settlements and military occupation. Among the hundreds who attended the march were delegates from several local popular committees such as Ni’lin Bil’in, Kufr Qaddum and Hebron based Youth against Settlements. Many international and Israeli solidarity activists also joined the march. The Israeli army attempted to disperse the march with barrages of tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets. One protester was arrested and threatened with pepper spray, as soldiers chased more protesters in an attempt to detain them as well. No serious injuries reported."
For more info & photos, Please click on the link:
Saturday 28-3-15 TODAY: A Palestinian activist is arrested by Israeli forces during a demonstration marking Land Day in Nabi Saleh village, West Bank, March 28, 2015. Land Day is held every year to mark the deaths of six Palestinians protesters at the hands of Israeli police and troops during mass demonstrations on March 30, 1976, against plans to confiscate Arab land in Galilee.
David Reeb
4-3-15 The local popular resistance committee led the weekly Friday march in the village of Nabi Saleh, accompanied by solidarity activists. Marchers chanted against the occupation and ongoing land annexation, as they proceeded towards the village’s main gate. The IDF attempted to disperse the march using tear gas canisters and live (“tutu”) ammunition fired by snipers.“We had very little warning. We had only been protesting for 5 minutes before two people were on the ground, shot with .22 caliber live ammunition,”
Manal Tamimi has suffered a fracture leg as a result of being shot in the leg with the live ammunition by the IOF. Another protester, Mohammed was also shot in the leg with the live ammunition. According to reports from activists in Nabi Saleh, the live ammunition hit a nerve and he needed emergency surgery.
Yisrael Puterman
Bilal Tamimi


Friday 27-3-15
Friday 3.4.2015 A local photographer was shot with rubber coated steel bullet at his leg after he was promised by the IOF soldiers that he will not get shot. The soldiers called him continuously to get closer while ensuring repeatedly that no one will shot him. they didn't kept their promise.

later on when it seems that the demonstration came to its end a sixteen years old got shot in his head with a rubber coated steel bullet. He was collecting the aluminum empty shells (gas canisters) to recycle. He was at the time 50 meters away from the apartheid wall. He was then rushed to Ramallah hospital immediately.


Friday 27-3-15 One injured with L A in his leg and for with rubber bullets beside tenths suffocated cases
Slam Ali age 21 was shoot in his leg during the march of our village when the Israeli army tried to storm the village after the beginning of the march.
The Israeli army fired tear gas and rubber bullets heavily during the suppression of peaceful march as he was for the second time damaged water line, which supplied water to the citizens by a large army bulldozer.
4 injured with rubber:
· Naser Barham 44 in his stomach.
· Maher Jomaa 47 in his foot.
· Hakam Khaldoun 22 in a very sensitive part.
· Mohammad Abd Assalam 18 in his head
On Friday 3-4 we will organized central march in the occasion of land day so i would like to invite you or invite your friends who are in Palestine to join us with pleasure.

Sheikh Jarrah - Occupied east Jerusalem

Police brutality against peaceful demonstrators, 27.3.2015;=O-a5-8ghFBc

Tel Aviv

Fanzine Fest #6

Day of the land - 30-3-15

Today, March 30th Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, marched for Land Day, Yom al-Arda in Arabic, which commemorates protest in the Galilee in 1976 where six Palestinian citizens of Israel were killed.
The main marches today were held in the village of Sakhnin and Arrabe in the north of Israel, home to the first Land Day protests 39 years ago. Other demonstrations took place in the lower Galilee and in the Bedouin town of Rahat in the Negev desert. Unlike past years, no general strike was called.
Ahdut* members of the north participated in the 39th commemoration day demo of the struggle for land in Sakhnin.


Demo at the recruiting camp entrance 6-4-15 12:00
Efi Dreyshner, member of the "Unity" ("Ahdut") Anarcho-communist organization, is now a prisoner in the Zionist military prison because he opposes the occupation and does not wish to serve in the state's armed forces. The regime who jailed him does not understand that Effi is an anarchist-communist and that a wider agenda and ethical morality stand behind his refusal!
Don't say we didn’t know #447

On Wednesday, 18th March, 2015, representatives of the Civil Administration, with a military escort, came to lands belonging to Palestinians from Dahariyya, west of Yatta, and cut down five year old, or older, olive trees, claiming that it was state-owned land. The Palestinians claim ownership.

On Sunday, 15th March, 2015, Government representatives accompanied by the police went to the Bedouin village Sawawin, near Segev Shalom, to demolish a sheepfold. On Thursday, 19th March, 2015, Government representatives demolished a home in Bir Hadaj, near Kibbutz Revivim. That same day, the Israeli government demolished a home between Bir El-Hammam and Khirbet El-Wattan, near Nevatim. They also demolished a structure in Rahat.

Don't Say We didn't Know 448

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, Israeli soldiers came to the Palestinian hamlet of Halat Makhul in the northern part of the Palestinian Jordan Valley and demolished four dwelling structures, five service structures and twelve sheep-pens.

At Al Hadidiya, closely, the soldiers demolished a sheep-pen.

On Monday, March 23, 2015, government agents escorted by police demolished yet again the Bedouin village of Al Arakib in the Negev.

For further information:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution

Ahdut (Unity) blog:
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
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Arabic -

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Sat 18 Apr, 16:25

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