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Rally Against Racism Sat 4 April

category indonesia / philippines / australia | anti-fascism | press release author Sunday March 29, 2015 20:21author by MACG - Anarkismoauthor address PO Box 5108 Brunswick North VIC 3056, Australia Report this post to the editors

The far Right “Reclaim Australia” plans to hold an anti-Muslim rally in Melbourne and also at other places around Australia. They want people to believe they’re just “ordinary Australians” who are worried about “radical Islam”. What they’re NOT telling you is that they are Fascists – yes, actual far Right, Hitler-loving racists who have decided it’s a tactical advantage to wrap themselves in Australian flags. [Italiano]


The far Right “Reclaim Australia” plans to hold an anti-Muslim rally in Melbourne and also at other places around Australia. They want people to believe they’re just “ordinary Australians” who are worried about “radical Islam”. What they’re NOT telling you is that they are Fascists – yes, actual far Right, Hitler-loving racists who have decided it’s a tactical advantage to wrap themselves in Australian flags.

Just check the Slackbastard blog to see what he’s dug up on them:

Of course, not everyone who turns up to their rally will be a booted and suited Fascist. The organisers have told their followers to “leave your swastikas and your white pride T-shirts at home” (which speaks volumes in itself). They are hoping to attract people who are just prejudiced against Muslims and who can’t tell the difference between most followers of a religion and what a handful do in its name. They hope to recruit people by claiming to be the only “patriots” who are prepared to act against the phantom Islamic menace against which they foam.

It is in the interests of workers in Australia to oppose Islamophobic racism and take a stand in favour of freedom of religion – the right to believe any religion or none, the right to practice any religion or none and the right to preach any religion or none. Today, it is Muslims who find themselves attacked for exercising this right. Women are assaulted in the street for wearing the scarf, objections are raised against the construction of mosques and absurd fantasies are conjured up about halal certification.

The right to be a Muslim in Australia is the front line in defending the freedom of everyone. We must defend freedom of religion here in order to spread it to places like Saudi Arabia or Iran. If the right to live according to one’s conscience is destroyed here, we cannot establish it elsewhere. So come to the counter-rally – say no to racist Islamophobia and block the Fascists who are trying to use it to make themselves respectable.

*This leaflet was produced by the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group as a contribution to the United Front Against Fascism.

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Indonesia / Philippines / Australia | Anti-fascism | Press Release | en

Fri 03 Jul, 04:14

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66872_240179722787690_1273947852_n.jpg imageCounter rally against Golden Dawn 19:54 Tue 22 Oct by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

The Oakleigh Greek Glendi on Sunday 27 October will include the annual parade to commemorate Ochi Day. This type of event has a history of attracting fascists, such as members of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn.

anti.png imageAnti-fascist Occupation of Newtown Square 19:29 Sun 19 Sep by Anonymous 0 comments

Newtown square/The Hub was occupied today by anarchists, anti-authoritarians, antifascists and people in solidarity to make a demonstration against the Sydney Fascist Forum happening this weekend in Tempe.

imageReclaim Australia is one brick in the wall Jul 02 by MACG 0 comments

We must go a few steps further, therefore, than just engaging in anti-racist and antifascist organising. We must fight the ongoing displacement of Aboriginal people from their homelands in Western Australia. We must fight the mass incarceration and illegalisation of people seeking asylum in this country. We must confront all of these “single” issues. They are part of an entire against the working class and our communities, by the Government, capital and the State.

imageFascists crawl out of the sewers Apr 09 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

Fascism is a movement of the ruined middle classes (e.g. small business going out backwards), who aim to take State power by, or with the assistance of, extra-legal force in order to resolve their problems at the expense of the working class. In attempting this, it makes use of demoralised sections of the unemployed who can think little further than where their next meal is coming from.

imageCounter rally against Golden Dawn Oct 22 MACG (personal capacity) 0 comments

The Oakleigh Greek Glendi on Sunday 27 October will include the annual parade to commemorate Ochi Day. This type of event has a history of attracting fascists, such as members of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn.

imageAnti-fascist Occupation of Newtown Square Sep 19 0 comments

Newtown square/The Hub was occupied today by anarchists, anti-authoritarians, antifascists and people in solidarity to make a demonstration against the Sydney Fascist Forum happening this weekend in Tempe.

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