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Euro FM 104.9 | Varied | Estonia |
Euro Mixx | Dance | France |
101.RU Euro Hits | World Europe | Russia |
MaxItalo Euro Disco | Dance | Poland |
Actors Fred Armisen (actor), Fred Armisen (actor), Alec Baldwin (actor), Fred Armisen (actor), Jimmy Fallon (actor), Will Forte (actor), Will Forte (actor), Will Forte (actor), Paul Giamatti (actor), Josh Brolin (actor), Jake Gyllenhaal (actor), Bill Hader (actor), Bill Hader (actor), Bill Hader (actor), Darrell Hammond (actor),
A rhythmic and glittery master/slave story about international economics..
Actors Arturo Cubacub (editor), Arturo Cubacub (director), Arturo Cubacub (producer), Sarah Weis (writer), Sarah Weis (actress), Sarah Weis (composer), Kathryn Korosi (actress), Kathryn Korosi (writer),
When there's nothing to live for, find something worth dying for.
Actors Tami Hodges-Malaniak (miscellaneous crew), Bill Harvanek (actor), Durrell Nelson (actor), Edwin Garcia II (actor), Seth Larsen (producer), Seth Larsen (writer), Seth Larsen (director), Jeff Cole (actor), Joyce Thi Brew (actress), Sunny Chen (miscellaneous crew), Steven Scholar (miscellaneous crew), Josh Tracy (miscellaneous crew), Jason Drum (actor), Radu Dudas (actor), Daylen Larsen (actor),
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mods ETS2 - Caminhão do Peixe ✔ CrossGames - - Consoles, Jogos e Acessórios, Confira! ➨ Vídeo Novo: Construindo Sofá - Mais de Euro Truck 2 - Auto Viação 1001 - - Viagem Vida Loka - - Caminhão de Melancia - - A Pior Ponte do Mundo - - Caminhão dos Bombeiros - - Download Mod - Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus - EXETRIZE Twitter - Facebook -
Young Money "Rise Of An Empire" album available now! Download it on iTunes Music video by Young Money performing We A...
Heiner Flassbeck erklärt kurz und bündig warum der Euro im Jahr 2017 endgültig aufgegeben werden könnte. Flassbeck ist ehemaliger Chefökonom der UNCAT in Genf Honorarprofessor der Uni Hamburg
Facebook-Seite: und Google+: und Quelle: Zweiter-Upload-Kanal: Backup-Kanal: Tags: politisches, Kabarett, Satire, Politik, Comedy, Humor, Politsatire, lustig, Commedian, Komiker, Entertainer, Moderator, Schauspieler, Schwarzer, Humor, Satire, Bananenrepublik, Stimmbürger, Stimmbuerger, Presseclub, Ulrike Herrmann, Taz, Buch, Der Sieg des Kapitals, Geschichte von Wachstum, Geld und Krisen, Kapitalismus, Mario Draghi, Goldman Sachs, EZB, QE, Geldschwemme, Inflation, Deflation, Euro, EZB, Troika, Wahl in Griechenland, Tsipras, Syriza, Stagflation, Dollar, Schweizer Franken, SNB, SFR, SNB, FED, Pfund, Eurokrise, Guthabenkrise, Schuldenkrise, Bankenkrise, Staatsanleihen, ESM, EFSF, Wirtschaft, Marktwirtschaft, Realwirtschaft, Börse, Aktien, Negativzinsen, Negativzins,
Euro - July (Full Mixtape) 1. Euro - Paris Morton Music (0:00) 2. Euro - I Know My Name (3:59) 3. Euro - Last I Knew (7:14) 4. Euro - Preach (10:54) 5. Euro - Renegade (14:04) 6. Euro - Sweet Dreams (16:49) 7. Euro - Euro's 2014 (19:44)
Alle Links zum Video:(Auf: "Mehr anzeigen klicken")
download: my page on facebook. tracklist: 01. Dj Bobo - Love is all around 02. Michael J Gibbs - Back to heaven 03. SAY feat Pete D Moore - The winner of the game 04. Indra - We belong together 05. Unit T - No secrets 06. Urgent C feat Christiane Lupp - Wish you were here 07. Real Hype - Train of love 08. Indra - Anywhere 09. Maria Lisa - You make me feel 10. Mr President - Up'n away 11. Lian Ross - Keep this feeling 12. Matrix - Can you feel it 13. Eclipse - Let the rhythm move you 14. Ice MC - Take away the colour 15. BL Lover - Round and round 16. Fun Factory - Groove me
download: tracklist 01. MC Sar & The Real McCoy - Come and get your love (euro long vers) 02. Ragga 2 Sunshine - Jambo jambo jambo (Vox ext mix) 03. 2 Together - Summertime is here (ext mix) 04. Patsy - Money for me (club mix) 05. Haddaway - What is love (club mix) 06. Snap - Rhythm is a dancer ('96 mix) 07. Dj Bobo - Somebody dance with me (italian mix) 08. Captain Hollywood Project - More and more (ext mix) 09. MC Sar & The Real McCoy - Another night (ragga mix) 10. Odyssey - Believe me now 11. Co Ro & Taleesa - Because the night 12. Netzwerk - Send me an angel (interface mix) 13. Dj Bobo - Keep on dancing (live at the Gersag party) 14. Bad Boys Blue - Go go (ext mix) 15. Beat Production - The beat is my life (club mix) 16. Beat Control - Dancing madness (ext mix) 17. Dr Alban - It's my life 18. Marky Mark & Prince Ital Joe - Happy people (ragga vers) 19. MC Sar & The Real McCoy - Run away (pulsar mix) 20. Eartha Kitt - Where is my man (ext mix) 21. Twenty 4 Seven - Slave to the music (ultimate dance ext mix) 22. K da Cruz - New high energy (dance mix) 23. Masterboy - Everybody needs somebody (italo mix) 24. Dr Alban - Papaya coconut 25. Culture Beat - Mr Whoomps (Tag Team club mix) 26. Ahmex - Paparazzi (club mix) 27. Future Beat - Destiny (euro mix)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mods ETS2 - Nascar Mod ✔ CrossGames - - Consoles, Jogos e Acessórios, Confira! ➨ Vídeo Novo: Caminhão de Rally Tunado - Mais de Euro Truck 2 - Auto Viação 1001 - - Viagem Vida Loka - - Caminhão de Melancia - - A Pior Ponte do Mundo - - Caminhão dos Bombeiros - - Download Mod - Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus - EXETRIZE Twitter - Facebook -
Peter Boehringer spricht mit Oliver Janich über die jüngsten Turbulenzen an den Finanzmärkten und über die Entscheidung der Schweizer Nationalbank, den Franken vom Euro zu lösen. Seit ganz genau der Einführung des EUR-Franken-Pegs am 6.9.2011 prangert Peter Boehringer den damaligen absurden Schritt der Schweizer Nationalbank (SNB) an. Dieser hatte die SNB nach einer Bilanzverlängerung mit (großteils) Euro-Papieren inzwischen an den Rand des Ruins durch seit 2011 aufgestaute Abschreibungen auf diese toxischen Weichwährungs-Papiere geführt. Schon nur der nun sehr sichere Sturz des Euros auf oder (seiner Einschätzung nach) mittelfristig sogar unter die Parität zum Franken wird die SNB und damit die Schweizer Kantone und Bürger bereits geschätzte 50 Mrd Franken kosten (!). U.U. mehr, falls der Franken weiter gegen den EUR aufwertet oder falls man für mehr als die von ihm unterstellten ca. 250 Mrd Franken EUR-Papiere auf der Bilanz hat! Planwirtschaft führt immer in den Ruin! Der Markt ist auf lange Sicht stärker. Der jetzige Schritt der Schweiz ist gerade noch rechtzeitig erfolgt. Vergleichbar mit diesem Wahnsinn sind übrigens auch die Target2-Forderungen der Bundesbank, die am Tag x des EUR-Zusammenbruchs aber dann nicht nur um 20% (wie heute die EUR-Bonds auf der SNB-Bilanz), sondern um 100% abwerten werden! Die Bundesbank ist dann über Nacht 100-fach überschuldet! Und an dem Tag kommen über die EZB dann nochmals ein paar Hundert Milliarden an Totalabschreibungen hinzu! Der Kreditkaskadenwahnsinn wird dann brechen! Aber die Lügenpresse leugnet das ja alles seit vielen Jahren und berichtet stattdessen von Schäubles absurder "Null-Neuverschuldung"... Hätte man auf die Euroskeptiker gehört, wäre Deutschland und seine Infrastruktur heute keine Investitionswüste, sondern ein Hochglanz-Powerhouse. Podiumsdiskussion zur Eurokrise in München (24. Nov. 2011) ------------------------- Unterstützen sie die Sendung mit einem Kauf über Oliver Janich´s Shop: Bitte unterstütze die Produktion von Spekaers Corner mit einer Spende:;_button_id=85QRC6G5SL2HS
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Andy Hoffman: Chris Duane: SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE!) to "Finance and Liberty" for more interviews and financial insight ► SUBSCRIBE (also FREE!) to Reluctant Preppers, "Helping You Be Aware and Prepared" ► FINANCE AND LIBERTY: Website ► Like us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► Google Plus ► DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this interview are those of the guest and not necessarily of "Finance and Liberty" or its staff. Opinions expressed in this video do not constitute personalized investment advice and should not be relied on for making investment decisions. | • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 February 2015 • Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in the European Parliament - @Nigel_Farage - Bluecard question: Jörg LEICHTFRIED MEP(Austria), Socialist group (S&D;) • Debate: Preparation of the informal meeting of Heads of State or Government (12 February 2015) Council and Commission statements [2014/2940(RSP)] .................... • Video: EbS (European Parliament) .................................. • EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom
Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Euro for an exclusive interview! Euro freestyles, says he is hyped that G-Unit is back together, Wayne dis...
Wenn eine Land in Europa über Geld wie Heu verfügt dann ist das die Schweiz. Schweizer sind aber auch äusserst sparsam. Und sie können rechnen. Wenn die Schweizer Nationalbank, wie diesen Donnerstag geschehen, sich entschließt über 37 Milliarden Schweizer Franken in den Wind zu schießen, haben sich das die Finanzexperten dort sehr genau überlegt. Der aktuell entstandene Schaden, ist aber nichts gegen den Verlust den die Schweiz in naher Zukunft noch erleiden müsste, würde das Land weiter an seinem bis dato staatlich festgezurrten Wechselkurs gegenüber dem Euro festhalten. Seit 2011 bekam man für jeden Euro mindestens 1,20 Schweizer Franken, obwohl die Europäische Währung seit ihrer Einführung immer weiter an Wert verliert. Um diesem Kursverfall zu bremsen, kaufte die Schweiz über die Jahre rund 250 Milliarden Euros an und wurde so zum grössten Gläubiger der Eurozone. Die Schweiz hat am Donnerstag aufgehört daran zu glauben, dass sich der Euro jemals wieder erholen wird. Konkret, die reiche Schweiz kann und will sich den Euro nicht mehr leisten! Als die Schweizer Banker begannen den „Euro- Zwangswechselkurs“ aufzugeben gingen die Börsen weltweit auf Talfahrt. Auch die Schweiz selbst vernichte binnen Stunden einen Börsenwert von rund 100 Milliarden Franken. KenFM sprach mit dem Wirtschaftsjournalisten René Zeyer in Zürich über das Signal, welches von der Anti-Euro Entscheidung der Schweizer Nationalbank ausgeht. Für Zeyer ist das Ende der Europäischen Währung nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Wenn selbst die reiche Schweiz sich den Euro nicht mehr leisten kann, wie soll Griechenland, Portugal oder Spanien es können. Das Land, so Zeyer, dass am meisten unter dem Crash des Euros zu leiden haben wird, heißt Deutschland. Die Bundesrepublik haftet mit rund 30% für die Schulden des gesamten Euroraumes.
freestyle cory and euro filmed by streetheat edited by jaycharm find more content on
Fazendo viagem no Mapa RBR no Euro Truck Simulator com caminhão variados e falando sobre o lançamento do site de Mod da Tlesgames e da atualização do Mod de Cargas da Tlesgames V 5.1 Compre já sua camiseta,acessem: ↓ Mais Informações ↓ ★VAMOS: Curtir ✔Comentar ✔Compartilhar ✔Inscrever-Se ✔★ Esse video é um oferecimento de PSNGamesBH! Lançamentos PS3 a partir de 60 reais. Lançamentos PS4 a partir de 80 reais. Site Fanpage: Site do Parceiro ETS2: Redes Sociais: Twitter: Facebook: Instale o Aplicativo do canal para FireFox : Instale o Aplicativo do canal para Chrome : Insieme a Claudio Borghi, economista docente dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, giornalista e ex managing director di Deutsche Bank, ... La Banca Centrale Svizzera abbandona il tasso di cambio fisso con l'euro con una decisione shock. I mercati reagiscono. Quali conseguenze per la zona euro e per i cittadini? L'analisi in real time con Claudio Borghi, lo storico economista di "Come si esce dall'euro".
A Message From Euro to his fans: the nitty gritty shook ones freestyle. this some quik fun honest spittin I did over one of the classic NY joints jus lettin off. we shot a dope performance video at the skatepark showin dope graffiti n Tune skating scoob on da camera makin a quik fun natural video look like a million $. I was in my Trukfit sweats n a hoody kickin it n shit n jus thought hey let's shoot sumn. jus for y'all. Euro
Neither the Greek government nor its eurozone partners want to see Greece leaving the eurozone - or a "Grexit" as it has become known. But if they cannot agree a way forward, it could mean Greece abandoning the euro. Much has been written about the dangers of Greece leaving the eurozone.
Euro Talk gör en djupdykning inom fotbollsekonomi. I panelen: Martin Åslund, Erik Gozzi, Kristian Borell och Kristoff Vogel. Besök för de senaste nyheterna och diskussionerna kring fotboll och ishockey. är för fans av fans. Sajten har cirka 300 000 unika besökare varje vecka och har utsetts till Sveriges bästa sportsajt av Internet World fem gånger de senaste tio åren. Dobb producerar målgruppsanpassat TV-innehåll för olika distributionskanaler och terminaler. Vi sitter i en komplett TV-studio skapad för LIVE-sändningar i centrala Stockholm men vi producerar rörlig bild över hela Sverige. FanTV Facebook: FanTV Twitter: FanTV Instagram:
Verona, im Frühjahr 1996. Theo Waigel, damals deutscher Finanzminister schaut seinen griechischen Amtskollegen Yannos Papantoniou erstaunt an: „Ihr seid nicht dabei und werdet nicht dabei sein." Auf dem EU-Finanzministertreffen hatte Papantoniou plötzlich gefordert, dass auch griechische Buchstaben auf die Banknoten gedruckt werden. „Ich konnte mir gar nicht vorstellen, dass Griechenland mit seinen Zahlen in absehbarer Zeit Mitglied werden würde", erzählt Waigel. Doch Papantoniou bleibt bei seiner Forderung und schlägt Waigel eine Wette vor: Griechenland werde den Euro bekommen. Heute - nach nur zehn Jahren ist Europas historisches Gemeinschaftsprojekt in Gefahr.
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Emission diffusée le 15 mai 2014, sur France 2. Avec la participation de Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Extrait où DSK critique vertement Sarkozy et Merkel, quant à...
Finanzkrise, Crash und Neubeginn.
Deutschland diskutiert über den Mittelfinger von Griechenlands Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis. Dabei gibt es wichtigeres in der griechischen Tragödie. Dem Land drohen weiterhin der Staatsbankrott und ein Ausscheiden aus der Eurozone. Doch wäre der sogenannte Grexit wirklich so schlimm für Griechenland, wie es offiziell stets betont wird? Nicht wenige Experten meinten: Durch eine Rückkehr zur Drachme könnte sich Athen eher aus dem Sumpf ziehen, als mit einer Fortsetzung des Spardiktates. Die aktuellen Vorgänge in Griechenland sind eines der Themen in dieser Ausgabe des COMPACT-TV Magazins. Außerdem haben wir folgende Beiträge vorbereitet: Iran - Jubelperser und Kriegshetze Olympia - Berlin nach der Entscheidung Mehr von COMPACT-TV gibt es unter: Unterstütze die Produktion von COMPACT-TV mit einem Abonnenement der monatlichen Heftausgabe:
Enbenskram, obalans och pizzaavslöjande. I panelen: Martin Åslund, Kristian Borell och David Fjäll. Besök för de senaste nyheterna och diskussionerna kring fotboll och ishockey. är för fans av fans. Sajten har cirka 300 000 unika besökare varje vecka och har utsetts till Sveriges bästa sportsajt av Internet World fem gånger de senaste tio åren. FanTV Facebook: FanTV Twitter: FanTV Instagram:
Alle die am Euro festhalten, sind verantwortlich für die Enteignung, die unweigerlich kommen muß. Wörtlich: "Das Geld ist weg." Wenn man es sich genau ansieh...
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Assistam em 1080p! ETS 2 voltou galera! \o/ E com novo ângulo de câmera na G25! Estava com saudade do jogo assim como vocês! Digam ai nos coments o que acharam! Peçam mais ETS... e outros jogos de corrida com a G25! Bora!!!! =D Espero que gostem! _______________________________________________________ Jogos de PS3 e PS4 da PSN e de Xbox One muito mais baratos em um site 100% seguro! PSNgamesBH _______________________________________________________ Outras formas de acompanhar o Spitcorp Extensão do Canal: Twitter: Fanpage: Google+: Instagram: _______________________________________________________ Dúvidas, sugestões, comentários e etc. são sempre bem vindos. Inscreva-se no canal!
Kann man mit 1000 Euro für Tickets einmal um den Globus reisen? Kann man dabei alle fünf Kontinente betreten? Die Aufgabe für SWR-Reporter Thomas Niemietz he...
François ASSELINEAU, président de l'UPR La Tragédie de l'euro - Une conférence de François ASSELINEAU Le 10 mai 2012 - VERCHAIX (Haute Savoie)
Bye bye l'€uro VIDÉO. Dans un docu-fiction très accessible, France 5 imagine les conséquences d'un retour au franc pour tout un chacun. À voir le 17 février. Le franc-euro provisoire imaginé dans le documentaire de France 5. Le franc-euro provisoire imaginé dans le documentaire de France 5. © Le 13 décembre 2006, à 20 h 21, les Belges assistent avec stupeur à la déclaration d'indépendance de la Flandre à la RTBF. La chaîne francophone vient d'interrompre ses programmes pour une émission spéciale consacrée à l'événement. Les téléspectateurs appendront un peu plus tard avec soulagement qu'il ne s'agissait en fait que d'un "docu-fiction" intitulé Bye bye Belgium censé susciter le débat sur les divisions du royaume. C'est en hommage à l'audace de la télévision belge que France 5 a décidé d'intituler son documentaire, qu'elle diffusera à 20 h 40 le 17 février, Bye Bye l'€uro. Pas question pour autant de faire croire à la fin de la monnaie unique. D'emblée, le public est averti : Bye Bye l'€uro, produit par Effervescence Productions, est un "documentaire fictif". Une mention en haut à gauche de l'écran se charge de le rappeler pendant tout le film..
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ETS 2 gameplay video
☛Czytaj Opis☚ Siemka ziomeczki jest to kolejny filmik na moim kanale ✔ Gram dzisiaj w gre Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2) ✔ W grze tej zakładamy swoją firme, jeździmy ciężarówkami po prawie całej europie, dostarczamy różnego rodzaju ładunki. ✔ aktualizacja: 1.15.1 ✔ strona oficjalna gry: ☝☝ Na tej stronie znajdziecie różne ważne informacje o grze☝☝ ✔ e-mail: ✔ Like, Sub, Komentarz, zmotywuje mnie do dalszej pracy i do robienia jeszcze lepszych filmików na YouTube ✔ piszcie tematy lub jakieś pytania na następny odc bo jak nie będzie żadnych tematów albo pytań to gdy będę w trasie to będzie przyśpieszony filmik i według mnie nie będzie aż taki ciekawy. ★ [T] Temat ★ [P] Pytanie ✔ Do następnego odcinka z ets2 ✔CZEŚĆ !!!
Please feel free to "Comment" in the section below, "Subscribe" to the channel and click "Like" if you liked the video. Equipment LineIn QuickTime Player Screen Recording SoundFlowerBed Editing iMovie Computer Specs 13" Macbook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 (3rd Generation) 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 Mac OSX v10.9.5
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WASHINGTON, March 20 (Xinhua) -- The euro will continue falling against the U.S ... The euro has started its plummet against the dollar since the middle of 2014 from a peak of 1.4 dollars in May as the European economy kept weakening while the U.S ... The European Central Bank (ECB) initiated the quantitative easing on March 9, pumping 1.1 trillion euros into the market through buying public and private bonds in the secondary market....
Xinhua 2015-03-21Excerpts.. ET Now ... Rajju Shroff. We are clocking good sales ... ET Now. How are you fighting the weakness in the euro; will you be able to counter that with growth and higher market share in any manner or will it be a key area of concern?. Rajju Shroff. With euro going down, we have increased the prices to make a balance; we have done a thorough job. I do not think that weakening euro would have any major impact on our export figures ... ET Now ... ....
The Times of India 2015-03-21European Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker said today he was ......
The Himalayan 2015-03-21Christian Benteke is a doubt for Belgium’s Euro 2016 qualifiers against Cyprus and Israel next week after limping out of Aston Villa’s defeat to Swansea with a hip problem. ....
The Daily Mail 2015-03-21(Source ... Boss Tim Sherwood reckons Aston Villa star Fabian Delph can help spearhead England to Euro 2016 glory - and revealed he wanted to take him to Tottenham ... England face Lithuania on March 27 in a Euro 2016 qualifier before going to Italy for a friendly and Sherwood believes Delph can be at the heart of their challenge next year. He said ... "Roy loves him ... "Roy will stumble across a team that will win the Euros ... He said....
noodls 2015-03-21Southampton goalkeeper Fraser Forster's knee injury against Burnley leaves England short of options for Friday's Euro 2016 qualifier against Lithuania. The 27-year-old former Celtic man and Manchester City's Joe Hart were the only keepers tnamed in the squad ... "We have to wait for the scan ... We are all worried about him." ... ....
BBC News 2015-03-21Boss Tim Sherwood reckons Aston Villa star Fabian Delph can help spearhead England to Euro 2016 glory - and revealed he wanted to take him to Tottenham ... England face Lithuania on March 27 in a Euro 2016 qualifier before going to Italy for a friendly and Sherwood believes Delph can be at the heart of their challenge next year. He said ... "Roy loves him. I spoke to Roy about him ... "Roy will stumble across a team that will win the Euros ... More ... ....
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-21Vocento SA) Vocento registra un EBITDA de 9,5 millones de euros, con una reducción de costes del -11,5% Targets all met ... O Goodwill writedown of 14.6 million euros and negative tax impact of 12 million euros. O Excluding these one-offs, net profit would be 4.3 million euros ... O Net debt cut by 15.7% to 125.9 million euros, with Net Debt/EBITDA ratio of 2.9xs ... At ABC, EBITDA improved by 1.9 million euros to....
noodls 2015-03-21Unless Syriza changes tack, it is leading Greek people out of the single currency (© The Financial Times Limited 2015)....
Financial Times 2015-03-21Europe's top leagues could launch legal action against FIFA for the sporting and economic damage caused by moving the 2022 SWC to Qatar. ....
News24 2015-03-21Borussia Dortmund bounced back from their mid-week Champions League exit with a 3-2 Bundesliga victory over 10-man Hanover on Saturday to earn their first win in four games. ....
Zeenews 2015-03-21KIERAN GILL AT ST MARY'S. Ronald Koeman has had worse birthdays. On the day he turned 52, Southampton kept themselves in the hunt for European football, gift-wrapped by Burnley. ....
The Daily Mail 2015-03-21Fiera Milano SpA) In 2015, first year of the 2015-2018 Industrial Plan, expected consolidated revenues of over Euro 330 million and a consolidated gross operating margin of 10% ... consolidated revenues of more than Euro 50 million, an increase of more than 50% compared with the first two months of 2014 and an improvement of gross operating profit of about Euro 15 million compared with the same period of the previous year....
noodls 2015-03-21The euro (Greek: Ευρώ, Evró) (sign: €; code: EUR) is the official currency of the eurozone, which consists of 17 of the 27 member states of the European Union. It is also the currency used by the Institutions of the European Union. The eurozone consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. The currency is also used in a further five European countries and consequently used daily by some 332 million Europeans. Additionally, over 175 million people worldwide - including 150 million people in Africa - use currencies which are pegged to the euro.
The euro is the second largest reserve currency as well as the second most traded currency in the world after the United States dollar. As of February 2012[update], with more than €890 billion in circulation, the euro has the highest combined value of banknotes and coins in circulation in the world, having surpassed the US dollar. Based on International Monetary Fund estimates of 2008 GDP and purchasing power parity among the various currencies, the eurozone is the second largest economy in the world.
Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. (born September 27, 1982), better known by his stage name Lil Wayne, is an American rapper. At the age of nine, Lil Wayne joined Cash Money Records as the youngest member of the label, and half of the duo, The B.G.'z, with B.G.. In 1997, Lil Wayne joined the group Hot Boys, which also included rappers Juvenile, B.G., and Young Turk. Hot Boys debuted with Get It How U Live! that year. Lil Wayne gained most of his success with the group's major selling album Guerrilla Warfare, released in 1999. Also in 1999, Lil Wayne released his Platinum debut album Tha Block Is Hot, selling over one million copies in the U.S.
Although his next two albums Lights Out (2000) and 500 Degreez (2002) were not as successful (only reaching Gold status), Lil Wayne reached higher popularity in 2004 with Tha Carter, which included the single "Go D.J." Wayne also appeared on the Destiny's Child top ten single "Soldier" that year. In 2005, the sequel to Tha Carter, Tha Carter II, was released. In 2006 and 2007, Lil Wayne released several mixtapes and appeared on several popular rap and R&B singles. His most successful album, Tha Carter III, was released in 2008 and sold over 1 million copies in the U.S. its first week of release. It included the number-one single "Lollipop" featuring Static Major. It also includes the singles "A Milli" and "Got Money" featuring T-Pain and won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album.
Peter Cory Pankey, Jr. (June 22, 1987) is an American rapper, better known by his stage name Cory Gunz. He is the son of rapper Peter Gunz, member of the rap duo Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz, and cousin of fellow rapper Junior.[disambiguation needed ] Gunz is currently signed to Young Money Entertainment, Cash Money Records, After Platinum Records and Universal Republic Records. He is a native of the Bronx. He was first signed by Tommy Mottola to Casablanca Records and Def Jam Recordings.
Jay-Z shepherded him into a joint venture through The Island Def Jam Music Group. He was featured on a remix of Rihanna's "If It's Lovin' That You Want". Gunz The Apprentice 3 - Season Finale has amassed over 85,000 listens on the mixtape website Datpiff. He also contributed a verse to the original version of Lil Wayne's A Milli before it was replaced with new verses by Wayne for the album version. In early 2010 Cory Gunz inked a deal with Young Money Entertaimnent, After Platinum Records and Universal Motown. Gunz has also worked with actor and musician Nick Cannon. He is featured in Lil Wayne's single "6 Foot 7 Foot."
So light is her footfall
She walks like a bird
She's an angel
Such a familiar stranger
I wish I could help her
She's in danger
She's all alone alone alone alone alone alone
All alone alone alone alone
So light is her footfall
She moves like a ghost
And I lost her
In the mist of dawn
She's already gone
And I miss her
She's all alone alone alone alone alone alone
All alone alone alone alone
And I miss her
And I miss her
She's all alone alone alone alone alone alone
All alone alone alone alone
So light was her footfall
So light was her footfall
So light was her footfall
"I woke up this morning baby
The blues was pouring out of me"
Cent fois ces mots je les ai dits
Ces mots que d'autres avaient ecrits
De toute ma voix, de toute mon ame
"With all the soul that I can"
Le blues comme on me l'a appris
"I woke up this morning baby"
Mais ce matin la, j'ai compris
"I woke up this morning baby
The blues was pouring out of me"
A hundred times I said those words
Those words others wrote
With all my voice, with all my soul
"With all the soul that I can"
The blues like I learned it
"I woke up this morning baby"
But that morning, I understood
La peine aux longs champs de coton
J'imaginais de mon cocon
Les coups, le sang, les temps boueux
J'avais mal en fermant les yeux
The hard work in the cotton fields
I was imagining in my cocoon
The hits, the blood, the mud weather
I was hurt while closing my eyes
"His baby's far away"
J'ai des pardons, j'ai des prieres
Mais l'blues c'est pas des phrases en l'air
"His baby's far away"
I have forgives, I have prayers
But the blues isn't sentences you throw in the air
"I woke up this morning baby"
Mais ce matin t'as vraiment froid
Tu comprends du fond de ta poitrine
Tous les blues sont ecrits pour toi
"I woke up this morning baby"
But this morning you're really cold
You understand deep in your chest
All the blues are written for you
"Oh, oh I feel, the blues in me
Nobody knows how I really feel
Nobody knows, nobody cares"
Les mots te brulent un par un comme s'ils
Comme s'ils t'appartiennent enfin
Ces blues etaient les tiens
"Oh, oh I feel, the blues in me
Nobody knows how I really feel
Nobody knows, nobody cares"
Words are burning your one by one like if
Like if they are finally yours
Those blues were yours
De toute ma voix, toute mon ame, "with all the soul that I can"
Le blues qu'on n'm'a jamais appris
"I woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of me
Nobody knows, nobody sees"
With all my voice, all my soul, "with all the soul that I can"
The blues I was never taught
"I woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of me
My baby blue is a new star,
In the sky,
The world the world the world the world,
Without blindness, there is no sight
You'd see further if you'd only close your eyes
In unconsciousness I can find peace
Inside prison walls I can find release
There is a place that I have seen
Somewhere between waking and sleeping
Down at the water's edge
Somebody waits for me
Is it too late for me
It's never too late, he says
Without blindness, there is no sight
You'd see further if you'd close your eyes
Unblock the failure
Without blindness, there is failure
People gather by the river
They were talking
There is a place that I have seen
Somewhere between waking and sleeping
Leaning over the side
Trailing my fingertips
Feeling the water slip
Into the quiet night
Viewed from the wrong end of a telescope
I see myself, so far below
Still and silent, rest in peace
The thread unravels
Merciful release
There is a place that I have seen
Somewhere between waking and sleeping
Now I can almost see
Figures upon the shore
He's gathering in the oars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
The stars
The stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
The stars
The stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
Kelly watch the stars
The stars
On the way to the heaven's light
Where the time doesn't matter
You're so fine
Take my hand
Put me on the top of the world
On the way to the heaven's light
You were hiding behind the moon
You're so fine
You walk in my mind
Put me on the top of the world
On the way to the heaven's light
Things go up things go down
Our love stays around
Put me on the top of the world
On the way to the heaven's light
I know so many places in the world
I follow the sun in my silver plane
Universal traveler
If you have a look
Outside on the sea
Everything is white
It's so wonderful
Universal traveler
So far, so far
So far away
I met so many
People in my life
I've got many friends
Who can care for me
Universal traveler
Just feel everywhere at home
Is a brand new day
Let's go somewhere else
Universal Traveler
So far, so far
I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor
Love is all, all my soul
You're my playground love
Yet my hands are shaking
I feel my body remains, time's no matter, I'm on fire
On the playground, love.
You're the piece of gold the flashes on my soul.
Extra time, on the ground.
You're my playground love.
Anytime, anywhere,
Shoot,use your gun of life
I'm not afraid to die
In your arms
Shoot,use your gun of life
Keep on watching me
Poison me
Mesamedasu prince from the biomass
Ai yoku no nami ni oyogu
Kana eacute: yo holo bi na ki ai
Demo ima wa jikan ga nai
Yokubo no sensor kawasu ai no juice
Do kasen ni hi wo tomoso
Hashile hijogushi leikyaku system on
Todokazalu nanaban me no sola
Who dares to wake me?
Prince from the biomass
Swimming in the waves of your intimacy
I'm able t offer
My love for centuries
But I have no time right now
Meet my desire sensors
My atom juice of joy
You want to use my affective circuits
Run to the fire exit
Use your cooling system
I like the way you look tonight
No blood in your vein, what does it mean ?
Trashy art everywhere, on the screen
Slow motion aftertaste, I've had foresight
That's the way you look tonight
I like the way you look tonight
Free union rider in the sun
Here comes the lord of audio beauty
Do you really have a digital body ?
People like you grim, lust for fun
That's the way you look tonight
The way you look tonight
I like the way you look tonight
People in the city
People in the city
People in the city
People in the city
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
People in the city
People in the city
People in the city
People in the city
On the sidewalk (people in the city)
Near the street lamp (people in the city)
At the bus stop (people in the city)
Down the station (people in the city)
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
Anywhere, I want you
Anywhere, I want you
Anywhere I want
Anywhere I want
Le soleil est près de moi
Le soleil est près de moi
I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor
Love is all, all my soul
You're my playground love
Yet my hands are shaking
I feel my body remains, themes no matter, I'm on fire
On the playground, love.
You're the piece of gold the flushes all my soul.
Extra time, on the ground.
You're my playground love.
Anytime, anyway,
Please do not follow where I am leading
Someone must clear these things away
Here in the burnt out husk of the morning
Strung out with nothing left to say
Yeah, this was one hell of a party
Nobody ever got to bed
But the morning after's killing me
And I have to rest my head
And just where were we trying to get to?
I can't recall one single word
And the faces that pushed themselves before you
Congeal into one, nothing transferred
But this was one hell of a party
And it's still living in my head
But the morning after shines so cold
So follow where I live
Yeah, this was one hell of a party
Nobody got to go to bed
But let's face it now, it's over
And this morning after's killing me
Holy girl
Don't get up
For running
Stay with me
I feel sad
When you run
Sands of time
Are lying
On my chest
Stay in bed
I feel sad
When you run
Stay like this
On the hills
Of my chest
Don't wake up
I feel strange
When you go
Stop the night
Hold me tight
Holy girl
Don't stand up
I feel strange
You could be from Venus
I could be from Mars
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
You could live in the sea
And I could be a bird
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
If you wear an illusion
I will make it real
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
If you walk in the sun
I will be your shadow
We would be together
Lovers forever
Don't be light
Don't be light
Maybe like me
Don't be light
Wild life
The grey surprises of our days
Singing in caves
Fabricating a new abandon
We don't see the master' hand
We bang on gold tamourines
In the cross hairs of some transient gun
Trading desires on the banquet line
We are the syncronizers
Send messages through time code
Midi clock rings in my mind
Machines gave me some freedom
Synthesizers gave me some wings
They drop me through twelve bit samplers
We are electronic performers
We are electronics
We need to use envelope filters
To say how we feel
Riding on magnetic waves
We search new programs for your pleasure
I want to patch my soul on your brain
Bpm controls yoour heartbeats
We are the syncronizers
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes
Où sont tes idoles mal rasées, bien habillées
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Dans leurs yeux des dollars
Dans leurs sourires des diamants
Moi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un dieu
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Apollon 2000 zéro défaut vingt et un an
C'est l'homme idéal charme au masculin
The world is on the brink
The brink of our extinction
The end of an era
The end of a genre
Do the joy , do, do, do
Do the shouts, do, do, do
Do the cries, do, do, do
Do the smiles, do, do, the smiles
Building a sepulture and fading to the ground
Laughing on our ashes and holding our own lashes
Slaping all the species from all over the seas
Do the joy, do the joy, do the joy, do the joy
Do the shouts, do the shouts, do the shouts, do the shouts
Do the cries, do the cries, do the cries, do the cries
Never been here, how about you?
You smile at my answer
Given me the chance
To be held and understood
You leave me laughing without crying
There's no use denying
For many times I've tried
Love has never felt as good
Downtown or way up in the air
When your heart's pounding
You know that I'm aware
You make it easy to watch the world with love
You make it easy to let the past be done
You make it easy
How'd you do it, how'd you find me?
How did I find you ?
How can this be true
To be held and understood?
Keep it coming, no one's running
The lesson I'm learning
Blessings are deserved
By the trust that always could
Downtown or way up in the air
When your heart's pounding
You know that I'm aware
You make it easy to watch the world with love
You make it easy to let the past be done
You make it easy
You make it easy to watch the world with love
You make it easy to let the past be done
You make it easy
The word 'hurricane' is the name given to nature's strongest storm.
A hurricane occurs when high pressure and low pressure masses of air come in contact with one another.
There is often a significant difference in temperature between the two masses.
One mass is warm, while the other is cold.
The warmer air rises, and the cooler air falls.
Likewise, the low pressure area slides down the sides of the high pressure area.
I don't want to be shy
Can't stand it anymore
I just want to say 'Hi'
To the one I love
Cherry blossom girl
I feel sick all day long
From not being with you
I just want to go out
Ever night for a while
Cherry blossom girl
Tell me why can't it be true
I never talk to you
People say that I should
I can pray everyday
For the moment to come
Cherry blossom girl
I just want to be sure
When I will come to you
When the time will be gone
You will be by my side
Cherry Blossom Girl
Tell me why can't it be true
I'll never love again
Can I say that to you
Will you run away
If I try to be true
Cherry blossom girl
Cherry blossom girl
I'll always be there for you
That means no time to waste
Whenever there's a chance
Cherry blossom girl
No time before it's too soon
No time after it's too late
Time's getting old, time's over now
Don't try to be on time
Don't try to run after time
Time's getting on, time's over now
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
Time's getting on, time's over now
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
Time's getting on, time's over now
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
Time's getting on, time's over now
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
I'm a little boy, you're a little girl
Once upon a time
Partying all night long
Sleeping around
Waking up so late
Missing the light of the day
The light of the day
Mixing bad people
Arguing with friends
Getting so much stress, getting so much stress,
Getting so much stress, getting so much stress
Missing the light of the day
The light of the day
Missing the light of the day
The light of the day
Partying all night long, partying all night long,
Partying all night long,
Sleeping around, sleeping around, sleeping around
Do I need?
Do I need?
Schedule live
Do I need?
Venus joy
Do I need?
Recess lines
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Do I feel?
Helium dreams
Do I feel?
Fresh impacts
Do I feel?
Hot joy nights
Do I feel?
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Lucky and unhappy
Lucky and unhappy
Lucky and unhappy
I would like to own your photograph
The angels cry to have your photograph
As if you were awfully made for life
As fortune favor fools like candle light
I would like to own your autograph
The angels fight to own your photograph
But you reckon on the photograph
When the redhead girl goes by
The course of time stands still
When the redhead girl goes by
Goes by
Goes by
When the redhead girl goes by
It's a dream with a blue knife
When the redhead girl goes by
'Cause it's just another day
You will lose it anyway
The time
That goes
'Cause it's just another day
You will lose it anyway
You lust
In Space
In Time
'Cause it's just another day
Please do not follow where I am leading
Someone must clear these things away
Here in the burnt out husk of the morning
Struck out with nothing left to say
Yeah this was one hell of a party
Nobody ever got to bed
But the morning after's killing me
And I have to rest my head
And just where were we trying to get to
I can't recall one single word
And the faces that pushed themselves before you
Congeal into one, nothing transferred
This was one hell of a party
And it's still living in my head
But the morning after shines so cold
So follow where I live
This was one hell of a party
Nobody got to go to bed
Let's face it now, it's over
Thousands of hairs
Two eyes only
Its you
Some skin
Billions of genes
Again its you
That's why it's you and me
Your blood is red
It's beautiful genetic love
I don't know why I feel that way with you
I need your DNA
Your fingerprints
The flesh, her arm, your bones
I'd like to know
Why all these things move me
Let's use ourselves to be as one tonight
Apart of me would like to travel in your veins
I don't know why I feel that way with you
Time for flying rockets
For silver jets
For surfing bombs
Surfing on a rocket
Don't pray to go
Please take my hand
Don't get me down
Surfing on a rocket
I'll be back one day
Just pray for me
I'm on my way
Surfing on a rocket
5 4 3 2 1 0
No one can stop me to go
I'm falling in love
I'm falling down, falling down
Down on the ground
I'm falling in love
I'm falling down, falling down
Down on the ground
How strange is your love
How strange is your love
How warm is your love
How tough is your love
I'm hitting the ground
It's hurting me, hurting me
It's hurting my love
I'm hitting the ground
It's hurting me, hurting me
It's hurting my love
How strange is your love
How strange is your love
How warm is your love
How tough is your love
I'm burning my love
I'm burning alive, burning alive
Down on the ground
I'm burning my love
I'm burning alive, burning alive
Down on the ground
How strange is your love
How strange is your love
How warm is your love
How tough is your love
How strange is your love
How strange is your love
How warm is your love
How tough is your love
I'm falling in love
I'm falling down, falling down
Down on the ground
I'm falling in love
I'm falling down, falling down
Down on the ground
How strange is your love
How strange is your love
How warm is your love
How tough is your love
How tough is your love
How tough is your love
How tough is your love
J'en perds la raison
(I lost my mind)
Dans la mer du Japon
(in the sea of Japan)
J'en perds la raison
Left bank, I'm waiting for someone
Someone to be my friend
Outside, traffic's running slowly
I hear it from my window
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun
I can't hold the sun
It's raining, love is not around me
How can it get soak?
Homesick, this is how I feel now
This is how you left me
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun
I can't hold the sun
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun
Do I need?
Do I need?
Schedule live
Do I need?
Venus joy
Do I need?
Recess lines
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Do I feel?
Helium dreams
Do I feel?
Fresh impacts
Do I feel?
Hot joy nights
Do I feel?
Lucky and unhappy
Vote for a freestyle life
Lucky and unhappy
Driving on the freeway flash line
Lucky and unhappy
Lucky and unhappy
Lucky and unhappy
Lucky and unhappy
Everyone dated the demise of our neighborhood from the suicide of the lisbon girls.
People saw their clairvoyance in the wiped-out elms and harsh sunlight.
Some thought the torture tearing the lisbon girls pointed to a simple refusal to accept the world as it was handed down to them:
So full of flaws.
But the only thing we are certain of after all these years is the insufficiency of explanations.
"obviously doctor, you've never been a thirteen year-old girl."
The lisbon girls were 13, cecile, 14, lux, 15, bonnie, 16, mary, and 17, therese.
No one could understand how mrs. lisbon and mr. lisbon, a math teacher, had produced such beautiful creatures.
From that time one, the lisbon house began to change.
Almost every day, and even when she wasn't keeping an eye on cecilia,
Lux would suntan on her towel wearing a swimsuit that caused the knife-sharpener to give her a 15-minute demonstration for free.
The only reliable boy who got to know lux was trip fontaine
For only 18 months before the suicides had emerged from baby fat
To the delight of girls and mothers alike.
But few anticipated it would be so drastic.
The girls were pulled out of school, and mrs. lisbon shut the house for maximum security isolation.
The girls' only contact to the outside world was through the catalogs
They ordered that started to fill the lisbon's mailbox with pictures of high-end fashions and brochures for exotic vacations.
Unable to go anywhere, the girls traveled in their imaginations:
To gold-tipped siamese temples or past an old man, the leaf broom tidying the [maw's] carpeted [speck] of japan (? ? ? ).
And cecelia hadn't died.she was a bride in calcutta.
Collecting everything we could of theirs, we couldn't get the lisbon girls out of our minds, but they were slipping away.
The colors of their eyes were fading, along with exact locations of moles and dimples.
From five, they had become four, and they were all (the living and the dead), become shadows.
We would have lost them completely if the girls hadn't contacted us.
Lux was the last to go.
Fleeing from the house, we forgot to stop at the garage.
After the suicide free-for-all, mr. and mrs. lisbon gave up any attempt to lead a normal life.
They had mr. henry pack up the house, selling what furniture he could at a garage sale.
Everyone went just to look.
Our parents did not buy used furniture, and they certainly didn't buy furniture tainted by death.
We of course took the family photos that were put out with the trash.
Mr. lisbon put the house on the market, and it was sold to a young couple from boston.
It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls,
But only that we had loved them, and that they hadn't heard us call; still did not hear us,
Calling out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide,
I am feeling very warm right now
Please don't disappear
I am spacing out with you
You are the most beautiful entity that I've ever dreamed of
At night I will protect you in your dreams
I will be your angel
You worry so much about not having enough time together
It makes no difference to me
I would be happy with just one minute in your arms
Let's have an extended play together
You're telling me that we live to far to love each other
But your love can stretch further than you and I can see
So how does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
Do you know when you look at me
It is a salvation
I've been waiting for you so long
I can drive on that road forever
I wish you could exist to live on my planet
Well it's very hard for me to say these things in your presence
So how does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
So how does it make you feel?
Jeanne met toutes ses billes dans la course au pouvoir,
Au succee jeanne n'est pas à cours de ressources pour séduire qui lui plaît
Jeanne connaît bien l'art des retouches et l'envers du décor
Elle corrige la forme de sa bouche, les lignes de son corps
Petite jeanne deviendra grande quand ses rêves auront changé
Petite jeanne deviendra forte quand ses jouets préfabriqués s'ront usés
Jeanne aim'rait dîner au champagne tous les soirs de l'année
Eclipser les autres par son charme, son talent, ses idées
Jeanne voudrait avoir à ses pieds des amants riches et beaux
Au bras de qui elle sourirait à la une des journaux
Petite jeanne deviendra grande quand ses rêves auront changé
Petite jeanne deviendra forte quand ses jouets préfabriqués seront cassés
Jeanne voudrait dormir dans la soie, le velours, le satin
Jeanne en veut, fait tout, croisent les doigts pour aider le destin
All I need is a little time
To get behind this sun
And cast my weight
All I need is a peace of this mind
Then I can celebrate
All in all there's something to give
All in all there's something to do
All in all there's something to live
With you
All I need is a little sign
To get behind this sun
And cast this weight of mine
All I need is the place to find
And there I'll celebrate
All in all there's something to give
All in all there's something to do
All in all there's something to live
With you, with you
Remember together remember forever
Souviens toi ce jour là toi et moi
Don't let the routine kill our life
Do you still want to be by my side
Remember the time we were both right
Like on the photos that you hide
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Just be an easy going woman
Easy going woman
I tried so hard to please you
That i forgot my own happiness - happiness
Don't play that game like you used to do
Do you believe what you say - what you say
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Just be an easy going woman
Easy going woman
I still believe that people can change
Please let me know if you want me to
How many years do we have to wait
For understanding each other - each other
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Just be an easy going woman
Easy going woman
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Just be an easy going woman
How long it will take you to reach the stars?
No... where you are
No one could escape it, and hold it right
No had no companion, and you were right
It's you that I want, it's you that...
No one for the taking, it will be mine
No... seven stars, seven stars.
Twenty seconds in counting, fifteen seconds,
Twelve, eleven, ten, eight mission... stars
Six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.
... where you are
To know where you're going, the seven stars,
Write a song, know it
Overkill just a bit
Easy does it
Good and hard just may hit
Oh you see this working
You and me been hurting
All this time we're being spun
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Drummer bleeding
It's his pulse you're feeling
Singer screaming
Words you been feeling
Oh you see it working
You and me been hurting
All the time we're being spun
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Drummer bleeding
It's his pulse you're feeling
Singer screaming
Words you been feeling
Oh you see it working
You and me been hurting
All the time we're being spun
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Just to sing song
Sing song sung
Just to sing song
You can tell it to everybody
There is something between us
You can tell it to everybody
There is something going on between us
You can tell it to everybody
There is something between us
You can tell it to everybody
This is the story of a country girl
Back in town from her country house
She came to me with her muddy boots
She destroyed all my carpet
You know how to do it
Wonder milky bitch
You never wear cosmetic
You don't like arithmetic
You know how to do it
Wonder milky bitch
Tasting,touching,swallowing me
Drinking me like bloody mary
You know how to do it
Wonder milky bitch
You don't wear cosmetic
You don't like arithmetic
You know how to do it
Wonder milky bitch
Tasting,touching,swallowing me
Drinking me like bloody mary
Wonder milky bitch
Wonder milky bitch
Wonder milky bitch
Golden waves
In all directions
I could lose my soul right here
Colour lights
On the runway
Makes a stranger feel unchained
I'm running after time and I miss the sunshine
Summer days will come happiness will be mine
I'm lost in my words I don't know where I'm going
I do my best I can not to worry about things
I feel loose
I feel haggard
Don't know what I'm looking for
Something true
Something lovely
That will make me feel alive
I'm running after time and I miss the sunshine
Summer days are not so far everything's
If you need some fun
Some good stereo gum
Radio #1
Brand new ears at once
Eject musical trash
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
We love
Melancholy snipers
We'll become
Flower gun users
We request
Funeral of sadness
We play
The shade destroyers
If you need some fun
Some good stereo gum
Radio #1
Brand new ears at once
Eject musical trash
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Radio #1
Be a Bee
Be be be a bee
Be a Bee
Be be be a bee
So many things i refuse to be
I'd like to be be a bee
So many things i refuse to be
Be a Bee
Be be be a bee
Be a Bee
Be be be a bee
So many things are bothering me
But you know bees are free
So many things i refuse to be
I'd like to be be a bee
I'd like to be be a bee
Be a Bee
Be be be a bee
Be a Bee
Estou sonhando de olhos abertos
Estou fugindo da realidade
Todas as cervejas já bebi
Todos os baseados já fumei
E o que há de errado no mundo
Meus olhos não podem ver
Eu estou do jeito certo
Prá qualquer compromisso assumir
E é assim que me querem
Sem que possa pensar
Sem que possa lutar
Por um ideal
E é assim que me querem
A ver na tv todo sangue jorrar
E ainda aprovar a pena capital
E me vendem essa droga
E me proibem essa droga
Para os desavisados poderem pensar
Que o governo combate
Invadindo a favela, empunhando fuzis
Juntando dinheiro
Para a platina no nariz
E é assim que me querem
Sem que possa pensar
sem que possa lutar
Por um ideal
E é assim que me querem,
a ver na tv o sangue jorrar
E ainda aprovar a pena capital