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Chromium Trioxide (FAIL) - Periodic Table of Videos
The Truth about Chromium Picolinate
Google Chrome vs. Chromium
Chromium - The Last Time
How To Install Chromium Browser On Windows
Chromium - World of Lies
Chromium - Periodic Table of Videos
Chromium For Diabetes
Chemical Volcano and Fire Blizzard with Chromium Oxide!
Mum tries out Chromium OS 27.0.1441.1 (2013)
Complex Ions: The chemistry of Chromium Complexes
Chromium - United As One
Chrome OS (Chromium) Tutorial
The Professor shows us a tremendous reaction - but forgets to switch off the department smoke alarm. More chemistry at Follow ...
The truth about Chromium Picolinate and Weight Loss.
Short discussion with Chromium Evangelist François Beaufort about the main differences between Chromium and the Google Chrome browser. (version en français: ...
By Jordan Harland.
In this video I go over how to install the Chromium web browser on Windows. Chromium is an open source web browser which Google Chrome and some other browser...
Latest Album on iTunes: Pharmacist Max Motyka on what chromium is and how it helps insulin in your body.
Chromium is element number 24. Videos about all the elements at - Discover how chromium can help control and improve type 2 diabetes.
Hello everyone. Today we will conduct a reaction with chromium oxide 3. Chromium oxide will serve us as a catalyst. We will get the chromium oxide out of the reaction of the decomposition of ammonium dichromate. For the reaction, we will take a metal cup and pour there a little, though nevermind, let's just empty the entire ammonium of dichromate. Next, we ignite the substance using a burner and then observe the beautiful decay of the substance. Well, the reaction has been completed now and we've got quite a lot of chromium oxide 3 as a result. The first reaction with it is going to be the catalytic oxidation of ammonia using chromium oxide 3. We will get ammonia gas from a Wurtz flask. To obtain it, we need a mixture of sodium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate. Now pour the reagents into the flask. Since ammonia is lighter than air, it is best to collect it from the bottom of the vessel. To start the reaction, we’ll add some water to the mixture. The reaction has started and now ammonia is entering the glass jar. After the jar is filled with ammonia, we need to heat up the chromium oxide 3. Light up the burner, get a bit of chromium oxide 3 into a spoon and heat it up. Now let’s add the retrieved red-hot chromium oxide into our jar. What did just happen during this reaction, you could wonder. Ammonia in the jar has reacted with oxygen. The catalyst for the reaction was chromium oxide 3. This reaction produces nitrogen oxide and water. For the next reaction let’s take a metal cup and pour there a small amount of chromium oxide. Place a piece of cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol onto the cup . Then, ignite the cotton. Now quickly sprinkle the cotton wool with chromium oxide. During this reaction, chromium oxide catalyzes the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. By the way, the smell of acetaldehyde is very much like a quick-drying super glue.
Ever thought of buying a Chromebook? It's cheap, portable and looks decent on the outside but is the operating system known as ChromeOS that runs on it going...
FOR LIVE ONLINE TUITION: This short video whistles through most of the chemistry of chr...
Proudly brought to you by JAGERMUSIC SOUTH AFRICA! "United as One" - from the album "Self Titled" (2011) Directed & Filmed by Jordan Harland Clothing by Deca...
Take our FREE classes at Chrome OS (aka Chromium) is the operating system found in every Google Chromebook. In this tutorial, Davi...
como instalar Chromium Browser EN ESPAÑOL para canaima clic aquí : facebook: kieren cambiar el icono como el de google chrome solo busquen en google imágenes chromiun browser render o descarguen el icono aqui :
Chrome сделан на основе Chromium? Развеем же мифы об этом загадочном браузере Chromium. 00:27 Идея Google Chrome 01:11 Анонс Chrome 01:40 Движки WebKit, V8, ...
This video is about how to install Chromium OS on you PC. The Chromium OS links :
Diabetics can control their diabetes with manganese, magnesium and chromium rich diet. Manganese is vital in the production of natural insulin and therefore important in the treatment of diabetes. It is found in citrus fruits, in the outer covering of nuts, grains and in the green leaves of edible plants. The loss of magnesium in diabetic ketosis has been known for many years. About 37 percent of infants born to diabetic mothers have been found to be lacking in this mineral. It has also been found that children aged five to 18 years with well-controlled type-1 diabetes have lows serum manganese values. Magnesium also decreases the need for vitamin B6 and if it is increased in the diet, the amount of xanthurenic acid in the blood is reduced, even without vitamin B6 supplement. Moreover, magnesium is also necessary to active enzymes containing vitamin B6. Blood magnesium being particularly low in diabetic, it may be reasonably inferred that diabetes can result from a combined deficiency of vitamin B6 and magnesium. It may therefore, be advisable for any person with diabetes or a family history of the disease to take the at least 500 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of B6 daily. Magnesium is widely distributed in foods. It forms part of the chlorophyll in green leaves. Other good sources of this mineral are nuts, Soya bean, alfalfa, apple, fig, lemon, peach, almond, whole grains, brown rice, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Chromium - According to Dr. Richard A. Anderson, at the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, whatever the blood sugar problem, chromium tends to normalize it. Dr. Anderson believes that increased prevalence of type-2 diabetes is partly due to a deficiency of chromium in the diet. Chromium has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Columbia University scientists, in a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition established chromium’s benefits for type-2 diabetes. They confirmed that chromium enhances insulin production in the body. Some other researchers have also confirmed that chromium helps stabilize blood sugar and increases energy. Studies have also revealed that chromium supplements control total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise the good or HDL cholesterol. In some patients with impaired glucose tolerance, especially children with protein malnutrition, glucose tolerance showed improvement after they were given chromium supplements. The recommended daily allowance of chromium is 50 to 100 micrograms. Some foods rich in chromium, besides broccoli, are whole grain cereals, nuts, mushrooms, rhubarb, Bengal gram, kidney beans, Soya beans, black gram, betel leaves, bottle gourd, corn oil, brewer’s yeast, pomegranate and pineapple.
la contraseña de el terminal de root en C4na1ma colocan este código sudo apt-get install chromium-browser-l10n copienlo y lo pegan le dan enter y listo suscribanse click en me gusta,comenten y suscribanse si quieren :D Pagina de Txori:
I'm reviewing the Grinder named Chromium Crusher. I ground up about a gram of nuggetry (Master Kush). It's a medium sized grinder with a pollen catcher. I gi...
Arne Seib: The Chromium Embedded Framework
Ordered this grinder from HealthVapor via Ebay. All together including shipping it only ran me 18 bucks, Which is good considering they are generally sold fo...
http:// essential nutrient is typically found in certain foods like meat, fish...
... a reference to components such as lead, cadmium, chromium, and mercury found in some dumped waste.
Voa News 2015-04-19In addition, the report said there were excessive concentrations of zinc, cadmium and chromium, as ...
Taipei Times 2015-04-19m tonnes of harmful lead compounds, as well as mercury, cadmium and chromium, and 4,400 tonnes of ...
The Guardian 2015-04-19Mt) ... The 41.8 ... Mt of batteries, as well as mercury, cadmium, chromium and 4,400 tonnes of ozone-depleting substances (CFCs).
Deccan Herald 2015-04-19Mt) ... The 41.8 ... Mt of batteries, as well as mercury, cadmium, chromium and 4,400 tonnes of ozone-depleting substances (CFCs).
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-19million tonnes of lead glass, 300,000 tonnes of batteries - as well as mercury, cadmium, chromium, ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-19This article will show you how to change the scaling settings for GNOME 3, Mozilla’s Firefox and Thunderbird, and Chromium.
PC World 2015-04-18She said slag is regulated in Ohio only if it leaches metals such as lead or chromium into state ...
The Columbus Dispatch 2015-04-18Inspectors also determined that the company failed to monitor hexavalent chromium exposure levels among workers.
noodls 2015-04-17... containers; and provide Hazard Communication training on methylene chloride and hexavalent chromium.
noodls 2015-04-17... (nutrient rich part, a good source of proteins, fat, vitamin E, B, iron, magnesium and chromium).
The Times of India 2015-04-17MOFs are constructed of metal atoms (such as zinc, copper or chromium, to name a few) interconnected by organic linkers ... V.
noodls 2015-04-17... chromium and nickel), as well as "acid gases" such as hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid.
Huffington Post 2015-04-17Chromium ( /ˈkroʊmiəm/ KROH-mee-əm) is a chemical element which has the symbol Cr and atomic number 24. It is the first element in Group 6. It is a steely-gray, lustrous, hard metal that takes a high polish and has a high melting point. It is also odorless, tasteless, and malleable. The name of the element is derived from the Greek word "chrōma" (χρώμα), meaning colour, because many of its compounds are intensely coloured. Chromium oxide was used by the Chinese in the Qin dynasty over 2,000 years ago to coat weapons such as bronze crossbow bolts and steel swords found at the Terracotta Army. It later came to the attention of the West when it was discovered by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in the mineral crocoite (lead(II) chromate) in 1797. Crocoite was used as a pigment, and after the discovery that the mineral chromite also contains chromium, this mineral was used to produce pigments as well.
Chromium was regarded with great interest because of its high corrosion resistance and hardness. A major development was the discovery that steel could be made highly resistant to corrosion and discoloration by adding chromium to form stainless steel. This application, along with chrome plating (electroplating with chromium) are currently the highest-volume uses of the metal. Chromium and ferrochromium are produced from the single commercially viable ore, chromite, by silicothermic or aluminothermic reaction or by roasting and leaching processes.
Where were you
When I needed
To find a way
Lost in life
Wanting escape,
Already there
Where was I
When I needed
A push to stay
Am I here
Or lost in
A wanted shame?
But I know
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
Where were we
When we needed
Some piece of mind
But I know
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
What do you want from me?
Why can you never see?
I tried my best to satisfy
I cannot find the reason why
You take me,
You break me
Of everything I own
Forsake me, mistake me
It's all you've ever known
Never knew it would come down to this
Feeling lost in my own existence
Seeing blind through the eyes I have
You can never take away my soul
I can never be it all
Waking now, like before
This life is not for me
I change for slavery
I tried my best to satisfy
I cannot find the reason why
You take me,
You break me
Of everything I own
Forsake me, mistake me
It's all you've ever known
I can never be it all
Waking now, like before
I have never found a way
Forever now, you're endlessly
I'm running behind you
I can do this my own way
I'm running behind you
I can find my own escape
Running behind you
I can do this my own way
I'm running behind you
I can find my own escape
I can find my own escape
Never knew it would come down to this
Feeling lost in my own existence
Seeing blind through the eyes I have
You can never take away my soul
I have never found a way
Forever now, you're endlessly
I'm running behind you
I will do this my own way
I'm running behind you
I can find my own escape
Running behind you
I can do this my own way
I'm running behind you
I can find my own escape
New Born Eyes
Listen to me, I need you here
I plead for your aid, to find my fear
Open my mind to all I've left behind
Never knowing It's all inside my mind
And through my new born eyes I
see the world a new (Life with out you)
I need this, I feel this, this is all I am, to me...
Closing my mind to all you choose to hide
Never showing it's all inside your mind
Listen to me, I don't need you here
Ah ha ha, Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Ah ha ha
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Don't you look in there,
and don't you stare
Night of mares
You don't scare
The maniac has got no eyes,
So what's the use to hypnotize?
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
A Disco Queen
I've been seen,
She ain't buried
Where she should have been
They are dead, but they dance on
Through the night, but when morning comes...
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Don't go to the Haunted Disco
Don't go to the Haunted Disco,
Ah ha ha ha
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Don't go, Don't go, Don't go)
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Don't go, Don't go, Don't go)
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Watch your back! Watch your back!)
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Watch your back! Watch your back!)
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Watch your back! Watch your back!)
Don't go
(Don't go)
To the Haunted Disco
(Watch your back! Watch your back!)
You push me and I wait
I feel you and I break
It's to far, to far gone now
I'm swinging out of control, I feel I'm losing my soul
And I will never begin to realize... I'm dead in your
I feel nothing but pain, you left me feeling ashamed
And suddenly I finally believe... You never knew me
You push me and I wait
I feel you and I break
It's to far, to far gone now
I see right through your eyes, straight through your lies
No longer will I compromise. You'll never own me.
I'm taking back who I am, breaking free from your plan
This is a message from the forces of light,
Communication from the regions of white,
We have been watching you from high in the sky,
You're turning to the darkness and your world's gone
Ah, Ah
Forces of light
Ah, Ah
Keeping you right
Ah, Ah
Forces of light, Keeping you right
Forces, Oh! Forces of light
Listen to us now before we leave it too late
If you want to follow us then you must obey,
Open up the door and walk right into the light
Learning by yourself to see the world going by
Ah, Ah
Forces of light
Ah, Ah
Keeping you right
Ah, Ah
Forces of light, Keeping you right
Forces, Oh! Forces of light
Ah, Ah
Forces of light
Ah, Ah
Keeping you right
Ah, Ah
Forces of light
Ah, Ah
Keeping you right
You better listen to the forces of light
You better listen to the forces of light
You better listen to the forces of light
You better listen to the forces of light
I see you every day, you drain my life away
You give me no respect, got nothing good to say
I'm losing you, losing me
losing everything that ever made me be.
And I find my way and it's over now
No more restrain and it's over now
I'm breaking free from you, it's all that I can do
You will never know what I've been through
'm losing you, saving me
Saving me everything that I used to be
And there's nothing more that I would rather do
Is find my way back to you...
And there's nothing more that I would rather see
Where do I start, trying to explain the emotions that I
To choose a path of a life worth living for.
To be reborn
I can't break this
I can't breath this
Set me free
Why do I try to keep alive the relation that we had
Still you have this control on me
It seems like I've been traveling for so many million
Light years in between us, Can I take away your smile?
Missing you so much,
so far out of touch
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how you are,
I'm hoping that you're still in love with me
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how and where you
Light years in between us can not take away your love
I see it clearly now,
Through the emptiness of space, I see your face
I am the commander of a lonely star patrol,
You are just a crew man on a ferry to the moon,
Missing you so much,
so far out of touch
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how you are,
I'm hoping that you're still in love with me
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how and where you
Light years in between us can not take away your love
I see it clearly now,
Through the emptiness of space, I see your face
Missing you so much,
so far out of touch
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how you are,
I'm hoping that you're still in love with me
I'm traveling star to star, I wonder how and where you
Light years in between us can not take away your love
I see it clearly now,
Wondering when I'm gonna wake up
Something said, still echoes in my head
Forget the pain, forever will remain
Hold it inside of me
Am I dead, alive to satisfy?
What's in my head? A path that burns me
Why do I yield to everything?
That you said, still echoes in my head
Admit it...
Bring me down in this world forget my soul
Bring me down this is all for you
But you see
Tear me down from inside, erase my mind
Tear me down cause I'm nothing to you
And never will be...
See myself, from a distance
Breath again, far away from here
To be myself, the greatest challenge
Rise up, let’s go, It begins here
Get up, feel free, to lose your fear
Now is your time, eliminate this state of mind
Take it away, take it away (you want to)
Be all that you can be now
Break it away, break it away (what you gonna do?)
Do not adhere, just be yourself
Now it all becomes clear
Just what I’ve become
What I’ve done, what I’ve become
Breaking free from this hold of all that you’ve done
What I know and where I go
No matter where I go
Never, no more will we feel this
Reborn, I see the end of it
Now is our time
Eliminate this state of mind
Take it away, you’ve only yourself to blame
Break it away, no matter what, we remain
Now it all becomes clear
Just what I’ve become
What I’ve done, what I’ve become
Breaking free from this hold of all that you’ve done
What I know and where I go
No matter where I go
Take it away
Break it away
Forget everything you know…
Just be yourself
Forget everything you’ve ever known
Listen up I’m the one now nowhere left to run
I know that you deceive me
Put up with it so long
No more to say, I walk away
There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
In this world of lies
We are not alone
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Killing me in time
We are on our own
Rising up, broken free, shackles that entombed me
I know you won’t believe me
You hurt me for so long
No more to say, I walk away
Can you open your eyes to witness what’s become?
Can you open up your mind, to erase all that’s been done?
Can you open up mind?
We are the Radar Angels,
We only live inside your dream
How do I get to have control?
There's something on my screen.
Please, Could you ask computer
What it is that I have seen?
Okay, Charlie.
We'll run a check on it.
These are Radar Angels!
Repeat: Only Radar Angels!
We are the Radar Angels,
We've come to life upon your screen
We are the Radar Angels,
We only live inside your dream
How do I get to have control?
Was my message clear?
I don't understand the readout,
there's something strange up here
Okay Charlie, just hold on there,
We'll run that program again!
Again, These are Radar Angels!
Repeat: Only Radar Angels!
We are the Radar Angels,
We've come to life upon your screen
We are the Radar Angels,
We only live inside your dream
These are Radar Angels!
Repeat: Only Radar Angels!
We are the Radar Angels,
We've come to life upon your screen
We are the Radar Angels,
We only live inside your dream
How do I get to have control?
There's something on my screen.
Please, Could you ask computer
What it is that I have seen?
How do I get to have control?
Was my message clear?
I don't understand the readout,
there's something strange up here
Radar Angels, Radar Angels
These are Radar Angels!
Repeat: Only Radar Angels!
Radar Angels, Radar Angels
All is lost now here I stand
Could this all be done by your hand
And now I know this paranoier won't follow
Let me go
On my own
I am never alone
Unheard of truth I behold
This always captures my mind
A replication of it all
That once filtered out the world
Suffocation of the past
Knowing these emotions won't last
And now I know, this paranoier won't last
Let me go
On my own
I am never alone
Unheard of truth I behold
This always captures my mind
A replication of it all
That once filtered out the world
Fly on UFO, Fly on by
Come meet your mission in the sky
Fly on, There's nothing worth
Stopping for on Planet Earth
Fly on UFO, Fly on by
This is the voice of Atlantis,
In one hundred years the human race will disappear,
The sea of Earth is our salvation,
She will begin the devastation
From all of harm that man had gained,
To the atmosphere from once we came,
we will return... But until then
Fly on UFO, Fly on by
Come meet your mission in the sky
Fly on, There's nothing worth
Stopping for on Planet Earth
Fly on UFO, Fly on
Fly on UFO, Fly on by
Come meet your mission in the sky
Fly on, There's nothing worth
Stopping for on Planet Earth
Fly on UFO, Fly on
Scott 1 to Mission Control
A visual contact with a UFO
Permission to intercept
Mission Control to Scott 1
You have not seen a UFO,
Repeat: You have not seen a UFO
Return to base!
Fly on UFO, Fly on by
Come meet your mission in the sky
Fly on, There's nothing worth
Stopping for on Planet Earth
I've given you everything that I could ever give
You gave me nothing but all this pain
Suffocate my life away, I can't control
Hold me down to live it your way, you're to blame
I wish my life away, all because of you
I'm not your property!
Lost taken from me all that you thought you could owe
You give me nothing back, I'm alone
Take me back to where it began, when I was blind
I've let you go from this hold, on my mind.
I cannot find a way to run away from you
It always runs a stray and cuts me through
I'm taking back my life, taking back my pain, all that I
I'll make an example of you, this life is real
This is for me...
Take a look at the world surrounding you
Is it all you hoped for?
Dissapear, hide it all, they never knew
Your inner demons before
Why does it always have seem to be this way
It always ends the same
Take a step back and see the truth of it
You wanted more
Loosing grip, falling into your abyss
Your inner demons implore
Why does it always have seem to be this way
It always ends the same
I will not give in
I will not back down
My life to begin
Was lost now I am found
Why does it always have seem to be this way
It always ends the same
I will give everything to make a change
Why do we live this life?
Why must you take over the world I know?
You try to feed my lies
If this is what you want, then make it so
Feel what I know (Don’t need to feel alone)
Purposely take control (I don’t need your hold)
Find the strength to hold (It’s in your heart)
It’s getting harder to sustain the endless need
To be alone
What have I done for me to deserve this
It has began… my life
Now, my time is now, I no longer feel this
It’s just begun… my life
It’s all too far gone to make it real
Where were you
When I needed
To find a way
Lost in life
Wanting escape,
Already there
Where was I
When I needed
A push to stay
Am I here
Or lost in
A wanted shame?
But I know
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
Where were we
When we needed
Some piece of mind
But I know
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
Here I am,
Walking in your shadow
But you never noticed
Here we are, one and one together
But it'll never find
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
You'll miss it when it's gone
I dedicate this to all that you have done
Eliminate my will to over
There's always someone in our way
always something left to say
But no
one, when i turn around
Hold on to all that you have
It may be the last
That you are here
I feel you there, dissapearing further
From my world
Now that I see this you turn away and run
I have to resist it's too
late to become
From time to time i let it go
I feel it's time for me to
But no one, when i turn around
Hold on to all that you have
It may be
the last time
That you are here
I feel you there, dissapearing further
my world inside
From my world inside
Hold on... Hold on to all that you
Hold on... It may be the last
Hold on to all that you have
It may be
the last time
That you are here
I feel you there, dissapearing further
"Welcome all tourists coming to board number 3-10-9er
I hope you have a pleasant journey back in time.
Thank You!"
Time, We travel through time
Ooh, What a delight
"Around the gate 7, is the attendants station,
where the passengers are boarding the planes.
Please stay there waiting with your luggage.
Thank You!"
Time, We travel through time
Ooh, What a delight
Time, We'll leave it behind
Ooh, What a delight
"This is your Captain speaking.
We are now moving back into the 20th Century
at approximately -2 Years per minute.
Please keep your seat belts fastened
as we will shortly be experiencing some time
"Let's follow from back to forward.
And passengers please make their way to Gate 51.
Thank You!"
We travel through time
We travel through time
We travel through time
Listen to me, I need you here
I plead for your aid, to find my fear
Open my mind to all I've left behind
Never knowing It's all inside my mind
And through my new born eyes I
see the world a new (Life with out you)
I need this, I feel this, this is all I am, to me...
Closing my mind to all you choose to hide
Never showing it's all inside your mind
Listen to me, I don't need you here
Silver needles
Golden eagles
Frightened faces
Basket cases
Jags and riches
Queens and witches
Electric mantras
And tight-fitting dreams
Never been so high
Never been so low
Never been so high
Gilded flowers, long-lost hours
Morning programs with fake suntans
Neo-maniac in the cul-de-sac
Otherwise it's this ennui
Chromium platin'
All this waiting brings me down
All those colors bring me around
Broken records
Faded labels
Songs to sing to
When you were young
A tattooed pierced arm
Fresh and perfumed
Switch your prison
Fly away
And jewels on your fingers
Tears in your dresses
Fabulous mansions
And damp little rooms
This one intrigued me
This one will grow
Purity sleeping
I see Lateef out on the floor
She dance, She dance out of your head
Beam on, Demond
Demond has stayed out of the way
She's out of her mind, Not from your time
Beam on, Demond
Beam on, waste your mind
Travel back space and time
Beam on, waste your mind
Travel back space and time
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
Now who to touch, Beg her for more
Set you on fire, Forget your desire
Beam on, Demond
Demond of mine, Killer of mind
Love make you blind, Prisoner of mine
Beam on, Demond
Hey you, Disco Man
Keep it up, If you can
Hey you, Disco Man
Keep it up, If you can
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
I see Lateef out on the floor
She dance, She dance out of your head
Beam on, Demond
Demond has stayed out of the way
She's out of her mind, Not from your time
Beam on, Demond
Beam on, waste your mind
Travel back space and time
Beam on, waste your mind
Travel back space and time
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
Beam on, Beam on, Beam on, Beam on
Lost, I’m lying in this place
There’s no one left to blame but me
I cannot forget all the things done to me
No purpose left to hide it all, the thought that’s inside
of us
Take every breathe before I get a chance for more
You’re all I have, all I need
Just give it a chance and you will see
I’m all you have, all you need
Let me in and you will see, you are just like me
Now, alone again I pray so take me from this place I see
I will not forget all the thing done for me
No reason left to hide it all, the thought that’s inside
of us
Take every breathe before I get a chance for more
You are just like me…
All I want is for you to be free
Don’t be ashamed of me
All I want is for you to be free
Ah, Jim 1 to First control,
Ah Report: Negative
We have found no survivors
We are abandoning the search
Sailing on a silver way
On our way back home again
Teaming off, merrily
We're so far behind
Each has got their warp to part
Memories that linger on
Tears on Earth so long ago
Of feelings I've tried not to show
Now that we are Castaways
Castaway, Castaway
Everyday, I searched the stars
But in my heart I realized
I may never see your face,
I'm just a Castaway, Castaway
Castaway, Castaway (Stop! Realize!)
Castaway, On a distant star
Castaway, Don't know where we are
Castaway, Castaway
Castaway, On a distant star
Castaway, Don't know where we are
Castaway, Castaway
Castaway, Castaway
Castaway, On a distant star
Castaway, Don't know where we are
Caribbean Air Control,
Caribbean Air Control
Calling Uncle Zulu Baker,
Calling Uncle Zulu Baker,
Answer please, you're overdue,
We're losing you
Come in Uncle Zulu Baker,
Come in Uncle Zulu Baker,
Answer please, you're overdue,
We're losing you
This is Zulu Baker here, I'm heading out to sea,
My radio is going dead, There's a blue light following
Caribbean Air Control, there's something wrong up here,
I can see the sea move, I'll drop my landing gear
Hey, Mr. Lonely in your flying machine
Do you want convincing?
Why don't you convince me?
The waves beneath come into Bermuda Triangle,
Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle
Come in Uncle Zulu Baker,
Come in Uncle Zulu Baker,
Come in please, you're overdue,
We're losing you
Caribbean Air Control,
there's something wrong up here,
I can see the sea move,
I'll drop my landing gear
Hey, Mr. Lonely in your flying machine
Do you want convincing?
Why don't you convince me?
The waves beneath come into Bermuda Triangle,
Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle
We've got Uncle Zulu Baker
Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle
Nobody but nobody comes through
Bermuda Triangle
Nobody but nobody comes through
Bermuda Triangle
Do you know what I go through to live what I want make a
I'm fighting, I'm fighting
Do you understand what I need to stay alive and survive
I'm dying here, I'm dying...
Open my mind to you all, waiting for your wanted call
But nothing, I hear nothing
Can I choose to change my mind, or is it fallen on my
I'm dying here, I'm dying...
Look what you've done to me
Look what's become
Forget what was meant to be
Now I'm undone
And I keep on falling back into the place I know
Searching high and low
And I keep on dreaming of the time that I once knew
Forever holding on
I will never be satisfied
Until I live my dream
It will never be justified
Until I make the world scream
Now it came back to me as it always seemed to do
I stole that part of you
And I’m waking from this suddenly the pain is gone
And now I am one
I will never be satisfied
Until I live my dream
It will never be justified
Until I make the world scream
Hear your voices
I wanna hear your voices now
Come on and make your choices
I wanna hear your voices proud
And it all comes to me as it’s all that I see
And you look to my face as you fall out of place
And it all comes to you as you know it’s the truth
And you look to my face as you fall from this place
I can never live…
I cannot be what you want me to
Why do you make me feel this way that I do
Release me from this life I feel, I can no longer see
What is real
You're not a part of me
You pulled yourself away
You've been to blind to see
That I was here to stay
You tried to take this life away from me
You tried to take away everything that I had
Why do you always have to run me down
I know I'm worth so much more then you would know
Place my soul into existence
Let me feel that I'm alive
I am stronger then before
(I am stronger, I am stronger!)
I will arise again once more
This is all that I can do
Live my life to please you
Must I repeat what I say
How many times must I repeat myself
I’m finding it hard to comprehend
It’s getting far to close to the end
Your means are understandable
I’m seeing it clearly now
Constant fear now, can you hear me?
I’m calling your name
Separation can you feel me now?
Sense you near me, do you believe?
I’m feeling the same
Reawaken, I’m alive inside of you
I realise that this is true
It’s all descending away from you
Assuming all that’s left is gone
And we’re no longer left behind
In life we each shall fall
The worst will be undone
Anticipate it all
Never have I heard of this deception
You take my life under control of you
You can’t control me
You try consume me
Never, will you use me
Never, will you abuse me
I’m lost in my self again
Keep taking advantage of my life
No longer forsaken
From the emptiness deep inside
All hatred that you feel for me
There is a feeling, in us all
This won't control us forever more
Break from this purpose, rise inside
Trust what you see in these eyes
I can't control this by myself
There's no erasing lies
There is a one that slowly
Bare to believe, that's all I have of me
Fight for your freedom, always strive
Silver needles
Golden eagles
Frightened faces
Basket cases
Jags and riches
Queens and witches
Electric mantras
And tight-fitting dreams
Never been so high
Never been so low
Never been so high
Gilded flowers
Long-lost hours
Morning programs
With fake suntans
Neo-maniac in the cul-de-sac
Otherwise it's this ennui
Chromium platin'
All this waiting brings me down
All those colors bring me around
Broken records
Faded labels
Songs to sing to
When you were young
A tattooed pierced arm
Fresh and perfumed
Switch your prison
Fly away
And jewels on your fingers
Tears in your dresses
Fabulous mansions
And damp little rooms
This one intrigued me
This one will grow
Purity sleeping
Reality looms