Yozgat'ta Kerkenez Antik Kenti'ni çevreleyen, 2 bin 600 yıllık tarihi geçmişi olan, uzaydan görülen en büyük tarihi kalıntılardan biri olarak kayıtlara geçen...
"Casus Kerkenez" aklandı
Elazığ'da köylüler tarafından ayağında metal halka ile bir kerkenez kuşu bulundu. Köylüler halkada İbranice yazılar yazdığını görünce Kerkenez kuşunu casuslu...
Summer '12 METU ARCH @ Kerkenes Eco Center
Kerkenes'te hazirlanan kucuk bir calisma. Eglendik diyelim.
Yozgat Sorgun Kerkenes'te Güneş Tutulması Resimleri Şair Hacı Yiğid Tarafından Çekilmiştir. www.sancaki.com web sitesinin kültür hizmetidir.
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
Kerkenes Eco Center - Haziran 2012
Hititlerin İlk Taş Atolyesi Yozgat'ta bulundu
Yozgat’ın Sorgun İlçesi Yeniyer Beldesi’nde Hitit döneminin ilk “Heykel Atölyesi” olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilen bölgede Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın desteği ile yapılacak kurtarma çalışmaları neticesinde açık hava müzesi kurulacak. Geniş bir arazide yer alan Hitit Taş Atölyesi’ndeki büyük taş heykeller hem turizme kazandırılmış hem de kaçak kazıcıların tehdidinden kurtarılmış olacak.
Lost City of the Kurdish Median/ Medes empire: PTERIA
Dünyanın 8. Harikası olarak görülen Kayıp Kürt Med hittit (Hittite Median/Medes Empire) Şehiri: PTERIA Kayıp Medlerin (Kürd) Şehir Pteria, Yozgat'ın Sorgun İ...
Do you want an lets play or no
Yes or no
Death to the rocks
Got bored want to destroy rocks when I make a video out of it
Yırtıcı Kuş Sesleri-Kartal-akbaba-kerkenez-şahin-doğan-
I can't think of anything else
Demir Çağı'nın en uzun sur duvarı
Yozgat'ın Sorgun ilçesine bağlı Şahmuratlı köyü yakınlarında bulunan ve ''Kayıp Şehir Pteria Antik Kenti'' olarak bilinen Kerkenes Harabeleri'ni çevreleyen s...
ArcInfo 9.3 represents the cutting edge in laughable 3d technology. What would Kerkenes Dag look like if sprinkled with tree-like posters and randomly placed...
That's No Settlement. (M).wmv
A move made with ArcView and spatial data from the Turkish archaeological site Kerkenes. A must see for archaeologist Star Wars fans! Also good for GIS nerds.
Super kid
It's my first video and my cousins the one who's the super kid also sorry about the camera for the thing that was by accident I thought it would switch how the thing with the record but it didn't
Treasure hunters find late Roman mosaics
Mosaics from the late Roman era have been unearthed by an illegal excavation carried out in a wheat field in the central Anatolian province of Yozgat’s Sorgun district.
The treasure hunters, whose identities are not yet known, excavated two spots in the wheat field, which is located five kilometers away from the ruins of Kerkenes.
As a result of the illegal excavation, the treasure hunters unear
Russia: Rosneft and ExxonMobil conduct Arctic oil exploration in Kara Sea
Video ID: 20140807-045
W/S Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin conduct 2D seismic studies in the Kara Sea
M/S Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin's crew unleash seismic cable with acoustic detectors
W/S Seismic cable with detectors in the sea
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "Rosneft, Gazprom and other smaller oil companies are intens
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri - www.Kuzgunkoyu.ch
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri yeni resimler osso66, bro66, iiisooo, kuzgunlu, yozgat, cekerek, sorgun, kuzgunkoyu gencleri, daglari, egrioz,turkiye.
efes antik kent kazı çalışmaları
sürmeli lisesi güneş tutulması öncesi
ismet çetin ruhi bakır güneş tutulması efendi yılmaz ahmet demiryürek recep sakallı yozgat okul bahçesinde tutulma öncesi.
Konya Halı Yıkama Alkoç Manuel Halı Yıkama
Yozgat'ta Kerkenez Antik Kenti'ni çevreleyen, 2 bin 600 yıllık tarihi geçmişi olan, uzaydan görülen en büyük tarihi kalıntılardan biri olarak kayıtlara geçen......
Yozgat'ta Kerkenez Antik Kenti'ni çevreleyen, 2 bin 600 yıllık tarihi geçmişi olan, uzaydan görülen en büyük tarihi kalıntılardan biri olarak kayıtlara geçen...
wn.com/Kerkenes, Kerkenez Tarihin Yapi Kompleksleri Yozgat'TA Ortaya Çikiyor
Yozgat'ta Kerkenez Antik Kenti'ni çevreleyen, 2 bin 600 yıllık tarihi geçmişi olan, uzaydan görülen en büyük tarihi kalıntılardan biri olarak kayıtlara geçen...
"Casus Kerkenez" aklandı
Elazığ'da köylüler tarafından ayağında metal halka ile bir kerkenez kuşu bulundu. Köylüler halkada İbranice yazılar yazdığını görünce Kerkenez kuşunu casuslu......
Elazığ'da köylüler tarafından ayağında metal halka ile bir kerkenez kuşu bulundu. Köylüler halkada İbranice yazılar yazdığını görünce Kerkenez kuşunu casuslu...
wn.com/Casus Kerkenez Aklandı
Elazığ'da köylüler tarafından ayağında metal halka ile bir kerkenez kuşu bulundu. Köylüler halkada İbranice yazılar yazdığını görünce Kerkenez kuşunu casuslu...
- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 299
author: Haber Turk
Summer '12 METU ARCH @ Kerkenes Eco Center
Kerkenes'te hazirlanan kucuk bir calisma. Eglendik diyelim....
Kerkenes'te hazirlanan kucuk bir calisma. Eglendik diyelim.
wn.com/Summer '12 Metu Arch Kerkenes Eco Center
Kerkenes'te hazirlanan kucuk bir calisma. Eglendik diyelim.
Yozgat Sorgun Kerkenes'te Güneş Tutulması Resimleri Şair Hacı Yiğid Tarafından Çekilmiştir. www.sancaki.com web sitesinin kültür hizmetidir....
Yozgat Sorgun Kerkenes'te Güneş Tutulması Resimleri Şair Hacı Yiğid Tarafından Çekilmiştir. www.sancaki.com web sitesinin kültür hizmetidir.
wn.com/Yozgat Sorgun Kerkenes'TE Güneş Tutulmasi
Yozgat Sorgun Kerkenes'te Güneş Tutulması Resimleri Şair Hacı Yiğid Tarafından Çekilmiştir. www.sancaki.com web sitesinin kültür hizmetidir.
- published: 13 Feb 2008
- views: 1258
author: Hacı Yiğid
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı...
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
wn.com/Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
Kerkenes Halı Yıkama 92 5 Sorgun Fm Radyo Reklamı
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 1
Hititlerin İlk Taş Atolyesi Yozgat'ta bulundu
Yozgat’ın Sorgun İlçesi Yeniyer Beldesi’nde Hitit döneminin ilk “Heykel Atölyesi” olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilen bölgede Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın deste...
Yozgat’ın Sorgun İlçesi Yeniyer Beldesi’nde Hitit döneminin ilk “Heykel Atölyesi” olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilen bölgede Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın desteği ile yapılacak kurtarma çalışmaları neticesinde açık hava müzesi kurulacak. Geniş bir arazide yer alan Hitit Taş Atölyesi’ndeki büyük taş heykeller hem turizme kazandırılmış hem de kaçak kazıcıların tehdidinden kurtarılmış olacak.
Sorgun İlçesi’ne bağlı Şahmuratlı Köyü’nün yakınındaki Kerkenes Dağı’nda tarihte ‘kayıp şehir’ olarak bilinen “Pteria Antik Şehir” kalıntılarını araştıran arkeologlar tarafından 2011 yılında yapılan araştırmalar neticesinde Yeniyer Beldesi’ndeki ‘Kazankaya’, ‘Armutlu’, ‘Hapis Boğazı’nın Hitit döneminin ilk heykel atölyesi olarak kullanıldığı tespit edildi.
Arkeologlar, hazırladıkları raporda M.Ö. 2’nci bin yılın sonlarına ait tamamlanmış, yarım kalmış, yeni başlanmış aslan heykellerinin bulunduğu bölgenin, Hititler döneminde atölye olarak kullanıldığı, Hititler tarafından yerleşim alanı olarak kullanılan Hattuşaş gibi bölgelerde bulunan heykellerin burada yapıldığı kaydedildi.
Yeniyer Belediye Başkanı Osman Yılmaz, M.Ö. 1200 yıllarına ait Hitit Taş Atölyesi’nin turizme kazandırılması için ‘Açık Hava Tarihi ve Kültür Park’ projesi hazırladıklarını söyledi.
wn.com/Hititlerin İlk Taş Atolyesi Yozgat'ta Bulundu
Yozgat’ın Sorgun İlçesi Yeniyer Beldesi’nde Hitit döneminin ilk “Heykel Atölyesi” olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilen bölgede Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın desteği ile yapılacak kurtarma çalışmaları neticesinde açık hava müzesi kurulacak. Geniş bir arazide yer alan Hitit Taş Atölyesi’ndeki büyük taş heykeller hem turizme kazandırılmış hem de kaçak kazıcıların tehdidinden kurtarılmış olacak.
Sorgun İlçesi’ne bağlı Şahmuratlı Köyü’nün yakınındaki Kerkenes Dağı’nda tarihte ‘kayıp şehir’ olarak bilinen “Pteria Antik Şehir” kalıntılarını araştıran arkeologlar tarafından 2011 yılında yapılan araştırmalar neticesinde Yeniyer Beldesi’ndeki ‘Kazankaya’, ‘Armutlu’, ‘Hapis Boğazı’nın Hitit döneminin ilk heykel atölyesi olarak kullanıldığı tespit edildi.
Arkeologlar, hazırladıkları raporda M.Ö. 2’nci bin yılın sonlarına ait tamamlanmış, yarım kalmış, yeni başlanmış aslan heykellerinin bulunduğu bölgenin, Hititler döneminde atölye olarak kullanıldığı, Hititler tarafından yerleşim alanı olarak kullanılan Hattuşaş gibi bölgelerde bulunan heykellerin burada yapıldığı kaydedildi.
Yeniyer Belediye Başkanı Osman Yılmaz, M.Ö. 1200 yıllarına ait Hitit Taş Atölyesi’nin turizme kazandırılması için ‘Açık Hava Tarihi ve Kültür Park’ projesi hazırladıklarını söyledi.
- published: 03 Jan 2015
- views: 237
Lost City of the Kurdish Median/ Medes empire: PTERIA
Dünyanın 8. Harikası olarak görülen Kayıp Kürt Med hittit (Hittite Median/Medes Empire) Şehiri: PTERIA Kayıp Medlerin (Kürd) Şehir Pteria, Yozgat'ın Sorgun İ......
Dünyanın 8. Harikası olarak görülen Kayıp Kürt Med hittit (Hittite Median/Medes Empire) Şehiri: PTERIA Kayıp Medlerin (Kürd) Şehir Pteria, Yozgat'ın Sorgun İ...
wn.com/Lost City Of The Kurdish Median Medes Empire Pteria
Dünyanın 8. Harikası olarak görülen Kayıp Kürt Med hittit (Hittite Median/Medes Empire) Şehiri: PTERIA Kayıp Medlerin (Kürd) Şehir Pteria, Yozgat'ın Sorgun İ...
Death to the rocks
Got bored want to destroy rocks when I make a video out of it...
Got bored want to destroy rocks when I make a video out of it
wn.com/Death To The Rocks
Got bored want to destroy rocks when I make a video out of it
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 13
I can't think of anything else...
I can't think of anything else
I can't think of anything else
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 8
Demir Çağı'nın en uzun sur duvarı
Yozgat'ın Sorgun ilçesine bağlı Şahmuratlı köyü yakınlarında bulunan ve ''Kayıp Şehir Pteria Antik Kenti'' olarak bilinen Kerkenes Harabeleri'ni çevreleyen s......
Yozgat'ın Sorgun ilçesine bağlı Şahmuratlı köyü yakınlarında bulunan ve ''Kayıp Şehir Pteria Antik Kenti'' olarak bilinen Kerkenes Harabeleri'ni çevreleyen s...
wn.com/Demir Çağı'Nın En Uzun Sur Duvarı
Yozgat'ın Sorgun ilçesine bağlı Şahmuratlı köyü yakınlarında bulunan ve ''Kayıp Şehir Pteria Antik Kenti'' olarak bilinen Kerkenes Harabeleri'ni çevreleyen s...
ArcInfo 9.3 represents the cutting edge in laughable 3d technology. What would Kerkenes Dag look like if sprinkled with tree-like posters and randomly placed......
ArcInfo 9.3 represents the cutting edge in laughable 3d technology. What would Kerkenes Dag look like if sprinkled with tree-like posters and randomly placed...
ArcInfo 9.3 represents the cutting edge in laughable 3d technology. What would Kerkenes Dag look like if sprinkled with tree-like posters and randomly placed...
That's No Settlement. (M).wmv
A move made with ArcView and spatial data from the Turkish archaeological site Kerkenes. A must see for archaeologist Star Wars fans! Also good for GIS nerds....
A move made with ArcView and spatial data from the Turkish archaeological site Kerkenes. A must see for archaeologist Star Wars fans! Also good for GIS nerds.
wn.com/That's No Settlement. (M).Wmv
A move made with ArcView and spatial data from the Turkish archaeological site Kerkenes. A must see for archaeologist Star Wars fans! Also good for GIS nerds.
Super kid
It's my first video and my cousins the one who's the super kid also sorry about the camera for the thing that was by accident I thought it would switch how the ...
It's my first video and my cousins the one who's the super kid also sorry about the camera for the thing that was by accident I thought it would switch how the thing with the record but it didn't
wn.com/Super Kid
It's my first video and my cousins the one who's the super kid also sorry about the camera for the thing that was by accident I thought it would switch how the thing with the record but it didn't
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 15
Treasure hunters find late Roman mosaics
Mosaics from the late Roman era have been unearthed by an illegal excavation carried out in a wheat field in the central Anatolian province of Yozgat’s Sorgun d...
Mosaics from the late Roman era have been unearthed by an illegal excavation carried out in a wheat field in the central Anatolian province of Yozgat’s Sorgun district.
The treasure hunters, whose identities are not yet known, excavated two spots in the wheat field, which is located five kilometers away from the ruins of Kerkenes.
As a result of the illegal excavation, the treasure hunters unearthed a mosaic structure and a wall one meter under the surface of the field. They had damaged a part of the mosaic, possibly while trying to find valuable treasures that may have been hidden under the mosaics. Following an examination of the area, the Culture and Tourism Provincial Director Lütfi İbiş said legal procedures would begin for the illegal excavations. “Mosaics from the late Roman era were discovered here. We will do our best to get the region declared an archaeological area,” he said.
Yozgat Museum Director Hasan Kerim Şenyurt said research and excavations had been continuing on the right side of the Kerkenes Mount since 1993. He said the ruins of Kerkenes could be considered the largest ancient city in central Anatolia.
“The field of the illegal excavations is outside the protected archaeological site. The 240x150 centimeter mosaics have round and diamond shapes. White, green, dark and light brown colors are seen in the small stones of the mosaics. We will work with the Kerkenes excavation team to unearth these mosaics completely,” Şenyurt said.
He said they had thought of protecting the mosaics where they are currently located, but that it would not be possible and the mosaics would be carried to the museum. “The mosaics will be damaged if they remain in the open area. It will be better for them to be protected in the museum,” he said.
wn.com/Treasure Hunters Find Late Roman Mosaics
Mosaics from the late Roman era have been unearthed by an illegal excavation carried out in a wheat field in the central Anatolian province of Yozgat’s Sorgun district.
The treasure hunters, whose identities are not yet known, excavated two spots in the wheat field, which is located five kilometers away from the ruins of Kerkenes.
As a result of the illegal excavation, the treasure hunters unearthed a mosaic structure and a wall one meter under the surface of the field. They had damaged a part of the mosaic, possibly while trying to find valuable treasures that may have been hidden under the mosaics. Following an examination of the area, the Culture and Tourism Provincial Director Lütfi İbiş said legal procedures would begin for the illegal excavations. “Mosaics from the late Roman era were discovered here. We will do our best to get the region declared an archaeological area,” he said.
Yozgat Museum Director Hasan Kerim Şenyurt said research and excavations had been continuing on the right side of the Kerkenes Mount since 1993. He said the ruins of Kerkenes could be considered the largest ancient city in central Anatolia.
“The field of the illegal excavations is outside the protected archaeological site. The 240x150 centimeter mosaics have round and diamond shapes. White, green, dark and light brown colors are seen in the small stones of the mosaics. We will work with the Kerkenes excavation team to unearth these mosaics completely,” Şenyurt said.
He said they had thought of protecting the mosaics where they are currently located, but that it would not be possible and the mosaics would be carried to the museum. “The mosaics will be damaged if they remain in the open area. It will be better for them to be protected in the museum,” he said.
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 0
Russia: Rosneft and ExxonMobil conduct Arctic oil exploration in Kara Sea
Video ID: 20140807-045
W/S Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin conduct 2D seismic studies in the Kara Sea
M/S Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin's crew unleash ...
Video ID: 20140807-045
W/S Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin conduct 2D seismic studies in the Kara Sea
M/S Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin's crew unleash seismic cable with acoustic detectors
W/S Seismic cable with detectors in the sea
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "Rosneft, Gazprom and other smaller oil companies are intensifying their seismic exploration activities now."
M/S Crew put air gun into the water
W/S Crew put air gun into the water
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "I think the Arctic is a region with high potential and based on my experience from the projects I have taken part of in the last few years the work (exploration activities) should be continued in future."
W/S Air guns bore (probe) the bed of the sea
C/U Air gun
M/S Air gun
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "In my opinion oil exploration in Russia is now reaching the level that can be compared with such countries as France, Norway and even USA and Canada."
M/S Seismic crew of research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin
C/U Picture of the bottom on a monitor
M/S Crew watching results of 2D seismic study
C/U Map of the East Prinovozemelsky blocks in the Kara Sea
M/S Command bridge
C/U Steering wheel
W/S Captain gives a command to his first officer
W/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin in the sea
M/S Russian Flag on the aft of the vessel
M/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin
M/S Command bridge
W/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin in the port of Kerkenes
Russia's state oil company, Rosneft, in conjunction with ExxonMobil have formed a joint venture, Karmorneftegaz, and have recently started 2D seismic studies on the country's Arctic shelf in the Kara Sea.
The Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin left the Norwegian port of Kirkenes on July 24 to carry out exploration activities on the three East Prinovozemelsky blocks in the body of water located between the northern coast of European Russia and the Novaya Zemlya island chain.
Seismic studies will last for three months this year and will be carried out by the specialists of the Murmansk-based Marine Arctic Geological Expedition Company on the East Prinovozemelsky blocks, licensed by Karmorneftegas. The scientists will explore an area of more than 6500 km (4038 miles) during this expedition until the winter ice flows cover the sea again.
The specialists use a variety of different guns that fire air at a pressure of 140 atmospheres in order to probe the seabed and then collect radio-echo data through an 8 km (4.9 miles) long cable with acoustic detectors. The results will be processed at a later date in laboratories to locate prospective areas for drilling.
One of the central features of the exploration work, ordered by Karmorneftegaz SARL (which is a joint venture with Rosneft and ExxonMobil to operate in the Kara Sea), is the strict environmental requirements even demanding a halt to all activities in order to not harm animals which appearing in the area.
The East Prinovozemelsky blocks licensed by Rosneft and operated by Karmorneftegas are estimated to hold 21.5 billion tons of oil equivalents. The first exploration well is scheduled to start drilling in East Prinovozemelskiy Block 1 this month while exploration activities there are planned to continue up to 2016.
Rosneft, through a number of different Joint Venture companies, launched projects in the Kara and Barents Seas in 2010 after obtaining four licenses to explore Russia's Arctic shelf. Three of the licenses relate to blocks in the Kara Sea (East Prinovozemelsky 1, 2 and 3) and the fourth one is for the South-Russky block in the Pechora Sea.
The Kara Sea is an extension of the West Siberian oil and gas province, which accounts for 60 percent of Russia's current oil production.
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wn.com/Russia Rosneft And Exxonmobil Conduct Arctic Oil Exploration In Kara Sea
Video ID: 20140807-045
W/S Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin conduct 2D seismic studies in the Kara Sea
M/S Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin's crew unleash seismic cable with acoustic detectors
W/S Seismic cable with detectors in the sea
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "Rosneft, Gazprom and other smaller oil companies are intensifying their seismic exploration activities now."
M/S Crew put air gun into the water
W/S Crew put air gun into the water
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "I think the Arctic is a region with high potential and based on my experience from the projects I have taken part of in the last few years the work (exploration activities) should be continued in future."
W/S Air guns bore (probe) the bed of the sea
C/U Air gun
M/S Air gun
SOT Igor Trofimov, head of seismic crew onboard research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin (Russian): "In my opinion oil exploration in Russia is now reaching the level that can be compared with such countries as France, Norway and even USA and Canada."
M/S Seismic crew of research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin
C/U Picture of the bottom on a monitor
M/S Crew watching results of 2D seismic study
C/U Map of the East Prinovozemelsky blocks in the Kara Sea
M/S Command bridge
C/U Steering wheel
W/S Captain gives a command to his first officer
W/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin in the sea
M/S Russian Flag on the aft of the vessel
M/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin
M/S Command bridge
W/S Research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin in the port of Kerkenes
Russia's state oil company, Rosneft, in conjunction with ExxonMobil have formed a joint venture, Karmorneftegaz, and have recently started 2D seismic studies on the country's Arctic shelf in the Kara Sea.
The Russian research vessel Geolog Dmitry Nalivkin left the Norwegian port of Kirkenes on July 24 to carry out exploration activities on the three East Prinovozemelsky blocks in the body of water located between the northern coast of European Russia and the Novaya Zemlya island chain.
Seismic studies will last for three months this year and will be carried out by the specialists of the Murmansk-based Marine Arctic Geological Expedition Company on the East Prinovozemelsky blocks, licensed by Karmorneftegas. The scientists will explore an area of more than 6500 km (4038 miles) during this expedition until the winter ice flows cover the sea again.
The specialists use a variety of different guns that fire air at a pressure of 140 atmospheres in order to probe the seabed and then collect radio-echo data through an 8 km (4.9 miles) long cable with acoustic detectors. The results will be processed at a later date in laboratories to locate prospective areas for drilling.
One of the central features of the exploration work, ordered by Karmorneftegaz SARL (which is a joint venture with Rosneft and ExxonMobil to operate in the Kara Sea), is the strict environmental requirements even demanding a halt to all activities in order to not harm animals which appearing in the area.
The East Prinovozemelsky blocks licensed by Rosneft and operated by Karmorneftegas are estimated to hold 21.5 billion tons of oil equivalents. The first exploration well is scheduled to start drilling in East Prinovozemelskiy Block 1 this month while exploration activities there are planned to continue up to 2016.
Rosneft, through a number of different Joint Venture companies, launched projects in the Kara and Barents Seas in 2010 after obtaining four licenses to explore Russia's Arctic shelf. Three of the licenses relate to blocks in the Kara Sea (East Prinovozemelsky 1, 2 and 3) and the fourth one is for the South-Russky block in the Pechora Sea.
The Kara Sea is an extension of the West Siberian oil and gas province, which accounts for 60 percent of Russia's current oil production.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
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Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 1455
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri - www.Kuzgunkoyu.ch
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri yeni resimler osso66, bro66, iiisooo, kuzgunlu, yozgat, cekerek, sorgun, kuzgunkoyu gencleri, daglari, egrioz,turkiye....
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri yeni resimler osso66, bro66, iiisooo, kuzgunlu, yozgat, cekerek, sorgun, kuzgunkoyu gencleri, daglari, egrioz,turkiye.
wn.com/Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri Www.Kuzgunkoyu.Ch
Kuzgunkoyu 2007 Resimleri yeni resimler osso66, bro66, iiisooo, kuzgunlu, yozgat, cekerek, sorgun, kuzgunkoyu gencleri, daglari, egrioz,turkiye.
- published: 30 Aug 2007
- views: 2964
author: Osso66
sürmeli lisesi güneş tutulması öncesi
ismet çetin ruhi bakır güneş tutulması efendi yılmaz ahmet demiryürek recep sakallı yozgat okul bahçesinde tutulma öncesi....
ismet çetin ruhi bakır güneş tutulması efendi yılmaz ahmet demiryürek recep sakallı yozgat okul bahçesinde tutulma öncesi.
wn.com/Sürmeli Lisesi Güneş Tutulması Öncesi
ismet çetin ruhi bakır güneş tutulması efendi yılmaz ahmet demiryürek recep sakallı yozgat okul bahçesinde tutulma öncesi.
Hurtigruten Travel Guide
This tour features various ports of call on Norways' famous fleet of cruise ships, with fjords, coastal towns, fairytale islands and historic locations.
Bergen to Kirkenes - a Norway passage
This is the story of Hurtigruten and the six day voyage from wonderful Bergen to Kirkenes - high up in the far north of Norway. Every day we travel these waters - and you can as well on board one of our eleven ships.
Chilling Out at Kirkenes SnowHotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Join the ex-Marine (husband, Steve) and Travels With Sheila as we "chill out" at the Kirkenes SnowHotel, also referred to as...
Travel - Praga - Oslo - Kirkenes - Vardo
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Kirkenes In Motion - Winter is Arriving
Another project i tried to add a tilt shift effect into. Days and hours of filming and editing but still im not happy with the result. Back to the drawing board. We had so much wind that the camera wouldn't stand still on the heavy tripod. My Panasonic HC-X1000 does a great job but i need to learn more about the settings. i also notice that fairly flat shots do not fit with tilt shift. Anyway i ho
Scuba diving Kirkenes (Norway). Dykking Kirkenes.
Scubadiving in the fjords of Kirkenes. Wrecks, WW2 remains ,artic fauna and king crabs.
One of the best divesites in the world.
Surviving A Night in The Kirkenes SnowHotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Hooray! We survived the night in our "Swan" SnowHotel room. However, I must admit that the pee-pee method we chose meant pry...
Raw Film test.
Paramotor kirkenes
Vanndrag Kirkenes 01.08.14 Video
Vanndrag Kirkenes 2014
Mushing 01 Kirkenes
Just a mushing trip in the area of Kirkenes. My first Garmin Verb video.
Travelling to Norway in Winter/New Year 2014
Travelling around northern Norway via Oslo in the winter/new year period of winter 2014.
Here is a slideshow, of which the majority is pictures with a few videos day by day as we moved around.
If you want to skip to a certain part of the trip use this below:
1:34 - Tromsø, Norway
1:57 - Dog Sledding near Tromsø
2:55 - Fjellheisen/Cable Car, Tromsø
3:50 - New Years Eve, Tromsø
5:55 - North Cape la
Innvasjon av sep.verket ved svg. avd. Kirkenes
Make your own Hitler video at http://downfall.jfedor.org/
Fiskenasjonen - 18. stopp Kirkenes
Godfisk har startet på en eventyrlig reise sammen med kokk og sjømatentusiast Christopher Haatuft. Sammen skal vi lete etter sjømatskatter langs hele Norges ...
Hilsen fra Kirkenes
På 70 års dagen for Frigjøringen
Hurtigruten Kirkenes Riverboat Safari
Riverboat Safari in Kirkenes during Hurtigruten trip.
Kirkenes Gopro fun
Just playing around with Gopro Hero 4
Little bit overexsposed
hangflying lørdag22oktober toppenfjellet KIRKENES
Bikkjekaldt i Kirkenes
Short XC-ski today at -30 C. MY racing equipment are just not up to these temps, in particular the boots - freezing cold. Note the sound of the snow, like skiing on styrofoam. Incredibly beautiful though!
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
10-Eskimska Vas, Slovenia
09-Village Igloo Morzine-Avoriaz, France
08-Alpeniglu Igloo Village, Austria
07-Alpha Resort Tomamu, Japan
06-Balea Ice Hotel, Romania
05-Iglu-Dorf Gstaad, Switzerland
04-Kirkenes Snow Hotel, Norway
03-Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Finland
02-Hotel de Glace, Canada
01-Icehotel, Sweden
music source:
Tobu - Hope [NCS Release]
Dog mushing in north Norway (Kirkenes)
I do not own music used in this movie...and pictures of northern lights.
Lørdag 7. feb i Kirkenes
Jeg har ruslet en tur i byen idag og tatt noen filmklipp.
Ethiopia: Sheila's Travel Tips & Challenges
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com So much to think of....so many details....who would have thunk there would be constant power disruptions or no power at all....
Hurtigruten Travel Guide
This tour features various ports of call on Norways' famous fleet of cruise ships, with fjords, coastal towns, fairytale islands and historic locations....
This tour features various ports of call on Norways' famous fleet of cruise ships, with fjords, coastal towns, fairytale islands and historic locations.
wn.com/Hurtigruten Travel Guide
This tour features various ports of call on Norways' famous fleet of cruise ships, with fjords, coastal towns, fairytale islands and historic locations.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 6
Bergen to Kirkenes - a Norway passage
This is the story of Hurtigruten and the six day voyage from wonderful Bergen to Kirkenes - high up in the far north of Norway. Every day we travel these waters...
This is the story of Hurtigruten and the six day voyage from wonderful Bergen to Kirkenes - high up in the far north of Norway. Every day we travel these waters - and you can as well on board one of our eleven ships.
wn.com/Bergen To Kirkenes A Norway Passage
This is the story of Hurtigruten and the six day voyage from wonderful Bergen to Kirkenes - high up in the far north of Norway. Every day we travel these waters - and you can as well on board one of our eleven ships.
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 1
Chilling Out at Kirkenes SnowHotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Join the ex-Marine (husband, Steve) and Travels With Sheila as we "chill out" at the Kirkenes SnowHotel, also referred to as......
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Join the ex-Marine (husband, Steve) and Travels With Sheila as we "chill out" at the Kirkenes SnowHotel, also referred to as...
wn.com/Chilling Out At Kirkenes Snowhotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Join the ex-Marine (husband, Steve) and Travels With Sheila as we "chill out" at the Kirkenes SnowHotel, also referred to as...
Travel - Praga - Oslo - Kirkenes - Vardo
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Travel Praga Oslo Kirkenes Vardo
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 07 Apr 2013
- views: 69
author: 40lots
Kirkenes In Motion - Winter is Arriving
Another project i tried to add a tilt shift effect into. Days and hours of filming and editing but still im not happy with the result. Back to the drawing board...
Another project i tried to add a tilt shift effect into. Days and hours of filming and editing but still im not happy with the result. Back to the drawing board. We had so much wind that the camera wouldn't stand still on the heavy tripod. My Panasonic HC-X1000 does a great job but i need to learn more about the settings. i also notice that fairly flat shots do not fit with tilt shift. Anyway i hope you all enjoy this video.
Music: AK & Mapps - Life Cycle
Remember to share and subscribe.
Greetings from Bengt & Elna
wn.com/Kirkenes In Motion Winter Is Arriving
Another project i tried to add a tilt shift effect into. Days and hours of filming and editing but still im not happy with the result. Back to the drawing board. We had so much wind that the camera wouldn't stand still on the heavy tripod. My Panasonic HC-X1000 does a great job but i need to learn more about the settings. i also notice that fairly flat shots do not fit with tilt shift. Anyway i hope you all enjoy this video.
Music: AK & Mapps - Life Cycle
Remember to share and subscribe.
Greetings from Bengt & Elna
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 299
Scuba diving Kirkenes (Norway). Dykking Kirkenes.
Scubadiving in the fjords of Kirkenes. Wrecks, WW2 remains ,artic fauna and king crabs.
One of the best divesites in the world....
Scubadiving in the fjords of Kirkenes. Wrecks, WW2 remains ,artic fauna and king crabs.
One of the best divesites in the world.
wn.com/Scuba Diving Kirkenes (Norway). Dykking Kirkenes.
Scubadiving in the fjords of Kirkenes. Wrecks, WW2 remains ,artic fauna and king crabs.
One of the best divesites in the world.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 11
Surviving A Night in The Kirkenes SnowHotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Hooray! We survived the night in our "Swan" SnowHotel room. However, I must admit that the pee-pee method we chose meant pry......
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Hooray! We survived the night in our "Swan" SnowHotel room. However, I must admit that the pee-pee method we chose meant pry...
wn.com/Surviving A Night In The Kirkenes Snowhotel, Norway
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Hooray! We survived the night in our "Swan" SnowHotel room. However, I must admit that the pee-pee method we chose meant pry...
Raw Film test....
Raw Film test.
Raw Film test.
- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 202
author: Gibnetz
Mushing 01 Kirkenes
Just a mushing trip in the area of Kirkenes. My first Garmin Verb video....
Just a mushing trip in the area of Kirkenes. My first Garmin Verb video.
wn.com/Mushing 01 Kirkenes
Just a mushing trip in the area of Kirkenes. My first Garmin Verb video.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 34
Travelling to Norway in Winter/New Year 2014
Travelling around northern Norway via Oslo in the winter/new year period of winter 2014.
Here is a slideshow, of which the majority is pictures with a few video...
Travelling around northern Norway via Oslo in the winter/new year period of winter 2014.
Here is a slideshow, of which the majority is pictures with a few videos day by day as we moved around.
If you want to skip to a certain part of the trip use this below:
1:34 - Tromsø, Norway
1:57 - Dog Sledding near Tromsø
2:55 - Fjellheisen/Cable Car, Tromsø
3:50 - New Years Eve, Tromsø
5:55 - North Cape land excursion, Honningsvåg
7:08 - Snow Mobiles near Kirkenes
8:09 - Kirkenes, Norway
9:27 - Snow Hotel, Kirkenes, Norway
12:10 - Oslo, Norway
14:18 - Alexandra Palace, London, UK
Thanks to the nice group of people and local guides we had along the way, and to Fjord Travel Norway.
Background music used is royalty free thanks to original uploaders.
wn.com/Travelling To Norway In Winter New Year 2014
Travelling around northern Norway via Oslo in the winter/new year period of winter 2014.
Here is a slideshow, of which the majority is pictures with a few videos day by day as we moved around.
If you want to skip to a certain part of the trip use this below:
1:34 - Tromsø, Norway
1:57 - Dog Sledding near Tromsø
2:55 - Fjellheisen/Cable Car, Tromsø
3:50 - New Years Eve, Tromsø
5:55 - North Cape land excursion, Honningsvåg
7:08 - Snow Mobiles near Kirkenes
8:09 - Kirkenes, Norway
9:27 - Snow Hotel, Kirkenes, Norway
12:10 - Oslo, Norway
14:18 - Alexandra Palace, London, UK
Thanks to the nice group of people and local guides we had along the way, and to Fjord Travel Norway.
Background music used is royalty free thanks to original uploaders.
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 4
Innvasjon av sep.verket ved svg. avd. Kirkenes
Make your own Hitler video at http://downfall.jfedor.org/...
Make your own Hitler video at http://downfall.jfedor.org/
wn.com/Innvasjon Av Sep.Verket Ved Svg. Avd. Kirkenes
Make your own Hitler video at http://downfall.jfedor.org/
- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 521
Fiskenasjonen - 18. stopp Kirkenes
Godfisk har startet på en eventyrlig reise sammen med kokk og sjømatentusiast Christopher Haatuft. Sammen skal vi lete etter sjømatskatter langs hele Norges ......
Godfisk har startet på en eventyrlig reise sammen med kokk og sjømatentusiast Christopher Haatuft. Sammen skal vi lete etter sjømatskatter langs hele Norges ...
wn.com/Fiskenasjonen 18. Stopp Kirkenes
Godfisk har startet på en eventyrlig reise sammen med kokk og sjømatentusiast Christopher Haatuft. Sammen skal vi lete etter sjømatskatter langs hele Norges ...
Hilsen fra Kirkenes
På 70 års dagen for Frigjøringen...
På 70 års dagen for Frigjøringen
wn.com/Hilsen Fra Kirkenes
På 70 års dagen for Frigjøringen
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 58
Hurtigruten Kirkenes Riverboat Safari
Riverboat Safari in Kirkenes during Hurtigruten trip....
Riverboat Safari in Kirkenes during Hurtigruten trip.
wn.com/Hurtigruten Kirkenes Riverboat Safari
Riverboat Safari in Kirkenes during Hurtigruten trip.
Kirkenes Gopro fun
Just playing around with Gopro Hero 4
Little bit overexsposed...
Just playing around with Gopro Hero 4
Little bit overexsposed
wn.com/Kirkenes Gopro Fun
Just playing around with Gopro Hero 4
Little bit overexsposed
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 7
Bikkjekaldt i Kirkenes
Short XC-ski today at -30 C. MY racing equipment are just not up to these temps, in particular the boots - freezing cold. Note the sound of the snow, like skiin...
Short XC-ski today at -30 C. MY racing equipment are just not up to these temps, in particular the boots - freezing cold. Note the sound of the snow, like skiing on styrofoam. Incredibly beautiful though!
wn.com/Bikkjekaldt I Kirkenes
Short XC-ski today at -30 C. MY racing equipment are just not up to these temps, in particular the boots - freezing cold. Note the sound of the snow, like skiing on styrofoam. Incredibly beautiful though!
- published: 19 Jan 2014
- views: 25
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
10-Eskimska Vas, Slovenia
09-Village Igloo Morzine-Avoriaz, France
08-Alpeniglu Igloo Village, Austria
07-Alpha Resort Tomamu, Jap...
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
10-Eskimska Vas, Slovenia
09-Village Igloo Morzine-Avoriaz, France
08-Alpeniglu Igloo Village, Austria
07-Alpha Resort Tomamu, Japan
06-Balea Ice Hotel, Romania
05-Iglu-Dorf Gstaad, Switzerland
04-Kirkenes Snow Hotel, Norway
03-Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Finland
02-Hotel de Glace, Canada
01-Icehotel, Sweden
music source:
Tobu - Hope [NCS Release]
image source:
wn.com/The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
The Top Ten Cool Ice Hotels
10-Eskimska Vas, Slovenia
09-Village Igloo Morzine-Avoriaz, France
08-Alpeniglu Igloo Village, Austria
07-Alpha Resort Tomamu, Japan
06-Balea Ice Hotel, Romania
05-Iglu-Dorf Gstaad, Switzerland
04-Kirkenes Snow Hotel, Norway
03-Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Finland
02-Hotel de Glace, Canada
01-Icehotel, Sweden
music source:
Tobu - Hope [NCS Release]
image source:
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 19
Dog mushing in north Norway (Kirkenes)
I do not own music used in this movie...and pictures of northern lights....
I do not own music used in this movie...and pictures of northern lights.
wn.com/Dog Mushing In North Norway (Kirkenes)
I do not own music used in this movie...and pictures of northern lights.
- published: 16 Nov 2014
- views: 25
Lørdag 7. feb i Kirkenes
Jeg har ruslet en tur i byen idag og tatt noen filmklipp....
Jeg har ruslet en tur i byen idag og tatt noen filmklipp.
wn.com/Lørdag 7. Feb I Kirkenes
Jeg har ruslet en tur i byen idag og tatt noen filmklipp.
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 6
Ethiopia: Sheila's Travel Tips & Challenges
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com So much to think of....so many details....who would have thunk there would be constant power disruptions or no power at all.......
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com So much to think of....so many details....who would have thunk there would be constant power disruptions or no power at all....
wn.com/Ethiopia Sheila's Travel Tips Challenges
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com So much to think of....so many details....who would have thunk there would be constant power disruptions or no power at all....