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Review Of 1934 (1934)
₤ooking for ₮rouble (1934)
W C Fields You're Telling Me (1934) 480p
The house of Rothschild 1934. Full Movie
Чапаев / Chapaev (1934) фильм смотреть онлайн
Meseautó - 1934 - teljes
Чапаев (1934)
Panique a yucca city (John Wayne, 1934) - VOSTFR
Maniac (1934)
OF HUMAN BONDAGE (1934) Leslie Howard - Bette Davis
1934 Fantasma del Convento
Chicago World's Fair 1934 Technicolor short
Gauja 1934
De Jantjes 1934
Full title reads: "REVIEW OF 1934". A nice title with cockerel in a big David's star - six angles - shining and illuminated signs reading: "PATHE GAZETTE COV...
Classic W. C. Fields. Includes the "Canadian Club" segment. Enjoy!
The House of Rothschild 1934.
Смотрите на iPad: Кинопортал RVision.TV: Подписывайся: Вступай в группу: Жанр: драма, биографический, исторический Год выпуска: 1934 Производство: Ленфильм Продолжительность: 01:30:31 Режиссеры: Георгий Васильев, Сергей Васильев Сценарий: Георгий Васильев, Сергей Васильев (на основе материалов Анны и Дмитрия Фурмановых) Операторы: Александр Сигаев, Александр Ксенофонтов Художник: Исаак Махлис Композитор: Гавриил Попов В ролях: Борис Бабочкин, Борис Блинов, Варвара Мясникова, Леонид Кмит, Илларион Певцов, Степан Шкурат, Вячеслав Волков, Николай Симонов, Елена Волынцева, Борис Чирков, Сергей Васильев, Георгий Жжёнов, Михаил Ростовцев, Андрей Апсолон, Степан Крылов, Георгий Васильев, Михаил Гипси, Виктор Яблонский, Эмиль Галь, Константин Назаренко, Павел Лешков Описание: Шедевр мирового кинематографа, рассказывающий о легендарном герое гражданской войны Василии Ивановиче Чапаеве. Федора Клычкова (его прототипом был писатель Дмитрий Фурманов, автор романа "Чапаев") по приказу партии большевиков направляют комиссаром в 25-ю дивизию Красной армии под командованием Чапаева. Клычков приходит вместе с отрядом рабочих-ткачей. Чапаев поразил Клычкова своим обыкновенным видом - человек среднего роста, видимо, небольшой физической силы, но обладающий способностью приковывать к себе внимание окружающих. В Чапаеве чувствуется внутренняя сила, объединяющая вокруг него людей. Клычков понимает, как много в Чапаеве стихийного, неудержимого, и видит свою роль в том, чтобы в дальнейшем оказывать на истинно народного командира идейное влияние... Доп. информация: Фильм восстановлен в 1963 году на киностудии "Мосфильм". Перешел в общественное достояние. Награды: первая премия "Серебряный кубок" I Московского МКФ (1935 г.); "Лучший фильм на иностранном языке" по версии Национального совета кинокритиков США (National Board of Review) в 1935 году; гран-при Всемирной Парижской выставки (1937); Сталинская премия I степени (1941), лауреаты премии - Г.Васильев, С.Васильев, Б. Бабочкин; бронзовая медаль МКФ в Венеции (1946); золотая медаль на III Смотре фильмов "Lido Degli Estensi", посвящённом борьбе народов за свободу и независимость в честь 100-летия объединения Италии
Meseautó - 1934 Rendező - Gaál Béla Szereplők - Kabos Gyula, Perczel Zita, Törzs Jenő, Gombaszögi Ella.
Режиссеры: Георгий Васильев, Сергей Васильев Сценаристы: Георгий Васильев, Сергей Васильев Операторы: Александр Сигаев, Александр Ксенофонтов Композитор: Гав...
John Wayne lutte contre les banditsLa petite ville de Yucca City est aux prises avec une bande de hors-la-loi qui sème la terreur pour le compte d'un riche propriétaire. Son but : racheter les terres des villageois pour une bouchée de pain et exploiter sa mine d'or comme il l'entend. Mais le shérif et quelques hommes préparent la riposte. Fiche technique: Titre original : Blue Steel Titre français : Panique à Yucca City Réalisation : Robert N. Bradbury Scénario : Robert N. Bradbury Direction artistique : E. R. Hickson Photographie : Archie Stout Son : John Stransky Jr. Montage : Carl Pierson Production : Robert N. Bradbury, Paul Malvern Pays d'origine : États-Unis Langue originale : anglais Format : noir et blanc — 35 mm — 1,37:1 — son Mono (Balsley & Phillips Recording System) Genre : Western Durée : 54 minutes Dates de sortie : États-Unis : 10 mai 1934 casting: John Wayne : John Carruthers Eleanor Hunt : Betty Mason Gabby Hayes : Shérif Jake Edward Peil Sr. : Malgrove Yakima Canutt : Danti, alias "Polka Dot Bandit" Lafe McKee : Dan Mason George Cleveland : Hank, l'aubergiste Earl Dwire : un homme de main
Don Maxwell is an ex-vaudeville ham, wanted by police, who has now found himself as the unlikely assistant to Dr. Meirschultz, a mad scientist in the busines...
Sensitive, club-footed artist Philip Carey is an Englishman who has been studying painting in Paris for four years. His art teacher tells him his work lacks talent, so he returns to London...
Latvi , Lejuplādē , glabā savā jētūbes pūra lādē un dali tautās!!!1 Šis videorullis dauzus gadus bija zudis un tikai pavisam nesen no tā tika notraukti laikulaiku putekļi un no lentas drumslām filma kopā likta tapa .
De Jantjes is een Nederlandse film uit 1934 onder regie van Jaap Speyer oa Heintje Davids ,Fien de La Mar ,Sylvian Poons ,Louis Davids en vele andere.
16mm film shot by posse member Ted Hinton just minutes after Bonnie and Clyde were fatally ambushed by officers near Gibsland, Louisiana on May 23, 1934.
Angèle est la fille de Clarius Barbaroux, un paysan. Un beau jour, elle quitte sa famille sans avertir personne pour suivre un bellâtre. Celui-ci s'avère êtr...
Home movies, downtown Binghamton 1934
A pre-code film that sneaked onto screens just as the censorious Hays Office began cracking down on Hollywood's racier propositions, Cleopatra is a libertine...
Mickey Mouse Disney on the World: Myšák Miqi Laoshu Miki Maus Mikkel Mus מיקי מאוס Miĉjo Muso Miki Hiir Mikkii Mausu Mίκυ Μάους Mikki Hiiri Miki Tikus Peliuk...
Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Die englische Heirat Produktionsland Deutschland Originalsprache Deutsch Erscheinungsjahr 1934 Länge 97 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK ab 12 Stab Regie Reinhold Schünzel Drehbuch Ludwig von Wohl Produktion Arnold Pressburger Gregor Rabinowitsch für die Cine-Allianz Tonfilm G.m.b.H. Musik Franz Doelle Kamera Friedl Behn-Grund Schnitt Roger von Norman Besetzung Renate Müller: Gerte Winter Adolf Wohlbrück: Warwick Brent Adele Sandrock: Lady Mavis Georg Alexander: Douglas Mavis, ihr Enkel Fritz Odemar: Percival, ihr Sohn Hans Richter: Tuck Mavis, ihr jüngster Enkel Hilde Hildebrand: Bella Amery Etta Klingenberg: Roberta Buckley Gertrud Wolle: Lady Buckley Julius E. Herrmann: Sir Robert Buckley Hugo Werner-Kahle: Digby Gertrud de Lalsky: Gertes Mutter Anton Pointner Ewald Wenck Olga Engl Meta Jäger Else Reval Handlung Der junge und ein wenig linkische Brite Douglas Mavis, der einer noblen, altehrwürdigen, britischen Upper Class-Familie entstammt, hat sich in Berlin in die hübsche Fahrlehrerin Gerte Winter verliebt. Da er sehr schüchtern ist, hat er sich bisher nicht getraut, ihr seine Liebe zu gestehen. Dann bekommt er von einem Freund, dem Rechtsanwalt der Mavis-Familie, Warwick Brent, die Nachricht, dass er zu Hause erwartet wird und Berlin umgehend verlassen muss. Seine Großmutter, die matronenhaft und allgewaltig dem Hause Mavis vorsteht und der niemand zu widersprechen wagt, feiert nämlich demnächst daheim ihren 75. Geburtstag. Die alte Lady Mavis findet, dass es Zeit ist, dass endlich einmal Ordnung in Douglas' Leben kommt und will ihn daher mit Roberta Buckley, der Tochter einer befreundeten Familie, verloben. Douglas muss heimfahren, sonst sperrt ihm die Alte den Unterhalt, der ihm bisher im fernen Berlin ein sorgloses Leben ermöglicht hat. Seine Liebe heißt jedoch Gerte, und nur die will er heiraten. Douglas fürchtet sich ein wenig vor der eigenen Verwandtschaft, vor allem aber vor dem energischen Hausvorstand, der Großmutter, die es gewohnt ist, grundsätzlich und lautstark ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Um etwaigen Plänen, die sie mit ihm haben könnte, zuvorzukommen, heiratet er kurzentschlossen Gerte und stellt damit das Haus Mavis vor vollendete Tatsachen. Aber er hat nicht wirklich den Mut, das der Familie beizubringen. Daheim auf dem Landsitz in Mavis Hall wendet er sich in seiner Verzweiflung an seinen sehr viel jüngeren Bruder Tuck, der bei der Alten noch Welpenschutz genießt und generell eine ziemlich kesse Lippe riskiert. Er soll versuchen, der Großmutter so schonend wie möglich Dougs Vermählung beizubringen.
Footage of the Camp Washington area of Cincinnati taken in 1934. Shots of local merchants in front of their stores and a number of landmarks including the st...
Betty Boop: Poor Cinderella (1934) Gorgeous Fleischer Studios adaptation of the classic fairy tale, featuring Betty Boop's only appearance in full color. Sur...
The Ninth Guest is practically the first "Survival" horror movie. It is supurbly directed by Roy William Neill and stars Genevieve Tobin, Hardie Albright, Ed...
Rare video of the 1934 World Series. The St. Louis Cardinals led by Dizzy and Paul Dean won it in seven games from the Detroit Tigers. One of the earliest vi...
1934 Ladies Should Listen
17 августа 1934 года открывается Первый всесоюзный съезд советских писателей. Кандидатуры возможных участников съезда начали обсуждаться еще в 1932 году. В список допущенных беспартийных писателей тогда был включен поэт Осип Мандельштам. Однако написанное им в 33-м антисталинское стихотворение в корне меняет положение поэта: в 34-м он арестован и отправлен в ссылку.
George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934 George Arliss - The House Of Rothschild - Full Movie - 1934
A GIRL ALONE ON THE STREETS WILL DO ANYTHING TO SURVIVE! A 1934 comedy film starring Sally Blane and directed by Richard Thorpe. Three charitable old men help out a beautiful homeless woman only to discover her boyfriend is a mobster. Director: Richard Thorpe Starring: Sally Blane, Henry B. Walthall and Claude King
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934)
A young woman wishes to marry her boyfriend and raise a family, but because her own family has been deemed "defective" by the state health authorities--her p...
Harriet Green, a beloved and radiant music hall star of the Edwardian era, has a guilty secret: She has a baby daughter, born out of wedlock. Harriet leaves ...
Maniac (1934) - Full Official Movie - Great Quality Film :) Maniac, also known as Sex Maniac, is a 1934 black-and-white exploitation/horror film, directed by...
Emmy - 1934 Rendező - Székely István Szereplők - Kabos Gyula, Jávor Pál, Páger Antal, Erdélyi Mici, Gombaszögi Ella.
The 1934 comedy Cross Country Cruise starring Lew Ayres, Alice White, and June Knight (This movie is public domain) See more Alice at http:/
Classic Randolph Scott Western programmer. A remake of "Fighting Caravans" (1931). Based on the Zane Grey story.
3 Bedrooms - 1 Baths This property has its own dedicated website at Visit the website for more photos, the virtual tour and to schedule a personal showing. Convenient living in this nice 2-3 bedroom ranch style home located in the Greater Johnstown School System. The spacious living room has panel walls and wall to wall carpeting. Eat in kitchen with wood cabinets and linoleum flooring. Relax on the 13x11 sun porch. Finished room in lower level along with powder room. Newer gas hot water tank. Over sized paved driveway is nice for ample parking. Call now to set up a tour! One year home warranty available.
In ...acclaimed romantic comedy, spoiled heiress ...impetuously marries the scheming ... leading her tycoon father spirit her away on his yacht. After jumping ship, ...falls in with cynical newspaper reporter ..., who offers to help her reunite with her new husband in exchange for an exclusive story. But during their travels, the reporter finds himself falling for the feisty young heiress.
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Murder in the Private Car (1934) Full Movie PLAY NOW : MORE MOVIE :
Classic comedy short from Laurel & Hardy. Stan & Ollie, camping out in a trailer, don't realise that the well has been topped up with illegal whisky by bootleggers. When Charlie Hall arrives, the peaceful camping site becomes a battleground.
Please follow instruction below to watch It Happened One Night Full Movie Watch Now:
🌠 Watch The Thin Man Full Movie 1934 : The Thin Man Full Movie 1934 ........ Full Movie 🌠 The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934, The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934, The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934, The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934,The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934 #The_Thin_Man_Full_Movie_1934_full_movie 🍓 The Thin Man Full Movie 1934
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--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788525418166 Sinopse do livro FOGO - DIARIOS NAO EXPURGADOS 1934 - 1937 do autor(a) ANAIS NIN Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01.Ladinestala* ID: LC5101972-10695
One of the most notable newsreel films in existence – footage showing the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia on 9th October, 1934. While the exact moment of shooting was not captured on film, the events leading to the assassination and the immediate aftermath were. The film was later revealed to have been manipulated slightly in order to give the audience the impression that the assassination had been captured on film. Three identical gunshot sounds were added to the film afterwards, when in reality Chernozemski shot over ten times, killing or wounding a total of 15 people. The exact moment of assassination was never filmed.
This is a television set made from a kit (replica). The set was sold in 1934, working with the Baird 30 lines television standard. This TV had been shown at a Dutch NBTV convention in April 2012.
Stars: Jack Holt, Fay Wray, Dorothy Burgess Pilot: A young girl who lives on a tropical island loses her parents to a voodoo sacrifice, but although she manages to escape the island, a curse is put on her. Years later, as an adult, she feels a strong compulsion to return to the island to confront her past
Η φωτογραφίες προέρχονται από την ομάδα "Παλιές φωτογραφίες της Ξάνθης - Old photographs of Xanthi" στο fb.
... celebrate its 80th anniversary from foundation, which happened on March 6th 1934 in Tranås, Sweden.
noodls 2015-04-01The month just completed ended up as the fifth coldest March on record, tying 1926 and 1934 with an ...
Lehigh Valley 2015-04-01... Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Stockhouse 2015-04-01Tokyo Gov ... In 1934, a Japanese representative baseball team played against a representative team of the U. S ... Speech ... 0:00 /-:
The Japan News 2015-04-01... and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.
PR Newswire 2015-04-01... of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections.
PR Newswire 2015-04-01This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the ...
Stockhouse 2015-04-01In 1934, the 23-year-old Swedish Stig Hjelmqvist opened the firm Fabriksprodukter, the foundation ...
noodls 2015-04-01... 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the offering.
noodls 2015-04-01... and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.
noodls 2015-04-01... of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
noodls 2015-04-01... Act of 1934, as amended) concerning future events and the Company’s growth and business strategy.
Stockhouse 2015-04-01... of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, known as the PSLRA.
noodls 2015-04-01Year 1934 (MCMXXXIV) was a common year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.
Marion Mitchell Morrison (born Marion Robert Morrison; May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979), better known by his stage name John Wayne, was an American film actor, director and producer. An Academy Award-winner, Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades, and was named the all-time top money-making star. An enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.
Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa but his family relocated to the greater Los Angeles area when he was four years old. He found work at local film studios when he lost his football scholarship to USC as a result of a bodysurfing accident. Initially working for the Fox Film Corporation, he mostly appeared in small bit parts. His acting breakthrough came in 1939 with John Ford's Stagecoach, making him an instant star. Wayne would go on to star in 142 pictures, primarily typecast in Western films.
Among his best known films are The Quiet Man (1952), which follows him as an Irish-American boxer and his love affair with a fiery spinster played by Maureen O'Hara; The Searchers (1956), in which he plays a Civil War veteran who seeks out his abducted niece; Rio Bravo (1959), playing a Sheriff with Dean Martin; True Grit (1969), playing a humorous U.S. Marshal who sets out to avenge a man's death in the role that won Wayne an Academy Award; and The Shootist (1976), his final screen performance in which he plays an aging gunslinger battling cancer.
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Chestnut Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were well-known outlaws, robbers, and criminals who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression. Their gang was known as the "Barrow Gang" which included Bonnie and Clyde, and at times Buck Barrow, Blanche Barrow, Raymond Hamilton, W.D. Jones, Joe Palmer, Ralph Fults, and Henry Methvin. Their exploits captured the attention of the American public during the "public enemy era" between 1931 and 1934. Though known today for his dozen-or-so bank robberies, Barrow in fact preferred to rob small stores or rural gas stations. The gang is believed to have killed at least nine police officers and committed several civilian murders. The couple themselves were eventually ambushed and killed in Louisiana by law officers. Their reputation was cemented in American pop folklore by Arthur Penn's 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde.
Even during their lifetimes, the couple's depiction in the press was at considerable odds with the hardscrabble reality of their life on the road—particularly in the case of Parker. Though she was present at a hundred or more felonies during her two years as Barrow's companion, she was not the machine gun-wielding cartoon killer portrayed in the newspapers, newsreels, and pulp detective magazines of the day. Gang member W. D. Jones was unsure whether he had ever seen her fire at officers. Parker's reputation as a cigar-smoking gun moll grew out of a playful snapshot found by police at an abandoned hideout, released to the press, and published nationwide; while she did chain-smoke Camel cigarettes, she was not a cigar smoker.
I don't know if I care any more.
The silver's hidden under the floor.
It's been there since the Civil War.
Oh I'll be out by 1934.
Agree when they say yes.
Never differ when they say no.
It's only my _________________
And I'll be out by 1934.
My mother's never been the same.
My father's a forgotten name.
Torture, don't know what for.
I'll be out by 1934.
Oh I'll be out by 1934.
I don't know if I care any more.
The silver's hidden under the floor.
It's been there since the Civil War.
Oh I'll be out by 1934.
Agree when they say yes.
Never differ when they say no.
It's only my LOWEST GUESS
THAT I'll be out by 1934.
My mother's never been the same.
My father's a forgotten name.
DON'T YOU BOTH know what for?
I'll be out by 1934.