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CNN Student News - Mar - 06, 2015 - English Sub
CNN Student News - Mar 18, 2015 - English Sub
CNN Town Hall: Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices (June 17, 2014)
Pacquiao talks to CNN about Mayweather showdown
CNN's exclusive Obama interview
Conan's hair-raising fake CNN report
Rapper Trinidad James, Ben Ferguson Clash on CNN over N-Word: You’re ‘Making Money on It!’
CNN Student News - Dec 19, 2014 - English Sub
CNN's World's Untold Stories: Dementia Village
CNN Spotlight: Taylor Swift (2014)
CNN interview gets testy over Ferguson protests
CNN Student News - Feb 06, 2015 - English Sub
CNN Student News - Feb 17, 2015 - English Sub
CNN Student News - Feb 24, 2015 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Washington (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton did at CNN's town hall meeting on Tuesday what most politicians do: She staked out a position on some issues, catered to her base in others and avoided some questions altogether. There were comments during her hour-long interview with CNN International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour and a studio audience at the Newseum as well as Tumblr that are sure to make the base happy. Those included how far Clinton went to attack pro-gun activists and her states-rights approach to marijuana, which was a departure from her earlier position. Between the answers and dodges, though, Clinton sounded, acted and presented herself very much like a candidate, not solely as a former secretary of state. She was careful, at times, about not going too far on an issue and when asked about forward looking policy questions, she regularly used the word "we." Clinton also entertained questions about 2016. She said she's "not going to be rushed to" decide on whether to run for president and that she was not moving any closer to making a decision. Tuesday, June 17, 2014.
CNN's Ivan Watson talks to professional boxer Manny Pacquiao before his big fight with Floyd Mayweather.
President Obama sat down with CNN's Jake Tapper for a far-reaching interview on immigration, executive action, pot, more.
In this RidicuList, CNN's Anderson Cooper grades Conan O'Brien's fake CNN report on a dog barking in Cuba.
Rapper Trinidad James appeared on CNN tonight for a lengthy discussion over the n-word that culminated in James clashing with conservative guest Ben Ferguson over the use of the n-word and whether rap artists are profiting off it. James first spoke with Don Lemon and said he’s not terribly concerned with the SAE frat mother who dropped the n-word several times while singing along to one of his songs. But the real fireworks began when Ferguson and Marc Lamont Hill joined in the second segment. Hill backed up James to say that rap artists get undue “burden and pressure” to stop saying the n-word when filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino don’t get the same treatment. Ferguson confronted James about the “divisive” nature of the word and said rappers are “afraid that they’ll lose out on money and sales” if the n-word goes away. He even told James, “You’re making money off it!” James shot back that he’s giving the n-word too much power, arguing that he gets money from his music and creativity and not the n-word alone. Ferguson even told James that the n-word is the only reason he’s on the show. Hill piped up that he’s actually on the show because a white woman used the n-word first, and also that “white people were saying the word nigger before Trinidad James was born.”
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us caption & translate this video!
CNN's Dr. Gupta travels to Hogewey, a small village in Weesp, the Netherlands, where every resident has severe dementia.
Discover how this 24 year-old phenom went from country star to pop princess.
CNN's Michael Smerconish spoke with Bassem Masri about the escalating protests in Ferguson, Missouri.
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
UPDATE: Muslim human rights lawyer thanks Don Lemon: Your ‘dumb-ass’ question made me famous During coverage of terrorists attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, CNN Don Lemon interviewed human rights lawyer Arsalan Iftikhar, founder of The Muslim Guy website, about whether radical Islam was to blame. ‘Did You Just Ask if I Support ISIS?’: Don Lemon Shocks Muslim Human Rights Atty Related: LATEST: Lassana Bathily 'Courageous' Muslim rescued Jewish shoppers, handed market key to French police. Hayat Boumeddiene Female Terror Suspect Wasn’t Even in France During Attacks, Amedy Coulibaly's common law wife came through Turkey days before the attack and may have crossed into Syria. Au lendemain de la mort des frères Kouachi et d’Amedy Coulibaly, la compagne de ce dernier, Hayat Boumeddiene, est activement recherchée. Elle aurait quitté la France début janvier, selon différentes sources. DRAMATIC VIDEO FOOTAGE: Police Launch Assault On Siege Locations, Male Suspect killed, Female Escapes, 'Hostages Killed' In Paris Supermarket Siege. 'Wife' of Kosher supermarket killer 'armed and dangerous' and on the run, police warn. Reports say four hostages are killed while other people are seen leaving the kosher supermarket as commandos launch an assault. Charlie Hebdo : la traque à Dammartin-En-Goële et à Paris (Sky News) At least four hostages have been killed at the end of siege at a Paris supermarket involving a jihadist gunman. Commandos launched an assault at the supermarket 20 minutes after explosions at a second siege on the outskirts of Paris. Six explosions were heard at the supermarket in the east of Paris and several hostages were seen running from the store. It was initially hoped that all hostages had been saved - but it has now been reported that a number have died. The hostage-taker has also been killed, sources say. Two police officers were also hurt in the raid on the shop in Porte de Vincennes. Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt said: "After news came through of the situation Dammartin there seemed to be a sense of urgency here. "We heard four very quick explosions that lasted between them seven seconds I suspect." There were another two explosions shortly afterwards. Minutes later hostages were pictured being carried out, or running out, of the market - as sirens wailed across the city. Sources reported that police managed to hack video surveillance at the market to keep a close eye on what was happening inside. It is also understood that officers were secretly communicating by phone with one of the hostages. The gunman at the Kosher store had threatened to kill the hostages if police moved in on two brothers holding another hostage in a print-works near Charles de Gaulle airport. It is understood that police may have managed to close down communication between the two groups of hostage-takers. Earlier, SWAT teams were seen surrounding the Hyper Cacher kosher store. Israeli TV said a six-month old baby and the baby's mother were among those held captive. A police officer told Sky News that the siege began when a gunman went in the supermarket and started shooting immediately. According to the AP news agency, which quoted a police source, the gunman said "You know who I am" as he opened fire inside. The hostage taker is believed to be one of the suspects who killed a policewoman in Montrouge, southern Paris, on Thursday. French police released mugshots of a man and a woman linked to the policewoman killing, saying they were armed and dangerous. They were named as Amedy Coulibaly, 32, and Hayat Boumeddiene, 26. The two are believed to have ties to brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, the French nationals linked to al Qaeda in Yemen who stormed the Charlie Hebdo magazine on Wednesday, killing 12 people. The brothers are believed to have been killed after police raided a print works building a few miles from Charles de Gaulle airport. The pair had been holding a hostage there for most of the day. It is understood that the hostage has been freed alive. Paris Supermarket Siege: Explosions Heard Reports say several hostages are freed after commandos launch an assault on the kosher supermarket in eastern Paris. Six explosions have been heard at a Paris supermarket where at least six hostages have been held by gunmen. Commandos have launched an assault at the supermarket in eastern Paris, 20 minutes after explosions at a second siege on the outskirts of Paris. There are reports that several hostages have been freed from the shop. Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt said: "After news came through of the situation Dammartin there seemed to be a sense of urgency here. video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam air live on tv
"Chris Cuomo thinks the “angry” tone Professor Reza Aslan took this week with CNN hosts Don Lemon and Alisyn Camerota unwittingly demonstrated the exact hostility some people fear of the Islamic faith. On Sept. 29, Aslan appeared on CNN Tonight and slammed Bill Maher for his comments on the Islamic faith, while also scolding Lemon and Camerota for what he felt was an “over-generalization” of 1.5 billion Muslim people as promoting violence. “This is the problem,” he said Monday night. “These conversations that we’re having aren’t really being had in any kind of legitimate way. We’re not talking about women in the Muslim world, we’re using two or three examples to justify a generalization. That’s actually the definition of bigotry.”“* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University), Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and Wes Clark Jr break it down. *Read more here from Andrew Kirell / Mediaite: ********** CNN vs. Reza Aslan, Fox News Eruption, GodTV Founder & Secession - The Young Turks 10/3/2014 News & Politics ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Get your TYT Merch: ********** 'Your Country Is Just Not That Into You: How the Media, Wall Street, and Both Political Parties Keep on Screwing You—Even After You’ve Moved On' by Jimmy Dore. Buy it here:
Телеканал CNN получил лицензию на вещание в России Выпуск от 24 марта 2015 Роскомнадзор выдал американскому телеканалу CNN универсальную лицензию на вещание в России. Срок действия лицензии составляет 10 лет. Будьте в курсе самых актуальных новостей! Подписывайтесь на офиц. канал Россия24: АвтоВести - Эксклюзив - Большой тест-драйв со Стиллавиным - Свежие новости - Hi-Tech - Путешествия - ProРоссию - Утро России - Наука -Наука2_0 Документальные фильмы - Познавательные фильмы -
Fredericka hosts a discussion on the latest video to go viral. CNN ARTICLE: The director of a video showing a woman being catcalled on the streets of New York has weighed in on the seeming racial disparity of the men featured. Rob Bliss, who posted the video on behalf of the anti-street-harassment group Hollaback!, told CNN that those shown were just a small sample. "Looking at this as being some type of sample that is completely balanced, I think, is never going to be accurate," he said. "To do that, we would have had to shoot for days and days, and we didn't set out to make a long video." Bliss, who was inspired by the experiences of his girlfriend, tracked volunteer Shoshana Roberts as she walked through the city over the course of 10 hours. The video shows her being greeted by mostly black and Latino men with calls like "Hey, baby," "Damn!" and "What's up, beautiful?" Some of the men even follow her. In a Slate article headlined "The Problem With That Catcalling Video," writer Hanna Rosin notes that "The one dude who turns around and says, 'Nice,' is white, but the guys who do the most egregious things -- like the one who harangues her, 'Somebody's acknowledging you for being beautiful! You should say thank you more,' or the one who follows her down the street too closely for five whole minutes -- are not." Bliss said that during the 10 hours captured on video, there were 108 instances of street harassment, of which he had 30 to 40 scenes with good enough quality for him to consider. He whittled that down to 20 scenes in the one minute and 57 second video. It's difficult to distinguish that about six of the men were white because the faces were blurred, Bliss said. "We have 18 scenes where someone is visible and on camera, and two of the scenes ate up half of the run time" of the video, he said. "And yes, those two men were not white. "We knew this wasn't going to be an accurate representation," Bliss added. "For example, there are no Asian men, but that doesn't mean that Asian men don't do this, too." "First, we regret the unintended racial bias in the editing of the video that over represents men of color," Hollaback! said in a statement released Tuesday. "Although we appreciate Rob's support, we are committed to showing the complete picture. It is our hope and intention that this video will be the start of a series to demonstrate that the type of harassment we're concerned about is directed toward women of all races and ethnicities and conducted by an equally diverse population of men." Critics questioned the disparity on social media. One tweeted, "To demonize men of color as the only perpetrators of aggression towards women is patently false and irresponsible. #Catcalling." Another person tweeted, "I just got an attitude from an older white male ,I didn't say good morning. #Catcalling since everyone wants to make this a race issue." Rosin points out that Bliss, who heads the marketing company Rob Bliss Creative and told New Republic "I make viral videos for a living," has been accused of not being inclusive before. In 2011, a blogger wrote about the Grand Rapids Lip Dub video project, which Bliss hosted. Directed on the streets of the Michigan city, it featured participants lip-syncing the words to Don McLean's "American Pie" and according to the Grand Rapids Press was one of several community events Bliss organized. But a blogger identified as "kswheeler" wrote that the result didn't exactly reflect the racial makeup of Grand Rapids at the time: 57% white, 18.9% black, 13% Latino and 1.62% Asian-American. "Otherwise, Grand Rapids looks like Oz," the blogger wrote. "And the people look like they've been reincarnated from those peppy family-style 1970s musical acts from Disney World or Knott's Berry Farm." Bliss, 26, said the Grand Rapids video had an open call for participation. As for his latest project, he said the focus on the race of the men has been a distraction and "very frustrating." In no way was he trying to portray one race as being more apt to harass women in the streets, he said. "I simply wanted to capture street harassment in a very intimate, close-up way in the real world and have people talk about it," Bliss said. "I just wanted to lay it all bare." Thursday morning on CNN's "New Day," Roberts discussed her experience with the catcalls, noting that because she was carrying two microphones while Bliss walked ahead of her with a backpack camera, "We had great audio." As for the racial makeup of the men who attempt to interact with her, she said they were "men of all colors -- in my experience every day, men of all colors. It doesn't matter what size, shape, color." More at
Don Lemon Interviews KKK Member, Gets the Exact Crazy Racist Responses You’d Imagine Don Lemon Interviews James Moore over University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity’s racist chant (Mediaite) CNN’s Don Lemon brought a KKK member on his show Wednesday night, and you can kind of guess how that went. The interview was done via Skype with James Moore, an “imperial kludd” of the Loyal White Knights of the KKK who was dressed in the traditional garb, wearing sunglasses in a dark, obfuscated room. He took a completely different view on the fallout from the University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity’s racist chant that got two students expelled and the chapter shut down. Moore claimed there is a double standard on who can join certain race- or ethnicity-exclusive fraternities or sororities and he touted “freedom of association” as a God-given right. At one point, he took an inaudible shot at Lemon’s race. Moore said what drew him to the KKK was “people like yourself [Don Lemon] who discriminate against me who said I couldn’t stand up for my people.” In the next segment, CNN political commentator Ben Ferguson joked, “notice neither of us are broadcasting from our mom’s basement.” Lemon also said in that segment that Moore was originally set to appear on the show from a studio, but that studio “had an issue with who he was and what organization he belonged to, so they would not allow him in,” so they had to resort to Skype. video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam air live on tv share comment like most popular
Rapper Trinidad James appeared on CNN tonight for a lengthy discussion over the n-word that culminated in James clashing with conservative guest Ben Ferguson over the use of the n-word and whether rap artists are profiting off it. James first spoke with Don Lemon and said he’s not terribly concerned with the SAE frat mother who dropped the n-word several times while singing along to one of his songs... Read More At: Clip from the Tuesday, March 17th 2015 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday - friday 4-6pm Eastern. Check out our website - and become a member - at: Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at: Follow on Twitter: Like on Facebook: Friends Of SecularTalk: AMAZON LINK: (Bookmark this link to support the show for free!!!)
Weed [1080p HD] - CNN Special Dr Sanjay Gupta 2013 Documentary Full English * We hit 1.5 MILLION views! Thank you! Share, Like, Subscribe *
Airport employees who work on planes and work with baggage everyday are not always screened. CNN's Drew Griffin investigates this hole in security.
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us caption & translate this video!
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Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts:
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us caption & translate this video!
Twerking, Kimye, deaths, & downfalls - 2013 marked a big year in Entertainment. CNN's Nischelle Turner has the Top 10!
CNN & Entertainment Weekly chronicled the life of TV station WAMI and its news show "The Times" in Miami Beach. Original CNN air date: August 12, 1999. This ...
Tom Sturges Tape 17
Former CNN Entertainment Correspondent, Bill Tush pays homage..well, kind of..sort of..not really - to the late, great John Belushi. Find out National Geogra...
Frisco's Carhop Diner City of Industry 2005 filmed for Cnn.
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This is lightly edited footage from an interview we conducted with Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero for a piece: We were talkin...
Bill Tush pulls no punches in commenting on serial-fired TV personality, Keith Olbermann. It was the best of times for the Season 2 premiere of HBO's "Game of Thrones" - It was the worst of times for the Season 2 premiere of AMC's "The Killing". And we nail National Geographic Channel for programming with "Wicked Tuna". See much more of THE TV NEWS at
Brief interview with the Moody Blues about the release of Time Traveller aired on CNN Entertainment News NY in 1994
A young and vivrant manipur.. Titbits of what we knew and what we didn't... 2nd part..
This is my OLD presenting reel; please watch my new Travel TV hosting clips here - *** La Carmina ( http://www.lacarmina.c...
Korean entertainment exports are some of the most successful in Asia. CNN's Paula Newton finds out why.
Entertainment attorney James Walker discusses how pop icon Michael Jackson transcended race. This clip aired on CNN Headline News.
From the Majority Report, live M-F 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM: Rick Perry qualifies for the upcoming CNN Debate...somehow, somew...
CNN Philippines' local live programming has been produced from the Upper Ground Floor of the Worldwide Corporate Center, Shaw Boulevard corner Epifanio de los Santos Avenue in Mandaluyong City with their transmitter at No. 97, Panay Avenue, Brgy. South Triangle, Quezon City.
LAVA Music Video 3D Player featured on CNN Entertainment (Los Angeles) & with D-Fuse/Cirrus at SXSW (Austin)
The New York Post has reported that CNN host Piers Morgan will walk the plank. It is unknown if there was the figurative sword to prompt him or if he is will...
Comedienne Joan Rivers sat down with Fredricka Whitfield to discuss her new book, but stormed out before it was over. More from CNN at
Veronica Vidal is a master Yoga instructor with over 25 years of experience. For more information visit
Akshaya Trust Krishnan CNN TV Show.
Akshaya Trust TV Show CNN Part 2.
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During the American election Jessica Yellin was recorded as a hologram and beamed into the studio.
After 3 years on air at CNN - Piers Morgan confirmed on 24/2/2014 that he would be leaving 'Piers Morgan Live'. Piers is the controversial UK journalist, Edi...
Shane Connors appearance on the Glenn Beck Show on CNN on Oct. 11, 2006.
This is Matisyahu's First Appearance on TV on CNN in 2003.
Michael Jackson's Ghost in CNN TV Show IF YOU THINK THIS IS A FAKE THANK YOU ARE RIGHT THIS IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY A FAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! THANKS FOR 30.000 VIEWS !!!! !!! THIS YEAHR I WANT 40.000 VIEWS !!!!!
NATEPERKINS: CNN Don Lennon News, Host Warren Ballentine, Jovita Moore, WSB--TV Channel 2. Inaugural Party Ball with New Orleans Saints LEITH TORRENCE21 Janu...
Veronica Vidal is a Master Yoga instructor and Life Coach with over 25 years of experience. For more information visit Follow us on Twitter @veroyogavidal Find us on Facebook -
This is the reason CNN's Crossfire is no longer on the air. Jon Stewart shows up these two ignorant political show hosts... 2 against 1, on their own show, and brings to light how these shows "Hurt America." Thank you Jon for always pointing out political hypocrisy. I hope continuing to broadcast this video of you helps your voice continue to be heard.
CNN en Español, the Ismael CALA program, is doing a show about cancer next Wednesday, Feb 4 and has invited Chef Zoe to appear live and talk about the book, Alimentándose bien durante el cáncer / Eating Well Through Cancer (Spanish Edition) SUBSCRIBE to my NEW channel for easy, healthy recipes STAY CONNECTED with me via: Holly Clegg and Chef Zoe's Alimentándose bien durante el cáncer / Eating Well Through Cancer (Spanish Edition) cookbook:
NBC Nightly News managing editor and anchor Brian Williams raps The Sugar Hill Gang's classic "Rapper's Delight" -- and, yes, he brought two friends along. S...
Before signing off each night, Anderson Cooper concludes AC360 with a segment called the "Ridiculist," during which he comments on some trivial bit of news o...
On Nancy Grace‘s show tonight, the rapper 2 Chainz made some very sensible arguments about legalizing marijuana and how it would be less of a burden on the economy and the criminal justice system. Grace’s response was to shout at him about THE CHILDREN. 2 Chainz Pot 2 Chainz Pot 2 Chainz Pot 2 Chainz Pot 2 Chainz Weed 2 Chainz Weed 2 Chainz Weed Nancy Grace 2 Chainz Pot Nancy Grace 2 Chainz Pot Nancy Grace 2 Chainz Pot Nancy Grace 2 Chainz Pot Two Chainz Nancy Grace Two Chainz Nancy Grace Two Chainz Nancy Grace Two Chainz Nancy Grace
Egyptian televangelist Amr Khaled's new reality TV show, Mujaddidun, The Renewers, follows 16 young men and women from 9 different Arab countries. A team of ...
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Does Comedy Central leaving Hulu signify a content Exodus from Hulu? Why does America rip off the UK's top hits? CNN's "Rick's List" is just tanking in the r...
CNN Take Two TV News Show: Dr. Mort Cooper, Los Angeles based Speech Therapist, on his TV Show, Change Your Voice, Change Your Life, interviewed on CNN's Tak...
CNN exclusive interview with Cristiano Ronaldo, revealing some things about his life we've rarely heard. Full show. High Definition.
Paul Walker's new film -- one of the last he completed -- was going to start a new chapter for the "Fast and Furious" actor, says its director. "He had gushed to me about the new offers he was getting from people who'd seen his performance," says Eric Heisserer, the first-time director of "Hours," which opens Friday. "His career was finally going in a direction that he was excited about for the first time in many years." The dramatic film, about a New Orleans man trying to keep his newborn alive in the face of Hurricane Katrina's chaos, marked a change of pace for Walker after making a name for himself in the "Fast and Furious" series. Walker's in practically every frame, agonizing over his baby, mourning his losses, willing himself to continue as his hospital is evacuated and the city is overwhelmed by floodwaters. Walker died November 30 in a horrific auto accident while riding in a friend's high-performance sports car. His death has inspired shock and sadness as "Fast and Furious" colleagues remembered his spirit and fans paid tribute to his charity and generosity. Heisserer, too, was left in shock by Walker's death. The news reached him over the Thanksgiving holiday, which he was spending in Oklahoma with family. He remembers a "kind and patient" video-game fanatic who never pulled rank, even though he was the film's only name performer and one of its producers. "He was just eager to do a great job, and that kind of inspired everybody else to step up their game and make sure they were committing the same way Paul was," Heisserer says.
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EXPLOSIVE: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come from God’ WATCH Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in Heated Gay Marriage Debate with CNN Chris Cuomo on Live TV. CNN’s Cuomo Battles Roy Moore on Gay Marriage: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come from God’ [VIDEO] (Mediaite) This you don’t see every day. New Day anchor Chris Cuomo battled Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore for almost thirty straight minutes this morning over Moore’s order that Alabama probate judges ignore the Supreme Court and refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Some judges have followed Moore’s order, with same-sex couples filing to hold them in contempt. Cuomo argued that Moore was substituting his own value judgments over the ruling of the higher courts, essentially Joe Scarborough’s argument from a couple days ago. Cuomo pointed out that Moore had a controversial history of doing so, most visibly when he was removed from his post in 2003 after he refused to take down a stone monument of the Ten Commandments in his court room. (Moore was reelected last year.) Moore parried that at times justices are allowed to dissent from SCOTUS rulings if they are wildly in error, referencing the Dred Scott decision, a favorite rhetorical maneuver of gay marriage opponents. The most heated moment of the interview came when Moore demanded to know if Cuomo would have ruled in accordance with the Dred Scott decision had he been a justice in the olden days, and Cuomo responded that Moore was trying to shirk his obligations by foisting them onto others. "Chris Cuomo Roy Moore" video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam air live on tv share comment like most popular
CNN Live of September 11 2001 from 8:40am - 10:11am. Rest of the day available here: Hear the voices behind the sc...
Reportaje de Patricia Janiot #CCS #VZLA
Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca / Cnn Türk Başka Şeyler / Tek Parça Full / Serdar Tuncer / 20.12.2014 / 21.12.2014 / Cumaresi / Pazar / Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Efendi / İsmailağa Cemaati / Mahmut Efendi / Mustafa İslampğlu / Reddiye / Yılbaşı / Twiter / İnstagram / Facebook / Sosyal Medya / Serdar Tuncer / Şiir / şarkı / Türkü / Haram / Helal / Komedi Dükkanı , Arkadaşım Hoş geldin , Cem Yılmaz , cmylmz , Soru & Cevap , Cem Yılmaz Askerde , Fundamentals ,Cem Yılmaz , Milenyum , Her şey çok güzel olacak , Gora , arog , vizontele , yahşi batı , Hokkabaz , Av Mevsimi , Yılbaşı , Bayram , Askerlik anısı ,Sonra Ağlayacağım , Recep İvedik 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Eyvah Eyvah 1 , 2 , 3 , Ata demirer , Tolga Çevik , Komedi Dükkanı , Arkadaşım Hoşgeldin , Sen Kimsin , Patron Mutlu son İstiyor , Medcezir,Karadayı,Kara Para Aşk,Kaçak,Kardeş Payı,Seksenler,Karagül,Kardeş Payı bipsiz izle,Bugünün Saraylısı,Kızılelma,Güneşi Beklerken,Analı Oğullu,O Hayat Benim,Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu,Not Defteri,Ağlatan Dans,Güldür Güldür,Fatih Harbiye,dizi son bölüm,son bölüm izle,tek parça izle,Hosting,Donate,Credit,Trading,Softw¬¬¬are,dizi izle,film izle,Mihrap Yerinde,Pis Yedili,Çılgın Dersane Üniversitede,Diğer Yarım,Güzel Köylü,Kaçak Gelinler,Kiraz Mevsimi,Kocamın Ailesi,Diğer Yarım,Güzel Köylü,Kaçak Gelinler , Tüm Bölümler , Ezgi Mola , Yılmaz Erdoğan , Demet Akbağ , Levent Kırca , Polis , Asker , Vizontele , Hükümet Kadın 1 , 2 , Sermiyan Midyat , Çok Güzel hareketler bunlar , Güldür Güldür , Ali Sunal , Düğün Dernek , Çalgı Çengi, İşler Güçler , Kardeş payı ,Ahmet Kural , Murat cemcir , Seda bakan , Şahan gökbakar , Celal ile Ceren , İzle , Tek Parça , Full , Hd , izle , Yeni Bölüm izle , Son Bölüm İzle , Tüm Bölümler İzle , Kim o , ahu Yağtu , acun ılıcalı , yetenek sizsiniz , survivor , o ses Türkiye , hülya Avşar ,Sergen yalçın , Rıdvan dilmen , Ahmet Çakar , Başbakan Recep Tayip Erdoğan , Abdullah Gül , Ak Parti , Chp , Kemel Kılıçdaroğlu , mhp , Devlet Bahçeli , Leyla ile Mecnun , Med Cezir , Muhteşem yüzyıl , Neşet Ertaş , Abdurrahim Karakoç , Yunus Emre , Mevlana , Fuzuli , Baki , Nedim , Köroğlu , Pek Yakında , Avanak Apdi , Atla Gel Şaban , Bekçiler Kralı , Çarıklı Milyoner , Çöpçüler kralı , Davaro , davacı , Doktor Civanım , Devlet Kuşu , Deli Deli Küpeli , Dokunmayın Şabanıma , Düttürü Dünya , En Büyük Şaban , Gülen Adam , Gerzek Şaban , Gurbetçi Şaban , Gol Kralı , Hababam Sınıfı , İnek Şaban , İyi Aile Çocuğu , İnatçı , japon İşi , Kılıbık , Kibar Feyzo , Keriz , Korkusuz Korkak , Koltuk Belası , Köyden İndim Şehire , Köşeyi Dönen Adam , Kanlı Nigar , Mavi Boncuk , Meraklı Köfteci , Orta Direk Şaban , öğretmen , Polizei , propaganda , Postacı , salako , salak milyoner , Süt kardeşler , Sevimli Hırsız , Sakar Şakir , sosyete şaban , Sahte Kabadayı , Şabaniye , şaban oğlu şaban , Şendul Şaban , şaşkın damat , Tokatçı , tarzan rıfkı , tosun paşa , Talih Kuşu , Umudumuz Saban , üçkağıtçı , Varyemez , yakışıklı , yoksul , Yedi Bela Hüsnü , Yüz Numaralı Adam , Zübük , Zehir Hafiye , restarasyonlu , Full hd , 1080p , bluray , Medcezir, Şefkat Tepe , Kurtlar Vadisi , Arka Sokaklar , Kurtlar Vadisi , Polat alemdar , beni böyle sev , Kızılelma , bugünün saraylısı , Game of The Thrones , Spartacus , 1. Sezon , 2. Sezon , 3. Sezon , 4.Sezon , Son Sezon , Part izle , Yetenek Sizsiniz Türkiye , Kemal Sunal , İnek Şaban , Bombacı Mülayim , Türk Filmi , Full , Tek Parça , Hababam Sınıfı , Mahmut Hoca , Badi Ekrem , Şener Şen , Dizi , Şafak Sezer , ata demirer , dizi izle , fragman , teaser , Barış Manço , İbrahim Tatlıses , Kadın işi banka soygunu , silsile , HD , 1080P , 720P , one direction , komik , komik şaka , music , sezen aksu , ebru gündeş , Sibel can , Erdoğan , çatı aday , seçim , gül , Fransa , gaf , komik , şaka , melodi , fon , bipsiz , sansürsüz , beyaz show , Beyazıt öztürk , Acun Ilıcalı , O Ses Türkiye , Çocuklar , Yetenek Sizsiniz , Survivor , Magazin , Dizi , Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu , Medcezir , Diğer Yarım , Kocamın Ailsesi , Küçük Ağa , Güllerin Savaşı , Ah Neriman , Yılanların Öcü , Güzel Köylü , Kaçak Gelinler , Muhteşem yüzyıl , Hadise ,
Armenia is located in the southern Caucasus and is the smallest of the former Soviet republics. It is bounded by Georgia on the north, Azerbaijan on the east, Iran on the south, and Turkey on the west. Contemporary Armenia is a fraction of the size of ancient Armenia. A land of rugged mountains and extinct volcanoes, its highest point is Mount Aragats, 13,435 ft (4,095 m). One of the oldest nations in the word. Survived all the barbaric nations and still kicking!...
Leopoldo Lopez y Fernando del Rincon esta noche a las 10:30, por Conclusiones CNN en entrevista telefónica EXCLUSIVA
CNN's Vladimir Duthiers examines the conditions that permit so many people to be enslaved in West Africa today.
Jill Dougherty reports on The Power of Vladimir Putin in this CNN Special Report
Visit the official website of the Beatification of John Paul II - - ©riproduzione riservata.
Political Comments Will Be Deleted. Just relax and watch some old TV. Taped this before the "Warbirds" episode. Frank Buckley reports on the deployment of ...
In the 50 years since Michael Harrington's The Other America awakened the nation to the truth and consequences of grinding poverty, no American problem has b...
CNN gained exclusive access to Jose Mourinho in September 2012. The Real Madrid manager is the most successful manager of the past decade and talks to Pedro Pinto about life in Spain, gives us a tour of his office and he looks back on some of his most memorable musings.
Here are CNN's Special Reports (also see "Weed 2" at:;=PL2sS6bGk1mzHh0Lz_h8jsLj87MZQhew3Y) by Dr. Sanjay Gupta showing the clear proven medical benefits of high CBD marijuana and why marijuana should not be classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance by the U.S. Federal Government. Here is Sanjay Gupta's newest high tech animation on THC and CBD in the brain, along with an interview with Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania discussing his new landmark bill that would legalize low-THC high-CBD medical marijuana at the Federal level:;=PL2sS6bGk1mzHh0Lz_h8jsLj87MZQhew3Y&index;=3 See this pending federal legislation in the United States of America, "H.R.5226 - Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014." Marijuana should be immediately rescheduled to Schedule 3. Marijuana is less harmful than heroin, cocaine and crystal meth, with accepted medical uses in the United States, moderate potential for physical dependency in some populations and high potential for psychological dependency in some populations. Given the need for establishing a consensus with social conservatives, Schedule 3 is the most conservative scheduling that is honest and truthful for now, although we may choose to revisit this issue again at a later date after the science is in and we know more about the issues of dependency in specific vulnerable populations from a large scale scientific perspective. We need to do this now on a bipartisan basis. It's about openness and transparency in government. We need to be told the truth and not be lied to by our government. Schedule 1 is official state propaganda hard coded into the law of the land. It's insane. It is a glaring example of official abuse of power, given what we know today. Both Congress and the executive branch (e.g., U.S. Attorney General) have the authority to reschedule marijuana. It can be an Act of Congress or an act of an official in the executive branch. Drug scheduling is a multiple choice with five options. The question is, "Which schedule most correctly and accurately and truthfully describes marijuana according to all available scientific evidence and medical research?" Some answers are more correct and truthful than others, as can be attested to by scientists, academics, doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. Schedule 1 is the wrong answer, based on the evidence presented in the three CNN videos above. Since it has a variety of scientifically proven medical uses and it has been proven to be safe under medical supervision, Schedule 1 is patently untruthful with respect to marijuana and there is a growing political consensus on that point. Keep in mind that heroin is a Schedule 1 drug and cocaine and crystal meth are Schedule 2 drugs. Marijuana is less addictive and dangerous than all three of these drugs and it currently has accepted medical uses in the United States. So what's the best answer? Schedule 3, of course, at the very least. Marijuana is medicine. Case closed. (1) Schedule I. (A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse. (B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. (C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision. (2) Schedule II. (A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse. (B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. (C) Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. *(3) Schedule III. (A) The drug or other substance has a potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in schedules I and II. (B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. (C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. (4) Schedule IV. (A) The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III (B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. (C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III. (5) Schedule V. (A) The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule IV. (B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. (C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule IV.
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... CNN student news with subtitles. Six months after hundreds of schoolgirls were kidnapped in Nigeria, the country's government says there's been a breakthrough in securing their release. We... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News w CNN Student News - Oct 27, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Oct 27, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: CNN Student News with subtitles. The law of supply and demand takes center stage in today's show, as CNN Student News takes an in-depth look at the economics of oil and gas prices. CNN Student News - Jan 22, 2015 - English Sub CNN Student News - Jan 22, 2015 - English Sub
CNN Student News with subtitles. Is it possible (and is it feasible) to build a high-speed rail line connecting China to the U.S.? With discussions underway, CNN Student News explores the planned... Is it possible (and is it feasible) to build a high-speed rail line connecting China to the U.S.? With discussions underway, CNN Student News explores the planned route. We also report on a... 歡迎到VoiceTube網站有更多功能幫助學習!(還有手機APP可下載) (即時字典查詢、重覆單句、語速調整、學習記錄⋯⋯等等)... Let's learn English and catch... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: CNN Student News - May 16, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM 好用學習版:Voicetube 看影片學英文:Voicetube 看影片學英文 CNN Student News頻道: CNN Student Ne CNN Student News - May16, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - May16, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. S CNN Student News - Aug 26, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Aug 26, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with CNN Student News - Aug 27, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Aug 27, 2014 - English Sub
CNN Student News May 22, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM CNN Student News - May 16, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: CNN Student News May 23, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM Website: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... CNN Student News May 08, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student N CNN Student News - May 07, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - May 07, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Học tiếng Anh qua Video tin tức có phụ đề English. News for English learners. CNN Student News May 22, 2014 English Subtitles TRANSCRIPT DAILY CURRICULUM Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Learning English with CNN Student N CNN Student News - May 23, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - May 23, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. S CNN Student News - Sep 03, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Sep 03, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Studen CNN Student News - Sep 09, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Sep 09, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Help us ... CNN Student News subtitle for learning English. f CNN Student News - Sep 16, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Sep 16, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Trans CNN Student News - Apr 08, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Apr 08, 2014 - English Sub
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Hãy đăng ký kênh để cập nhật những tin tức chất lượng và nhanh nhất.
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Trans CNN Student News - Mar - 05, 2015 - English Sub CNN Student News - Mar - 05, 2015 - English Sub
Students from CNN Hero Chad Bernstein's program in Miami, Guitars Over Guns, visit a professional recording studio to work on a song. Chad Bernstein, a professional musician, started Guitars Over Guns. The nonprofit provides music instruction and mentorship to at-risk students in Miami. Students from CNN Hero Chad Bernstein's program in Miami, Guitars Over Guns, visit a professional recording studio to work on a song. Students from CNN Hero Chad Bernstein's program in Miami,. New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez and his attorney Abbe Lowell speak to reporters following Menendez's indictment on federal corruption charges.
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Trans CNN Student News - Dec 19, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Dec 19, 2014 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: January 27, 2015 CNN Student News subtitles Learn English via BBC, CNN Student News with subtitles, radio, comics, stories. January 28,... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student N CNN Student News - Feb 25, 2015 - English Sub CNN Student News - Feb 25, 2015 - English Sub
Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: CNN Student News subtitle for learning English. The source of video and transcript from CNN Student News with English subtitle, other language can be translate... Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: Learning English with CNN Student News CNN Student News with subtitles. Source: Transcripts: CNN Student New CNN Student News - Feb 27, 2014 - English Sub CNN Student News - Feb 27, 2014 - English Sub
... behind a cyber intrusion into a non-classified White House computer network, CNN said on Tuesday.
Xinhua 2015-04-09His interview with CNN went much smoother, even though Blitzer ... Watch Paul's interview on CNN above.
Huffington Post 2015-04-09Washington (CNN)The State Department has sent a recommendation to the White House that Cuba be ...
CNN 2015-04-09When Scott's brother Anthony Scott saw the video, he was convinced the officer had lied, he told CNN.
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-09(CNN)They're not gonna take it anymore. Really ... "It's official: ... Portnoy replaces A. J. Pero, who died March 20.
CNN 2015-04-09... only a few interviews, and seemed to defend the officers’ actions in a March interview with CNN.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-09Wow, a 12-year-old girl? ... As CNN News reports one game show staff member made a huge and costly mistake.
The Examiner 2015-04-09... would like for cops to be accountable," Scott’s older brother Anthony told CNN on Wednesday morning.
The Guardian 2015-04-09In an interview to Hindustan Times, his second to the media since taking over in May last year, with ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-09In an interview with CNN that was coincidentally conducted from North Charleston -- the city where ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-09On Tuesday, CNN reported that according to U ... The intrusion reported by CNN is not "a new incident," ...
The Daily Beast 2015-04-09(Source: Millikin University ) ... C. and chosen as the CNN Hero of the Year in December 2013 ... org ... Moore Lecture ... distributed by.
noodls 2015-04-09(CNN)On Tuesday, a white police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina, was charged with murder ...
CNN 2015-04-09Cable News Network (CNN) is a U.S. cable news channel founded in 1980 by American media mogul and philanthropist Ted Turner. Upon its launch, CNN was the first channel to provide 24-hour television news coverage, and the first all-news television channel in the United States. While the news channel has numerous affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from its headquarters at the CNN Center in Atlanta, the Time Warner Center in New York City, and studios in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. CNN is owned by parent company Time Warner, and the U.S. news channel is a division of the Turner Broadcasting System.
CNN is sometimes referred to as CNN/U.S. to distinguish the American channel from its international counterpart, CNN International. As of August 2010, CNN is available in over 100 million U.S. households. Broadcast coverage extends to over 890,000 American hotel rooms, and the U.S broadcast is also shown in Canada. Globally, CNN programming airs through CNN International, which can be seen by viewers in over 212 countries and territories. Starting late 2010, the domestic version CNN/U.S., is available in high definition to viewers in Japan under the name CNN HD.
Ohh...ohhh take it take it all away
ohh...ohhh take my breath away
ohh...ohhh you take my breath away
Look into my eyes and you'll see I'm the only one.
You've captured my love, stolen my heart,
changed my life.
Every time you make a move you destroy my mind.
And the way you touch I lose control and shiver deep inside.
You take my breath away
You can reduce me to tears with a single sigh
(please don't cry anymore)
every breath that you take, any sound that you make is a whisper in my ear
I could give up all my life for just one kiss
I would surly die, if you dismissed me from your love
You take my breath away
So please don't go
Don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely from time to time
I will find you anywhere you go
I'll be right behind you
right until the ends of the earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you
to tell you that you just take my breath away
I will find you anywhere you go...ohhh
right until the ends of the earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you
to tell you when I found you
I love you.
I'm a simple man
With a simple name
From this soil my people came
In this soil remain
Oh yeah. . .
And we made us our shoes
And we trod soft on the land
But the immigrant built roads
On our blood and sand
Oh yeah. . .
White man, white man
Don't you see the light behind your blackened skies
White man, white man
You took away sight to blind my simple eyes
White man, white man
Where you gonna hide
From the hell you've made?
Oh the red man knows war
With his hands and his knives
On the Bible you swore
Fought your battle with lies
Oh yeah. . .
Leave my body in shame
Leave my soul in disgrace
But by every God's name
Say your prayers for your race
White man, white man
Our country was green and all our rivers wide
White man, white man
You came with a gun and soon our children died
White man, white man
Don't you give a light for the blood you've shed?
What is left of your dream?
Just the words on your stone
A man who learned how to teach
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place
We will
we will rock you
We will
we will rock you
Buddy you're a young man,hard man
Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo' face
Y' big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place
We will
we will rock you
We will
we will rock you
Buddy you're an old man,poor man
Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace,some
You got mud on your face
big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into yo' place
We will
we will rock you
We will
we will rock you
We will
we will rock you
We will
I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through
(And we mean to go on and on and on and on)
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fightin' till the end
We are the champions, We are the champions
No time for losers 'cause we are the champions
Of the world
I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that
goes with it
I thank you all
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'cause we are the champions
Of the world
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong
Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster
'cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you
Every time
I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be
And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can't you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go I'm bound to lose
Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all
It'll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
You're the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you
Every time
Too much love will kill you
It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
Get your party gown
Get your pigtail down
Get your heart beatin' baby
Got my timin' right
Got my act all tight
It's gotta be tonight my little
Your momma says you don't
And your Daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm gonna lose out this time
Tie your Mother down
Tie your Mother down
Lock your Daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosing around
Tie your Mother down
Tie your Mother down
Give me all your love tonight
You're such a dirty louse
Go get outta my house
That's all I ever get from your
Family ties, in fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word
from those guys
But you know I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweetheart hand
To put a stop to all that
Snipin' an Grousin'
Tie your Mother down
Tie your Mother down
Take your little brother swimmin'
With a brick (that's all right)
Tie your Mother down,
Tie your Mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine
Your momma and your Daddy gonna
Plague me til I die
Why can't they understand I'm just a
Peace lovin' guy
Tie your Mother down
Oh Oh people of earth
Listen to the warning
The seer he said
Beware the storm that gathers here
Listen to the wise man.
I dreamed I saw on a moonlit stair
Spreading his hands on the multitude there
A man who cried for a love gone stale
And ice cold hearts of charity bare.
I watched as fear took the old man's gaze
Hopes of the young in troubled graves
I see no day, I heard him say
So grey is the face of every mortal.
Oh Oh people of earth
Listen to the warning
The prophet he said
For soon the cold of night will fall
Summoned by your own hand.
Oh Oh children of the land
Quicken to the new life
Take my hand
Fly and find the new green bough
Return like the white dove.
He told of death as a bone white haze
Taking the lost and the unloved babe
Late too late all the wretches run
These kings of beasts now counting their days.
From Mother's love is the son estranged
Married his own, his precious gain
The earth will shake, in two will break
And death all around will be your dowry
Oh Oh people of the earth
Listen to the warning
The seer he said
For those who hear and mark my words
Listen to the good man, oh oh aw aw
And two by two
My human zoo
They'll be running for to come
Running for to come out of the rain
Oh flee for your life,
Who heed me not
Let all your treasure make you
Oh fear for your life,
Deceive you not
The fires of hell will take you
Should death await you.
(Many awesome vocal overlays)
God give you grace to purge this place
And peace all around will be your fortune
Oh Oh children of the land,
Love is still the answer take my hand
The vision fades, the voice I hear
Don't listen to the mad man
But still I fear and still I dare not
Laugh at the mad man
Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all
It's a miracle
All God's creations great and small, the Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal
That's a miracle
Test tube babies being born, mothers, fathers dead and gone
It's a miracle
We have a miracle on earth, mother nature does it all for us
The wonders of this world go on, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Captain Cook and Cain and Abel, Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle
The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on Earth - an end to war
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle we're all waiting for today
If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle
If every child on every street, had clothes to wear and food to eat
That's a miracle
If all God's people could be free, to live in perfect harmony
It's a miracle, we're having a miracle on Earth
Mother nature does it all for us
(the wonders of this world go on)
Open hearts and surgery, Sunday mornings with a cup of tea
Super powers always fighting
But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle
(The wonders of this world go on)
Well it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle
The one thing (the one thing)
We're all waiting for (we're all waiting for)
Is peace on Earth (peace on Earth) and an end to war (end to war)
It's a miracle we need, the miracle, the miracle
Peace on Earth and end to war today
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
In the bright shop window sits the polar bear
Makes the children's eyes light up to see him there
Amongst the tinsel he gives everyone a smile
To see him and he'll be a star
Love him from where you are
He's not for, not for, not for sale
Past an open window walks the pretty girl
Does she see me at her feet its hard to tell
But if I ask her she might turn her smile away
To see him and he'll be a star
Love her from where you are
I guess I'll learn to look
Without addressing her
Minor contentment wears a smile
do you mean it
do you mean it
do you mean it
why don't you mean it
why do i follow you and where do you go
you've never seen nothing like it no never in your life
like going up to heaven and then coming back alive
let me tell you all about it -
and the world will so allow it
ooh give me a little time to choose
water babies singing in a lily-pool delight
blue powder monkies praying in the dead of night
here comes the black queen, poking in the pile
fie-fo the black queen, marching single file
take this, take that, bring them down to size
put them in the cellar with the naughty boys
a little nigger sugar then a rub-a dub-a baby oil
black on, black on ever finger nail and toe
we've only begun - begun
make this make that, keep making all that noise
now i've got a belly-full
you can be my sugar-baby, you can be my honey chile, yes
a voice from behind me reminds me
spread out your wings you are an angel
remember to deliver with the speed of light
a little bit of love and joy
everything you do bears a will and a why and a wherefore
a little bit of love and joy
in each and every soul lies a man
and very soon he'll deceive and discover
but even till the end of his life, he'll bring a little love
i reign with my left hand, i rule with my right
i'm lord of all darkness, i'm queen of the night
i've got the power - now do the march of the black queen
my life is in your hands, i'll fo and i'll fie
i'll be what you make me, i'll do what you like
i'll be a bad boy - i'll be your bad boy
i'll do the march of the black queen
walking true to style
she's vulgar 'buse and vile
fie-fo the black queen tattos all her pies
she boils and she bakes and she never dots her "i's"
forget your singalongs and your lullabies
surrender to the city of the fireflies
dance with the devil in beat with the band
to hell with all of you hand in hand
Mama's gotta problem
She don't know what to say
Her little baby boy just left home today
She's got to be the loser in the end
She's got to be the loser in the end
Misuse her and you'll lose her as a friend
She's ma on whom you can always depend
She washed and fed, and clothed and cared
For nearly twenty years
And all she gets is "goodbye ma"
And the nightimes for her tears
She's got to be the loser in the end
She's got to be the loser in the end
Misuse her and you'll lose her as a friend
She's ma on whom you can always depend
So listen mothers everywhere
To just one mother's son
You'll get forgotten on the way
If you don't let them have their fun
Forget regrets, and just remember
It's not so long since you were young
You're bound to be the loser in the end
You're bound to be the loser in the end
They'll choose their new shoes that's not far to bend
So you fell like you ain't nobody
Always needed to be somebody
Put your feet on the ground
Put your hand on your heart,
Lift your head to the stars
And the World's for your taking
( All you have to do
is ave the world )
So you feel like it's end of story
Find it all pretty satisfactory
Well I tell you my friend
This might seem like an end
But the continuation is
Yours for the making.........
When I'm gone
No need to wonder if I ever think of you
The same moon shines
The same wind blows
For both of us, and time is but a paper moon...
Be not gone
Though I'm gone
It's just as though I hold the flower that touches you
A new life grows
The blossom knows
There's no one else could warm my heart as much as
Be not gone
Let us cling together as the years go by
Oh my love, my love
In the quiet of the night
Let our candle always burn
Let us never lose the lessons we have learned
Teo torriatte konomama iko
Aisuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni
Hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshieo idaki
Hear my song
Still think of me the way you've come to think of me
The nights grow long
But dreams live on
Just close your pretty eyes and you can be with me...
Dream on
Teo torriatte konomama iko
Aisuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni
Hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshieo idaki
When I'm gone
They'll say we're all fools and we don't understand
Oh be strong
Don't turn your heart
We're all
You're all
For all
For always
Let us cling together as the years go by
Oh my love, my love
In the quiet of the night
Let our candle always burn
(Album: The Works, 1984)
"Are you ready ?
Well are you ready ?
We gonna tear it up - yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Turn me loose it
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Wooh hoo
Hey, give me your mind baby give me your body
Yeah, give me some time baby let's have a party
It ain't no time for sleepin' baby
Soon it's round your street I'm creeping
You better be ready
We gonna tear it up
Stir it up
Break it up - baby
You gotta tear it up
Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along
Tear it up - yeah
Square it up - yeah
Wake it up - baby
Tear it up
Stir it up
Stake it out - and you can't go wrong
Hey, listen
I love 'cos you're sweet and I love you 'cos you're naughty
Yeah, I love you for your mind baby give me your body
Mmm, I wanna be a toy at your birthday party
Wind me up - wind me up - wind me up - let me go, yeah
Tear it up
Stir it up
Break it up - let me go
Tear it up
Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along
Tear it up - ha ha
Turn it up
Burn it up
Hey hey
Are you ready (oh yeah)
Yeah, baby baby baby are you ready for me ? (oh yeah)
I love you baby baby baby are you ready for love ? (oh yeah)
Are you ready - are you ready - are you ready for me ? hey (oh yeah)
Hey I love you so near, I love you so far
I gotta tell you baby you're driving me ga ga
Tear 'em up - tear it off
Yeah let's go
Wooh, what are you doin' to me ?
Yeah yeah
Oh baby baby baby baby let's tear it up
(Album: The Cosmos Rocks, 2008)
"Surf's up, school's out
I got a criminal urge to twist and shout
I've been searching my whole life through
For some perfect dream imagined in my youth
(Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out)
For a perfect life, find a perfect girl
You gotta follow that dream to a perfect world
I've been a searcher, an adventurer too
This ride still runs, I wanna ride with you
This ride still runs, wanna ride with you
(Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out)
In the town and the country
We all lay and dreamed our dreams
Then we found the world is tough
And all is not quite what it seems
Gotta take it by the horns
Gotta seize your precious day
Gotta follow your dream
(Follow that dream
Follow that dream
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up
Follow that dream
Surf's up, school's out
Surf's up, school's out
Follow that dream)
(Album: The Cosmos Rocks, 2008)
"I can't wake in the mornin'
I can't sleep at night
I got a pain in my memory
That just won't sit right
You might say I'm losing my mind
What a shame, shame, shame
But I don't want and I don't need
To play the cryin' game
Music lights this flame in me
I won't let it go and it won't let me be
I'm just a happy slave and oh I can't leave it
'cause I'm still, and I always will, be a believer
Still burnin' (Yeah)
Still yearnin' (And the wheel's)
Still turnin' (Let me tell you why)
We're jivin' (And the beat's)
Still drivin' (And we are all)
Divin' (Rock'n'roll never die)
I can't breathe in the city
Got dust in my lungs
I get mad in the country
Everythin' seem to go wrong
You might think I'm playin' around
But my heart is true
I got reason to believe
That sweet soul magic
Gonna tear my heart in two
Music makes the world go round
I've been flyin' on the wings of the sound
It feels so good from way up here
I'm still a believer
Headin' for the stars
(Still burnin')
(Still yearnin')
Still turnin' (Better than every guy)
(We're jivin')
(Still drivin')
Sky divin' (Rock'n'roll never die)
Don't say that you love me I can't go down that road
But don't think for a moment that my heart went cold
I keep thinkin' about what I lost
And what I might have found
I went to sleep and when I woke
Everything had turned around
Still burnin' (Yeah)
(Still yearnin')
Still turnin' (A new day dawnin')
(We're jivin')
(Still drivin')
Sky divin' (Early in the morning)
Still burnin' (Yeah)
Still yearnin' (And the wheel's)
Still turnin' (Better than every guy)
We're jivin' (And the beat's)
Still drivin' (And we're all)
Clap your hands and let's groove
Clap your hands, clap your hands
There comes a time in every life
There comes a day in every mind
Now don't look back, don't look behind
Stand up straight in your own time
Stand up for love, every good man
Stand up for love, and foolish man
Stand up for love, and all the rich men
Stand up for love, and all the proud men
Stand up for love, stand up for love, stand up for love
Everybody, come on and take my hand
Everybody, you know it's time,
It's time to make your stand...
Clap your hands and let's groove
In case of fear, in case of fire, in case of some
Kinda, earthquake, or forest fire
I got my man, I got my man, right in my sights -
He looks to the left, leans to the right
You know I want you to now
Stand up for love, every good man
Stand up for love, and every foolish man
And every rich man, and every proud man
Stand up for love, stand up for love
Everybody, come on and take my hand
I said everybody you know it's time to make your stand
Die for love, this is a cry for love
Let's fly for love, gotta die for love
THIS SONG IS CALLED "TEAR IT UP" NOT "Soon It's Round Your Street I'm Creeping"! MORONS
We gonna Tear it up
Stir it up
Break it up - Baby -
You gotta Tear it up
Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along.
Tear it up
Square it up
Wake it up - Baby.
Tear it up
Stir it up
Stake it out - and you can't go wrong.
I love you cos you're sweet and I love you cos you're naughty
I love you for you mind but give me your body
I wanna be a toy at your birthday party
Wind me up - wind me up - wind me up - let me go -
Tear it up
Stir it up
Break it up - let me go.
Tear it up
Shake it up
Make it up - as you go along.
Tear it up
Turn it up
you never heard my song before the music was too loud
but now i think you hear me well for now we both know how
no star can light our way in this cloud of dark and fear
but some day, one day...
funny how the pages turn and hold us in between
a misty castle waits for you and you shall be a queen
today the cloud it hangs over us and all is grey
but some day, one day...
when i was you and you were me and we were very young
together took us nearly there the rest may not be sung
so still the cloud it hangs over us and we're alone
but some day, one day...
fear me you lords and lady preachers
i descend upon your earth from the skies
i command your very souls you unbelievers
bring before me what is mine
the seven seas of rhye
can you hear me you peers and privvy counselors
i stand before you naked to the eyes
i will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
i swear that you'll be mine
the seven seas of rhye
sister - i live and lie for you
mister - do and i'll die
you are mine i possess you
i belong to you forever
storm the master-marathon i'll fly through
by flash and thunder-fire i'll survive
then i'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
then i'll get you
be gone with you - you shod and shady senators
give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
i challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
and with a smile
I was nothin' but a city boy
My trumpet was my only toy
I've been blowin' my horn
Since I knew I was born
But there ain't no nobody wants to know
I've been
Sleepin' on the sidewalk
Rollin' down the road
I may get hungry
But I sure want to go home
So round the corner comes a limousine
And the biggest grin I ever seen
Come on sunny won't you sign
Right along the dotted line
What are you sayin' Are you playin'
Sure you don't mean me?
Sleepin' on the sidewalk
Rollin' down the road
I may get hungry
But I sur don't wanna go home
(tell you what happened . . .)
They took me to a room without a table
They said "blow your trumpet into here"
I played around as well I was able
And soon we had the record of the year
i was a legend all thruogh the land
I was blowin' to a million fans
Nothin' was a-missin'
All the people want to listen
You'd thought I was a happy man
And I was
Sleepin' like a princess
never touch the road
I don't get hungry
And I sure don't want to go home
(have to have some fun . . .)
Now they tell me that I ain't so fashionable
An' I owe the man a million bucjks a year
So I told 'em where to stick the fancy lable
It's just me and the road from here
Back to playin' and layin'
I'm back on the game
Sleepin' on the sidewalk Rollin' down the road
I sure get hungry and I Sure o wanna go home
I love
She makes me
She is my heart
She is my love
I know
I'm jealous of her
She makes me need
She is my love
Who knows who she'll make me
As I lie in her cocoon
And the world will surely heal my ills
I'm warm and terrified
She makes me so
I know the day I leave her
I'll love her still
She is my love
She is my love
She knows where my dreams will end
I'll follow as they grow
But the world will know how long I'll take
And if I'm very slow she makes me so
Seaside - whenever you stroll along with me I'm merely contemplating what
you feel inside meanwhile I ask you to be my Clementine -
You say you will if you could but you can't - I love you madly -
Let my imagination run away with you gladly -
A brand new angle - highly commendable - Seaside Rendezvous -
I feel so romantic - can we do it again
Can we do it again sometime,
Fantastic, c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs
And at the peak of the season, the
Mediterranean -, this time of year, it's so fashionable,
I feel like dancing - in the rain,
Can I have a volunteer -
Dancing - what a damn jolly good idea -
It's such a jollification - as a matter of fact, so tres charmant my dear -
Underneath the moonlight - together we'll sail across the sea -
Reminiscing every night
Meantime - I ask you to be my valentine
You said you'd have to tell your daddy you can I'll be your Valentino -
We'll ride upon an omnibus and then the casino -
Get a new facial - start a sensational -
Seaside Rendezvous - so adorable,
Seaside Rendezvous -
Seaside Rendezvous -
(Vocal Orchestration of Brass - Roger Taylor
Ride the wild wind
(Push the envelope don't sit on the fence)
Ride the wild wind
(Live life on the razors edge)
Gonna ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Get you head down baby - we're gonna ride tonight
Your angel eyes are shining bright
I wanna take your hand - lead you from this place
Gonna leave it all behind
Check out of this rat race -
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
Gonna ride the whirlwind -
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Tie your head back baby -
We're gonna ride tonight
We got freaks to the left - we got jerks to the right
Sometimes I get so low - I just have to ride
Let me take your hand
Let me be your guide
Ride the wild wind
(Don't sit on the fence)
Ride the wild wind
(Live life on the razors edge)
Gonna ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
Gonna ride the whirlwind -
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
(Album: The Game, 1980)
"When I hear that rock and roll
It gets down to my soul
When it's real rock and roll, oh rock and roll
When I hear that rock and roll
It gets down to my soul
When it's real rock and roll, oh rock and roll
Ah oh, oh oh
You really think they like to rock in space ?
Well I don't know
What do you know ?
What do you hear ?
On the radio
Coming through the air
I said mama
I ain't crazy
I'm alright - alright
Hey, c'mon baby said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said shoot and get your suit and come along with me
I said c'mon baby down come and rock with me, I said yeah
What do you do ?
To get to feel alive ?
You go downtown
And get some of that prime jive
I said mama
I ain't crazy
I'm alright - alright
Hey, c'mon baby said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said shoot and get your suit and come along with me
I said c'mon baby down come and rock with me, I said yeah
We're gonna rock it
Hey, c'mon baby said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said shoot and get your suit and come along with me
I said c'mon baby down come and rock with me, I said yeah
We're gonna rock it . . ow . . tonight
(we want some prime jive) aaah
(we want some prime jive) aaaaah
(we want some prime jive) we're gonna rock it tonight
(we want some prime jive) aaah
(we want some prime jive) c'mon honey
(we want some prime jive) aaah
(we want some prime jive) we're gonna rock it tonight
(we want some prime jive) aaah
C'mon c'mon aaah we're gonna rock it tonight aaah
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon aah
C'mon honey we're gonna rock it tonight
Get get get get get get some of that prime jive
Get some of that prime jive
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon honey
Get some of that prime jive
Get some of that, get, get down
C'mon honey - oh
I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio
You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds, invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly
So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new
Radio someone still loves you
We watch the the shows, we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years.
Let's hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around cause we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo, radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo, radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new
Open up your mind and let me step inside
Rest your weary head and let your heart decide
It's so easy when you know the rules
It's so easy
all you have to do is fall in love
Play the game - everybody play the game
of love
When your feeling down and your resistance is low
Light another cigarette and let yourself go
This is your life - don't play hard to get
It's a free world
All you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
My game of love has just begun
Love runs from my head down to my toes
My love is pumping through my veins
Driving me insane
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
This is your life - don't play hard to get
It's a free world
all you have to do is fall in love
Play the game of love
This is your life - don't play hard to get
It's a free, free world
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, oh yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Ooh, Ooh, pain is so close to pleasure everybody knows,
One day we love each other then we're fighting one another all the time,
When I was young and just getting started,
And people talked to me they sounded broken hearted,
Then I grew up and got my imagination
And all I wanted was to start a new relation,
So in love but love had a bad reaction,
I was looking for some good old satisfaction,
But pain is all I got when all I needed was some love and affection,
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, yeah, yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Pain and pleasure, Ooh, Ooh, pain and pleasure,
When your plans go wrong and you turn out the light,
But inside your mind you have to put up a fight,
Where are the answers that we're all searching for,
There's nothing in this world to be sure of anymore,
Some days you're feeling good,some days you're feeling bad
But if you're feeling happy someone else is always sad,
Let the sweetness on love wipe the tears from your face
For better for worse,so let's make the best of the rest of our years
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, I told you so,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Pain is so close to pleasure, yeah, yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
All your life,
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone,
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart,
It's always a rainy day without you,
I'm a prisoner of love inside you -
I'm falling apart all around you - yeah.
My heart cries out to your heart,
I'm lonely but you can save me,
My hand reaches out for your hand,
I'm cold but you light the fire in me,
My lips search for your lips,
I'm hungry for your touch,
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much,
Oooh yes it hurtsm
And pain is so close to pleasure,
And all I can do is surrender to your love,
Just surrender to your love,
Just one year of love,
Is better that a lifetime alone,
One sentimental moment in your arms,
Is like a shooting star right through my heart,
It's always a rainy day without you,
I'm a prisoner of love inside you -
I'm falling apart all around you - yeah.
One man, one goal
Ha! One mission
One heart, one soul
Just one solution
One flash of light
Yeah, one god one vision
One flesh, one bone
one true religion
One voice, one hope
One real decision
Wowowowo, gimme one vision.
No wrong, no right
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white
No blood, no stain,
All we need is
One world wide vision.
One flesh one bone,
one true religion,
One race, one hope,
One real decision,
Wowowowowyeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!
I had a dream
When I was young
A dream of sweet illusion
With a glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
(But a cold wind blows
And a dark rain falls)
And in my heart it shows
Look what they've done to my dream
(One vision)
So give me your hands
Give me your hearts
I'm ready
There's only one direction
One world, one nation
Yeah one vision
No hate no fight
Just excitation
All through the night
It's a celebration
(wowowowo yeah)
(one, one, one, one...)
One flesh, one bone
One true religion
One voice, one hope
One real decision
Gimme one night (yeah)
Gimme one hope (hey)
Just gimme,
One man (one man)
One bar (one night)
One day hey hey,
Just gimme gimme gimme
Here I stand (Here I stand)
Look around around around around around
But you won't see me (But you won't see me)
Now I'm here (Now I'm here), Now I'm there (Now I'm there)
I'm just a ... just a new man
Yes you made me live again, wow
A baby I was when you took my hand
And the light of the night burned bright
The people all stared didn't understand
But you new my name on sight
Ooh whatever came of you and me
America's new bride to be - ooh, don't worry baby I'm safe and sound
Down in the dungeon just peaches 'n' me
Don't I love her so
Yes you made me live again, yeah
Yeah, ooh, a thin moon me in a smoke-screen sky
Where the beams of your lovelight chase
Don't move, don't speak, don't feel no pain
With the rain running down my face
Your matches still light up the sky
And many a tear lives on in my eye
Down in the city just Hoople 'n' me
Don't I love him so
Ooh, don't I love him so
Whatever comes of you and me
I love to leave my memory with you
Now I'm here (Now I'm here)
Think I'll stay around around around around around around
Down in the city justa you 'n' me (Down in the city justa you 'n' me)
Don't I love you so
Go, go, go, little Queenie
A hand above the water
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in Heaven -
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you...
Another tricky situation
I get to drownin' in the blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well, what would you do?
Yes, it was such an operation
Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation
You found a way through - and
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
We'll remember -
And now the party must be over
I guess we'll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was in the way it was planned
And so we grace another table
And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And I ain't never, never sayin' goodbye...
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
Cryin' for nothing
Cryin' for no-one
There's no living in my life anymore
The seas have gone dry and the rain stopped falling
Please don't you cry anymore
Can't you see
Listen to the breeze, whisper to me please
Don't send me to the path of nevermore
Even the valleys below
Where the rays of the sun were so warm and tender
Now haven't anything to grow
Can't you see
Why did you have to leave me
Why did you deceive me
You send me to the path of nevermore
When you say you didn't love me anymore
(Album: The Game, 1980)
Hey hey hey
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
You promised me, you'd keep in touch
I read your letter and it hurt me so much
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I don't wanna feel like a stranger (no)
'Cos I'd rather stay out of danger
I read your letter so many times
I got your meaning between the lines
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I must be strong so she won't know how much I miss her
I only hope as time goes on I'll forget her
My body's aching, can't sleep at night
I'm too exhausted to start a fight
And if I see her with another guy
I'll eat my heart out 'cos I love, love, love, love her
Come on baby, let's get together
I'll love you baby, I'll love you forever
I'm trying hard to stay away
What made you change, what did I say ?
Ooh I need your loving tonight
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving babe tonight (Hit me)
Ooh I need your loving tonight
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
Gave me no warning, how could I guess
I'll have to learn to forgive and forget
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving
Another party 's over -
And I'm left cold sober -
My baby left me for somebody new -
I don't wanna talk about it
Want to forget about it
Wanna be intoxicated with that special brew -
So come and get me -
Let me -
Get in that sinking feeling
That says my heart is on an all time low - So -
Don't expect me -
To behave perfectly -
And wear that sunny smile
My guess is I'm in for a cloudy and overcast
Don't try and stop me
Cause I'm heading for that stormy weather soon -
I'm causing a mild sensation -
With this new occupation
I'm permanently glued -
To this extraordinary mood
so now moveover -
And let me take over -
With my
melancoly blues -
I'm causing a mild sensation
With this new occupation
I'm in the news
Just getting used to this new exposure
So come into my enclosure
And meet my -
In the land where horses born with eagle wings
And honey bees have lost their stings
There's singing forever to you
Lions den with fallow deer
And rivers made from wines so clear
Flow on and on forever
Dragons fly like sparrows thru' the air
And baby lambs where Samson dares
To go on on on on on on
My fairy king can see things
He rules the air and turns the tides
That are not there for you and me
Ooh yeah he guides the winds
My fairy king can do right and nothing wrong
Then came man to savage in the night
To run like thieves and to kill like knives
To take away the power from the magic hand
To bring about the ruin to the promised land
They turn the milk into sour
Like the blue on the blood of my veins
Why can't you see it
Fire burnin' in hell with the cry of a streaming pain
Son of heaven set me free and let me go
Sea turns dry no salt from sand
Seasons find no helping hand
Teeth don't shine like pearls for poor man's eye, no more.
Someone someone has drained the colour from my wings
Broken my fairy circle ring
And shamed the king in all his pride
Changed the winds and wronged the tides
Mother mercury
Look what they've done to me
(Album: Jazz, 1978)
"Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim,
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you. Hey!
Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha Ibrahim.
Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha Ibrahim.
Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim
Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you.
Mustapha Ibrahim, al havra kris vanin
Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you.
Mustapha, hey! Mustapha
Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim, hey!
Allah-i, Allah-i, Allah-i, Ibra-Ibra-Ibrahim, yeah!
Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Allah Allah Allah-i hey!
Mustapha Mustapha - Allah-i na stolei
Mustapha Mustapha - Achtar es na sholei
Mustapha Mustapha - Mochamut dei ya low eshelei
Mustapha Mustapha - ai ai ai ai ahelei
Mustapha, Mustapha,
Ist avil ahiln avil ahiln adhim Mustapha,
Salaam Aleikum!
Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim
Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you.
Mustapha Ibrahim, achbar ish navin
Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you.
Mustapha, Mustapha
Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim, hey!
Allah-i, Allah-i, Allah-i,
Ibra-Ibra-Ibrahim, yeah! Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim,
Allah Allah Allah-i hey! Mustapha Mustapha
Mustapha Mustapha Mustapha Mustapha
Mustapha Mustapha Mustapha,Mustapha,
Vontap ist ahiln avil ahiln adhim Mustapha,
(Album: Made in Heaven, 1995)
"I don't want to sleep with you
I don't need the passion too
I don't want a stormy affair
To make me feel my life is heading somewhere
All I want is the comfort and care
Just to know that my woman gives me sweet -
Mother love ah ha
I've walked too long in this lonely lane
I've had enough of this same old game
I'm a man of the world and they say that I'm strong
But my heart is heavy, and my hope is gone
Out in the city, in the cold world outside
I don't want pity, just a safe place to hide
Mama please, let me back inside
I don't want to make no waves
But you can give me all the love that I crave
I can't take it if you see me cry
I long for peace before I die
All I want is to know that you're there
You're gonna give me all your sweet -
Mother love ah ha (mother love)
My body's aching, but I can't sleep
My dreams are all the company I keep
Got such a feeling as the sun goes down
I'm coming home to my sweet -
Mother love
(Mother love mother love love love love love)
God works in mysterious ways
Eeeeh dop, de dop, dep dop
If you're feeling tired and only
Uninspired and lonely
If you're thinking
How the days seem long
All you're given
Is what you've been given
A thousand times before
Just more more
More of that jazz
No more of that jazz
Gimme no more
No more of that jazz
Only football
Gives us thrills
Rock and roll just
Pays the bills
Only our team
Is the real team
Bring out the dogs
Get on your feet
Lie on the floor
Kinda think I've heard that line before
Just more
More of that jazz
No more of that jazz
Gimme no more
No more of that jazz
Oh no matter
Fool got no business hanging round and tellin' lies
Bicycle races are coming your way
If you can't beat 'em join 'em
Fun it
Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
(Album: Queen, 1973)
"Had to make do with a worn out rock and roll scene
The old bop is getting tired need a rest
Well you know what I mean
Fifty eight that was great
But it's over now and that's all
Something harder's coming up
Gonna really knock a hole in the wall
Gonna hit ya grab ya hard
Make you feel ten feet tall
Well I hope that this baby's gonna come along soon
You don't know it could happen any old rainy afternoon
With the temperature down
And the jukebox blowing no fuse
And my musical life's feeling
Like a long sunday school cruise
And you know there's one thing
Every single body could use
Yeah listen to me baby
Let me tell you what it's all about
Modern times rock and roll
Modern times rock and roll
Get your high heeled guitar style boots and some groovy clothes
Get a hair piece on your chest
And a ring through your nose
Find a nice little man who says
He's gonna make you a real big star
Stars in your eyes ants in your pants
Think you should go far
Everybody in this bum sucking world's
Gonna know who you are
Look out
Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all,
It's a miracle,
All God's creations great and small, the Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal,
That's a miracle,
Test tube babies being born, mothers, fathers dead and gone,
It's a miracle,
We're having a miracle on earth, mother nature does it all for us,
The wonders of this world go on, the hanging Gardens of Babylon,
Captain Cook and Cain and Able, Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle,
The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on earth - an end to war,
It's a miracle we need - the miracle, the miracle we're all waiting for today,
If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle,
If every child on every street, had clothes to wear and food to eat,
That's a miracle,
If all God's people could be free, to live in perfect harmony,
It's a miracle, we're having a miracle on earth,
Mother nature does it all for us
Open hearts and surgery, Sunday mornings with a cup of tea,
Super powers always fighting,
But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling,
The wonders of this world go on,
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle,
The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on earth and an end to war,
It's a miracle we need, the miracle, the miracle,
Peace on earth and end to war today,
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends,
(Album: Made in Heaven, 1995)
"I'm taking my ride with destiny
Willing to play my part
Living with painful memories
Loving with all my heart
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It was all meant to be, yeah
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what they say
Can't you see
That's what everybody says to me
Can't you see
Oh I know, I know, I know that it's true
Yes it's really meant to be
Deep in my heart
I'm having to learn to pay the price
They're turning me upside down
Waiting for possibilities
Don't see too many around
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It's for all to see
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Everybody says to me
It was really meant to be
Oh can't you see
Yeah everybody, everybody says
Yes it was meant to be
Yeah yeah
When stormy weather comes around
It was made in heaven
When sunny skies break through behind the clouds
I wish it could last forever, yeah
Wish it could last forever, forever
Made in heaven
I'm playing my role in history
Looking to find my goal
Taking in all this misery
But giving it all my soul
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It was all meant to be
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Wait and see, it was really meant to be
So plain to see
Yeah, everybody, everybody, everybody tells me so
Yes it was plain to see, yes it was meant to be
Written in the stars...
Written in the stars...
I've been there before
A long time ago
But this time I wear no sandals
Ages past I gave all you people
Food and water
Three feet tall, so very small
I'm no trouble
I bring thunder and lightning
Sun and the rain
For all the people in the land
A message of love
I bring you from up above
All you children gather around
Come join your hands and sing along
They call me mad the swine
I guess I'm mad the swine
I've come to save you
Save you
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the lord
I walk upon the water
Just as before
I help the meek and the mild
The believers and the blind
And all the creatures great and small
Let me take you to the river
Without a fall
Then one day you'll realise
You're all the same within his eyes
That's all I've got to say
Just like before
They call me mad the swine
Mad the swine
Come to save you
Save you
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the lord
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the lord
Don't ever fail me
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
Come to save you
Save you
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the lord
(Album: Greatest Hits 3, 1999)
"Dee do dee do day
Dee do dee do dee do dee do day oh
Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry, so lonely
Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time
I get lonely, so lonely, living on my own.
Sometimes I feel I'm always walking too fast, so lonely
And everything is coming down on me, down on me, I go crazy
Oh so crazy, living on my own.
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Sometimes I feel nobody gives me no warning
Find my head is always up in the clouds in a dreamworld
It's not easy, living on my own, my own, my own
Dee do de de (lonely), dee do de de (lonely)
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
(Ad lib section!)
C'mon baby
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Yeah baby
Di di di di
Dibby dibby du-wop du-wop
yeah y-y-y-y-y-y-ow-yeah
Living on my own, living on my own
Living on my own, living on my own, wooh
da, day, day, day, day
di, di, di, di, di, di, di
Be-dop, be-dop, be-dop, be-dop
Be-dop, be-dop, be-dop, be-dop
Be-dop, be-dop, be-dop, be-dop
Guilt stains on my pillow
Blood on my terraces
Torsos in my closet
Shadows from my past life is real
Life is real, life is real, so real
Sleeping is my leisure
Waking up in a minefield
Dream is just a pleasure dome
Love is a roulette wheel - life is real
Life is real, life is real, oh yeah
Success is my breathing space
I brought it to myself
I will price it
I will cash it
I can take it or leave it
Loneliness is my hiding place
Breastfeeding myself
What more can I say
I have swallowed the bitter pill
I can taste it, I can taste it
Life is real, life is real, life is real
Music will be my mistress
Loving like a whore
Lennon is a genius
Living in every pore
Life is real, life is real, life is real, so real
Life is cruel
Life is a bitch
I have sinned dear Father
Father I have sinned
Try and help me Father
Won't you let me in? Liar
Nobody believes me Liar
Why don't they leave me alone?
Sire I have stolen stolen many times
Raised my voice in anger
When I know I never should
Liar oh ev'rybody deceives me
Liar why don't you leave me alone?
Liar I have sailed the seas
Liar from Mars to Mercury
Liar I have drunk the wine
Liar time after time
Father please forgive me
You know you'll never leave me
Please will you direct me in the right way
Liar liar liar liar liar
Liar look what the've done to me
Liar ev'vr day ev'ry night
Liar all the time
Liar ohhh
Let me go
Listen are you gonna listen?
Mama I'm gonna be your slave
All day long
Mama I'm gonna try behave
All day long
Mama gonna be your slave
All day long
I'm gonna love you till your dying day
All day long
I'm gonna serve you till you dying day
All day long
I'm gonna love you till you dying day
All day long
I'm gonna kneel down by your side and pray
I'm gonna serve you till you dying day
All day long
All day long
All day long all day long all day long
All day long all day long all day long
All day long all day long all day long
Liar liar they never ever let you win
Liar liar everything you do is sin
Liar nobody believes you
Liar they bring you down before you begin
Now let me tell you this
(Album: Greatest Hits 3, 1999)
"Three four
Take a piece of my heart
Take a piece of my soul
Let me live
Oh yeah
Why don't you take another little piece of my heart
Why don't you take it and break it
And tear it all apart
All I do is give
And all you do is take
Baby why don't you give me
A brand new start
So let me live (So let me live)
Let me live (Leave me alone)
Let me live, oh baby
And make a brand new start
Why don't you take another little piece of my soul
Why don't you shape it and shake it
'Til you're really in control
All you do is take
And all I do is give
All that I'm askin'
Is a chance to live
(So let me live) - So let me live
(Leave me alone) - Let me live, let me live
Why don't you let me make a brand new start
Yeah, and it's a long hard struggle, yeah yeah
But you can always depend on me
And if you're ever in trouble - hey
You know where I will be
Why don't you take another little piece of my life
Why don't you twist it and turn it
And cut it like a knife
All you do is live
All I do is die
Why can't we just be friends
Stop livin' a lie
So let me live (So let me live)
Let me live (Leave me alone)
Please let me live
(Why don't you live a little)
Oh yeah baby
(Why don't you give a little love...?)
Go for it baby
Let me live
Please let me live
Oh yeah baby, let me live
And make a brand new start
Let me live (Let me live)
Ooh yeah (Let me live)
Come on (Let me live ooh)
In your heart, oh baby
(Take another piece, take another piece)
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Ooh please let me live
(Take another piece, take another piece)
(Take another piece, take another piece)
Why don't you take another piece
Take another little piece of my heart
Oh yeah baby
Make a brand new start
Baby baby
Baby baby
Baby baby
Baby baby
All you do is take, take
Let me live
(Let me live)
Oh yeah let
I take a step outside
And I breathe the air
And I slam the door
And I'm on my way
I won't lay no blame
I won't call your names
Cause I've made my break
And I won't look back
I've turned my back
On those endless games
I'm all through with ties
I'm all tired of tears
I'm a happy man
Don't it look that way
Shake the dust from my shoes
There's a road ahead
And there's no way back homeOh but I have to say
Leaving home ain't easy
Oh I never thought it would be easy
Leaving on your own
Oh there's a million things calling me back
Leaving home ain't easy
On the one you're leaving home
Say my love
My love please stay
Don't stray my love
What's wrong my love
What's right my love
Leaving home ain't easy
I thought I could
How could I think of leaving
Leaving on your own
Still trying to persuade me that
Leaving home ain't necessarily
The only way
Leaving home ain't easy
Don't touch me now
Don't hold me now
Don't break the spell Darling, now you are near
Look in my eyes
And speak to me
The special promises I want to hear
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Love me slow and gently
One foolish world, so many souls
Senselessly hurled through the never ending cold
And all for fear, and all for greed
Speak any tongue but for God's sake we need
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Let me know, this night and evermore
This room is bare
This night is cold
We're far apart and I'm growing old
But while we live, we'll meet again
So then my love we may whisper once more
It's you I adore
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Touch me now
Las palabras de amor
Let us share the words of love
For evermore
Song Duration 5:52
Written by Freddie Mercury.
Sung by Freddie Mercury.
Listen to Midi file
Released 31st October, 1975 - Spent 17 weeks on chart (9 at
number 1). Went Platinum. First song ever to take advantage of a
promotional video. Re-released 9th December, 1991. Entered charts
at number 1.
"Bismillah" is the opening word in the Qu'ran (Koran) and literally
means "In the name of Allah."
"Scaramouch" according to the dictionary means "a stock character
who appears as a boastful coward."
"Beelzebub" is one of the many names given to "The Devil."
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me
Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico
I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me
So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me