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Recette de Batons de Manioc
Galettes de manioc
Manioc Flour
Les Croquettes de Manioc
Valery Ndongo " touche pas mon manioc avec le mfian owondo"
Recette de cuisine : Frites de manioc | How to make cassava fries
BOBOLO BATON DE MANIOC ( La Recette) Cameroun
Documentaire - Les nouvelles techniques culturales du manioc
En cuisine avec coco(beignets de manioc façon grand-mère)
Manioc Nation - La Rupture
Yakayakè (crêpe de manioc) - Cassava pancake
Challenge Futura-Manioc Expo 2006-Boulangerie de manioc
Dans cette vidéo, je vous montre une recette facile pour faire vos propres batons de manioc. Vous pouvez aussi jetter un coup d'oeil à mon blog "wordpress" pour plus de recettes :)
"Dans le temps lontan", selon Christian Antou, c'était l'un des goûters préférés des petits Réunionnais. Après les avoir dégusté, on ne peut pas vraiment les...
Incontournable sur nos tables à l'heure des repas,le Manioc necessite un travail laborieux avant de terminer dans nos assiettes....
Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called yuca or manioc, is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America. Cassava is extensivel...
David vous propose de découvrir la recette de ses croquettes de Manioc. Rien de plus simple, il ne vous faut que du Manioc, des Bananes poingos vertes, des B...
Recette facile de frites de manioc, Quick and easy cassava fries recipe I am a huge cassava lover so when the idea popped into my head to make these cassava ...
Tremper et laisser votre manioc fermenter dans de l'eau pendant 4 jours. Après 20 minutes de cuisson, retirer en un afin de contrôler votre cuisson, y rajouter de l'eau si besoin. une recette de cuisine africaine Cuisine Afriq Saveur - Boutique en ligne : Facebook : cuisine afriq saveur traiteur Email :
Vous pouvez voir plus de vidéos de documentaires et d'émissions gabonaises, ainsi que plus de clips, musiques et films gabonais sur le site
Beignets de manioc façon grand -mère Ces beignets à base de tubercule de manioc sont succulent je vous encourage à les essayer.
Après avoir parlé de comment aborder les femmes.. On vous parle à présent de la rupture ! Merci & « Suivez la cuisson » Followez nous sur Twitter : @ManiocNa...
Yakayakè (crêpe de manioc) / Cassava pancake.
C'était en 2006, la première présentation publique à Brazzaville de la boulangerie de manioc de Challenge Futura, la chaîne mécanisée de fabrication de la chikwangue conçue, mise au point et commercialisée par Challenge Futura. Désormais, le pain de manioc (moungouélé, ngoudiyaka et autres appellations), aliment de base des congolais et plus généralement de beaucoup d'africains, peut être avantageusement produit grâce à des machines reproduisant fidèlement le procédé traditionnel et manuel pratiqué depuis des lustres par les femmes africaines. Et ce, avec la même qualité de chikwangue, une plus grande hygiène, une conservation plus longue, tout en les affranchissant, ces femmes, nos mères, sœurs, filles et petites filles, des innombrables servitudes de la fabrication manuelle. La boulangerie de manioc est aussi une innovation qui ouvre de réelles perspectives d'industrialisation de la fabrication du manioc et offre de véritables opportunités entrepreneuriales.
GÉNÉRATION GOGOHOUN " Fiers d'être villageois " Ils seront les adultes de l'après changement , celui du Bénin nouveau ou émergeant . Ils représentent la jeun...
feuille de manioc pile, onion,aille gingimbre l'huile olive(huile de palme) 2 a3 c/sp de pate d'arachide, chou celery etc...
Une nouvelle recette typique réunionnaise, réalisée par Christian Antou, accompagné par ses élèves du lycée hôtelier de Plateau Caillou, qui fait se réveille...
La recette.
Advance presents Papa Piti Productions
Voici le premier clip parodique de la Manioc Nation® ! Parodie de Rack City de Tyga ! Lien du son
La Ferme Présidentielle "ESPOIR" contient en son sein plusieurs hectares de plantation de manioc. En voici les images de la récolte.
Le tacle est un mouvement qui permet d'éliminer un adversaire ! Cela s'applique aussi avec les femmes et la Manioc Nation en parle ! Merci de nous regarder & « Suivez la cuisson » Followez nous sur Twitter : @ManiocNation Abonnez vous a notre chaine You Tube et suivez nous sur notre page Facebook : Instru : poids des mots By Aloks
Bienvenue en Cote dIvoire. Suivez Martine Liade Ikossie, Elle vous propose la sauce feuilles manioc (peuple Yacouba).
AUNTIE ANNIE vous présente sa recette des feuilles de manioc toute fois en tenant compte des normes dietétiques.
film documentaire sur le manioc et ses proprieties.
THÔNG TIN CHI TIẾT TẠI WEB: Quy định về hình thức trình bày đồ án tốt nghiệp Tổng hợp rất nhiều các đồ án tốt nghiệp, bài tập lớn cơ ...
Interview de Philippe Biku pour les produits Beeku's Manioc TnpInfosTV Philippe Biku - Projet Chicouangue : D'origine congolaise, Philippe Biku souhaite se l...
Documentaire sur la production de la farine de manioc au Brésil. Documentary about the production of manioc flour in Brazil. Wikipedia: "Cassava (Manihot esc...
Dans le cadre de ses activités et pour une meilleure approche du milieu rural, la Plate Forme d’Innovation Manioc de Bouake a organisé une tournée de sensibilisation et de redynamisation des associations, groupements et coopératives exécutant le projet WAAPP/PPAO ou non, mais membres de la plateforme du 1er au 04 juillet 2014 dans les sous-préfectures Botro, Djebonoua et Bouaké. Cette tournée avait non seulement pour objectif de faire la situation exacte des groupements, associations et coopératives membres de la plateforme d’innovation manioc de Bouaké mais également de recueillir les difficultés des acteurs dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Pour toute information, contactez-nous: Cel: (225) 07 92 75 42 Email:
Dans le cadre de ses activités et pour une meilleure approche du milieu rural, la Plate Forme d'Innovation Manioc de Bouake a organisé une tournée de sensibilisation et de redynamisation des associations, groupements et coopératives exécutant le projet WAAPP/PPAO ou non, mais membres de la plateforme du 1er au 04 juillet 2014 dans les sous-préfectures Botro, Djebonoua et Bouaké. Cette tournée avait non seulement pour objectif de faire la situation exacte des groupements, associations et coopératives membres de la plateforme d'innovation manioc de Bouaké mais également de recueillir les difficultés des acteurs dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Pour toute information, contactez-nous: Cel: (225) 07 92 75 42 Email:
Le 21 Juin 214 à Vérone en Italie, la FIDHOP en partenariat avec les FILLES DE Marie KORE; le FPI - Italie, organisa une Triple cérémonie dédicace de 3 livre...
Remontant le Rio Sambu, nous arrivons bientôt au village de La Chunga situé sur la Comarca, le territoire autonome des Indiens Chocoes. De leurs lointains an...
"Je suis noir et j'aime le manioc" tel est le titre du nouvel ouvrage du Dr Boga Sako Gervais, président fondateur de la FIDHOP. Un titre qui sonne comme la ...
How to maintain and rediversify root crops taro, sweet potato, yam and cassava (manioc or tapioca). Filmed in Vanuatu by Michel and Jude Fanton for Centre In...
Amazon Tribes Full Episode Most Indians live in settled villages by the rivers, and grow vegetables and fruits like manioc, corn, beans and bananas. [The Yanomami live in Roraima state, Brazil, and across the border in Venezuela] The Yanomami live in Roraima state, Brazil, and across the border in Venezuela They also hunt and fish, using plant-based poisons to stun the fish. Some tribes use shotguns for hunting, others use bows and arrows, spears, or blowguns with darts tipped with curare. Only a few Amazonian tribes are nomadic; they tend to live deep in the forest away from the rivers. They grow some crops but rely more on hunting and gathering. Today, most Indians in the Amazon have access to ‘Western’ healthcare and education. When these are controlled by the Indians themselves they are usually very successful.
Il nous faut cesser/arrêter de mélanger les choses au point de confondre spiritualité et religion, vous ne pouvez pas prendre les pattes de poulet pour les m...
Le deuxième circuit de la visite de terrain a conduit les visiteurs à Mvungangomi en traversant le fleuve de la Lobé en pirogue, afin d'y voir la technique d...
Zora et son Papounet vous présentent une journée de cuisine. Le menu est le kouakoukou - sauce arachide nkene nkene avec dinde+poissons fumés. C'est un met très prisé au Cameroun, et assez fastidieux à réaliser, si l'on est à mbeng. Menu (6 personnes) : 1. Kouakoukou : ============ Macabos - 4 à 5kg + grosse tubercule de manioc (optionnelle) Feuilles de bambou (ou feuilles alus sinon) Grosse pincée de sel y mettre un peu d'huile pour éviter de coller aux feuilles(optionel) *** Raper le macabo pour obtenir une pate, et ajouter du manioc rapé si pas macabo du pays (consistence). Bien battre la pate obtenue pour éviter les fibres et attacher dans les feuilles de bambou. Cuire en bain marie à feu vif 2. Sauce arachide nkene nkene à la viande/poisson fumée ============= Dinde fumée/macandjo (morue sechée et fumée)/poisson fumée Huile (d'arachide, colza, ...) Oignons, celeris, persils, ails, Sel, tomates, pate d'arachide grillée nature gombos Bon appétit.
Les mamans Congolaises nous expliquent commet elles preparent le PONDU au Micro de Auntie, après cette emission, veillez bien suivre la 2eme partie qui est LES FEUILLES DE MANIOC AUX 5 LEGUMES.
Dr. E. Jane Bradbury gave her Thesis Defense talk: "Understanding Toxic Domesticates: Biochemistry and Population Genetics of Manioc (Manihot esculenta) and ...
Plantation des graines de pistaches, gombo, oignon et piment. Transformation du vin de palme et du manioc. Réalisation de l'huile de palme. Saison Mars, Avri...
Avant les années 80, le Ghana était considéré comme un pays en voie de développement prometteur. La crise économique que connaît le pays va amener une situat...
Dans ce film de l'association KILTI LA, réalisé par Tommy NOVAR, vous verrez comment l'homme à transformé la manioc depuis l'implantation de cette dernière en Guadeloupe.
Montrant des différents agricultures dans la région de Pailen (Maïs Riz Hévéa Manioc etc)
L'initiative de production de semences certifiées de riz et de boutures certifiées de manioc est mise en oeuvre par le PADER sur financement et appui du FIDA...
L'initiative de production de semences certifiées de riz et de boutures certifiées de manioc est mise en oeuvre par le PADER sur financement et appui du FIDA...
Alain Hannibal Reçois: dans le cadre de l'élection de l'ambassadeur du Gala Prestige du lycée Privé Boc Calmet MA., Gala de Prestige a l'instant Discothèque ...
Amazon: ビデオは音がありません。ビデオでは、単語の発音を舌と唇を移動する方法を示します。舌側面から左側に示されている。舌の先端には、運動の一環として発音されて音節を持っています。唇はピンクの右側にある。 동영상은 소리가 없습니다. 비디오는 어떻게 단어를 발음하는 당신의 혀와 입술을 이동하는 방법을 보여줍니다.혀는 사이드 뷰에서 왼쪽에 표시됩니다. 혀의 끝은 운동의 일환으로 발음되는 음절이있다.입술은 핑크의 오른쪽에 있습니다. 视频没有声音。该视频展示了如何将你的舌头和嘴唇发音的单词。舌被显示在左侧从侧面视图。在舌尖有明显被作为运动的一部分音节。嘴唇是正确的粉红色。 वीडियो ध्वनि नहीं है। वीडियो कैसे शब्द का उच्चारण करने के लिए अपनी जीभ और होंठ स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आपको दिखाता है। जीभ की ओर देखने से छोड़ दिया पर दिखाया गया है। जीभ की नोक प्रस्ताव के भाग के रूप में सुनाया जा रहा शब्दांश है। होंठ गुलाबी में सही पर हैं। વિડિઓ અવાજ નથી. વિડિઓ કેવી શબ્દ ઉચ્ચાર તમારી જીભ અને હોઠ ખસેડવા તમને બતાવે છે. જીભ બાજુ દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી ડાબી પર બતાવવામાં આવે છે. જીભ ની મદદ ગતિ ભાગ તરીકે ઉચ્ચારવામાં આવી રહી ઉચ્ચારણ છે. હોઠ ગુલાબી માં જમણી પર હોય છે. O vídeo não tem som. O vídeo mostra como mover a sua língua e os lábios para pronunciar a palavra. A língua é mostrada à esquerda da vista lateral. A ponta da língua tem a sílaba a ser pronunciado como parte do movimento . Os lábios são à direita na cor rosa. วิดีโอไม่มี เสียง วิดีโอแสดงให้คุณเห็น วิธีการย้าย ลิ้นของคุณ และริมฝีปาก จะออกเสียง คำว่า ลิ้นจะปรากฏบน ซ้าย จาก มุมมองด้านข้าง ปลายลิ้นมี พยางค์ ที่มีการ ออกเสียงเป็น ส่วนหนึ่งของ การเคลื่อนไหว ริมฝีปาก ด้านขวา ในสีชมพู The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view. The tip of the tongue has the syllable being pronounced as part of the motion. The lips are on the right in pink. ليس لدى الفيديو الصوت. الفيديو يوضح لك كيفية تحريك اللسان والشفاه الخاص بك تنطق الكلمة. ويظهر اللسان على اليسار من عرض الجانب. غيض من اللسان لديه مقطع يجري وضوحا كجزء من الحركة. الشفاه هي على اليمين باللون الوردي. El vídeo no tiene sonido. El video que muestra cómo mover su lengua y los labios para pronunciar la palabra. La lengua se muestra a la izquierda de la vista lateral. La punta de la lengua tiene la sílaba se pronuncia como parte del movimiento. Los labios están a la derecha en color rosa. Ang video na ito ay walang tunog. Ipinapakita sa iyo ang video kung paano ilipat ang iyong dila at mga labi upang gawaran ng salita. Dila ay ipinapakita sa kaliwa mula sa side view. Ang tungki ay may pantig ina binibigkas bilang bahagi ng paggalaw. Ang mga labi ay sa kanan sa pink. Bideo wa oto ga arimasen. Bideode wa, tango no hatsuon o shita to kuchibiru o idō suru hōhō o shimeshimasu. Zessokumen kara hidarigawa ni shimesa rete iru. Shita no sentan ni wa, undō no ikkan to shite hatsuon sa rete onsetsu o motte imasu. Kuchibiru wa pinku no migigawa ni aru. Das Video hat keinen Ton. Das Video zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Zunge und Lippen zu bewegen, um das Wort auszusprechen. Die Zunge ist auf der linken Seite von der Seitenansicht dargestellt. Die Spitze der Zunge hat die Silbe, die als Teil der Bewegung ausgeprägt. Die Lippen sind auf der rechten Seite in pink.
E-mail: Skype: nygoodway wechat/viber: 8618029276779
Découvrez l'artiste Thomas Carbou qui foule les planches du Festival de Jazz de Montréal 2014. Accompagné de ses musiciens, il interprète la chanson «Manioc» de l'album HEKÀTÊ III. CHANSON: MANIOC ALBUM: HEKÀTÊ III MAISON DE DISQUE: Kartel Musik ÉDITIONS: Ad Litteram
Comment Enlever le Poison dans la Farine de Manioc en Francais (accent de la RD Congo) Le manioc est un aliment de base pour plus de 800 millions des personnes dans approximativement 80 pays, beaucoup plus dans la region sub-saharienne, mais aussi en Asie, le Pacifique et l'Amerique du Sud. Le manioc contient du cyanogens, qui protege contre les pestes et les predateurs en produidant du cyanure. Il existe des varietes de manioc qui est un peu amere et qui produit plus de cyanures, et les tubercules de ces varietes doivent etre traite avant la consommation. Les methodes traditionnelles, telles que le trempage et le sechage au soleil, varient selon leur efficacite. Et la famine peut pousser les gens a utiliser un racourcis. Le resultat d'une exposition exageree de cyanure peut causer l'empoisenement aigue par cyanure, goitre, et le la maladie paralytique de Konzo. Il est estime que 2.5 millions des gens de six pays d'Afrique habitent dans des zones vulnerables de Konzo. Cette video presente un moyen simple d'enlever la cyanure des produits de manioc, a savoir la methode trempee. How To Remove The Poison From Cassava Flour in French (accent from DR Congo) Cassava is a staple food for over 800 million people in approximately 80 countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in Asia, the Pacific and South America. Cassava contains cyanogens, which protect against pests and predators by producing cyanide. So-called bitter varieties produce more cyanide, and the roots of these varieties need to be processed before eating. The traditional methods, such as soaking and sundrying, vary in their efficiency, and hunger may force people to take short cuts. The resulting cyanide exposure can cause acute cyanide poisoning, goitre, and the paralytic disease konzo. An estimated 2.5 million people in six countries in Africa live in communities vulnerable to konzo. This video hows a new simple method to remove cyanide from cassava products, the wetting method.
Quand t'a le dernier manioc en ta possession
►Previously recorded. Hi my Beautiful Queens! Voila another cooking video. I kind want to share my culture with you guys through my cooking & other stuff :D. Hope you enjoy my cooking videos :D. Please subscribe, like, comment and share ♥ PREVIOUS VIDEO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►;=UUDuFWROHXi_j_r1aiKLfzXQ LETS STAY CONNECTED ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Insagram: ►Blog: IN THIS VIDEO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ LIGHTING: natural light (sun) MUSIC: Audionetwork SUBSCRIBE please & it's free :P
Match serrer bonne vidéo
Kwyrkango (Ceremony of the Manioc Juice) Kaiapo Indians ℗ 1989 VDE-GALLO Released on: 2012-08-06 Auto-generated by YouTube.
La chaîne Youtube officielle de la Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne (RTI). Les programmes (Journaux, émissions, reportages, documentaires, débats, films et séries) des chaines TV RTI1 et RTI 2 du Groupe RTI. C'Midi, Abidjan, Matin Bonheur.
RECEITA DE BOLO DE AIPIM (MANDIOCA) INGREDIENTES 2kg de aipim 1 coco ralado 4 xícaras de açúcar cristal 2 litros de leite 4 ovos 250g de margarina 1 pitada de sal MODO DE PREPARO Descasque o aipim e corte-o grosseiramente. Abra o coco, retire a polpa, descasque-o e rale em ralo grosso. Em um liquidificador grande bata todos os ingredientes até ficar uma mistura homogênea. É normal que fiquem alguns pedacinhos de aipim. Pode ser necessário bater a massa em duas partes para não sobrecarregar o liquidificador. Unte um tabuleiro retangular grande e coloque a mistura. Leve ao forno baixo por pelo menos 40 minutos e deixe assar até dourar. Esse bolo não cresce e fica com uma textura mais cremosa. EQUIPE Direção de Cena: Alex Gouvêa Direção de Fotografia e Câmera: Alex Gouvêa Assistente de Fotografia e Câmera: Pedro Monteiro Assistente de Câmera: Bruno Gava Roteiro: Alex Gouvêa e Bárbara Luz Chef: Narjara Pianis Edição: Diego Navarro Correção de Cor e Finalização: Diego Navarro Produção: Alex Gouvêa e Bárbara Luz Assistente de Produção: Amanda Lima Trilha Original: Fernando Paschoal Design: Murilo Gouvêa
La Gastronomie Camerounaise - Ici nous avons une sauce d'arachides traditionnelle accompagnée de bâton de manioc ainsi que du foufou de banane plantain. Facebook / Cuisine Afriq Saveur
Hey on se retrouve pour un rush du tournoi de team les team : Obscur : Eliakim4 , Sniper73 , Gryfenferx8 . Maniouc : Stylo16Couleurs , Azathium , Astrologia , Bysonik
Peter Kuruvita makes a simple Sri Lankan side of manioc, or cassava, cooked with turmeric. Ingredients • 2large manioc (cassava) roots, peeled, chopped into large chunks • 1 tbspturmeric Cook's notes Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce the temperature by 20˚C. | We use Australian tablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml; 1 tablespoon equals 20 ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs are fresh (unless specified) and cups are lightly packed. | All vegetables are medium size and peeled, unless specified. | All eggs are 55-60 g, unless specified. Instructions In a large heavy-based pot, place the manioc and turmeric with plenty of water. Place over heat and cook, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until cooked. Remove from heat and drain the liquid. Return to the stove and place a lid on the pot so the manioc fluffs up. Ingredients 1 kg of black fish 8 cardamom pods ½ tablespoon coriander ½ tablespoon cumin 1 table spoon roasted curry powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cracked black pepper 1 stick of cinnamon 3 pieces of goroka 1 large onion diced chopped fine 2 green chillies 2 cloves garlic 1 sprig curry leaves ¼ tsp fenugreek seeds 1 tbsp chilli flakes 1 slice of ginger 1 tsp of black pepper corns water to cover the fish juice of lime Cook's notes Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce the temperature by 20˚C. | We use Australian tablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml; 1 tablespoon equals 20 ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs are fresh (unless specified) and cups are lightly packed. | All vegetables are medium size and peeled, unless specified. | All eggs are 55-60 g, unless specified. Instructions Grind the cardamom pods, coriander, cumin, curry powder, salt, pepper, cinnamon chillies, garlic, chilli flakes, ginger, black pepper corns and goroka with a little water onto a grinding stone and make a paste. Set aside. Wash and cut the fish into 4-6 pieces through the bone. Place all the remaining ingredients in an earthenware chatty with 250 ml of water and mix until the paste has dissolved. Mix in the fish and then cook over a coal fire, covered, until the water has evaporated.
Allez voir ce lien ! : Voila premier match désolé de la qualiter je suis obliger de faire avec Window Live Movie Maker . Bon visionnage :)
Nice To Meet You vous présente le 1er épisode de sa série de comédie: produite par Manioc Nation (MZB production). Facebook: Twitter : Instagram :
Et on aime encore le manioc (feat. Will Meka, Negrissism') Big M ℗ Vice 2 Forme Released on: 2011-06-20 Author: Big M Composer: Big M Featured Artist: Will Meka Featured Artist: Negrissism' Music Publisher: D.R Auto-generated by YouTube.
Manioc avec les vermicelles de riz, pois chiches et ananas à la sauce à l'asiatique au curry
Next to the racks of hair extensions, cosmetics, plantains and bags of manioc, the plan is to put in ...
Newsday 2015-03-09Next to the racks of hair extensions, cosmetics, plantains and bags of manioc, the plan is to put in ...
Fox News 2015-03-09... de queijo) and toasted manioc flour (farofa), as well as Brazilian wines and beers and desserts.
The Miami Herald 2015-03-07... poisonous) manioc root taken from the Amazon. "He does what very few chefs of his stature will do.
The Miami Herald 2015-03-04Also called shrimp bobo, this dish consists of sauteed shrimp in a puree of manioc (cassava) flour, ...
Business Insider 2015-02-18It's a tropical tuber known by the names cassava, manioc and yuca (in Spanish), and it's the main ...
Otago Daily Times 2015-02-15... can buy basic foodstuffs at the market – rice, manioc, beans – and even hens, turkeys and goats.
The Guardian 2015-02-06Farmers were promised much by soy company representatives, huge riches compared with the small ...
The Guardian 2015-02-03... self-sufficient, growing maize, varieties of beans, squash, manioc and other staples of the region.
The Guardian 2015-01-14lots of root food, caros, manioc, cocohuitl.
The Guardian 2014-12-22(Source: ... Albertine is 40 ... We only eat in the evening, mainly manioc as this is the only thing we can afford ... ifrc.
noodls 2014-12-18It was a seafood feast, cooked to perfection and served in a tiny restaurant on the literal edge of ...
Treehugger 2014-12-05(Source: ... Direct evidence of corn (Zea mays), beans (Fabaceae), manioc (Manihot esculenta), sweet potato (Ipomooea sp ... RSVP:
noodls 2014-11-27Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called yuca, mogo, manioc, mandioca and kamoting kahoy a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America, is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy, tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. It differs from the similarly-spelled yucca, an unrelated fruit-bearing shrub in the Asparagaceae family. Cassava, when dried to a starchy, powdery (or pearly) extract is called tapioca, while its fermented, flaky version is named garri.
Cassava is the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics. Cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for around 500 million people. Cassava is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava.
Cassava root is a good source of carbohydrates, but a poor source of protein. A predominantly cassava root diet can cause protein-energy malnutrition.
Can't believe you would leave me this way
Feeling kinda bad from the last things we said today
Can't believe you would turn and walk away
I'd know we would do this again and again
You say you love me I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
You say you'll leave me
I'll come back with just stay boy
If you dont want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
You said you didn't mean it that's fine
You wanna take it back cause your havin a change of mind
Sometimes saying sorry won't do
Then somedays I can't do without you
You say you love me I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
You say you're sober
I'll come back with your stank boy
If you dont want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
I didn’t ask to go with you to Mexico
I really didn’t need the shopping sprees
In L.A. or Melrose, boy if you didn’t know it, well, now you know,
I didn’t need the furs or the jewelries
Because material things they don’t mean much to me
And ever since you've been gone
I have been holding us down on my own
I never ever cheated
I never ever lied
So you can stop asking, asking me why
Why I never left you, and why I kept it real
And why im still with you
You should’ve known better than to think I would leave
You should’ve known better than to doubt me
It don’t matter if you are up
matter if you are down
Either way im gonna be around
You should’ve known that I would stay by your side
You should’ve known your girl was gonna ride or die
And it just don’t matter if ya rich or poor
Out or in doing 5 to10
You should’ve known better
What makes you think that I would forget about you
Think about it who comes to see ya
Every Saturday and Monday I was on that receiver
It’s me your girl your life your world
My family and friends they just don’t understand
They say I should leave you lone
But I say that they should just leave us lone
Don’t u get it
I never ever cheated
I never ever lied
So u can stop asking, asking me why
Why I never left you, and why I kept it real
And why im still with you
You should’ve known better than to think I would leave
You should’ve known better than to doubt me
It don’t matter if you are up
matter if you are down
Either way im gonna be around
You should’ve known that I would stay by your side
You should’ve known your girl was gonna ride or die
And it just don’t matter if ya rich or poor
Out or in doing 5 to 10
You should’ve known better
You should’ve known better than to think I would leave
You should’ve known better than to doubt me
It don’t matter if you are up
Matter if you are down
Either way im gonna be around
You should’ve known that I would stay by your side
You should’ve known your girl was gonna ride or die
And it just don’t matter if ya rich or poor
Out or in doing 5 to10
so let them say its wrong for me to love me
they can never feel the way that i do when we kiss
when we're close like this
they cant see inside my soul
they cant know the love we know
all they do is waste their time
they can never change my mind
its what my heart says
that is what i listen to
its what my heart feels
that tells me what to do
it whats my heart knows
thats the only, only truth
i kno its real
all i hear is what my heart says to me
let them say that im a fool to fall so deeply
cause they will never ever feel love so completely
how can they even talk that way
they cant see it through my eyes
they cant feel this love inside
all their words dont mean a thing
they cant change the way i feel
and i have never felt so sure about anything
see you are the one
the one that i need
it doesnt matter what they think or what they say
im loving you any way
all i kno is what i feel
He don't love me like he used to
He don't hold me, he don't kiss me
Boy, my body's feelin' lonely
I can help you if I need to
So when he goes out with the boys to the club
I might hit you up like yeah, yeah, yeah
When he be dancing with that chick, I'm gon' be packin' up my
It'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
Now boy, I ain't down for no cheatin'
Just look at you like my homie, my lover, my best friend
So boy, go 'head, get in it, go 'head and let me in
We can do some wonderful things, I promise I'll leave him
So when he goes out with the boys to the club
I might hit you up like, yeah, yeah, yeah
When he be dancing with that chick, I'm gon' be packin' up my
It'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
Just know that I'm gon', gone and leave my man
Tryin' to put my hand up in your hand
I know that you can make my love come down
And I'm just not happy in this home
Please baby, don't take me wrong
I just want you to help me out
So why don't you come pick me up and take me to the crib
And do the things that I have told you he won't do
So now you know, baby boy, stop tripping
'Cause it is just me and you
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here, I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like, oh boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, alright
It's sunny outside, and I need somewhere to go
The day is just right, and I want to be with you for sure
So jump in your car baby, and come over here
We can go wherever sugar, I just want you near
So play me a melody
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, somethin' to ease my mind
Just play me a melody
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, when we're chillin' in your ride
Cause I love (I love) kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
Dressed real fly, feeling just right for the weather
Drop top back, where we're gonna go, don't know, wherever
Maybe to the park, or we'll just roll down the highway
Just you and me, runnin' to the beat, makes me wanna say, baby
Play me a melody (Play me a melody)
No matter what you find (No matter what you find)
Somethin' to roll to, somethin' to ease my mind
Just play me a melody (Just play me a melody)
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, while we're chillin' in your ride
I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
(Cause I love) I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
Diamond in the back, sunroof top, leanin' to the side, baby
When I'm with you, yeah, uh, check me out
Diamond in the back, sunroof top, leanin' to the side baby
When I'm with you, yeah
Talk to me baby, talk to me baby, talk
I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
Boy, it's been a long time
Since the last time I saw you
Feels like nothin' changed
Since we've been together
I must admit that I go crazy bout' you
And I can see it in your eyes
That there's somethin' you want to say to me
'Cause usually right now
You'll be holdin' on to me
But instead your telling me
Tha things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had is 'bout to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
I thought for sure you'd always wait me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love oh, how I'm missing now
I hate that there is someone new
Comin' in and takin' my place
Doin' the things that we used to do
And makin' love to you
And oh, what am I supposed to do
It's killin' me 'cause I want you
And you should have known my love was true
And there's no one else in this world for me but you
But things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had is got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
You know things are different now, you're gonna settle down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took a chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all your love oh, how I'm missing now
I know that I'm the one to blame for losing you, oh yeah
I really, really wish that I could be happy for you
There's just one thing I need you to do
Don't you touch her like you used to touch me
Don't you love her like you really needed me
Don't you love her like you used to love me
Baby what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you're gonna settle down
I thought for sure you'd always wait me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took a chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all your love oh, how I'm missing now
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know I love you so
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know I love you so
Oceans apart
Day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice
On the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
I see you next to never
How can we stay forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted
All the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter and I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh can you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance, but in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaance
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
(I'll be, I'll be right right here, oh waiting on youuuuuuuuu)
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I'll be right here waiting for you
Oh, I love you
Oh whatever it takes
Whatever you do
Where ever you go
I'm never leavin' you (I Will Be Waiting)
featuring J.D. R.O.C.
Baby baby tell me what's up
Can you hear me hear me
Or do I need to turn it up
Baby baby tell me what's up
Can you hear me hear me
Or do I need to turn it up huh
So So Def
I should I should make a move but I won't (c'mon)
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong (it's the remix)
Knowing that it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night (c'mon)
It's Saturday night, feeling kinda right
I wanna get close to you, and let you call me your baby
I know it ain't right, it's just the first night
I couldn't keep lookin' and it's driving me crazy
I know it was wrong for feeling this way
The thought of getting it on the first date
Couldn't let go it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night, I had to decide
I was thinking
I should, I should make a move but I won't
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing that it won't be right
I wanna get down, but not the first night
I should, I should make a move but I won't
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing that it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night
You're telling me yes, putting me to the test
Don't know how much longer I can keep my composure
Trying my best to deal with all of this
But at the same time I can feel us getting closer
Felt so right but it felt so wrong
And look how you're carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch is telling me it's getting too late
I'm thinking
Shhh, check this out
Tonight, lil' kiss, touch, we ain't gotta do all of that stuff
I'm just sittin' here tryin' to chill with you, we ain't gotta rush
I just wanna ball with you, in and out the mall with you
Out of town on the phone, all night call with you
Chi-Chi, baby, I do all my shit correct
Just you and me, just lay, you ain't suppose to be ready yet
Cuz you don't know if I want just sex and I don't know if you want my check
Even though you probably just expecting me to be kissin' on your neck
Now baby
Show me yours and I'll show you mine
I see you get hot and I know it's time
At 69 we could draw the line
I know you could give me yours
And I owe you mine
When I meet the girl, I creep the girl
I freak the girl, I please the girl
If you need the girl, man, keep the girl
Let the whole Roc gon' see the girl
If I should, I should make a move
Make it smooth, take it to that crib
Let that player lazy groove
Make her ahh, make her ooh
Cuz money come, money go
So So, honey dough, love it when they go how low
Front, back to the flow
Now keep on workin' at
With Jersey hat, with Jersey hat
If you want me, you got to know me
If you want my love (c'mon)
You gotta wait, my love (shake 'em off, shake 'em off)
Baby, that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me (shake 'em off, shake 'em off)
[Chorus to end]
Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifeful wish
My grown up Christmas List
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
May kindness rules our lives
Not just the strong survive
Sweet tears for all the thousand years on mind
This is the world I pray
We will all share some way
Help me begin by reaching out my hand
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
Why does this illusion call the innocence of you?
Maybe when the time believe we can find the truth
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
This is the prayer that I will keep
This is my grown up Christmas list
Christmas list
Verse 1:
Didn't think I'd be without you
Didn't think that I would see
Didn't think that I would lose my love
How could this happen to me
I must have took for granted
That you would always be there baby, believe
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is over
How can I go on
Knowing that you're gone
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is done
Will I ever get over you being my love
The only one for me
Wanting you so much
That I don't know what to do
Strung out on your love
Baby, I been missing you
Crazy for your touch
Lonely without you
I be missing you so much, yea
Verse 2:
Can't take one night without you
Don't wanna do anything
But sit around and think of
How I want you with me
Just can't erase these feelings
Somehow I know that time will make it better
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is over
How can I go on
Knowing that you're gone
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is done
Will I ever get over you being my love
Chorus to end
When you're feeling lost in the night,
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough,
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better,
I'll be there to protect you,
See you through,
I'll be there and there is nothing
I won't do.
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you,
For you I will.
I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh these arms will be your shelter
No these arms won't let you down,
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe,
I'll stand beside you, right or wrong
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon (yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero your strength
anything you need (I will be..)
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you
For you I will
For you I will, lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oooooh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my world
I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (put you're faith in me)
And I'll do anything
I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean for you)
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you (Promise you)
For you I will, I will, I will, I will,
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need, (Anything you need)
I will be the sun in your sky (yeah, yeah)
I will let you wait for all times
Promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (Ooooh)
I promise you
[Big Gipp]
Hey, enough
I know you're not gonna be all lame and choose
My house in Atlanta is what made you, you
You ain't never had nothin' till I paid the dues
My word is gold, I lay the rules
Why you trippin' on a brother about the things he do
Look, work can never matter how I got the loot
But you never hesitate when you drive the coupe
I made you ball, ain't that truth
I never asked for that much
If you stay, I laid here at night
Down at the gentleman's club
Seems like you can't get right
I knew when I saw the g's
You would be harder to please
You wanted more than enough
That's when it got too beat up
1 - [Monica]
Last time I was down for you
I though you really wanted to
Don't know how much pain it took
To put up that cash up on your boots
See I'm sick and tired boy
You can't even drive the cars
Sometimes I don't know what to do
What am I worth to you babe?
Yeah, yeah
See I'm in the Accolade
Coming through ride alone with flakes
The street's my home, up in the zone
Search a nigga's car tryin' to get my bone
Get my name, wear that thang
I don't know but I'm searching man
Lookin' for that sweet lick
No time for no cheap chick
I'm working
2 - [Monica]
You must believe
I gotta get you out of the streets
I disagree when you tell me that you're doing it for me
Just lean on me
I know you're in a little to deep
I gotta do what I gotta do to get you back here with me
I like the cash and all that
But I just can't watch my back
And if they catch me with you
Who knows what they wouldn't do?
You've spent too long in this game
My baby you gotta change
Before I lose you for life
I want to be your wife
Repeat 1
[JT Money]
See babygirl I gotta hustle
See I'm used to getting mine off the muscle
Everything that I do, I did for us two
Getting' mine on the grind is a must too
Plus you want all them finer things
I bought a compact, clothes, a diamond ring
Everything's on paper, they keep me on the caper
If it ain't about bread then I'mma holla at you later, baby
Repeat 2 (2x)
[Monica] (JT Money)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(What? Yeah it's on three, it's on four, it's on five)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(Yeah Southwest, uh, uh, uh)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(I ain't never gonna stop)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(Y'all know what it is)
Repeat 2 till end
If I told you
I'll be the one to make all your dreams true
If I gave you
All the things that make a man feel so good
If I need you
To come here before I give it to you
If I had to
I would change the world and make it feel love for you
If you do what say do
I promise we can do whateva'
You want to cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
Verse 2
Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And when we're through I lay in your arms and say I love you
I believe we can be
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
And I believe that you will see it may take forever
But we finally got together
And I believe it will be all about us cause baby I love you
And then they will see what we mean
When we say we were together for eternity
(Chorus x2)
Verse 3
Tell me what happens when you think of me
Do you think of the things I'm feeling
Cause when I see you I start trembling
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Tell me your love will always be with me
Promise me you would never leave
And then take me where I want to be
Cause I need you baby, I'm needing you crazy (ohoh!I!!)
Chorus Out
Why her, why her? Why her?
My last tear just fell from my eyes
Told myself that I wasn't goin' to cry no more
You did what you did, it is what it is
And that's why I walked out the door
Moved on with my life but not really
Spent too much time wonderin' how could you
You do this to us, thought we we're in love
Guess I was thinkin' too much
I was thinkin' that the sex had your love
You never could get enough 'coz you know I kept it hot
I listen to you tell me your dreams and your fears
I wiped your tears, I was there and that's why this is hurtin' me
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
You wanna come back, but I gotta know why her?
Thought she was all that, then why you at my door?
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
This goin' to be the last time we say goodbye
Aint gonna be no reruns of this episode
You did what you did, it is what it is
Maybe if you would've told me you weren't happy
You weren't satisfied, we could've worked it out
Baby we could've tried but you didn't say nothin'
All along fakin' and frontin' and why?
I was thinkin' that the sex had your love
You never could get enough 'coz you know I kept it hot
I listen to you tell me your dreams and your fears
I wiped your tears, I was there and it hurts me
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
You wanna come back, but I gotta know why her?
Thought she was all that, why you at my door?
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
Now ladies, y'all know I speak from experience, right?
I used to just look at him and wonder why, why her?
Ya know what I'm sayin'?
But ladies, I learn not to worry
About them livin' a happily ever after
'Coz see, that shit just built on a lie
So it should've fall, that's why I stand tall
I just looked at him and said this right here
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
The grass looks greener on the other side, why her?
But I promise, you'll be back tonight
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
Why her? Tell me, why her? Why her?
Love brings intensity
How I know it's plan to see,
Boy there's a woman in me
Intensity brings misery
How I know it's plan to see,
Boy there's a woman in me
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
(this keeps going as it fades)
Verse 1:
He's my man and I know it
Cause I get a tremblin' deep in my soul
That I can't ignore and I can't control it
What a man, whoa!
He's my fortress
I'm safe from harm when everything is all wrong
May not play ball and ain't trippin on my record deal
Still he is to me an amazing thrill
He's my man and I'm proud about it
I'm gon' shout about it
Ain't no doubt about it
That's my man
Ain't gon' let no one say nothing bad 'bout my baby
That's my man
Spent too many nights on my knees praying to Jesus
I'm his lady
That's my man
Ladies you know a good man is hard to find
And now I got mine
You better believe it
That's my man
He's the only one for me
Verse 2:
Slow your role
See how you gon' tell me 'bout my man when you ain't got a man of your own
See I already know
You can't stand my man really loves me
Don't cheat, or beat, or sleep around on me and cares about my needs
We fuss and fight but he knows when it's over
That every night I'm positive my man is coming home to me
He's my man and I'm proud about it
I'm gon' shout about it
Ain't no doubt about it
That's my man
Ain't gon' let no one say nothing bad 'bout my baby
That's my man
Well in a fight keep it right and keep it tight
I'm his lady
That's my man
You say he's cheating
I didn't see it, I don't believe it
He's my baby
That's my man
He's the only one for me
If you're willing to do whatever
Look in his eyes and tell him I love you boy
Yeah, yeah and if he's not there at the moment
Call him and let him know I love you boy
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
God smiled on me when he brought you in my life
Never wanna do you wrong
Always gonna do you right
You mean more to me than anything else in the world
You'll always be my man
I'll always be your girl
(God smiled on me when...Repeat 2x)
And I need you for the rest of my lfe
Ooo I love my man
Makes me feel so good inside
Ooo I feel so sorry for the ladies that don't have love in their life
Cause mine loves me right
Ooo I said that God smiled on me
He gave me something that I've never seen
Oh and I love him
Said that I love him
Oh I love him, I love him, I love him
featuring Majic
Oh yeah oh
There's something that I wanna say
Feel a little out of place
But I need you to make that change
You promised to keep me out of the rain
I love the cars and everything
The diamond rings
But I love you much more baby
1 You said that you were gonna stop when you had enough
Do what you had to do
Now you like the profession you made it for yourself
You said forget about me and you
From now on, all you wanna do is hustle
you gotta choose, whatcha gonna do
What am I worth to you, baby
2 - Never thought I'd be afraid to trust
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he can come back to me
Now I see that it ain't no rush
Baby, to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you outta the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Do you love me like you say
Then maybe you could get away
>From the life of doing the wrong things
You promised, don't make me read about it babe
Think of me before I'm gone
Cuz when I'm gone, it will be too late
Oh yeah
Repeat 1
Repeat 2 (with Majic ad-libs)
C'mon home
I see what you're saying now
Well I see what your sayin'
I was trippin' all along
Ha ha
So what you saying I should just leave this alone
Alright but you're gonna take care of me
Make me the king of this throne, for life
Girl I'm so lucky to have you girl in my life
And that's right
I know you love me, I hear you telling me right
Angel of mine, God must have sent you from the heavens above
And oh how i thank You for sending me this unconditional love
To this thug
And for that baby, daddy get out of the game
With no shame
I just want you to remember what started this whole thing
Repeat 2 (with Majic ad-libs)
uh huh what what
I'm coming home baby
I'm coming home
I understand now, I'm out the game
I'm coming home to you baby
[Monica]: (Majic):
It's either the streets or me
The trouble is taking over things
(You ain't got to worry no more)
(No more trouble, no more crying)
I know I got to leave
(No more none of that)
But you weren't there for me
It's either the streets or me
(I'm trying to make some money with you girl)
The trouble is taking over things
I know I got to leave
But you weren't there for me
Oh oh oh, oh yeah yes, oh oh oh, my, my
Here we are face to face
With the memories that can't be erased
Although we need each other
Things that changed, it's not the same
Sometimes it makes me wonder
Where would I be, if you hadn't discovered
Which I did, inside of me
I know there was something, that we could compare
Oh, well, I,
- Never meant to cause you no pain
I just wanna go back to being the same
Well I, only wanna make things right
Before you walk out of my life
Remembering the good times
From a portrait hung on high
It's filled with so much color
And the laughter we left behind
I made the choice and you couldn't decide
I made the choice, I was wrong you were right
Deep down inside, I apologize
Though I made plans with you
To always have time for you
(Before you walk out of my life)
I guess it's true, cannot live without you
Don't ever go away, ooh oh yeah
Holla, new monica shit. yes. oh baby. yep
I been feeling something
U been treating me cold
U no longer want to touch me
The love has turned cold
And i don't feel special
The feeling i need to feel
In my gut i'm feeling something...
Another woman, keep it real
I, i had to go move on (had to go move on)
Cause you're not worthy of my love and all we did was fight and fuss (fight and fuss)
And she would, she would call your phone
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
Now to you if zip means nada
So don't call don't page don't follow
And you can see me in the club, don't holla
And if you see me looking good don't bother
I know you hate to see me with my baby father
On the level as me, dun dada
Your loss, but you gon have to swallow
I do bad by myself
Stop proper..stop proper
Now the last few months been different
Cause you don't seem bad with time
U say you wanna stay with me
Did u go and change your mind
U getting phone calls after midnight
It's not exceptable
It don't take a scientist for me to know
Another chick is on the low
I, (i, i) i had to go move on (gotta move on)
Cause you're not worthy (not worthy, not worthy) of my love and all we did was fight and fuss
And she would, (she would) she would call your phone
(she would call your phone)
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
You' unfair (so unfair)
If you cared (if you cared)
You wouldn't play games like this
With unfair (so unfair)
If you cared (if you cared)
(you wouldn't doooo ohhh)
I, i had to go move on (gotta move gotta move on)
Cause you're not worthy of my love and all we did was fight and fuss
(you're not you're not you're not no no)
And she would, (she would) she would call your phone
(call your
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
I can't stand for you to lie
She is in your eyes
(new monica baby)
Sit yourself down boy and talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
Don't keep on telling me everything's okay
Cause if it was then you wouldn't be crying
You been acting real funny when I see you lately
Sitting around poutin' all day long
Now how in the world do you expect me to understand
When I not even know what's wrong
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Baby)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Out....)
Let's straighten it out
For the last few days when I saw you baby
Oh I admit something just wasn't right
It's so many things going through my head
I didn't want to start another fight
But if your tired of people being bothered baby
In the world we'd be all alone
Instead of being apart of a problem baby
You and me otta be getting along, yeah....
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: We need to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Me and you, you and me baby, Monica: Baby)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Out, ah ahhh, yeah, Usher: Hey)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, Monica: Yeah)
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: Let's Straighten it out, let's straighten it out baby)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: I think it's time for you and me to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
Together: Now how in the world you expect me to understand
Monica: Umm, when I don't even know what's wrong
Together: Baby, baby, baby
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: Yeahhh........, Monica: Yeah.....ooh)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Can we Straighten, can you help me babe, Monica: Baby, baby, baby)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Can you help me sing, sing it baby, Together: Yeah, yeah....., Monica: Oh yeah, Usher: Yeah)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Let's Straighten it out, Usher: I want to Straighten it out with you baby, Monica: Come on, Usher: Come on)
Together: Let's straighten it out........(Monica: Oh yeah)
Let's Straighten it out(Monica: Let's Straighten it out, Usher: Come on, come on, come on)
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out(Usher: Oohhh.....oh, yeah)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: We need to straighten it out ...)
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
It's just one of them days,
When I wanna be all alone.
Its just one of them days,
When I gotta be all alone.
It's just one of them days,
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone,
and you think I treat you wrong.
I wanna take some time out to think things through.
I know it always feels like im doing you wrong but I'm so in love with you.
So understand that I'm only in love,
You're the only one I need.
So have no thought that i want to leave
And baby trust me please.
It's just one of those days that a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
Just one of them things.
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Don't take it personal.
I sit and think about everything we do,
And I find myself in misery and that ain't cool.
Hey now I really wanna be with you the hole way through.
But the way you make me feel inside leaves me confused.
As I swing back mood to mood it's not because of you.
I never want you to be insecure,
So won't you understand that I'm only in love, youre the only I need.
I be there for you when you need me boy so baby don't you leave.
It's just one of those days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
It's just one of those days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
I don't wanna take it out on you
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Don't take it personal.
Don't take it personal
It's just one of those days
Don't take it personal
It's just one of those days.
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal baby(repeat)
[Featuring OutKast]
Can't believe you would leave me this way
Feeling kinda bad from the last things we said today
Can't believe you would turn and walk away
I know we would do this again and again
You say you love me
I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
you say it's over
I come back with just stay boy
If you don't want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
it ain't any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
You said you didn't mean it that's fine
You wanna take it back cause your havin' a change of mind
Sometimes saying sorry won't do
Then somedays I can't do without you
You say you love me
I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
you say it's over
I come back with just stay boy
If you don't want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
OutKast's rap
Chorus until fade
R-R-R-Rock then bend my knees, every time the beat drop
You know pimpin make the beat drop fuckin wit a laptop
I make em do it do it as soon as the beat drop
Might throw my towels out like Nick I like to wild out
Im a stay in the game until I fall out
First I lean grab a ball and then I pop wit it (I pop wit it)
When they bring the mics the crowd I rock wit it (I rock wit it)
I never hind licks trying to get quick
When the songs on they like that?s my shit
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I said ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon? be a fan every time the beat drop
Verse 1:
I know you used to seeing Mo laid back
So for the most part you think Im like that (dig this)
You about to get a glimpse of the fit
Im getting niggas on the floor mane when I hit the door mane
Cause I aint one of these too bourgeois broads
Always in the club holding up the wall (now dig this)
You about to get a taste of the way that we do it down here in the A
Let me say
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I said ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
Verse 2:
Now I aint talking bout a little two step
Im talking bout something that'll make you sweat
And when I talk well Im through talking
Im about to do something move something let you see something
When I say get gutta its enough said
Do the bounce like you over on Bankhead
And if anybody got a problem with the way you doin you
Look em dead in the face and say
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
I can?t help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
Boy this evening, was it only me
Feeling completely, down to be open
Down to be open
For some satisfaction
Didn't wanna say yes, hating your reaction
I knew it was wrong, for feeling this way
Especially the thought of giving in on the first date
Couldn't let go, it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night I had to decide
I was thinking!
I should make a move but I won't
I know your probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing if I do then it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night
I should make a move but I won't
I know your probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing if I do then it won't be right
I wanna get down but not the first night
We were chillin watchin your t.v.
Wanted to touch you, wanted to kiss you
And somehow in one night discover I love you
Felt so right but it felt so wrong
And look how we are carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch tells me its getting to late
I'm thinking!
If you want me
You got to know me
And if you want my love
You gotta wait my love
Baby, that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me so we can do this
It's just one of them days, when I wanna be all alone
It's just one of them days, when I gotta be all alone
It's just one of them days, don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone, and you think I treat you wrong
Verse 1:
I wanna take some time out to think things through
I know it always feels like I'm doing you wrong
But I'm so in love with you
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
So have no thought that I want to leave
And baby trust me please
Just one of them days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside
Don't want to take it out on you
Just one of them days
Don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone
And you think I treat you wrong
Don't take it personal
Baby baby baby baby
Don't take it personal
Verse 2:
I sit and I think about every thing we do
And I find myself in mysery and that ain't cool
Hey now, I really want to be with you the whole way through
But the way you make me feel inside keeps me confused
As I swing back from mood to mood it's not because of you
I never want you to be insecure
so won't you understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
I'll be there for you when you need me boy
So baby don't you leave
Chorus 2x's
Hook 2x's w/ variations
Don't take it personal baby
Personal baby, personal baby
Personal baby, personal baby
Personal baby
Oh oh oh, oh yeah yes, oh oh oh, my, my
Here we are face to face
With the memories that can't be erased
Although we need each other
Things have changed, it's not the same
Sometimes it makes me wonder
Where would I be, if you hadn't discovered
Which I did, inside of me
I know there was something, that we could compare
Oh, well, I,
1-Never meant to cause you no pain
I just wanna go back to being the same
Well I, only wanna make things right
Before you walk out of my life
Remembering the good times
>From a portrait hung on high
It's filled with so much color
And the laughter we left behind
I made the choice and you couldn't decide
I made the choice, I was wrong you were right
Deep down inside, I apologize
(rpt 1)
Though I made plans with you
To always have time for you
(Before you walk out of my life)
I guess it's true, cannot live without you
Don't ever go away, ooh oh yeah
(rpt 1, 1)
Before you walk out of my life
See ya from across the room
It's Friday night and
I'm going to a party
With my man, to dance
As soon as we get in
He is lost with his friends and
I'm there, in a trance
I can tell that someone's looking at me
And I didn't come here by myself
But he left me here at someone else's feet
So it must mean he didn't care
I'm goin' on
See you from across the room
Like you wanna know me
If you wanna make a move
Meet me on the dance floor
Though I'm here with someone else
He's not what I'm looking for
Instead I've seen him 'cross the room
Meet me on the dance floor
As the night goes on
Each dance makes me wonder
What is on, your mind
More than a dance as you pull
Up to me it feels, alright
Let me know what you wanna do
Can't you tell that I'm missing you
Let me know that you're right on time
Cause I'm lookin for someone else tonight
See you from across the room
It's friday night and i'm going to a party
with my man to dance
Soo as we get in he is lost with his friends
and i'm there in a trance
I can tell that someone's looking at me
And I didn't come here by myself
But he left me here as someones else's......
So it must be he didn't care
I'm goin on
See you from across the room
Like you wanna know me boy
If you wanna make a move
Meet me on the dance floor
Thought i'm here with someone else
He's not what i'm looking for
Instead of sittin' cross da room
Meet me on the dance floor
As the night goes on each glance,
makes me wonder what is on your mind
More than a dance as you,
pull up to me and it feels alright
Let me know what you wanna do
Can you tell that i'm into you
I'm lettin' you know that your right on time
Cause i'm looking for someone else tonight
Listen to me
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Yes, you do)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(No, no, no)
You should know life is what you make of it (No, no)
Regardless (No, no) who he is
If you put up with it you deserve it
Why you wanna be with him
‘Cause all you ever do is cry
He’ll tell you that you ain’t enough
He’s tearin’ you apart inside
And when you need a ear, I listen
To everything you have to say
I tell you every day to leave
But it seems you’d rather stay
And girl, a man could only do what you let him
And girl, it don’t do you no good to just sweat him
And girl, you can’t just let him abuse you
I’ll tell you what you should do
But if you choose not to you deserve
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (So when you’re hurt)
Don’t come cryin’ (Don’t) talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’
games (Maybe you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is
If you put up with it you deserve it
Now that you’ve a guy who’ll kiss
But you use him as your strength
To get out of a bad situation
To get out this relationship
I promise you he’ll never change
I know you really want him to
So all the things he promises
I hope you don’t expect him to
And girl, a man can only do what you let him
And girl, it don’t do you no good to just sweat him,
oh, no, no
And girl, you can’t just this man abuse you
I’ll tell you what you should do
But if you choose not to then you deserve
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh, so
when you’re hurt, oh)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(And you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is
If you put up with it then you deserve it
Peep the whole scene and whatever’s goin’ on around me
Burned out, clutchin’ my pillow, stuck in the County
You hate when I step off with honeys and ??
Who sayin’ I want a baby chase, you can’t relate
Pump your brakes, mami, please ‘cause you buggin’ me
And treat me worse than them streets, it’s like
doggin’ me out
But I could look into your eyes and see you achin’
You hope I da-da-da-da-da-da-da
You deserve (And so you deserve)
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh,
heartache and the pain)
Don’t come cryin’ (Don’t come cryin’) talkin’ ‘bout
he’s playin’ games (No, no, no, no)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is (Regardless)
If you put up with it, ooh, then you deserve it
Listen to me
Realize that I can make you see
Do you wanna live a lie
La-la-la-la-la-la-la (So listen)
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh, so
when you hurt)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(And you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it (Life is
what you make of it, oh)
Regardless who he is (Regardless)
There's something that I wanna say
I feel a little out of place
But I need you to make that change
You promised, to keep me out of the rain
I love the cars and everything
The diamond rings but I loved you much more, baby
You said, that you were gonna stop when you
Had enough, you'd do what you had to do
Now you, like the profession you've made it for yourself
You said, you cared about me and you
Now all, you wanna do is hustle you
Gotta choose, whatcha gonna do and am I worth it to you baby
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust (to trust)
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me
Now I see that there ain't no "us"
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Do you love me like you say
Maybe you could get away
From the life of doin' the wrong things
You promised
Don't make me read about it babe
Think of me before I'm gone
Cause when I'm gone, it will be to late (oh yeah babe)
You said, that you were gonna stop when you
Had enough, you'd do what you had to do
Now you, like the profession you've made it for yourself (made it for yourself)
You said, you cared about me and you
Now all, you wanna do is hustle you (you you)
Gotta choose, whatcha gonna do when I'm not worth it to you baby
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me
Now I see that there ain't no "us"
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust (Never, never, never)
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me (co~me back, to me)
Now I see that there ain't no "us" (there ain't no us baby)
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets (If I Can Get You Outta the streets)
Then you don't need to be with me (Then you don't need to be with me)
I see what cha sayin', now let's just leave 'tis alone; alright
So ya goin to take hell make me da king of 'tis draw
For life
But I'm so lucky to have you girl in my life
And that's right
I know you love me out here
You tellin' me right
Angel of Mine
God must have sent you from the heavens above
And oh, I take it with cinnamon as of unconditional love
To this thug;
For that, let baby-daddy get out da game
With no shame
This is so annoying
I'd say grow up but I know that you won't
I don't understand what's so hard
You either wanna be with me or you don't
One day you love me
Next day you wanna leave
You're so up and down
Off in your own
Well, I'm about good and tired of this
Too fly for you to not know what you want
So let me know whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Baby, yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go, stay or go
Stay or go, stay or go
Tried to give you real love
That's when you up and run away
But when I act like I'm done with you
That's when you decide you wanna stay
I don't got time to waste like this
Too fly to put up with your day to day
So let me know whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go
Stay or go, stay or go
Let me know whatcha gonna do, do, do?
I gotta know, know 'cause I'm not waiting
Not anymore, about to decide for you
Stay or go, I gotta know, stay or go
Yes or no, whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go
Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifeful wish
My grown up Christmas List
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
May kindness rules our lives
Not just the strong survive
Sweet tears for all the thousand years on mind
This is the world I pray
We will all share some way
Help me begin by reaching out my hand
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
Why does this illusion call the innocence of you?
Maybe when the time believe we can find the truth
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
This is the prayer that I will keep
This is my grown up Christmas list
They say when you find the one
There'll be no second guessing
You'd feel it deep in your heart
You'll know that it was destined
The feelin' inside will let you know
Something that you can't deny, just let it grow
They say it's better to love then never love at all
To appreciate all the good sometimes you gotta fall
But I was foolish
I shouldn't let you go
But now I miss you
I gotta let you know
I need you back, back in my life
I need your kiss, kiss in my life
And it's been so long since you been gone
Baby, won't you come back home?
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And that one is you
They say that pleasure
Comes with pain
And I'm so used to being whole
It's hard to be half again
And you gotta feel the same way
My tears are steady falling like a pouring rain
Tell me, will the forecast change?
If you love somebody, gotta let 'em know
Tomorrow's never promised, you gotta let it show
If you love somebody you gotta let 'em know
Tomorrow's never promised, you gotta let it show
I need you back, back in my life
I need your kiss, kiss in my life
And it's been so long since you been gone
Baby, won't you come back home?
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
Can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And that one is you
And that one is you
And that one is you
And that one is you, is you
I will climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest oceans for you, you, you
I will walk across the desert
Just to get that message to you, you, you
There ain't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do
Right hand to the man, boy, I'm tellin' the truth
So all my ladies, if you feel me then put your hands up
For that one, for that one
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
One in a lifetime
That one
That one
That one
That one
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
Mirror, mirror
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
From the second I laid eyes on you
In the mirror, in that dressing room
Seeing you with me, I finally knew
The picture was complete
I used to have my share of lonely days
Beneath the makeup and the darkest shades
But ever since you came I know
The meaning of true love again
It's not the bags or the trips or the clothes
It's not the fans or the sold-out shows
It's the way that you see through my soul
I'm so exposed
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself in the mirror
No, nothing's ever gonna be the same
Forget the fortune, you can keep the fame
Maybe if I had to choose, you know
I'd trade it every time for you
'Cause this reflection that I'm staring at
Is so amazing I can't turn my back
And every time I look at you and me together
Boy, I know the truth, oh
It's not the bags or the trips or the clothes
It's not the fans or the sold-out shows
It's the way that you see through my soul
I'm so exposed
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself in the mirror
I can't help it
I can't help it
I can't help it
I can't help it
Now she's running from love, that's all I'm guilty of
And I don't have to search no more
Found what I'm looking for in the mirror, in the mirror
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself
Baby, I see you, baby, I see me
Hope that we could be forever
In the mirror, in the mirror
Baby, I see you, baby, I see me
Hope that we could be forever
Verse 1
Must not have been paying attention
I stepped right on it didn't even notice how deep i was
I went from the ground to the top of the cloud
And now as i look down i see where i fell into your arms
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off
I'm completely covered up in your love
Verse 2
Even my skin is changing
I'm feeling warmer no more icey blue hearts for me
You put the color back in my life
And now where there was black and white
Oooh love made me iridescent.
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off
I'm completely covered up in your love
Before your love baby i was muddy
Filthy with pain till you took it from me
You showered me with a new beginning
Now i'm clean
Took me by surprise when you ran up on me
I came to life baby in that moment
You put your hands on my heart and baby
now it beats
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
Ooh Ooh
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off
Who's textin' his phone?
I'm bought to go
All in this thang again
Why you keep slippin'?
Oh really?
[Missy Elliott:]
New Monica!
Let's go!
[1st Verse:]
Get yo hands off
My man
Girl you already know
Oh yeah
He's signed, sealed, delievered
He belngs to me, yeah
And I'll show up
At ya front door
(Sho' will)
He's my man
And I don't play this, yeah
'Cause he's seen
All the crazy things
That I do
(Hey, hey)
If I find out
You're the one disrespecting
His phone
I'm coming, coming, coming
Straight after you
Boy, I don't play these games
I'm the one that
Checks his
Yup, that's me, me
I'm the one
That checks his phone
When he falls asleep
Early in the morn'
Betta have a co-co-code
In yo phone
And lemme alone
WIth ya
I'm the one
That checks
Yup, that's me, me
[2nd Verse:]
Baby, why she textin' you?
Betta tell that girl
She betta gone
(She betta gone)
'Cause I already know
Who you sneakin' wit
'Cause I already
Got the code to ya phone
Whoo, hoo
And I'm not the one
You play with
'Cause you've already
Seen the thangs
That I do, yeah
So why you
Keep on, keep on
Playin' around
'Cause she gon'
Make me
Come after you
[Repeat Hook 1x]
Pictures that's
On yo phone
I listen to your voicemail
When you leave home
You lookin' real mad
'Cause I broke your code
Don't feel bad about it
You already know
So 'bout 5, 6, 7, 8
You stayed out late
Tried to be slicker
Still wanna play
But I know better
I knew right
Out the gate
And I ain't
Bein' ya fool
It's too late
I gotta make a move
I'mma bout to bounce
And you about
To lose
You can take back
All of the shoes
What? Not all of the shoes
[Repeat Hook 1x]
I'll break the code
And I'll call them back
You a liar
And I don't want you
No more
And I'm walkin' out
The door
Boy, bye-bye
I apologize for what I've done, I admit that I was losing control
Didn't know that I was selling my soul, to someone who didn't care at all
Couldn't see that you were bad for me, gave so much that it was making me weak
Now I can't believe the way that it feels, to finally be free
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
Cause I'm right and you're wrong
Cause you're not what I need, this time I'm beleiving in me
The love I had for you was so deep, I didn't notice there was something wrong with me
When someone asked me was there anything I need, I would cry and tell them pray for me
But now I know exactly what it is, so I'm changing up the way that I live
And I'm never letting go of my dreams, and baby you'll see
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong Cause I'm right and you're wrong
Cause you're not what I need, I'm finally beleiving in me
So I hope you can forgive me, I'm not gonna be the way that I used to be
Starting over can be so scary, but I'm gonna believe
Promise I'm not gonna let me down, and my transformation's starting right now
But I'm really glad you stuck around, cause you believed in me
I'm finally beleiving in me....
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong
Going back to the place, where I know I belong
Cause I'm right and you're wrong
I ain't never had nothin' quite like this
And can't believe a girl done made
A come up like this
Ain't never been in love like this before
I ain't never seen a ring shine like this
I ain't never had nobody fit me like this
I can't believe that all of this is happenin' to me
If I'm dreamin', let me sleep
Boy, you, you got my back and baby, I got yours
You, you got that lovin' that I would die for
Boy, I've been waitin' all this time
And livin' with nothing but now I got
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Never had no one go half on a baby
Someone to do it like I like
Can serve me daily
No one ever love me like this before
I never had a house feel like a home
I never had a man that was full grown
Baby, what'd I do to deserve you?
I may never know but I know I got you
You got my back and baby, I got yours
You got that lovin' that I would die for
Boy, I've been waitin' all this time
And livin' with nothing but now I got you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Now that I got you, I never wanna lose you
I love everything you do, don't wanna live without you
Just what I've been missin', all this love, I'm givin'
I wouldn't trade it for nothin', my everything is you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
Monica, Twista, Twista, you already know
It's the 17th, one week before the day you were born
I been makin' big plans just for over a month
Tryin' to make this the best birthday you ever had
Show you that you're my baby
Damn, all this strain got me feelin' somethin's wrong
Pulled up to my gate, they keep sayin', ?He's gone?
Found envelopes in between my door
Biggest day got me panickin', what the hell this letter gonna read?
Hell no, you say you don't want it no more
Hell no, you say you can't give me what I want
Hell no, how you just gonna leave
When I stayed wit you through hard times and you cheated?
Hell no, I hate to say it but I need it
Hell no, God, please talk to me
Hell no, your so called love was so deep when it told you
You should run far and not give a damn about me
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home
Now I need you, wanna laugh, wanna stand
Wanna get just one more chance just to see you
All my friends, all my kin say, ?Mo, just let that end?
But I breath you
In the driveway, I found pictures on the ground of our first date
I never in a million years thought this would be me
I'm trapped in love with somebody that no longer thinks
I'm somebody special, look at me
Hell no, you say you don't want it no more
Hell no, you say you can't give me what I want
Hell no, how you just gonna leave
When I stayed wit you through hard times and you cheated?
Hell no, I hate to say it but I need it
Hell no, God, please talk to me
Hell no, your so called love was so deep that it told you
You should run far and not give a damn about me
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home?
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home?
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home?
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home?
Monica and Twista, y'all
I remember when you said I couldn't get none of that
Then I remember when you let me hit it from the back
I remember we was young and sprung
And steady talkin' on the phone and how we both kept runnin' back
To each other, we were always together forever to the end
I don't really know why I froze up
Plannin' for a weddin' but gettin' married, it's scary
Now I got you cryin' 'cause a nigga didn't show up
Can't really tell you why but I'm Twista from the Chi
And I'm dyin' inside 'cause I know I really want you
So for leavin' one day, I will have to give you the answer, girl
But right now, I can't tell you why I left, girl
Sweet personality and good sex, girl
Fear will take a man life, you suppose to be my wife
Goodbye, hope to see you in the next world
You was all up under me, actin' like you was so in love
I was talkin' 'bout you but thug nigga, what you runnin' for?
Cop wit you in the Benz, you the first one seen on the block wit it
Took you to the club, showed you how to 'Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It'
You was bold when you wanna get some of that
When you wanna hit the hole like a running back
Then you left, now you wanna come runnin' back
Hell no, nigga, I don't wanna hear none of that
I know you quick, betta spit that shit to so
All I ever wanna say to you is
How could you leave me when you?
How could you leave me when you?
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home?
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home?
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home?
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home?
All the women I caught you with
Still I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women I caught you with
Maybe I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women I caught you with
But I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women, women I caught you with
I didn't leave but I didn't forget
Let's kick a little something out there for all them cars that be bumpin. uh uh uh MO wassup
if you were the girl would you stay trippin' if you were the girl would you deal
with all stress, heartache, lonely nights while you are out late is it fair. if you were the
girl would you be a rider if you were the girl could you still try to work it out talk it out
while i'm stayin out trying to play around
would you deal with me come home every night when i want to and when you ask where
ive been i just give you the same excuse, knowing that i was up in the club with my girls
like i aint got a curfew smelling like liquor and i'm shy cuz you're still sittin up now
could you deal with that if you were the girl
would you start an argument or just let it all ride and get some sleep tonight and
then bring it up soon as you open your eyes, cuz its been on your mind but i can do a whole
story on why i was late hopin you believe me and just don't make you up and wanna leave me
but can you take all this and still and still love me
i'm down with you baby, i'll ride for the cause, even through all the stress you still
my dawg and if anything should happen to you i'm right there you know all you got to do is
call, i'm down wit you baby i'll ride for the cause even through all the stress you still my
"...With A Dozen Roses, Such Would Astound You
The Joy Of Children Laughing Around You, These Are The Makings Of You
And It's True, The Makings Of You"
Boy You Remind Me, Remind Me Of By Gucci Shoes
Everytime You Walk Past, All The Girls Be Looking At You
You Got Style Just Like A Bentley Coupe
And I Be Losing My Mind Evertime I Get Next To You
I Think I'm Falling In Love With You Baby Caught Up In Somehting
Thats Moving So Fast
Never Been With Nobody Else You And I Tighter
Than The Jeans On My Ass
You Remind Me Of This Thing Something Like
R. Kelly Singing Bout A Jeep
Boy You're Everything To Me And You're
My You're My Property
Boy You Remind Me Remind Me Of The Ice On My Ring Boys You Remind Me
Of This
These Are The Makings Of You And Its True These Are The
Makings Of You
You Remind Me Of The Very First Time You Remind Me Of The Time
We Made Love Just Like The 25th Day Of Christmas Waiting For
Sants Clause To Show Up You Got A Heart Of Gold Baby You Should
Know Baby You Remind Me Of So Much And Baby You Always Stay On My
Mind Your Just Like My Rims You Shine
Boy You Remind Me Of 26s On My Ride
Complete Spinning Around Looking Like A Superstar
Boy You Remind Me Of How Life's Suppose To Be
This Is What You Remind Me And Your My Your My Property
Looking At You Looking Another Baby I Don't Need Another Brother
Sex Time Around You I Feel The Same My Body There No Pressure Baby
You Know I Keep It So Real I Can't Help You Got The Whip Appeal
Whats The Deal Tell Me How You Feel Could It Be Me
Like The Ice On My Wrist Its Like Kick On My Hip
Mac In My Lips Armor Oil On My Whip Butta On My Shirmp
I'm The Gladys You The Pip I Keep My Hair Flip The Way You Like To See
Me Strip Keep A Money Clip You Remind Me Of A Tip Like A Pair Of Jeans
From Ambercrombie When They Rip Like A Glass Of Wine Everytime I Take
A Sip Its You
Boy You Remind Me, Remind Me Of By Gucci Shoes
Everytime You Walk Pass All The Girls Be Looking At You
You Got Style Just Like A Bentley Coupe
And I Be Losing My Mind Evertime I Get Next To You
"...A Dozen Roses, Such Would Astound You
The Joy Of Children Laughing Around You, These Are The Makings Of You
Yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Boy, it's been a long time
Since the last time, I saw you
Feels like nothin' changed since we've been together
I must admit that I go crazy 'bout you
And I can see it in your eyes
That there's somethin' you want to say to me
'Cause usually right now you'd be holdin' on to me
But instead you're tellin' me
The things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had has got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you now
I hate that there is someone new
Comin' in and takin' my place
Doin' the things that we used to do
And makin' love to you
And oh, what am I supposed to do?
It's killin' me 'cause I want you
And you should have known my love was true
And there's no one else in this world for me but you
But things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had has got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is, I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you now
I know that I'm the one to blame for losing you, oh yeah
I really, really wish that I could be happy for you
There's just one thing I need you to do
Don't you touch her like you used to touch me
Don't you love her like you really need me
Don't you love her like you used to love me
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is, I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know, I love you so
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know, I love you so
What hurts the most
If I told you
I'll be the one to make all your dreams true
If I gave you
All the things that make a man feel so good
If I made you
Commit to me before I give it to you
If I had to
I would change the world and make it feel love for you
If you do what say do
I promise we can do whateva'
You want to cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And when we're through I lay in your arms and say I love you
I believe we can be
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
And I believe that you will see it may take forever
But we finally got together
And I believe it will be all about us cause baby I love you
And then they will see what we mean
When we say we were together for eternity
Tell me what happens when you think of me
Do you think of the things I'm feeling
Cause when I see you I start trembling
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Tell me your love will always be with me
Promise me you would never leave
And then take me where I want to be
When I hear the children of today
They're questioning me the way
The way that they should live
I often wonder, wonder what to do
To help them make it through
In a world that's gone astray
Open my heart to see that it's up to me
Searchin' for the answers to these problems
I'm always facing things that are tryin' me
Testing all the things that I believe
Sometimes I feel so down and no one here's around
But you, you never left me lonely
And now I see, what a true friend means
And I trust that you would always be here for me
Lord, I give you all
Open my heart to see that this lies with me
Searchin' for the answers to these problems
I'm always facing things that are tryin' me
(I'm standing right here)
Testing all the things that I believe
Now I'm here before you
So tell me what to do
(Guess I will open my heart)
My heart to you, here I am
Searching for all the answers to my problems
Lord I'm facing things, can you help me?
You're trying all that I need the things I believe
Lord, no no no no
Here I am, here I am
I'm searching for, searching for it
Lord, I need, need, need, that's tryin' me
Testing all the things that I believe
No, no, here I am
Lacking all the understand the things I can't see
I am your child, ooh, oh, oh
That're tryin' me
Can you help me, I'm lacking understanding
I'm your child no matter what they say
I'm yours every day
I see you girl, darkchild
I got my eyez on you
Monica, let me see what you workin' with
Let's dance, yeah come on, come on
When I step in the club
There's so much love
All eyez on me
All the girls and thugs
Glasses go up
It's that time, baby
If you're looking right
And your game is tight
Come chill with me
Get up on the floor
And dance some more
The night's just beginning
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
Now when I'm doin' my thang
You checkin' for me
Just step my way
Don't you be
Too shy or be ashamed
You get love from me
So when we movin' close
We're toe to toe
Just dance with me
And when we've come to an end
Me and my friends
We'll do it again
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
Come on let me see you work it out
I'm a pretty young thang, I'ma turn it out
Party all night, workin' it out, till the lights out
Till the early morn, till the morn
Don't you know now is the perfect time
I can make it right, makin' you all mine
Baby, tonight if you hold it down
I can give you all that I got
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I see you
(Ah, baby)
You watchin' me
(Ah, baby)
I see you
(Ah, baby)
All eyez on me
(Ah, darling)
All eyez on me
When I first saw you I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of mine
I looked at you, lookin' at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
I'm gonna love you boy you are so fine
Angel of mine
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
You came into my life sent from above
When I lost all hope you showed me love
I'm checkin' for you boy you're right on time
Angel of mine
Nothing means more to me than what we share
No one in this whole world can ever compare
Last night the way you moved is still on my mind
Angel of mine
What you mean to me, you'll never know
Deep inside I need to show
You came into my life sent from above
(Sent from above)
When I lost all hope, you showed me love
(Boy you showered me love)
I'm checkin' for you, boy you're right on time
(Right on time)
Angel of mine
(Angel of mine)
I'll never knew I could feel each moment
As if it were new
Every breath that I take, the love that we make
I only share it with you
(You, you, you, you)
When I first saw you I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of mine
You came into my life sent from above
(Came into my life)
When I lost all hope you showed me love
(Boy you showed me love)
I'm shakin' for you, boy you're right on time
(But boy your right on time)
Angel of mine
(Angel of mine, oh mine)
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
I look at you, lookin' at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
I'm checkin' for you, boy you're right on time
Angel of mine
Its just one of dem days
When I want to be all alone
Its just one of dem days
When I gotta be all alone
Verse 1:
I wanna take some time out
To think things through
I know it always feels like I'm doing you wrong
But I'm so in love with you
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
So have no thought that I want to leave
And baby trust me please
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Easy come, easy go
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Cause good things come to an end
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't take it personal
Verse 2:
I sit and think about everything we do
And I find myself in misery and that ain't cool
Hey now I really wanna be with you the whole way through
But the way you make me feel inside gets me confused
As I swing back mood to mood
Its not because of you
I never want you to be insecure
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
I'll be there for you when you need me boy
So baby don't you leave
Don't take it personal, yeah
Don't take it personal
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Easy come, easy go
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Cause good things come to an end
(repeat til end)
Sit yourself down boy and talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
Don't keep on telling me everything's okay
Cause if it was then you wouldn't be crying
You been acting real funny when I see you lately
Sitting around poutin' all day long
Now how in the world do you expect me to understand
When I not even know what's wrong
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
For the last few days when I saw you baby
Oh I admit something just wasn't right
It's so many things going through my head
I didn't want to start another fight
But if your tired of people being bothered baby
In the world we'd be all alone
Instead of being apart of a problem baby
You and me otta be getting along, yeah....
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
We need to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out
Me and you, you and me baby,
Let's straighten it out
Out, ah ahhh, yeah,
Let's straighten it out
Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo,
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out, let's straighten it out baby)
Let's straighten it out
I think it's time for you and me to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out
Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
Now how in the world you expect me to understand
Umm, when I don't even know what's wrong
Baby, baby, baby
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Can we Straighten, can you help me babe,
Baby, baby, baby)
Let's straighten it out
Can you help me sing, sing it baby,
Yeah, yeah.....,
Oh yeah,
Let's straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out,
I want to Straighten it out with you baby,
Come on,
Come on)
Let's straighten it out........
Oh yeah)
Let's Straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out,
Come on, come on, come on)
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Oohhh.....oh, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
We need to straighten it out ...)
Let's straighten it out
I should I should
Make a move, but I won't
I know you probably think something is wrong
Knew that it won't be right I wanna get down, but not the first night
Monica - Verse 1:
Saturday Night
Feeling kinda light
I wanna get close to you and let you call me your baby
Know it ain't right
It's just the first night
Sitting here looking and it's driving me crazy
Knew it was wrong for feeling this way
The thought of giving in on the first date
Couldn't let go it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night I had to decide
I was thinking...
Repeat Chorus 2x
Monica - Verse 2:
My body's telling me yes
You put me to the test
But I don't know how much longer I can keep my composure
Trying my best to deal with all of this
But at the same time I can feel us getting closer
Felt so right, but it felt so wrong
And look how we are carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch is telling me it's getting too late
I'm thinking...
Repeat Chorus 2x
Tonight little kiss touch
We ain't gotta do all of that stuff
I'm just sitting here trying to chill with you
We ain't gotta rush
I just wanna ball with you
In and out the mall with you
Out of town on the phone all night call with you
Cheat Cheat
Baby I do my shit correct
You and me just met
You ain't supposed to be ready yet
Cause u don't know if I just want sex
And I don't know if you want my checks
Even though u probably expect for me to be kissing on your neck
Now Baby
If you show me yours
I'll show you mine
I see u get hot and I know it's time
At 69 we can draw the line
Or you could give me yours and I'll owe you mine
When I meet the girl
Creep the girl
I freak the girl, I please the girl
If you need the girl, man keep the girl
Better hope R.O.C. don't see the girl
If I should I should make a move
Make it smooth
Take her to that crib
Lay her back put her in a groove
Make her ahh, make her ooh
Cause money come money go
So do a honey though
Love when they go "how low?"
Front, back, to the floor
Now keep on working that
Where Jersey at? Where Jersey at?
Repeat Chorus 2x
If u want me
You got to know me
And if you want my love you gotta wait my love
Baby that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me so we can do this
Repeat Chorus til the end
Everybody skate to the music, put your hands in the air
Don't stop 'til it grooves ya, and you feel it everywhere
Just skate to the music 'til you feel it going on
Don't stop 'til ya lose it baby
Everybody skate
It's Sunday night, and we're about to have a ball
The place is packed, been thinkin' bout it all day long
People are jammin' and waiting for their favorite song
With everyone in a world of their own
Can't wait to get up on the floor
And bounce around to the sounds
Don't just sit up on the wall
Get down, baby get down
The beat is bumpin', the lights are movin' to the groove
All in the light, we roll until the night is through
Only a minute, before it puts you in the mood
And from there, it's all up to you
Can't wait to get up on the floor
And bounce around to the sounds
Don't just sit up on the wall