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Halal and the Flavors of Islam with Dawn O'Porter: Soul Food (Episode 2)
Why Do Muslims Eat Halal Unbelievable (Watch Until The End!!!)
The Cruelty of Halal Meat
Halal live poultry
Why do Muslims eat Halal - Unbelievable
For those of you who hate HALAL MEAT
The truth about Non-Halal Meat and why Muslims eat Halal !
Understanding Halal Certification Schemes (Part 1 - 12 complete)
Are You Outraged By Halal Pizza? Russell Brand The Trews Ep51
'Halal' by Liew Seng Tat - English Subtitles - 15Malaysia
Russell brand | Why do Muslims eat Halal meat - Unbelievable how animals submit in ISLAM
Halal Certification Stamp - Today Tonight (Australia) 07/03/2012
chouha scandale faux publicité 100%halal mensonge et tromperies sur tous les produits Halal
Dawn O’Porter is back for another episode of Soul Food, and this time she is out to uncover what’s so hot about Halal. She finds delectable delicacies at The Halal Guys food cart and an intimate family dinner, and learns about the relationship between food and religion from a respected Imam, but things get more complicated for Dawn when it's time to visit a Halal slaughterhouse. Watch: 'My Big Fat Greek Easter with Dawn O'Porter: Soul Food (Episode 1)' - Read: Halal Slaughter Is More Complicated Than You Realize - Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.) Surah 3:7 He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, con...
Every year, in Britain alone, millions of animals are slaughtered according to the religious practice of halal. In 2003, before statistics were no longer kep...
Where we slaughter live chicken on the halal and most appropriate way, it's located at 473 utica ave Brooklyn NY 11203, 1718 363 8888
thank you for your interest and comments, I want to mention that I just shared the video. The owner is:
What is meant by halaal meat. Read :
The video the #meat industry doesn't want you to see... "Oh, you people, eat from the earth what is halal and tayyib, and follow not the footsteps of the Sha...
The Halal Catering Argentina - Halal Beef slaughtering. Faena Halal de vacunos en Argentina. Web Site:
Please note this is not about halal food. As Q Society's spokesman Andrew Horwood points out: "Halal food itself is not of concern to us. Nearly all our food...
Russell Brand The Trews Ep 51. I give you the true news so you don't have to invest any money in buying newspapers that charge you for the privilege of keepi...
Visit to watch more videos like this. 15Malaysia consists of 15 short films about Malaysia featuring some of the best known faces i...
MUST SEE!!! Why do Muslims eat Halal Meat - It's Unbelievable to see how these animals submit in ISLAM when the Muslims recite God's words over them.This weeks guest will be giving you some great facts about Halal Meat along with short clip of Russell brand on Halal meat. Some points you will learn from this weeks show 1. What is Halal meat 2. Why do Muslims eat Halal meat 3. Jesus and all the prophets of God ate Halal Meat 4. The Medical benefits of Halal Meat 5. Halal meat vs non Halal Meat 6. Non-Muslims say Halal Meat tastes better 7.Why Halal meat is healthier for you 8. It's similar to kosher but less expense 9.A story of how a Non-Muslim Bjj Champion fell is love with Halal meat after seeing the process of Mercy Slaughter and eating Halal meat. All this and more on this weeks show with Dr.M.K Anyone who is not even #Muslim but is just really into taking care of their body and overall health would tremendously benefit from eating Halal meat so take this opportunity to share this video with the people that you know. -------------------------------------------------------------- Message from our Guest Dr.Muhammad Khan and advice below: Reaching out,Inviting,Sharing or dawah is not only an Islamic responsibility but a strategy for survival for Muslims in USA. Here are some easy things to do. 1)Look at local newspaper and look for” Religious directory” in it that publishes once a week about different faith temples their schedules and what they offer.Here the ads are cheapest. 2)Put a 3 line ad reading like this. QUESTIONS ABOUT ISLAM? OR If you are located east of Chicago then put but if you are on the west of Chicago then put .This is necessary to keep any of the two major dawah organization informed to avoid duplication of this ad by someone else in your area and justifiably guide and coordinate you to use the money for either increasing the number of ads or for a longer time. 3)Similarly if your resources permit you can put such ads in as many newspapers as possible and also in university magazines of your state. 4)Reaching out to Opinion moulders(Clergies,teachers,libraries,journalists,and Politicians) is very beneficial as each one can positively influence many people.Buy any of the small booklets in bulk eg.Illustrated guide to understanding Islam or Concise introduction to Islam by Jerald Dirks.They range from $2 to 5 and send with a covering letter tailored to specific recipient(eg,to clergies stressing need for the common grounds on our belief in One God and respect and love for Jesus)to libraries the importance of providing good credible books by the Muslim authors,to teachers to stress the benefit of correct knowledge of Islam to help stop bullying of Minority(Muslim) students in public school system.The “from address” can be also of the masjid which has a dawah section and if not then make a name like “Name of your state muslims reaching out” with PO box number.The addresses of churches,libraries,newspapers can be had from the internet. But most important point is that Dawah is like advertisement, to have effect it should be done in bulk and repeatedly so put a label on the inside back cover of the booklet a label about the ad that is suggested (in point 2 above). Encourge your mosque to start a dawah activity by training youth in this.Dawah activity will also create academically good students and also patient listeners and fact based speakers such qualities help in jobs and daily social interactions. Every Muslim in USA can recall 4 to 5 people who sincerely asked him about Islam and if an appropriate reply was given with follow up the positive results could have seen.This therefore is “Sadqa-e-jaria” .Imagine it increasing with your ads! Make Donations for Dawah Here: Please subscribe to my channel Join me also on Look into Islam it is Truly a way of life sent by the Creator as a Mercy for all of mankind. Start today by earnestly asking your Maker to guide your heart to the truth. Look beyond the hype and the false stereotypes and lies you've been told about Islam. Judge for yourself tune into TheDeenShow to really learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. Purpose of life ever Wonder? Help us get the word out about TheDeenShow Take this video link and send it out to your Facebook,Twitter,Websites,Blogs,news-letters,emails, etc.. send it out to the world.
Halal certification stamp March 7, 2012, 6:22 pm Damien Hansen Today Tonight The Halal economy is booming, with everything from food and cosmetics, to leisur...
publicité 100 % halal mensonger et tromperies sur tous les produits Halal ils contiennent tous du porc Gélatine PORCine nourrie aux ogm viande issue de clonage ,vous avais vue comment notre imam algerien playboye a controler l usine avec les mains Croisé
- Doakan Dimurahkan Rezeki dan Diberikan Kesihatan Yang Baik Untuk Kami Teruskan Projek ZonKuliah - **Untuk update terkini sila like Facebook Page kami : atau dan Group Facebook : Twitter : @zonkitaorg ( Sekiranya ada sebarang persoalan agama yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mana-mana ustaz, sila kemukakan soalan di FB page Ubat Apa Tok Wi? (, insyaAllah kami akan postkan video jawapan di channel kami **
Police were forced to intervene in some ugly scenes across Australia yesterday as thousands of people hit the streets protesting several views of towards races. One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has claimed halal certification is a “money-making racket” funding terrorism, a day after she told a Brisbane rally “I am not a racist”. “Islam is not a race, so therefore, we’re not talking about racism here whatsoever,” she told TODAY co-host Deb Knight. “Criticism is not racism. We have a right to say and to have an opinion. “We are, and we don’t like Islam – we’re in fear of what Islam may do to our culture, our country, our way of life.” The controversial Queenslander clarified her vague claims and said halal certification was funding terrorism. Halal certification is the process by which food and drink products are subject to testing for unlawful (“Haram”) substances in accordance with Islam, such as alcohol and meat including pigs and dogs.
Ecco come avviene la macellazione in Islam con il rito Halal, far soffrire così tanto un animale prima di essere macellato, una cosa disumana... Per dirlo io che faccio il macellaio vuol dire che è veramente orribile una cosa del genere... Here's how it happens slaughter in Islam with the Halal ritual, to suffer so much an animal before being slaughtered, something inhuman ... To say that I do not mean that the butcher is really a horrible thing ...
Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed, please Subscribe by clicking here I try to do videos every week! :D fouseyTUBE Merchandise now ...
The Halal Guys - I had the chance to try The Halal Guys food while on a YouTube Collaboration Tour in New York City. I vlogged on this...
تابعونا على فيسبوك وتويتر ..
Episode 30 - Ibn Halal Series | الحلقة الثلاثون ( الأخيرة ) - مسلسل ابن حلال Subscribe Here | أشترك فى القناة لتصلك الحلقة يوميا يرصد ال...
What exactly is Halal? - Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk Short Clip taken from 'What is Islam all about?' - Journey of Faith 2013:
Hans Teeuwen neemt het op voor het vrije woord. Meiden van Halal weten niet wat hun overkomt, en vertonen zeer slechte journalistiek. Free speach, Pim Fortuy...
Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia the grand mufti has reportedly found a new definition of halal – ...
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-109 April 2015 Halal in the Family: ... with Halal in the Family star and creator Aasif Mandvi.
noodls 2015-04-09... Project 2009 at World Halal Forum and Best Halal Product 2009 at Malaysian Halal Excellence Award.
noodls 2015-04-09The dish uses additive-free, halal-certified miso from Shimosuwa-based Hikari Miso Co.
The Japan News 2015-04-09The set of rules for how Muslims should relieve themselves, called the Qadaa al-Haajah, was ...
Big News Network 2015-04-09It's a fine successor to 'The Qu'osby Show. '.
The Daily Dot 2015-04-09Blockbusters "The Daily Show" correspondent Aasif Mandvi has a new (mini-) (meta-) sitcom! "Halal In ...
IMDb 2015-04-09... Maindiratta, and Shoba Narayanan, "Halal in the Family," follows an all-American Muslim family.
IMDb 2015-04-09... top streamers from Twitch Aasif Mandvi's stinging satire 'Halal in the Family' hits Funny or Die.
Business Insider 2015-04-09The global Halal industry, encompassing food, textiles, tourism and health care, will double to $6.4 ... Brand Gap ... Dubai Hub ... A.
Bloomberg 2015-04-09Reclaim Australia, which exhorts supporters to band together to "stop halal tax, sharia law and ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-08... at M & M Grocery and Grill, an unpretentious eatery that's attached to a grocery and halal butcher.
Newsday 2015-04-08... you get at , an unpretentious eatery in Farmingdale that's attached to a grocery and halal butcher.
Newsday 2015-04-08Halal (Arabic: حلال ḥalāl, "permissible") is a term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. The term is used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. The opposite of this word is haraam.
The terms halal and haraam are applied to many facets of life; and one of the most common uses of these terms is in reference to meat products, food contact materials, and pharmaceuticals. In Islam there are many things that are clearly halal or haraam. There are also items which are not as clear, and for which further information is needed. Items that are not clear are called mashbooh, which means "questionable." 'Halal' means permissible. 'Haraam' means forbidden.
In Islam, other forbidden items include pork and all its products; 'animals improperly slaughtered'; alcoholic drinks, carnivorous animals; birds of prey; and any food contaminated with any of these products.
Ḏabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is the prescribed method of slaughtering all animals excluding fish and most sea-life per Islamic law. This method of slaughtering animals consists of using a well sharpened knife to make a swift, deep incision that cuts the front of the throat, the carotid artery, wind pipe and jugular veins but leaves the spinal cord intact. The animal is then hung upside-down and left to exsanguinate.
You couldn't be
You couldn't be me even if you wanted to
Every thing I've been through, You wouldn't know
Live your life
Soaking up, all my sunshine
And smile your whole life
I wouldn't know
Eighteen wheels are rollin'
Eighteen wheels are crushin' me down
Runnin' me down
Cars are crashin'
Cars are crashin' all around me
Runnin' me down
All my days are numbered
All my days are grey
All my skies are covered
All my ends are frayed
You couldn't be
You couldn't be me even if you wanted to
Every thing I've been through, You wouldn't know
Live your life
Soaking up, all my sunshine
And smile your whole life
I wouldn't know
Lightning's crashin'
Thunder's rollin' all around me
Bringin' me down
Stars are fallin'
Fire's lightin' all around me
Burnin' me down
All my days are numbered
All my days are grey
All my skies are covered
All my ends are frayed
You couldn't be
You couldn't be me even if you wanted to
Every thing I've been through, You wouldn't know
Live your life
Soaking up, all my sunshine
And smile your whole life
I wouldn't know
(You wouldn't know)
(You wouldn't know)
(You wouldn't know)
(You wouldn't know)
Feels like I'm fallin' down
Inside a fever risin'
Bury my life deep in the ground
Left my existence lying
So let's go
You couldn't be
You couldn't be me even if you wanted to
Every thing I've been through, You wouldn't know
Live your life
Soaking up, all my sunshine
And smile your whole life
You couldn't be
You couldn't be me even if you wanted to
You wanna understand this,
But you don't know me except for what I told ya,
Except for what I've shown ya,
I'll crush all crisis in my life, and live it my own way,
I've left t he weakness built by fools and brought the rage
Fracture, rupture, shatter your world
Hammer, butcher, slaughter your world
I am the debt that all men pay,
To die with honor, to die with strength
I am the debt that all men pay,
Won't die a coward,
Won't die in vain, no
You think you own me?
Well you can't own this!
I'm a fucking soldier,
A goddamn warrior,
I made a promise to myself to rid my life of pain,
I'll tow the line of pride in mind and leave behind disgrace
My wish, my choice, my rule, my world
My voice, my right, my cause, my world
I am the debt that all men pay,
To die with honor,
To die with strength
I am the debt that all men pay,
Won't die a coward,
Won't die in vain, no
I fought this war and won,
My one salvation has forsaken me,
My hero's long since gone away
They told me long ago to choose my battles one by one and fight to death until the bitter end
I am the debt that all men pay,
To die with honor, to die with strength
I am the debt that all men pay
Ya see I left my soul by the side of the road,
Somewhere down in Texas,
Where the minister spoke,
Said boy ya better find god,
Cause you're destined for sin
So I did a shot and smiled,
With a black-tooth grin,
What ever you say,
What ever you think,
Hillbilly what ever you say
We love 'em and leave 'em,
It's just a cowboy's way,
Outlaw or redneck what ever you think,
What's mine is mine,
What's yours is mine,
It's just a cowboy's way
Ya see I sold my soul at the cross in the road,
Somewhere down in Texas where the devil had spoke,
Said boy you wanna be somebody sign on the line,
I said I gotta raise some hell so I ain't got the time,
What ever you say,
What ever you think,
Hillbilly what ever you say
We love 'em and leave 'em,
It's just a cowboy's way,
Outlaw or redneck what ever you think,
What's mine is mine,
What's yours is mine,
It's just a cowboy's way
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's way
Reckless and worthless,
Ya can't understand,
Ain't got no reason to give a fuck,
Just don't give a damn
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's
It's just a Cowboys's way
Hillbilly what ever you say
We love 'em and leave 'em,
It's just a cowboy's way,
Outlaw or redneck what ever you think,
What's mine is mine,
What's yours is mine,
It's just a cowboy's way
I know my enemy and I can't forget his name,
Distant memories of a man that just couldn't change,
And though I've tried to set aside,
I still carry them today
When I look into the mirror I can still see his face,
Oh lord
Don't want to be like my father,
I deserved a better man,
A bigger man to help me down my road
I cried a tear for my mother,
She deserved a better man,
A stronger man,
To embrace her soul
Ruined by a weaker man,
A shallow man,
The one who broke our home
Though I was a young boy I can still remember everything,
All the booze led to fights and abuse
And I lived through it every day
And though I try,
To heal inside,
My heart is just a vault for pain,
I tried to snuff the candle,
But I've been burnt by the flame,
It's too late
Don't want to be like my father,
I deserved a better man,
A bigger man to help me down my road
I cried a tear for of my mother,
She deserved a better man,
A stronger man,
To embrace her soul
Ruined by a weaker man,
A shallow man,
The one who broke our home
Saw him twenty years later in a store buyin' a jug of wine
He said "hey there boy I'm living nearby
We could catch up with a joint and share a bottle or two"
I said "I'm sorry dad, don't wanna end up being"
Don't want to be like my father,
I cried a tear for my mother,
She deserved a better man,
A stronger man,
To embrace her soul
Ruined by a weaker man,
A shallow man,
We gotta get that something,
That little bit of anything,
Gotta do it for the dough,
Gotta go,
'cause money makes you smile,
Don't ya know
Those little people that'll fuck ya,
Do whatever they can just to get ahead,
No matter what,
No matter why,
No matter who,
No matter how,
No better time than now,
I'm always fighting,
Am I alive and well or just wasting space
My endless search for peace of mind
Am I living life or just wasting time
Trying to secure this piece of mine
Put your money where your mouth is,
Stuff it in,
Stuff it fat,
Stuff it full,
Gotta get a bank roll,
Gotta show
'cause being rich is a bitch,
Don't ya know
The fat cats that'll take ya for everything,
Right in front of your face just to get a taste,
'cause what you got's not yours is mine.
I'm always fighting,
Am I alive and well or just wasting space,
My endless search for peace of mind,
Am I living life or just wasting time
Trying to secure this piece of mine
Am I the living dead,
Just a fool in line
Waiting here to be robbed blind
Have I given up or just giving in
And let go of all that's mine
Gotta get it,
Gotta have it,
I want it,
So I'll just take it
Am I alive and well or just wasting space,
My endless search for peace of mind,
Am I living life or just wasting time
Trying to secure this piece of mine
Am I the living dead,
Just a fool in line
Waiting here to be robbed blind
Have I given up or just giving in
Come on, a little bit of sunshine
A little bit of booze
A little bit of me
And a little bit of you
A little bit country
A little bit of blues
A little slice of heaven
And a little piece of you, come on
Alcohaulin' A***
Pour another drink in my glass
Alcohaulin' A***
Alcohaulin' A***
A little bit thirsty
A little bit used
A little bit of whiskey
And a little pinch to chew
A little bit tired
And a bad attitude
A little bit of drinkin'
And another piece of you
Alcohaulin' A***
Pour another drink in my glass
Alcohaulin' A***
You drove me to it, so there was nothing I could do
You pushed me down, split me right in two
Now I found the long hard road carried the weight of you
Boy, oh, boy, God damn, there's only one thing left to do
A little bit of Alcohaulin' A***
Pour another drink in my glass
Alcohaulin' ass, there's only one thing left to do
A little bit of Alcohaulin' A***
Pour another drink in my glass
Alcohaulin' A***
Fuck the norm, I can't understand
Live my life, by the rules of no one
I am me, that can't be wrong
I do what I do, when I do, that's how I like it
Conformity, amputate my soul
Made of stone, smashed the mold
Indifferent, so fuck you all that
Whine, bitch, nag, complain, cry
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hellyeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Fuck you all, that won't understand
Be a man, no more and no less,
I'm just me, no matter what you say,
I am, who I am, what I am, that's how I like it
Typical, fucking lifeless clones
My attitude, embrace my own
I don't care, so just walk away and live your
Dull, dead, bland, boring, life
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hell yeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Don't give a fuck and don't think I ever will,
For the prim and the proper it's a shallow jagged pill,
Don't really care if you like me
I just hold up my drink and get my HELLYEAH!
So point your fingers and throw your stones,
I'll be smokin' and drinkin' and breaking fucking bones
To all you fuckin' people thinking you're better than me,
I hold up my middle finger and give my hellyeah!
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hellyeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Got your whiskey and weed
Balls volume and strength
I've got a hole in my heart and I made it just for you
I've got something up my sleeve,
I wanna show you,
It's my life's work of tragedy and turbulence,
Now come with me and take a walk through violence,
I can't help it that I'm sick,
Or claustrophobic in my skin
Cold as a stone,
Hollow eyes and empty soul
Broken like a bone,
In a vice,
Heart like coal
I've got a hole in my head and I put it there because of you,
I wrote something in this note that I left for you,
It's all because of your selfish lack of love for me,
I hope that my head on the wall will always remind you,
Morbid pictures in your head,
I'm so sorry for the mess
Cold as a stone,
Hollow eyes and empty soul
Broken like a bone,
In a vice,
Heart like coal
Dry your eyes,
It was time for me to leave,
Don't cry it was just my time and all you did was help me
Cold as a stone,
Hollow eyes and empty soul
Broken like a bone,
In a vice,
Heart like coal
Cold as a stone,
Empty soul
Broken like a bone,
I was told that life is beautiful,
Well I'm not looking through those eyes,
Wished upon a star and watched it fall away,
Well that's just one more thing,
That could never be forever,
Everything I touch turns to the opposite of gold,
It could be shit,
It could be coal,
That's just the way it goes,
Do I lead them astray,
Do I push them all away,
I feel so cold,
From the exit of my soul
Don't know whether I should kill or cry,
Don't know if I should live or die,
Should I stand or walk away
Don't know whether I should be myself or change
Hold my ground or rearrange
Should I stand or walk away
I've been told that we live and learn,
As I look through tear-soaked eyes,
I'm full of scars but I'm not made of stone,
And my heart's exposed,
My transparent life of terror
A sacred promise that's sealed by a ring of gold,
It can't be bought,
It can't be sold,
But you have to keep a hold,
Did I throw it away,
Because of my ways,
It feels so cold,
Now that I have lost my soul
Don't know whether I should kill or cry,
Don't know if I should live or die,
Should I stand or walk away
Don't know whet her I should be myself or change
Hold my ground or rearrange
Should I stand or walk away
My stomach aches as I feel the sting
That runs through me
Lay my head into my hands,
Falling to the ground,
I look up to the sky,
Please help me find my way back home
Don't know whether I should kill or cry,
Live or die,
Should I stand or walk away
Don't know whether I should be myself or change
From the very beginning,
Knew I had something in me,
A vision worthy of listening,
But they said sit down boy,
And they laughed at me gave me attention,
Became my dissension,
Right there made the decision,
You're on your own boy,
So I became a man
You'll never understand what you've created
Stampede, running over me,
Death angels riding,
It feels like I'm dying
Stampede, that's crush-ing me,
My temperature's rising,
The demons inside me,
Tear away all conviction,
Beat him into submission,
Threatening my existence,
And abuse the boy,
I'm numb to violence
Buried deep, buried under,
Like a nail- beating hammer,
I'm the storm, I'm the thunder,
I'm the lighting boy, no more striking me,
I am the butcher,
I've come to slaughter
Stampede, running over me,
Death angels riding,
It feels like I'm dying
Stampede, that's crushing me,
My temperature's rising,
The demons inside me,
I am the wind,
I am the rain,
I am the flood,
I am what you've created,
And you've gone too far,
Running over me,
Death angels riding,
It feels like I'm dying,
That's crushing me,
My temperature's rising,
Don't give a damn about promise,
Or a diamond ring she's not built for comfort,
She's built for speed
She got a chip on her shoulder,
A devious little thing
She knows how to get what she wants,
Don't give a damn what you think she don't care where she's going,
But she's always ready to go
She's at her best when
She's ridin' the pole,
If you got the cash,
You got one hell of a show
She's up,
She's down,
She's a pole rider
She's on,
She burns,
She's hot,
She's on fire,
She's up,
She's down,
She's a pole rider
She's in,
She's up,
She's on,
She'll make your sunrise
She knows just how to work ya,
Little winks and a grin
She ain't built for virtue,
She's built for sin
She ain't the little angel mom and daddy might think
She threw away her halo,
And she clipped off her wings,
She's gotta get what you're holding and she's ready to show
She's at her best when she's ridin' the pole,
If you got the cash,
You got one hell of a show
She knows what she wants,
And she knows what she needs
She knows she needs money,
To buy her shiny things
She knows what you want,
And she knows what you need
Ya better know it takes money,
To get her on her knees
She don't care where she's going,
She's always ready to go
She's at her best when she's ridin' the pole,
If you got the cash,
You got one hell of a show
She's up,
She's down,
She's a pole rider
She's on,
She burns,
She's hot,
She's on fire,
She's up,
She's down,
She's a pole rider
She's in,
She's up,
She's on,
Pain and grief,
Keep us suffering
Send the poor to war,
Send the rich up to their suite
Hope unbeknown to me
A sentence for the feeble and acquittals for the king
Command the gods,
Destroy the gods
Order the sun to fall from the sky,
So you can keep us in the dark,
For the rest of our lives,
Demand the oceans to freeze and ice
So you can walk upon the water like
Jesus Christ
They want that we need,
All hail to the chief
Have the meager take the dive,
To the affluent victory,
It amazes me,
The influence money brings
Taxes for the homeless,
And diamonds for the queen
Command the gods,
Destroy the gods
Order the sun to fall from the sky,
So you can keep us in the dark,
For the rest of our lives,
Demand the oceans to freeze and ice,
So you can walk upon the water like
Jesus Christ
You've got our blood upon your hands,
The foundation crumbling,
As the demons sing
Charge rockets to the sun,
Sever blessings one by one,
And let the angels weep
You've got our blood upon your hands,
The foundation crumbling,
As the demons sing
Charge rockets to the sun,
Sever blessings one by one,
And let the angels weep
Order the sun to fall from the sky,
So you can keep us in the dark,
For the rest of our lives,
Demand the oceans to freeze and ice,
So you can walk upon the water like
Jesus Christ
You're not my god,
You can't fight it,
No you got ta feed it to the fire,
Hold your feet to the flames,
You got it burnin',
Stinging for the reason after burning like a jet airplane
you got ta build it till the scaffold hits the ceiling,
Let me tell you it's a danger- ous place,
You can't stop it raging like a pyre,
Got more power than a runaway train it's in stereo,
It's my heroin, gotta make my way to t he stage scream, my call so real, so raw,
Take, my own, manipulate,
I'm in,
It's on ya can't stop it,
No you can't rob it,
It's an attitude of pure gasoline,
You get that feeling that's filling up the building and it's blowing like a powder keg,
You gotta bring it and cave in the goddamn ceiling,
Own the pit and fucking dance t ill you bleed
It sit s inside me, rebellion and uprising,
Like the shotgun blast that laid you to waste
It's in stereo,
It's my heroin,
Gotta make my way to the stage scream,
My call so real, so raw,
Take, my own,
I'm in,
It's on,
Teeth, brick wall,
Grit, bear all force,
I own,
Clench fist,
It's on it's in stereo,
It's my heroin,
Gotta make my way to the stage scream,
My call so real,
So raw,
My own,
I'm in,
It's on,
Brick wall,
Grit, bear all force,
I own,
Clench fist,
It's just the good old boy in me
I got my friends, I got the recipe for one hell of a life
I got my girl, got my family
Got my booze and that's all I need for a hell of a time
Yeah, come Monday morning, my head is storming
Gotta get it right
I've got my boss and I've got my bills
But I'm towing the line
So sick of that man on my case all day long
Another day in the trenches, these sons of a bitches
Well, it don't seem right
They keep me poor while I keep 'em rich
I got my eye on the prize
Gotta get to the weekend
Gotta make it to Friday night
Friday night, yeah, come on
It's just the good old boy in me
I got my friends, I got the recipe for one hell of a life
I got my girl, got my family
Got my booze and that's all I need for a hell of a time
Hell of a time
Six o'clock in the morning, my head is spinning
Here we go again
I am walking the line, one day at a time
For that goddamn man
Can't wait till they bury him six feet down
I've got my pride and I've got my will
I ain't fucking around
I was born to lose but I'm built for booze
Can't wait to knock them down
Gotta get to the weekend
Gotta make it to Friday night
Friday night, yeah
It's just the good old boy in me
I got my friends, I got the recipe for one hell of a life
I got my girl, got my family
Got my booze and that's all I need for a hell of a time
Hell of a time
Gotta take the red eye to come on Sunday night, yeah
I got everything I need just as long as I can stay high, yeah
Come on
It's just the good old boy in me
I got my friends, I got the recipe for one hell of a life
I got my girl, got my family
Got my booze and that's all I need for a hell of a time, yeah
It's just the good old boy in me
Drinking whiskey down by the creek, it's one hell of a life
I got my girl and my boys with me
Getting stoned down on the beach, it's one hell of a time, yeah
Don’t you come around my house, my house
With your flowers in hand saying that you missed me
I don’t really care that you never felt scared
Or so close to anyone else until you kissed me
I have heard that line before
The dick who said it ended up walking out my door
(So don’t take it personal)
But I gotta protect my heart
‘Cause if I let you in I might fall for you and break again
I been building up these walls for far too
Long to have ‘em crumble down now
Boy, don’t even start
‘Cause I’m gonna protect my heart
Don’t go talkin’ ‘bout my life, my life
Saying you’re gonna stick around when I know you’re gonna leave
Don’t you dare stand there with that look on your face
Like you’re in love with me, if you want me to believe
And I’m sorry if you think I’m bitchy and cold
But being warm and getting burned was getting so-oh old
(Baby, it’s not your fault)
But I gotta protect my heart
‘Cause if I let you in I might fall for you and break again
I been building up these walls for far too
Long to have ‘em crumble down now
Boy, don’t even start
‘Cause I’m gonna protect my heart
And I’m keeping you, keeping you there, at arms length
Keeping you, keeping you there, just far enough away
Keeping you, keeping you there, away from my heart
Keeping you, keeping you there, don’t you even start
I had a boy who was dangerous
W-walked on me and my heart was crushed
He was cool, he was fly, he was so damn fine
And I let him come in and take all of mine
But I can’t let you roll like that
I’ll cut that shit off just like snap
If you gimme one sniff that you actin’ up
I do what I gotta do to protect my heart
I gotta protect my heart
‘Cause if I let you in I might fall for you and break again
I been building up these walls for far too
Long to have ‘em crumble down now
Boy, don’t even start
Wanting to fight this feeling
Wanting to turn and run
My heart is sinking somehow
But it ain’t nothing you’ve done
You are the perfect partner
You can love me like no other
I don’t wanna write an ending
When we’ve just begun, no
Why do I wanna cry
I tell myself they’re tears of joy I should be smiling
But I’m scared inside
I need to leave behind
The fear of crashing down because I know you’ll catch me
So I can fall
You’re never keeping secrets
And you never tell me lies
See when a man won’t hurt you
He doesn’t need to apologize
You say you’re going nowhere
And you say you’ll always be there
How can I doubt it
When I see it in your eyes
Why do I wanna cry
I tell myself they’re tears of joy I should be smiling
But I’m scared inside
I need to leave behind
The fear of crashing down because I know you’ll catch me
So I can fall
Right into your arms
Where I can let go
So completely
I don’t wanna come back now
My heart is fluttering like wings, oh
Why do I wanna cry
I tell myself they’re tears of joy I should be smiling
But I’m scared inside
I need to leave behind
The fear of crashing down because I know you’ll catch me
When you walked up in the club tonight
You must have been searching for something to make you feel alright
Tell me what you’re doing standing up against that wall
Imma turn the beat up, turn the heat up, so you can hear my call
Just let it go, yeah you know, that you can’t ignore the sound
It’s gonna get you, it’ll infect you, you’re gonna have to let it out
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
Our bodies are rocking now there’s no stopping
There’s nowhere to hide
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move, gonna make you move
Gonna make you
Now I got you feeling loose and having fun
Grab that guy or girl and show ‘em how it’s done
Feel the rhythm let me see you bump and grind
Get as close as you can get, and leave the world behind
Just let it go, yeah you know that you can’t ignore the sound
It’s gonna get you, it’ll infect you, you’re gonna have to let it out
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
Our bodies are rocking now there’s no stopping
There’s nowhere to hide
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move, gonna make you move
Imma make you move
Imma make you dance
Make you show me what you’ve got you’ve got to come put up your hands
Imma drop this beat
You gonna catch that groove
Nothing you can do to stop it, pop and lock it
Imma make you move
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
Our bodies are rocking now there’s no stopping
There’s nowhere to hide
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move tonight
Our bodies are rocking now there’s no stopping
There’s nowhere to hide
This is gonna make you move, gonna make you move, gonna make you move
This little girl has nightmares almost every night
Some of the girls in her high school telling her she ain’t right
She dresses like a boy; it’s how she’s always felt
But because she’s a little bit different they’re putting her through hell
Through hell, they’re putting her through hell
This little boy likes makeup, but only in his room
He is afraid, he is ashamed, thinking what if they knew
He’s still in the closet, but the other boys can tell
In the hall, in the yard, in the locker room, they’re putting him through hell
Through hell, they’re putting him through hell
I’m a freak, you’re a freak, he’s a freak, she’s a freak, it’s a freak
And it really don’t matter
If a girl do a boy do a boy do a boy do a girl do a girl do a boy
Freak tonight
Do you wanna do you, do you wanna, do you, wanna wanna
Freak tonight
B-b-b-be yourself b-b-b-be yourself, if you wanna wanna
Do your girl, do your boy
Lets all freak tonight
That little boy and girl are getting down tonight
With every other damn freak in the freakin’ world, no we’re not gonna hide
We’re takin’ this bitch over, time for show and tell
In the club, in the street, no matter where we be, we’re gonna be ourselves
I’m a freak, you’re a freak, he’s a freak, she’s a freak, it’s a freak
And it really don’t matter
If a girl do a boy do a boy do a boy do a girl do a girl do a boy
Freak tonight
Do you wanna do you, do you wanna, do you, wanna wanna
Freak tonight
B-b-b-be yourself b-b-b-be yourself, if you wanna wanna
Do your girl, do your boy
Lets all freak tonight
We’re here, no fear, what are you gonna do about it
Here, don’t fear, what are you gonna do
Freak tonight
Do you wanna do you, do you wanna, do you, wanna wanna
Freak tonight
B-b-b-be yourself b-b-b-be yourself, if you wanna wanna
Do your girl, do your boy
I cleaned out all my closets
Threw your skeletons away
And I swept up the mess that you left when you lived here
And I buried it in a shallow grave
Now you're back here diggin'
Trying to find your way back in
And it isn't the first but it could be the last time
I let you break me down again
When you left this heart
I had to work so hard
To clean up after you, now you wanna walk right through my door
Tracking dirty footprints, just like you did before
And if that's the way it is
Don't come home
Part of me's still hoping
Maybe you have changed your ways
Even if you haven't I don't know that I could stop you
Coming back here anyway
When you left this heart
I had to work so hard
To clean up after you, now you wanna walk right through my door
Tracking dirty footprints, just like you did before
And if that's the way it is
Don't come home
This heart was your home
Did I let you live here too long
Should I stay or should I move on
When you left this heart
I had to work so hard
To clean up after you, now you wanna walk right through my door
Tracking dirty footprints, just like you did before
And if that's the way it is
I like to get crazy
I only go too far sometimes
I drink my gin with a little bit of lime
These are things you’ve got to know, you’ve got to know
I only get nasty
If you push me too far
Is it hard to tell me where you are
These are things I’ve got to know, I’ve got to know
Or I’ll be driving by your house when you’re not home
Never thought I’d be that girl till you came along
I never thought that I could be this twisted
When I get around you it just shows
Ooh I am twisted, hey
Don’t you know that you got me twisted
Yeah I go and get all out of control
Bet you didn’t know I was twisted
Well now you know
Yeah I play with matches
I need the thrill of starting fires
And I like the feel of scars
Hey I thought you’d understand, you’d understand
You told me forever
Or I know that’s what you meant
So you best show me respect
I don’t wanna have to cut another man
I will lose my grip and spin out of control
I don’t wanna be that girl, boy you came along
And you make me
I never thought that I could be this twisted
When I get around you it just shows
Ooh I am twisted, hey
Don’t you know that you got me twisted
Yeah I go and get all out of control
Bet you didn’t know I was twisted
Well now you know
I will try my best to fix myself just
Stay with me I need your help don’t
Go away or I’ll show you just how far my love can go
I never thought that I could be this twisted
When I get around you it just shows
Ooh I am twisted, hey
Don’t you know that you got me twisted
Yeah I go and get all out of control
Bet you didn’t know I was twisted