The Book of Psalms (Tiberian: Təhillîm; Modern: Tehillim, תְהִלִּים, or "praises"), commonly referred to simply as Psalms, is a book of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible, and the Islamic Zabur. Taken together, its 150 poems "express virtually the full range of Israel's religious faith."
The word psalms is derived from the Greek Ψαλμοί (Psalmoi), perhaps originally meaning "music of the lyre" or "songs sung to a harp" and then to any piece of music. From psallein "play upon a stringed instrument" and then to "make music in any fashion".
The Book of Psalms in its current, most commonly used form consists of 150 songs and prayers referred to individually as psalms and referenced by chapter and verse. They each have a poetic character with frequent use of parallelism. In addition to the title of the collection, which translates as "song" or "hymns" from both Hebrew and Greek, superscriptions (or headings) in many of the Psalms provide musical references and some direction, in some cases even references to melodies that would have been well known by early congregations; however, no musical notation has survived. Songs that can be identified as such in the Psalms include songs of thanksgiving (e.g., Ps 30), hymns of praise (e.g., Ps 117) and royal psalms, which may have been used in coronations and weddings. Identification of some psalms as prayers is also seen within the text, for example in the conclusion to Psalm 72, "The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended." The largest category of Psalms, though not grouped as such in the text, is that of lament (expressions of complaint and pleas for help from God). There appears to also have been an instructional function of the psalms as seen in their references to the law (e.g., Ps 1 and 119).
J. David Pawson (born 1930) is a prominent Bible teacher based in Great Britain. He is the author of more than thirty books.
According to his autobiography, Pawson's immediate ancestors were all farmers, Methodist preachers or both - dating back to John Pawson, a friend and follower of John Wesley. His father, H. Cecil Pawson, was head of Agriculture at Durham University and also Vice President of the Methodist conference. From his childhood in the north of England David Pawson had wanted to be a farmer, but by the time he had completed his studies for a B.Sc. in Agriculture at Durham University, he felt God was calling him into full-time Christian ministry. He then studied for an M.A. in theology at Wesley House, Cambridge University, and subsequently joined the Royal Air Force as a chaplain, serving in Aden.
After leaving the RAF he served as a Methodist minister, but became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of infant baptism. After appearing before a doctrinal committee of the Methodist church, he volunteered to leave the denomination, and did so. Shortly thereafter he accepted an invitation to become the pastor of Gold Hill Baptist Church in Buckinghamshire.
Leonard Bernstein ( /ˈbɜrnstaɪn/ US dict: bûrn′·stīn; August 25, 1918 – October 14, 1990) was an American composer, conductor, author, music lecturer and pianist. He was among the first conductors born and educated in the United States of America to receive worldwide acclaim. According to The New York Times, he was "one of the most prodigiously talented and successful musicians in American history."
His fame derived from his long tenure as the music director of the New York Philharmonic, from his conducting of concerts with most of the world's leading orchestras, and from his music for West Side Story, as well as Candide, Wonderful Town, On the Town and his own Mass.
Bernstein was also the first conductor to give numerous television lectures on classical music, starting in 1954 and continuing until his death. In addition, he was a skilled pianist, often conducting piano concertos from the keyboard.
As a composer he wrote in many styles encompassing symphonic and orchestral music, ballet, film and theatre music, choral works, opera, chamber music and pieces for the piano. Many of his works are regularly performed around the world, although none has matched the tremendous popular and commercial success of West Side Story.
The Holy Bible - Book 19 - Psalms - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Book Of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book Of Psalms ' The Holy Bible' Complete Chapters 1 150 Audio Narration by Max Mclean
The book of Psalms "The Holy Bible" Complete chapters 1 - 150
Book of Psalms - KJV Bible - Book 19
Book of Psalms KJV
David Pawson: Psalms Part 1 (Unlocking the Bible Series)
The Book of Psalms (The Message Audio Bible MSG)
Audio bible book of Psalms chapter 1-25
Audio bible book of Psalms chapter 51-75
Psalms (ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible)
Psalm 91 Song "My God, In Him I Will Trust" (Christian Scripture Praise Worship Lyrics)-Esther Mui
The Holy Bible - Book 19 - Psalms - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Book Of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book Of Psalms ' The Holy Bible' Complete Chapters 1 150 Audio Narration by Max Mclean
The book of Psalms "The Holy Bible" Complete chapters 1 - 150
Book of Psalms - KJV Bible - Book 19
Book of Psalms KJV
David Pawson: Psalms Part 1 (Unlocking the Bible Series)
The Book of Psalms (The Message Audio Bible MSG)
Audio bible book of Psalms chapter 1-25
Audio bible book of Psalms chapter 51-75
Psalms (ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible)
Psalm 91 Song "My God, In Him I Will Trust" (Christian Scripture Praise Worship Lyrics)-Esther Mui
Psalms Of Men - It's Not About Me ft. Ada Betsabe & Gidalti Sanchez (@newtemperamento @rapzilla)
HOLY BIBLE: PSALMS - FULL Audio Book | King James Version | Greatest Audio Books
Psalms NLT Audio Bible 1 of 2
The Book Of Psalms ( Full Movie )
Yamma Ensemble - Jewish Chant - Psalms 104
Chichester Psalms - LEONARD BERNSTEIN
Chichester Psalms - LEONARD BERNSTEIN (Complete)
Sarah Reeves- Psalms 139
(...) hope is going to carry me, to carry me
I hold no regrets, and then you wait for me
You know my heart, now (...) reflect your name
God give me the strength I need
Let this path through the fear, let it change your heart
I will not loose sight of You
I will not let this fall through
You were there for me through all the pain I felt
We lift you higher than ever
You are the same, the great I Am
We lift you higher than ever
Set my eyes (...)
And the weight of the world is holding me back
You knew I was wrong and yet you played it the same
Here we are, at the foot of the cross
Asking God to bleed
God give me the strength I need
Let this path through the fear, let it change your heart
I will not loose sight of You
I will not let this fall through
I am a slave to nothing, nor am I of this world
As we rise to our feet we walk the narrow road
You were there for me through all the pain I felt
We lift you higher than ever
You are the same, the great I Am.
Poor boy he knows he's alive, he's afraid to learn,
He don't want to get where he's going cos he thinks he's gonna burn,
He can't handle being born in the middle of a big black line,
No matter where he looks, to him it's just either side.
Close your eyes when you feel you're going under,
Close your eyes; you can make the shore this time,
Close your eyes; you can make it through the wild,
... you can make it through the wild.
Poor boy he knows in this life he'll get hunted down,
He don't want to make the transition into meat that feeds the ground,
He can't hack it when his mind paints a picture from an evil eye,
Majesty, Your glory is shining Brighter than the moon and the stars Marveling, we honor and fear You Above all gods
Chorus Glorious and mighty, You're awesome In beauty Joyful songs we raise Glorious and mighty, You're awesome in beauty Greatly to be praised
Majesty, You fashioned the heavens Your decrees can never be changed Over all the plans of the nations Your judgments reign
Majesty, we'll sing with creation When You come again in the clouds Every knee will bow down and worship The one true God
I've tried more of me
And I've come up to cry
Trading You for things
Things that go away
My happiness is found in less
Of me and more of You
My happiness is found in less
Of me and more
Like I've found the answer
Is to love You
And be loved by You alone
Alright, alright, alright
You crucify me and the world to me
And I will only boast in You
Alright, alright, alright
Also satisfied
At the thought of You
Growing up in me
Covering everything
My happiness is found in less
Of me and more of You
My happiness is found in less
Of me and more
Like I've found the answer
Is to love You
And be loved by You alone
Alright, alright, alright
You crucify me and the world to me
And I will only boast in You
Alright, alright, alright, yeah, yeah
You are, You are
You're the loved by me
You are, You are
You're the loved, loved me
You are, You are
You're the loved by me
You are, You are, You are
And I have found the answer
Is to love You
And be loved by You alone
Alright, alright, alright
You crucify me and the world to me
And I will only boast in You, and I will
Alright, alright, alright, yeah
From the depths I call, Lord hear my voice
Lord bend Your ear, attend to my heart
If You kept account according to our sins
Tell me who could stand, Lord who could stand
But with You is forgiveness, that You may be feared
So I expectantly wait and put my hope in Your Word
Like a watchman for morning, even more so I wait
And hope in You Lord, for there Your mercy redeems
Lord my heart is not proved, nor my eyes are lofty
Neither do I find myself in matters too great for me
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul