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Gyártó: Los Tiki Pictures Helyszín: Photo Planet stúdió.
A Hepehupa szereplőit Bartos Erika álmodta meg, a bábokat Varga Bori készítette. Az elkészült videót a közönsége láthatja elsőként! Zene: Kiskalász zenekar (Varga Bori, Sántha Gábor), Vers: Bartos Erika A Kiskalász zenekar tagja: Varga Bori, Sántha Gábor, Boros Attila és Mogyoró Kornél
A farkas és a róka, A Világszép Nádszál kisasszony és a Tűzmadár. A három örökzöld Benedek Elek mese bábok segítségével elevenedik meg. A film pedig megmutat...
Animációs klip Orbán Viktorról. Vénusz - kockahas (parodizált feldolgozás)
šecky baby cecky venkúú nech na ne prúdi šampejn.
Video con imágenes de la casa del Báb en Shiráz y breve relato de Su infancia extraido del capítulo 3 del libro "La aurora del día prometido" de R. Mehrabkha...
Nacimiento del Báb.
The Birth of The Báb took place on October 20th 1819 in Shiraz, Iran. This day is celebrated as a Holy Day in the Bahá'í Faith. Narration followed by the pre...
El Nacimiento del Báb. First Music: A Prayer by the Báb "God is sufficient unto ...
To my Beloved One.
Video conmemorativo del nacimiento de el Profeta de todos lo tiempos el Báb.
Ricky Syers legtöbbször a New York-i Washington Square Parkban fordul elő. Előadásai - amelyekbe időről időre bevonja közönségét - nagy közkedveltségnek, bábjai pedig nagy szeretetnek örvendenek, megmosolyogtat kicsiket, nagyokat, talán még kutyákat és mókusokat is. :) További érdekességekért keresd fel a Ricky honlapját: Zero-G videók:
Molnár Dixieland Band - Susáni Nyugdíjas Klub Marionett-báb produkció - Hévíz, Ki Mit Tud elődöntő.
A very brief account of the life of the Báb, the Forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh.
شاهد جميع الفيديوهات على صفحة الفيس بوك
A musical presentation of the Martyrdom of the Báb produced by BWV for BWTV. Narrator: Nicholas Mentha. Songs and Music for the Album "the gate" by Smith and...
يلفق القواد عباس وتراجي تهمة حيازة مخدر للكونستابل منصور ولذلك يفصل من عمله . ولكن بمرور الوقت تتوطد علاقته بتراجي التي تضطرها ظروف مرض ابنها لاحتراف الدعارة...
Un Film De Merzak Allouache Kamel et son frère Bouzid vivent à Bab el Oued, un quartier populaire d'Alger. Kamel est un solitaire, désabusé et taciturne. Bouzid, plus jovial, est un mordu d'internet. Il passe son temps dans un cybercafé à chater avec des filles du monde entier. Sans vraiment y croire, il les invite à Alger. Mais un jour, Laurence, une de ses correspondantes françaises, lui annonce qu'elle accepte son invitation...
داخل حى البغاء فى القاهرة القديمة يتم تعيين شرطى شريف , يقاوم الفساد والبلطجة داخل الحى , حتى يقع فى غرام احدى نساء الحى , ويتم نصب فخ له حتى يتم فصله من الش...
جودة عالية - الموسم الثاني - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الخامسة عشر والأخيرة.
A prayer or an invocation to God for help and assistance. Selection From the Writings of the Báb - The Bahá'í Concept of God: http://in... • VEG983; Aired on 24 May 2009 An interview with Mr. Randolph Daubs, Secretary of Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Los Angeles... • VEG990; Aired on 31 May 2009 An interview with Mr. Randolph Daubs, Secretary of Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Los Angeles...
Thanks for replying to my questions. I don't understand how you can identify yourself to a religion and not accept all the precepts of that religion. I mean ... BAB invite 300 personnes pour une performance musicale et vidé...
Persian Gardens Architect Fariborz Sahba مستند دوکومنتاری مصاحبه فریبرز صهبا با سهراب اخوان Documentary Fariborz Sahba interview with Sohrab Akhavan Fariborz...
The Bahá'í Faith (Arabic: الدّين البهائي Ad-Dīn al-Bahā'ī) /bəˈhaɪ/[1]) is a monotheistic religion which emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind.[2] Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humanity, that all humans have been created equal and that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.[3] According to the Bahá'í Faith's teachings, the human purpose is to learn to know and to love God through such methods as prayer, reflection and being of service to humanity. The Bahá'í Faith was founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 19th-century Persia. Bahá'u'lláh was exiled for his teachings from Persia to the Ottoman Empire and died while officially still a prisoner. After Bahá'u'lláh's death, under the leadership of his son, `Abdu'l-Bahá, the religion spread from its Persian and Ottoman roots, and gained a footing in Europe and America, and was consolidated in Iran, where it suffers intense persecution.[4] After the death of `Abdu'l-Bahá, the leadership of the Bahá'í community entered a new phase, evolving from a single individual to an administrative order with both elected bodies and appointed individuals.[5] There are probably more than 5 million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories.[3][6] In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and to the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abrahamic figures—Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, as well as Dharmic ones—Krishna, Buddha, and others. For Bahá'ís, the most recent messengers are the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive messenger prophesied of messengers to follow, and Bahá'u'lláh's life and teachings fulfilled the end-time promises of previous scriptures. Humanity is understood to be in a process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the gradual establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale.[7] Bahá’í Prayers Tablet of the Holy Mariner Tablet of Visitation of Bahá’u’lláh Tablet of Visitation of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Hossain Danesh - Spiritual Dimentions Of Health Science Baha'i Prayer Baha'i Prayer - Ba Baha'u'l Abha - The Baha'i Chorale - Songs of the Ancient Beauty Baha'i talk audio - William Sears - Covenant Breaking Baha'i audio-talks Baha'i audio - Adib Taherzadeh - The Human Soul baha'i prayer baha'i songs Baha'i audio-talks and lectures home page - bahai documentary, Baha'i Education, Baha'i page, Baha'i religion, Baha'i Faith , Baha'i , Baha'i music, Baha'i-Inspired Music 2, Baha'i-Inspired, Throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through a series of divine Messengers, whose teachings guide and educate us and provide the basis for the advancement of human society. These Messengers have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Their religions come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God. Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, brought new spiritual and social teachings for our time. His essential message is of unity. He taught the oneness of God, the oneness of the human family, and the oneness of religion. Bahá'u'lláh said, “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens,” and that, as foretold in all the sacred scriptures of the past, now isa the time for humanity to live in unity. Founded more than a century and a half ago, the Bahá'í Faith has spread around the globe. Members of the Bahá'í Faith live in more than 100,000 localities and come from nearly every nation, ethnic group, culture, profession, and social or economic background. Bahá'ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the nature and purpose of life and of the future of society. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh
Majlis From Pakistan
Describes the heroism and suffering of Bábí and Bahá'í women in Nayriz in three violent upheavals in 1850, 1853 and 1909. BAHRAM CHOUBINE va TirBaran e BAB 7 July 2011 otagh interneti: Bahai Farsi Mizban: Lahhzeh.
الإعلان عن صدور موسوعة صور تاريخ حضرة الباب (1819-1850م) في ثلاثة أجزاء The edition of the Encyclopedia of the historical pictures of the Bab history in 3 vo...
Porcel - Portuguese Porcelain Industry SA, helped rebuild one of the largest temples of the Baha'i religion, which is located in Israel, the annual pilgrimag...
Diane Sawyer interviews Roxana Saberi on "Good Morning America" on 5-29-09 (the video quality is exactly as downloaded from the GMA website): SABERI: I was i...
Ein Theaterstück über das Leben der großen Dichterin und Vorkämpferin für die Rechte der Frauen – Tahirih. ‚Ihre Eloquenz‘, sagt ‘Abdu'l-Bahá, ‚war der Schrecken ihres Zeitalters, und ihre Vernunft versetzte die Welt in Aufruhr‘. Sie war ein ‚Feuerbrand der Gottesliebe‘, und eine ‚Lampe, die aus der Gottes Güte leuchtet‘. Ihre antiklerikale Haltung und die herausragende Rolle, die sie als Frau in der neuentstandenen Religion des Báb spielte, führten schließlich zu ihrer Hinrichtung im Jahre 1852. Noch heute wird Tahirih von vielen Menschen in westlichen Ländern für ihren Mut und von vielen persisch sprechenden Menschen zudem für ihre Dichtkunst verehrt. Marianne Hainisch, die Mutter des ersten österreichischen Bundespräsidenten war eine der größten Wegbereiterinnen der Frauenbewegung in Österreich. Sie bezeichnete Táhirih in einem Interview, als „das größte Frauenideal in meinem Leben“. Erstmalig wurde dieses Stück aufgeführt auf dem Winterferienkurs 2014/15 in Horn-Bad Meinberg von den Junior-Jugendlichen 13-14.
Concert à Ventabren - 28.05.2011. Portraits in Faith
This Bahá'í on Air television episode is an interview with New Zealander, Bruce Hancock. Bruce is an expert mason and tile setter. He was called upon by the ...
Junnoske re-telling the story of the early life of The Bab after this evening's celebration at the Baha'i Centre.
Miért szép? 11 Képzőművészet, irodalom, zene. Műhelytitkok, alkímia, életmorzsák Helyszín: Weöres Sándor Színház, Szombathely Házigazdák: Oroszy Csaba, Jordán Tamás, Mérei Tamás Állandó vendég: Fűzfa Balázs Vendég: Boráros Szilárd báb-, díszlet- és jelmeztervező Készítette: Kaczmarski Ágnes, Oroszy Csaba, Dömötör Katalin Zene: Müller Péter Köszönet: ANNEX OPTIKA Mesebolt Bábszínház Prenor Kertészeti és Parképítő Kft. Ziránó Bábszínház Weöres Sándor Színház Horváth Gábor Dr. Kövesdi Zoltán Feliratkozás:
جودة عالية - الموسم الثاني - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الثالثة عشر.
جودة عالية - الموسم الأول - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة السابعة
Copyright Produksioni " Yjet" - Prishtine
جودة عالية - الموسم الثاني - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الأولى.
Film Tunisien bab Arch - الفيلم التونسى باب العرش.
على باب الوزير - Ala Bab Elwazeer - Staring Adel Emam, Yousra, Said Saleh, Safeya El3emary, Ahmed Rateb, Ahmed Bdeir, and Tawfeeq Eldeken
جودة عالية - الموسم الأول - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الحادية عشر.
جودة عالية - الموسم الأول - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الأولى.
Gratis Mindmap downloaden: ▻ Mein Tipp für eure Prüfungsvorbereitung: ▻ Willkommen im GripsCoachTV Club: http://...
جودة عالية - الموسم الثاني - مسلسل الخطاب على الباب الحلقة الرابعة
What is Báb? A report all about Báb for homework/assignment. Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází (, ; October 20, 1819 – July 9, 1850) was the founder of Bábism, and one of three central figures of the Bahá'í Faith. He was a merchant from Shiraz, Persia who, at the age of twenty-four (on May 22, 1844), claimed to be an inspired interpreter of the Qur'an within the Shaykhi school of Twelver Shi'ism. He made bolder claims as time passed, and in 1847, during a trial in Tabriz, asserted a claim to be the Shi'i 'promised one' or Qá'im (or Mahdi). After his declaration he took the title of Báb meaning "Gate" or "Door". He composed numerous letters and books in which he stated his messianic claims and defined his teachings, which constituted a new sharí'ah or religious law. His movement eventually acquired thousands of supporters, was opposed by Iran's Shi'i clergy, and was suppressed by the Iranian government, leading to the persecution and killing of between two and three thousand of his followers, called Bábís. In 1850, at the age of thirty, the Báb was shot by a firing squad in Tabriz. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from:áb Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: Shrine_Bab_North_West.jpg from Bab-calligraphic-exercise.jpg from Where_Bab_executed.jpg from B%C3%A1b_Image_in_Nicolas.gif from 200px-Shrine_Bab_North_West.jpg from Haykal-Bab-2.gif from Haifa_6801-11.jpg from Bab_Zuwayla_Cairo_12_0864.jpg from 220px-Mexicano_marioneta_lou.jpg from Bab_el_Mandeb_NASA_with_description.jpg from
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Rádiós beszélgetés a Klubrádióban, a Déli Áramlatról, Paks2-ről és egy kis helyi politika... Aki kérdez: Pikó András, a Reggeli Gyors masinisztája Aki válaszol: Holoda Attila, a Reggeli Személy
Október 12-e és 17-e között rendezték meg Kolozsváron a Puck Báb- és Marionettszínházi Fesztivál XIII. kiadását. A hatnapos rendezvénysorozaton tizenhat hivatásos és két diákszínjátszó társulat huszonhét produkciója kelt versenyre a legifjabb nézőközönség és az eseményre összesereglett szakma kegyeiért.
BÁB-EL címmel nyílt kiállítás a Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem bábtervező hallgatóinak munkáiból az Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum és Intézetben.
Kiderült, hogy nem egy báb vagyok, ezért nem feleltem meg a pártoknak, mondta Tétényi Éva az ATV Egyenes Beszéd című műsorában. A legfrissebb hírekért, videókért, cikkekért látogasson el az oldalára, illetve csatlakozzon hozzánk a Facebookon és Twitteren.
A Kortárs Galériában nyílt meg a tatabányai származású Grosschmid Erik báb és díszlettervező "Ember van benne" című bábkiállítása. A kiállított műveket Kovács Géza, a szombathelyi Mesebolt Bábszínház igazgatója és Takács Dániel bábszínész mutatta be a közönségnek.
Martirio del Báb
La notte del 22 maggio 1844, nella città di Shiraz (Persia), il Báb (La Porta), dichiarava a Mullà Husayn di essere il Promesso della passate Manifestazioni,...
Halový turnaj o Pohár Miroslava Stocha, 16.2.2014, Nitra, skupina B ŠK Nevidzany U13 - ŠK Báb U13 2:1;=02&entry;=entry140217-005800
... calendar was initiated by the Bahá’í figure known as the Báb and later confirmed by Baha'u'llah.
Nation 2015-03-21Ridván (Monday, April 21, Tuesday, April 29, Friday, May 2); Declaration of The Báb (Friday, May ...
noodls 2014-03-11The fast was instituted by the Báb, and accepted by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, ...
Huffington Post 2014-01-01The fast was instituted by the Báb, and accepted by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, ...
Huffington Post 2014-01-01The fast was instituted by the Báb, and accepted by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, ...
Huffington Post 2013-10-20... sacred pilgrimage site 'The house of The Báb in Shiraz' and they built a Muslim Mosque in its place.
Huffington Post 2013-09-28(Source: Queen's University). 2013-08-28 ... Birth of the Báb* (October 20) and Birth of Bahá'u'lláh (November 12) Sikhism:
noodls 2013-08-28... prophets, Báb, who’s buried on Mount Carmel in Haifa, and Bahá’u’lláh, who’s interred in Acre.
The New York Times 2013-08-09From that point on, the lives of The Báb and Mulla Husayn became extraordinarily transformed ... The Báb ...
The Examiner 2013-07-22Martyrdom of the Báb ... Members of the Báha'i Faith will commemorate the marytrdom of the Báb on Tuesday.
The Examiner 2013-07-05He became one of the foremost followers of the Báb (Forerunner of Baháulláh), for which He was ...
Nation 2013-04-20... calendar was initiated by the Baháí figure known as the Báb and later confirmed by Baha'u'llah.
Nation 2013-03-16The fast was instituted by the Báb, and accepted by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, ...
Huffington Post 2013-03-14Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází (Persian: سيد علی محمد شیرازی; October 20, 1819 – July 9, 1850) was the founder of Bábism, and one of three central figures of the Bahá'í Faith. He was a merchant from Shíráz, Persia, who at the age of twenty-four (on May 23, 1844) claimed to be the promised Qá'im (or Mahdi). After his declaration he took the title of Báb (Arabic: باب) meaning "Gate". He composed hundreds of letters and books (often termed tablets) in which he stated his messianic claims and defined his teachings, which constituted a new sharí'ah or religious law. His movement eventually acquired tens of thousands of supporters, was opposed by Iran's Shi'a clergy, and was suppressed by the Iranian government, leading to the persecution and killing of thousands of his followers, called Bábís. In 1850, at the age of thirty, the Báb was shot by a firing squad in Tabríz.
Bahá'ís claim that the Báb was also the spiritual return of Elijah and John the Baptist, that he was the "Ushídar-Máh" referred to in the Zoroastrian scriptures, and that he was the forerunner of their own religion. Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, was a follower of the Báb and claimed to be the fulfillment of his promise that God would send another messenger.
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Six months later now we're big dog status.
Name elevated but I still act average.
Rockin' shows in Dallas, ball like I play for the Mavericks.
West Bank rapper and I'm one of the baddest.
French Rivera spot and I'm getting in shape man.
I think I'm Super M-a-n without a cape man.
Ridin' all day hustlin'; all for the cake man.
I'm a Benjamin stack one inch taller than Great Danes.
First they made cheap Ray-Ban like a felon.
I'm growin' up now spittin' hotter than Mohellans
I'm a steal every girl ever gon' to fly.
I'm a young little dude, stay runnin' from cops.
Emerald Row is the place where I got my props.
People love me in da hood they don't want me to stop.
So uhh, that's the only way I know how to rock.
And I'm a stay rappers like won't stop ‘til I drop.
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
I I's Baby Boy and I done it again.
I'm ridin fly with D-Wizzle in ‘cedes Benz
Twenty two wanna ride with the ladies then
Red Bull, Grey Goose, now the ladies bent
Now we go and do a thing under a shady tent
And they don't question what I say cause I'm a ladies pimp.
See this little one right here this fellow got stripes.
And I is represent, my rail room for life.
Money in my pocket but I still act trife
While I in da club they say the parlor a'int right.
Look I'm-doing great that's the way I feel.
Hustlin' hard all day that's the way I live.
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
This the two-seat rider with the ketchup inside.
Red pepper paint must believe my ish ride.
They pause like stop signs when they rollin' up.
Cause' when the doors open up, they open UP.
I'm Lamboin' it I was stashed, off stage I'm throwin' it.
Cause they say I'm like Katrina with money, I blow the shhhh.
Real been gravy, three years out of da eighties.
Solos, shabo's valley animals played it.
Commodores mirages, not the Nike hirages.
It cost 250 on up to put your foot inside this.
Y'all was wearing rocks that was my time to shine.
Don't give me viesels y'all thinkin' this McDonalds size.
I been fly I I I I I I I I from the crib to the ri I I I I I de
Fifty-Four inch screens 26 inches from the ceiling dude.
The plasma look like a projector up in da livin' room homie!
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil’ Boy still pushin’ big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don’t need to work hard that’s the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil’ Boy still pushin’ big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don’t need to work hard that’s the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Six months later now we’re big dog status.
Name elevated but I still act average.
Rockin’ shows in Dallas, ball like I play for the Mavericks.
West Bank rapper and I’m one of the baddest.
French Rivera spot and I’m getting in shape man.
I think I’m Super M-a-n without a cape man.
It's Baby Boy
You know
Baby tu entra y sales
y tu no te fijas que yo
estoy aqui mirandote,buscandote
niña no quiero que pienses que estoy loco
es que quiero saber si puedo conocerte nina
[auh quiero quiero]
Quiero que pares y me escuches a mi [a mi]
amoor [amor]
ahora es que tengo algo bueno para ti,
tengo algo bueno para ti
ven y asercate a mi quiero yo oir tus deseos
y prometo que te voy a cumplir
Tengo algo bueno para ti ven y asercate a mi
quiero yo sentir tus besos y a llegar hacer tu
dueño Amoor
*Dime que tu piensas de mi it feels just real busy
all i wanna know si tienes amante, quiero yo amarte
Chula quiero que sepas que yo estoy tratando
duro para convencerte quiero yo tenerte niña *x2
-Quiero que pares y me escuches a mi [a mi]
amoor [amor]
ahora es que tengo algo bueno para ti,[tengo]
tengo algo bueno para ti
ven y asercate a mi quiero yo oir tus deseos
y prometo que te voy a cumplir
Tengo algo bueno para ti ven y asercate a mi
quiero yo sentir tus besos y llegar hacer tu
dueño Amoor -x2
woooooh wooh..
Baby you know
all i wanna is you
Nigga im the shit better pass me the tissueRed monkeys on my ass baby boy it's official (its official)I'll rock on you bitchez and my sickas don't stopIma watch on you bitchezBig rims big truck gon' go knock on you bitchezIt's goin down right now yung joc on you bitchezIf you aint countin stacks you aint fly like meIf you aint roll in the deck you can't ride withmeNiggaz spit to spare clean neva eva trifflinHolla at my nigga Sol cuz the nigga on bling[Chorus]Homie I'm so fresh and I'm so cleanMy wrist on bling with a fresh Soly3 Hundred dolla jeans with a grill on beanWith a bundle in my jeans and it's real homieNaw meen ay ay naw meen [x4][Verse 3:]Walkin everywhere dustin off myselfTime to flawn on you bitchez time to show my wealthGot a loft that I bought got a condo in new yorkSpendin buku money but i gotta play it smart (play it smart)I'm high maintain on you bitchez in a differentkind of whip switchin lanes on you bitchezAnd I know you niggaz hear I do my thang on youbitchezI like my beat down low like the king on youbitchezIf ya cars don't cost about 80, 90 thousandCuz my whips cost more than some of ya'll housesI got my grill and high bean with a fresh whitetee and I'm still so fresh, nawmeen?[Chorus]Homie I'm so fresh and I'm so cleanMy wrist on bling with a fresh Soly3 Hundred dolla jeans with a grill on beanWith a bundle in my jeans and it's real homieNaw meen ay ay naw meen [x4]
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
See I met you on monday,
One day after sunday,
I saw you in the hood,
And I knew dat it was one thing,
That I had to get you,
That I had to have you,
In my possession I just wanted to grab you,
Take you to some places that you ain't ever been girl,
On a camon island where we could do our thing girl,
Sex on the beach love,
Deeper than a anchor,
Girl I wanna have ya screamin mornin like a sailor,
Baby take my hand, while were walkin through the sand,
I'm in a situation where I finally understand,
I'm on the rite path, I'm goin the right angle,
And if ya keep it up, girl you can be my main boat.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Now da day is tuesday,
I made you my boo babe,
Your always on my mind,
I jus gotta call you too babe,
I do whateva you say,
Due to u baby,
I wanna kiss you everywhere,
I wanna drive you crazy,
Bring you to the mall, take you on a shopping spree,
Spendin limit zero you can buy everything,
Any trickin if u gotta it,
Baby u can get bread,
Breakin bread for my princess,
U no a nigga wit dat, so I took my fit cap all the way on left side,
Tell that she loves me,
Look my up in my eyes,
My heart for you is big girl,
Blowin up by size,
I really wanna take it slow but it was love at first site.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Meetin on a wednesday,
Hop up in my benz babe,
It's the third day, so I call it da romance day,
Kiss & huggin wubbin baby girl I'm romantic,
A flower in ya mouth, rose pedals everywhere,
Candle light dinna, and some berries that we share,
I wanna grip ya hips and I wanna kiss ya lips,
Dance wit you baby,
Make you walk with a dip,
I wanna do it slowely girl I'm an og,
Come on top da kid,
Baby girl put it on me,
I'm real in da sheets, dis nigga neva phony,
When I give it to u girl,
You juss wanna call me daddy,
Cut the bullshit, girl lets get married.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna hold you,
Never would replace you,
Even wann kiss you,
Yeah I wanna taste you,
Your everything I've prayed for,
Dreamed, and I wait for,
Cuz you my everything,
And my everything is you.
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
Girl I wanna girl I wanna girl I wanna
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Six months later now we're big dog status.
Name elevated but I still act average.
Rockin' shows in Dallas, ball like I play for the Mavericks.
West Bank rapper and I'm one of the baddest.
French Rivera spot and I'm getting in shape man.
I think I'm Super M-a-n without a cape man.
Ridin' all day hustlin'; all for the cake man.
I'm a Benjamin stack one inch taller than Great Danes.
First they made cheap Ray-Ban like a felon.
I'm growin' up now spittin' hotter than Mohellans
I'm a steal every girl ever gon' to fly.
I'm a young little dude, stay runnin' from cops.
Emerald Row is the place where I got my props.
People love me in da hood they don't want me to stop.
So uhh, that's the only way I know how to rock.
And I'm a stay rappers like won't stop 'til I drop.
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
I I's Baby Boy and I done it again.
I'm ridin fly with D-Wizzle in 'cedes Benz
Twenty two wanna ride with the ladies then
Red Bull, Grey Goose, now the ladies bent
Now we go and do a thing under a shady tent
And they don't question what I say cause I'm a ladies pimp.
See this little one right here this fellow got stripes.
And I is represent, Marrero for life.
Money in my pocket but I still act trife
While I in da club they say the parlor a'int right.
Look I'm-doing great that's the way I feel.
Hustlin' hard all day that's the way I live.
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
This the two-seat rider with the ketchup inside.
Red pepper paint must believe my ish ride.
They pause like stop signs when they rollin' up.
Cause' when the doors open up, they open UP.
I'm Lamboin' it I was stashed, off stage I'm throwin' it.
Cause they say I'm like Katrina with money, I blow the shhhh.
Real been gravy, three years out of da eighties.
Solos, shabo's valley animals played it.
Commodores mirages, not the Nike hirages.
It cost 250 on up to put your foot inside this.
Y'all was wearing rocks that was my time to shine.
Don't give me viesels y'all thinkin' this McDonalds size.
I been fly I I I I I I I I from the crib to the ri I I I I I de
Fifty-Four inch screens 26 inches from the ceiling dude.
The plasma look like a projector up in da livin' room homie!
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
This is the way I live.
Lil' Boy still pushin' big wheels
I stack my money, lay low, and chill.
Don't need to work hard that's the way I feel, I feel, I
(Here's another one
Baby Boy! )
Por que tu lloras
Everytime I think about it a mi me rosa
El tono de tu voz a mi me controla
The way you want, I got it come and get it, get it started
Dame mami I want more!
Girl, tu sabes que te quiero a ti,
Amor I want to be into you
Let me love you
I need to love you
I wanna love you
Girl I don't need to know your name
We just need to feel the same
Ooohhh yeah... y en toda tu galeria de hombres quiero ser el que tu llamas!
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you (let me love you)
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you (let me love you)
Por que tu lloras
Every time I think about it a mi me rosa
El tono de voz a mi me controla
The way you want it, got it, com e & get it started
Girl, tu sabes que te quiero a ti,
Amor I want to be into you
Let me love youarte let me love you (let me love you)
Ya no llores nina no te p
I need to love you
I want to love you
Girl I don't need to know your name
We just need to feel the same ooo yea yea... y en toda tu galeria de hombres quiero ser el que tu llamas!
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me you (let me love you)
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you(let me love you)
Girl... I don't need to know your name
We just need to feel the same
Ooohhh yea yea... y en toda tu galeria de hombres quiero ser el que tu llamas
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you (let me love you)
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you (let me love you)
Ya no llores nina no te pares let me love you (let me love you)
Sigue adelante quiero amarte let me love you (let me love you)
Buenos dias amor, como tu estas?
quiero yo saber
como tu te encuentras
que tu vas a hacer?
tienes planes?
si no, te quiero aqui conmigo amor,
vamos a cenar a un cafe
o a caminar en el parque
despues tu y yo vamos a conseguir
el aroma de una rosa cuando se abre
acuestate amor
y ponte comoda
quiero entrar en tu mundo
y hacernos uno en la intinmidad
cierra tus ojos y besame
besame fuerte,
uno que diga que me amas
que diga que por siempre
estaras a mi lado besandome lentamente
cierra tus ojos y besame apasionante
y que sea todo lo que sientas
y que hagamos el amor
entrando en un barco
a traves de tus besos
dime como fue tu noche,
la pasaste bien, mira que bien!
la mia fue muy especial
nunca me han tocado como me tocas
ahora estoy adicto a ti
no puedo seguir quiero mas de ti
estoy tan feliz que me tuviste a mi
ahora escucha mami lo que te voy a decir
acuestate amor
y ponte comoda
quiero entrar en tu mundo y
hacernos uno en la intimidad
cierra tus ojos y besame
besame fuerte,
uno que diga que me amas
que diga que por siempre estaras a mi lado
besandome lentamente
cierra tus ojos y besame
apasionante y que sea todo lo que sientas
y haremos el amor
entrando en un barco
a traves de tus besos(bis)
besame, besame
It's Baby Boy
Loving you baby
No se porque los anos pasan y no me olvido de ti amor yea yea
Y como fue que fui tan ignorante yo te deje ir a ti (a ti)
Es que me hize un dano terrible cuando yo decidi dejarte yeeeeaaaa
Ahora yo me muero lentamente solo por yo poder mirate baby!
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y besar al piso donde te paras y mirar de lejos tu cara
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y pedir le perdon a tu sombra que se una a la mia y se vayan para siempre
(Uoooo para para siempre)
No se porque mi corazon palpita solo pa' ti baby yea yea
Yo siento que mi sangre fluye por mis venas porque no quiere morir no no
Es que yo quiero seguir viviendo con solo la esperanza de verte (de verte)
Matemos este sueno yo vivo un infierno quiero yo llegar al cielo y tocarte Baby
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y besar al piso donde te paras y mirar de lejos tu cara
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y pedir le perdon a tu sombra que se una a la mia y se vayan para siempre
(Uoooo para para siempre)
Ahora yo me muero lentamente solo por yo poder mirate mirte!
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y besar al piso donde te paras y mirar de lejos tu cara
Donde Estas? dime donde estas quiero yo llegar adonde tu estas
Y pedir le perdon a tu sombra que se una a la mia y se vayan para siempre
(Uoooo para para siempre)
Donde estas? dime donde estas dime dime dime dime donde tu estas
Quisiera renacer de nuevo
Donde Estas?dime donde estas dime dime dime dime dime quiero yo llegar
Al cielo y estar al lado tuyo para siempre ouooooo para siempre
Yea Baby Boy
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
Now the dark days are done and the bright days are here,
My sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet
Sunny, thank you for the love you've brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
And now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny one so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the truth you've let me see
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn like a wind-blown sand
Then a rock was formed when we held hands
Sunny one so true, I love you.
Sunny, thank you for that smile upon your face
Sunny, thank you thank you for that gleam that flows with grace
You're my spark of nature's fire
You're my sweet complete desire
Sunny one so true, yes I love you.
Sunny, yesterday, oh, my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really really eased the pain
Now the dark days are done and the bright days are here,
My sunny one shines so sincere
How many times
Have you heard someone say
If I had his money
I would do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind
Once I was winning
In fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for
To get a start in life's game
But suddenly it happened
(Oh, so suddenly)
I lost every dime
(Oh, so suddenly)
But I'm richer by far
With a satisfied mind
'Cause money can't buy back
Your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely
Or a love that's grown cold
Why, the wealthiest person
Is a poor man at times
Compared to the man
With a satisfied mind
Don't you know you can't buy back
Your youth when you're old
Not a friend when you're lonely
And what about that love
That love you know that's grown cold
Now you take the wealthiest person
He ain't nothing but a poor man at times
Compared to the man
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
Oh, the dark days are done and the bright days are here,
my sunny one shines so sincere.
Oh, Sunny one so true, I love you.
Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.
You gave to me your all and all,
now I feel ten feet tall.
Oh, Sunny one so true, I love you.
Sunny, thank you for the truth you've let me see.
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z.
My life was torn like a windblown sand,
then a rock was formed when we held hands.
Sunny one so true, I love you.
Sunny, thank you for that smile upon your face.
Sunny, thank you for that gleam that flows with grace.
You're my spark of nature's fire,
you're my sweet complete desire.
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Oh Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Oh, Sona Mukharda Vekh Ke Tera
Baago Baag Hoyaa Dil Mera
Tenu Hath Jordh Ke Aakhaan
Ni Mere Dil Wich Laale Dera
Oh, Sona Mukharda Vekh Ke Tera, Ni Baago Baag Hoyaa Dil Mera
Tenu Hath Jordh Ke Aakhaan, Ni Mere Dil Wich Laale Dera
Ni Koi Karmaan Walaa Ishq Tere De Rang Wich Rangoogaa
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Kade Niwi Paake Hasna, Ni Haske Chori Chori Takna
Haske Chori Chori Takna
Teraa Tumuk Tumuk Ke Turna, Ni Pab Boch Boch Ke Chalna
Ni Pab Boch Boch Ke Chalna
Kade Niwi Paake Hasna, Ni Haske Chori Chori Takna
Teraa Tumuk Tumuk Ke Turna, Ni Pab Boch Boch Ke Chalna
Teraa Nakhraa Pata Nahin Kiniyaan Di Jind Sooli Tangooga
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Chad Ke Lare Lambe Laune, Je Tu Sikh Le Bol Pagaune
Je Tu Sikh Le Bol Pagaune
Tere Rahaan De Wich Ardiye, Phir Jagraj Ne Nain Vichaune
Phir Jagraj Ne Nain Vichaune
Chad Ke Lare Lambe Laune, Je Tu Sikh Le Bol Pagaune
Tere Rahaan De Wich Ardiye, Phir Jagraj Ne Nain Vichaune
Teraa Mairam Main Rab De Kolon Tenu Hi Mangogaa
Oh Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Ni, Tere Hoye Savere Darshan, Aj Din Vadiya Lagoogaa
Money money that's the foe
Gotta keep that new benz, gotta keep that new rolling
Follow me, money money that's the foe
Gotta keep that new benz, gotta keep that new rolling
Follow me, follow me i'll be follow in the money
Follow me I i'll be follow in the money
Follow me, follow me i'll be follow in the money
So just you follow me 'cause i'll be follow with the money
Why you think they f*ck on me
CT on my back is Bobby B got a couple G's under the matrix
Probably got a couple hundreds in the cash click
Gym this with the twenties hung my money doing back foots
Best up with the flow burn me a couple followers
But you don't get the follow back
Said you got your dollars up
Follow what's stuntin man riding in that black truck
Got 2 pistols with me boy and I ain't even strapped up
Money money that's the foe
Gotta keep that new benz, gotta keep that new rolling
Follow me, money money that's the foe
Gotta keep that new benz, gotta keep that new rolling
Follow me, follow me i'll be follow in the money
Follow me I i'll be follow in the money
Follow me, follow me i'll be follow in the money
So just you follow me 'cause i'll be follow with the money
Rolling cush up in my living room
Model bitch walking round she surely..
She told me she got it, used to be her ringtone
P**sy seal get wet when she hear the song
When I'm coming babe I was have a gone
Put fix and take time I was plating on em
I want them in, I want them in
F*ck the thousand L boy I want the mill
Why you think they f*ck with us
Can't you see we A list?
Celebrities up in the club
Bees up in the playlist
They all feel like I'm the one
F*ck you call me matrix
Dangerous happen all the fellows gonna hate this
Ladies all up in the spot droppin for a player hunt
DG's spending records that's the only time you playin on
Throwing money round the club
F*ck you goin twitter that
You should follow me 'cause tomorrow i'ma get it back
Gotta catch that plane at 7:30,
Why haven't you come to say goodbye?
Time is running out and I'm still waiting,
I'm so lost without you, I could die.
Yesterday you said you loved me-
Everything seemed to be fine,
Today you're not here, I'm so lonely-
It's the waiting that's driving me out of my mind!
Don't know how I'll sing in that big city,
How can I perform if you're not there?
This will be the worst of all my journeys,
The image of your face will follow me everywhere...
I need your tender kisses,
The feel of your hands, your caress-
Your perfume has me burning,
My heart's yearning to touch you
I miss you so much!
If you're not here, by my side,
Can't hold back the tears,
I try to hide...
Don't think I can take it,
I know I won't make it,
Make it without you...
If you're not here, by my side,
Only your love keeps me alive.
No sense in dreaming,
My life has no meaning,
If you're not here.
I need your tender kisses
The feel of your hands, your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much
If you're not here, by my side
Can't hold back the tears
I try to hide
Don't think I can take it
I know I won't make it
Make it withou you
If you're not here, by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning