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We're playing NWC Najd World Conquest, the goal of this playthrought is to conquer the entire world and get the achievements Jihad and World Conqueror. Subscribe today! We're playing Europa Universalis 4 today, a grand strategy game made by Paradox Interactive.
We're playing NWC Najd World Conquest, the goal of this playthrought is to conquer the entire world and get the achievements Jihad and World Conqueror. Subsc...
Originaire de la région du Nejd en Arabie, ils ont d'abord émigré dans le sud de l'Égypte avant de partir pour le Maghreb. Mené par Abu Zayd al-Hilali, Ils ont été utilisés par les Fatimides pour réprimer les Zirides (berbères) d'abord alliés puis vassaux des premiers qui leur ont délaissé le pouvoir après la conquête de l'Égypte et la fondation du Caire, mais qui devenaient de plus en plus indépendants et sont allés jusqu'à abandonner le chiisme. Les Zirides ont reconnu le califat Abasside, les Fatimides ne l'ont pas accepté. Les Fatimides, du même coup, débarrassaient leur territoire de Haute-Égypte d'une tribu particulièrement difficile à contrôler. Les Zirides furent vaincus rapidement et leurs voisins Hammadides et Zénètes furent beaucoup affaiblis. La dernière bataille sera fatale , la coalition Hilaliens- banu suleim décapite le chef Abou Soda de l'armée berbère composée des Ifrenides en 1058.Les Berbères suppletifs de loccupation romaine et byzantine s'enfuient et livrent le pays aux Hilaliens. Après avoir réglé provisoirement la situation en Andalousie, Abd al-Mumin, dont les forces s'étaient accrues, décida de frapper un grand coup dans le Maghreb central. Il se dirigea, à marche forcée et dans le plus grand secret vers Bejaia. Son avant-garde entra, sans coup férir, dans Alger et dans Bejaia, d'où Yahya s'était enfui, puis son fils prit et saccagea la Qalaa (1151). Les Arabes comprirent le péril. Devant eux, ils retrouvaient des berbères fortement organisés et capables de leur disputer les avantages qu'ils avaient pu arracher à la faiblesse des gouvernements. Les cheikhs d'Ifriqiya, reononçant pour un temps à leur rivalité, décidèrent de s'unir pour rejeter, par leurs propres forces, l'ennemi dans son Far-West. Ils se concentrèrent près de Béja (Tunisie) et se dirigèrent, en grand désordre, vers Bejaia. Abd al-Mumin, qui retournait au Maghreb extrême, fit volte-face dans la Mitidja et entraîna l'ennemi jusqu'à Sétif. Les Hilaliens sentaient qu'ils jouaient leur va-tout. Ils avaient amené leurs femmes et leurs enfants, qui devaient servir d'enjeu à la bataille. Pour ne pas être tentés de reculer, ils avaient même entravé leurs chameaux. Aprés quatre jours de tuerie, la discipline almohade l'emporta et les Arabes s'enfuirent harcelés jusqu'à Tebessa (1152). Abd al-Mumin n'usa pas de représailles. Il partagea le butin entre ses compagnons, mais rendit leurs familles aux vaincus, dont il reçut honorablement les cheikhs. Sources : la Moqadima d'ibn kheldun Copyright
In this Let's Play series we'll be playing as Najd in Europa Universalis Iv. A minor country in modern day Saudi Arabia. It used to be known for its strict r...
In this Let's Play series we'll be playing as Najd in Europa Universalis Iv. A minor country in modern day Saudi Arabia. It used to be known for its strict r...
Let's play Europa Universalis IV! We will be playing as the Aztec Empire after having exported the map from Crusader Kings 2. The goal is to defend against the immigrants, and maybe even take over Europe... Go to for everything Arumba related and to buy the games you see on the channel. Thanks for your support! This series is best viewed from the playlist: If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps out a lot! Subscribe to my channel for more gaming videos!: ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook: You can also catch me streaming over at
Let's play Europa Universalis IV! We will be playing as the Aztec Empire after having exported the map from Crusader Kings 2. The goal is to defend against the immigrants, and maybe even take over Europe... Go to for everything Arumba related and to buy the games you see on the channel. Thanks for your support! This series is best viewed from the playlist: If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps out a lot! Subscribe to my channel for more gaming videos!: ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook: You can also catch me streaming over at
Let's play Europa Universalis IV! We will be playing as the Aztec Empire after having exported the map from Crusader Kings 2. The goal is to defend against the immigrants, and maybe even take over Europe... Go to for everything Arumba related and to buy the games you see on the channel. Thanks for your support! This series is best viewed from the playlist: If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps out a lot! Subscribe to my channel for more gaming videos!: ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook: You can also catch me streaming over at
Let's play Europa Universalis IV! We will be playing as the Aztec Empire after having exported the map from Crusader Kings 2. The goal is to defend against t...
Hello there! This is will be my attempt at the Jihad achievement where you play as little Najd and then try to take over Europe, Asia and Africa and then tur...
Welcome to Shenryyr2 plays Novgorod in Europa Universalis 4. as a merchant republic at the edge of the Baltic, Novgorod is poised to make a great deal of mon...
Hello, Welcome to my first YouTube series! For this Let's Play we will be playing Najd in Europa Universalis 4 and going for the ironman Jihad achievement. M...
Hello there! This is will be my attempt at the Jihad achievement where you play as little Najd and then try to take over Europe, Asia and Africa and then tur...
All viewers, subscribers or not, are encouraged follow my twitchtv live streams at I am always willing and happy to pl...
After so much war Russia has grown weak in this part we launch our invasion and win this war.
double alliance.
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Hello there! This is will be my attempt at the Jihad achievement where you play as little Najd and then try to take over Europe, Asia and Africa and then turn it all Muslim, it should be a fun and challenging little game. Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB.
Hello there! This is will be my attempt at the Jihad achievement where you play as little Najd and then try to take over Europe, Asia and Africa and then turn it all Muslim, it should be a fun and challenging little game. Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB.
All viewers, subscribers or not, are encouraged follow my twitchtv live streams at I am always willing and happy to pl...
Hi everybody! This is Makashi attempting the Sunset Invasion aceivement for EU4. Any advice will be appreciated in the comments. As a North American nation the Aztecs start off with a distinct disadvantage to the Western Europeans. Let's hope we can avoid their greed and expand to Roma, London, Barcelona and Paris! ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paradox Interactive is the copyright holder of Europa Universalis 4 Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jamat-e-Islami's Violent Ideology & Siege of Holy Ka'aba in 1979. The Mu...
In this Let's Play series we'll be playing as Najd in Europa Universalis Iv. A minor country in modern day Saudi Arabia. It used to be known for its strict r...
eu4,Europa Universalis (Video Game),europa universalis 4,Europa Universalis IV,let's play eu4,lp eu4,chimpeh,ironman,achievements,achievement,najd,najd jihad...
All viewers, subscribers or not, are encouraged follow my twitchtv live streams at I am always willing and happy to pl...
All viewers, subscribers or not, are encouraged follow my twitchtv live streams at I am always willing and happy to pl...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the comment section if you want tips to become a better player. Thanks for watching. twitch live streams at
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
Nobody expects the Sunset Invasion! Europa Universalis 4 Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB.
Welcome to ShenPlays Xia in Europa Universalis 3 Death and Taxes! This is a clip from a 6-hour stream on June 1 2013. And yes at the end the game crashes. Wh...
Eastern Roman Empire for Barbarian Invasion expansion. I will be uploading a view videos every now and then. Ask me if you want tips or list questions in the...
... and children, have been killed since early Thursday, when Saudi Arabia began the invasion of Yemen.
Press TV 2015-03-29The Lebanese premier, however, stopped short of criticizing the Al Saud regime’s invasion of Yemen.
Press TV 2015-03-29Study finds that 22 percent of the 3,500 studied species are in danger, amid growing competition from invasives.
The Providence Journal 2015-03-29... of rightful citizens" ... Even the Supreme Court has called infiltration a silent invasion of India.
The Times of India 2015-03-29After the Boov's invasion of Earth (in which all the humans are forcibly relocated to a new ...
Denver Post 2015-03-29... and cheerful alien invasion romp, which plays like a slightly more sweary episode of Doctor Who.
The Guardian 2015-03-29One politician described a situation of "great chaos" in the city, a key prize in the Yemen battle.
Denver Post 2015-03-29... and children, have been killed since early Thursday, when Saudi Arabia began the invasion of Yemen.
Press TV 2015-03-29He had fled his country (Rangoon, Burma) due to the Japanese invasion before he came to India to settle in Mumbai."
DNA India 2015-03-29... health pioneer with many celebrity clients and over 20 years of international experience.
Seattle Post 2015-03-29For years, the 43-year-old had to contend with a heavy intake of food ... covered with layers of fat.
The Hindu 2015-03-29invasion of Iraq and the fear of an American strike; and in 2013, they agreed to negotiate because ...
U~T San Diego 2015-03-29The land bank is a public benefit corporation that aids in the redevelopment of distressed properties.
Newsday 2015-03-29