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La vie Incroyable du prince AL-Waleed Ben talel.
Al-Waleed bin Talal - The Saudi Prince
Billionaire Prince Al Waleed bin Talal PALACE - INSIDE LOOK
Ustaz Muhammad Nazmi Karim: Khalid Al-Walid ra, Sofwan Umaiyyah ra, Umayr Wahbin ra, Ikrimah ra
Palais de Al Walid Ibn Talal :
Khalid Ibn Al-Walid ᴴᴰ
Car Prince Al-Walid Ibn Talal in Dubai
Khalid ibn Al Walid-┇The Master of War┇Sword of ALLAH!┇
Khalid Ibn Al-Walid Intro ᴴᴰ
Clip Sadbou Samb - Alwalid
Kisah Khalid Al-Walid - DR. MAZA
Khalid Ibn Al Walid - The Sword Of Allah HIGH || خالد بن الوليد ( سيف الله ) HD
Waleed Ebn Tallal Office and life الوليد بن طلال مكتبة وحياة
the most powerful man of middle east Our Channel is the number ➀ for all your Space & Universe, Science & Technology, Nature, New Invention documentaries in ...
Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud is a Saudi Arabian businessman and investor. He the grandson of King Abdulazziz Saudi royal family. He is the founder, CEO, and 95%-owner of the Kingdom Holding Company. Arabian Business ranked him as the most influential Arab in the world. Billionaire prince Saudi Arabia investor businessman royal family CEO Al-Waleed Bin Talal Forbes luxury Princess Monaco elite exclusive tycoon wealth Palace house home mansion yacht supercar Monaco wealthy "big boy toys" cash usd dubai money London Europe uk usa America high end expensive vip preview "cash money wealth" In March 2013, Forbes listed Al Waleed as the 26th-richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of US $20 Billion. Prince al Waleed disputes the Forbes valuation, and believes his wealth to be $26 billion. Bloomberg later estimated his wealth as $30 billion. Arabian Business Magazine estimated his wealth at $31.2B in December 2013
Kuliah Maghrib | Surau Ar-Rahmah | Seksyen 8 | Shah Alam | 4.2.15
Une promenade dans le palais du prince saudien al walid ibn talal / The Palace Of The Saudien Prince Al Walid Ibn Talal.
Google+: Twitter: Lecturers: Ustadh Murtaza Khan, Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki RA, Sheikh Jamil El Biza And Sheikh...
Khalid ibn Al Walid (Drawn Sword of God) was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He is noted for his military tactics and prowess, commanding the fo...
He Was Trained On All Of The Military Arts, He Was Trained On How To Ba A General, So He Was Being Raised In Nobility, So Naturally; Being In This Environment, He Learnt Horsemanship, Skills...
Channel Rasmi Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (Dr. MAZA) Official YouTube : Official Website : Officia...
Khalid Ibn Al Walid - The Sword Of Allah HIGH || خالد بن الوليد ( سيف الله ) HD.
This is a very strange man indeed and his life style is weird. Strangely that people are begging for Cars. That is the way to keep them always in need for th...
On reconnait une nation aux personnages qu'elles choisit d'honnorer. Khalid Ibn Al Walid est une celebrite dans le monde sunniste: des ecoles, des mosques et des rues portent son nom. Pourtant, il suffit d'ouvrir le moindre livre sunnite pour trouver les hauts faits de ce personnage: il a egorge un homme et viole sa femme, il a massacre des prisonniers, il a utilise les fonds publics pour payer un poete qui ecrivait a sa gloire... Aujourd'hui, des groupes entiers d'ISIS se reclament de Khalid Ibn Al Walid et sa tradition de mort et de viol. Comment expliquer a un enfant qui fait sa scolarite dans une ecole pourtant le nom d'un criminel que ces crimes sont une mauvaise chose ??? Quelques sources: L'histoire de l'assassinat des prisonniers vient de Fath al Bari point 6766. Voici le lien direct (site sunnite):;_no=52&ID;=13154 Site de reference sunnite qui ne nie pas les crimes de ce personnage mais dit qu'il faut quand meme respecter. A leur sens, il a fait un ijtihad et il s'est trompe donc il y a une benediction:;=FatwaId&Id;=199591 Article Wikipedia sur Malik Ibn Nouwayra qui a ete egorge et sa femme violee: Ecole qui porte le nom de ce personnage: Mosquee qui porte le nom de ce personnage a Laval/Canada: Une autre mosquee sunnite a Marseille portant le nom de ce violeur et assassin:;=en
Kuliah Dr.MAZA IQ 15 Mei 2014 Channel Rasmi Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (Dr. MAZA) Official YouTube : Official Website :...
For more lectures h...
Pengarah/Penerbit Klip Video: Ramzul Ikbar Saiful Aula.
The richest man in Arabia who was smart enough to organise that his Kingdom holdings purchase 5% of Apple Inc in 1997 when Steve Jobs returned to Apple. A ma...
prince alwalid flying palace Airbus A380.
Insya-Allah setiap video uploader -islam itu indah- akan disediakan time-link di bahagian description ini untuk memberi kemudahan kepada saudara/i:- (1) menc...
مجموعه الفنانين واغنيه جديده بعنوان مريم الحب (يا حسن حظ كل بنت اسمها مريم ) واهدي هذه الاغنيه الى جميع اعضاء منتدئ شو كويت والى جميع م...
Acara: Khalifah Trans 7 Waktu Siar: Sabtu, 3 Mei 2014 Tema: Al Walid bin Mughirah Pembimbing: Budi Ashari ------------------------------- Bagi teman-teman wa...
this is a story about the amazing fighter khalid. the story is told by Shaykh Zahir Mahmood. Thanks to : And: http...
Mufti Menk discussing : Khabbab ibn Al-Arat (خبّاب بن الأرت) and Khalid ibn Al-Walid (أبو سليمان خالد بن الوليد بن المغيرة المخزومي)(Radhiallahu 'anhum) Rama...
Lezing over de Islamitische held "Khalid Ibn Al Walid" gegeven door Broeder AlKhattab in moskee Dar Al Hidjra.
Khalid Ibn Alwalid (104) Abdelhamid Kichk Abonnez-vous ici : Découvrez ici les plus belles récitation coraniques des plus grands imams ...
Syi'ah indonesia - Ust. Khalid Al Walid - Isu isu Penting Sunnah Syi'ah ( 2 )
Dipetik Dari Kuliah Syarah Sahih Bukhari Oleh Maulana Asri Yusuf Sesi 5 - Bab Manakib Uthman ( Kelebihan & Keutamaan Uthman ) Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Syi'ah Indonesia - Ust.Kholid Al Walid - Keagungan Shalawat
Facebook: Google+: Twitter: Lecturers: Ustadh Murtaza Khan, Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki RA, Sheikh Jamil El Biza And Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. He Was Trained On All Of The Military Arts, He Was Trained On How To Ba A General, So He Was Being Raised In Nobility, So Naturally; Being In This Environment, He Learnt Horsemanship, Skills Of Combat, Uses Of Weapon, The Spear The Lance, The Arrow The Bow And The Sword, In The History Of The Ummah Is The Only Leader Who Inflicted A Damage And A Loss Upon The Prophet SAW And His Contingents, The Only Leader, Nobody Ever Managed To Inflict This Type Of Loss On The Muslims, Khalid Said: I Have Attended All Of These Battles Against Muhammad, And In Every Situation I Attend, I Leave With This Feeling In My Heart That I Am Putting My Effort In Something That Is Wasted And That In The End Muhammad Will prevail, Rasullullah SAW Has Asked Me About You; He Said: Where Is Khalid? I replied Allah Will bring Him, He Then Asked Could Someone Like Him Disregard Islam, If He Were To Put His Energy And Bravery towards To Work With The Muslims, it Would Be Better For Him, Take Note Brother Of What Good Things You Are Missing, And When They Reached The outskirts Of Madinah; Khalid Said: We Stopped And Then We Changed Our Clothes And We Put Our Best Clothes On To Go And Meet Rasullullah SAW, Preparing Themselves For This, For The Greatest Moments In Their Lives, I’ve Fought Against Allah SWT, I Have Fought Against The Messenger Of Allah, I Have Fought Against The Believers, I Caused Death, I Caused Destructions, I Caused Defeat, Ya Rasullullah; O Prophet Of Allah, Pray To Allah SWT That He May Forgive Me, Now He Had A total Different Burning Desire, His Burning Desire Now That Every Single Moment I Spend, Every Slash, Every Cut, Every Spilling Of Blood That I’ve Done On The Muslims, Now I Want To Turn That Back, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid After Over A Hundred Battles, Month After Month; Year After Year, Battle After Battle, It Came Time The Drawn Sword Of Allah SWT Was To Leave This World, He Said: I Spent My Life Fighting, I Spent My Life Waging Jihad And Yet Here I Die Like A Coward On The Bed And He Was Hurt Traumatised, Ya Khalid: The Prophet SAW Called You Allah’s Unsheathed Sword, And It Is Not Befitting That This Sword Be Broken In A Battle; Because It Is The Sword Of Allah, He Said: Never Will The Eyes Of The Coward Sleep, And That Was The Last Words Of This Warrior.
the lion of Arif. 1. In3ar Tuthath (unplugged version) 2 Aghbar 3. Adhar u Baran (version 2) 4. Instrumental 5. Thejjanegh Tuthath wanessin 6. Neccin Essa 7....
Syi'ah Indonesia - DR. Kolid Al Walid - Kewalian dalam Tasawuf Nusantara
قال الرافضة : خالد ابن الوليد قتل مالك ابن نويرة المرتد die shia behaupten: Khalid Ibn Al Walid hat malik ibn nuwaira der murtad getötet.
لقد أنشأت هذا الفيديو باستخدام محرر فيديو YouTube (
Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf adalah salah satu putra dari 16 bersaudara putra-putri Alm. Al-Habib Abdulkadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf
Berita Islam masa kini | "Si Pedang Allah" Khalid Bin Alwalid Berita Islam masa kini | "Si Pedang Allah" Khalid Bin Alwalid 5 maret 2015 Berita Islami Masa Kini TransTv Beriman_TTV Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans Tv Berita Islami Masa Kini TransTv Beriman_TTV Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans Tv Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini, Berita Islam Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islami Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islami Trans TV, Berita Islami Trans, Berita Islami, Berita Islam, Masa Kini, Berita, Islami, Islam, Masa, Kini, Trans TV, Trans, Terbaru, 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islam Masa Kini, Berita Islami Masa Kini, Berita Islam Masa Kini Trans TV, Berita Islami Masa Kini Terbaru, Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans TV Terbaru, Berita Islami Trans TV, Berita Islami Trans, Berita Islami, Berita Islam, Masa Kini, Berita, Islami, Islam, Masa, Kini, Trans TV, Trans, Terbaru, 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu
مقابلتنا مع الدكتور وليد التكريتي، رئيس قسم الآثار بإدارة البيئة التاريخية، هيئة أبوظبي للسياحة والثقافة، إثر مشاركته في ثاني جلسات "ملتقى متحف زايد الوطني" Our interview with Dr. Walid Yasin Al Tikriti, Head of Archaeology Section at the Historic Environment Department, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, upon his participation as a key speaker in Multaqa Zayed National Museum's 2nd talk
Le Prince milliardaire Al-Walid ben Talal Ibn Saoud, neveu du roi Abdallah, recevra la livraison du plus gros jet privé du monde, un Airbus A380 valant 240 millions de livres, pour la nouvelle année. Le même modèle est utilisé par Singapore Airlines et Emirates et peut voler 8 000 miles avec 800 passagers sans se ravitailler. Mais le prince saoudien n'a pas besoin de 800 places, qui seront transformés en : Cinq suites de luxe Une salle de prière avec des nattes électroniques qui se tourneront automatiquement vers la Mecque Un vaste espace de stationnement pour une Rolls Royce Un escalier en colimaçon ainsi qu'un ascenseur qui traversera les trois étages de l'avion et ira jusque sur le tarmacpour faire office d'entrée privée pour le prince Une salle de concert avec piano à queue, une acoustique de qualité et une dizaine de sièges pour le public. Des artistes de grande renommée sont attendus. Un hammam en marbre bordé de seulement deux millimètres d'épaisseur pour maintenir son poids vers le bas ainsi qu'une zone sensorielle pour les massages Une salle de bien-être magnifique pour les invités. Un écran géant sur le sol permettra de voir ce qu'ils survolent Une grande salle de réunion avec une immense table en plexiglas doublée d'un grand écran tactile Le prince, 57 ans, a reçu une éducation occidentale. Il est plus connu sous le nom de Warren Buffett au Moyen-Orient en raison de sa réputation d'investisseur avisé. Il possède également 7% de la News Corporation de Rupert Murdoch. Le nouvel avion fera donc partie de la collection de jets du Prince Alwaleed. Il possède déjà un Boeing 747 modifié et un Airbus 321. Il est aussi l'heureux propriétaire d'un superyacht 280ft 5KR, qui était à Donald Trump, et figurait dans le film de James Bond, Jamais plus jamais. L'avion a déjà été nommé le Palais du vol.
Check out new comer Walid Khairy at our Third Year Anniversary! يتحدث عن ابتكار المصريين لبعض الكلمات واستخدامها فى الحياة بصورة خاطئة
A stay at Alwalid Hotel places you in the heart of Casablanca, convenient to Central Market of Casablanca and Hassan II Mosque. This hotel is within close proximity of Complex Cultural Sidi Belyout and United Nations Square. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the individually decorated guestrooms, featuring minibars and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature complimentary toiletries and bidets. Conveniences include phones, as well as desks and complimentary bottled water. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Don’t miss out on the many recreational opportunities, including a health club, a sauna, and a steam room. Additional features include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a television in the lobby. Dining Satisfy your appetite at the hotel's restaurant, which serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dining is also available at a coffee shop/café, and room service (during limited hours) is provided. Mingle with other guests at a complimentary reception, held daily.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and luggage storage. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available on request). 456329
La chaîne d'informations en continu Alarab du richissime prince saoudien Al-Walid ben Talal a commencé à émettre dimanche par satellite, entrant en compétition avec d'autres chaînes régionales déjà bien établies comme Al-Jazeera et Al-Arabiya. Durée: 00:48 | Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque is most happy to be of service to the entire community at large. Therefore, we urge you to benefit from the various facilities that are operational and available for services: islamic lectures, islamic conference, prayer times, daily prayer times, ramadan prayer, janazah, iftaar and suhuur. Take advantage of our Islamic lectures during winter breaks and other times by Yahya Ibrahim, Musleh Khan, Aarij anwer, Omar Suleiman, Abdulbary Yahya, Ahsan Hanif, etc... Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: | Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque is most happy to be of service to the entire community at large. Therefore, we urge you to benefit from the various facilities that are operational and available for services: islamic lectures, islamic conference, prayer times, daily prayer times, ramadan prayer, janazah, iftaar and suhuur. Take advantage of our Islamic lectures during winter breaks and other times by Yahya Ibrahim, Musleh Khan, Aarij anwer, Omar Suleiman, Abdulbary Yahya, Ahsan Hanif, etc... Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Powered By : Publitools كلمات وألحان : راشد الشيخ - إخراج : صفوان مصطفى نعمو
Nocturne No.2 by Walid Al Hajjar, performed by Sawsan Al Bahar.. Walid Al Hajjar: Born in Damascus, Syria in 1932, he was initiated into the magical Russian classical music world at a very early age, by Tsarist Baron Belling; later, in Istanbul, while studying engineering,he continued studying the piano with D.fuller. In 1952, he left for Paris where he joined both the Conservatoire National de Musique, and the Ecole Normale de Musique, where he benefited from the guidance of A.Cortot, and the excellent teaching in Composition of both Mm. Honnegger, and Edmond Marc. In Paris, he also pursued his twin artistic vocation, that of Painting. He joined the Ecole des Beaux Arts, where he studied under the supervision of the renowned Russian sculptor Zadkin. When asked for his opinion about the conflicting different tendencies in music of the last century, he answered:"Music is the language of the heart, not of a deranged psych!" ... He also added:"The great Arthur Rubenstein once said: What Boulez and Stockhausen produce is mere sound, not Music!" It is only when Sound touches the Heart that it can be called Music!" He obtained his Masters in Art from the US; he is also an established Novelist. نوكتورن رقم 2 من تاليف وليد الحجار وعزف سوسن بهار، نبذة عن حياة المؤلف وليد الحجار: ولد في دمشق عام 1932 وترعرع في وسط عائلي متميز في دار تواجد فيها البيانو والكمان وعشرات الاسطوانات الكلاسيكية. تعرف على سحر الموسيقى الكلاسيكية الروسية عبر جار العائلة البارون "بيلينغ" القيصري. الذي تولى تلقينه العزف وهضم لغة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية منذ حداثته واصل وليد الحجار دراسته الموسيقية في معهد برمانا العالي الداخلي في أجواء انكليزية صرفة، ثم في اسطنبول. إلى أن قصد باريس. والتحق بكل من الكونسرفاتوار والايكول نورمال حيث درس جميع فروع علوم التأليف الموسيقي بإشراف السيدة هونيغر ومارك ايدموند. هذا، وقد التحق بمعهد الفنون الجميلة في باريس حيث ثابر على دراسة الرسم الزيتي بإشراف النحات العالمي زادكين لمدة أربع سنوات. وليد الحجار أديب روائي أغنى المكتبة العربية برواياته المتميزة
A piece for Violin and Piano composed by Walid al Hajjar and performed by Dana Dabbous (violin) Waseem Kotoub (piano). Walid Al Hajjar: Born in Damascus, Syria in 1932, he was initiated into the magical Russian classical music world at a very early age, by Tsarist Baron Belling; later, in Istanbul, while studying engineering,he continued studying the piano with D.fuller. In 1952, he left for Paris where he joined both the Conservatoire National de Musique, and the Ecole Normale de Musique, where he benefited from the guidance of A.Cortot, and the excellent teaching in Composition of both Mm. Honnegger, and Edmond Marc. In Paris, he also pursued his twin artistic vocation, that of Painting. He joined the Ecole des Beaux Arts, where he studied under the supervision of the renowned Russian sculptor Zadkin. When asked for his opinion about the conflicting different tendencies in music of the last century, he answered:"Music is the language of the heart, not of a deranged psych!" ... He also added:"The great Arthur Rubenstein once said: What Boulez and Stockhausen produce is mere sound, not Music!" It is only when Sound touches the Heart that it can be called Music!" He obtained his Masters in Art from the US; he is also an established Novelist. مقطوعة للكمان والبيانو للمؤلف وليد الحجار....دانة دبوس (كمان) وسيم القطب (بيانو)، نبذة عن حياة المؤلف وليد الحجار: ولد في دمشق عام 1932 وترعرع في وسط عائلي متميز في دار تواجد فيها البيانو والكمان وعشرات الاسطوانات الكلاسيكية. تعرف على سحر الموسيقى الكلاسيكية الروسية عبر جار العائلة البارون "بيلينغ" القيصري. الذي تولى تلقينه العزف وهضم لغة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية منذ حداثته واصل وليد الحجار دراسته الموسيقية في معهد برمانا العالي الداخلي في أجواء انكليزية صرفة، ثم في اسطنبول. إلى أن قصد باريس. والتحق بكل من الكونسرفاتوار والايكول نورمال حيث درس جميع فروع علوم التأليف الموسيقي بإشراف السيدة هونيغر ومارك ايدموند. هذا، وقد التحق بمعهد الفنون الجميلة في باريس حيث ثابر على دراسة الرسم الزيتي بإشراف النحات العالمي زادكين لمدة أربع سنوات. وليد الحجار أديب روائي أغنى المكتبة العربية برواياته المتميزة
A piece for Violin and Piano composed by Walid al Hajjar and performed by Dana Dabbous (violin) Waseem Kotoub (piano). Walid Al Hajjar: Born in Damascus, Syria in 1932, he was initiated into the magical Russian classical music world at a very early age, by Tsarist Baron Belling; later, in Istanbul, while studying engineering,he continued studying the piano with D.fuller. In 1952, he left for Paris where he joined both the Conservatoire National de Musique, and the Ecole Normale de Musique, where he benefited from the guidance of A.Cortot, and the excellent teaching in Composition of both Mm. Honnegger, and Edmond Marc. In Paris, he also pursued his twin artistic vocation, that of Painting. He joined the Ecole des Beaux Arts, where he studied under the supervision of the renowned Russian sculptor Zadkin. When asked for his opinion about the conflicting different tendencies in music of the last century, he answered:"Music is the language of the heart, not of a deranged psych!" ... He also added:"The great Arthur Rubenstein once said: What Boulez and Stockhausen produce is mere sound, not Music!" It is only when Sound touches the Heart that it can be called Music!" He obtained his Masters in Art from the US; he is also an established Novelist. مقطوعة للكمان والبيانو للمؤلف وليد الحجار....دانة دبوس (كمان) وسيم القطب (بيانو)، نبذة عن حياة المؤلف وليد الحجار: ولد في دمشق عام 1932 وترعرع في وسط عائلي متميز في دار تواجد فيها البيانو والكمان وعشرات الاسطوانات الكلاسيكية. تعرف على سحر الموسيقى الكلاسيكية الروسية عبر جار العائلة البارون "بيلينغ" القيصري. الذي تولى تلقينه العزف وهضم لغة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية منذ حداثته واصل وليد الحجار دراسته الموسيقية في معهد برمانا العالي الداخلي في أجواء انكليزية صرفة، ثم في اسطنبول. إلى أن قصد باريس. والتحق بكل من الكونسرفاتوار والايكول نورمال حيث درس جميع فروع علوم التأليف الموسيقي بإشراف السيدة هونيغر ومارك ايدموند. هذا، وقد التحق بمعهد الفنون الجميلة في باريس حيث ثابر على دراسة الرسم الزيتي بإشراف النحات العالمي زادكين لمدة أربع سنوات. وليد الحجار أديب روائي أغنى المكتبة العربية برواياته المتميزة
What is Khalid ibn al-Walid? A report all about Khalid ibn al-Walid for homework/assignment. Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī (; 592–642) also known as Sayf Allāh al-Maslūl (; Drawn Sword of God), was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He is noted for his military tactics and prowess, commanding the forces of Medina under Muhammad and the forces of his immediate successors of the Rashidun Caliphate, Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Khattab. It was under his military leadership that Arabia, for the first time in history, was united under a single political entity, the Caliphate. Commanding the forces of the nascent Islamic State, Khalid was victorious in over a hundred battles, against the forces of the Byzantine-Roman Empire, Sassanid-Persian Empire, and their allies, in addition to other Arab tribes. His strategic achievements include the conquest of Arabia, Persian Mesopotamia and Roman Syria within several years from 632 to 636. He is also remembered for his decisive victories at Yamamah, Ullais, and Firaz, and his tactical successes at Walaja and Yarmouk. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: khalid_ibn_al_walid_by_snowflakes91-d5c7u9a.jpg from Khaled_Ebn_El-Walid_Mosque3.jpg from Khalid_Bin_Al-Walid.gif from 220px-Mohammad_adil-Campaigns_of_Khalid.PNG from Mohammad_adil_rais-Invasion_of_Anatolia_and_Armenia.PNG from Mohammad_adil-Muslim_invasion_of_Syria-3.PNG from 220px-Khaled_Ebn_El-Walid_Mosque_-_Courtyard.jpg from
Commanders like Abu Hurraira (LeT), Mohammad Qasim, Walid and Adil Pathan and Saifullah are under ...
DNA India 2015-04-04African Union troops backed by the United States have forced al-Shabab fighters to flee huge swaths of territory.
Stars and Stripes 2015-04-04Al Qaeda fighters free 300 prisoners in Yemen as rebels invade key port Zaid al-Alayaa and Laura King.
The Los Angeles Times 2015-04-04Following the university attack, al-Shabab militants, based in Somalia, claimed responsibility for it.
Press TV 2015-04-04Real Madrid, Valencia, Milan, Al-Ahli FC, Al-Shabab FC, Al-Wasl FC, Al-Nasr FC and Dubai FC.
noodls 2015-04-04The al-Shabab attackers stormed the university campus before dawn Thursday and began shooting indiscriminately.
Voa News 2015-04-04Al-Shabaab massacres university students in Kenya ... Al-Shabaab carried out the Westgate mall attack in 2013.
The Independent 2015-04-04She is not injured but is very weak," Abdi Yusuf, a security guard, told Al Jazeera ... Al Jazeera and agencies.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-04Kenya currently has over 3,000 soldiers stationed in southern Somalia, where they have been battling al-Shabab.
Press TV 2015-04-04... the provincial capital Mukalla from suspected al Qaeda fighters, army sources said on Saturday.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-04A US citizen who authorities say travelled from Canada to Pakistan to train with Al Qaeda has been ...
Dawn 2015-04-04... 1998 bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi and the bloodiest-ever assault by al-Shabaab militants.
Taipei Times 2015-04-04Kenya currently has over 3,000 soldiers stationed in southern Somalia, where they have been battling al-Shabab.
Press TV 2015-04-04