A safari ( /səˈfɑri/) is an overland journey, usually a trip by tourists to Africa. Traditionally, the term is used for a big-game hunt, but today the term often refers to a trip taken not for the purposes of hunting, but to observe and photograph animals and other wildlife.
Entering the English language in the late 19th century, the Swahili word safari means "long journey." Originally from the Arabic سفرة (safra) meaning a journey The verb for "to travel" in Swahili is "kusafiri", the noun for the journey is "safari". These words are used for any type of journey, e.g. by bus from Nairobi to Mombasa. The person generally attributed to having used the word in English is Sir Richard Francis Burton, the famous explorer.[citation needed]
The Regimental March of the King's African Rifles was 'Funga Safari', literally 'Halt the March', or, in other words, stop work for the day.
Funga safari, funga safari. Funga safari, funga safari. Hamari ya nani? Hamari ya nani? Hamari ya Bwana Kapteni, Hamari ya keyaa.
19-day Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania Wildlife Safari (2013)
Bro Safari - Scumbag (Aero Chord Remix)
Feeding the lions at Knowsley Safari Park
Elephant ATTACKS Safari Jeep | EXCLUSIVE Footage [Never Before Seen]
Wings over Kenya, an African Safari (2007)
Huge Python Strikes at Open Safari Vehicle - Kruger National Park.
Safari serial 1986 - cast 2.
Cheetah Chases Impala Antelope Into Tourist's Car on Safari
Bro Safari - Scumbag
2015 Moab Jeep Safari | Concept Vehicles
Bita e os Animais - Viajar pelo Safari [ clipe infantil ]
2015 Moab Jeep Safari | Overcoming Obstacles
Safari - Inata
Miranda! - Safari (Full Album)
Charles Reason University is an historically black college nestled away in the heart of the South. It is on its way to becoming one of the most prestigious post-secondary institutions. The school has a reputation for graduating some of the most influential people in our country. But behind its prestigious image is an institution filled with corruption, backstabbing, scandalous lies, and cover-ups.
College will never be the same
19-day Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania Wildlife Safari (2013)
Bro Safari - Scumbag (Aero Chord Remix)
Feeding the lions at Knowsley Safari Park
Elephant ATTACKS Safari Jeep | EXCLUSIVE Footage [Never Before Seen]
Wings over Kenya, an African Safari (2007)
Huge Python Strikes at Open Safari Vehicle - Kruger National Park.
Safari serial 1986 - cast 2.
Cheetah Chases Impala Antelope Into Tourist's Car on Safari
Bro Safari - Scumbag
2015 Moab Jeep Safari | Concept Vehicles
Bita e os Animais - Viajar pelo Safari [ clipe infantil ]
2015 Moab Jeep Safari | Overcoming Obstacles
Safari - Inata
Miranda! - Safari (Full Album)
Delhi Safari 2012 full movie
Mrs Pollifax on Safari - Dorothy Gilman - Audiobook Full
Funny Safari Animals Compilation 2014
Borneo Safari 2013 - By; K'NetH De CrockeR
Delhi Safari Full movies HD - animation movies- disney movies - hindi movie bollywood
Lion Attack Hunting Safari Africa
Safari Full Tutorial PLUS Tips & Tricks
Crazy Safari - 非洲和尚 (1991) Full Movie
Vlog: Safari na Africa Do Sul
Safari serial 1986 - cast 1.
Monkey Safari - Hommage [Their new Label]
Air - Moon Safari (Full Album - 1998)
Bro Safari @ EDC Las Vegas 2014 (HD)
Camel Safari - Malayalam Full Movie 2013 Official [HD]
Safari Género Terror peliculas completas en español latino 2014
Animation Movies Full Movies English - Delhi Safari - Cartoon Disney Movies - Animated Comedy Movies
Diplo & Friends--Bro Safari one Hour Mix on BBC Radio 1 (free download)
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - Part 25: Safari Zone | Absolite and Rare Pokemon! (FaceCam)
Zmiennicy cz.5 Safari PL
Minecraft Pixelmon Emerald #134 Safari Games 1
Let's Play Pokémon Saphir Alpha #21 (FR) - Explorons le Parc Safari
Pixelmon Safari Games! 1 Hour Pixelmon Special! #1 w/LittleLizardGaming & GhostWolfGames
Delhi Safari Animation Movies Full Movies English
Delhi Safari New Animation Movies 2014 Full Movies English
OS X Yosemite: Safariの「よく閲覧するサイト」などのシートが表示されない
One Day Trip - Taman Safari
LEGO Friends 6 Der Safari Ausflug
How To Hide Appstore,Youtube,Safari,Itunes On Your I Pod Touch | HD
Apr 19 WildEarth Safari AM Drive: Kill in tree, No Quarantine around
Mali Einsteini Rakietowe Safari ❉ Bajki Dla Dzieci
Праверка легенд Google и Яндекс на IPAD браузер Safari
Lion Opens Door During Car Safari
Apr 19 WildEarth Safari AM drive: Marula nut, DevilsThorn, Impalas
N-DVR in Safari Montage
สอนโหลด Ski Safari AT [Android]
Grand Theft Auto V - Safari na dzielni
Ski Safari Adventure Time Stunt Skiing Endless Runner with Finn and BMO New Update Gameplay
Каталка-велосипед Grand Toys Safari Flora GT7884
Passeio macuco safari foz
Bubble Safari Hack Download
Download Jigsaw Safari
Pokemon Fire Red || Part 17 || Safari Zone Fun
สอนบัค PB Map Safari
Hier kommt der Ladidashit,
der quasi Arschtritt
der Topf ist im Haus und hört nicht auf
Wir sind auf Party-Safari
In knappen Shorts und nassem khaki-Hemd
durch den Dschungel der Großstadt, fern vom Basiscamp
Kommt die Partyband die für dich rockt
auch wenn du dein Haar nie kämst und'n Kürbis poppst
Ich schmeiß' die Tür ins Schloss, geb' Mutti'n Kuss.
Im Frühling hock' ich mich oft für'n Fuffi in' Busch
oder auf'ne grüne Wiese, wenn das Wetter mich lässt
fang' ich mir'ne süße Biene mit'nem Schmetterlingsnetz
Hey, der rapt ja nicht schlecht
Ich reite nie auf Modewellen, hab' nur Schwachsinn unter meinem Tropenhelm
Meine Strophen stellen deine Schatten in' Schatten
Und wenn du mal weg willst helfen sie dir packen
Bevor es losgeht erst mal Gurts checken
Wir fegen mit 106 bpm auf Eselsbrücken über Durststrecken
Und nicht mal Grizmeck oder Jaques Cousteau
Sahen irgendwo'n Lebewesen mit'nem krasseren Flow
Ich werd' die ganze Nacht durchrappen
Und wenn ich'n Mic hab' starte ich die Party - Animal Treibjagd
Mit dem Scheiss der den Dancefloor so heiß macht
Dass du Schwein wenn du nicht Brandblasen bis hoch zum Bein hast
Angsthasen haben kein Platz in unserm Jeep
Bring' deine Kumpels mit, und Weed fein wie der Unterschied
Und wir geben Gas
Bis die Karre Funken sprüht
Und wir geben Gas
Bis die Karre Funken sprüht
Wir sind auf Safari, Baby asta la vista
Quer durch die Kalahari auch ohne Wasserkanister
Nur mit Kompass und' paar Salamibroten von Mutti
Nix für Armanihosen tragende Yuppies
Solang ihr unser kleines Abenteuer nicht satt habt
Pinkeln wir ins Lagerfeuer, wie'n Dobermann in' Stadtpark
Hier kommt der Ladidashit,
der quasi Arschtritt
der Topf ist im Haus und hört nicht auf
Wir sind auf Party-Safari
Wenn ich auf Safari fahr' wird Discofieber aus Malaria
Und vom Nordkap bis nach Südafrika
Braucht ihr'n Moskitonetz, wenn der Topf ins Mikro rapt
Denn wenn in Ohrwürmern der Partyvirus steckt
Helfen weder Medizinmänner noch Glücksschweine
Jeder Einheimische meint die Götter müssen verrückt sein
Die schmalste Hüfte wird zum Okawangobecken
Wo wir unser Lager aufschlagen und anfangen zu rappen
Und die Drinks fließen reichlich, zum üblichen Getränkepreis
Von Neustift bis zum südlichen Wendekreis
Statt mit Luftgewehren jagen wir mit Flaschenöffnern
In der Bar um die Ecke anstatt an Wasserlöchern nach Frischfleisch
Denn selbst der kleinste Pimpf weiß:
Die meisten heißen Katzen fängt man immer noch am Fischteich
Erst füll' ich die Wasserflasche auf, dann tank' ich unsern Jeep
Such' die Wegbeschreibung, weil der Topf heut' durch den Dschungel zieht
Man sagt
Unsre Parties sind mitunter die besten
Und für jeden Partylöwen ein gefundenes Fressen
Wenn ich morgens aufsteh wasch' ich mich mit allen Wassern
Und geht es um echte Partybomben bin ich Fachmann
Mit unsern Liedern stellen wir Urwaldriesen in den Schatten, denn sie sind hervorragend
Und unsre Gigs hinterlassen Schweißgeruch, denn wir checken Körper auf Beweglichkeit
Mit unserem sound, bei dem keiner mehr ruhig stehen bleibt
In unsrer Regenzeit fließt das Bier in Strömen
Und wer streitet hat jetzt die Gelegenheit sich zuversöhnen
Wir sind auf Streifzug und machen in fast jedem coolen Club'n Boxenstop
Mit Dreitagebart und Lockenkopf
Sind nachtaktiv und hören nie mit der Safari auf
Denn im nächsten Camp wartet'ne Partycrowd
Hier kommt der Ladidashit,
der quasi Arschtritt
der Topf ist im Haus und hört nicht auf
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
Many nice suprises
Are waiting in the jungle
Girlie oh Girlie
We're going on safari
I'll show you the goatees
The chickens and the monkeys
So if you don't wanna come
I will go there any way
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
Holiday, We wanna have a goodie
Holiday, It's safari time
Holiday, We wanna have a goodie
Holiday, It's safari time
Visiting my uncle
Playing with his parrot
The birdies the birdies
We see them on a safari
I'll show you the goatees
The chickens and the monkeys
So if you don't wanna come
I will go anyway
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
Holiday, We wanna have a goodie
Holiday, It's safari time
Holiday, We wanna have a goodie
Holiday, It's safari time
We are going on a safari
It's safari time
Hope we do not get the malari
Oooh yah
We are going on a safari
It's safari time
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
It's safari time
We are going on a safari
See the lions from my ferrari
Hope we do not get the malari
La notte ha mille porte
e nella testa c'è una città intera
che soffia e che respira
che soffre e che ti attira
sempre più dentro
sempre più al centro
sempre più in mezzo fino a che non lo distingui più il confine
tra la tua pelle e il cielo
tra quello che è a pezzi è quello che è intero
la notte ha mille occhi
credi di guardare e sei guardato
sono tempi "rock'n roll"
che si resta senza fiato
cadono i record alle olimpiadi
tutto si supera in un secondo
e in ogni mondo c'è dentro un mondo
che ha dentro un mondo che ha dentro un mondo
ci sono armi nei supermercati
e mettono i "beep" nei vaffanculo
ci dicono continuamente che nessuno è al sicuro
ma questo lo sapevo già
e non è mai stata una buona scusa
per barricarmi dentro casa
la tele accessa e la porta chiusa
dentro la mia testa
ci sono più bestie che nella foresta
la terra vista dallo spazio è una palla
azzurra e silenziosa
ma se ci vivi ti rendi conto
che è tutta un'altra cosa
niente combacia ci sono crepe
e dalle crepe passa un po' di luce
che si espande nell'universo
prendi tutto quello che ti piace
ho" diamanti sotto ai miei piedi"
ho un oceano dentro alle vene
ognuno danza col suo demone
e ogni storia finisce bene
dentro la mia testa
ci sono più bestie che nella foresta
(G. Sangiorgi "Negramaro")
le scimmie saltano di ramo in ramo
assaggio la notte,
la notte che passa più svelta
su lente lenzuola di corpi
sudati si chiudono gli occhi
si spegne l'insegna dell'ultima vita di luce
rubate si finge il silenzio perfetto
l'esterno ti sembra di pace
la notte d'estate
intanto il ruomore
nel buio dell'anima mia
che corre a gambe levate
sbattendo con forza
su muri di pelle e di ossa
un paio di ali al vento
we are on a safari we're wrecked, we're chronicling the sights we are on a safari it's always night at the zoo i won't tell you twice
look at those two in the corner let me slip off my glasses so i blend into the masses why'd you turn off your phone? let me slip off my glasses so i blend into the masses
what are we on? what are we on?
we are on a safari we're wrecked, we're chronicling the sights we are on a safari it's always night at the zoo i won't tell you thrice
look at those two in the corner let me slip off my glasses so i blend into the masses well don't just stand there alone when no one's pushing that tone
i'll grab you by the hand i'll grab you by the hand
Soy como soy
No tengo plata y canto
Soy como soy
Tropiezo y sigo andando
Soy como soy
Tozudo, terco, vago
Ingenuo, soñador
Y un tonto enamorado
Soy como soy
Un poco mentiroso
Soy como soy
Un poco despistado
Soy como soy
Un loco peligroso
Sin dirección
Futuro ni pasado
Acéptame así
Tal como soy
No intentes cambiarme que
Yo soy como soy
Soy como soy
Rebelde y mujeriego
Soy como soy
El último torero
Soy como soy
Un tímido insensato
Hijo del sol
Amigo de los gatos
Acéptame así
Tal como soy
No intentes cambiarme
Que yo soy como soy
Soy como soy
Un poco mentiroso
Soy como soy
Un tímido y alocado
Soy como soy
Tozudo, terco, vago
Ingenuo soñador
Y un loco enamorado
He didn't cry on a safari
In over his knees
He couldn't leave a finer life
Always hugging the ground
And crying out for me
He didn't cry on a safari
In over his knees
He couldn't leave the flock, he couldn't leave
always hugging the man
and crying out for me