What We Do

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. Collaboration between Mauritius and the United Nations System commenced in 1969 with the opening of the UNDP. In Mauritius and the Seychelles UNDP continues to strengthen the capacity of the respective Governments and civil society to achieve continued growth and sustainable development.

Global Vote of the United Nations

Be part of a Global Vote of the United Nations, allowing People to have a direct say in shaping a better world. Results will be shared with world leaders in setting up the next global development agenda. Tell us about the world you want because your voice matters. To vote will only take 2-3 minutes and can be done by clicking here.

Resident Cordinator's Annual Report

2012 Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report – Mauritius and Seychelles

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