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    Queens Hotel
    Paramaribo, Suriname
    21th March 2014

    Mrs. Henna Uiterloo, Permanent Secretary Environment
    Staff of the Ministry of ATM

    Esteemed guest, Dr. Thomas Conway

    Officials from other Government Ministries and Agencies

    Mrs. Gerda Wesenhagen, Project Coordinator, other members Project Team

    Ladies and gentlemen, Members of the press

    I am most pleased to be able to say a few words to you today at this National Action Plan Workshop, as one of the important milestones of the Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management project for Suriname. This project is implemented through the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funding from the SAICM Quick Start Trust Fund.
    The primary objective of this Global Initiative is to facilitate the integration of sound management of chemicals into national development planning processes in order to support sustainable development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
    To date the project for Suriname has delivered the following results: an analysis of the national chemical situation, training on occupational health and safety, sensitization to SAICM approach, identification of priority action steps and related action plan. Your role here today is critical in supporting the finalization of this action plan and to provide guidance and ideas to better ensure that it is implemented. One way of supporting that the action plan is implemented is by becoming its greatest advocates within your Ministry, Company or social surroundings.

    Key objective identified in the draft National Action Plan is accelerated building of legal, institutional and physical infrastructure for the sound management of chemicals in Suriname to move the country towards the SAICM 2020 Goal.

    These cross cutting actions are the primary focus and denominator of the draft Action Plan seeing as they are catalytic and should facilitate sector, company, institute or individual specific action.
    Ladies and Gentlemen, what are not sufficiently appreciated are the critical role, sensitization, education and awareness that targets the different audiences to the threats chemical pose to peoples’ health, livelihoods and life chances and that these differently impact on women, men and children. We cannot stress this enough. The differences in gender and the gender division of labor determines different occupational profiles and risks that women and men face and also have to be taken into consideration in prioritizing urgent actions in the chemicals management.
    Ladies and gentlemen, UNDP is privileged to collaborate with the Government of Suriname through the Ministry of ATM and sister agency UNEP in the SAICM project. We thank the Government of Suriname, and more particularly the Ministry of ATM for the excellent partnership we enjoy and look forward to deepening and strengthening this relationship into the future.
    In closing, I would like to wish you an informative and successful workshop.
    I thank you

    Armstrong Alexis
    Deputy Resident Representative UNDP Suriname

  • image004Dr. Thomas Gittens United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Director during his remarks at the opening of the training in project writing stressed that achieving transformation is never easy task and in part dependent on increased technical and functional capacities but more so on empowering major groups to engage governments and political leaders and provide solutions that result in a shift from business as usual to meaningful and sustained change.

  • SIDS Follow-up Consultation

    On the24th of July, 2013 the SIDS Follow-up Consultation meeting was held at the Ball Room of the Lallarookh Centre,

    where the draft SIDS country report for Suriname was presented.

    This draft country report is a product of an extensive process involving desk reviews and interactive/consultative sessions, led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with support from NIMOS and UNDP.

    As part of the consultative process an earlier meeting, was held on the 19th of June at the Marriot Hotel.

    These meetings are meant to inform and consult representatives of key stakeholders on the process of preparing for and strategy towards the upcoming 3rd SIDS Conference in 2014 in Samoa and related post 2015 agenda.

  • human development atlas surinameThe General Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have jointly produced the first Human Development Atlas for Suriname, which was launched on 12th August 2013, at the Banquet Hall of Torarica Hotel.

    The Human Development Atlas is a product of a partnership between the UNDP and ABS, and one year of intensive collaboration.

    The Human Development Atlas uses data for time periods 2004-2006 and 2009-2010 and compares the development trends during these time periods. The Suriname Human Development Atlas uses district level data produced by the General Bureau of Statistics of Suriname and generated from available surveys such us Multiple Indicator Surveys for Suriname.

    This initiative is meant to showcase the use of data in a very practical and user-friendly way.

  • altParamaribo, 27 August 2013 - The foundation Innovative Solutions (INNOVA), on behalf of and in close cooperation with the Small Grants Programme (SGP), has organized a two-day Environment and Development Knowledge Fair on the 23rd and 24th of August 2013. The fair highlighted several activities the Small Grants Programme to garner more publicity and to ensure that grantees will fulfil a more active role within the program. Preceding the fair a two-day workshop was held for the grantees to strengthen their capacities and to enable sharing of lessons learned among each other.

  • UN House SurinameUnited Nations Development Programme
    UN House
    Heerenstraat 17
    Paramaribo, Suriname
    Phone # 597-421417
    Fax # 597-425136
    Website: www.undpsuriname.org








UNDP Suriname
Government of the Republic of Suriname MDG Progress Report 2014 PDF Print E-mail


Employment Opportunities PDF Print E-mail

Vacancies are normally advertised on our website and in the local print media.

All vacancies are open to male and female candidates; however only shortlisted candidates are contacted.  If you are interested in a career in development, please refer to the job opportunities at UNDP Suriname and UNDP Global as we are always interested in dedicated people who are committed to serving the cause of development.


UNDP  Suriname

Invites quotations from a suitably qualified Consultancy Firm to
Conduct Human Rights Training Sessions for Representatives of
NGOs, CBOs and Religious Organizations
The Terms of Reference (TOR) can be obtained by clicking  here


Quotations should be submitted electronically by the deadline of Thursday 9 April 2015 at 16:00 via the email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Quotations can be addressed to:
Mr. Armstrong Alexis
Deputy Resident Representative
UNDP Suriname
Only short listed firms will be contacted. 




Request for quotation Consultancy Firm PDF Print E-mail

Request for Quotation Consultancy Firm Environmental awareness training for selected staff of community radio station Langatabiki

Suriname is divided into a more developed northern belt along the Atlantic coast which accounts for 20% of the country’s area and 90% of its population of 481,000; and the southern interior belt covered by rainforest, home to a multitude of ethnic, tribal communities. Much of the country’s interior is inaccessible by road, lacks basic access to adequate water and sanitation facilities, adequate educational opportunities for children, and there is limited provision of government services.

As a result, most villagers are isolated from typical sources of information such as television broadcasts, internet, newspapers, etc. One exception to this is the presence of radio stations in several parts of the interior. Radio stations provide an effective and economical way to provide various sorts of information to these isolated communities.

It is particularly important that these communities receive information about the environment and environmental issues that can directly affect their lives. Interior villages rely extensively on the natural environment around them for food, water and shelter. Threats to their environment can mean direct threats to their livelihoods. Interior radio stations provide a unique opportunity to supply environmental messaging and content to these remote areas. Improved environmental awareness and access to information may help the rural Surinamese make informed choices about how to better take care of their immediate environment as well as to have adaptive strategies for environmental changes that are outside of their control.

The purpose of this consultancy is to strengthen the knowledge of the communities in the region of Langatabiki regarding environmental awareness and possible impacts to their lives regarding climate change. This will be done by providing training to radio broadcasters of Langatabiki so they are able to make and produce radio programs to:
(1) Explain the environmental benefits of a demonstration project to run their radio station on solar instead of diesel power
(2) Educate hinterland communities about environmental issues such as climate change, bio-diversity, renewable energy and other topics of interest to them such as solid waste management.

The full request for quotation can be downloaded here.

SIDS discussion facilitated by GEF SGP PDF Print E-mail
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the first United Nations global conference on Small Island Developing States in Barbados, and this year has also been declared, the International Year of Small Island Developing States. Therefore, there is a global concern and momentum towards the SIDS discussion.
Small Island Developing States, comprise 39 independent Small Island states globally. They share common characteristics, to name only three[1]:
·         Small geographic area
·         Dependence of the economy on a few sources of income
·         Low level of resilience against natural disasters
The major important events in the total timeline of Small Island Developing States[2]:
·         1992 –Recognition of a special group of states that share common characteristics as mentioned below, the Small Island Developing States
·         1994 – UN Global Conference on SIDS in Barbados. Result is the Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA)
·         2005 – International meeting in Mauritius to discuss the BPOA. The meeting adopts the Mauritius Strategy and Mauritius Declaration
·         2014 – The third International conference on SIDS in Samoa
Second round of GEF SGP contract signing PDF Print E-mail

Second round of 2014 GEF SGP contract signing, followed by SIDS discussion

The contracts for the second round of approved 2014 projects were officially signed on Wednesday the 6th of August 2014. Representatives from two CBOs and four NGOs signed their respective MOA. A grand total of $258,500.00 in grant money was approved for this round. Following the contract signing, a SIDS discussion was facilitated by the SGP Suriname office with several CSOs and CBOs. A complete report of this discussion can be downloaded here.

 Media and grantees awaiting the signing   The Deputy Resident Representative,  Armstrong Alexis, speaks to the guests.  Tanja Lieuw, national coordinator of SGP Suriname,  presents a summary of each project.
Contract signing by CELOS INNOVA contract signing  Contract signing Ma Sosie
Contract signing Lodgeholders Upper Suriname River Contract signing STAS Grantees
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