What We Do

Over the past few  months, the UNDP Sudan team has been working hard analyzing the past; looking into the future; reconfirming development challenges; and mapping partner interventions. Against this backdrop and with UNDP’s  new global Strategic Plan 2014 – 2017 in mind, we assessed the Blue Ocean Potential of our current portfolio, identified new entry points and agreed on strategic areas for interventions. While we are still working on the details, especially the formulation of theories of change for identified key areas, we are keen to share an overview with partners through this short animation.

Faces from Sudan

Mohamed Yahiya: I wish to be able to draw more smiles on the faces of Sudanese people

Thirty-three year old Mohamed Yahia wakes up every morning with renewed determination to fulfill his dream. Yahia is passionate about the true sense of our Sudanese “identity” with its composite ethnicities, Sudan’s rich history, and notions of peace and  acceptance of one another as first class citizens.

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