Identity Correction


Impersonating big-time criminals in order to publicly humiliate them, and otherwise giving journalists excuses to cover important issues. These days, we're focusing all our energy on the Yes Lab, which helps activists use creative techniques to promote change.

Correcting identities…

New pastures!


The winds of time have not been kind to our former home here at While this site has been neglected, we've remained thoroughly busy in real life.

The Action Switchboard is our brand-new online platform where you can propose an action idea, receive Yes Lab feedback, and solicit help (and funding) from others.

Our latest activities now live at We founded the Yes Lab in 2010 to help progressive organizations build Yes Men-style actions into their campaigns. We've been involved in a lot of the actions on that site, but some of them are the work of others.

And: our latest movie, The Yes Men Are Revolting, is finished. Sign up for our mailing list and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the most up-to-date info on the film.

As for this site...