Ahitophel ("Brother of Insipidity", or "Impiety") was a counselor of King David and a man greatly renowned for his sagacity. At the time of Absalom's revolt he deserted David (Psalm. 41:9; 55:12-14) and espoused the cause of Absalom (2 Samuel 15:12).
David sent his old friend Hushai back to Absalom, in order that he might counteract the counsel of Ahitophel (2 Sam. 15:31-37). Ahitophel, seeing that his good advice against David had not been followed due to Hushai's influence, correctly predicted that the revolt would fail. He then left the camp of Absalom at once. He returned to Giloh, his native place, and after arranging his worldly affairs, hanged himself, and was buried in the sepulcher of his fathers (2 Sam. 17:1-23).
A man named Ahitophel is also mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:34, and he is said to be the father of Eliab. Since 2 Samuel 11:3 notes that Eliab is the father of Bathsheba, some scholars suggest that the Ahitophel of 2 Samuel 15 may in fact be Bathsheba's grandfather. Levenson and Halpern, for example, note that "the narrator is sufficiently subtle (or guileless) to have Bathsheba's grandfather... instigate the exaction of YHWH's pound of flesh," as Nathan's curse in 2 Samuel 12:11 comes to fruition.
Though David has all the wealth, power, wives & children inherent for the King of Israel he does not have what he craves most: the true love of a woman who loves him as a man instead of as King. He is attracted to Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers who is more devoted to army duty than to his wife. David & Bathsheba succumb to their feelings. Their affair, her resulting pregnancy, & David's resolve to have her husband killed so Bathsheba will be free to marry, bring the wrath of God upon the kingdom. David must rediscover his faith in God in order to save Bathsheba from death by stoning, his kingdom from drought & famine, & himself from his many sins.
Keywords: 10th-century-b.c., 23rd-psalm, adulteress, adulterous-wife, adultery, ancient-israel, annointing, ark-of-the-covenant, attraction, bath
Mighty as Goliath! Fiery as their Love!
For this woman... he broke God's own commandment!
Mighty as Goliath!
Joab: Sire?::King David: Hmmm?::Joab: You're wounded. Let me call for a physician.::King David: No, no, let it alone. It's a long time since I've shed any blood. It's good to have proof that it still runs in my veins.
King David: Your sarcasm is wasted. We both know that royalty is a fraud.::Michal: It was no fraud when my father was king.::King David: And I've never denied that Saul was every inch a king.::Michal: [bitterly] And his successor every inch a fraud!::King David: I will not argue that either.
Bathsheba: Perhaps you would prefer truth to honesty, Sire.
Bathsheba: [as David tries to kiss her in an open field] No, David! The boy! He'll see us!::King David: [David looks at the shepherd boy] No matter. Shepherd boys learn early about life.::Bathsheba: Did you, David?::King David: Did I what?::Bathsheba: Learn about life early?::King David: Before I was 12, I knew everything there was to know about life. At 12 I'd killed wolves... at 13 a man.
King David: Michal, I cannot find it in my heart to blame you for what you do... but you, Absalom, my son, have I given you cause to hate me so?
King David: That soldier who laid his hands on the Ark - he was only trying to be helpful.::Nathan: It is not for us to question the ways of the Lord.::King David: I question nothing, yet the sun was hot that day, the man had been drinking wine, all were excited when the ark began to fall. Is it not possible that the man might have died naturally from other causes?::Nathan: All causes are from God!