In science, cognition: refers to mental processes. These processes include attention, memory, producing and understanding language, solving problems, and making decisions. Cognition is studied in various disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, linguistics, science and computer science. Usage of the term varies in different disciplines; for example in psychology and cognitive science, it usually refers to an information processing view of an individual's psychological functions. It is also used in a branch of social psychology called social cognition to explain attitudes, attribution and groups dynamics.
The term cognition comes from the Latin verb congnosco (con 'with' + gnōscō 'know'), itself a loanword from the Ancient Greek verb gnόsko "γνώσκω" meaning 'learning' (noun: gnόsis "γνώσις" = knowledge), so broadly, 'to conceptualize' or 'to recognize'.
It refers to a faculty for the processing of information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences. Cognition, or cognitive processes, can be natural or artificial, conscious or unconscious. These processes are analyzed from different perspectives within different contexts, notably in the fields of linguistics, anesthesia, neurology and psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, systemics, computer science and creed. Within psychology or philosophy, the concept of cognition is closely related to abstract concepts such as mind, intelligence, cognition is used to refer to the mental functions, mental processes (thoughts) and states of intelligent entities (humans, collaborative groups, human organizations, highly autonomous machines and artificial intelligences).
George P. Lakoff ( /ˈleɪkɒf/, born May 24, 1941) is an American cognitive linguist and professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1972. Although some of his research involves questions traditionally pursued by linguists, such as the conditions under which a certain linguistic construction is grammatically viable, he is most famous for his ideas about the centrality of metaphor to human thinking, political behavior and society. He is particularly famous for his concept of the "embodied mind", which he has written about in relation to mathematics. In recent years he has applied his work to the realm of politics, exploring this in his books. He is a member of the scientific committee of the Fundacion IDEAS, Spain's Socialist Party's think tank. He was the founder of the now defunct progressive think tank the Rockridge Institute.
Lakoff began his career as a student and later a teacher of the theory of transformational grammar developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Noam Chomsky. In the late 1960s, however, he joined with others to promote generative semantics as an alternative to Chomsky's generative syntax. In an interview he stated:
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Barefooted you are facing the Infinity
Gazing into its unexplored depths
Thoughts and feelings melt in eternal dark
You bring back all the Earth gifted you with
Just to know the secret of the sky
Searching neither for words nor for passion
Sacrificing your quietness instead
With eternal hope you are looking
And waiting for answer from the Silence
Centuries pass by before your eyes
Faces are flickering… machines are roaring
Buildings had being erected and destroyed
But you stand still in patience
Moment in infinity of the wheel of time
And secret reveals for you
You can see veracity…
And only whispering from core of your heart
“Nor Aught nor Nought existed; yon bright sky
Was not, nor heaven’s broad roof outstretched above.
What covered all? What sheltered? what concealed?
Was it the water’s fathomless abyss?
There was not death—yet there was nought immortal,
There was no confine betwixt day and night;
The only One breathed breathless by itself,
Other than It there nothing since has been.
Darkness there was, and all at first was veiled
In gloom profound—an ocean without light
Tired wanderer of eternity
Your path leads to infinity
To walk and to stay
Action in the slackness
This is the way i get when im unhappy with myself, i feel my mistakes pounding into my lead, lying to my conscience believing i was misled theres things ive learned since timess passed on still i hurt when will regret be gone gone are the days of feeling good within my soul and ill gain self respect by gaining self control, ive got a feeling that i can beat this game then i wont have why do i do the wrong things over and over again when it seems the outcome never makes any sense, ive got a feeling that i can beat this game then i wont have to feel the shame