Construction of Horns Rev 2 foundations, short version
Construction of Horns Rev 2 foundations, short version
Short movie that shows the construction of 91 foundations for the Danish offshore windfarm Horns Rev 2. At that time, it was the world's largest offshore wind farm -- never before had wind turbines been erected so far from dry land. Construction was performed by Aarsleff / Bilfinger Berger - Joint Venture (refer www.aarsleff.com or www.civil.bilfinger.com).
Horns Rev (Horns Reef) Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea
Horns Rev (Horns Reef) Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea
At Horns Rev the Danish Energy company Elsam (now DONG Energy) built the first offshore wind farm in the North Sea. A total of 80 Vestas V80-2.0 MW units, capable of producing 160 MW, were installed by the Danish offshore wind farms services provider A2SEA in 2002 with the last turbine coming into operation on 11 December 2002. Since 2005, the wind farm is owned and operated by Vattenfall. Turbines are laid out as an oblique rectangle of 5 km x 3.8 km (8 horizontal and 10 vertical rows). The distance between turbines is 560 m in both directions. The main method of transport to the first wind park is a specially adapted Eurocopter EC-135 helicopter. Hoisting the workers to and from a small platform on each turbine allows access to the park regardless of sea conditions which would otherwise prevent sailing in the area for a large part of the year.
Horns Rev 2 ¨The world's largest offshore wind farm¨
Horns Rev 2 ¨The world's largest offshore wind farm¨
Horns Rev 2, West off Denmark
Horns Rev 2 offshore wind farm, dismounting a monopile
Horns Rev 2 offshore wind farm, dismounting a monopile
Global Marine - Horns Rev - Cables
Global Marine - Horns Rev - Cables
Global Marine Systems Limited made the vital connections at Horns Rev, the worlds largest offshore wind farm. Working in harsh environmental conditions up to 20km into the North Sea, Global Marine Systems was responsible for installing and burying power cables up to two metres below the seabed and making 160 cable connections for the wind farms 80 turbines.
Nexans High Voltage - Horns Rev Project
Nexans High Voltage - Horns Rev Project
Follow the production of these cables beginning at Halden, Norway and ending with installation offshore Norway using the Nexans Skagerrak cable laying ship.
Working offshore on Horns rev 2.
Working offshore on Horns rev 2.
Summer night, the weather is beautiful and we mount the flex pipe and J tubs from the jack up Shirine. Smit Bison are on standby in the background.
Horns Rev II
Horns Rev II
No matter how careful you are, you never know when you might find yourself in a dangerous situation..In this case; bad weather, wind, and waves can turn into a nightmare...
Offshore work. Horns rev 2, Shirine Jack up
Offshore work. Horns rev 2, Shirine Jack up
Horns Rev is one of the world's largest off shore wind farms
Horns Rev is one of the world's largest off shore wind farms
Stock footage. The wind farm Horns Rev has 80 wind turbines, and in one of the world's largest wind farms. It is located off the west coast of Denmarks Jutland peninsula in the North Sea. Today, Vattenfall owns 60 per cent of the facility wich generates electricity corresponding to the electricity consumption of some 150000 private households. Footage shows a panorama view over Horns Rev and employees working with turbines from a helicopter. Footage also shows control rooms. Horns Rev, vindkraftspark, Danmark Arkivfilm. Horns Rev har 80 turbiner och är en av världens största vindkraftparker till havs. Horns rev ligger utanför danska västkusten i Nordsjön. Idag äger Vattenfall 60 procent av anläggningen som producerar el motsvarande elförbrukning för 150 000 hushåll. Filmen visar utsikt över Horns Rev och medarbetare som arbetar med turbiner från helikopter. Filmen visar också arbete i kontrollrum.
Bilfinger Berger - Construction - Windpark Horns Rev 2
Bilfinger Berger - Construction - Windpark Horns Rev 2
Horns Rev 2 liegt 30 bis 40 Kilometer vor dem westlichsten Zipfel Dänemarks. Der Windpark mit seinen Anlagen von zusammen 209 Megawatt Leistung soll jährlich 800 Gigawattstunden Strom liefern - genug, um 200.000 Haushalte zu versorgen. Dong Energy, eine Energiegesellschaft in dänischem Staatsbesitz, beauftragte Bilfinger Berger zusammen mit seinem Joint-Venture-Partner Per Aarsleff, die Fundamente für die Windräder in das Sandriff zu setzen, in einer Wassertiefe zwischen neun und 17 Metern. Die Stahlpfähle sind bis zu 40 Meter lang. Sie haben einen Durchmesser von 3,9 Metern und sind bis zu 210 Tonnen schwer. www.ingenieurbau.bilfinger.de www.aarsleff.com - - - Horns Rev 2 is 30 to 40 kilometers from the western-most tip of Denmark. The wind farm with a total capacity of 209 megawatts is expected to generate 800 gigawatt hours of electricity per year - enough to supply 200000 homes. Dong Energy A/S, a Danish state-owned energy company, has commissioned Bilfinger Berger and its joint venture partner Per Aarsleff A/S to sink the foundations for the wind turbines into the sand banks that lie between nine and 17 meters beneath the sea. The steel piles are up to 40 meters in length with a diameter of 3.9 meters, and they can weigh up to 210 tons. www.civil.bilfinger.com www.aarsleff.com
Two CN SD60F's. Nice horn. Nice rev up. Beautiful sunrise.
Two CN SD60F's. Nice horn. Nice rev up. Beautiful sunrise.
A pair of CN SD60F's lead this westbound manifest through Chicago Heights, IL. at sunrise. The train is traveling down the EJ&E Eastern Subdivision. Filmed on February 27th, 2008.
Film om byggeriet af Horns Rev 2.flv
Film om byggeriet af Horns Rev 2.flv
Horns Rev 2 Offshore Wind Farm Project Introduction Video
Crown Prince Frederik attends the inauguration of ocean wind farm (2009)
Crown Prince Frederik attends the inauguration of ocean wind farm (2009)
17 September 2009 / Crown Prince Frederik is flanked by Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen and DONG Energy chairman of the board Fritz Schur when attending the inauguration of the Horns Rev 2 windmill park in the North Sea. The 91 windmills will produce 209 MW annually, which means electricity to about 200000 households.
Самая большая ветряная электростанция в мире Horns Rev II
Самая большая ветряная электростанция в мире Horns Rev II
19 сентября 2009 г Dong Energy ввела в эксплуатацию самую большую ветряную электростанцию в мире Horns Rev II стоимостью 1 млрд долл. Комплекс из 91 ветрогенератора, каждый из которых имеет размах лопастей 93 метра, расположен в Северном море, в 30 км от западного побережья Ютланда (Дания). Он занимает площадь размером 35 кв. км, и может производить 209 мВт чистой энергии, что эквивалентно годовому потреблению электроэнергии 200 000 домашних хозяйств. Для обслуживания электростанции будут созданы 9000 рабочих мест. Thursday 19 September at noon, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik inaugurated the worlds largest offshore wind farm, Horns Rev 2. The wind farm was constructed and is owned by DONG Energy, and its 91 wind turbines in total will generate green power corresponding to the annual power consumption of 200000 households.