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Dr Yaffa Bey teaches the utilization of a Dictionary and simply brings to the attention of the viewer the shortcomings we have most been subjected to in this...
For fun, I'd like to spice the night up with the etymology of some of America's favorite curse words- we should know the history of the expletives we use so ...
SPECIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT: Delve into the deeep waters and many esoteric facets and hidden meanings of Language, Etymology and symbullism with special guest Cullen Smith aka Made Manifest on the Collective Imagination Show with host Lisa M Harrison and Brian Kelly, and Deerwomon. Cullen's website cullens public facebook page Lifting The Veil
We're going to cover word spells. How post-Mesopotamian language has had us under the Ol' Abra-Cadaver trick.... the oldest control trick.. "Thou hast fallen...
Language Etymology of Truthiracy P1.avi Part 1 of 5 A Documentary Research Film by Truthiracy Films House of Wisdom 2011 Christopher Lord Material is the opi...
This lecture, delivered by Rabbi Elyahu Kin in 2009, is part of a series on the origin and subsequent evolvement of language, with an emphasis on the Hebrew ...
Thanks for watching, for more videos, like and subscribe :-) Interesting Etymology Of The Days Of The Week Intere...
linguistic manipulation & etymology *nWo classics! original air-date 3-9-13 etymology of words, semantics ((from Greek: semantikós) is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifies, like words, phrases
Website: A video explaining the etymology behind Chinese numbers. Chinese numbers are often accompanied by deep philosophical ...
We're going to cover word spells. How post-Mesopotamian language has had us under the Ol' Abra-Cadaver trick.... the oldest control trick.. "Thou hast fallen for the eldest trick in the scroll! xD how do i even begin? is it by telling you about how we've unwittingly been CAST into the MOLD of ancient SPELLS of our modern SPELLING? CAST just like a MOLD, or perhaps like a NET? while caught, like fish, in the net of spells and spelling that have been cast, thus SENTENCING us to LIFE SENTENCES and the CURSES of CURSIVE which are just TERMS, just like serving a PRISON TERM. So we've been SENTENCED to the WARDS of these WORDS which can be deadly as SWORDS if misunderstood or perhaps you missed the understanding of my TERMS or the SYBILS of my SYLLABLES, or even the ancient RITES of writing?? We Languish in our languid Language, in anguish ever since the ancient times of the Anglish angus and the PhonY Phonetic Phonics of the ancient Phoenician Pheonix. You think English is easy? Sometimes I think English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on. English was created from the ancient Phonic Phonetics of the Phony Phoenician Phoenixes, and it reflects the creativity and cunning genius of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all, unless youre just another rat, caught in the daily maze of the rat race of this human race against one another. We draw money from our banks which are the edges of a river, which FLOWS in CURRENTS to the SEA, which is why its called CURRENCY, because our CASH FLOWS like pyroclastic ASH FLOWS toward the SEA, which is why we can trace back the ROOTS of all modern TRADE to the ancient Phoenician TRADE ROUTES, and why our mundane weekdays seem to keep us in a perpetually WEAK DAZE, until we are so WEAKENED, that we barely make it to the WEEKEND. so each day, we routinely AWAKE in the MORNING, or is the Monday morning ritual conversely conversing a MOURNING at A WAKE for the dead? And thus, the Bible speaks that the dead shall walk the earth, so it appears that they already are, without even knowing it, just by the strange language of which they know not the TRUE origins and what their words mean in etymology. And the SIGNIFICANCE of the SIGNS and sins in SIGNIFICATION of their SIGNATURES on dead legal fictions like IDs and bills. because our citizenship begins when we board the citizen SHIP, which sails the high seas carrying SEAMEN and it all begins when the male SHIP docks in its female SLOT or SLIP, also known as its BERTH, and unloads its CARGO or SEMEN, which sail up the WATERS of the CANAL. So she gets pregnant and now carries the precious CARGO and will now give BIRTH to the new citizen that must now register to board the citizen SHIP and repeat the cycle all over again, until the citizens catch on to the ancient spells of the PHONY PHONETIC PHOENICIANS' tools of commerce and piracy of the high seas and the human commodity through the use of their made up languid language, which gives us our modern english. support my projects by subscribing as a patron here...;=1 paypal donations!untitled/c1b6o For more sources and information, google: my site- Lifting The Veil my facebook page Lifting The Veil WORDS: by Stefan Molyneux Language Etymology of Truthiracy- Truthiracy: House of Wisdom Jordan Maxwell, THE PERFECT SWINDLE: the greatest trick ever played on humanity Law and Language: pt 1 REALITY IS MADE OF LANGUAGE!! WORDS CREATE MATTER!! HERES THE PROOF! PLEASE SHARE! Secret Spells of The English Language Occult Secrets of Grammar - Phoenician Starter Kit TRICKED BY THE LIGHT: LANGUAGE: MAGIC WORDS, SPELLS, WITCHCRAFT OF THE SATANIC ILLUMINATi..
Etymology of Religions Explicate Economic and Political Barbarism +++++++++++++++++++++++++ et·y·mol·o·gy (t-ml-j) n. pl. et·y·mol·o·gies 1. The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible. 2. The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies. -source:
Hosts Michelle Walling and Larry Locken discuss etymology- the origin of words and how they are being used to control humanity through black magic spells. Made Manifest is a healer, coach, and philosopher and has an interest in studying "spelling" and how all words have a root meaning. Made Manifest's article, The Truth About English: Phonics, Phonetics, and Etymology, can be found here: This article contains a video he posted on You Tube. Cullen's website: Check out our In5D Radio lineup here: Listen to all shows live on BlogTalkRadio here: Official In5D Facebook page:
Etymology explores the origin of words - the history and development of individual words in a language. It asks a question you're likely familiar with: "wher...
Etymology: Intermediate and Advanced Vocabulary.
Syncretics is a term I use as a formula for learning, with the term syncretism as the act of applying this formula. Syncretism means the “reconciliation of differing beliefs” from Greek synkretismos "union of communities," from synkretizein "to combine against a common enemy,” (that “enemy,” being IGNORE-ANCE and separation from our common origins) from syn- "together" as in “to SYNC TOGETHER.” From my perspective, it is about searching through ALL sources of information, despite differing beliefs and opinions, and sifting through it, in order to find the most valuable nuggets of truth, and to find the common root similarities, so that we may see how all the pieces fit together to provide a much larger and unrestricted view of reality, in order to better understand ourselves in relation to one another, without declining into argument and dispute over seemingly opposing perspectives and points of view, or POINTS-OF-YOU. It’s about turning over EVERY stone, the good, the bad, and the ugly, to see what lies beneath, regard-less of our own PERSONAL judge-ment (judging the mind/ ment: Latin, meaning MIND) of what it is that we may find. As I always say, “If you fear something.... STUDY IT!! The more you learn about it, the more understanding you gain. Suddenly, you know about it, and although you may still dislike it, you no longer fear it, because you realize its not the thing itself that is ominous, but rather, only your limited understanding of it.” All Information is inherently Neutral. It is only when passed through the mind of it’s observer, that it gets imprinted with polarity (good vs bad, light vs dark, + vs -), based on the preconceived notions accumulated by one’s own background experiences and picked up from our social env-iron-ment. When start to see how all things connect in some way or another, then we start to see a pattern emerge, that illuminates the similarities which connect all fields of study and learning, from science, art, language, number, music, astrology, geometry, theology, mythology, and just about every other area of Learning and communication. For me, this journey is all about getting to the heART of the subject matter, to where we can finally see that everything has a valid right to exist, so long as we’re not imposing on another’s ability to choose freely, and that includes the suppression of information as well. Now that we’ve dis-cussed my views on Syncretics, lets explain etymology. In order to introduce you to the under-standing of the mechanics of word etymology, we are going to show you the very etymology of the word “etymology.” ;) The very word “etymology” comes from much more ancient roots, spanning throughout his-story and many different cultures and languages, as is the case for all words and forms of language and communication. ETYMOLOGY comes from: ethimolegia "FACTS OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A WORD," from Old French et(h)imologie (14c., Modern French étymologie), from Latin etymologia, from Greek etymologia, properly "STUDY OF THE TRUE SENSE (OF A WORD)," from the root words of: etymon "TRUE SENSE" (neuter of etymos "TRUE, REAL, ACTUAL," related to eteos "true") + logia "STUDY OF, A SPEAKING OF" (see - logy). So etymology is a compound word, which comes from the root words of Logia, meaning “the study of” and etym, meaning “the true sense.” So in other words, we’re talking about getting to the true essence of what concepts mean by studying the very WORDS used to describe these concepts. Now let’s dive into what the word esoteric means and how we can apply it in order to gain wisdom and understanding. Esoteric comes from Greek esoterikos "BELONGING TO AN INNER CIRCLE," from esotero "more within," comparative adverb of ESO "WITHIN," related to eis "INTO," EN "IN" (see en-). In English, originally of Pythagorean doctrines. According to Lucian, the division of teachings into EXOTERIC and ESOTERIC, originated with Aristotle. So the Esoteric understanding is the Inner house of TRUE wisdom, while the Exoteric is the outer shell of false facades, fake masks, lies and bullshit fed to the masses who are EX-cluded or EX-communicated, or EXiled from the TRUTH of the inner wisdom of the wise-dome of the inner temple, because they are to busy beating around the bush from being fed bullshit by the mainstream institutions. So the ESO prefix is the same as the EN prefix, meaning WITHIN, as in ENdo-thermic or ENdocrine, as in “the truth lies WITHIN you,” as opposed to the HEX (Saturn) of the EX, which is the outer, as in EXo-thermic, or EXo-skeleton, or the false bullshit of the savior figure that lies outside of you, up in the clouds somewhere. So this is exactly why Holly-Wood and politics will always shows you the character of the two faced liar, the false facade of the fake mask, which is the very calling card of the Jester, the Joker, the Jack, the FOOL, the BULLSHITTER, the politician!!
The Journey of A to Z (1 - 26) a Mathematical Spell...
sorry for lack of uploads but alot of editors enjoy bailing, expect some more super spooky trill content soon. editors: part 1 : part 2: leaders: zxhy: seis: kbb:
Sevan Bomar does a little ciphering of religious symbols and language programs.
Label: Esoteric Catalog#: ESO009 Format: Vinyl, 12" Country: UK Released: Nov 2007.
Etymology about words used in business. Many ancient words have deep meanings and are rooted in our everyday life. By analyzing related languages with a technique known as the comparative method - in this way, word roots have been found that can be traced all the way back to the origin of, for instance, the Indo-European language family. Documentary by Chiron Last Etymology of words: 1. Cutter 2. Merchant 3. Float 4. Sale 5. Liquidation 6. Liquidate 7. Revenue 8. Cash 9. Cash Flow 10. Banks 11. Branches 12. Rebate 13. Froze assets 14. Interest 15. Mortage 16. Sarcasm 17. Capital 18. Earn 19. Utter 20. Withdrawal 21. Salt 22. Kite 23. Balance 24. Debtor 25. Bank Draft 26. Hired and Fired
Behold: First off, could you please relate the history and etymological origin of "Catchatubbee"? ... Or New York City? ... � ... ) ... � ... ) ... �.
Huffington Post 2015-04-10Behold: First off, could you please relate the history and etymological origin of "Catchatubbee"? ... Or New York City? ... � ... ) ... � ... ) ... �.
Huffington Post 2015-04-10John Aubrey: ... antiquarian, biographer, topographer, naturalist and collector of etymologies, folklore and old wives’ tales.
The Economist 2015-04-09... huge families of interrelated words inherently different from the ways English etymologies work.
Fresno Bee 2015-04-09Pronunciation: ka-kow. Taste notes: rich, bitter, chocolatey, fruity. Etymology: ... What actually is it?
London Evening Standard 2015-04-08... album version of Kendrick Lamar's "i," in which he gives the etymology and definition of the word.
IMDb 2015-04-08In truth, wop isn't an acronym, but a derogatory slang whose etymology likely traces through Latin ...
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-04-08So synonymous have the terms become, most members of the party would be hard-pressed to explain the ...
BBC News 2015-04-08... huge families of interrelated words inherently different from the ways English etymologies work.
noodls 2015-04-07Recently the Financial Times ran an interesting letter from a reader who put forth the etymological ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-06Folks, we are getting into a new etymological (study of words) quagmire here, and it is sort of scary ... ) ... Period.
Stars and Stripes 2015-04-05Feast day of St. Isidore of Seville ... St ... St ... His twenty volume set titled Etymologies was perhaps the first known encyclopedia.
The Examiner 2015-04-04Folks, we are getting into a new etymological (study of words) quagmire here, and it is sort of scary ... ) ... Period ... com.
The Columbus Dispatch 2015-04-04Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. By an extension, the term "etymology (of a word)" means the origin of a particular word.
For languages with a long written history, etymologists make use of texts in these languages and texts about the languages to gather knowledge about how words were used during earlier periods of their history and when they entered the languages in question. Etymologists also apply the methods of comparative linguistics to reconstruct information about languages that are too old for any direct information to be available. By analyzing related languages with a technique known as the comparative method, linguists can make inferences about their shared parent language and its vocabulary. In this way, word roots have been found that can be traced all the way back to the origin of, for instance, the Indo-European language family.
Even though etymological research originally grew from the philological tradition, currently much etymological research is done on language families where little or no early documentation is available, such as Uralic and Austronesian.