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Daniel Landa 1938
1938 - Rok mobilizace a zrady
Co kdyby jsme se bránili?! Československo v roce 1938
1938 NAZI GERMANY - Trip to Nazi Germany & Adolph Hitler Speech in Color 3275
Československá armáda v roce 1938.
Young in Heart 1938 Douglas Fairbanks Vintage Public Domain Classic Comedy
Hitler and Chamberlain: The Munich Crisis 1938
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast.
Warsaw 1938 in Color Kolorowa Warszawa 1938 unikalny film!
Kdyby...(Dokument CZ o roku 1938)
Constance Bennett & Billie Burke Screwball comedy (1938)
Österreich 1938 in Farbe
Time Travelers in 1928 and 1938 film caught talking on a cell phone
1937 Chicago Cubs Game (Home Movie)
Rok, který znamená pro vlastence hodně zklamaní. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Když jsme po Mnichovu...
Dokumentární vize se pokouší hledat odpovědi na věčnou, bolestivou a stále se opakující "osmičkovou" otázku: Měli jsme se v roce 1938 bránit útoku nacistické...
In 1938 Theodore Andrica, the Nationalities Editor of the Cleveland Press and author of the "Around the World in Cleveland" column, paid a visit to Nazi Germ...
Toto video je součástí stránek o Čs.armádě a opevnění z let 1936-38. Velké dík patří uživateli mayhem,s jehož pomocí toto krátké...
Part of the 'Summits' series by Professor David Reynolds, this outstanding documentary covers the crisis of 1938 in superb detail. It will be of considerable...
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of the Worlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology series Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938 and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds. The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins", which suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Compounding the issue was the fact that the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a 'sustaining show' (it ran without commercial breaks), thus adding to the program's quality of realism. Although there were sensationalist accounts in the press about a supposed panic in response to the broadcast, the precise extent of listener response has been debated. In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage. The program's news-bulletin format was decried as cruelly deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast, but the episode secured Orson Welles' fame. Part of the american archives viewing pre-war Warsaw. You'll see here Saxon Garden, Marszalkowska street Pilsudski Square, the European hotel and the Jewish district. Fragment amerykańskich archiwów dotyczący przedwojennej Warszawy. Zobaczycie tu Ogród Saski, Marszałkowską, plac Piłsudskiego, hotel Europejski czy dzielnicę Żydowską. Zapraszamy na stronę
Dokumentární fikce, která nabízí odpověď na věčnou otázku z osudového podzimu 1938. Jak bychom dopadli, kdybychom tehdy nekapitulovali a postavili se na odpo...
Full length movie. 1938 Screwball comedy that was well ahead of its time.
Time Traveler in 1938 film caught talking on a cell phone in 1938 comming out of a Dupont Factory in Massachusetts. Link to Chaplin movie the Circus 1928: ht...
1937 home movie of a Chicago Cubs baseball game at Wrigley Field. Shot by Jacob Glick. Original: 16mm., B&W;, Silent, Found in Chicago Film Archives Glick-Berolzheimer Home Movie Collection ( Explore over 1000 streaming films from Chicago Film Archives here!:
Tento unikátní dokument o naší branné moci je z období 1932 až do onoho osudového roku 1938. Jedná se o První republiku Československou, která vznikla 28.10....
HEIMAT Deutscher Film von / film allemand de / German film of : Carl Froelich Nach dem Schauspiel von / tiré de la pièce de / after the play of : Hermann Sud...
A tour of the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro in 1938, from the Andre de la Varre "Screen Traveler" series. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of t...
Rio de Janeiro 1938 - 1939 Name: David Glick's JDC mission to South America in the late 1930´s Audio/Visual: color, silent Length: 03:16 Year: 1938 - 1939 So...
Documental histórico sobre los antecedentes, razones, hechos y consecuencias de la expropiación del petróleo, promulgada por el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas el...
Produkcja wytwórni Cancanen Films Production. W filmie, ukończonym w październiku 1940 r., wykorzystano kroniki wojenne, fragmenty zachowanych w Londynie prz...
10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the Holocaust even happened. Here's some more articles: Library of Congress
Dans un village de haute Provence, un boulanger récemment installé découvre un matin que sa jeune femme est partie avec un berger. Il décide de faire la grève du pain tant que sa femme n'est pas revenue. Le village se mobilise pour pouvoir retrouver sa boulangère. Distribution : Raimu : Aimable Castanier, le boulanger Ginette Leclerc : Aurélie, la femme du boulanger Charles Moulin : Dominique, le berger Fernand Charpin : le marquis Castan de Venelles Robert Vattier : le curé Alida Rouffe : Céleste, la bonne du curé Maximilienne : Mlle Angèle Robert Bassac : l'instituteur Édouard Delmont : Maillefer dit "Patience", le pêcheur qu'il ne faut pas interrompre Charles Blavette : Antonin dit "Tonin" Odette Roger : Miette, la femme d'Antonin Paul Dullac : Casimir, le buraliste Julien Maffre : Pétugue Marcel Maupi : Barnabé Jean Castan : Esprit, un berger Charblay (Jean-Baptiste Chappe) : Arsène, le boucher
DAEVID ALLEN 1938-2015 ... affectation) was born on January 13, 1938 and brought up in Melbourne.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-26A two-time champion in this tournament, Temple has the distinction of claiming the very first NIT title back in 1938.
The Miami Herald 2015-03-26KNOXVILLE, Tenn ... The only years in which Tennessee hasn't had a player drafted were 1938, 1960 and 1963 ... J.
Times Union 2015-03-26Should it tighten at all? ... k. a ... After the Treasury reversed its policy on sterilization in 1938, the economy recovered.
Real Clear Politics 2015-03-26Minor was valedictorian of her college class ... "That picture captured me ... After a 1938 marriage, Minor reportedly divorced ... com.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-03-26Maria escaped Vienna in 1938 and lived the rest of her life in Los Angeles and teamed up with the ...
London Evening Standard 2015-03-26... their attempt to retrace the 1938 Arctic expedition of legendary British explorer David Haig-Thomas.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-26Born Faye Guivarra in Cairns, Australia in 1938, Candy Devine grew up on a sugar cane farm and was ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-26The 4,643-square-foot house — built in 1938, according to a listing on the real estate website ...
Seattle Post 2015-03-25(Source: Molex Incorporated ) ... Established in 1938, the company operates 45 manufacturing locations in 17 countries ... //www ... :51
noodls 2015-03-25It operates under the group company name of Jacobs and Turner, which began as a uniform maker in Glasgow in 1938.
BBC News 2015-03-25Rumour has it their budgets were so extravagant that, in 1938, questions were raised in Senate Estimates hearings.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-25RANK COUNTRY POINTS 1 Netherlands 1938 2 Australia 1848 3 Argentina 1818 4 New Zealand 1575 5 United ...
Penn Live 2015-03-25Year 1938 (MCMXXXVIII) was a common year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.