Latest environment news

Santander quits Australian wind farm on policy uncertainty

Angela Macdonald-Smith 2:04 PM   Banco Santander will sell its only Australian wind farm because of the policy uncertainty that has dragged the renewable energy industry into crisis.

March among Sydney's warmest as city dries off

Stormy times at Lurline Bay, Sydney, on March 30.

Peter Hannam 3:50 PM   It may not have felt it but Sydney has just had one of its warmest March months on record with the city also clearly on the dry side.

Emissions 'step up' after carbon price ends

Hazy picture: Australia's greenhouse gas emissions are falling - for now.

Peter Hannam 3:37 PM   Australia’s greenhouse emissions from the electricity sector jumped in the September quarter, reversing the industry’s declines during the two carbon tax years preceding it, the latest government data shows.

Emails show Big Oil pressured US scientists over fracking's link to quakes

A fracking operation in Pennsylvania - near the border with Ohio, which has limited drilling out of concern over earthquakes.

Benjamin Elgin and Matthew Philips 8:16 AM   In November 2013, Oklahoma's state seismologist, Austin Holland, got a request that made him nervous. It was from David Boren, president of the University of Oklahoma, which houses the Oklahoma Geological Survey where Holland works.

Rich nations' fossil fuel export funding dwarfs green spend, data shows

Fossil fuels gets more export subsidies than renewables.

8:33 AM   Rich nations provided far more in export subsidies for fossil-fuel technology as for renewable energy over a decade, according to OECD data seen by Reuters.

No let up likely in NSW CSG battles

Protest organiser Kathy McKenzie, centre, at Putty.

Peter Hannam   If the re-elected Baird government is hoping for a post-poll lull in the coal seam gas debate, it is likely to be disappointed.

Australia not among rich nations releasing post-2020 emission goals on time

The emissions intensity of the power sector is on the increase.

Peter Hannam 6:19 PM   The UN wants nations to release their longer-term targets well in advance of the Paris summit late this year that will aim to thrash out a new worldwide climate treaty.

Keepers hope it will be giraffe love at first sight for Shaba and Mzungu

New giraffe Shaba on his way to the National Zoo and Aquarium.

Georgina Connery 4:07 PM   Shaba has just arrived at the National Zoo and Aquarium and there are high hopes this strapping male Giraffe will be a fitting new boyfriend for the zoo's four-year-old female Mzungu.

Sydney weather: Thunderstorm the start of a soggy Easter week

Ten millimetres of rain fell on the city in 30 minutes.

Megan Levy   Sydney's skyline darkened dramatically as a thunderstorm swept over the city on Monday morning - and it's a sign of what we can expect this Easter long weekend.

Australia accused of 'cooking books' on emissions cuts

Cooling towers at Australia's most carbon-intensive major power plant, Hazelwood.

Adam Morton and Lisa Cox   The Australian government is changing how it expresses climate change targets in way that could make it appear to the public as though it is cutting greenhouse gas emissions more rapidly than it is.

Mexico pledges 25% cut in greenhouse gas emissions

Mexico submits global warming action plan: The nation has made an early start among developing countries on carbon pledges.

Alex Nussbaum and Eric Martin   Mexico became the first developing nation to formally promise to cut its global-warming pollution, a potential milestone in efforts to reach a worldwide agreement on tackling climate change.

Australia 'at risk of failing' biggest climate test in a decade say climate groups

 Environment Minister Greg Hunt says Australia is committed to action on climate change "because it's real and significant and important".

Lisa Cox   The Abbott government says it will be a constructive player in global climate talks but environment groups have warned it is laying out a path that puts Australia at risk of failing the most important climate test in a decade.

Bigwigs won't be held to account in tax avoidance inquiry

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West   The Senate Economics References Committee this week kicks off its hearings into corporate tax avoidance in a fortnight, but has confirmed that corporations can select their own witnesses.

Australian war hero dog Sarbi dies, aged 12

Sarbi, Australia's most decorated military dog, has died.

Patrick Hatch   Australia's most decorated canine war hero, who went missing in war-torn Afghanistan for over a year, has died after a short battle with brain cancer.

Federal government commits to global accord on climate

The lesson for Tony Abbott: avoid unnecessarily making yourself the issue.

Peter Hartcher and Lisa Cox   The Abbott government has committed Australia to joining the next big global climate pact.

CSG doubts fan fears in Barwon

Santos's CSG storage ponds in the Pilliga State Forest.

Peter Hannam   Santos Energy is seeking approval for a new waste treatment plant at its controversial pilot coal seam gas field in northern NSW without identifying how it will dispose of the briny and potentially toxic end product.

A real fixer has won the climate debate

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   As Direct Action swings into gear, Australia is ahead in its task to combat carbon emissions under a prime minister who once thought climate change was absolute crap.

Chile desert rains sign of climate change, chief weather scientist says

Floods in Chile may have a contribution from climate change.

The heavy rainfall that battered Chile's usually arid north this week happened because of climate change, a senior meteorologist said, as the region gradually returns to normal after rivers broke banks and villages were cut off.

Macfarlane confident he can secure crossbench deal on renewable energy target

Ian Macfarlane, Australia's industry minister, speaks during the International Mining and Resources conference in Melbourne, Australia, on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014. The conference runs until Sept. 26. Photographer: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Ian Macfarlane

Lisa Cox   Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane believes he does not need Labor to pass major reductions to Australia's renewable energy target and can secure a deal with the crossbench.

Power sector to get special treatment under Direct Action

Hazelwood: Australia's most emissions-intensive major power plant.

Peter Hannam and Lisa Cox   The Abbott government has proposed a major concession to the heavy-polluting electricity industry in its Direct Action climate change policy by exempting individual companies from caps on emissions.

Melbourne's blast from Antarctica? If only

Warming up: possible record temperatures recorded on the Antarctic Peninsula.

Peter Hannam   To call this week’s wintry chill across southern Australia a “burst from Antarctica” would be doing a disservice to parts of the frigid continent.

Britain's greenhouse gas emissions fell 8.4 per cent in 2014

Cutting carbon: Britain makes big gains.

Britain's greenhouse gas emissions fell 8.4 per cent in 2014 due to a decline in fossil-fuel power generation, preliminary government data showed on Thursday.

Study shows acceleration in melting of Antarctic ice shelves

More ice cover doesn't mean more ice overall.

Satellite data from 1994 to 2012 reveals an accelerating decline in Antarctica's massive floating ice shelves, with some shrinking 18 per cent, in a development that could hasten the rise in global sea levels, scientists say.

Swift parrot flying into crisis

A flock of one of the most endangered parrots in Australia, the swift parrot, has been spotted feeding in the Royal National Park.

Andrew Darby   The swift parrot, Australia's fastest nectar-eater, is rapidly heading for extinction.

Australia's most-polluting power stations proving risky for investors

The International Energy Agency says that by 2020 one quarter of the world's subcritical power stations need to be shut down.

Lucy Cormack   Report author says Australia has "by far the most carbon intensive power stations globally, the least efficient of all the major economies."

Storm warning issued for south-east

Cameron Atfield   A storm warning has been issued for Queensland's south-east after cells began forming west of Brisbane on Thursday afternoon.

Abbott government resists US moves against coal power

Prime Minister Tony Abbott during question time on Wednesday.

Lisa Cox, Mark Kenny   The Abbott government has again put itself on a collision course with US President Barack Obama, this time over government funding for coal-fired power plants.

WikiLeaks reveals local health and environment rules under threat

Trade Minister Andrew Robb says the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations are at "a make-or-break point" over the next month.

Philip Dorling   Australian health, environment and public welfare regulation, including plain tobacco packaging legislation will be open for challenge from largely US-based corporation, if a new  deal that is part of the Trans Pacific Partnership goes through. 

Clean energy industry offers to break deadlock on renewable energy target

renewable energy

Lisa Cox   The peak body for the clean energy industry says it is prepared to accept a significant compromise on Australia's renewable energy target if the government agrees to preserve two agencies it planned to abolish.

Tree-clearing law cops a blast from the Blue Mountains

Clearing trees: eight large trees cut in East Killara.

Peter Hannam   The Blue Mountains City Council has joined resident groups in Sydney to renew calls for the tightening of land-clearing laws that have enabled many home owners to clear nearby bushland without a permit.