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Kajian Umum: Islam Kok Liberal - Ustadz Firanda Andirja MA
Mustafa Akyol - What is liberal Islam? (August 2011)
Bill Maher Exposes Islam Evil - Rips Liberal Hypocrisy On Islam -Defends Christians
Dialog Terbuka FKM Jatim vs Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) Full
Ajaran JIL Jamaah Islam Liberal Indonesia Menyesatkan Umat Islam
Irshad Manji on her quest for liberal reform of Islam.
Membongkar Jaringan Islam Liberal (JiL) Di Indonesia
[Islam Talks] Apa Itu Islam Liberal?
Bill Maher - Rips Liberal 'Pussy Nation' to Confront Islam Turning America
Dr Abdullah Yasin - ISLAM LIBERAL
Kedok Pernyataan Menyimpang Islam Liberal Part 1
Kedok Pernyataan Menyimpang Islam Liberal Part 2
Mengungkap Kesesatan Jaringan Islam Liberal
"A Liberal Islam: is it possible?" (freethoughtvlog #24)
Islam dan liberal memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Jadi Mana mungkin ada yang bisa menyandingkan liberal dengan islam? Simak kajian umum, Islam Kok Liberal, oleh Ustadz Firanda Andirja, MA. Semoga bermanfaat. Video (Klik link untuk melihat koleksi video lainnya) Kunjungi juga situs Islami lainnya: * * * * * * * http://www.Yufid.TV * * (Official Web) * (ENGLISH) * (ENGLISH) *** Kumpulan video ceramah agama islam pengajian islam tanya jawab konsultasi islam tausiyah motivasi islami
Turkish Islam.
Bill Maher exposed liberal hypocrisy on Islam, rips on Islam, and defends Christians.
Debat antara Forum Kiai Muda (FKM) Jatim dan JIL ini diadakan di Pon Pes Bumi Sholawat Tulangan Sidoarjo Jatim. Wakil dari FKM adalah KH. Abdullah Syamsul Arifin dan Ustadz Idrus Romli. Sedangkan dari JIL adalah Ulil Abshar Abdalla
Ajaran JIL Jamaah Islam Liberal Indonesia Menyesatkan Umat Islam Ajaran JIL Jamaah Islam Liberal Indonesia Menyesatkan Umat Islam Ajaran JIL Jamaah Islam Liberal Indonesia Menyesatkan Umat Islam JIL,Islam Liberal,Islam Liberal Lndonesia,JIL indonesia
She's been called Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare. Canada's Irshad Manji. journalist, feminist, Muslim activist -- she's world renowned as an outspoken adv... Isu Akidah (27/06/12) Jaringan Islam Liberal (JiL) Indonesia Maaf! Kualiti video kurang memuaskan.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Bill Maher Rips Liberal 'Pussy Nation' That's Too Scared to Insult Islam America got a preview of what we can . Bill Maher: Liberal Failure to Confront Islam Turning America Into a 'Pussy Nation' Bill Maher on tonights show of todays aired episode of January 7th 2015, here on the show to talk about the .
Islam Liberal membisiki kalangan awam untuk menjadi muslim yang bukan muslim, mukmin yang tidak mukmin, melaksanakan salat tapi mengingkari salat, memuji Tuh...
Islam Liberal membisiki kalangan awam untuk menjadi muslim yang bukan muslim, mukmin yang tidak mukmin, melaksanakan salat tapi mengingkari salat, memuji Tuh...
Kutbah jum'at yang disampaikan oleh Ustad Hakim bin Amir Abdad membahas tentang kesesatan jaringan islam liberal (JIL)
The Islam is a hot topic. Is there such a thing as a 'Liberal Islam'? Dutch MP Boris van der Ham reads from the works of the Egyptian freethinker Abu Zaid, w...
Ustadz Dr.Syafiq Riza Basalamah MA Hafidzahullah (Alumnus Universitas Islam Madinah,KSA) dengan tema : "Islam VS Liberal" Kajian dilaksanakan pada Ahad,13 Rabiul Awal 1436 H/4 Januari 2015,Jam 19.00 - Selesai Bertempat di Masjid Imam Syafi'i - Banjarmasin
Kajian pemikiran islam - Menelisik Akar Liberal Indonesia Dapatkan DVD-nya... "AKAR PEMIKIRAN LIBERAL" Pemateri: Ustadz Syafiq Basalamah, M.A. Durasi Video Total: 2 Jam Jumlah Video: 1+4 (Bonus) Format: DVD Player HARGA Rp 30.000,- Info dan Pemesanan: 08994147005 **** Video (Klik link untuk melihat koleksi video lainnya) Kunjungi juga situs Islami lainnya: * * * * * * * http://www.Yufid.TV * * (Official Web) * (ENGLISH) * (ENGLISH) *** Kumpulan video ceramah agama islam pengajian islam tanya jawab konsultasi islam tausiyah motivasi islami
For more on this event, visit: For more on the Berkley Center, visit: November 16, 2009 | The Princ...
Douglas Murray on the threat that Islam poses to Europe's liberal values. Small Excerpt from this full interview: HJS:
Abdou Filali Ansary's second lecture, One Century of 'Liberal Islam': Where do we find ourselves now?, delivered as part of his Humanitas Visiting Professorship in Interfaith Studies at the University of Oxford, April 2013. * Humanitas is a series of Visiting Professorships at Oxford and Cambridge designed to bring leading academics, practitioners and scholars to both universities to address major themes in the arts, social sciences and humanities. Created by Lord Weidenfeld, the programme is managed and funded by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and co-ordinated in Cambridge by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and in Oxford by the Humanities Division.
An oldie, but a goodie. LIKE, SHARE, MIRROR. Freedom v. Theocracy is not a function of left v. right. Multicultural appeasers (supporters of moral relativism), while usually liberals, are simply misguided and stupid. On the other hand right-wingers are predominantly psychopaths; for a right winger to be anti-Extreme Islam, does not alter his inherent pathology. A true liberal does not condone fascism, while extreme leftists and extreme rightists are both fascistic. That said, Pat Condell is spot on when it comes to the threat of Islamism. It is clear that religious fascism in any form must not be tolerated by anyone!
Ceramah Debat - Forum Kiai Muda Jatim vs Jaringan Islam Liberal JIL Full
- Doakan Dimurahkan Rezeki dan Diberikan Kesihatan Yang Baik Untuk Kami Teruskan Projek ZonKuliah - **Untuk update terkini sila like Facebook Page kami : atau dan Group Facebook : Twitter : @zonkitaorg ( Sekiranya ada sebarang persoalan agama yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mana-mana ustaz, sila kemukakan soalan di FB page Ubat Apa Tok Wi? (, insyaAllah kami akan postkan video jawapan di channel kami **
Debat Kyai Muda Jatim Vs Jaringan Islam Liberal Indonesia Debat Ulil Abshar Abdalla Vs Kyai Muda Jatim SURABAYA, - Proses konvensi Calon Presiden (Capres) Partai Demokrat masih berjalan. Sebelas peserta konvensi sudah empat kali mengadu konsep dan ide melalui acara debat terbuka. Acara debat di Grand City Hall Convention, Surabaya, Kamis (13/2/2014) dua hari lalu, adalah yang keempat kalinya. Ribuan pendukung dari masing-masing peserta konvensi memadati lokasi debat tersebut. Suasana cukup meriah. Sebelas peserta konvensi itu adalah Gita Wirjawan, Haryono Isman, Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, Pramono Edhie Wibowo, Anies Baswedan, Endriartono Sutarto, Marzuki Alie, Irman Gusman, Dino Patti Djalal, dan Dahlan Iskan serta Ali Masykur Musa. Sebelum di Surabaya, acara yang sama telah digelar di Medan, Palembang dan Bandung. Setelah Surabaya, acara debat akan digelar di tujuh kota, yakni di Denpasar, Makassar, Ambon, Semarang, Banjarmasin, Bogor, dan Balikpapan. His comment came after an indonesian scholar dr ulil abshar abdalla waded into the “allah” controversy, saying muslims who believed the. Bertempat di pondok pesantren bumi shalawat sidoarjo - jawa timur, kh said aqil siradj dihadapkan dengan para kyai dari forum kyai muda jawa timur. Diskusi pada pagi 18 oktober bertajuk 'cabaran fundamentalisme agama abad ini' dianggap medan ulil abshar menyebarkan faham islam. The controversial indonesian muslim scholar, dr ulil abshar ulil made good his caution when he used skype to participate in the third. Debat forum kyai muda jatim dengan ulil abshor abdalla (jil) disc 1 published on 05 juli 2013 narasumber: kh abdullah syamsul arifinwbr. Debat terbuka antara prof dr kh said aqil siradj ma (ketua pbnu) dengan forum kyai muda (fkm . First, pum might not have realised that ulil abshar will be in kuala lumpur from oct 15 to take part as a speaker at the third international. After the siege at a sydney cafe monday morning, australians started to show their support for muslims by using #illridewithyou. Tokoh liberal melampau dari indonesia, dr ulil abshar abdalla yang sebelum ini dijadual akan menghadiri satu diskusi di. Besides ulil abshar, other panelists include universiti teknologi malaysia (utm) professor tajuddin rosdi and dr ahmad farouk musa from. There has been wide criticism of ulil abshar coming to speak in malaysia from umno and a number of islamic groups, including jakim and. “saya tentu menghormati kebijakan pemerintah malaysia yang memiliki otoritas mencekal saudara ulil abshar abdalla masuk ke wilayah. Pendapat felix rupanya ditanggapi aktivis jaringan islam liberal, ulil abshar abdalla ulil, seakan sewot terhadap kicauan tersebut, membuat. Hari ini, jil di indonesia dipimpin ulil abshar-abdalla, individu yang pernah diharamkan kerajaan malaysia daripada memasuki negara ini,. Media berbahasa inggris, the jakarta post menampilkan karikatur terkait negara islam irak dan suriah (isis). Atas ide itu, dedengkot jaringan islam liberal (jil) ulil abshar abdalla sependapat dengan gagasan anies bahkan, ia mendukung agar. Kuala lumpur: kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas menghalang tokoh liberal indonesia, dr ulil abshar abdalla memasuki negara ini, kata. Interview liberal indonesian islamic scholar ulil abshar abdalla believes there is no contradiction between islamic core values and liberal. Ikatan muslimin malaysia (isma) membantah keras kedatangan tokoh jaringan islam liberal (jil) indonesia, dr ulil abshar. Kang said vs forum kyai muda jatim part 7 /channel/wbrucphsiav1yyudgliofg6plaw . Debat kyai muda jatim vs si ulil jil jangan hiraukan ocehan ulil,ulil bukan representasi nu,,masih sangat banyak kyai yang tawadhu. Berikut wawancara lengkap abdul hady jm dari jaringnewscom dengan ulil abshar abdalla, di sela-sela acara debat bernegara capres. Selain ulil abshar, anggota panel lain yang dijangka mengambil bahagian ialah pensyarah universiti teknologi malaysia (utm) prof tajuddin. Ada kelompok yang mendesak agar kolom agama di ktp dihilangkan ada yang memandang kolom agama tetap dipertahankan namun bagi. Banned indonesian muslim scholar dr ulil abshar abdalla defied putrajaya's entry ban and appeared on screen via skype to address an. Dedengkot jaringan islam liberal (jil) ulil abshar abdalla mengkritik ulah fpi itu gubernur tandingan? komedi apalagi ini? ujarnya melalui. In 2010, has ordered his recruits to assassinate one of the leading islamic activists from the liberal islam network (jil) , ulil abshar abdalla. Ulil abshar ini bukan sahaja tokoh liberal melampau tetapi juga merupakan penyokong kuat golongan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan. Sentimen anti islam di eropa pasca penyerangan sekelompok teroris ke kantor majalah satire charlie. Debat terbuka antara prof dr kh said aqil siradj ma (ketua pbnu) dengan forum kyai muda (fkm . Malah katanya, langkah kementerian dalam negeri mengarahkan jabatan imigresen supaya menghalang kemasukan aktivis tersebut,
Recently Geert Wilders visited Australia. What was the response? Violent protests & slander against Mr. Wilders. Funny how easy it is for Islam-apologists to...
Liberal BBC commentator gets rude awakening while investigating Islam. For more information on how you can stem the tide of Islamisation in your country and ...
The horrific attacks on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher market in Paris have sent shock waves across Europe and the West more generally. An anti-Muslim backlash is growing, with right-wing populist parties mobilizing across Europe and acts of violence and vandalism against Muslims on the rise. These events have reignited smoldering cultural tensions and re-opened talk of a civilizational war between Islam and the West. Is there an unbridgeable chasm between Islamic and liberal values? Are there limits to tolerance? Have European states failed to integrate Muslim migrants (and their European-born children and grandchildren)? Is it hypocritical for France to champion freedom of expression while arresting dozens on the vague charge of “defending terrorism”? Does liberalism offer a useful framework for making sense of these issues, or is it collapsing under the weight of its internal contradictions? In this forum co-sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies and the Center for the Study of Europe and the World, five professors from DU’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies—Micheline Ishay, Martin Rhodes, Nader Hashemi, Tom Farer, and Alan Gilbert—offered contending perspectives on these and other questions in an open, conversational format.
Kajian Umum di Aramco Dhahran (22 November 2014)
The western government and media are promoting many so-called liberal Muslims. Their aim is to undermine the Muslim identity that confirms the sovereignty to...
Sebuah bedah buku islam dalam acara Gmail 2013 yang diadakan JMMI ITS. Acara ini diadakan pada tanggal 12 Maret 2013 di Masjid Manarul Ilmi.
Concerns about the relationship of Islam to liberalism have dominated Western discussion of Islam ever since the events of 9/11. Many Western democracies, of...
Penceramah : Ustaz Mohd Hazizi Abd Rahman Tempat : Masjid Al-Ikhlasiah, Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur Tarikh : Rabu, 30 Oktober 2012.
Muhammad Ainun Nadjib atau yang biasa di kenal Emha Ainun Nadjib atau Cak Nun (lahir di Jombang, Jawa Timur, 27 Mei 1953; umur 60 tahun) adalah seorang tokoh...
Soal Jawab Sunnah. Pendapat Dr Khalid Basalamah Untuk kuliah penuh, sila lawati Link video penuh :;=5&list;=PLlK0gGuioshBefQH6qyZ93j6Q7GEbtDtA
Oleh: Al Ustadz Abu 'Abdil Muhsin Firanda Andirja, M.A.
one person gets set on fire and the right wing would have you think that this kind of thing happens often in the muslim world. WAKE UP PEOPLE ! link to article -
Halqah Islam dan Peradaban Edisi 36 "2015: Indonesia (Masih) dalam Genggaman Neo-Liberal (Proyeksi Perjuangan, Tantangan, dan Harapan Umat)" Minggu, 25 Januari 2015 Hall Zaitun, Asrama Haji Sukolilo, Surabaya Narasumber: Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA (Peneliti dan Ekonom Universitas Gadjah Mada) Dr. (Chand). Fitriaman, SE, MSA, Ak (Dosen Ilmu Akutansi FE Universitas Brawijaya) Ust. Hisyam Hidayat, SEI (DPP Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Jawa Timur)
Bagaimana Cara membendung Paham Islam Liberal? Oleh : DR. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A (Ketua MIUMI Pusat / Direktur Pascasarjana DIIS Pondok Modern Gontor)
Islam Itu Sesuai Zaman, Jawaban Bagi islam Liberal Oleh : DR. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A (Ketua MIUMI Pusat / Direktur Pascasarjana DIIS Pondok Modern Gontor)
Apa Itu Islam Liberal dan Bahayanya? Oleh : DR. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A (Ketua MIUMI Pusat / Direktur Pascasarjana DIIS Pondok Modern Gontor)
Uncensored Infidels of America, admin Pissed_Off_Infidel covering a few topics for you. If you can't handle the truth, I advise you not to watch or listen to this. Enjoy! On January 7, 2015, two Muslim terrorists stormed the Paris headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. After killing numerous people, the jihadists yelled "Allahu akbar!" and "We have avenged the Prophet." Politicians, the media, and numerous Muslim organizations united in claiming that the attack had nothing to do with Islam. But is this correct? In this video, David Wood shows that Muhammad orders his followers to kill those who insult Islam.
Waktu : Rabu, 21 Januari 2015 Tempat : Teater Utan Kayu Pembicara: Andar Nubowo (Direktur Indo Strategi) Pangeran Siahaan (Jurnalis)
Bill Maher: Liberal 'bullying' on Islam debate makes them 'part of the problem' - Washington Times Talk show host Bill Maher blasted liberals on Friday for using "extreme bullying" techniques to define free speech as speech that doesn't offend them.
Liberals like Howard Dean, Ben Affleck and Barack Obama are fostering the spread of Radical Islam by denying the Terrorists are Muslims. Howard Dean calls them a cult unrelated to Islam which infuriates moderate Muslims like Dr. Zhudi Jasser who want to reform Islam from within, but are denied a seat at the table of Islam by the blind Liberals, who refuse to accept that Islam espouses violent Jihad as well as peace
Maher Rips Liberal ‘Pussy Nation’ That’s Too Scared to Insult Islam America got a preview of what we can expect from the 13th season premiere of HBO’s Real Time this Friday night when Bill Maher joined Jimmy Kimmel and unleashed his anger on Muslims who “applaud” an attack like the one that killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo’s Paris offices and declared that politically correct liberals have turned this country into “Pussy Nation.” “This was big shit,” Maher said of the attack on people who make jokes for a living. “And we to not avoid who did this.” When Kimmel started saying, “we presume” Maher cut him off. “No it’s not a ‘presume.’ No, no, it’s Muslim terrorists. This happens way too frequently. It’s like Groundhog Day if the groundhog kept getting his head cut off.” “These guys had the balls of the Eiffel Tower,” Maher said of the cartoonists, reaching for a properly French metaphor. “I’m the liberal in this debate. I’m for free speech. To be a liberal, you have to stand up for liberal principles. It’s not my fault that the part of the world that is most against liberal principles is the Muslim part of the world.” After running down some of the worst atrocities committed on behalf of Islam in Muslim countries and the hesitation to condemn the religion as a whole, Maher said two words: “Pussy Nation.” “We have to stop saying, when something like this that happened in Paris today, we have to stop saying, ‘Well, we cannot insult a great religion,’” Maher continued. “First of all, there are no great religions, they’re all stupid and dangerous. And we should insult them. You should be able to insult whatever you want. That is what free speech is like.” While Maher said most Muslims would not have actually carried out the attack in Paris themselves, he said, “Hundreds of millions of them support an attack like this, they applaud an attack like this. What they say is, ‘We don’t approve of violence, but you know what? When you make fun of the Prophet, all bets are off.’” You can expect more where this came from when Maher’s show returns to the air Friday night. Watch video, via ABC: Source :ABC news and Mediaite I created this video with YouTube Video Editor ( is) Bill Maher joined Jimmy Kimmel Bill Maher joined Jimmy Kimmel Bill Maher joined Jimmy Kimmel Bill Maher joined Jimmy Kimmel latest news latest news January 8th, 2015 January 8th, 2015
Jangan Lupa! Like us on Follow us on @ITJMalang Subscribe us on youtube "ITJ Malang" Visit our blog
Bill Maher defined liberalism in his controversial, almost cancelled speech at UC Berkeley's commencement, basing it on compassion and tolerance, but not tolerance of intolerance (and Islam, by implication), as I discuss in this video Excerpted from "Sony, Cops, Cuba, Liberals - Mike Myers, Bill Maher & MORE! LiberalViewer Sunday Clip Round-Up 87" at Full Bill Maher speech at Berkeley commencement on December 20, 2014, on YouTube at
Mass graves have been discovered in the recently liberated Iraqi city of Tikrit, mostly filled with ...
The Washington Times 2015-04-10The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) said on Thursday it refused to be drawn into supporting ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-10"I wish there was Islamic State here, I could fire at them!" he jokes ... living under Islamic State.
BBC News 2015-04-10... and we see no question gaining influence in Washington by those that represent the Islamic faith.
Huffington Post 2015-04-10He was backed by the National Islamic Front of his then mentor Hassan al-Turabi.
Dawn 2015-04-10with five other world powers and sees the markings of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad ... Ingrained in Islamic legal teaching.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-10Hello, I’m one of those bleeding heart liberals ... What’s wrong with being a bleeding heart liberal?
Rocky Mount Telegram 2015-04-10Here’s all you need to know about Muslims, in "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam." ... Confronting Islam's demons.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-10Liberal Democrats ) ... Launching the scheme, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg said:
noodls 2015-04-10Cue the Liberal war room if Brown wins the leadership race in May and faces Wynne in the 2018 election.
Toronto Sun 2015-04-10The Islamic Republic of Iran ... It also meets two other important demands of the Islamic Republic:
Huffington Post 2015-04-10This week we saw news that the Islamic State has extended its recruiting network to South Africa.
Mail Guardian South Africa 2015-04-10The French Foreign Ministry confirmed the attack had been claimed by individuals purporting to back Islamic State.
The Times of India 2015-04-10Progressive Muslims have produced a considerable body of liberal thought within Islam or "progressive Islam" (Arabic: الإسلام التقدمي); but some consider progressive Islam and liberal Islam as two distinct movements). The methodology of reform can be classified into two groups, one depending on re-interpreting the traditional texts which constitutes Islamic law (ijtihad); this varies widely from little deviation from the traditional interpretation, to the more liberal which considers only the meaning of Qur'an as a divine inspiration, while the wording is believed to be from the prophet Muhammad intended by him to suit his time and situation, therefore interpreting the problematic verses in modern times allegorically or even not considering them.
The most liberal Muslim intellectuals who focused on religious reform include Sayyid al-Qimni, Nasr Abu Zayd, Abdolkarim Soroush, Mohammed Arkoun, Mohammed Shahrour, Ahmed Subhy Mansour, Edip Yuksel, Gamal al-Banna, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, Ahmed Al-Gubbanchi, Mahmoud Mohammed Taha, and Faraj Foda, the last two were killed after apostasy claims which most of them have been accused of by traditional Islamic scholars.
William "Bill" Maher, Jr. ( /ˈmɑːr/; born January 20, 1956) is an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commentator, author, and actor. Before his current role as the host of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher hosted a similar late-night talk show called Politically Incorrect originally on Comedy Central and later on ABC.
Maher is known for his political satire and sociopolitical commentary, which targets a wide swath of topics including religion, politics, bureaucracies of many kinds, political correctness, the mass media, greed among people and persons in positions of high political and social power, and the lack of intellectual curiosity in the electorate. He supports the legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage, and serves on the board of PETA. He is also a critic of religion and is an advisory board member of Project Reason, a foundation to promote scientific knowledge and secular values within society. In 2005, Maher ranked at number 38 on Comedy Central's 100 greatest stand-up comedians of all time. Bill Maher received a Hollywood Walk of Fame star on September 14, 2010.