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The Submarines - 1940 (Amplive Remix)
The Submarines - 1940 (With lyrics)
''Επέτειο 28 Οκτωβρίου 1940'' Η μηχανή του Χρόνου VTS 01 1
Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Vintage TV Commercials from the 1940's & 50's (7+ ads)
Nr 516 Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 07 22
1940-41: Ελλάδα, η Πρώτη Νίκη | Greece, the First Victory
Rebecca (1940) - Full movie
1940's womens fashion - A night out
La Guerra degli italiani 1940-45: le battaglie dell'Asse. Istituto Luce.
La Guerra degli italiani 1940-45: l'entrata in guerra. Istituto Luce.
Soldaten der Westfront 1940
Redwood Forests - Lumber Felling & Milling 1940's
Want completely free gift cards? Yes you do! It's easy. All you have to do is go to the link below and download the app to your iphone or android. Then downl...
The Submarines song from the album Honeysuckle weeks. Lyrics to 1940 : Somethings wrong when you regret Things that haven't happened yet But it's a glorious ...
Η Επέτειος του ΟΧΙ μνημονεύει την άρνηση της Ελλάδας στις ιταλικές αξιώσεις που περιείχε το τελεσίγραφο που επιδόθηκε στις 28 Οκτωβρίου του 1940 στον Έλληνα Δικτάτορα που έφερε τίτλο Πρωθυπουργού, Ιωάννη Μεταξά. Συνέπεια της άρνησης αυτής ήταν η είσοδος της Χώρας στο Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και η έναρξη του Ελληνοϊταλικού πολέμου του 1940. Η ημερομηνία αυτή καθιερώθηκε να εορτάζεται στην Ελλάδα κάθε χρόνο ως επίσημη εθνική εορτή και αργία.Τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες στις 28 Οκτωβρίου του 1940 η τότε Ιταλική Κυβέρνηση απέστειλε στην Ελλάδα τελεσίγραφο, δια του Ιταλού Πρέσβη στην Αθήνα Εμανουέλε Γκράτσι, ο οποίος και το επέδωσε ιδιόχειρα στον Ιωάννη Μεταξά, στην οικία του δεύτερου, στην Κηφισιά, με το οποίο και απαιτούσε την ελεύθερη διέλευση του Ιταλικού στρατού από την Ελληνοαλβανική μεθόριο προκειμένου στη συνέχεια να καταλάβει κάποια στρατηγικά σημεία του Βασιλείου της Ελλάδος, (λιμένες, αεροδρόμια κλπ.), για ανάγκες ανεφοδιασμού και άλλων διευκολύνσεών του, στη μετέπειτα προώθησή του στην Αφρική. Μετά την ανάγνωση του κειμένου ο Μεταξάς έστρεψε το βλέμμα του στον Ιταλό Πρέσβη και του απάντησε στα γαλλικά (επίσημη διπλωματική γλώσσα) την ιστορική φράση: «Alors, c'est la guerre», (προφέρεται από τα γαλλικά, αλόρ, σε λα γκερ, δηλαδή, Λοιπόν, αυτό σημαίνει πόλεμο), εκδηλώνοντας έτσι την αρνητική θέση επί των ιταμών ιταλικών αιτημάτων. O ίδιος ο Γκράτσι στα απομνημονεύματά του, που εξέδωσε το 1945, περιγράφει τη σκηνή: «Έχω εντολή κ. πρωθυπουργέ να σας κάνω μία ανακοίνωση και του έδωσα το έγγραφο. Παρακολούθησα την συγκίνηση εις τα χέρια και εις τα μάτια του. Με σταθερή φωνή και βλέποντάς με κατάματα ο Μεταξάς μου είπε: αυτό σημαίνει πόλεμο. Του απήντησα ότι αυτό θα μπορούσε να αποφευχθεί. Μου απήντησε ΟΧΙ. Του πρόσθεσα ότι αν ο στρατηγός Παπάγος..., ο Μεταξάς με διέκοψε και μου είπε: ΟΧΙ! Έφυγα υποκλινόμενος με τον βαθύτερο σεβασμό, προ του γέροντος αυτού, που προτίμησε την θυσία αντί της υποδουλώσεως». Ο Μεταξάς εκείνη τη στιγμή είχε εκφράσει το ελληνικό λαϊκό συναίσθημα, την άρνηση της υποταγής, και αυτή η άρνηση πέρασε στον τότε ελληνικό δημοσιογραφικό τύπο με την λέξη «ΟΧΙ». Σημειώνεται πως αυτούσια η λέξη «ΟΧΙ» παρουσιάσθηκε για πρώτη φορά ως τίτλος στο κύριο άρθρο της εφημερίδας «Ελληνικό Μέλλον» του Ν. Π. Ευστρατίου στις 30 Οκτωβρίου του 1940. Δύο ώρες μετά την παραπάνω επίδοση, ξεκίνησε ο Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος με εισβολή των ιταλικών στρατευμάτων στην Ήπειρο, οπότε η Ελλάδα αμυνόμενη ενεπλάκη στον πόλεμο.
Here are the 1940's. I was hoping to get this done yesterday, but saving a HD video takes forever. Like the other videos of this series, I used Dave's Music ...
Collection of old television commercials from the 40's & 50's Band Aid Gillette Blue Blades Reach for the Remington - Electric Shaver Gillette Super Speed Ra...
The German newsreel is a newsreel out of the Third Reich, which was produced from June 1940 to March 1945. Showing political, military, cultural and sporting events from Germany and abroad. --- Italian advance in the french alps, support by Italian Air Force. Minelayer at work. Significant losses of the Englishmen in Italian East Africa and Kenya. British fortress of Gibraltar. Forced labor of Chinese and psychotic fear of the British in Hong Kong, German civil prisoners are forced to work hardest in England. Deletion huge Oelbraende by German Loeschzuege. Reconstruction in occupied areas, common service German and French rail workers in interlocking. Residents of West German frontier districts able to return back to their homes, receiving in Mertzig. Fuehrerrede the evening of 19 Juli 1940. Berlin welcomes its first homecoming Division with exuberant joy.
1940-41: Ελλάδα, η Πρώτη Νίκη | Greece, the First Victory Αφιέρωμα από το National Geographic, English Subtitles Ένα από τα καλυτέρα ντοκιμαντέρ που γυρίστηκ...
When a naive young woman marries a rich widower and settles in his gigantic mansion, she finds the memory of the first wife maintaining a grip on her husband and the servants. and Young 1940's woman gets ready for a night out. Feature...
Secondo dei quattro filmati curati da Leonardo Tiberi, riduzione dalla precedente opera "Cinegiornali di guerra", con i quali l'Istituto Luce ci racconta com...
Primo dei quattro filmati curati da Leonardo Tiberi, riduzione dalla precedente opera "Cinegiornali di guerra", con i quali l'Istituto Luce ci racconta come ...
Music = Zack Hemsey - Redemption and Zack Hemsey - See What I've Become STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationa...
The cutting, felling, transportation downriver, mill sawing and finishing operations of the Northern California's redwood lumber industry. As good as Marcel ...
De Slag om de Grebbeberg (11 mei - 13 mei 1940) is een episode tijdens de Duitse inval in Nederland, die werd gekenmerkt door hevige en bloedige gevechten. E...
Σπάνιες στιγμές της γερμανικής κατοχής από τον κινηματογραφιστή εκείνης της εποχής, Άγγελο Παπαναστασίου. ΕΤ-1, Αφιέρωμα στη δεκαετία του 1940, 28 Οκτωβρίου ...
Apocalypse : The Second World War - Shock (1940--1941) the Desert War, Invasion of Yugoslavia, Battle of Greece and Battle of Crete, Operation Barbarossa, Ba...
Az elszakított területek visszafoglalása - Kelet felé 1940 Az erdélyi országrészek visszacsatolásának hatalmas történelmi filmje Összeállította Bánáss József.
The Battle of the Netherlands 1940 (Dutch: Slag om Nederland) was part of Case Yellow (German: Fall Gelb), the German invasion of the Low Countries (Belgium,...
Video sobre la política económica de México durante los años 1940-1990, editado con fines didácticos para el proyecto Sec'21, a partir de un programa de Tele...
Laundry day in the late 1940's. A Film made by the Electrical Association for Women. A woman stands surrounded by piles of dirty washing all over her kitchen...
"Les chefs qui, depuis de nombreuses années, sont à la tête des armées françaises, ont formé un gouvernement. Ce gouvernement, alléguant la défaite de nos ar...
Full title reads: "REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1940". Various shots of sinking of the German battleship Graf Spee off Montevideo and the scuttling of the liner Columb...
Un gran reportaje historico sobre la vida republicana del Peru durante el S. XX.
Rekonstruktion des "Westfeldzuges" vom 10. Mai bis zum 25 Juni 1940 aus der Sicht der deutschen Kriegsberichterstattung - Teil 2. (Gesamtlänge der zweiteiligen Dokumentation: 2:15:09 Min.) Nach dem Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Polen erklärten Großbritannien und Frankreich am 3. September 1939 dem Deutschen Reich den Krieg. Obwohl am 7. September 1939 französische Truppen bis zu 8 km auf deutsches Gebiet vorgedrungen waren, und vorübergehend zwölf deutsche Ortschaften entlang der geräumten Grenzzone besetzt hatten, blieben die deutschen Truppen in den folgenden Monaten militärisch weitgehend passiv. Fast acht Monate lang lagen sich deutsche und französische Soldaten an der deutsch-französischen Grenze nahezu untätig gegenüber, ohne dass es zwischen ihnen zu grösseren Gefechten gekommen war. Historiker bezeichnen diese Phase des deutsch-französischen Krieges als "Sitzkrieg". Die Deutschen hockten in ihren Stellungen am "Westwall", und die Franzosen in den Bunkern und Kasematen der stark befestigten "Maginotlinie", die damals als stärkste Festungsanlage der Welt galt. Nahezu unüberwindbar für jeden Angreifer. Sollten die Deutschen es wagen Frankreich anzugreifen, zeigte sich das französische Oberkommando überzeugt, würden sie sich an der Maginotlinie eine blutige Nase holen. Am 10. Mai 1940, nach acht Monaten relativer Ruhe, startete die Wehrmacht den Angriff gegen Frankreich. Aber nicht an der Maginotlinie, wie es das französische Oberkommando erwartet hatte, sondern an den Grenzen nach Luxemburg, Holland und Belgien.
Ἡ Ἑλλὰς τοῦ ΟΧΙ (1940-44): 1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ὁ Ἑλληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος 1940-41 Ὑπουργεῖο Ἐθνικῆς Ἀμύνης, 1993-94 Δεῖτε καὶ ...
Starring Boris Karloff and Marjorie Reynolds. Shipping tycoon Cyrus Wentworth (Melvin Lang), depressed after a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle'...
SINOPSE:Trapper Kit Carson e seu bando de homens juntam John C. Fremont em seu caminho para a Califórnia.Enroute estão sujeitos a ataques de índios que são propagadas pelo governo mexicano, que não quer que a contingência para chegar à Califórnia.Uma vez na Califórnia, Fremont e Carson iniciar uma campanha para livrar o estado do controle JOHN HALL.
A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy.
Anmerkung zum Titel: Adolf Hitler verwendet nicht den Begriff der "Neuen Weltordnung" oder "New World Order". Was er jedoch beschreibt, ist das was wir heute...
Zweiteilige Rekonstruktion des "Westfeldzuges" vom 10. Mai bis zum 25 Juni 1940 aus der Sicht der offiziellen deutschen Kriegsberichtserstattung. Gesamtlänge...
Ἡ Ἑλλὰς τοῦ ΟΧΙ (1940-44): 1940 - ΟΧΙ - 2. Ὁ Ἑλληνογερμανικός Πόλεμος Ὑπουργεῖο Ἐθνικῆς Ἀμύνης, 1994 Δεῖτε καὶ τὸ α' μέρ...
Режиссеры: Всеволод Пудовкин, Михаил Доллер Сценаристы: Георгий Гребнер, Николай Равич Операторы: Анатолий Головня, Тамара Лобова Композитор: Юрий (Георгий) ...
The Mark of Zorro 1940 Action / Adventure Around 1820 the son of a California nobleman comes home from Spain to find his native land under a villainous dictatorship. On the one hand he plays the useless fop, while on the other he is the masked avenger Zorro.
The industrial/promotional film "Rails To Rubber" (ca. 1940) is about the now dubious transition in Seattle from streetcars to trackless electric trolley bus...
Después de la invasión de Polonia en septiembre de 1939, Francia y Reino Unido declararon la guerra al país invasor. El Frente Occidental se mantuvo inactivo...
Radio Show - Best vintage jazz music radio shows in 1940 and in 1950. FREE DOWNLOAD of track 'Yesterday Once More' here: This video recreates the original nostalgic atmospheres of the golden age of radio shows era complete with crackling noise of the vinyl records. These original tunes are composed and recorded by David Lewis Luong, Australia. Please download these songs at Reverbnation link of: David LewisLuong is a member of the 'Music for Good' charity program on Reverbnation. For every song you buy from David's Reberbnation site (, 50% of the money you spend on his songs will be donated to the 'World Vision' charity program to help build a better world for children. Please refer to this link for more information on how your music purchases can help: Featured in this show are: Track 1: A dog's life (starts at 00:00) Track 2: Be my girl (starts at 5:00) Track 3: Blossoming spring (starts at 8:15) Track 4: Bon voyage (starts at 13:29) Track 5: Ginger bread man (starts at 18:05) Track 6: Girl friends (starts at 21:20) Track 7: Just you and me (starts at 26:08) Track 8: Sunday picnic (starts at 30:08) Track 9: Yesterday once more (starts at 33:49) Track 10+ : Act 2 (starts at 37:29)
Ελλάς 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940 ΝΤΟΚΙΜΑΝΤΕΡ
V květnu 1940 se do Belgie, Holandska a Francie valilo přes 2000 německých tanků. Předvedli novou strategii tzv. blitzkrieg, bleskovou válku. Rychlý přesun, ...
Inés Pérez Es profesora y licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata y doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Actualmente se desempeña como Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas y como docente de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, donde también integra el Grupo de Estudios sobre Familias, Género y Subjetividades. En 2009 recibió la beca de investigación de la Comisión Fulbright, y en 2012 la beca posdoctoral Erasmus Mundus del programa Argentina Towards Europe for Social Sciences. Ha publicado artículos en revistas especializadas y en compilaciones tanto en la Argentina como en el exterior. Aula 2 | Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani J.E. Uriburu 950 6º piso | Facultad de Ciencias Sociales | UBA +info |
Enjoy Operette (1940) Full Movie Just simple step for click this link ► : Instructions to Download Full Movie : 1. Click the link. 2. Create you free account & you will be redirected to your movie!! Enjoy Your Free Full HD Movies!!! Complete Subtitle ------------------------------------------------------- Movie Synopsis: Genre : Musical Released : 04 Jun 1949 N/A
A seminar with Professor Ilja A. Luciak: Time: June, 13th, 18:00 - 19:30. Place: The library of the Institute of Latin American Studies, B5 at Stockholm Univ... A seminar with Professor Ilja A. Luciak: Time: June, 13th, 18:00 - 19:30. Place: The library of the Institute of Latin American Studies, B5 at Stockholm Uni... A Swedish Legacy: The 1940-41 Wenner-Gren Expedition to Hispanic America 2 (final) A Swedish Legacy: The 1940-41 Wenner-Gren Expedition to Hispanic America 2 (final)
Browse through: BISSELL Powerfresh Steam Mop, Blue, 1940A (Same as 1940) Are you intending to purchase a brand-new BISSELL Powerfresh Steam Mop, Blue, 1940A (Same as 1940) for you newest hobby but you do not know where to going? Acquiring a BISSELL Powerfresh Steam Mop, Blue, 1940A (Same as 1940) is very little of a battle like you may assume. Nonetheless there are some helpful suggestions that you should understand to get the most effective bargain. Here are some of the suggestions in my video clip reviews. For buy this Item Product Description : BISSELL PowerFresh Steam Mop, 1940 � The BISSELL PowerFresh Steam Mop offers a deep clean with a fresh scent. This unique steam mop is designed to get deep down into the grout and crevices while leaving a fresh, clean scent while you steam mop. This fully featured steam mop has SmartSet Steam Control letting you adjust the amount of steam needed to tackle messes. For light cleaning use the low setting, everyday messes, choose medium, and for the toughest mess select high. And when you need an extra boost to cut through the dried-on sticky spot, flip down the Easy Scrubber on the mop head. It uses bristles to quickly and easily remove those stubborn messes, getting deep down in the crevices. The PowerFresh Steam Mop also includes Spring Breeze fragrance discs. Insert the scented disc into the pocket of the mop pad to enjoy a fresh, clean aroma while you steam mop. Simply discard the disc when you�re finished, leaving your home smelling clean. Other features include a 23� power cord, removable water tank and 2 different mop pads; one for everyday cleaning, and one with scrubbing strips. The low-profile mop head also reaches into hard to clean edges and corners. SPECIFICATIONS : Easy Scrubber flips down and reaches down to the grout and crevices. * SmartSet Steam Control for light cleaning to heavy messes. * Spring Breeze fragrance discs insert in the mop pad for a fresh, clean scent while you steam mop. * Removable water tank you can easily fill at the sink. * Low-profile mop head cleans into corners and edges. * 12.5 AMPs recommended You can Visit this web link: Source :
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3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths This property has its own dedicated website at Visit the website for more photos, the virtual tour and to schedule a personal showing. 1940 East Cambridge St., Springfield, MO 65804. Located in the desirable Brentwood Estates. The homes features Formal Living and Dining rooms and a Family room with fireplace. New carpet has been installed is all living areas and the hall. There is a screened patio overlooking the fenced backyard with large shade trees. This home has the classic features of a retro home but will be a show place with just a little updating. Don\'t miss this gem.
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... 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted thereunder.
Business Wire 2015-03-31Letters are, nine times out of ten, a huge boon to read through: ... Amazon.
The Examiner 2015-03-31, an investment management firm registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
noodls 2015-03-31JACKIE TRENT. Singer, songwriter. 6-9-1940 – 21-3-2015 ... Advertisement.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-31Inquiry sought into the publication of the Nazi White Book in 1940.
New York Times 2015-03-31... 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted there under.
Business Wire 2015-03-31... 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted there under.
Business Wire 2015-03-31... 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted there under.
Business Wire 2015-03-31... 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted there under.
Business Wire 2015-03-31WASHINGTON, March 30 (Xinhua) -- U. S ... S ... U. S ... percent, the highest growth rate since 1940 ... S. dollars per barrel ... S ... Editor:
Xinhua 2015-03-31... or any other type of investment company within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Stockhouse 2015-03-31During the German occupation of the Channel Islands (June 30, 1940, to May 9, 1945), it was the ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-3131 March 2015 ... Mr Courtauld was on watch that night in September 1940 and helped to extinguish the fire.
BBC News 2015-03-31Year 1940 (MCMXL) was a leap year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.
Below, the events of World War II have the "WWII" prefix.
Something's wrong when you regret
Things that haven't happened yet
But it's a glorious day when morning comes
Without that feeling of alarm
So rise and shine
Now's the time to be alive
To stay awake and be with me a while
And smile
You couldn't sleep for the awful fright
That kept you up in bed last night
While curious shapes shift in the dark
They vanish with the sunlight spark
So rise and shine
Now's the time to be alive
To stay awake with me a while
And smile
So rise and shine
Now's the time to be alive
To stay awake with me a while
So rise and shine
Now's the time to be alive
To stay awake with me a while