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A wondrous story of the power of a child's dream to save herself and the world around her.
Actors Annetta Marion (miscellaneous crew), Richard John Baker (composer), Tiffany Laufer (writer), Tiffany Laufer (actress), Tiffany Laufer (director), Tiffany Laufer (editor), Tiffany Laufer (producer), William C. Laufer (producer), William C. Laufer (producer), Joseph Primes (actor), Naomi Hollender (producer), Jennifer Sherman (miscellaneous crew), Jada Young (actress), Marlyse Wanko Ngansop (actress), Susanna Beck (costume designer),
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Robert Choudury, responsable du projet de la Cite du fleuve, fait part de l’évolution récente des travaux ainsi que des grands projets urbains qui préparent Kinshasa pour l'avenir.
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Kinshasa : L'opposition très en colère contre Kabila.
Dans sa volonté de donner au pays les moyens d'agir avec efficacité et rapidité, le Premier ministre Matata Ponyo s'est lancé dans une série d'actions, notamment en ce qui concerne la construction d'un immeuble fonctionnel, qui abritera bon nombre de ministères du gouvernement. Et plus récemment encore, la construction d'un bâtiment devant abriter le siège du centre d’appel de la police, à Kinshasa, qui va fonctionner 24h/24
Haut lieu du tourisme, Kinshasa n'est pas seulement la capitale de la République démocratique du Congo, c'est aussi et surtout une ville authentique et plein...
KINSHASA à feu et à sang, LUNDI 19/01/2015, KABILA DEGAGE, marche des opposants interropu par la police de la garde presidentielle, armé jusqu'aux dents.
S'il en fallait une, voilà bien la preuve que des avancées significatives et encourageantes ont été réalisées sur le terrain, dans la construction de la Cité du Fleuve, à Kinshasa (A ma connaissance, de nombreux projets de cette importance sont actuellement en cours au Bas-Congo, au Maniema, au Katanga et en Province Orientale. A suivre, donc).
14 MORTS à Kinshasa colère des congolais de Belgique..CONGOMIKILI
10 millions people live here. Click here to join our next Congolese vacation tour
Marche du 19 janvier: L' opposition paralyse la ville de Kinshasa, plusieurs morts, et bléssés, Vital Kamerhe libéré,..CONGOMIKILI
Promettre le développement c'est bien, le concrétiser c'est mieux. C'est ainsi que le gouvernement congolais accorde, dans son programme de développement à court terme, une place prioritaire à la réhabilitation et l'aménagement des principaux axes routiers du pays, notamment, comme nous pouvons le voir ici, ceux de Kinshasa (Les provinces ne sont pas en reste, d'autres vidéos sont prévues à cet effet)
Pour fabriquer son robot, madame Izayi garde ses valises à Kinshasa. Dans ses bagages, une envie folle d'apporter sa pierre à l'édifice commun, une soif de c...
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Tokomi Wapi ? Problème ya ba conflit parcellaire Eyindaki na Kinshasa avec Ndeko Eliezer
Ce lundi 19 Janvier 2015 a kinshasa il y a une manifestation des opposants contre la modification de la loi électorale.
Il y a un très large choix d'hôtels à Kinshasa. Difficile donc de vous conseiller sans connaître vos critères. Mais voici quelques hôtels sélectionnés par me...
Des aménagements pour sécuriser les piétons, qui sont souvent victimes d’accidents, sont prévus sur le Boulevard Lumumba, à Kinshasa. L’idée de l’Agence congolaise de grands travaux est donc d'installer 7 passerelles piétonnes doté de rampes pour personnes à mobilités réduite, afin de leur faciliter la traversée. Et finalement d'accompagner le changement.
Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide Kinshasa Congo Travel Information and City Guide 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle. 7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles. 6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid. 5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system. 4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period. 3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib. 2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency. 1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015. A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy. The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
Tourism hotspot, Kinshasa is not only the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is also and above all an authentic and vibrant town constantly changing. Find all the latest changes made by actors in the public and private sectors.
Finally, after four weeks on the Congo River, the team arrives in the DRC capital, Kinshasa. Now they return to their vehicles. Voetspore is an adventure documentary programme. Six guys in three 4-wheel drive vehicles explore the African continent. They start their journey on the East Coast of Africa and travel through Kenia, Uganda and the DRC. Three months later their journey ends at Muanda on the Atlantic Ocean. Catch Voetspore every Sunday at 18:00 on SABC 2 You Belong!
Let us Go to the Bas Congo, the western and costal province of the democratic republic of the Congo. And all starts here, at the 7th Street in the Limete town, a suburb of Kinshasa, the capital of the Congo. The trip starts early at 7:oo AM prompt as planned. The Congo is this vast giant country second to Algeria in surface, and the size of all the western Europ all countries included, a quarter of the USA surface. It is really big with 70 millions people leaving in this greatly tropical country where the equator line passes in the right middle. And I have never stopped of dreaming of visiting each single province of it. Congo is subdised in 11 functional provinces, and I have been dreaming of visiting the Bas Congo since my geography and history teachers told it is a province where the modern Congo started. Precolonial, and colonial history and drama was first based in the Bas-Congo, and at some scale slave trade went on quietly here. Yes, I dreamed at setting my foot where Diego Cao and Morton Stanley , those courageous European explorers had been once in Early modern Congolese era. Diego Cao came from the discovery of the sea outfall of the river Congo down in the Atlantic, and decided to navigate upward stream. Stanley walked from East Africa all through this thick rain forest rowing his boat with 300 slaves down the river Congo. River Congo, yes, Congo will hardly function without this vital river, the second largest in the speed of discharging water in the Ocean. A river that give birth to the falls that generate electricity to many countries in Africa. Yes, I dreamed to be in the Bas-Congo. On this bus to the bas-congo, it will not last before I make 2 friends who shared the same interest of visiting the Bas-Congo with the eye of a learner who craves for historical knowledge. Yes, Kitoko was busy writing names of towns as the bus went on, and Nkumbu, was listening to our conversation from his front seat, and jumbed in to share his knowledge of the Congo. He turned next to be our tourist guide because he has travelled all over the Bas-Congo. He is a true believer of community development by the grassroot. Here I am now in the Bas Congo after my geography class in the province of Nord Kivu, east of the Congo, in the early 80s. From Kinshasa the capital of the Congo, we went on thru villages and towns of Sona bata, Kisantu, Kimpese, kwilu-ngongo, mbanza ngungu, Kinza mvuete, Matadi, and Boma. Many of these spots are tourist destinations as our coming up video will testify. Kisantu has a fantatistic botanical garden, Mbanza Ngungu has pretty caves in a dream landscape. Matadi and specifically Boma have colonial and historical sites, all educational and recreational along the river Congo. One important note, Bas-Congo is so close to Angola that it is hard to tell who comes from where, Congolese and Angolan mingles together, as their countries are both in hand reach. One can not talk about the modern Congo without mentioning the name ofMorton Stanley, the journalist and the explorer of the Congo. He came in as an envoy of King LeopoldII who wanted to conquer new land for growing his personal wealth. Stanley made 999 days from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. With a special canoe, he made it through the rapids of the Congo river along with him were 356 slaves. But, in Boma and Moanda, only 114 slaves survived the expedition. Sir Stanley started mapping out a sketch of Congo development by starting building road, and railways. He ended in the British parliament, and died in England with his Congolese nickname Bula Matari to means stone breaker. And to say the least, matadi the capital of Bas Congo means Rock. On this day we have travelled through a town built on Rocks. Isn't amazing. This trip took us 10 h from Kinshasa to Boma where we rested for the night.
HAPPY We Are From Kinshasa Vidéo Officielle.
A Kinshasa, le président de l'ARP, Emmanuel Ilunga a répondu aux questions relatives à l'actualité politique de la RDC.
In 2011 Wild Frontiers guide, Kat Hart, and an intrepid group of travellers ventured into the Congo and embarked on a truly epic, month-long journey along th...
Une délégation d'hommes d’affaires hollandais séjourne à Kinshasa depuis lundi 10 novembre. Son objectif est d’étudier les opportunités d’affaires entre les Pays-Bas et la RD Congo, dans le cadre d'un commerce bilatéral dans plusieurs domaines. Une vingtaine d’entreprises est présente dans cette délégation.
Je suis partie sur mes terres, sur les traces de mes ancêtres : KINSHASA ! Un voyage mémorable que je souhaiterai partager avec vous ! La vraie vie à Kinshas...
A small video on life in Kinshasa and city development..
Kinshasa : Grandes vacances, kozanga ba salles de jeux bana bakomi ko sakana na zelo.CONGOMIKILI.COM
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country characterised by poverty and unemployment, music and dance are key outlets. The FT's East Africa Correspondent...
Rejoignez Paris-Kinshasa Express sur Facebook! Filmé le 28 Juin 2014 à Palaiseau. Extraits des titres "Mawa Trop" et "Mabélé" Prochains concerts: - 25/07/14 ...
Yango na Kinshasa ba immeubles ekoma kobotama lokola MAYEBO boye ndenge nini??? Bomoni tina nini tozali koluka 3eme mandat ya Rais mokonzi na biso ba congola...
Rouler à Kinshasa le soir en 2014
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo City Project for URS1006-01
Over 80 meters high, Matrix Tower will offer spectacular views from its 90 residential apartments, 2 luxury penthouses, four office floors, a large pool, heath club facilities and restaurants. It comprises a total of 22 floors and 3 three basements... All amenities of a modern life style are there!
Washington A new genetic history of HIV shows how the pandemic almost certainly took root in the 1920s in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, researchers said Thursday. Assisted by train transport and the sex trade, the virus that causes AIDS then spread across the continent and eventually the world, infecting some 75 million people and killing 36 million of them. An international team of researchers reconstructed the genetic history of the HIV-1 group M pandemic, and found that the common ancestor of group M is highly likely to have emerged in Kinshasa around 1920. While various strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have jumped from primates and apes to humans at least 13 times, only one such transmission event has led to a human pandemic. And it did because it was aided by a 'perfect storm' of factors, including urban growth, strong railway links during Belgian colonial rule, and changes to the sex trade, combined to see HIV emerge from Kinshasa and spread across the globe between the 1920s and 1950s, said the study in the journal Science. For the first time we have analyzed all the available evidence using the latest phylogeographic techniques, which enable us to statistically estimate where a virus comes from, said senior author Oliver Pybus of Oxford University's Department of Zoology. This means we can say with a high degree of certainty where and when the HIV pandemic originated. A key factor in the pandemic's spread was the use of trains as transport, which helped bring the virus from isolated pockets of people into the larger city, which was Kinshasa, among the best connected of all central African cities. Data from colonial archives tells us that by the end of 1940s over one million people were travelling through Kinshasa on the railways each year, said Nuno Faria of Oxford University's Department of Zoology, first author of the paper. Then, looking at genetic data, scientists could see that HIV spread across what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly the Belgian Congo and Zaire) to other major cities, by the early 1950s. These regional hubs were connected to southern and eastern African countries. We think it is likely that the social changes around the independence in 1960 saw the virus 'break out' from small groups of infected people to infect the wider population and eventually the world, Faria said. These social changes include sex workers who took on a large number of clients, coupled with public health initiatives against other diseases that led to the unsafe use of needles (which) may have contributed to turning HIV into a full-blown epidemic, the study said. Campaigns to treat people with sexually transmitted diseases may have been carried out using needles that were not sterile, suggesting another route for HIV and co-infections with hepatitis C that are often seen in men in the DRC over 50. HIV was first identified in 1981, and the AIDS epidemic ballooned for more than a decade until antiret
... second International Festival for Native Peoples, which opened on Friday in the capital, Kinshasa.
Taipei Times 2015-03-28KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 19 March 2015 - Nothing escapes the eye of Papy Bakambu.
noodls 2015-03-27In Kinshasa, Celine Schmitt on mobile +243 81 700 94 84 In Zemio, Charlemagne Kpakpo on mobile+236 ...
noodls 2015-03-27Tensions have been rife between Kinshasa and the United Nations over how to deal with rebel groups ...
Al Jazeera 2015-03-26One of them was Daddy Birori, who was born in the capital of Congo DR, Kinshasa and his inclusion in ...
noodls 2015-03-26... the Kinshasa government and other armed groups since fleeing to Congo after Rwanda’s 1994 genocide.
Business Day 2015-03-26As an elected member of the Committee of Elders of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa ...
Nation 2015-03-26"Noting the ongoing efforts made by the Government of the DRC to combat sexual violence in conflict ...
noodls 2015-03-26Nsuami, who lives in Kinshasa, told a meeting on children and armed conflict that he had been ...
Reuters 2015-03-25Junior consacre désormais sa vie à aider les enfants défavorisés à Kinshasa, et son objectif est de ...
noodls 2015-03-25Junior now dedicates his life to helping underprivileged children in Kinshasa, and his goal is to ...
noodls 2015-03-25Junior now dedicates his life to helping underprivileged children in Kinshasa, and his goal is to ...
noodls 2015-03-25... in Kinshasa, and his goal is to build a better future for them, and a better future for his country.
noodls 2015-03-25Kinshasa (formerly French Léopoldville, and Dutch Leopoldstad (help·info)) is the capital and the largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city is located on the Congo River.
Once a site of fishing villages, Kinshasa is now an urban area with a population of nearly 10 million inhabitants. It faces the capital of the neighbouring Republic of Congo, Brazzaville which can be seen in the distance across the wide Congo River. Because the administrative boundaries cover such a vast area, over 60% of the city's land is rural in nature, and the urban area only occupies a small section in the far western end of the province.
Kinshasa holds the status of the second largest city in Africa, after Cairo.
Residents of Kinshasa are known as Kinois (in French and sometimes in English) or Kinshasans (English).
The city was founded as a trading post by Henry Morton Stanley in 1881 and named Léopoldville in honor of King Leopold II of Belgium, who controlled the vast territory that is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, not as a colony but as a private property. The post flourished as the first navigable port on the Congo River above Livingstone Falls, a series of rapids over 300 kilometres (190 mi) below Leopoldville. At first, all goods arriving by sea or being sent by sea had to be carried by porters between Léopoldville and Matadi, the port below the rapids and 150 km (93 mi) from the coast. The completion of the Matadi-Kinshasa portage railway in 1898 provided a faster and more efficient alternative route around the rapids and sparked the rapid development of Léopoldville. By 1920, the city was elevated to capital of the Belgian Congo, replacing the town of Boma in the Congo estuary.
Can'tcha say you believe in me?
Can'tcha see what you mean to me?
Everyday I think of you
you're on my mind
Some things in the past
are better left behind
Every night I dream of you
the images as clear as day
Can'tcha say you believe in me?
Can'tcha say you believe in me?
You know that where
there's a will there's a way
Can'tcha say you believe in me?
Can't you see what it means to me?
Don't leave me alone tonight
'cause I still love you
We've had our time apart
and I knew right from the start
I could never change
the way I feel about you baby
We can sit here all night long
and separate the right from the wrong
But love won't wait
Oooh, still in love with you
You know I need you baby
to stand by me
Can't you see I need you, baby?
Oooh, I'm still in love with you