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History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion BBC Documentary.
For over 600 years the Anglo-Saxons were settled in Britain replacing many of the Roman stone buildings with new buildings of their own. At the same time the...
Israelite Heritage of Western Europe - German Origins - * - Steven M Collins - The Asian "Sacae" Become the European Saxons Not all of the migrating Parthians and Scythians came to be known as Goths or Germans. One of the famous branches of the Germanic tribes entering Europe from the east was the Saxons. Sharon Turner comments on their Scythian origins: "The Saxons were a German or Teutonic, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred...The Sakai...were an important branch of the Scythian nation. Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people, sprung from the Sakai, by the name of the Saxones...There was a people called Saxoi, on the Euxine [the Black Sea], according to Stephanus."46 (Emphasis added) The Scythian/Parthian people had been known as the Sacae or Saka for over a millennium. This name was retained by the Germanic tribe that the Romans called the "Saxons." Phonetically, "Saxons" is the same as "Sac's sons," or "Sons of Isaac." While the English word "Saxon" has a Latin "x," the German word for "Saxon" is "Sachsisch" or "Sachse."47 The modern German words for "Saxon" still preserve the name of the Scythian "Sac-ae" who migrated into Europe from Asia. The Sacae were Scythians and Parthians in Asia, so the Saxons, or Sachse, were Scythian/Parthian refugees entering Europe. The Bible prophesied in Genesis 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Since the Saxons still bore the name of Isaac as they migrated into Europe, it confirms that the Saxons were primarily the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Scythian/Sacae origin of the Germans and Saxons has been known for centuries. A famous British historian, William Camden, wrote the following in 1610: "...that the Germans are called Scythians, we gather not only out of...Strabo...but also out of Pliny. The name of the Scythians (quoth he) extendeth...even to the Germans...the Saxons descended from the Sacae, a most noble nation, and of much worth in Asia...they came in companies...together with the Getae, Suevi, Daci and others into Europe."48 (Emphasis added) Consider also Sharon Turner's comment in the 1836 book, The History of the Anglo-Saxons: "The next great sources of its [Europe's] population were the Scythian or Gothic tribes, who entered it out of Asia, and who gradually spread themselves from its eastern to its western extremity...The Saxons were a German, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred..."49 (Emphasis added) These accounts confirm that, in 1610 and 1836, it was known that the Germans, Saxons, Getae, Sacae and Daci had migrated into Europe from Asia, and that the Germanic and Saxon tribes of Europe descended from the Scythian and Sacae tribes of Asia. MORE - Ancient History, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian empire, March of the Titans, History of the White race, Britons, Gaelic, Celtic and Germanic Origins, White race Origins, Ancient Greece, Israelites, Strabo, Persians, Franks, Visigoths, Phoenicians, Carthage, Homer, Lost tribes of Israel, Scythians, Anglo saxons, German, Goths, Roman empire, Minoans, Origin of the Europeans, Indo European Origins, Parthians Cimmerians, aryan race, Ostrogoths, Byzantine Empire, Holy roman Empire, British Israel, Christian Identity MORE PROOF & LINKS: History - MORE Books - Language Relation Studies: Gaelic - Greek - German -,%20papers/Phonological%20Similarities%20in%20Germanic%20&%20Hebrew.pdf English -
Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands . The Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain is the migration of several Germanic peoples from the western coasts of Europe and their settlement in Great Britain in. Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish . The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 BC. The Roman Army had been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britons had been helping the Gauls in an effort to defeat t.
In Kingdom of Northrumbia in England, Ragnar Lothbrok's army meets an English Anglo-Saxon defensive army. No copyright infringes intended. All material goes ...
free documentary
First broadcast: 10 Aug 2010. Art historian Dr Nina Ramirez reveals the codes and messages hidden in Anglo-Saxon art. From the beautiful jewellery that adorn...
let's look for some land in this very clever take on location location location.
Free learning from The Open University --- A look at what words the Anglo-Saxons an...
Miraculously preserved over the centuries, its artistic importance was unrecognized until an essay by J. R. R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings) revealed its u...
Historian Michael Wood returns to his first great love, the Anglo-Saxon world, to reveal the origins of our literary heritage. Focusing on Beowulf and drawing on other Anglo-Saxon classics, he traces the birth of English poetry back to the Dark Ages. Travelling across the British Isles from East Anglia to Scotland and with the help of Nobel prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney, actor Julian Glover, local historians and enthusiasts, he brings the story and language of this iconic poem to life. This extraordinary documentary - ''In search of Beowulf'' - is a property of (owned by) British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Television [GB]. Please Support the Official Release! :)
The first in Mr. Osborne's series of videos discussing British Literature sets the stage for the course and discusses both the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Englan...
Our core broadcast which is being released today across all of our platforms (including this newsletter if you scroll down through all of the links) is on the Anglo-Saxon rune Aesc. This of course builds upon the rune we talked about in our last broadcast taking it from the proving of troth, which is referring to the ability to hang on to the attainments one has achieved in the process of awakening referred to throughout the first 24 runes. The rune Aesc deals in a more aggressive manner. It has the same form as the Elder Futhark rune Ansuz but is not to be mistaken for the same rune. There are two trees that are equated with the "World Tree": the first one being the Yew tree, the second one being the Ash tree. There have been many arguments about which tree refers to the World Tree and my postulation is that both refer to it. One is on the esoteric side of thought, and the other from the perspective of the world of mankind. You will hear a far more detailed explanation regarding this on the broadcast itself. The rune Aesc is one that speaks of the ash tree itself in its strength and hardness, and of its use in the creation of weapons of war such as Spears. The spear was one of the preferred weapons of the Saxons as it was able to keep an enemy at bay, while in close quarters they use the sax knife which was either like a very short sword or a very big dagger depending on which perspective you want to look at it. The rune Aesc speaks of defence of what one has as well as the ability to aggressively move forward. Spears pierced things! The power of this rune can help one pierced through the veils of consciousness in a very real way – – in the way that only one who is awakened to who they truly are and united with their higher genius or Fetch can do. The work that was done in the progressive initiations of the first 24 runes was all for the process of awakening the soul complex and one's awareness to it, and to uniting with the Fetch. These runes that have followed in the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc are what one does in a progressive way after one has awakened on the path to everlasting growth and expansion! There are many other uses and meanings to this rune but what is discussed in the broadcast is related directly to what the process of the runic series has been about from the beginning. It is our hope that it speaks directly to you where you are at! Until next time... Main Website: Podcast Server: Facebook: Twitter: NEWSLETTER Sign Up:
Don't forget to hit the Like and Subscribe videos to make sure you receive notifications about upcoming Literature, Grammar, Reading, Writing, and World History lessons from MrBrayman.Info. This video covers the Anglo-Saxon Period of British History as it relates to Old English Literature. It gives students background on the people who produced literature like Beowulf, The Wanderer, and other poems. Below is the outline of the slides used in the lesson: The Anglo-Saxon Period449-1066 CE Created by the English Department, Coronado HS England before the Anglo-Saxons:The Celts -- 900 BCE Celtic speakers arrived in England in about 900 BCE Two Tribes: The Brythons, inhabited what is now Britain The Gaels, settled in present day Ireland The Celts -- 900 BCE Both Celtic groups spoke languages from the Celtic family which is far different from Germanic languages. (English is considered a Germanic language.) They lived in closely tied clans and were farmers and hunters for the most part. The Celts -- 900 BCE Their leaders were often Druids, who were priests. The Druids preserved the people's myths and legends by reciting long, heroic poems. The Romans = 55 BCE -- 407 CE The next group to invade England was the Romans. They ruled for some 300 years. They established roads and towns that served the island for centuries. The Romans = 55 BCE -- 407 CE Their rule ended because Italy was under attack from northern invaders. Basically, the troops were called home. The last troops left in 407, and the stage was set for Anglos and the Saxons. They brought Christianity to the island. The Anglo-Saxons = 449 - 1066 They were able to over take the Britons by simply rowing up English rivers. Three groups: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. The Anglo-Saxons = 449 - 1066 So where did the Britons go? Some went to the edges of the island -- Cornwall and Wales. Others went to Ireland and then later Scotland. This movement proved to preserve the Celtic languages of Cornish, Welsh, and Irish and Scottish Gaelic. All of which are spoken today. The Danish (Viking) Invasions They took place between the 9th and 12th centuries. English king Alfred the Great was able to resist the first invasion. The Vikings ended up practicing "hit-and-run" raids, but their influence was not large. Anglo-Saxon Hierarchy King = he was expected to be generous to his loyal subjects Thanes = claimed kinship to founder of tries. They were expected to be LOYAL. The Mead Hall The Anglo-Saxons = Religion They came to Britain with their own pagan beliefs. They had a firm belief in fate (wyrd). They worshiped ancient Germanic gods like Tui, god of war and the sky; Woden, chief of the gods; and Fria, Woden's wife and goddess of the home. The Anglo-Saxons = Religion Christianity had been introduced by the Romans, and the Celts were converted. Irish monks helped establish a strong Christian hold on the island. Scots were converted easily, and many monasteries were built in Scotland. The Anglo-Saxons = Religion Roman cleric Saint Augustine arrives in 597. Saint Augustine was able to convert King Ethelbert of Kent; this led to the kingdom being converted. The Anglo-Saxons = Religion The Church promoted peace, and that helped unite the English people. The Church also brought education and a written literature. Monks often worked as scribes, recording and duplicating written work by hand. The Anglo-Saxons = Religion Venerable Bede (673-735) = "The Father of English History" He wrote A History of the English Church and People -- the clearest account of early Anglo-Saxon times. Anglo-Saxon Literature Spread by scops who recited long epic poems. These poems were either heroic or literary. The verses were easy to memorize Preliterate people Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry Caesuras -- pause in a line Alliteration joins the 2 parts of the line Kennings -- metaphorical phrases -- This is where they had their "stock epithet," a work of phrase characterizing a person or thing. Reading Poetry -- Especially Narrative Poetry!! Don't stop at the end of a line, stop at the punctuation mark. The end of the line has to do with the "beat" of the line; it has nothing to do with the "meaning" of the line. The Norman Conquest By 1042, the Danes were out of power, and Edward the Confessor was on the throne. Edward was very religious and had studied in Normandy, which is in France. Edward died in 1066, and that year found the Normans overpower the Anglo-Saxons. This was their last defeat. Thanks for watching
Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands ...
Horrible Histories.
Filmed on location at Houlgate Village near York, a working Anglo-Saxon settlement, this DVD provides incredible insight into a period of which little is kno...
A quick documentary on the Anglo-Saxon migration to the United Kingdom. I hope you enjoy and learn something!
Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands . The Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain is the migration of several Germanic peoples from the western coasts of Europe and their settlement in Great Britain in. Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish . The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 BC. The Roman Army had been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britons had been helping the Gauls in an effort to defeat t.
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages of 400-800AD. Travelling back in time to some of the remotest corners of the British Isles, Dan unravels the mystery of the lost years of 400-800 AD, when the collapse of the Roman Empire left Britain in tatters. In the first episode, Dan shows how in the 5th century AD Roman 'Britannia' was plunged into chaos by the arrival of Anglo-Saxon invaders. As Roman civilisation disappeared from Britain, a new civilisation emerged in one of the most unlikely places - Ireland. Within a few generations, Christianity transformed a backward, barbarian country into the cultural powerhouse of early medieval Europe. This is a visually and intellectually stimulating journey through one of the least known chapters of British and Irish history. - 'Everyone always talks about 1066 and the Battle of Hastings," says an exasperated Dan Snow, "but all the really big events happened 400 years earlier. We could, if things had gone only slightly differently then, be living on the 'Irish Isles' not the British Isles. Our capital should probably have been York." The 30-year-old historian certainly makes a compelling case on behalf of the early medieval period (400-800AD), the curiously overlooked era in British history which is the focus of his new two-part BBC Four documentary, How the Celts Saved Britain. Indeed, as Snow holds forth with voluble enthusiasm on the subject, it's easy to hear an echo of his father, the journalist, broadcaster and master of the swingometer, Peter. "Bound up with the spread of Christianity from Ireland is the spread of modernity," says Snow, who left Balliol College, Oxford with a First in history and is best known for co-presenting BBC Two's Battlefield Britain with his father. "This new series is all about vital events that defined the British Isles and yet the period was painted out of history. When my dad was at school in the Fifties, he used text books that covered Roman Britain, and then came this huge gap to William the Conqueror." So what did the Celts do for us? Even the term "Celt", as Snow concedes, can be a vague, emotive term. For Snow's purposes, however, the Celts are the people primarily living in Ireland who came to Britain to evangelise and to trade, and who by so doing gave (what was to become) the UK a common language, a longer life expectancy and, in essence, the beginnings of what we would now call civilisation. "Britain was in a pretty anarchic state after the dissolution of the Roman Empire," Snow explains, "but Ireland offered a level of stability. Christianity had been lapped up by the Irish, too, so they brought both their religion and their new ways of living with them in one package. That meant Christianity got wrapped up in building mills, eating better, fertilising fields and so on. It was a mechanism for translating information from the old Roman world to the undeveloped rest of the world." Interestingly, however, Snow is no fan of Christianity per se: "I'm an atheist," he says, "so I'm fairly harsh on the idea that Christianity is a self-evidently brilliant creed that everyone adopts as soon as they're told about it." Through making this series, however, Snow says that in fact his regard for Christianity has grown. "It is fascinating, ideologically, to watch the Iron Age warrior ethos being transformed by Christian thought," he says. "The old belief was that it was basically only really the warriors who were special. But Christianity told people that they were all special now. Even in this period, it was quite emancipating." As he researched and filmed the programmes Snow visited several places that he'd first discovered as a child. "My dad was born in Dublin," he says, "so in a way I'm a kind of Celt myself." But there was more to those trips than simply revisiting beautiful locations such as Lindisfarne and Iona. Snow says that the TV documentary-maker's hands-on approach to history -- go there, see for yourself -- made him reflect on the way history is being taught in schools. "These days teachers focus quite heavily on going to places, and getting children immersed in details," he says. "They learn more about wattle and daub than about generals and battles, so there's a huge controversy about whether children just don't get taught enough about the big picture: the major players and the key events." Surprisingly, Snow thinks this is no bad thing. "It's easy to say kids don't get a broad overview, but visiting places such as Iona will inspire them to want to know more. I don't think the historical knowledge of the typical fiftysomething, who was taught all about generals and so on, is actually that great." And if there's one thing Snow hopes his films will change it's Britain's common misconception about Ireland.
* - In my lesson called Israel’s Fingerprints, I have briefly sketched for you some of the Bible’s evidence that the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic people of today are the living descendants of the Israel of the Bible. This evidence is in the form of many Bible prophecies of Israel’s future, which has been accurately fulfilled by these nations and by no others. If the people who have actually done all the things which Yahweh said Israel would do, and who have received the exact blessings which Yahweh said He would give to Israel, if they are not Israel, how could Yahweh be so greatly mistaken? No, Yahweh was not mistaken, He knew what He would do and for whom He would do it. By making good all His prophecies and promises, He has identified these nations as Israel. There are some people that won’t believe Yahweh and will not accept His identification of these nations as Israel. In fact, one clergyman with whom I discussed this, a minister of a church in this country, wrote to me demanding to know what other historians of the time, in what books, chapters and verses record their migrations into northern and western Europe and the British Isles? He is only one of many skeptics who ask this and to these skeptics the answer is yes, various historians of those centuries have traced many steps of this migration. What I propose to do for you now is to trace this migration historically. Remember, within the time limits which must necessarily be fixed on such a lesson as this, I can only hit the high spots. You know how large a library can be filled with history books, so I can’t quote them all verbatim. However, I will have time enough to show you that the historians have traced this migration from Israel’s old Palestinian home into the European homes as the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. Not under their old names of course, but that also is the fulfillment of Yahweh’s prophesy that He would call His servants by another name. Surely you now know that the Bible identifies Israel and only Israel, as Yahweh’s servants. The migration of the Israelites covered about 12 centuries, during which time they were mentioned by various historians, writing in different languages, during different centuries so therefore they are mentioned under different names. Even today, if you were to read a London newspaper, a Paris newspaper and a Berlin newspaper, all dated about the end of 1940, you would find that the British newspaper said that in that year France was invaded by the Germans. The French newspaper said that the invasion was by Les Allemans and the German newspaper said that the invasion was by der Deutsch. Yet, all three were talking about the same people and the same invasion. We must not be surprised to find the Israelites were given different names in the Assyrian, Greek and Latin languages. Even in the same language names change from century to century, just as today we never speak of Bohemia, as it was called a century ago, but only of Czechoslovakia. Remember, the original 12 tribed nation of Israel broke up into two nations upon the death of King Solomon, about 975 B.C.. The northern 2/3rds of the land, containing the ten tribes, kept the name Israel, while the southern 1/3rd, containing the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with many of the Levites, took the name of Judah after the royal tribe. From that time on, they kept their separate existence until they were finally merged into a vast migration, as we will see. Most of the kings of the 10 tribed northern kingdom of Israel were distinguished more for their wickedness than for any ability. However Omri, who reigned from 885 B.C. to 874 B.C., was a vigorous and able king. Although as wicked as the others his reign was considered, among the other nations of western Asia, as the foundation upon which the national identity thereafter rested. The language of that day spoke of a family, a tribe, or even a whole nation as a house or household. If you have read your Bible much, you must surely remember Yahweh’s many references to the house of Israel or the kingdom of Judah. The phrase was also used in those days to refer to a nation as the house of a great king who ruled it. The Assyrians among others, began calling the 10 tribed kingdom of Israel, the house of Omri. In Hebrew, house was babyith or bayth, in English it was usually spelled beth and pronounced beth. In the related Semitic languages of Assyrian, this was bit. The Hebrew Omri, was in Assyrian sometimes written Humari, sometimes Kumri. READ MORE -
In this webinar we take a look at the Anglo Saxons -- who were they? Where did they come from? What was their importance in English history? For this webinar we're joined by historian Oliver...
For More Great Documentaries please visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and support the site They were the dreaded forces on the fringes of civilization, the blood...
Extract from: BBC News Marion Blockley, an archaeologist, wonders if there is a clue in a lament written in around the 9th Century that describes a 7th Century battle and raid in the Midlands. Did warriors ransack a settlement and leave with captured treasure? "It's possible as they fled that they may have taken the hoard with them and buried it, hoping to come back but sadly they were killed," Ms Blockley said. "I'm not saying it's true, but you know, it may well be." 'Significant items' The Staffordshire Hoard is made up of thousands of items, including pieces of weaponry and dozens of ornate sword pommels, so could they have been part of a king's collection that had somehow fallen into the wrong hands? Ms Blockley said nearby Tamworth had been a royal treasury. She said kings used to receive gifts of "significant items of weaponry" which they would then redistribute to their favourite warriors. Some say a key part of solving the mystery of the hoard could lie in where it was found near what was an important route between the Midlands and London, Watling Street.
Welcome to 'Vox Mundi' -- A shattered world in which every province is independent and heresy is rampant! Vox Mundi is a mod made by me, built upon a base provided by the Kingdoms Abound mod tool. Please see the forum thread here:;=17574569#post17574569 You can find Kingdoms Abound made by Measter here: Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB.
The extraordinary concept that government is a contract between the ruler and the people, developed in England, actually originated with the robust, diversif...
Tony Robinson and the Team try to locate one of the rarest of archaeological sites - an Anglo Saxon royal complex. Aerial photos suggest this empty Oxfordshire field could have been the home of Royalty over a thousand years ago, but is it ever that simple?
Conrad teaches me how to play Saga!
The Worst Jobs In History - Season 1 Episode 1 - Roman & Anglo-Saxon
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is an informal term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging, for a closed group of high-status Americans of English Protestant ancestry. The term applies to a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power. The term WASP does not describe every Protestant of English background, but rather a small restricted group whose family wealth and elite connections allow them a degree of privilege held by few others. When the term appears in writing, it usually indicates the author's disapproval of the group's excessive power in society. The hostile tone can be seen in an alternative dictionary: "The WASP culture has been the most aggressive, powerful, and arrogant society in the world for the last thousand years, so it is natural that it should receive a certain amount of warranted criticism." People seldom call themselves WASPs, except humorously; the acronym is typically used by non-WASPs. Scholars agree that the group's influence has waned since the end of World War II, with the growing influence of Jews, Catholics, African Americans and other former outsiders. The term is also used in Canada and Australia for similar elites. The original WASP elite established the United States, its social structure and significant institutions, existing as the dominant social group beginning in the 17th century when the country's social hierarchy took shape, and lasting into the 1960s, when WASP society gradually began to relinquish national control and retreating amongst themselves, growing reminiscent of a cloistered aristocracy, in what has been termed the "leisure class". Many scholars, including researcher Anthony Smith, argue that nations tend to be formed on the basis of a pre-modern ethnic core that provides the myths, symbols, and memories for the modern nation and that WASPs were indeed that core.[16] WASPs are still considered prominent at prep schools (expensive private high schools, primarily in the Northeast), Ivy League universities, and prestigious liberal arts colleges, such as the Little Ivies or Seven Sisters.[17] Entry to these colleges is based on merit, but there is nonetheless a certain preference for "legacy" alumni. Students learned skills, habits, and attitudes and formed connections which carried over to the influential spheres of finance, culture, and politics.[18] WASP families are often seen as pursuing upscale diversions such as boating, golf, equestrianism, fencing, and yachting — expensive pursuits that need both leisure time and affluence to pursue, and which sociologists such as Thorstein Veblen (The Theory of the Leisure Class) have pointed to as a marker of social standing.[19] Social registers and society pages listed the privileged, who mingled in the same private clubs, attended the same churches, and lived in neighborhoods—Dallas; Nashville; Philadelphia's Main Line and Chestnut Hill neighborhoods; New Jersey's Princeton; Florida's Palm Beach; Fairfield County, Connecticut; the coast of Maine, particularly Bar Harbor; Newport, Rhode Island; Manhattan's Upper East Side; Westchester County, New York; the Hamptons of Long Island; Boston's Beacon Hill; Northern Virginia and Georgetown all in the Washington metropolitan area; Cincinnati's Village of Indian Hill and City of Springboro; Cleveland's Shaker Heights and Village of Bratenahl; Bloomfield Hills and Grosse Pointe, MI; and Chicago's Lake Forest are all examples.[20][21] A common practice of WASP families is presenting their daughters of high school and college age (traditionally at the age of 17 or 18 years old) at a debutante ball, such as The International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. In the Midwest, WASPs were attributed to University of Michigan, Northwestern University, and University of Chicago. In the Detroit area, WASPs dominated the wealth that came from the huge industrial capacity of the automotive industry. After the 1967 Detroit riot, they tended to congregate in the very affluent northern suburbs of Detroit in Oakland County. In Chicago, they are present in neighborhoods such as the North Shore (Chicago). David Brooks, who as a child attended an Episcopal school, writes that WASPs took pride in "good posture, genteel manners, personal hygiene, pointless discipline, the ability to sit still for long periods of time."[22] In 1939, the Daughters of the American Revolution denied prominent black singer Marian Anderson permission to sing in Constitution Hall. In the ensuing furor, the president's wife Eleanor Roosevelt publicly resigned from the DAR and arranged for Anderson to sing at the Lincoln Memorial before a cheering crowd of 75,000.
Sung by Magnificat ensemble from Durham Cathedral Gregory The Great (c.540-604): Guadeamus Universi Ecclesie Filii (1:08) Gregory The Great (c.540-604): Videns Ergo Vir Beatus (2:21) Augustine Of Canterbury (died c.604): Regnas Augustine (6:48) Augustine Of Canterbury (died c.604): Hodie Anglorum And Magnificat (7:09) Kyneburga (died c. 680), Kyneswitha And Tibba: Laudet Dominum (0:44) Kyneburga (died c. 680), Kyneswitha And Tibba: In Translatorem (1:14) Kyneburga (died c. 680), Kyneswitha And Tibba: Gloriosa Dispensatione (3:22) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Ignea In Sepera (3:14) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Alme Concrepent (5:12) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Dum Iactantur Puppes (0:40) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Quandam Vexatam Demone (0:42) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Qui De Rupe Prompsit Aquam (0:38) Cuthbert Of Lindisfarne (c.634-687): Magnus Miles Mirabilis (4:25) Edmund, King Of East Angia (c.841-869): Lagem Dedit Rex Crudelis (0:59) Edmund, King Of East Angia (c.841-869): Resectum Ergo De Corpore (1:18) Edmund, King Of East Angia (c.841-869): O Martyr Invincibilis (5:21) Dunstan of Glastonbury (c.909-988): Dunstanus Archiepiscopus (4:19) Dunstan of Glastonbury (c.909-988): Hodierna Resonent Gaudia (4:10) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): Sanctus Sub Sancto Dun... (0:27) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): Factus Abba (0:20) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): Rex Edgarus (0:26) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): In Pagina (0:31) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): Ab Ignis Inuria (0:33) Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester (c.912-984): Dulce Studium (0:36) Wulfstan of Worcester (c.1008-1095): Wulstane Presul Inclite (2:21)
Finding new and previously unexplained evidence Francis Pryor overturns the idea that Britain was crushed under Roman rule, then reverted to a state of anarc...
Here's my step by step guide to making Anglo Saxon Bread. It's quick, easy and tastes really great!
Big vehicle small man syndrome......
The Vikings, led by Earl Ragnar and King Horik, are ambushed and outmaneuvered by Saxon forces led by King Ecbert. From History Channel's "Vikings". Please support by show by purchasing Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD/ Apple store/ etc. All Rights belong to History Channel/ Vikings.The Vikings, led by Earl Ragnar and King Horik, are ambushed and outmaneuvered by Saxon forces led by King Ecbert. From History Channel's "Vikings". The Battle of Fulford is the 1st of 3 major battles fought in the year 1066 between the Norwegian Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons & the Normans. The other 2 major battles ... In Kingdom of Northrumbia in England, Ragnar Lothbrok's army meets an English Anglo-Saxon defensive army. No copyright infringes intended. All material ... From History Channel Viking Season 2. Two groups of medieval warriors square off and chop each other into pieces in a special pre-alpha version of War of the Vikings! Other team here: ...
In Kingdom of Northrumbia in England, Ragnar Lothbrok's army meets an English Anglo-Saxon defensive army. No copyright infringes intended. All material goes to the respectable owners: Metro Goldwyn Meyer - History ChannelIn Kingdom of Northrumbia in England, Ragnar Lothbrok's army meets an English Anglo-Saxon defensive army. No copyright infringes intended. All material ... Lagertha, now an Earl, offers to help Ragnar with his next raid. #Vikings Airs Thursdays at 10/9c on HISTORY. Follow us on Twitter @VikingsTVF Use Google+? VIKINGS EPISODE EIGHT DESCRIPTION "Sacrifice" -- Sunday, April 21 at 10 p.m. The traditional pilgrimage to Uppsalla to thank the gods brings a torrent of ... Don't forget to hit the Like and Subscribe videos to make sure you receive notifications about upcoming Literature, Grammar, Reading, Writing, and World ... Anglo-Saxon seax compared to 19th century Bowie knife.
History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion BBC Documentary Part 1 Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands . The Anglo-Saxon settlement of. History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion BBC Documentary National Geographic ufo alien secrecy ufo documentary,ufo,ufo documentary history channel,ufo documentary 2014,ufo this week 2014 . Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands . The Anglo-Saxon settlement of.
Thousand year old Anglo Saxon potion kills MRSA superbug
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HD BREAKING NEWS - Thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MRSA superbug
According to new research, a thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion for eye infections may hold the key to wiping out the modern-day superbug MRSA. The 10th-century "eyesalve" remedy was discovered at the British Library in a leather-bound volume of Bald's Leechbook, widely considered to be one of the earliest known medical textbooks. Christina Lee, an expert on Anglo-Saxon society from the School of English at the University of Nottingham, translated the ancient manuscript despite some ambiguities in the text. The researchers then tested their recipe on cultures of MRSA, a type of staph bacterium that does not respond to commonly used antibiotic treatments. Microbiologist Freya Harrison said, "What we found was very interesting -- we found that Bald's eyesalve is incredibly potent as an anti-Staphylococcal antibiotic in this context."
The Researchers at the University of Nottingham in UK have found a way to kill the modern-day superbug MRSA, by a one thousand year old Anglo-Saxon remedy which originates from a manuscript in the British Library. This remeday is prepared from garlic, wine and bile from a cow, by following the instructions given in the 1000 years old manuscript. By doing various tests, the research team came to know that this medival remedy is killing most of the bacterial cells. MRSA is a bacterium responsible for several infections in humans. MRSA is especially troublesome in hospitals, prisons, and nursing homes, where patients with open wounds, invasive devices, and weakened immune systems are at greater risk. Source:
A lot of people have asked me how I tune my lyre. While there is not one answer to this question, here are a few of the tunings I regularly use.
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780851156996 Book Synopsis of Anglo-Saxon Conversations: The Colloquies of Aelfric Bata by Aelfric Bata If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: BD9780851156996-1007421
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9781447402060 Book Synopsis of Anglo-Saxon Jewellery by Ronald Jessup If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By NAcer ID: BM9781447402060-1084561
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9781852851767 Book Synopsis of The Anglo-Saxon State by James Campbell If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: BD9781852851767-625786
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780718517274 Book Synopsis of The Landscape of Anglo-Saxon England by Della Hooke If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01.Ladinestala* ID: BM9780718517274-192801
Welcome to the world news reader, Source From CNN News -, Thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MRSA superbug. he School of English at the University of Nottingham, translated the ancient manuscript despite some ambiguities in the text. "We chose this recipe in Bald's Leechbook because it contains ingredients such as garlic that are currently investigated by other researchers on their potential antibiotic effectiveness," Lee said in a video posted on the university's website. "And so we looked at a recipe that is fairly straightforward. It's also a recipe where we are told it's the 'best of leechdoms' -- how could you not test that? So we were curious." Lee enlisted the help of the university's microbiologists to see if the remedy actually worked. The recipe calls for two species of Allium (garlic and onion or leek), wine and oxgall (bile from a cow's stomach) to be brewed in a brass vessel. "We recreated the recipe as faithfully as we could. The Bald gives very precise instructions for the ratio of different ingredients and for the way they should be combined before use, so we tried to follow that as closely as possible," said microbiologist Freya Harrison, who led the work in the lab at the School of Life Sciences. The book included an instruction for the recipe to be left to stand for nine days before being strained through a cloth. Efforts to replicate the recipe exactly included finding wine from a vineyard known to have existed in the ninth century, according to Steve Diggle, an associate professor of sociomicrobiology, who also worked on the project. The researchers then tested their recipe on cultures of MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a type of staph bacterium that does not respond to commonly used antibiotic treatments. The scientists weren't holding out much hope that it would work -- but they were astonished by the lab results. "What we found was very interesting -- we found that Bald's eyesalve is incredibly potent as an anti-Staphylococcal antibiotic in this context," Harrison said. Please Subscribe For update the lattest news a round the world. Read More at CNN News -, or Visit: -My channel = -World News Reader Playlist, Update Everyday: -CNN News =;=PLgkEAZw63iwrsN6_hreh0zrravIJKxqhf -BBC News = ABC News = -NBC News =
This video is about Saxon Life- Animations KS2 Year 5
[Extrait] Podcast entier de 2H05 : http// Ça fait des années que je dis que le mythe des "Juifs négriers qui contrôlaient le commerce" est une escroquerie habillement montée, que je dis qu'il y a eu des négriers juifs mais qu'aux USA, ils étaient très minoritaires. Vous allez ici comprendre la manipulation qui consiste tout simplement à mettre en avant les négriers juifs en oubliant tous les autres. Ceux qui sont oubliés composent la grande majorité des négriers et ils sont ANGLO-SAXONS, issus de grandes familles (Wanton, Collins, Dewolf etc.) dont beaucoup d'entre elles ont crée des banques avec l'argent gagné sur le sang des Africains.
Anglo-Saxon cow ... how to watch the eclipse safely Anglo-Saxon cow bile and garlic potion kills MRSA.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-05Anglo-Saxon cow ... how to watch the eclipse safely Anglo-Saxon cow bile and garlic potion kills MRSA.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-05"Cricket may originally be an Anglo-Saxon game and English might be its language but the game and ...
The Hindu 2015-04-05The Frenchman is, or at least has been, a very different proposition to his Anglo-Saxon nemesis, but ...
The Guardian 2015-04-05... philosophy, Chinese women's writings from the Ming-Qing dynasties, and the Anglo-Saxon Middle Ages.
noodls 2015-04-04As per historians, these buns go back to Anglo-Saxon times and the worship of Eostre, with the ...
The Times of India 2015-04-03... for the recovery of the United States, and for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?
CounterPunch 2015-04-03(The Dutch are already part of a second-tier agreement called the Nine Eyes, with the "Anglo-Saxons" ...
The Daily Beast 2015-04-03Such a mix would represent a major departure from the existing Anglo-Saxon model of capitalism and ...
Minds 2015-04-03It put King John under law ... Yes, he wrote at a moment of high imperialism and glorification of the Anglo-Saxon race.
CounterPunch 2015-04-03An unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and all else towards it at 14 million mph Anglo-Saxon cow ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-02An unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and all else towards it at 14 million mph Anglo-Saxon cow ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-02An unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and all else towards it at 14 million mph Anglo-Saxon cow ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-02The term Anglo-Saxon is used by some historians to designate the Germanic tribes who invaded and settled the south and east of Britain beginning in the early 5th century and the period from their creation of the English nation up to the Norman conquest. The Anglo-Saxon era denotes the period of English history between about 550 and 1066. The term is also used for the language, now known as Old English, that was spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons and their descendants in England (and part of southeastern Scotland) between at least the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century.
The Benedictine monk Bede, writing in the early 8th century, identified the English as the descendants of three Germanic tribes:
Their language, Old English, which derived from Ingvaeonic West Germanic dialects, transformed into Middle English from the 11th century. Old English was divided into four main dialects: West Saxon, Mercian, Northumbrian and Kentish.
The term Anglo-Saxon can be found in documents produced in the time of Alfred the Great, who seems to have frequently used the titles rex Anglorum Saxonum and rex Angul-Saxonum (king of the English Saxons). The Old English terms ænglisc ('Angle-kin') and Angelcynn ('gens Anglorum') had already lost their original sense of referring to the Angles, as distinct from the Saxons, when they are first attested. In their earliest sense they referred to the nation of Germanic peoples who settled eastern Britain from the 5th century.[citation needed] The indigenous Britons, who wrote in both Latin and Welsh, referred to these invaders as 'Saxones' or 'Saeson' – the word Saeson is the modern Welsh word for 'English people'; the equivalent word in Scottish Gaelic is Sasannach and in the Irish language, Sasanach.