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Actors Massi Furlan (actor), Joshua Fredric Smith (actor), Brendan Moriarty (director), Brendan Moriarty (producer), Henry Bronson (producer), Scott Maguire (actor), Jack Kalian (actor), Patrick J. Moriarty (producer), Nhem Sokun (actor), Chiet Ukham (actor), Yim H. Li (producer), Yim Jhuin (writer),
Actors James Kyson (actor), Keone Young (actor), Lee Wong (actor), Lock Lee (actor), Casey Storm (costume designer), Akiko Iwakawa-Grieve (editor), Talmage Cooley (writer), Talmage Cooley (director), Talmage Cooley (producer), Peter Leung (actor), Anthony Sperduti (writer), Josh Kirsch (composer), Ken Sih (actor), Murphy Tan (actor), Keith Lomenza (composer),
Man against himself
Actors Anders Bramsen (producer), Anders Bramsen (actor), Anders Bramsen (editor), Anders Bramsen (director), Anders Bramsen (writer), Anne-Marie Ubbe (actress), Jes Holtsø (actor), Jes Holtsø (composer), Anders Krogsgaard (actor), Al Fleming (editor), Lea Kelmann (actress), Helenna Havermanns (actress), Anki Lund (actress), Donald L. Smith (actor), Peter Rubiano Schjer (actor),
Tyrants and Dictators - Pol Pot (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power-hungry men who maintained an iron-clad grip over the respective nations they ruled. Under their leadership thousands of innocent civilians lost their lives as a result of their murderous regimes. These are the world's most notorious tyrants and dictators.
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Next Part 2/4 Beginning 1/4 Led by a former schoolteacher named Pol Pot...
Part 3/4 Beginning 1/4 Led by a former schoolteacher named Pol Pot, the...
POL POT'S BIRTHDAY (a comedy) After the fall of Phnom Penh in 1979 at the hands of the Vietnamese, the brutal Cambodian dictator Pol Pot and his ruthless Khm...
Pol Pot (* vermutlich 19. Mai 1928 in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 1998 in Anlong Veng; eigentlich Saloth Sar) war ein kambodschanischer...
Tyrants and Dictators - Pol Pot (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power-hungry. \ Tyrants and Dictators - Pol Pot (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power-hungry. \ Tyrants and Dictators - Saddam Hussein (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power. \ \
CLICK TO WATCH FULL DOCUMENTARY ONLINE:;=title&docinfo;=397 If unavailable in your territory, or if you are in...
Jemeres Rojos: Jemeres Rojos (Khmers rouges en francés;, Khmer Krahom en camboyano) es el nombre con el que fue conocida la organización guerrillera camboyana que, tras la Guerra de Vietnam, la expulsión de los Estados Unidos y el derrocamiento del general Lon Nol (que regía una dictadura militar desde 1970), tomó el poder el 17 de abril de 1975 (la «Caída de Phnom Penh»), fundando la Kampuchea Democrática (KD), un sistema de gobierno de características totalitarias que, bajo la apariencia formal de una República Popular de inspiración maoísta, consolidó en la práctica un sistema de economía radicalmente agraria, bajo la consigna de la evacuación de las ciudades y destrucción de la civilización y cultura urbanas, consideradas burguesas, la reconstrucción social desde los orígenes de la civilización (Camboya Año Cero) y la recuperación de la cultura Jemer ancestral camboyana, bajo la dirección de Pol Pot (Saloth Sar), su principal líder, y el férreo control del ejército campesino sobre las población civil, sometida en buena parte a un régimen de trabajos forzados y a la aplicación de extensos métodos de detención, tortura y asesinato en masa y selectivo, bajo la consigna de la llamada búsqueda del enemigo interno. Durante los cuatro años que duró su régimen (desde abril de 1975 a octubre de 1979), sus acciones y maneras de imponer su política condujeron a lo que se conoce como el «genocidio camboyano», actos que, en la actualidad, están siendo juzgados por un tribunal internacional en Phnom Penh por crímenes contra la humanidad.1 El fin del régimen de los Jemeres Rojos, en 1979, fue consecuencia de la invasión de Camboya por Vietnam; a partir de ese momento, los Jemeres Rojos se convirtieron en una guerrilla de guerra fría aliada de China y EE. UU. y, una vez que estos les retiraron su apoyo hacia 1989, se adaptó convirtiéndose en una guerrilla del tipo que suele relacionarse con las economías de guerra. Orígenes: Jemeres Rojos (su transcripción en francés es Khmer Rouge) es el nombre con el que se conoce habitualmente al oficialmente llamado Partido Comunista de Camboya y después Partido Democrático de Kampuchea. El nombre Jemeres Rojos (en camboyano, Khmae Krojom) fue la manera con que los denominó el rey Norodom Sihanuk en los años 50, y así se popularizó a través del francés. Los miembros de la organización, sin embargo, no lo usaban, entre otras cosas porque preferían el gentilicio kampucheo a khmer (ambas son equivalentes de camboyano o «jemer»).
V minulém století se dostala k moci řada diktátorů, kteří během své vlády zabili miliony lidí, jen málokterý z nich však dokázal napáchat v jediné malé zemi ...
An attempt by Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot to form a Communist peasant farming society resulted in the deaths of 25 percent of the country's population from starvation, overwork and executions. Pol Pot was born in 1925 (as Saloth Sar) into a farming family in central Cambodia, which was then part of French Indochina. In 1949, at age 20, he traveled to Paris on a scholarship to study radio electronics but became absorbed in Marxism and neglected his studies. He lost his scholarship and returned to Cambodia in 1953 and joined the underground Communist movement. The following year, Cambodia achieved full independence from France and was then ruled by a royal monarchy. By 1962, Pol Pot had become leader of the Cambodian Communist Party and was forced to flee into the jungle to escape the wrath of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia. In the jungle, Pol Pot formed an armed resistance movement that became known as the Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians) and waged a guerrilla war against Sihanouk's government. In 1970, Prince Sihanouk was ousted, not by Pol Pot, but due to a U.S.-backed right-wing military coup. An embittered Sihanouk retaliated by joining with Pol Pot, his former enemy, in opposing Cambodia's new military government. That same year, the U.S. invaded Cambodia to expel the North Vietnamese from their border encampments, but instead drove them deeper into Cambodia where they allied themselves with the Khmer Rouge. From 1969 until 1973, the U.S. intermittently bombed North Vietnamese sanctuaries in eastern Cambodia, killing up to 150,000 Cambodian peasants. As a result, peasants fled the countryside by the hundreds of thousands and settled in Cambodia's capital city, Phnom Penh. All of these events resulted in economic and military destabilization in Cambodia and a surge of popular support for Pol Pot. By 1975, the U.S. had withdrawn its troops from Vietnam. Cambodia's government, plagued by corruption and incompetence, also lost its American military support. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge army, consisting of teenage peasant guerrillas, marched into Phnom Penh and on April 17 effectively seized control of Cambodia. Once in power, Pol Pot began a radical experiment to create an agrarian utopia inspired in part by Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution which he had witnessed first-hand during a visit to Communist China. Mao's "Great Leap Forward" economic program included forced evacuations of Chinese cities and the purging of "class enemies." Pol Pot would now attempt his own "Super Great Leap Forward" in Cambodia, which he renamed the Democratic Republic of Kampuchea. All foreigners were thus expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused. The use of foreign languages was banned. Newspapers and television stations were shut down, radios and bicycles confiscated, and mail and telephone usage curtailed. Money was forbidden. All businesses were shuttered, religion banned, education halted, health care eliminated, and parental authority revoked. Thus Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world. Millions of Cambodians accustomed to city life were now forced into slave labor in Pol Pot's "killing fields" where they soon began dying from overwork, malnutrition and disease, on a diet of one tin of rice (180 grams) per person every two days. After the rice crop was harvested, Khmer Rouge trucks would arrive and confiscate the entire crop. Throughout Cambodia, deadly purges were conducted to eliminate remnants of the "old society" - the educated, the wealthy, Buddhist monks, police, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and former government officials. Ex-soldiers were killed along with their wives and children. Anyone suspected of disloyalty to Pol Pot, including eventually many Khmer Rouge leaders, was shot or bludgeoned with an ax. "What is rotten must be removed," a Khmer Rouge slogan proclaimed. In the villages, unsupervised gatherings of more than two persons were forbidden. Young people were taken from their parents and placed in communals. They were later married in collective ceremonies involving hundreds of often-unwilling couples. Up to 20,000 persons were tortured into giving false confessions at Tuol Sleng, a school in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a jail. Elsewhere, suspects were often shot on the spot before any questioning. Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion of Cambodia seeking to end Khmer Rouge border attacks. On January 7, 1979, Phnom Penh fell and Pol Pot was deposed. Pol Pot retreated into Thailand with the remnants of his Khmer Rouge army and began a guerrilla war against a succession of Cambodian governments lasting over the next 17 years. After a series of internal power struggles in the 1990s, he finally lost control of the Khmer Rouge. In 998, 73-year-old Pol Pot died of an apparent heart attack following his arrest.
Video liên quan (( Tại sao ĐCSVN phải vội đóng cửa triển lãm CCRĐ tại Hà nội ? ));=UU6IOjTkqgxQoDp2QbDaL25w "Sự trí trá của người Cộng sản không có giới hạn! Sau khi đấu tố 172,008 nông dân có vài sào ruộng trở lên, và hành quyết mấy chục ngàn người trong một lúc trong CCRĐ , Hồ Chí Minh đóng kịch, chỉ nhỏ vài giọt ngước mắt cá sấu . Ngay sau đó Hồ chí Minh hớn hở khẳng định là "đấu tranh giai cấp đại thành công!". Giết 1 người ,thì tội cũng đáng phạt tử hình . Nhưng khi sát hại hàng bao nhiêu ngàn người một lúc, thì HCM chỉ nhận "sai lầm " (!) " ( Xem : CHÂN DUNG HỒ CHÍ MINH _ những sự thật bị che giấu . )
This movie is the real story of my country at year zero 1975-1979 ! Pol pot documentary pol pot killing fields pol pot interview pol pot movie pol pot song pol pot vs saddam hussein pol pot 1975 pol pot speech pol pot history pol pot regime khmer 1970 khmer 1975 khmer 1979 war khmer 1975 song khmer 1970 khmer war with vietnam khmer war 1975 khmer war with thailand khmer war 1970 khmer war song khmer war 1997 khmer war movie khmer history khmer history full movie khmer history angkor khmer history documentary khmer history cambodia secret history sihanouk part 1 khmer history(jayavarman 7) 3d khmer history war khmer history 1970 khmer history movie khmer history king cambodia history cambodia history documentary cambodia history of angkor camobdia history part 1 camobdia history channel angkor wat history angkor wat history speak khmer angkor wat history full angkor wat history cambodia angkor wat history channel angkor wat hindu angkor wat history 3d angkor wat historia angkor wat history in tamil khmer news today khmer news today 2015 this week khmer news 2015 khmer news today 2015 khmer news this week khmer hot news khmer hot news today khmer hot news today 2015 khmer hot news facebook cambodia hot news khmer hot news khmer hot news breaking news khmer hot news facebook 2015 cambodia news today 2015 cambodia news cambodia news today 2015 this week cambodia news today cambodia news 2015 cambodia hot news cambodia hot news today 2015 cambodia hot news today cambodia hot news facebook cambodia hot news yesterday cambodia hot news 2015 Khmer Music: Khmer Angkor: Bopha Angkor: KHMER Record: Facbook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Wikipedia:
During her 2002 IRP Fellowship Amanda Pike traveled to Cambodia where she found "Brother Number Two," the former Khmer Rouge commander, living at liberty in ...
Please Enjoy and Subscribe. Thanks! In late 1970's Cambodia, he and his army of communist rebels led a violent, brutal campaign of reformation that ended in . Please Enjoy and Subscribe. Thanks! In late 1970's Cambodia, he and his army of communist rebels led a violent, brutal campaign of reformation that ended in . A documentary about Pol Pot. A documentary about Pol Pot. Part 3/4 Beginning 1/4 Led by a former schoolteacher named Pol Pot, the.
Khmer Info Today Khmer Info Cambodia info Cambodia today khmer news today khmer today Hun sen hun sen power in cambodia khmer hot news cambodia hot news cambodia news today CNRP
The Trial of Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge leader in 1996, at the Khemr Rouge stronghold. This trial conducted by the Khmer Rouge local authority and military officer...
Pol Pot Interview, Khmer Rouge Documentary, Khmer Rouge Profile,
Pol Pot Interview - Part 2 - Khmer Rouge Documentary
Part 4/4 Beginning 1/4 Led by a former schoolteacher named Pol Pot, the...
Pol Pot interview about Vietnam Cambodia breaking news today Cambodia political news Khmer hot news Khmer hot news today Khmer hot news this week 2014 Hun Sen Hun Sen Killer Hun Sen speech Hun Sen 2014 Khem Veasna Khem Veasna speech Cambodia history History of Cambodia Khem Veasna Speech Khem Veasna 2014 Khem Veasna kem Sokha Political in Cambodia Kem Sokha today Kem Sokha Kem Sokha news Sam Rainsy Sam Rainsy today Khmer news Khmer news today 2014 Khmer news this week Khmer hot news today Khmer hot news Khmer rough Cambodia news Cambodia news today 2014 Cambodia news today 2014 this week Cambodia news 2014 Ear Kimsreng Ear Kimsreng today Ear Kimsreng news RFA news today RFa news Hang Meas news today Hang Meas news Soun Serey Ratha Soun Serey Ratha today Hang Meas News Today Hang meas news RFA news CNRP LADP CPP RFA news today Tom talking So Naro today Sam Soben Thy Sovantha Khan Chansophal
Pol Pot said that while "our movement made mistakes" during its 1975-1978 rule, it had saved Cambodia from Vietnamese domination. "We had no other choice. Na...
It's really high time to let Pol Pot come out of the jungle to tell the world about the killing fields that were secretly created by all Yuon Vietminh and Vi...
This documentary focuses mainly on Pol Pot leadership and his destructive political career.
CLICK TO WATCH FULL DOCUMENTARY ONLINE:;=title&docinfo;=397 If unavailable in your territory, or if you are in...
PLEASE DON'T FORGET SUBSCRIBE This channel will upload: Cambodia breaking news today, Cambodia political news Cambodia news today Khmer hot news today San Sochea So Naro today Hun Sen news today Sam Rainsy today Kem Sokha today Khem Veasna speech Cambodia history Pol Pot History Hang Meas TV News RFA News Today VOD News Today Khmer news today CPP CNRP TV News Ear Kimsreng today Sourn Serey Ratha VOA News Today Sihanouk speech LDP
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Go to link bellow for other news song cow fighting Factory make chicken monk prayer Khmer Hot news Would news Khmer news Cambodia news Khmer news 2015 Would news 2015 Khmer news today Khmer news 2014 Khmer news this week Khmer news this month Facebook news Facebook news 2015 Facebook videos news from Facebook Cambodia Facebook news news from Cambodia news in Cambodia news 2015
Hey! This is a random interview I spontaneously found myself giving when I met this lovely young man in the middle of Angkor Wat, Cambodia. We engaged in som...
The interview the Killing Fields court wanted to see For downloads and more information: Nuon Ch...
Please Enjoy and Subscribe. Thanks! In late 1970's Cambodia, he and his army of communist rebels led a violent, brutal campaign of reformation that ended in ...
A múlt században számos kegyetlen diktátor élt, akik milliókat gyilkoltak meg a hatalomért folytatott harcukban, de csak kevesen voltak olyanok, akik ekkora ...
1991 1 Fingertips 0:00 2 E to G 5:55 3 Phone Song 14:09 4 Thoughts of You Too 20:15 5 Chameleons 25:01 6 Evergreen 29:34 7 Space 32:39 8 Psychedelic Sunday 39:07 9 Jazzy Song 42:15 10 The Quiet Song 44:59 11 Only Trying to Help You 49:54 12 Don't Leave Me Here 54:06 13 Fade II 59:47 14 Memphis Sound 1:00:37 15 Remember Yesterday 1:02:48 16 Fade III 1:05:32 17 The Cure 1:06:29 18 Fade IV 1:10:27 19 The Cure II 1:11:42 20 Fade V
Tényfeltáró dokumentumfilm a nyolcvanas években legendássá vált CPg (Come on Punk group) együttesről. A zenekar neve sok félreértésre adott okot. "Cigánypusz...
Chiến trường Campuchia : Những người lính trong căn cứ Pol Pot. (bản thuyết minh tiếng Việt) ------------------------------------ Đôi nét về tác giả Peter Sc...
Dưới ống kính nhà làm phim Đức - Documentary Movie of German journalist. Sự tàn khốc của chiến tranh, những mưu toan của các nước lớn. Sự chiến đấu vệ quốc anh dũng của dân quân VN dưới góc nhìn quốc tế. Mời các bạn xem Chiến Tranh biên giới với Trung Quốc qua góc nhìn phóng viên làm phim Đức Chien tranh bien gioi Viet Trung 1979, Chien tranh bien gioi tay nam polpot cambodia
PLEASE DON'T FORGET SUBSCRIBE This channel will upload: Cambodia breaking news today, Cambodia political news Cambodia news today Khmer hot news today San Sochea So Naro today Hun Sen news today Sam Rainsy today Kem Sokha today Khem Veasna speech Cambodia history Pol Pot History Hang Meas TV News RFA News Today VOD News Today Khmer news today CPP CNRP TV News Ear Kimsreng today Sourn Serey Ratha VOA News Today Sihanouk speech LDP
Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia (Original Studio Version) Lyrics: So you been to school For a year or two And you know you've seen it all In daddy's car Thinkin' you'll go far Back east your type don't crawl Play ethnicky jazz To parade your snazz On your five grand stereo Braggin' that you know How the niggers feel cold And the slums got so much soul It's time to taste what you most fear Right guard will not help you here Brace yourself, my dear Brace yourself, my dear It's a holiday in Cambodia It's tough, kid, but it's life It's a holiday in Cambodia Don't forget to pack a wife You're a star-belly sneech You suck like a leach You want everyone to act like you Kiss ass while you bitch So you can get rich But your boss gets richer off you Well you'll work harder With a gun in your back For a bowl of rice a day Slave for soldiers Till you starve Then your head is skewered on a stake Now you can go where people are one Now you can go where they get things done What you need, my son What you need, my son Is a holiday in Cambodia Where people dress in black A holiday in Cambodia Where you'll kiss ass or crack Pol pot, pol pot, pol pot, pol pot Pol pot, pol pot, pol pot, pol pot Pol pot, pol pot, pol pot, pol pot And it's a holiday in Cambodia Where you'll do what you're told A holiday in Cambodia Where the slums got so much soul Pol pot
Citation Il faut arracher les mauvaises herbes jusqu'à la racine si non à la saison des pluies il repousse encor plus. Pol pot veut nettoyer le Cambodge des hommes mal honnêtes, la dynastie HUN SENG les replante. HUN SENG, Pol pot et Adolf Hitler nous a montré que dieu n'existe pas. Mais notre mère à tous n’aime pas les désordres, comme l'histoire l'a démontré la mère nature les nettoiera les jours venus. La dynastie HUN SENG nous permettre de voir la misère et Rolls Royce à Phnom Penh ! Réalisateur SAKSITH YIN
Fascinating! She is the daughter of one of the evilest men who ever lived, yet she has grown out of that dark shadow to smile, laugh and even learn English. She is never named throughout the entire documentary, and is only shown this one time. Her father, Pol Pot, was the leader of the radical Cambodian regime known as the Khmer Rouge. 1.5 to 2 million people died in especially horrific ways under his rule, about 1 in every 4 Cambodians. I believe that the mistake she corrects is "I've always spend my pocket money on sweets." She takes out the apostrophe and "ve" after "I."
Tyrants and Dictators - Pol Pot (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power-hungry. \ Tyrants and Dictators - Pol... Tyrants and Dictators - Pol Pot (MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) Between them, they were responsible for countless atrocities and deaths. They are power-hungry. Tyrants and Dictators - Pol... Khmer Rouge - The Army of Children - Dictator Pol Pot - Doc Web TV Khmer Rouge - The Army of Children - Dictator Pol Pot - Doc Web TV
Pol pot documentary pol pot killing fields pol pot interview pol pot movie pol pot song pol pot vs saddam hussein pol pot 1975 pol pot speech pol pot history pol pot regime khmer 1970 khmer 1975 khmer 1979 war khmer 1975 song khmer 1970 khmer war with vietnam khmer war 1975 khmer war with thailand khmer war 1970 khmer war song khmer war 1997 khmer war movie khmer history khmer history full movie khmer history angkor khmer history documentary khmer history cambodia secret history sihanouk part 1 khmer history(jayavarman 7) 3d khmer history war khmer history 1970 khmer history movie khmer history king cambodia history cambodia history documentary cambodia history of angkor camobdia history part 1 camobdia history channel angkor wat history angkor wat history speak khmer angkor wat history full angkor wat history cambodia angkor wat history channel angkor wat hindu angkor wat history 3d angkor wat historia angkor wat history in tamil khmer news today khmer news today 2015 this week khmer news 2015 khmer news today 2015 khmer news this week khmer hot news khmer hot news today khmer hot news today 2015 khmer hot news facebook cambodia hot news khmer hot news khmer hot news breaking news khmer hot news facebook 2015 cambodia news today 2015 cambodia news cambodia news today 2015 this week cambodia news today cambodia news 2015 cambodia hot news cambodia hot news today 2015 cambodia hot news today cambodia hot news facebook cambodia hot news yesterday cambodia hot news 2015 Khmer Music: Khmer Angkor: Bopha Angkor: KHMER Record: Facbook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Wikipedia:
The Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYThe Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYThe Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYwar documentary national geographic,war documentary hd,war documentary history channel,war documentary bbc,war documentary 2014,war documentary full,war documentary new,war documentary vietnam,war documentary australia,war documentary 2015,india pakistan war documentary bbc,gulf war documentary bbc,first world war documentary bbc,war documentary cold war,afghanistan war documentary canada
The Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYThe Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYThe Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
Pol Pot (* vermutlich 19. Mai 1928 in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 1998 in Anlong Veng; eigentlich Saloth Sar) war ein kambodschanischer kommunistischer Politiker, der... Pol Pot war ein Schlächter, der sein Volk für eine politische Idee des Steinzeitkommunismus bestiealisch gefoltert und getötet hat. Hier einige Bilder aus zwei Gedenkstätten, für die Hinterbli... Pol Pot Doku Deutsch über Pol Pot Pol Pot Doku Deutsch über Pol Pot
New Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYNew Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARYNew Tyrants and Dictators Pol Pot MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
What is Pol Pot? A documentary report all about Pol Pot for homework/assignment. Pol Pot (; ; 19 May 1925 – 15 April 1998), born Saloth Sar (), was a Cambodian socialist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge from 1963 until 1997. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. As such, he became the leader of Cambodia on 17 April 1975, when his forces captured Phnom Penh. From 1976 to 1979, he also served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: Graf_pol_pot.JPG from Nicolae_Ceau%C5%9Fescu_with_Pol_Pot.jpg from PolPot.jpg from Polpot.jpg from Mural_painting_celebrating_Pol_Pot_in_Sundsvall.jpg from Pol_Pot2.jpg from Prek_Sbauv.JPG from 1024px-Graf_pol_pot.JPG from 225px-PolPot.jpg from 1280px-Graf_pol_pot.JPG from
PLEASE DON'T FORGET SUBSCRIBE This channel will upload: Cambodia breaking news today, Cambodia political news Cambodia news today Khmer hot news today San Sochea So Naro today Hun Sen news today Sam Rainsy today Kem Sokha today Khem Veasna speech Cambodia history Pol Pot History Hang Meas TV News RFA News Today VOD News Today Khmer news today CPP CNRP TV News Ear Kimsreng today Sourn Serey Ratha VOA News Today Sihanouk speech LDP
Doc iTA Ceausescu - Khomeini - Pol Pot
Pol Pot's communist crimes (Pol Pot tội ác của cộng sản) Pol pot là tay sai của Tàu Cộng , đã giết 2 triệu người dân của mình .
Pol Pot, et le regime atroce des Khmers rouges I
Pol Pot (Khmer: ប៉ុល ពត; 19 May 1925 -- 15 April 1998), born Saloth Sar (Khmer: សាឡុត ស) was a Cambodian communist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge[4] from 1963 until 1997. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. As such, he became the leader of Cambodia on April 17, 1975, when his forces captured Phnom Penh. From 1976 to 1979, he also served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea. He presided over a totalitarian dictatorship that imposed a radical form of agrarian socialism on the country. His government forced urban dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labor projects. The combined effects of executions, forced labor, malnutrition, and poor medical care caused the deaths of approximately 25 percent of the Cambodian population. In all, an estimated 1 to 3 million people (out of a population of slightly over 8 million) died due to the policies of his four-year premiership. In 1979, after the Cambodian--Vietnamese War, Pol Pot fled to the jungles of southwest Cambodia, and the Khmer Rouge government collapsed. From 1979 to 1997, he and a remnant of the old Khmer Rouge operated near the border of Cambodia and Thailand, where they clung to power, with nominal United Nations recognition as the rightful government of Cambodia. Pol Pot committed suicide in 1998 while under house arrest by the Ta Mok faction of the Khmer Rouge. Since his death, rumours that he was poisoned have persisted Saloth Sar was born on May 19, 1925—the eighth of nine children and the second of three sons to Pen Saloth and Sok Nem. His older brother, Saloth Chhay was born 3 years earlier. The family was living in the small fishing village of Prek Sbauv, Kampong Thom Province during the French colonialism of the area. Pen Saloth was a rice farmer who owned 12 hectares of land and several buffaloes and the family was considered moderately wealthy by the day's standards. Although Pen Saloth's family was of Sino-Khmer descent and Saloth Sar was named accordingly due to his fair complexion ("Sar" means white in Khmer), the family had already assimilated themselves with mainstream Khmer society by the time Sar was born. In 1935, Sar left Prek Sbauv to attend the École Miche, a Catholic school in Phnom Penh. He lived with his cousin, a woman called Meak, a member of the Royal Ballet. In 1926 she bore King Monivong's son, HRH Prince Sisowath Kusarak. She was given the official title Khun Preah Moneang Bopha Norleak Meak. Sar stayed with Meak's household until 1942. His sister Roeung was a concubine of King Monivong, so through the two women, he often had cause to visit the royal palace. In 1947, he gained admission to the exclusive Lycée Sisowath, but was unsuccessful in his studies. After switching to a technical school at Russey Keo, north of Phnom Penh, Saloth Sar qualified for a scholarship for technical studies in France. He studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953. He also participated in an international labour brigade building roads in Zagreb in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1950. After the Soviet Union recognized the Viet Minh as the government of Vietnam in 1950, French Communists (PCF) took up the cause of Vietnam's independence. The PCF's anti-colonialism views attracted many young Cambodians, including Sar. In 1951, he joined a communist cell in a secret organization known as the Cercle Marxiste ("Marxist circle"), which had taken control of the Khmer Student's Association (AER) that same year. Within a few months, Sar joined the PCF. His poor academic record was a considerable advantage within the anti-intellectual PCF who saw uneducated peasants as the true proletariat.[citation needed] Return Due to failing his exams in three successive years, Sar was forced to return to Cambodia in January 1953. He was the first member of the Cercle Marxiste to return to Cambodia. He was given the task of evaluating the various groups rebelling against the government. He recommended the Khmer Viet Minh, and in August 1954, Sar, along with Rath Samoeun, travelled to the Viet Minh Eastern Zone headquarters in the village of Krabao in the Kampong Cham Province/Prey Veng Province near the border of Cambodia. Sar learned that the Khmer People's Revolutionary Party (KPRP) was little more than a Vietnamese front organization. Due to the 1954 Geneva peace accord, requiring all Viet Minh forces and insurgents be expelled, a group of Cambodians followed the Vietnamese back to Vietnam (as cadres Vietnam would use in a future war to liberate Cambodia). The rest, including Sar, returned to Cambodia.
Pol Pot (Khmer pronunciation: [pɒl pɒt]; Khmer: ប៉ុល ពត; 19 May 1925 – 15 April 1998),[1][2] born Saloth Sar (Khmer: សាឡុត ស), was a Cambodian socialist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge[5] from 1963 until 1997. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.[6] As such, he became the leader of Cambodia on 17 April 1975, when his forces captured Phnom Penh. From 1976 to 1979, he also served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea. He presided over a totalitarian dictatorship[7] that imposed a radical form of agrarian socialism on the country. His government forced urban dwellers to move to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects. The combined effects of executions, forced labour, malnutrition and poor medical care caused the deaths of approximately 25 percent of the Cambodian population.[8][9][10][11] In all, an estimated 1 to 3 million people (out of a population of slightly over 8 million) died due to the policies of his four-year premiership. For more info visit: pol pot khmer rouge khmer rouge pol pot genocide pol pot killing fields saloth sitha pol pot cambodia genocide cambodia pol pot khmer rouge khmer rouge cambodian genocide facts the killing fields idi amin saddam hussein stalin lon nol saloth sitha
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pm ... Becker spent two weeks investigating Khmer Rouge atrocities, interviewing Pol Pot and other top government officials ... W.
noodls 2015-04-09... history to the atrocities of Mao and Pol Pot ... This is worse than Mao and it is worse than Pol Pot.
The Guardian 2015-04-07... and to revive Khmer traditional arts and crafts after the devastation of the Pol Pot regime.
The Australian 2015-04-06... or historical figures including Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot, against each other in mythical battles.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-04-02The thing about attempting to erect a terrarium around a society —as everybody from Hitler, Stalin ...
Forbes 2015-04-01Media wishing to interview Molotov Mitchell, please contact media@wnd. com. Published: ... Note: ... Obama channeling Pol Pot 01/07/2013.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-01Pond, having survived Pol Pot’s genocide that killed one- third of the population between 1975 and ...
The Guardian 2015-03-31Media wishing to interview D. J. Dolce, please contact media@wnd. com. Published: ... Comments ... D ... Obama channeling Pol Pot 01/07/2013.
WorldNetDaily 2015-03-31Published: 5 mins ago. Comments. Note: Read our discussion guidelines before commenting ... × ... Obama channeling Pol Pot 01/07/2013 ... :
WorldNetDaily 2015-03-30Learn what the breakthroughs are, and how Biblical signs are coming to fruition ... Note: ... ) ... Obama channeling Pol Pot 01/07/2013 ... :
WorldNetDaily 2015-03-30Letters to the Editor ... This is a sobering statistic ... Abolish charge ... Would you publish an opinion piece from Hitler or Pol Pot?
Canberra Times 2015-03-29... Pol Pot, received life sentences last August after being found guilty of crimes against humanity.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-03-27... other inhumane acts" at detention centers under the late Pol Pot's bloody, ultra-Maoist 1970s rule.
Reuters 2015-03-27Saloth Sar (19 May 1925 – 15 April 1998), better known as Pol Pot (Khmer: ប៉ុល ពត), was a Cambodian Maoist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge from 1963 until his death in 1998. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. From 1976 to 1979, he also served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea. Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia on April 17, 1975. During his time in power he imposed agrarian socialism, forcing urban dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labor projects. The combined effects of forced labor, malnutrition, poor medical care, and executions resulted in the deaths of approximately 21% of the Cambodian population. In all, an estimated 1.7 to 2.5 million people (out of a population of slightly over 8 million) died as a result of the policies of his three-year premiership.
In 1979, after the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, Pol Pot fled to the jungles of southwest Cambodia, and the Khmer Rouge government collapsed. From 1979 to 1997, he and a remnant of the old Khmer Rouge operated near the border of Cambodia and Thailand, where they clung to power, with nominal United Nations recognition as the rightful government of Cambodia. Pol Pot died in 1998 while under house arrest by the Ta Mok faction of the Khmer Rouge. Since his death, rumours that he was poisoned have persisted.
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (Arabic: صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي Ṣaddām Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Maǧīd al-Tikrītī; 28 April 1937 – 30 December 2006) was the fifth President of Iraq, serving in this capacity from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003. A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organisation Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region, which espoused ba'athism, a mix of Arab nationalism and Arab socialism, Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup, later referred to as the 17 July Revolution, that brought the party to long-term power of Iraq.
As vice president under the ailing General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, and at a time when many groups were considered capable of overthrowing the government, Saddam created security forces through which he tightly controlled conflict between the government and the armed forces. In the early 1970s, Saddam nationalized oil and other industries. The state-owned banks were put under his control, leaving the system eventually insolvent mostly due to the Iran–Iraq War, the Gulf War, and UN sanctions. Through the 1970s, Saddam cemented his authority over the apparatuses of government as oil money helped Iraq's economy to grow at a rapid pace. Positions of power in the country were filled with Sunnis, a minority that made up only a fifth of the population.
A return to the land.
Primitive way of life.
Internet is outlawed.
Sort the wheat from the chaff, shrink the population,
dig your hole in the ground.
To keep you is no benefit.
To destroy you is no loss.
Shrink the population, dig your hole in the ground.
Sort the wheat from the chaff, shrink the population,
dig your hole in the ground.
Mustn't waste the bullets.
Kill with other methods.
Bury them together.
Purify the nation.
Stamp out useless learning.
Facilitate the system.