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CIPO-RFM tour of Ontario and Québec

category north america / mexico | indigenous struggles | press release author Monday October 23, 2006 00:09author by NEFAC-Mtl - NEFACauthor email mtl at nefac dot net Report this post to the editors

The "Ricardo Flores Magon" Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca (CIPO-RFM) currently has members touring Ontario (dates below) and will continue their speaking tour in Québec in November.

CIPO-RFM tour of Ontario and Québec

The "Ricardo Flores Magon" Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca (CIPO-RFM) currently has members touring Ontario (dates below) and will continue their speaking tour in Québec in November.

The "Ricardo Flores Magon" Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca (CIPO-RFM) is an organization that connects twenty indigenous communities in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Their mission is to support the reconstitution and free association of indigenous peoples through autonomy and direct action. Specific goals include the promotion and defense of social, cultural and political human rights including collective and individual land rights. Other goals include: supporting communities to self-organise in an autonomous and libertarian manner, initiating sustainable, self-sufficiency projects that form part of holistic community development among indigenous communities, always respecting local culture and ecosystems, actively defending and conserving land, nature and resources.

They chose to use the name of Ricardo Flores Magon because he was indigenous, fought for freedom, and all though he was from Oaxaca, his heart, thoughts and work was for the liberations of all people of the world. Adopting Magon´s principles represents that they fight without searching for material riches or personal benefit but rather to banish arrogance, authoritarianism, and lies. It also represents they aren´t seeking power over others, nor imposing ourselves on anyone. “Using mutual support as our base, solidarity, direct action, and autonomy as our path to liberation.”

for more information and to help with the tour please contact : (Ontario) (Québec)

*Saturday October 21 HAMILTON 7pm at the SkyDragon Community Development
Co-operative 27 King William St (905) 777-8102

*Sunday 22 in GUELPH 1pm Behind the Matrix building, atthe corner of
Wyndam St. N and Eramosa, and Woolwich St. (a commmunity gathering
against police repression)

*Monday Oct 23 WATERLOO- 2:45-4:00 Room Ba201 at the Bricker Academic
Building (at the corner of Bricker and King st.)

*Tueday Oct 24 TORONTO- 3pm at First Nations House @ University of Toronto
563 Spadina Ave.

*Wednesday Oct 25 GUELPH at the University of Guelph, UC 103 at 7:30 *free
food* donations for the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca encouraged

*Thursday Oct 26 in LONDON 5pm London Public Library Landon branch 167
Wortley Road

*Friday Oct 27 in PORT COLBURNE port Colburn Labour council hall.

*Saturday October 28 SIX NATIONS Lacrosse Arena (gathering for reading of
excerpts of the Great Law Event) 7:00pm
--for directions see

*Sunday Oct 29- special presentation at Kanonhstaton (Six Nations
Reclamation site just outside of caledonia)


* Tuesday OCt 31 - back in MONTREAL


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North America / Mexico | Indigenous struggles | Press Release | en

Fri 11 Jul, 17:50

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textThe Community of Santa María Ostula Struggles against Violent Repression 23:41 Mon 27 Jun by Habitantes de Sta Maria Ostula 0 comments

The costs of war on Ostula: 16 community members dead or disappeared in the past six months, dozens of widows, orphans and families displaced, and the indefinite suspension of school.

zapatarivera.jpg imageRaise your voices against repressions by the state of Chiapas, Mexico 01:03 Wed 06 May by Adherents to the sixth declaration of the Lacandon jungle 0 comments

8 other campaign activists have been unjustly and illegally imprisoned, tortured, badly treated, stigmatized by the media, and are now awaiting possible incarceration for false accusations.

textZapotec Indigenous People in Mexico Demand Transparency from U.S. Scholar 03:16 Thu 29 Jan by anarcentric 1 comments

By Saulo Araujo
January 22nd, 2009

The Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca (UNOSJO) - a longtime partner of Grassroots International based in Mexico - denounced a recently conducted study in the Zapotec region by U.S. geography scholar Peter Herlihy. Prof. Herlihy failed to mention that he received funding from the Foreign Military Studies Office of the U.S. Armed Forces. The failure to obtain full, free and prior informed consent is a violation of the rights of indigenous communities as codified in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the United Nations in 2007. In addition, UNOSJO fears that this in-depth geographical mapping of indigenous communities may be used in some harmful manner by the military.

textBuild It From Below: Anarchist People Of Color Regional Gatherings 15:35 Tue 05 Aug by APOC 0 comments

For APOC to grow and thrive as a viable force for folks of color in the so-called United States, more base-building needs to take place. More input from people across the country is needed to shape what APOC movement will look like, and what it will achieve in the coming years.

textRebel Consulate of the Free Territory of Oaxaca 16:14 Mon 11 Jun by Raul Gatica (CIPO-RFM) 0 comments

Brothers and Sisters, cats, dogs, friends we know and friends we are yet to meet:

textParamilitaries Attack Indigenous Autonomous Community of La Soledad in Oaxaca 22:30 Thu 18 Aug by CIPO-RFM 0 comments

The death threats continue, the gun shots can still be heard and the authorities, when they should be protecting, simply do not appear. The State Commission for Human Rights has done absolutely nothing to prevent the aggression on people travelling, even when knowing perfectly well about these aggressions

textMagonista Tour through the US and Canada 17:08 Wed 10 Aug by Dolores Villalobos 0 comments

Proposal for a CIPO-RFM tour to rebuild the historic solidarity that has existed between the people of Canada and the US with those of Mexico.

The famous Penguin imageMarcos on responses to the 6th declaration 21:49 Fri 29 Jul by Marcos (trans irlandesa) 2 comments

Macos of the EZLN responds to some of the responses they have received to the text of the 6th declaration. He goes on to ask what impact all the international and national solidarity has had on the children who have grown up during the Zapatista rebellion

textEZLN communique - 6th Declaration of the Selva Lacandona 19:30 Fri 01 Jul by Marcos 11 comments

The EZLN announced the end of its consulta which had trigged the red alert (see feature) and that a ' Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona' was on its way. This is the declaration which ends with a call for a new international encounter and an alliance with the non-electoral left in Mexico who want to build from below. Sesta dichiarazione della Selva Lacandona (Italiano) Sexta Declaración del la Selva Lacandona (Castellano)

textSesta dichiarazione della Selva Lacandona 17:24 Fri 01 Jul by Marcos 2 comments

Questa è la nostra semplice parola che cerca di toccare il cuore della gente umile e semplice come noi e, proprio come noi, degna e ribelle. Questa è la nostra semplice parola per raccontare quale è stato il nostro cammino e dove ci troviamo ora, per spiegare come vediamo il mondo ed il nostro paese, per dire quello che pensiamo di fare e come pensiamo di farlo, e per invitare altre persone ad incamminarsi con noi in qualcosa di molto grande che si chiama Messico e qualcosa di più grande che si chiama mondo. Questa è la nostra semplice parola per far sapere a tutti i cuori onesti e nobili, quello che vogliamo per il Messico e per il mondo. Questa è la nostra semplice parola, perché la nostra idea è chiamare quelli come noi ed unirci a loro, in qualsiasi parte vivano e lottino.

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imageResidential School Apology Aug 20 by Rev 0 comments

Residential schools, as part of the colonial project, were made to create a disciplined working class out of Indigenous peoples. They were made to impose capitalism and cultural ideas that supported the project of the Capitalists. This article furthers the discussion of how the genocide and colonization of North America was part of the overall oppression and exploitation of the contemporary working class. This article is an anarchist response to the apologies of Settler governments in |Canada and Australia.

textBroken Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion in Victory, Defeat, and Beyond (2) Mar 30 by Collective Reinventions 3 comments

It is written after the apogee of the Oaxaca rebellion, but with the certainty that this movement is not over, that in one form or another the struggle that began in 2006 will continue. Our analysis is presented in the hope that will shed some light on Oaxaca before the uprising is mythologized (by anti-authoritarians); distorted (by all the Leninist vanguards who, in their arrogance, are eager to impart their stern “lessons” to the “masses” in Oaxaca); or simply fades away, far from the glare of the proverbial media spotlight.

textBroken Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion in Victory, Defeat, and Beyond (1) Mar 30 by Collective Reinventions 0 comments

It is written after the apogee of the Oaxaca rebellion, but with the certainty that this movement is not over, that in one form or another the struggle that began in 2006 will continue. Our analysis is presented in the hope that will shed some light on Oaxaca before the uprising is mythologized (by anti-authoritarians); distorted (by all the Leninist vanguards who, in their arrogance, are eager to impart their stern “lessons” to the “masses” in Oaxaca); or simply fades away, far from the glare of the proverbial media spotlight.

textAn Anarchist Study of the Iroquois Jan 07 by Stephen Arthur 4 comments

The traditional society of the Rotinonshón:ni (Iroquois), "The People of the Longhouse," was a densely settled, matrilineal, communal, and extensively horticultural society. The Rotinonshón:ni formed a confederacy of five nations. Generations before historical contact with Europeans, these nations united through the Kaianere'kó:wa into the same polity and ended blood feuding without economic exploitation, stratification, or the formation of a centralized state.

imageFirst Nations in Canada - When Property Does Not Apply Dec 17 by Andrew Fleming 0 comments

Normally the settlement of claims to property are something the court system takes very seriously. The very foundation of capitalism after all is that some person can claim ownership of a piece of land, and through that ownership charge others rent to use it explains Andrew Fleming. [ Nederlands ]

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textThe Community of Santa María Ostula Struggles against Violent Repression Jun 27 Commission for the Defence of Community Property of the Indigenous Community of Santa María Ostula 0 comments

The costs of war on Ostula: 16 community members dead or disappeared in the past six months, dozens of widows, orphans and families displaced, and the indefinite suspension of school.

imageRaise your voices against repressions by the state of Chiapas, Mexico May 06 0 comments

8 other campaign activists have been unjustly and illegally imprisoned, tortured, badly treated, stigmatized by the media, and are now awaiting possible incarceration for false accusations.

textZapotec Indigenous People in Mexico Demand Transparency from U.S. Scholar Jan 29 WSA (personal capacity) 1 comments

By Saulo Araujo
January 22nd, 2009

The Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca (UNOSJO) - a longtime partner of Grassroots International based in Mexico - denounced a recently conducted study in the Zapotec region by U.S. geography scholar Peter Herlihy. Prof. Herlihy failed to mention that he received funding from the Foreign Military Studies Office of the U.S. Armed Forces. The failure to obtain full, free and prior informed consent is a violation of the rights of indigenous communities as codified in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the United Nations in 2007. In addition, UNOSJO fears that this in-depth geographical mapping of indigenous communities may be used in some harmful manner by the military.

textBuild It From Below: Anarchist People Of Color Regional Gatherings Aug 05 Anarchist People Of Color 0 comments

For APOC to grow and thrive as a viable force for folks of color in the so-called United States, more base-building needs to take place. More input from people across the country is needed to shape what APOC movement will look like, and what it will achieve in the coming years.

textRebel Consulate of the Free Territory of Oaxaca Jun 11 CIPO-Vancouver, The Other Campaign, APPO 0 comments

Brothers and Sisters, cats, dogs, friends we know and friends we are yet to meet:

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