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The story of Dhul Qarnayn (Verses 83-98) The trail of power. Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this nightly Ramadan lecture series on the Tafseer of Surah al-Ka...
New information about Dhul-Qarnayn (zoo alkarnayn ) , from the Quran , who are Gog and Maggog , the relation between the sword of imam Ali and Dhul-Qarnayn ....
La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre.
An Egyptian Islamic cartoon in Fusha with English subtitles
An Egyptian Islamic cartoon with English subtitles
Dhul-Qarnayn (Arabic: ذو القرنين ḏū al-qarnayn, IPA: [ðuːlqarˈnajn]), literally "He of the Two Horns" [1] [2] is a figure mentioned in the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam, where he is described as a great and righteous ruler who built a long wall that keeps Gog and Magog from attacking the people who he met on his journey to the east (i.e., the rising of the sun). The word qarn means a horn, as also a generation or a century and dhul qarnain literally means the two-horned one, or one belonging to the two generations or two centuries. According to a classical interpretation, the name is due to his having reached the two 'Horns' of the Sun, east and west, where it rises and where it sets" during his journey.[3]
Like my Facebook page: Reciter: Sheikh Bandar Baleela
Shaykh Sjaad speaks about the story of Dhul Qarnayn - part of our one day seminar "People of the Unseen" More information about the course, please visit: www... Ya'juj And Ma'juj, Are Two Tribes, Are They Hu...
About this chapter: Taking a step back in time we will take a look at Yajuj Majuj, their history and their future. But before delving into their future, we w...
Qisadii Dul Qarnayn. Duruus iyo Cibro qaadasho. Sh Cabdiweli Sh Maxamed Xaaji Yusuf
Juma khutba delivered by Dr. Shadee Elmasry @ New Brunswick Islamic center on February 21st 2014
لقد تحدث القـرآن الكريم عن (ذي القرنين) وجعله قدوة ومثلا رائعا للفاتح المؤمن ، والحاكم الصالح ، والقائد العادل، . وسلط القرآن الكريم الأضواء على جوانب هامة م...
إخواني أدعو لي الخالق تبارك وتعالى أن يشفي أبي وأمي وأهلي ويرزقني ببيت يأويني وأهلي ..يارب.
La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre.
La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre.
La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre.
The Geographical Search for Alexander the Greats Wall. Many Associate him with Dhul Qarnayn as they ruled around the same B.C. Most Ulema are waiting for Aliens to arrive in spaceships and announce 'I AM GOG'... while the world is mobilising.
The Foundation for Knowledge and Development Proudly presents: Tafsir Thrillers! Quranic Stories with Live Recitation King on Earth: The Story of Dhul Qarnayn & Ya'Juj Ma'Juj Presented by Shaykh Abdulmajid Rahman and Ustadh Kareem Hassan Date: Saturday, January 24th, 2015 Time: 5pm Location: 90-20 191st st Hollis, NY 11423 FREE ADMISSION AND DINNER! Hear different recitation styles of world renowned reciters before your very own eyes and experience the amazing Tafsir Thrillers! Heart moving stories unraveled from the Quran with touching live recitation. A new & unique way of bringing the Quran to life.
Traducción y Subtítulos por ADEMUZ-e-XPERIENCE. Nueva e interesante entrega acerca de Gog y Magog, según las tradiciones islámicas. Más información en http:/...
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Quran 18:83-98.
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Dhul - Qarnayn - Hurooq Tuqoosul Muqadasa (Burning the Sacred Rites) Taken Of The Album: Shirk Members: Learza - All instruments Origin Of Country - Bahrain.
The 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush, was appointed by a right-leaning Supreme Court when they ruled on a matter they utterly failed to fu...
In this exclusive interview, Pastor Carl Gallups of the PPSimmons Youtube Ministry speaks with me about the imminent Gog/Magog War, Barack Obama's support of... Les invito a ver mi predica complementaria: DAVID DIAMOND - EL ANTICRISTO
Complete Lecture Delivered By World Renowned Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein. Subjects covered in this Lecture are as following: 1. Release of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) 2. Yajooj wa Majooj (Gog & Magog) in The Modern World and Recognizing them through Symbolism from Qur'an, Hadith and Factual Analysis from the History and Present Modern Age Events which are Unfolding and Taking Place. 3. Major Signs of The Last Day 4. Story of Wall (Barrier) Built by Zulqarnain To Stop Yajooj wa Majooj (Gog & Magog) 5. The Destruction of Arabs in End Times (as per Hadith Narrated by Zainab bint Jahsh "That the Prophet came to her in a state of fear saying, "None has the right to be worshiped but Allah! Woe to the Arabs because of evil that has come near. Today a hole has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog as large as this." pointing with two of his fingers making a circle. Zainab said, "I said, 'O Allah's Apostle! Shall we be destroyed though amongst us there are pious people? ' He said, 'Yes, if evil increases." Narrated by Um Salama: The Prophet woke up and said, "Glorified be Allah: What great (how many) treasures have been sent down, and what great (how many ) afflictions have been sent down!" {Sahih Bukhari, Volume #4, Book #56, Number #797}) 6. The Hidden Khazar Empire (of Yajooj wa Majoj Tribe or Ethnic group) 7. Al Malhama | Armegadon | World War III | Nuclear War In Surah al-Kahf of the Qur'an (Chapter 18 entitled 'the Cave'), as well as in Prophetic commentary (Ahadith), Gog and Magog are described as two people who descended from father Adam (alahi salam) and who were created by Allah Most High, and endowed with great power. "None but I can destroy them", said Allah (in Sahih Muslim) Surah al-Kahf has described how they were contained behind an iron barrier because they used their power to commit acts of Fasad (acts of wickedness, oppression, corruption). The Surah also implied that they would use power to wage war on those who lived lives of faith and righteousness, and that they would act malevolently against those who lived the primitive way of life. The Surah went on to inform that when the Last Age commenced, "Allah would bring down the barrier" and Gog and Magog (who are a major sign of the Last Age) would be released into the world. Surah al-Anbiyah then revealed that they would eventually "spread out in every direction" - indicating that with their invincible power they would take control of the whole world and for the first time in history, one people would rule all of mankind: He [Dhul-Qarnain] said: "This (wall) is a mercy from my Lord: but when the warning of my Lord comes to pass, He will reduce it to dust (and Gog and Magog would thus be released into the world); and the promise of my Lord is true." (Qur'an, 18:98) "But there is a ban on a town (Jerusalem) which We have destroyed: that they (the people [Bani Israel/Children of Israel] of the town) shall not return (to reclaim that town as their own); until Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly spread out in every direction (replicating themselves amongst all the peoples of the world)." (Qur'an, 21:95-96) In Surah al-Anbiyah above, the Qur'an referred one more time to Gog and Magog while making mention of a 'town' that Allah destroyed, and its people were expelled and then banned from returning to reclaim that 'town' as their own until Gog and Magog were released and had spread out in every direction. Those whose spiritual vision is illumined by 'light' that comes from Allah Most High can recognize both the 'town' and the Gog & Magog world order. That light gives them the capacity to penetrate the 'internal reality' of things. The 'town' is Jerusalem. Wonderful lecture to understand Yajooj & Majooj and increase our knowledge. Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology, modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of "Jerusalem in the Qur'an". He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are .. 1. Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, 2. The Institute of International Relations from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, 3. The University of Karachi in Pakistan, 4. The Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and 5. The Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. You asked the questions. We got them answered. In the first of our expert interviews, ...
What is going on in Israel, Jersualem, Middle-East (not Middle Earth) Support my brand of truth-seeking, freedom, revolution, personal transformation and col...
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HARUN YAHYA Est-ce que Gog et Magog dans le Coran se réfèrent à la 1er et la 2ème guerre mondiale ou aux tribus Qing et Mongoles? (Extrait de l'interview d'Adnan Oktar en direct sur , le 24 mars 2010) HARUN YAHYA TV ------ VIDÉOS COURTES ------ INTERVIEWS ---------- VIDÉOS --------------
La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre.
Les gens de la caverne connus aussi sous l'appellation "les 7 dormants" sont un des miracles survenu entre la prophétie de Jésus, fils de Marie, et celle de Mohammed (paix sur eux). Ils sont l'objet d'une sourate dans le Saint Livre des Musulmans : la 18e sourate intitulée "Ahlou-l-Kahf". La science du Livre Saint est un mystère pour beaucoup de Musulmans. Ils savent que le Livre est le miracle du Saint Prophète de l'Islam mais peu ont conscience de ce qu'il est... Depuis sa descente sur le cœur du Saint prophète (il y a plus de 1400 ans), il n'a pas cessé de se révéler aux cœurs purifiés et sincères... Yahia GOUASMI est un de ces cœurs éperdument amoureux de Dieu et de Son Messager, un chercheur endurant et persévérant qui, au fil de son cheminement, de sa quête et de ses retraites, a découvert certains des mystères du Livre. M. Gouasmi nous explique que Gog et Magog seraient un concept...
Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana reads Ezekiel Chapter 38
Salam, Please Rate, Comment and Subscribe and most importantly, spread the message. This New Video will attempt to uncover and explain the world of GOG AND M...
Le lieu et l'époque des origines de Gog et Magog et la barrière de Dhul Qarnayn correspondraient à une région dans laquelle vivait un peuple, le peuple khaza... The Manning Report There is a global caliphate crisis in Gog and Magog. Recorded on 3 September 2014. "ATLAH: THAT'S WHAT GOD SAID." Anointed to establish families, churches and businesses, unlike any the world hath seen. Indeed the final product of the land, ATLAH, will boast of being the seat of the world's banking, business, and education centers. Love us or hate us? Please Support Us
An amazing spiritual experience prepared by internationally acclaimed kabalists and produced by The prophecies for modern global terrorism a...
Guidance & Strategy in the End Times: Explaining Gog & Magog (Session 3) by world renowned Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein. Part of the Insight Int...
Dr. Andy Woods discusses the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 and answers "who, when, why, what and how?" Recorded April 2014. Bible Study of the Book of Ezekiel. What does the Bible say about Prophecy? What is going to happen in the last days? Hope for Today, Past...
The Battle Of Gog And Magog Has Begun by Steve Quayle Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, LA Marzulli, Stan Deyo, Russ Dizdar, End Times, Last Days, Revelation, Blood Moons, Mark Of The Beast, Armageddon, Tribulation, Rapture, Nephilim, Giants, Antichrist, Signs Of The Times, Image Of The Beast, Aliens, UFO, Watchers, Prophecy, Days Of Noah, 666, Gog And Magog, Bible Prophecy, Alex Jones, Doug Woodward, PITN, End Of The World, 4 Horsemen, FED The Battle Of Gog And Magog Has Begun by Steve Quayle
... dea-scéalta tagaithe as na figiúirí sin ar a mbunaítear meastúcháin ar dhul chun cinn rialtais.
The Irish Times 2015-03-25But while the Macedonian monarch-turned-world conqueror has become more of a legend - figuring in ...
The Times of India 2015-03-18But while the Macedonian monarch-turned-world conqueror has become more of a legend - figuring in ...
The Times of India 2015-03-16Moltar don Rialtas a dhul siar ar an gcinneadh deire a chur leis an bpolasaí a bhí ann marcanna sa ...
RTE 2015-02-24A K Dhul, Director General Modernisation has been posted as Director General Human Rights Commission ...
Deccan Herald 2015-02-06A. K. Dhul, director general (DG), Modernisation, has been posted as DG, Haryana Human Right Commission, in place of P. K ... K.
The Siasat Daily 2015-02-06A K Dhul, director general (DG), modernisation, has been posted as DG, Haryana human rights ...
The Times of India 2015-02-06(Source: Maltese Olympic Committee ). ASMK AUTOCROSS Finals on Saturday 31st January ... pm u d-dhul ikun bla hlas ghall kullhadd.
noodls 2015-02-01Iarrtar ar dhaoine dhul i dteagmháil leis na Gardaí i mBaile Mhic Andáin 056-7754150 nó 1800-666-111.
RTE 2015-01-27Faoin leagan amach nua, tréimhse 12 bhliain le hais 9 mbliana, an tréimhse incrimintí le dhul chuig barr an scála tuarastail.
RTE 2015-01-27... sa gCluiche Idirnáisiúnta le gairid, faoina gcaithfidh an chic-amach a dhul thar an líne 45-méadar.
RTE 2015-01-27Is mar chuid dá n-athbhreithniú ar dhul chun cinn na hÉireann tar éis chlár tarrthála an IMF agus an ...
RTE 2015-01-23... má chuir an méid a dúirt sé faoi dhul i gcomhrialtas le Fianna Fáil, as do chomhaltaí an pháirtí.
RTE 2015-01-22Gog and Magog (Hebrew: גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג Gog u-Magog; Arabic: يَأْجُوج وَمَأْجُوج Yaʾjūj wa-Maʾjūj) are names that appear primarily in various Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures, as well as numerous subsequent references in other works. Their context can be either genealogical (as Magog in Genesis 10:2) or eschatological and apocalyptic, as in Ezekiel and Revelation. They are sometimes individuals, sometimes peoples, and sometimes geographic regions. The passages from Ezekiel and Revelation in particular have attracted attention due to their prophetic descriptions of conflicts said to occur near the "End times".
The etymology of both the names Gog and Magog remains uncertain. The ma- at the beginning of Magog may indicate a land, or it may mean "from", so that Magog means "of the land of Gog" or "from Gog". Gog may originate as the Hebrew version of the name of Gyges of Lydia, who made his kingdom a great power in the early 7th century BC, but this explanation, although common, is not universally accepted. A different theory is that "Magog" might be a reference to Babylon, by turning BBL ("Babylon" in Hebrew script, which originally had no vowel-signs) into MGG (Magog), but this account, like the others, has problems.