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Japanese Food - Japan Documentary Episode 4: Nagoya
This is NAGOYA! bitches - Drunk in Japan - 名古屋ってやばい★
Nagoya (大阪→名古屋) Japan Trip 2012 part1
Nagoya at Night (GoPro Hero 4K)
Nagoya & Ise - Japan´s hidden gems | Finnair
Nagoya Japan
Japan Vlog #8 My Japanese Apartment & Surrounding Area, Nagoya
wmmt4 nagoya 3'02"753 エステルR
Answering Questions about ... Nagoya!
Aichi-ken - Nagoya-shi - Japan
BOOBKHANA! Part 1: Bikini Babes Ride with Ken Block in Nagoya, Japan.
Ment _ Rassun Gorerai [2015.02.20]
Pharrell Williams - Happy (Nagoya is also Happy!)
Japanese Food - Japan Documentary Episode 4: Nagoya Japanese Food - Japan Documentary Episode 4: Nagoya After meeting a former baseball prodigy who now devotes his life to making matchless miso, Adam Liaw catches up with an extraordinary 74-year-old woman who still free-dives for abalone. Adam samples a challenging dish of Nagoya chicken sashimi; he then fries the perfect Wagyu steak – the product of cattle that arguably eat better food than most humans.
(字幕あり) A crazy night in NAGOYA Japan. Me, Rody & Faizan explore Nagoya at night. Hitting the Nagoya clubs and checking out crazy loud cards and parties outside at 2 am. 名古屋って本当にやばいわ。ミッドナイトの道は人が多くて、パーティーが多くて、クラブが多い、みんな盛り上がっている。東京のミラ...びっくりした。 SUB TO RODY! FAIZAN has a YouTube too (no videos yet, coming soon). MY NAME IS MIRA. I am a girl who moved from Toronto, Canada to Tokyo Japan. I make a lot of videos about Japan, so if you are interested, check them out. You also should check out my facebook, twitter and blog :) 私はミラ。東京に住んでいる。日本のことのビデオを作っています。よろしくお願いします。 Video edit by : Adobe Premier Elements 11 Graphics created in : Photoshop CS5 Video taken on : PANASONIC HC-V620m
Photos: Background Music - "In this time" Written by Jamie Lin Arrangement by Iyhon Chiu.
Rendered 1080p for your computer. Support by commenting or hitting the thumbs up button! Thanks! Music: 9th_Symphony_Finale_by_Beethoven.mp3 1812_Overture_by_Tchaikosvky.mp3 Eine_Kleine_Nachtmusik_by_Mozart.mp3 Check out: for more personalized interaction & prioritized attention. Or support me directly: Paypal: Merch: I just joined BITCOIN! This channel is now for (almost completely) unedited videos. Edited videos: ►My Facebook◄ -- Please ask your questions here: --- Email: - 2.5 Oyajis is broadcast live at 10:30pm EVERY Wednesday JAPAN TIME. We alternate between this channel: and - Tomoko Sensei from TOMOKO DESU! videos can be found at: - ►◄ - ►I enjoy posting on Instagram:◄ - ►Language blog◄ - ►Want to learn Japanese? Check out my friend Ken's online school.◄ Sign up for Ken's free weekly vids.;=l0 - ►Japanese for Morons - Playlist 1 of 2, videos 1 - 175◄;_edit=1 - ►My blog◄ - ►For J-students◄ - ►For Flakers◄ - ►For 英会話 students◄ - ►Google+◄ - ►My other channels◄ - ►Twitter◄
Nagoya pampers tourists with its breathtaking beauty. Feast your eyes on the beautiful ancient Japanese architecture of Nagoya Castle and the Atsuta Shrine, ...
See Nagoya. In this video of downtown Nagoya you can see the Nagoya Castle, JR Central Towers, Nagoya Station and The Mode Gakuen Spiral Towers. You can also...
Sights and sounds of Nagoya in December 2012.
On my day off I briefly show my neighbourhood, finish off my recycling and give the grand tour of my apartment! Sony DSC- HX20V
3'02"683 3/5現在全1.
My blog: Language blog: For students: For Flakers: http://tinyurl....
Aichi-ken, Nagoya-shi, Japão. Um pouco da cidade de Nagoya - Sakae e Kamimaezu. Trilhas sonoras: Okami "Rising Sun"
While at the Ken Block Nagoya Experience, we decided to invite a couple of Japan's top bikini models to ride in Ken Block's Ford Fiesta, and the results will amaze you. Take Ken Block, the Gymkhana Master, throw in a couple of bikini models, along with a few obstacles like helicopters and polar bears, and you get BOOBKHANA! ENJOY.
from Nagoya With Tour
Pharrell Williams' "HAPPY" NAGOYA (JAPAN) version!!! So grateful for every one who joined in ;) Thank you so much! 話題のファレル「ハッピー」名古屋バージョンを作りました☆ あんな人やこんな人も出てま...
Visitamos o museu da ciência em Nagoya, o vídeo está fora do padrão dos vídeos que costumamos fazer nas sextas-feiras, mas achamos o conteúdo legal para post...
Fomos passear em Nagoya no dia de Natal, ver as iluminações e também nos divertir! (^_^)v CONTEÚDO EXTRA ABAIXO ↓↓↓ (^_^)v Que legal, você clicou na descrição! \(^_^) (^_^)/ Se você está gostando do nosso trabalho e quer ajudar, compartilhe, comente e divirta-se! Não deixem de conferir toda a descrição, você pode encontrar algo do seu interesse! (^_^)v Para ler algumas legendas talvez seja necessário pausar o vídeo! (^_^)v Obrigado pelo apoio e carinho, sempre! \(^_^)+(^_^)/ \(^_^) -----------------------------------------(^_^)/ ※ Informações Úteis Quer saber como enviar uma carta pra gente? Acesse o link: Playlist do Vlog (perguntas e respostas): Extensão do nosso canal para os navegadores Google Chrome e Firefox: Aplicativo oficial do Japão Nosso De Cada Dia para Android e Iphone: Canal da Prit: \(^_^) -----------------------------------------(^_^)/ ※ Redes Sociais Nosso Facebook: Prit no Instagram: Lohgann no Instagram: Prit no Twitter: @pritkirin Lohgann no Twitter: @lohgann \(^_^) -----------------------------------------(^_^)/ ※Vejam também - Acesse o Blog dos Brasileiros no Japão Acesse a página dos Brasileiros no Japão - Loja E-Anime *O local perfeito pra você que é Otaku* ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ Visitem a loja no site: * Utilize o código JNDCD2014 e ganhe 10% de desconto! * Fique por dentro de promoções e novidades: (^_^)v - Japão em Foco Página com os mais variados assuntos relacionados ao Japão \(^_^) -----------------------------------------(^_^)/ ※ Músicas e Efeitos Sonoros ♪ Autorização obtida com o compositor por email! ♪ by Kevin MacLeod ========== - Friendly Day - Theme for Harold var 2 (licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0. Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at ♪ by "Youtube"========== - Payday - Get Outside ♪;=-1342&y;=-380 ♪ "Sound FX NOW" all free sounds
Love in the Ice
First time Kiss playing this song. Only Japan 40th anniversary tour 2015. Primeira vez que o Kiss toca essa música, no primeiro show da turnê internacional de 40 anos da banda. Provável apenas Japão
One day in Nagoya, Japan.
via YouTube Capture
旅行主義 . Travelism Facebook fanpage: Youtube Channel: Blog: Blog in English: 久等啦... 終於有新片。 :-) 一連6-7集既日本中部之旅。首先係: 名古屋 名古屋 - 金澤 - 白川鄉 - 高山 Thanks for waiting! I am going to publish 6-7 episodes about my trip in Chubu region in Japan. The first destination will be Nagoya. Nagoya - Kanazawa - Shirakawago - Takayama Stay tuned and subscribe! --------------------------------------- Watch before you travel :-)
Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Or...
Visit my website at
Like my Facebook! I upload pics and answer questions about Japan and the JET Program! Follow me on instagram and twitter! @fahadtkhan I visited some friends that I haven't seen in a long while in Nagoya, Japan! It was a two-day trip and we did a ton of stuff. I decided to divide it up into two parts because one video would have been too long. Also, this is the first video that I recorded with my iPhone 6 Plus. It's 60fps so it looks a little different, but it is definitely a big upgrade from the shaky videos I recorded with my 5s. Can't wait to get more! I am planning on getting a mic to improve voice quality though.
Nagoya Travel slideshow - see more at
Take a tour of Nagoya Castle in Nagoya, Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Nagoya, Japan is home to a beautif...
The Philharmonic's trip from Seoul, South Korea to Nagoya, Japan through the lens of tour photographer Chris Lee, with the finale of Tchaikovsky's Symphony N...
Video made by Nico Privitera (not me! XD) Mein Schatz und ich waren im Frühling 2014 in Japan unterwegs, wir hatten schon lange vor, daraus ein Reisetagebuch zu machen! :D Hier ist Part 1:) Etwa 250km Reise von Chûbu über Nagoya nach Kanazawa.
travel to Tokyo n Nagoya Japan on 14 - 22th APRIL 2014. Group C Malaysia.
My day off so I do some sightseeing in Nagoya (名古屋市) Sakae 栄 Hisaya-Odori Park 久屋大通公園 Nagoya Castle 名古屋城 Sony DSC- HX20V.
名古屋城、熱田神宮、蓬莱軒 Photos: Music: Drops of H2O - J. Lang ( Drops of H2O ( The Filtered Wate...
名古屋から出ていけ! Nagoya kara dete ike! = Get out of Nagoya! ------------- Paypal donations for Marc: ------------- My blog: http://gi...
Nagoya Travel Video. Home proud Nagoya, birthplace of Toyota and pachinko, is a manufacturing powerhouse. Although Nagoyas GDP tops that of many small countr...
I visited Nagoya Castle in Aichi Prefecture on August 12 :) 名古屋城を訪れました。 満喫してきました! \(^ ^)/
請用片右下角調HD1080高清睇片。 名古居東仁王門街.
รายการ The insider พาคุณไปยังNAGOYA -Shi;นะโงะยะ 名古屋 JAPAN ญี่ปุ่น EP1 ตอนที่ 1 ช่วงที่ 1 ออกอากาศทางช่อง Travel Channel Thailand (True Visions ช่อง 72) และ ...
Traveling from Osaka to Nagoya; where my work and apartment is! Shinkansen 新幹線 Nagoya 名古屋市 Fushimi 伏見 Sakae 栄 Oasis 21 Sony DSC- HX20V.
Our short trip to batam. Visit to Nagoya Shopping Mall... Etc.
ตัวอย่างรายการ The insider พาคุณไปยังNAGOYA -Shi;นะโงะยะ 名古屋 JAPAN ญี่ปุ่น EP2 ตอนที่ 2 ออกอากาศทางช่อง Travel Channel Thailand (True Visions ช่อง 72) และ Tr... Streets of Nagoya, Japan. Some train travel then outside of Nagoya station, plus some buildings.
In August, for my birthday, Lucas Utida and I took a short 3 day trip to Nagoya to skate and what not. This is some of the footy we got featuring Lucas Utida...
Takagi, the Yomiuri Giants’ third-round draft pick out of corporate club Mitsubishi Juko Nagoya, ...
The Japan News 2015-03-30"Unlike many other Japanese companies, age and education don’t mean anything at Honda," said Noboru ...
Bloomberg 2015-03-30The Yomiuri Shimbun The following are excerpts of Nagoya University Prof ... A Nagoya University team ...
The Japan News 2015-03-29Get ready for tomorrow night #Japan @springroove #Nagoya #Tokyo #Kobe #GaishiHall #MakuhariMesse #KobeWorldHall #Dale pic.
The Inquisitr 2015-03-29===== ... Slide 1 of 1. The Yomiuri Shimbun ... Moderator: ... Tim Hunt: ... Shinya Yamanaka: ... ■ Hiroshi Amano, professor at Nagoya University ... /-:
The Japan News 2015-03-29The raid on Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya and Kobe also sent a message to Japan that its ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-28The raid on Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya and Kobe also sent a message to Japan that its ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-28The landing is aborted ... March 5 ... 5.50 ... * Cathay flights from Delhi, Taipei and Nagoya landed in Hong Kong on second attempt.
South China Morning Post 2015-03-28Nagoya, Central Fukuoka4 ... NHK Nagoya Housou Center ... Nagoya, Central Fukuoka4 ... NHK Nagoya Housou Center ... Nagoya, Central Fukuoka4.
noodls 2015-03-27... Motor Corporation during the Toyota Global Suppliers Convention held recently in Nagoya, Japan.
PR Newswire 2015-03-27... Motor Corporation during the Toyota Global Suppliers Convention held recently in Nagoya, Japan.
noodls 2015-03-27... International Event Productions with consultation from Master Gardener Kanji Nomura from Nagoya .
noodls 2015-03-27... excellent access to each of Osaka CBD, neighboring Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama and beyond to Nagoya.
PR Newswire 2015-03-27Nagoya (名古屋市, Nagoya-shi?) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. (Tokyo is not a single incorporated city - see Tokyo for more information on the definition and makeup of Tokyo.)
Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2000, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area has 8.74 million people, of which 2.27 million live in the city of Nagoya.
The city's name was historically written as 那古野 or 名護屋 (both read as Nagoya). One possible etymology for the city's name is the adjective なごやか (nagoyaka), meaning 'peaceful'. [2]
The name Chūkyō (中京) is also used (chū (middle) + kyō (capital)), since it is the main city of the central Chūbu region. Various things are named after Chūkyō, for example the Chūkyō Industrial Area, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area, Chūkyō Television Broadcasting, Chukyo University and the Chukyo Racecourse.
You wanna know something sick?
You got me sick in paranoia
Rubbing Vicks on my imagination
Caught in a daze, flight of fancy
Articulation, she the air
I want to respirate, or hyperventilate
Shit when I feel the fabrics of her mind, she so
Trampoline infection, uh, plus the backflips
If she don't like some shit she talk back quick
With skintone brown like Orlando
Magic Johnson was number 32
Chamberlain off the loop
We're an obligated team to win, just shoot through the
If you miss I'd rather rebound
Although I ain't a rebound
You speak my name in eerie sounds
You my queen I'm your king now
I like the ring to the tone of the ringtone
Call and answer like I heard 3 phones
Going off equivalent. For her? Chivalry
Too icy, nigga: real jewelry
And experience is a journey above
Whether dead or alive, I exist to survive
Like the group U-N-I, you and I divide
Our chicken and watermelon
Atom bomb [?] but waste is a larger weapon
This is the faulty present
To borrow essence
[?] is like a formless preference
I'll just take off
I'll take off so you'll know just what I had to do
To become what I am right now.
I won't run now,
I won't run I'll hold it down
Even though it is a struggle
Just to stand my ground
I wouldn't have it any other way.
My heart is saying go
but my mind is saying wait, wait, wait
There really isn't a decision to be made.
My mind is made up and there's nothing
I wish that everyone could realize
That they could see through my eyes
I'm better off and I am thinking it's just right
I've got problems of my own
I won't concern myself with all of your noise
Please just turn it down to a suitable volume for this
I swear I will go deaf before we get anywhere
All because you wouldn't have it any other way.
With every good point you remind me
Of the day to day of sitting home feeling like a waste.
Don't try to take this from me
You've become impossible