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Zelda Wii U Everything We Know (Feat. Commonwealth Realm)
The Commonwealth Realm: Explained
The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained
Separate entry for Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and citizens of other Realms at Heathrow
Queen of the Commonwealth Realms
Monarch of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Realm aka "The Queen" visits Ireland 2011 German News
Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak
Zelda Wii U Zelda Unknown - Mighty Gorons/Death Mountain (Feat Nintendobox)
Queen Elizabeth II reigning monarch of the Commonwealth Realms.flv
Zelda Wii U Theory, Zelda Unknown - Deserts and The missing Link
Zelda Wii U: Zelda Unknown - Lost in the woods (Feat M.Productions)
Zelda Wii U: Zelda Unknown - Fusion (Feat M.Productions)
Zelda Wii U Game Awards - In depth gameplay analysis
Zelda Wii U comparison: Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule
Like the video? Follow MP on Twitter! Part 2 Commonwealth Realm's Channel DeviantArt Sources Used Episode 19 of Zelda Wii U News is here!! In the 1st part of this 2 part special in collaboration with Commonwealth Realm we discuss everything we know about Zelda Wii U including Its E3 2014 presentation, The Game Wards show, and all the other interviews including some info gathered from wind waker HD, link between worlds, Zelda Netflix and Majora’s mask 3d. Hope you enjoy this one! The Legend of Zelda Theories Zelda is EVIL? The Hyrulean Civil War;=PLJU2xaOl73ONkssIoLj6mxujrHSII9UZa The Truth behind the Shadow Temple;=1 Ganondorf the Antichrist?
In this video I indicate and explain the differences between the British Empire, the Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth Realm. Any likes and subscriptions would be greatly appreciated! The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48), also known as the CDPA, is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that received Royal Assent on 15 November 1988. 30 Criticism, review and news reporting. It allows for fair use of all copyrighted material under section 30: (1)Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work, does not infringe any copyright in the work provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement [F1 and provided that the work has been made available to the public]. [F2(1A)For the purposes of subsection (1) a work has been made available to the public if it has been made available by any means, including— (a)the issue of copies to the public; (b)making the work available by means of an electronic retrieval system; (c)the rental or lending of copies of the work to the public; (d)the performance, exhibition, playing or showing of the work in public; (e)the communication to the public of the work, --I do not own or have any formal claim to the copyrighted material used in this video and all due credit should go to those that do hold the copyright--
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Andrew Rosindell MP introduces his private members bill on 11 July 2012 in the House of Commons to cure ' a great constitutional injustice'. The Uk Borders B...
Pictures of Her Majesty in her different roles as Queen of various nations and flags of the Commonwealth Realms. We apologise for the shortage of pictures an...
The Queen of England visits Ireland 2011.
Winter is coming to Hyrule! --------------------------------------- This is the first episode in my new series "Zelda Unknown" which in the following months will cover in depth all the potential regions of Zelda Wii U. In this episode about the Winter region, I take a retrospective look at the Snow/Winter areas in the series and share some thoughts on what should be included in Zelda Wii U in the following categories: geography/weather, urban qualities, races, wildlife and the dungeon. SUBSCRIBE: If you liked this video, then I highly recommend to check out my in depth video on towns, villages and NPCs in Zelda Wii U: Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt News: Matthewmatosis video, The Legend of Zelda - comparison: A high regard of thanks to M. Productions for introducing me to Audacity in order to improve the voice quality on this video: Once again, I apologize for the two day delay, but YouTube has not wanted to co-operate when I was uploading this file (12,5 GB). Let´s play footage used for this project:
This is the sixth episode of my series Zelda Unknown and this time I am joined by Nintendobox along the lengthy trail up Death Mountain to find out more about the history of the Gorons in the unified and the province in Zelda Wii U. The episode is divided in two main sections: 1. "Goron Historia" taking on the history of the Goron race in the unified and child timeline from Skyward Sword to Four Swords Adventures. 2. Analysis of the Death Mountain/Volcano province in Zelda Wii U and bringing in thoughts based on the following categories: Geography, Items and activities, Races, Urban environments, enemies and dungeon. Subscribe: Twitter: Do not miss the previous episodes in the series: Zelda Unknown - Lost in the woods Zelda Unknown - Zelda Fusion Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Deviantarts used in this project: Zelda: Death Mountain Trail by HaMinsu Death mountain by isaac77598 Zelda: The Last Hyrulian War by TylerEdlinArt Approaching Death Mountain by Desiree-M Death Mountain LoZ1 by Axel26 Volvagia, Subterranean Lava Dragon by Rhafiel Volvagia by methuselah-alchemist Whack a mole with FIRE by gts Infernal Dinosaur: King Dodongo by SulaMoon Kakariko Village Battle by Vanceslaski DODONGO DISLIKES Eri-tchi Zelda Anthology by Lwiis64 The Family by Nabooru-chan Skyward Sword: Alternate Earth Temple Boss p2 by SketchingSands REVISED Alternate Earth Temple Boss p2 by SketchingSands The Poisoned Rock by Txikimorin Music used: Goron city - Zelda Reorchestrated (ZREO) Death Mountain - Koji Kondo Dinosaur Battle - Zelda Reorchestrated Ballad of the goddess (accoustic guitar cover) - TheOnlyDeerAlive
Queen Elizabeth II, reigning monarch of the Commonwealth Realms.
This is the second episode in my series Zelda Unknown - The missing Link, Now in 1080p 60fps. The theme this time is the desert province in Zelda Wii U. The video is divided in two sections: 1. Theory about the common roots of the desert provinces in the series 2. Thoughts on this area in Zelda Wii U based on the following categories: Races, geography, towns, wildlife and dungeon. SUBSCRIBE: Don´t miss the first episode of the series: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: A high regard of thanks to YouTube-member "TheOnlyDeerAlive" for allowing me to include his work in this video. Check out his channel here: Music used: Zelda Reorchastrated: DmNt: Gerudo Desert (Twilight Princess) TheOnlyDeerAlive: Lanayru Sand Sea Metal/Rock Remix (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Ballad of the Goddess Acoustic Guitar Remix (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword);=24&list;=PLNRmybiDmsQCaI5BtMD4_59iZDk6ZpY-2 Images used for this project: Desert colossusby warningyou OSMADTH - Desert Capital Zurakhul by flaviobolla Desert by DmitryGrebenkov Birth of a Gerudo King by kichisu Gerudo Fortress by Karosu-Maker Arbiter's Grounds - The Stronghold in the Desert by SoColdArtwork All gameplay footage was captured by myself with the Elgato HD 60 capture card.
This is the fifth episode in my series Zelda Unknown. In this episode I cover extensively the potential forest province of Zelda Wii U and combine this with a theory with M.Productions on the connection between the Ordon village and Kokiri Forest. In addition I take a retrospective look on the beta areas of Lost Woods in what would become Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. I want to thank all of you for helping this channel to pass 1000 subscribers since my previous upload. You are the best! Subscribe: Twitter: Do not miss the previous episodes of Zelda Unknown Zelda Unknown - Zelda Fusion Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Deviantart used in this project: Lost Woodsby hubbleTea Lost Woodsby Ryu-Gi Hyrule Warby ZaloHero Forest Templeby rffbassist Lost Woods Tavern Finalby medders Great Wave on the Great Seaby SirNosh Lost Woodsby mizz-izzy Zelda Wii U: Link by Cheang Zelda: Death Mountain Trail by HaMinsu Music used for this project: The Legend of Zelda - Saria's Song (Lost Woods) [Orchestrated] Amatowarrior Deku palace (HE) - Hylianensemble Zelda Reorchestrated (ZREO) - Lost Woods (A Link to the Past) Zelda Reorchestrated (ZREO) - Forest Temple (Ocarina of Time) TheOnlydeeralive – Ballad of the Goddess Acoustic Guitar Remix;=24&list;=PLNRmybiDmsQCaI5BtMD4_59iZDk6ZpY-2 Gameplay footage used: All other gameplay footage was captured by myself with the Elgato HD 60 capture card.
Greetings, everyone. Zelda Unknown returns, and this time I am joined by Macintyre Productions to bring you a groundbreaking theory on Zelda Wii U´s over-world and the Gamepad map. In the course of this half of the the two part collaboration special. We will explain in detail the similarity specific provinces share to the original Legend of Zelda (1986), Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess and attempt to explain why these titles might have been favoured in the development process of the over-world. In this search we will dissect the entire map of the over-world, discuss some possible additions from Zelda titles and remakes being developed beside Zelda Wii U, take a deeper look on sales numbers in the series and share a second thought about what the live-action Netflix Zelda series means for Nintendo. Subscribe: Twitter: Do not miss the previous episodes of Zelda Unknown Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Deviantarts used for this project: Zelda Wii U: Link by Cheang TZP: Returning to Lon Lon Ranch by Adella Zelda: Death Mountain Trail by HaMinsu Zelda Anthologyby Lwiis64 The Temple of Time: Sunset Rideby JanjyGiggins Lost Woods by hubbleTea Lost Woods Tavern Final by medders The Streets of Hyrule by HeroofTime123 Hyrule by PapayouFR Majora's Mask: Clocktown by EternaLegend Splatoon!!! by apostlebird Music used for this project: Zelda Oot - Hyrule Field AuthorJakesFable Author smartpoetic Legend of Zelda main theme – orchestral remix Author DJsnypa Zelda: Clock TownLive) Author smartpoetic The Legend of Zelda - Saria's Song (Lost Woods) [Orchestrated] Amatowarrior TheOnlydeeralive – Song of Storms acoustic guitar cover TheOnlydeeralive – Ballad of the Goddess Acoustic Guitar Remix;=24&list;=PLNRmybiDmsQCaI5BtMD4_59iZDk6ZpY-2 ZREO (Zelda Reorchestrated) – title theme (Legend of Zelda) ZREO (Zelda Reorchestrated) – Hyrule field main theme (Ocarina of time) ZREO (Zelda Reorchestrated) – Goron City (Ocarina of time) All other gameplay footage was captured by myself with the Elgato HD 60 capture card.
I take a much deeper look at the new Zelda Wii U gameplay demonstration from "The Game Awards 2014". Hope you enjoy . Comments are welcome and I promise to respond all of them. PS: I am also working on a video about the delay of Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt, one of my most anticipated games next year.
The third episode of Zelda Unknown is finally here! This time I take a deep dive into Lake Hylia and the other lakes and rivers of Hyrule in Zelda U. The episode is divided into two sections: 1. Comparison about the Great Bridge of Hylia with footage from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Zelda U 2. Retrospective look at the water provinces. Thoughts and ideas for the lakes and rivers in Zelda U Subscribe: I want to thank all of you for helping this channel to reach 500 subscribers since the previous episode of Zelda Unknown. You are all awesome! Twitter: Do not miss the previous episodes of the series: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Music used: Fenix Ark Angelus - Hyrule Field Remastered (The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess) Link to channel: ZeldaTunes - Koloktos Battle (Re-Orchestrated) HappyDragonite Theonlydeeralive - Ballad of the Goddess (acoustic guitar remix) Linkcrazy101- Heavenly Lake Hylia Zelda Reorchestrated – Fishing hole Zelda Reorchestrated – Great bay coast Deviantart used in this episode: Water Temple Link by Paintpixel Pixel Fishing by SteelJoe Lake Hylia by Ceavit Gameplay footage: Gamexplain - Worst change in Majora´s Mask 3D?: The rest of the footage was captured by myself with the Elgato HD 60 capture card.
This upload is for all of you who have supported and helped this channel grow and thrive since my first video in December. In return I did not want to create a simple thank you video but give something back in the result of a premiere episode of my new review series Common Review. Since this is my first review then I hope you could give me some feedback on the format and potential improvements in the comment section. Once again, thank you so much for all the support and encouragement and I promise to deliver more quality uploads and series in the upcoming months! Subscribe: Twitter: Do not miss my series - Zelda Unknown: Zelda Unknown - Lost in the woods Zelda Unknown - Zelda Fusion Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Music used: Holmenkollmarsjen (intro) Clock Town (Orchestral) by Smartpoetic Deku Palace by Hylianensemble Song of Healing by ZREO (Zelda Reorchestrated)'s_Mask/Disc_1/29_Song_of_Healing.mp3 Majora´s Mask credits - Gameplay footage used:
If you liked this video, then check out my "In depth analysis" of the Zelda Wii U gameplay footage from the Game Awards 2014: Questions to the viewers for the comment section: 1. Do you think Nintendo will introduce us to Zelda Wii U´s urban environments (city, towns or villages) and its NPCs at E3 next summer? 2. How many towns/villages do you think Hyrule will have in Zelda Wii U? 2. What are your thoughts on NPCs in this game. Should they have day and time activites, high level of AI, voice acting (Hylian) and heavily implemented in side-quests found in a potential capital or the towns? SUBSCRIBE: It took a lot of struggle, due to an iMovie error which I could not fix. Nevertheless, my Zelda Wii U video about urban environments and NPC is finally done and ready for you all to enjoy. In this video I take a deeper look on what this game should improve on when it come to the series use of NPCs (AI, day and time activities), towns and villages. Merry Christmas everyone!
The State of Malta, sometimes known unofficially in common parlance as Malta, was a predecessor to modern-day Malta. It existed between 21 September 1964 and...
Greetings! This is my unboxing of the Majora´s Mask 3D - Special edition (game, pin, SteelBook and poster) and the 3DS Circle Pad Pro XL. Followed by an emotional and personal retrospective at my experience with the original Majora´s Mask back in 2000. I apologise for some of the unsharp footage, since my camera does not function well under darker light conditions. Subscribe: Twitter: Do not miss my series - Zelda Unknown Zelda Unknown - The great lake of Hyrule: Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: Zelda Unknown - The return of Snowpeak: Music used: Majora's Mask - Orchestrated - Ending/Credits by Song of Healing orchestrated - Zelda Reorchestrated
Nigel Farage master of the debate in defence of the Realm / Commonwealth kicks the European Empire Puppet* ass all over the frigging stage. *Puppet Stats: re...
Nowa Zelandia (ang. New Zealand [njuːˈziːlənd], język maoryski Aotearoa [aɔˈtɛaɾɔa] – Kraj Długiej Białej Chmury) – państwo wyspiarskie, położone na południowo-zachodnim Pacyfiku i składające się z dwóch głównych wysp (Północnej i Południowej) oraz szeregu mniejszych wysp, w tym Wyspy Stewart i Wysp Chatham. Archipelag Nowej Zelandii jest najdalej na południe wysuniętą częścią Oceanii, na południowy wschód od Australii. W skład Nowej Zelandii (a dokładnie w skład Commonwealth realm Nowej Zelandii, czyli są to terytoria stowarzyszone lub zależne Nowej Zelandii, ale wchodzące wraz z nią w skład wspólnej domeny królewskiej tudzież królestwa stowarzyszeniowego, połączonego unią personalną ze Zjednoczonym Królestwem i innymi Commonwealth realms) wchodzą również Wyspy Cooka i Niue, które są samorządne, oraz Tokelau i Dependencja Rossa.
Tears of joy! - New zoomed in gameplay footage of Zelda Wii U PS: It is finally confirmed. Both Star Fox and Zelda Wii U comes out next year!
First and foremost, thank you to all you new Subscribers! I promise to not disappoint, since only the best of Zelda and Witcher is good enough for this channel. The second episode of "Witcher News" is finally here! This time the episode will mostly consist of a recap of the 15-minute gameplay-demonstration from the livestream last monday, and some news regarding the PC-requirements for the game. Zelda Unknown - The missing Link: SUBSCRIBE: Follow CR on Twitter: Music used: Sword of Destiny (CDPR), Lazare (Percival and CDPR), Bitwa (battle - Krzesimir Debski) and The fields of Ard Skellig (CDPR) Sword of Destiny mp3: The fields of Ard Skellig:
I take a deeper look on some of the new and returning aspects and features from the new Wii U gameplay presentation.
"A Wild Hunt is on the horizon" Witcher news is finally here! Ready for you all to enjoy. Some of the news in this episode: Game awards 2014 (New trailer and award for the most anticipated game), the 12 week delay of the game, free DLCs, new playable character and pre-order details. If you liked this video, then check out my video "Cities, Towns, villages and NPCs in Zelda Wii U":;=3&list;=UUOkE7SxzwKUII9CxfggMSIw SUBSCRIBE: Follow CR on Twitter: Music used: Sword of Destiny (CDPR) and Lazare (Percival) Sword of Destiny mp3:
The Queen is sovereign of 15 Commonwealth realms, including the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, ...
The Times of India 2015-03-24... Head of the Commonwealth ... The Queen is sovereign of 15 Commonwealth realms in addition to the UK.
The Guardian 2015-03-23The Queen is sovereign of 15 Commonwealth realms, including the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, ...
The Independent 2015-03-23The Queen is sovereign of 15 Commonwealth realms, including the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-23The Queen is sovereign of 15 Commonwealth realms, in addition to the UK, including the Bahamas, ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-23Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth realms Queen Elizabeth II will ...
The Guardian 2015-01-23... Commonwealth realms, such as Australia and Canada, on merit, for exceptional achievement or service.
Mashable 2014-12-31... speech that is shown in the South Pacific Commonwealth realms several hours before it is shown here.
The Inquisitr 2014-12-17I think America should revert to being a Commonwealth Realm with the President concentrating on ...
The Daily Telegraph 2014-11-04The SNP wants Scotland to keep the monarchy and become an independent Commonwealth realm, similar to Canada or Australia.
Novosti 2014-09-18... 15 countries from Jamaica to Canada to the Solomon Islands, regions known as "Commonwealth Realms."
U~T San Diego 2014-09-16... of 15 countries from Jamaica to Canada to the Solomon Islands known as "Commonwealth Realms."
Seattle Post 2014-09-16... but it became a separate Commonwealth realm with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.
noodls 2014-09-16A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state within the Commonwealth of Nations that has Elizabeth II as its monarch and head of state. The sixteen current realms have a combined land area of 18.8 million km² (7.3 million mi², excluding Antarctic claims), and a population of 137 million, of which all, except about two million, live in the six most populous states: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Jamaica.
Nearly all the realms were once British colonies that evolved into independent states, the current exceptions being the United Kingdom (UK) itself and Papua New Guinea, which was formed in 1975 as a union of the former German New Guinea—administered by Australia as an international trusteeship before independence—and the former British New Guinea—legally the territory of Papua, administered for the UK by Australia since 1905. The first realms to emerge were colonies that had already previously attained the status of a self-governing Dominion within the British Empire.
Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms, and head of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations. She is also head of state of the Crown Dependencies.
Elizabeth was born in London, and educated privately at home. Her father acceded to the throne as George VI in 1936 on the abdication of his brother Edward VIII. She began to undertake public duties during the Second World War, in which she served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. On the death of her father in 1952, she became Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon. Her coronation service in 1953 was the first to be televised. Between 1956 and 1992, the number of her realms varied as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. Today, in addition to the first four aforementioned countries, Elizabeth is Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.