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Cowboy And Fairy
鹊桥仙(with English Subtitles)
ตำนานรักสุดปลายฟ้า 2008 ตอนที่ 1
niu lang zhi nu
Diamond Mansion and the Double Seventh Legend
The Fairy Lake (Xian Nu Hu Zhi Mo Xian) Ep 8 + Ep 9
Zhi Nu One Last Chance | High 5 Games
A-ONE 组合 Chinese boyband - Niu Lang Zhi Nv 牛郎织女 (Cowherd and the fairy)
Lonely northern hemisphere /// Ariel Lin/// español
Lonely Northern Hemisphere / Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu - S.H.E
The Legend - CHN 2 Skit Winter 2012
2010NTNUfec-Presentation 2: Group B
[❤ดาราหนังจีน❤] Ady Ann - อันอี่เซวียน
[Fanmade] Kim Ngọc Lương Duyên OST - Hoắc Kiến Hoa - Đường Yên
Instructed by Ben Newhouse Composed by Songming Wu Go to to get free score sheet of this music. Romantic legend The legend has been handed...
鹊桥仙 (宋)秦观 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路!两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮! 词翻译: Fairy on the Magpie Bridge Written by Qin Guan(Song dynasty) Translated by...
Playlist ดูทุกตอน @ อุทิศทุก link เพื่อการกุศลช่วยแมวจรจัด หากต้องการขอบคุณ ร่วมบริจาคตามจิตศรัทธาได้ที่ ช...
The Diamon Mansion is a building designed by AM project, arch Joseph di Pasquale that will be built in the new city of Jingwu, ispired to the chinese Double ...
In ancient time there is a beautiful girl, to wait for her lover until her tears for a very long period and turned herself into Fairy Lake, Fairy Lake and the beautiful girl was Jade Emperor’s lover. Later, the seven sky fairies come down to Earth to Fairy Lake to take the bath. Amongst the seven fairies the youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor was named small seven fairy. Small seven fairy met and fell in love with a mortal. He was a disciple (Fei Lei) of the inheritors of Mohist’s School However, according to the law of heaven, it is forbidden for an immortal and mortal to fall in love. When the Queen Mother knew that her youngest daughter (Xiao Qi aka small seven fairy) and Fei Lei are in love, the penalty was small seven fairy to be born again as a mortal to endure hardship and sufferings. When small seven fairy (Xiao Qi) was a little baby, the Queen Mother put a curse on her when reaching adulthood whoever marry her will died a terrible death. Watch how she and Fei Lei escape the punishment and become an immortal again with the help of her six elder sister fairies and her friends?
Zhi Nu One Last Chance will be on Facebook at Shake The Sky Want To Watch More? Once upon a time, a humble cow herder named Niu Lang spotted Zhi Nu, the daughter of a goddess, as she was washing herself by a lake. The pair fell in love, but when Zhi Nu’s mother found out she banished her daughter back to the heavens, separating them forever. Once a year, the magpies of the world take pity on the two lovers, and form a bridge in the stars so they can be reunited for one special night. Experience this famous Chinese tale in Zhi Nu, part of the Romance Series from High 5 Games. 4 x 5 reels. 50 paylines. Super Stacks and an Enduring Bonus. Zhi Nu. Absence makes the heart grow fonder… 4 x 5 reels. 50 paylines. Special Features: Super Stacks and an Enduring Bonus. Like Zhi Nu One Last Chance? Give it a thumbs up!
A-ONE 组合 BOYBAND from China * 5 members * so far. Debuted in February 2009 and came out with their first album called A-ONE. They are also called Insect boyb...
Ending del dorama taiwanes ''Love Contract'', Lonely Northern Hemisphere (Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu) Interpretado por Ariel Lin (Lin Yi Chen) que interpreta el pape...
Yong ni de xiao an pei wo chi wan can Ji de ba xiang nian cun jin pu man Wo wang zhe man tian xing zai shan Ting niu lang dui zhi nu shuo yao yong gan Gu Dan...
Warning: Do not try this at home. Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are not in Beijing, kids...
Presentation 2: What if ... 1. Storyline: - Paradise Lost (失樂園) 2. Elements: (1) Niu Lang 牛郎(2) Zhi Nu 織女(3) Confucius 孔子3. Performers: 人發Angela 林孟瑢女心輔...
Ady Ann - อันอี่เซวียน - 安以軒 (安以轩) ชื่อเพลง Girl's Love นักร้อง Tong Li For entertainment purposes only. [เพื่อความบันเทิงเท่านั้น] ประวัติ : ชื่อ : อันอี่เซ...
Hoắc - Đường iêm ủng hộ hết mình nếu hai anh chị thành cặp ^^ Ảnh: phim Kim ngọc lương duyên Nhạc: Hao Shi Guang - Kim ngọc lương duyên OST - H.K. Hoa và Đin...
Hope you guys enjoy this impromptu tutorial for 2 looks suitable for Chinese Valentines Day, coming up later this week on the 23rd. This would be great if yo...
这是从我的在上海音乐会的视频片段。这首歌是我的原创中文歌曲叫《洪水》。我希望你们喜欢!如果你愿意,你可以在iTunes下载。非常感谢你们的支持!xoxo 卡塔拉 This is video footage from my concert at Meters/Bonwe in Shan...
The tai chi 4/按勁 (4/An jin) An power (energy) explained in the mystical dimension of Yi Jing 易經All copyrights reserved • Master Wang Pui-sheng has matched the 8 forms of tai chi power with the 8 trigrams with a set of training movements. He explains this set of movements in terms of Yì Jīng (I-Ching), the Book of Changes and the Meridian acupuncture system. I am making a series of movies to demonstrated his program. This movie is the fourth one, showing that the按An power can defeat the most powerful 擠 Ji power. It is called 按破擠 Àn pò jǐ in Chinese I am also writing an article to explain his interpretations in modern medicine. “按破擠 Àn pò jǐ” means the defensive An can beat the offensive Ji. 按Àn勁兌 Duì☱上缺” means: Master Wang’s instruction is, “意想胸部膻中Dan zhōng以上是空虛的。” Mentally empty the upper part of the body above the膻中Dan zhōng xue acupuncture point. • 按Àn勁 jìn is like the trigram,兌 Duì☱ with the top stroke broken (上缺 shàng quē ) It is like the defeat of the eagle by the coiled up snake, triggering the invention of tai chi by the Taoist, Zhang Sanfeng. Google has 3 translation choices of 按: 1st choice= press, 2nd choice=restrain, 3rd choice= control. Since 按 an is the most versatile defensive move restraint and control are much better than press to describe an. An is similar to catching a flying shuttle cork with a racket. The emptying of the upper body is the most crucial part of an. • The background music is my singing in a pharyngeal voice supported by my Dantian. This song is the romantic encounter of 2 lovers, who are being compared to the annual meeting of 牛 郎 Niu Lang (a cow boy in this world) and 織女 Zhi Nu • ( a weaver in heaven) in a dream. • Source of the picture, a Qing Dynasty painting: 清吳友如木刻《織女》 • 綺羅春夢+ 寒夜琴挑 (清歌) 卿如織女,我若牽牛,此夕相逢恨總休,我勸卿莫把眉峰皺,好等小生來侍候,不宜辜負好衾裯。只見佢朱唇咬緊,更把玉手相招,只恨銀河阻隔,鵲未成橋,乍喜乍驚心兒跳,點得飛過枝頭,去抱玉腰,空癡望時空癡笑,轉瞬朱顏不見了。(士工滾花下句) 啊,原來珠簾弄影,我我我幻作嬌嬈。(清歌) 卿 hing1 如 jyu4 織zik1女 ngo5 ,我 ngo5若 je5 牽 hin1 牛 ngau4 ,此 ci2 夕 zik6相 soeng1逢 fung4 恨 han6 總 zung2 休 jau1 ,我 ngo5 勸 hyun3 卿 hing1莫 mok6 把 baa2眉 mei4 峰 fung1 皺 zau3,好 hou2 等 dang2小se2 生 saang1 來 lai4 侍 si6 候 hau6 ,不 bat1 宜 ji4 辜 gu1 負 fu6 好 hou2 衾 kam1 裯 cau4 。只zek3見gin3 佢 keoi5 朱 zyu1 唇 seon4 咬 ngaau5 緊 gan2 ,更 ang1 把 baa2 玉 juk6 手 sau2 相 soeng1 招 ziu1 ,只 zek3 恨 han6 銀 ngan2 河 ho4 阻 zo2 隔 gaak3 ,鵲 coek3 未 mei6 成 cing4 橋 kiu4 ,乍 zaa3 喜 hei2 乍 zaa3 驚 geng1 心 sam1 兒 ji4 跳 tiu3 ,點 dim2 得 dak1 飛 fei1 過 gwo1枝kei4 頭 tau4 ,去 heoi2 抱 bou6 玉 juk6 腰 jiu1 ,空 hung1 癡 ci1 望 mong6 時 si4 空 hung1 癡 ci1 笑 siu3 ,轉 zyun2 瞬 seon3朱zyu1 顏 ngaan4 不 bat1 見 了 liu5 。 (士工滾花下句 ) 啊 aa1 ,原 jyun4 來 lai4 珠 zyu1 簾 lim4 弄 lung6 影 jeng2 ,我 ngo5 我 ngo5 我 ngo5 幻 waan6 作 zok3 嬌 giu1 嬈 jiu4 。 The 4 Frontal Hands’s training ( Peng,Lu, Ji, An) according to Master Wang have been illustrated in the 4 movies. They are for any style of tai chi. I’ll like to hear feedback from viewers while I do the other 4 angular hands (Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao). 1 viewer said the movies were too academic. Related movies are: The 8 forms of power (also been translated as energy) of tai chi;=UUNq02k-r3xnmukgVFfPc-yA How to verify that you are practicing the real tai chi that gives you the health enhancing effects?
Richie Rèn Xián Qí 任賢齊 -& Ah Niu 阿牛 - Tan Kheng Seong - Chen Qing Xiang 陳慶祥 - OST Summer Holiday 夏日的麼麼茶 Wo yao ni pei zhe wo Kan zhe na hai gui shui zhong you I want you to be with me, seeing that sea turtle swim in the water Man man de pa zai sa tan shang Shu zhe lang hua yi duo duo Slowly, climbing on the sand, counting the seasprays one by one Ni bu yao hai pa Ni bu hui ji mo Don't be afraid, you won't be lonely Wo hui yi zhi pei zai ni de zuo you Rang ne le you you I will be at your side the whole time, letting you be happy, unhurried Ri zi yi tian yi tian guo Wo men hui man man zhang da The days pass one by one, we'll slowly grow up Wo bu guan ni dong bu dong wo zai chang she me I don't mind if you understand what I'm singing or not Wo zhi dao you yi tian Ni Yi ding hui ai shang wo I know there will be one day, you, will definitely love me Yin wei wo jue de wo zhen de hen bu cuo Because I feel that I'm really not bad Shi guang cong cong cong cong liu zou Ye ye ye bu hui tou Time hurridly, hurridly slips away, also also also doesn't look back Mei nü bian cheng lao tai po Ai yao Beautiful girl becomes an old woman, Oh my! Na na na ge shi hou Wo wo wo wo ye ye At that that that time, I I I I am also also Yi jing shi ge zao lao tou Already a poor old man La~~~Wo men yi qi shou qian shou La~~~We together hand in hand La~~~Shu zhe lang hua yi duo duo La~~~Counting the seasprays one by one La~~~Mei nü bian cheng lao tai po La~~~Beautiful girl becomes an old woman La~~~Yi jing shi ge zao lao tou La~~~Already a poor old man
Thank youu so much for watching my video(: ! &nd; hopee you enjoyy ! Lyrics: nu li yong gan qu ai xing fu de jie pai yi ge ren pao bu kuai liang ge ren jing cai zai di tu shang zhao ai zong yi wei ba li lang man niu yue re qing can lan zhi dao ni de zi tai dai gei wo sheng ming wu xian jing tan * ye ceng jing shou shang hai bu qi dai xia yi ci de hua kai dan ni shuo xiang xin ai die dao bu suan shi bai yuan lai ni shi zui mei de yi wai / ** nu li yong gan qu ai xing fu de jie pai yi ge ren pao bu kuai liang ge ren jing cai yong gan qu ai xing fu hen jian dan (xi huan yi lai) wo duo zai ni xiong huai // ba bei shang dou dao dai ku wei de xin huan yi huan ba hui chen pai yi pai xiang ji mo shuo bai bai you ge ta zai bu yuan chu deng dai (Repeat *, **) you shi hou xing fu fan ying chi dun man ban pai bu shi bu li cai tai tou kan wen nuan yang guang yong yuan cun zai ba yan lei shai gan (Repeat **) yong gan qu ai xing fu de jie pai yuan fen xi huan zuo guai wo ke yi shua lai yong gan qu ai xing fu hui cun zai jian chi zui hou yi ding neng gou yong you zhen ai I hav to redo te vid so this izz te new 1 ^-^
買買買!不買不是人!ヽ(° ∀ °ヽ三ノ° ∀ °)ノ CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!! Please share this with your friends, Tianyi deserves more attention! (My finals are in next week, I will add English sub once it's done.) Present by Signal-E Lyrics/Music/Arrangement/Mixing: iKz Tuning:科林 Illust: Rita羽 PV: 熊豆@爱笛映画 bilibili: MP3: Instrumental: PV download: Signal-E社团第二首洛天依原创单曲,双十一快来了也不要总想着烧光棍嘛。 Pinyin: mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi ! wǒ yào mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~lái lái ~lái ~lái ~lái kuài kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~bú kāi xīn jiù mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~lái lái ~lái ~lái ~lái kuài kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~xǐ huān jiù lái mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~lái lái ~lái ~lái ~lái kuài kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~bú kāi xīn jiù mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~mǎi ~lái lái ~lái ~lái ~lái kuài kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~kuài ~xǐ huān jiù lái mǎi mǎi mǎi xiāng gǎng dōng jīng niǔ yuē bā lí mǐ lán de huáng jīn qū duō shù nǚ hái zuì xiàng wǎng de wǔ tái miàn bāo táng guǒ dàn gāo tián bǐng fǎ shì de xiǎo cān tīng wǔ hòu kā fēi jiā làng màn de biǎo bái huā chī dòu bǐ sǐ dǎng guī mì nǚ hàn zǐ wán quán tǐ jī yǒu miàn qián zuò guǐ liǎn gǎo gǎo guài zhè yàng jiǎn dān de zì jǐ rú hé biàn dé kě ài ? yáng guāng zhào jìn lái róu róu mí hú de shuāng yǎn xīn yī tiān chōng mǎn qī dài gǎi biàn bìng bú shì zuò zhe fā dāi kuài !qù ! Shoppingfǔ bài High! High! High! wǒ jīn tiān —— pǎo dōng pǎo xī pǎo běi pǎo nán pǎo jìn pǎo chū pǎo qù pǎo lái mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! zhuāng zhuāng luó lì xué xué zhèng tài ào jiāo fù hēi mài méng shuǎ shuài tǒng tǒng cháng shì yī fān wán dé zuì jīng cǎi zhǎng wà pí xuē fā kǎ sī dài wài tào chèn shān duǎn qún niú zǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! rēng xià fán nǎo wàng diào gǔ bǎn shuí huì zhì yí rèn tā qù cāi zuò zì xìn de nǚ hái jiù shì xiàn zài Hey! ---------- huò xǔ shēng huó zhōng zǒng yǒu zhe gè zhǒng mí huò xǐ nù āi lè wéi rào zhe wǒ jiù suàn bú zhī suǒ cuò yě yào tái qǐ tóu zhòng zhěng xīn qíng wēi xiào zhe wǒ réng rán shì wǒ ----------- sī qún piāo qún bǎi luè xiān yàn de chún cǎi yǒu diǎn chéng shú de mì táo pài gǎi biàn jiù lì kè háng dòng qǐ lái yào dāng sān cì yuán de nuǎn nuǎn mǎi mǎi !mǎi ! mǎi mǎi !mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi ! fēng yǔ wú zǔ de měi tiān —— pǎo dōng pǎo xī pǎo běi pǎo nán pǎo jìn pǎo chū pǎo qù pǎo lái mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! zhuāng zhuāng luó lì xué xué zhèng tài ào jiāo fù hēi mài méng shuǎ shuài tǒng tǒng cháng shì yī fān wán dé zuì jīng cǎi zhǎng wà pí xuē fā kǎ sī dài wài tào chèn shān duǎn qún niú zǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi mǎi ! rēng xià fán nǎo wàng diào gǔ bǎn shuí huì zhì yí rèn tā qù cāi zuò (chéng wéi )zì xìn de nǚ hái jiù shì xiàn zài Hey!
01 在树上唱歌02 明白03 心墙04 牛角尖05 简单06 Goodbye 07 蒙娜丽莎08 三部曲09 不说10 看见The pinyin lyrics is made by myself, if there is any mistakes, please leave a comment...
Edit: Lol, forgot two songs. [Reuploaded.] Please add &fmt;=18 at the end of the URL for high quality. To download music, go to: http://asiapopaddiction.hourb...
Yong wo de wan an pei ni Chi zhao can Ji de ba xiang nian Chun zai pu man Wo wang zhe man tian xing zai shan Ting niu lang dui zhe nu shuo yao yong gan Bei p...
"We prefer each cluster to have units from same segment like dyeing, knitting, printing, garmenting ...
The Hindu 2015-04-02... buddy in "2 Fast 2 Furious," but the lure of the close-knit Toretto gang also proves too tempting.
The Wrap 2015-04-02(Source: SEMA - Specialty Equipment Market Association ). BUSINESS. By Chad Simon Retail Spotlight ... -ft ... C ... A Tight-Knit Family.
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noodls 2015-04-01... seems to be the case, despite the knitting ... I love to knit – I’m always knitting, crochet as well.
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Bloomberg 2015-04-01"Hand-knits become you in a sense ... "It was interested in exploring the concept of knitting to create their running shoes.
BBC News 2015-04-01Patterns will be available for experienced knitters, whilst the museum's hand-knitting machines will ...
noodls 2015-04-01The Mixing Room clearance knit tops and sweaters for misses and petites $16.99
The Examiner 2015-04-01... bring out their woollens to keep warm. But maybe the trees and poles need some knitted clothes too?
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-04-01(Source: ... Town Gardens ... Ranging from music, chess, poetry, knitting, drama, bowls, yoga and much, much more ... gov ... swindon. gov. uk.
noodls 2015-04-01... Long, who remain an integral part of a tight-knit group as the duo recover from long-term injuries.
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noodls 2015-04-01Knitting (Chinese: 牛郎织女; pinyin: Niú lán zhī nǔ) is a 2008 Chinese film directed by Yin Lichuan. Yin's second film as director, Knitting is a romantic drama. The film was adapted by Yin from the short story "The Story of Li Ai and Haihai" by author Amei.
The film premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival as part of the Directors' Fortnight on 21 May 2008.
Though the film's setting is never stated, Knitting was shot in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou.
Knitting was inspired in part on the story of the Cowheard and the Weaver Girl, the basis of the Chinese festival of Qi Xi, also called the Magpie Festival or the Chinese Valentine's Day.
Director Yin Lichuan noted in her statement of intent that Knitting was meant to explore female themes from a feminine perspective. To this end the film has two female leads, one "clumsy and simple-minded," the other "tenacious and shrewd."
Nightwing has stirred and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
No other hunter has the power or the grace
He is the master of this place
Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
So listen my friend
Nightwing flies again, oh, oh
They say he comes for those whose souls are weak
And call his name upon the wind
The night is cold and thick with mystery
Oh, I can feel his beating wings
Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again, yeah
Tell every creature of the night, yes
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again, oh
Nightwing has stirred and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
Life ain't for giving and forgiving ain't free
No soul will rest while the hunted run free
So tell every creature of the night, yes
The kill is around the bend
Ooh, listen my friend
Lines of blood laughing down the line
Coffee cups with the devil signs
Eyes on bills passing through your hands
Look in my eye for your bio-scans
Nothing - Nothing
Nothing - will ever change it
Nothing - Nothing
The lunatics now run the madhouse
The wise old owl sticks in his claws
Feel the chill of those insanity laws
Tippy toeing through the ID age
Like a monkey in a global cage
Nothing - Nothing
Nothing - will ever change it
Nothing - Nothing
The lunatics now run the madhouse
Keystone cops leave a bitter taste
Isolation from a friendly face
Wheels in wheels only turn one way
It's another whitewash day today
Nothing - Nothing
Nothing - will ever change it
Nothing - Nothing
The lunatics now run the madhouse
Nothing - Nothing
Nothing - will ever change it
Nothing - Nothing
The lunatics now run the madhouse
Lines of blood laughing down the line
Coffee cups with the devil signs
Eyes on bills passing through your hands
Nightwing fly across the sky
And cast your shadow over those who before dawn will die
Beyond a great vast forest lies the desolate land
Ruled by men controlled by Satans hand
Haunted by the vultures which are the devils own
Craving for the ever blood dripping saints stone
And with dark rites in the nights blackest hour
Nightmares strife for the darksides blessing and the higher power
And the mantel of power should be shouldered by the firstborn
The one who crave evil and all kinds of human feelings scorn
He who drank his fathers blood and leaves his foes ripped and torn
And which the king hills up high since long forlorn
Have you ever wondered what's beyond the human sphere
To behold life through deaths dark veils from the demons liar
To stand above the eternal rest and every night rise up from your tomb
And behold life like the ones who with teeth was born from their mothers womb
For I am death and so you shall be
When on the nightwing you ride with me
The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls
Nightwing - storm through eternity
And rip asunder those who fall for the human mockery
Within the massive castlewalls lurks the evil now again
Which with wise men made a truse by giving the blood of gods best men
He who possesses the gift which sends shivers down the spine
And awaken people who step away from the mortal worlds decline
He is the fierce creature which the angels fear to chase
Who see pain as passion and lives at war with the mortal race
His tomb is for any home to cross like a mountain step
He has come to awake the devil from his sleep
The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls
Pulled from our frail existence by the claws of death
To defy the scythe and feel the reapers breath
To walk the tunnel backwards when you first life has been slain
And when all mortal feelings has ceased to cause you pain
For I am darkness and so you shall be
I scrape my name off the seven skins of excess
I hang my pickled brain on the rusty nail of
I scratch my sodden skin stained eyes...
I scratch my sodden skin stained eyes
With the suffering of my kin and kind
With the suffering of my kin and kind
With the suffering my killing's kind
My killing kind
My killing kind
My killing's kind
My killing's kind
I wanna know how you feel from the inside out
I wanna know it feels out of my sinside
On your inside
I'm on the sinside
This is the anthem of the dispossessed
This is the the endless chain that sprouts aggression
This is the bigotry that grows and grows into
I am the poison water that lies within your well
These words are wind though you wear them well
My wretched blade turns to your wrists
Endows it with it's special gift
I scratch my sodden skin stained eyes...
I scratch my sodden skin stained eyes
With the suffering of my killing kind
My killing kind
My killing kind
My killing's kind
You want for nothing
That's what you decide
Always on always gone
'Cause you all want nothing
That's you inside
Always good always on
And you only want nothing
For yourselves
Always want the other side
You could be trying
It's enough to always try that's a life for you
Any cause that you wanna do
What that's all fine
Except for anything that you do to me
And you want for nothing
You want for nothing
'Cause you want for nothing
Come inside, stop scratching at my door
Live inside me, help me count the ways you once adored
Lovers need a place to lay their head
As a broken promise returns too late
Another sunset meets an argument
Fade out of nowhere into nothing, into nothing at all
How did my love turn into something that you don't really want
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
When did your eyes get so icy blue?
When did you stop seeing me as a reflection of you?
Take me to the place of broken dreams
Where your hope deserted or showed up late
And tore apart the love we might have made
Fade out of nowhere into nothing and into nothing at all
How did my love turn into something that you don't really want
And we both know what you're thinking
But we cut through the straight lines
Fade out of nowhere into nothing, into nothing at all
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
No more excuses for turning away
You can't stop a heartache by running away
I can't sit back and watch love fade to gray
Ooh, and into nothing at all
How did our love turn into something that you don't really want
And we both know what you're thinking
But we cut through the straight lines
Fade out of nowhere into nothing, into nothing at all
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Nothing, nothing, nothing, our love turns into
Oh, but we cut through the straight lines
Houses on the hill
Looking down on all the little people's lives
And wondering it I've been missing out
Growing up is hard, isn't that what Bowie sang
When he was young
Before he knew what growing up was like
Guess I'll never know, so I'll take it day by day
As it comes until there's something else to think about
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing but you
Changing with the times
Looking back on all our oldest memories to realize
We haven't changed at all
Records in my room
It's still the place where we can go to get away
from real life and real agony
If we should disappear, we can take it day by day
As it comes until there's something else to talk about
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing but you
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing
If I want it all then I'll get it all
Do I need it all? I need nothing
If I want it all then I'll get it all
La sala è piena e tu guardi me
non ti ho mai vista
e lui sta con te
forse la birra da strane idee
scivolo nelle mie fantasie
penso che sei mia
che ti porto via
noi due nel mondo
noi due cercando
io e te il meglio che c'è
ti farei impazzire
saprei che fare
con te
solo te
giochi di sguardi ormai tra di noi
vuole baciarti ma tu non vuoi
nella monotonia mi ci schianto
ora mi alzo e con la scusa mi avvicino e poi...
noi due nel mondo
noi due cercando
io e te nel tempo che c'è
ho te in testa
ho te e basta
con te fin quando ce n'è
e così stan chiudendo ma resto qui
c'è una sedia accanto a me
sempre vuota di te
e così mi guardo in giro e non ci sei
te ne sei andata
sala vuota e vado via
lui non è più con te
ridi camminando verso me
noi due nel mondo noi due cercando
io e te il meglio che c'è
ho te in testa
ho te e basta
con te fin quando ce n'è
noi due nel mondo
noi due mai contro
io e te nel tempo che c'è
ho te in testa
ho te e basta
The sun said nothing
About my demise
My fall to the floor
Sparks from your stare
Cascade into mine
Started a war
Started a war
Monday morning
Hungover, red eyes
Hide it all away
We walk through a crowd of strangers
Two minutes from your door
You lived there all your life
Every conversation within you
Starts a celebration in me
Till I got nothing left
I got nothing left
Out of it you handle it for everyone
Take a poison dart to my heart and then I'm gone
Every conversation within you
Starts a celebration in me
Till I got nothing left
I got nothing left
These floorboards creaking
My body's old
The sun casts a shadow
At dusk that cuts through your bones
Your body and soul
Every conversation within you
Starts a celebration in me
Till I got nothing left
I got nothing left
I got nothing left
I watch the people passing by
hiding from the rain
no one cares about the other
no one likes to see the pain
I watch the clouds up in the sky
and everything reminds me of you
but I know I could change
all the things I've done to you
I remember the time
when we both were young and free
we took everything
and we were so fucking free
Everything we did
we did not fear any consequence
now reality comes over us
we dream ourselves awake
But your dream goes
in a different direction
I can't follow you
I can't follow you
your stupid mind
your fucking soul
bring back all the things I hate
stupid mind
fucking soul
bring back all the things I hate
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
you mean nothing to me anymore
But I still remember you
and it hurts
but i still remember you
and it fucking hurts
Did you ever really know
The word inside of you was changing
You will always find the time
To defend your lies so true
And those time you will
Ignore my times of need
You are forgiven
Still you make it clear
Not one thing that is happening to you
Always absorbed in the sights and
Always one step to the right
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
When your world starts to rearrange
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
When your world starts to change
When your world starts to rearrange
You will always find the words
To use my words against me
Are you powered by the line
Outline your heart so true
And though times you will
Ignore your times of
Need you are forgiven
See you make things
If not one thing that is
Happening to you
Always absorbed in the sights
And always one step to the right
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
When your world
Starts to turn and change
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
How does it feel to feel nothing
When your world starts to spin
When your world starts to rearrange
House of people that will confort you
When you come in from the cold
And all you see is growing older
Mindless people will stop and say
Deny all to win, when will we begin
Strange how this may seem tomorrow
Until we dig in
How much more will we wait
Strange how this may seem tomorrow
Until we dig in
How much more will we wait
How much more will we wait
And how much more will we wait
And how much more will we wait
And how much more will we wait
And its all strange
And its all strange
And its all strange
And its all strange, strange
And I said, how much more
Will we wait until we begin
Until we begin
How much more will we wait
Until we begin
How much more will we wait
Until we begin
How much more will we wait
Until we begin
How much more will we wait
Until we begin
Silent Setting The Nebulousness
Ebon Allurement A Hint For Fulfillment To Come
Tempting Seduction
And The Empress Whispers
"Rush O Son Of Drayen For Our Guest
Is Infinite
Fly The Night Has Fallen, Emerge In Dark
For Our Time Is Short (So Short)
Let The Wind Carry Thee On Thy Wings
To Find The Light (Nondivine)
Search The Blackrose Of Truth
Flovers Of Knowledge For Me To Come
I Run, I Crawl, I Haste, I Prowl
Crawl In Filth Son Of Skies
That Night (Oh) So Dark, The Glimmer
That Arches Over My Soul Where It Dies
Pouring The Blood Of The Winged Of Light
Inside My Heart Rages A Radiant Fire
So I Dance In Twilight
In The Dimlight Of Morningstar
Her Dark Eyes That Glares So Bright
insistent call, dominating, i feel the same, as a psycho
inner scars will kill you now
resistant hell, reflecting my sun, bleeding in nightmare
i am here just to kill you now
... for nothing!
hell, this is the world we are calling
this is the pain we proudly deserve hell!
hell! breeder, feeder, bastard
but if i were you i would do the same
elimination, supremacy, adore the sun but it's lost
i am here just to kill you now
I thought I'd shiver, I thought I'd weaken
When you asked me to meet up again
I was so sure that in one second
All my emotions would rush back in
You cut so deep I couldn't see myself
Moving on without you
I never thought I'd break free
I always thought you'd be part of me
And nothing could change that
I didn't dare to believe
That I'd recover you leaving me
And you couldn't change that
Over, I thought I would cry
Us being over but I'm more than alright
I never thought seeing you again
Would make me feel nothing, nothing, nothing
It feels so good to feel nothing, nothing, nothing
Did you imagine I'd be on fire
To feel you touch me and say my name?
To hear you saying you want to start over
I admit I thought I'd feel the same
I hate to break it to you now
I've moved on without you
I never thought I'd break free
I always thought you'd be part of me
And nothing could change that
I didn't dare to believe
That I'd recover you leaving me
And you couldn't change that
Over, I thought I would cry
Us being over but I'm more than alright
I never thought seeing you again
Would make me feel nothing, nothing, nothing
It feels so good to feel nothing, nothing, nothing
How can nothing feel so good?
How can nothing feel so right?
How can something be so completely gone
That was my whole life, oh?
I feel nothing at all, no
I feel nothing at all, no
I feel nothing at all, no
I've moved on without you
I feel nothing
I never thought I'd break free
I always thought you'd be part of me
And nothing could change that
I didn't dare to believe
That I'd recover you leaving me
And you couldn't change that
Over, I thought I would cry
Us being over but I'm more than alright
I never thought seeing you again
Would make me feel nothing, nothing, nothing
It feels so good to feel nothing, nothing, nothing
Nothing, nothing, nothing
There's a space in the world
Where you used to be
And it will never, never, never be filled
When death called your name
And it took you from me
You should never, never, never believe
That I could I go on alone
'Cause now that you are gone
I've got nothing but the rain
And I've got nothing but the grey
I've got nothing but the same old memories that we made
And there's nothing I can do
To keep my hold on you
And nothing will ever take your place
And nothing will be the same again
There's a hole in my heart
Where you used to be
And it will never never never be filled
And I don't know what they say
They are spirits set free
And you will never never never feel
The pain of this world but who are we
To ask you not to leave
When we've got nothing but the rain
We've got nothing but the grey
And we've got nothing but the same old memories that we made
And there's nothing we can do
To keep our hold on you
And nothing will ever take your place
And nothing will be the same again
I've got nothing but the rain
And I've got nothing but the grey
I've got nothing but the same old memories that we made
And there's nothing I can do
To keep my hold on you
And nothing will ever take your place
And nothing will be the same again
Oh oh x 4 pick you my love in this rain for your baby is like perfect and never done fly my sharring heart is in pieces for your baby i'm in completed and i'm need you here by my side baby i'm sorry , sometimes i get throw insecured every sick i'm thinking about you
[chorus] : over and over and over again , yeah now i know without you i'm nothing, nothing i shouldn't never ever let you go i'm nothing,nothing oh oh oh cause i sick baby without [you x8]
to get you back it's the mountain the climbs i can't win , i'm losing my mind don't say of running of time cause girl i'm saying goodbye believe i get lost my mind i'm going and seeing standing here, going out your name
Came to stand still
Reached the end
Is Nothing
To be found
Came all the way
To Find
I don't want to be a figment of your pleasure
I don't want to just be an object
To taunt your tentacles with
And you say you want nothing
And you say you want no responsibility
And, you say you want nothing
Well what is this? Is this nothing?
Well what is this? Is this much to you?
Well what is this? Is this nothing?
I think you know this is something
We talk at each other, we can not see beyond
I feel you're out to hurt me
But I hope that's not the truth
You've formed your world view I haven't really begun
I cant begin to comprehend your realm of pain
And you say you want nothing
And you say you want no responsibility
And, you say you want nothing
Well what is this? Is this nothing?
Well what is this? Is this much to you?
Well what is this? Is this nothing?
I think you know this is something dear to me
You wanted nothing, you wanted nothing
Information came about her
Suddenly I live without her
Turn my stereo up louder
I don't wanna hear about her
Took myself a small vacation
Kind of an investigation
Checking out a new sensation
Finding much invigoration
Hand is on the buzzer
And I'm walking through the door
Get high on a new thing
Get high on a new thing
Get high, high on a new thing
Everybody wants to find it
Just they're all so narrow minded
See a hill, they've got to climb it
May be pots of gold behind it
Worry, worry is your answer
If you like your wrinkles faster
Nursing old things make them last
The way we did it in the past
Everybody telling you
You ain't got no respect
Get high on a new thing
Get high on a new thing
Get high, high on a new thing
Suicide don't make it
'Cause you're lonely in the end
Get high on a new thing
Get high on a new thing
Get high, high, high
High on a new thing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
On a new thing
On a new thing
(Get high, get high, so high)
On a new thing
(So high, so high, let's get high)
On a new thing
(So high, so high, so high)
On a new thing
(So high, so high, so high)
On a new thing
(Let's get high)
If it was between us,
Then I'm still amused.
So let me go.
I've got more damage to do, on myself.
I'll just go.
There's nothing left to lose.
If it was the pressure,
Then I'm blowing up.
So let me go.
I've got more damage to do, on myself.
I'll just go.
There's nothing left to lose.
So let me go.
Let me go.
Let me go.
I've let you go.
Let me go.
I've got more dying to do, on myself.
I'll just go.
There's nothing left, for you.
Are you in a bad mood?
Don't you wanna talk about it?
Did I say somethin' rude?
You don't have to cry about it
Aren't you feelin' okay?
Would you like a little company?
Or did you have a bad day?
Are you mad at me? Well let it show
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
I don't wanna know
There's nothing I hate more than nothing
Nothing keeps me up at night
I toss and turn over nothing
Nothing could cause a great big fight
Hey, what's the matter?
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
Don't tell me nothing
Hey, what's the matter?
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
There's nothing I hate more than nothing
Nothing keeps me up at night
I toss and turn over nothing
Nothing could cause a great big fight
Hey, talk to me
Hey, talk to me
Are you feeling blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Are you feeling blue, blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
I don't want to know
I don't want to know
I don't want to know
I don't want to know nothing
I don't want to know nothing
I don't want to know nothing
Are you feeling blue, blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Hey, talk to me
Don't tell me nothing
What more can I sayTo keep you up
What more can I give
I can't give enough
What more can I beg
What more can I steal
To show you these things inside are real
I, I owe nothing
I'm, lacking something
And she'll never know the lengths I would go to change
I, I owe nothing, nothing to you
Too flat on my back
To make some kind of stand
Too tied up in chains
Tied by my own hands
I've got nothing to live for
Nothing good enough to die for
Nothing to hold my head up high
I, I owe nothing
I'm, lacking something
And she'll never know the lengths I would go to change
Too old to die, too young to stay alive.
Nothing matters yet I've got my whole life to regret,
just give me time and I'll let life pass me by
and I can close my eyes to opportunity,
to responsibility, to what I don't want to see.
I'll burn my bridges if I want to.
You can't tell me what to do cause I won't listen to you,
to anyone, to anything because I know nothing.
Twenty-four thousand dollars and four years down the drain
and I'm still working for a slave wage.
Oh yes, I know that I'm a worthless piece of shit,
that I should get off my ass and start making it.
But I'm lazy.
I'm a spoiled little brat with a silver spoon that I keep spitting back in your face.
I'm your little disgrace that you can smack back in to place
and treat me wrong because I know nothing.
How many times will you tell me that I know nothing?
Nothing comforts me.
Nothing comes from me and nothing is what will become of me.
Now you see.
Now you don't and it's better that way.
Damn, a junkie never had it so bad
Didn't know what I wanted
But I know what I had - something
I never stood a goddamn chance
Just another victim of your fucked-up circumstance
You barely even knew my name
But I don't think it's such a goddamned shame
'Cause I don't care about anything
I just know
I wanna go down
When I know that I'm nothing
I wanna go down
Hearing all of your lies
I wanna go down
Gotta move, gotta make it inside
Though I know I might as well die
I know you'll never give nothing to me
'Cause it's my own damn responsibility
You're a habit that's hard to break
Mental addiction is my disability
I never saw nothing that I want
'Til you and nothing is what I got
Sometimes I think I'll forget about you
Then I remember
I wanna go down
When I know that I'm nothing
I wanna go down
Hearing all of your lies
I wanna go down
Gotta move, gotta make it inside
Though I know I might as well die
When I know that I'm nothing
I wanna go down
When I know that I'm nothing
I wanna go down
Hearing all of your lies
I wanna go down
Gotta move, gotta make it inside
Forget, nothing
Regret, nothing
All this time in here, for something
Be it men, or be it cowards
I have fucked, this world for hours
No regrets and no mistakes,
I'll destroy everything you make
You'll bring me men, i'll send you back boys,
There's no way you can stop this noise
We are the dying forgotten ones
Your fucking family, your daughters your sons
We are the ones that you love to hate
The "Perfect" families that you create
So can you kill what you have never loved?
Pray to God, thank the start above?
Can you kill what you never loved?
Pray to God, thank the stars above
Don't pity us x2
Fuck you
Don't pity us x2
Join us
Don't pity us x2
I work hard every day, I, m sick of all the games I, m breaking away
Well I don't like this no, when I have nothing at all, with every thing no
With every thing you work for, with every thing no, when every thing is nothing oh
I'm wasting all my time, I fucked up in this lie I'm breaking(I'm breaking away)
Well I don't like this no, when I have nothing at all
With every thing no, when every thing you worked for, with every thing no,
When every thing is nothing oh
Well I don't like it here, it's too late to stay, save me from this hell
I live it every day,
Because I don't like it here, and it's to late to stay, save me from this hell
Or am I just a slave
I was up last night thinking
About what I had to say
And now ill try to tell you
I hope the words don't get in the way
I don't believe in destiny
Or a guiding hand of fate
I don't believe that good things come
To all of those who wait
I don't believe in heaven
I don't believe in hell
I don't believe we have a soul
That we can sell
In case you were wondering
In case you haven't heard
I think that faith is
Just a matter of words
I don't believe in love
It's just something that we do
I hope I haven't spoiled
This magic moment for you
I don't believe in life after death
I think we rot away
But who really wants to live
Forever anyway?
Taking away my everything
'Til all I have is nothing
I've done my soul searching
I've read the 'holy' book
And what happiness I couldn't buy
I took
I've tried so hard
I did all that I could do
I held on to what I had
'Til nothings left to hold on to
I've searched the heavens
For some kind of sign
Just looking for
Some peace of mind
I don't believe the meek
Will inherit the earth
I don't believe in much
For what its worth
I don't believe in answers
To all of your prayers
I don't believe
In a god who cares
All I know
Is all I see
This nothing that we have
drop that!tell me who
who are you?
I don't think that
I like you
maybe you
can follow me
I am one
you are three
what's your name
who are you?
tell me why
you are here
I don't even
like you near
I don't care
much for you
maybe now
you'll feel it too
you're so useless
I don't think that I like you
tell me now
what you'll be
there is nothing
more for me
I don't even
like you
maybe now
What am I missing?
Why haven't I cared?
My occupations are up in the air
My weakest nights spent forlorn for Lauraine
Writing the letter is always the same
Covered the spectrum
Now nothing is left
Headed for nothing with every descent
Thanks for the headaches
I'll take my repose
Pleasant discrepancies
Silly dispensities
Words that are spent on me end in calamity
All of the things you need set your trajectory
Nothing can stop them
So go on disparage me
I have my resolve
I don't know why I thought I could live this way
I knew what I didn't want
I never fit in
I don't agree
closing in closing down
it's your cross i cannot bear
play while you can forgiveness is to understand
i want to undermine you
i know what truth's beyond you
i want to redesign you
i know what lies behind you
wait and see don't expect too much from me
you're touching on nothing
touching nothing that is sacred to me
you're touching nothing
nothing that is sacred to me
losing touch losing heart
reflect on what you forced apart
far removed well deserved
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't be
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing
I might forget what city I'm in
Might have a mistress and a girlfriend
Girlfriend would find out and let me go
Then I'd be lost and end up alone
I'm just a wayward son of a preacher
You are a queen that's how I should treat you
Lessons in love, you are my teacher
My teacher you are
And I do it for love and I do it for good
'Cause you gave me your heart like I knew that you would
And you bring out the best and I hope that you know
So I gotta confess, listen
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't be
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't even have a answer
Would need a doctor so I can treat her like a cancer
Give me the medicine, I'mma put it through my arm slow
Listen to Whitney she singing where do broken hearts go
Do they go, do they go, where they go, baby?
Nobody knows where do the broken hearts go
Where do they go, do they go, where they go, baby?
Nobody knows
And I do it for love and I do it for good
'Cause you gave me your heart like I knew that you would
And you bring out the best and I hope that you know
So I gotta confess, listen
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't be
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing
I'd be nothing
I'd be just an empty shell looking for you
I'd be washed up on the shore
While the wind whips on me bay
And if you could understand
I would be just half a man
Without you I would be nothing
Without you
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
Without you I'd be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't be
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing
I wouldn't be nothing at all
I wouldn't be nothing, I wouldn't be
I wouldn't be nothing at all
Cut it off - a rush of piss to your head
Give it up - a lifestyle of me first
Fuck your quest for excess wealth
Life's a bitch and then you die
There's hardly a point to be seen
That's no way make it worthwhile
We move from nothing to nothing
No reason to grip so tight
Dead men carry no possessions
No reason for your fright
We move from nothing to nothing
No reason to grip so tight
Transforming from nothing to nothing
Nothing lost, nothing gained
It's just a ride
Throw up - clean the inside of your head
Drop out - set your priorities straight
Enough sex and drugs for everyone
Equal opportunities for hedonism
Ninety percent of all work is useless
I'd rather enjoy myself while I can
We'll repeat this for hundreds of years
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!
We'll repeat this for hundreds of years
Reopening wound
To see what's left
Too much sorrow
Too much regret
All that remains
Now i can see
All that remains
Now i clearly see
There's nothing left
Thought you were
Thought you were
It all has gone away
Are you in a bad mood?
Don't you wanna talk about it?
Did I say somethin' rude?
You don't have to cry about it
Aren't you feelin' okay?
Would you like a little company?
Or did you have a bad day?
Are you mad at me? Well let it show
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
I don't wanna know
There's nothing I hate more than nothing
Nothing keeps me up at night
I toss and turn over nothing
Nothing could cause a great big fight
Hey, what's the matter?
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
Don't tell me nothing
Hey, what's the matter?
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
There's nothing I hate more than nothing
Nothing keeps me up at night
I toss and turn over nothing
Nothing could cause a great big fight
Hey, talk to me
Hey, talk to me
Are you feeling blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Are you feeling blue, blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
Don't tell me nothing
I don't want to know
I don't want to know
I don't want to know
I don't want to know nothing
I don't want to know nothing
I don't want to know nothing
Are you feeling blue, blue, blue
Hey, talk to me
Hey, talk to me
Don't tell me nothing
there is nothing
where i were
I've come to feel so not here
prone in ashes
can't bring myself to be
i've lost belief in reality
'cause i can't be
when all i held dear,
that was holding me here
is torn away
i dared to trust
is falling to dust
just leaving me
i am nothing
with nothing left
to lose, a lifetime to regret
hell, if i'm to lie here alone
shattered and torn
i might as well
go forth and unchain hell
'cause i can't be...
we are brought down by the smallest things
the grains within we can't be without
they rest in silence we rely upon
and broken are our doom
'cause i can't be...
the only thing
i dared to trust
is falling to dust
I feel nothing
That's why I sing this song
I feel nothing
Nothing all day long
I live in a city
I was born in one too
I live in a city
What else can I do
I work in an office
Everyone looks the same
I work in an office
Sitting target
Sitting waiting
Is full of surprises
It advertises
What am I trying to do
What am I trying to say
I'm not trying to tell you anything
You didn't know
When you woke up today
Sitting target
Sitting praying
God is saying
Knows the prospects
Learn to expect
walking alone along the streets
whispering my own silent words
reaching out for one hope to the birds
nothing is what you've heard
I'll be dead by the time you've finally found out
it's you that my whispers are all about
but i still have my douts
your standing there upon the bright beacon watching you
infront of the sun
my voice cannot be heard from you
just the stereotype and personallity is present
my heart of what you've bent
this unwanted denied message that i have sent
you've left your last dent
but i still walk where you've went
walking here along the streets i can still smell your
i know you were here
i stop and place my hand on my chest
taunting your last move