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Bogotá - Criolo
Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places to Visit: Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo del Oro...
El Bronx al desnudo: La caldera del diablo (Bogotá) - Parte 1
La Peligrosa banda de ladrones en bogota-colombia (los chinches)
Madrileños por el mundo: Bogotá
Bogotá, infinitas posibilidades
Back Alley Nurseries: Sex Workers of Bogotá
Impresionante Videos de la fuerte #Granizada en Bogotá | Marzo/22/2015
Foo Fighters Live in Bogotá Full Concert (Multicam) 720p
Impactantes imágenes muestran cómo operan bandas en centro de Bogotá - 11 de Marzo de 2015
La Candelaria in Bogota | Let's Roam Colombia with Avianca
Bogotá: Improving Civic Behavior - Cities on Speed - Documentary - Antanas Mockus - Enrique Pëñalosa
Actors Jorge A. Jimenez (actor), Eryn Brooke (actress), James LaMarr (producer), Phillip Guzman (actor), Phillip Guzman (producer), Phillip Guzman (director), Phillip Guzman (writer), Denton Blane Everett (actor), Philip Roy (editor), Philip Roy (actor), Philip Roy (producer), Jason Riley Hoss (actor), Jason Riley Hoss (producer), Jason Riley Hoss (producer), Luis Caldeira (actor),
Listen to Meek Mill's first single "I Don't Know" featuring Paloma Ford! Download on iTunes now! "Dreams Worth More Than Money," coming soon! Buy "I Don't Know"
Faixa do álbum "Nó na Orelha", de 2011.
Despite Colombia's violent history, modern Bogota is energetic, artistic and wonderfully chaotic. Subscribe Check out our webs...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country. Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers. Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers. Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife. Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide. The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day. Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations: Climate Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F) Altitude 2,640 meters above sea level Location Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts. Airport El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport. Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor. Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas. How to get there? By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá. Inter-city transportation Transmilenio: (buses on exclusive lanes) costs $1,400 Colombian pesos (about US$0.80) Ordinary buses: tickets are $1,100 Colombian pesos (about US$0.60) Public and tourist taxi phone numbers: Radio Taxi: + 57 (1) 288-8888 Taxi Real: + 57 (1) 333-3333 Taxi Estrella: + 57 (1) 212-1212 Taxi Elite: + 57 (1) 222-2222 Taxis Libres: + 57 (1) 311-1111 Taxi Express: + 57 (1) 411-1111 Sígueme en Twitter @FelipeAcevedom para más info. Video acerca de lo que se puede hacer en Bogotá. Bogotá vista por turistas.
Entrevista a un habitante de la calle del Bronx más conocida como la "L" en la ciudad de Bogotá que cuenta cómo es la vida en este enigmático lugar. Cuenta l...
Tras cuatro meses de seguimiento, la Policía logró capturar a 16 miembros de la banda. En las últimas horas, la Policía logró desmantelar una banda de atracadores que operaba en el centro de Bogotá. Los delincuentes, quienes se hacían llamar ‘los chinches’, aprovechaban las aglomeraciones de personas para cometer sus hurtos. Ubicados en esquinas o caminando entre la multitud, los criminales se dividían en dos grupos, los señaladores y quienes cometían el ilícito. Es así como varias mujeres identificaban a las víctimas y daban a aviso a sus compañeros, quienes con puñal en mano despojaban a los transeúntes de sus pertenencias mientras las mismas mujeres vigilaban que la Policía no estuviera cerca. Gracias al análisis de videos de cámaras de seguridad, la Policía pudo identificar cómo operaban los hombres y logró desmantelar la banda, responsable de decenas de hurtos a personas y comerciantes en el centro de la capital. Los capturados, acusados de los delitos de hurto agravado y concierto para delinquir, podrían enfrentar una pena de hasta 10 años de cárcel. Vea en el video relacionado cómo operaba la banda criminal y cómo fue capturada.
Vídeos y todos los programas en La capital colombiana se ha convertido en una ciudad de oportunidades para los madrileños, y es que el país está pasando por una fase de bonanza económica en los últimos años. Si a eso le unimos el carácter abierto de sus gentes y la influencia caribeña, encontramos un gran destino para visitar, invertir... y vivir. Con nuestra primera madrileña, Paloma, presentadora del emblemático programa de la televisión pública 'Panorama', tomamos el pulso al centro de la ciudad. Mercadillos, los teléfonos por minutos, puestos de fruta, chamanes... Visitamos el convento de Santa Clara, del siglo XVII y el palacio de San Carlos, que fue residencia de Simón Bolívar. De hecho, por primera vez una cámara entra en la que fue la habitación del libertador. Con Juan Antonio quedamos en El Chorro de Quevedo, el primer asentamiento español en este territorio. Pasamos por el estrecho y bonito callejón del Embudo, un lugar muy pintoresco y turístico. Ya en el centro, charlamos con los "esmeralderos", un gremio alegal que se dedica a la venta de esmeraldas y joyas en plena calle Y es que el 55% de las esmeraldas que se producen en el mundo son colombianas. Entramos en el museo Botero y nos desplazamos al pueblo de Zipaquirá, cuyo subsuelo está repleto de minas de sal. El emblemático santuario de Montserrate es el lugar donde quedamos con Eva. Es un lugar de peregrinación cada domingo, donde se mezcla quien viene por motivos religiosos y quien viene por puro ocio. Aquí notamos el llamado "mal de altura", y es que nos encontramos a 3.000 metros de altitud. Al norte nos adentramos en el parque de El Chicó, en una de las zonas más exclusivas de las ciudad, y conocemos el Museo del Oro, que guarda la mayor colección de orfebrería prehispánica del mundo. Y qué mejor que acabar la noche rumbeando en el Gaira Café, propiedad del cantante Carlos Vives y su hermano Guillermo. Mª Eugenia nos enseña la plaza de Bolívar, el "kilómetro 0" de Bogotá, donde se encuentran algunos edificios oficiales y la catedral. La Candelaria, el barrio colonial del centro, contrasta con los grandes edificios modernos y la zona más exclusiva de la ciudad, donde se encuentra la conocida peluquería D Norberto o el restaurante Andrés Carne de Res, un local de cinco pisos en el que trabajan más 2.000 empleados.
La capital colombiana estrena su nuevo video promocional, 'Bogotá, infinitas posibilidades', que será la carta de presentación de la ciudad ante el mundo. En...
Subscribe to VICE News here: In a corner of Santa Fe, one of Bogotá's seedier neighborhoods, a woman named Luz Marina ru...
Inundaciones, vías colapsadas, algunos daños al interior de viviendas, así como la caída postes y árboles fueron las consecuencias de las lluvias sectorizadas, con granizo en otras zonas de la ciudad. El sur de Bogotá fue una de las zonas más afectadas, de hecho, allí el granizo alcanzó más de 60 centímetros de altura. Segun Javier Pava,director del Idiger,actualmente se encuentran coordinando la atención de los sectores afectados por las fuertes lluvias. "El barrio La Fragua es el mas afectado con la granizada. Por fortuna no hubo víctimas. Solo daños materiales". Uno de los hechos más relevantes se presentó en la calle 1c con 91 donde un techo de un parqueadero colisionó, dejando atrapados a cuatro adultos y tres menores de edad que gracias a labor de los bomberos fueron rescatados sin reportar heridas. De la misma forma los bomberos atienden otra emergencia en la carrera 22A con 1, en el barrio La Fraguita, donde el techo de una vivienda cayó sin dejar vícitimas hasta el momento. De momento las autoridades atienden inundaciones en el Centro Histórico, Restrepo y San Cristóbal, donde, según información del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Bogotá, habitantes reportaron encharcamientos en la vía de más de 15 centímetro
Este vídeo concierto es un producto de fans para fans. No venda este concierto por favor, compártalo gratuitamente The following DVD is a fan made. Do not sell this DVD, please share it for free. Setlist: Somenthing From Nothing 0:00 The Pretender 6:44 Learn To Fly 14:28 Breakout 18:48 My Hero 25:43 Big Me 41:32 Congregation 44:02 Walk 49:00 (Dave presenta a los miembros de la banda) 54:00 Cold Day in the Sun 1:00:45 In The Clear 1:04:43 Arlandria 1:08:33 Monkey Wrench 1:14:26 Skin and Bones (Acoustic) 1:30:14 Wheels (Acoustic) 1:37:13 Times Like These 1:43:36 Detroit Rock City (KISS cover) 1:49:10 Tom Sawyer (Rush cover) 1:53:27 Let There Be Rock (AC/DC cover) 1:58:07 Under Pressure (Queen & David Bowie cover) 2:05:53 All My Life 2:10:20 Best of You 2:17:00 Everlong 2:26:59 Descarga: Torrent: Producción y edición: Freddy Pinilla Foo Fighters Colombia: Créditos al final del concierto. Miles de gracias a todos los que colaboraron para la realización de este proyecto.
Padres de familia, estudiantes y extranjeros eran las víctimas de Los Guacharacos, Viernes 13 y Los Chinches que robaban en la Avenida Circunvalación. Visita: para mayor información Más noticias en nuestro canal de Youtube:
Sunday in Bogota is a day of relaxation and the perfect place to do it is the colorful neighborhood of La Candelaria. It's the oldest neighborhood in Bogota,...
Bogotá Change, directed by Andreas Dalsgaard, is the unique and surprising story of two mayors, Antanas Mockus and Enrique Peñalosa, who have changed behavio...
Esto es lo que sucede cuando intentan robar a un comerciante en el CC EL RING, se ven los 4 ladrones (mujer que se lleva un teléfono para hacer salir al dueñ...
Com direção de Paula Lavigne e Fernando Young, o espetáculo traz as músicas de seu disco "Nó na Orelha" FAIXAS: 01 Mariô -
Bogota vista desde el aire por CityBlink.
No pequemos de ignorantes, el vídeo no es un montaje, ni está pintado, es casi imposible. Leamos: PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES: * ¿A Color? ¿En 1946? ¿Cómo es posibl...
Aquí les traigo otro video después de tiempo sin subir pero bueno aquí esta y muestra como se verá bogota en 10 años.
Música ?Bogotá?, material bônus do Ensaio com o rapper Criolo.
Tercer Aniversario GRINGO TUESDAYS - "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE" Mira el video promo aqui! El Intercambio Cultur...
Más noticias: Para algunos, este barrio es una puerta al infierno, el centro de vicios y tráfico de drogas y armas. SUSCRIBETE!: http:/...
In this travel video from Bogota, I travel to Bogota, Colombia's bustling capital city, which is one of the best places to explore Colombian culture for the ...
This is a travel guide for people who wish to travel to Bogotá, Colombia. On this site you can find, where to stay, what to see, where to eat and a number of places and attractions for any reason you can spend time in the "South American Athens." The most complete information that a smart traveler you want about Bogotá, is here. If you want to know the capital of Colombia, do so through its food, its people, its music, its traditions. Enjoy the warmth of its inhabitants, let serve and return anytime. We selected 22 of the most important places to go in Bogota not just touristic places of the City, the best bets for you. Thank you for enjoying them and continue to be our VIP guest at this unique Bogotá. Remember, this is the tour guide tour of our Capital. Where to go in Bogota: Try our Selected tourism plans in Bogota and the best Romantic plans in Bogota. Become our guest and walk in and discover some of the most important and magical places to go in Bogota.
know the downtown of bogota and its history also, what you can do there this is my first video, clik on link if you want to see it
Colombia Travel Guide, Colombia Tours, Colombia Tourism Colombia Vacation HD World Travel
Vacations in Colombia: Where to go? Colombia is a modern nation, with an infrastructure that takes advantage of its natural resources and human capital. Thanks to its privileged location on the continent, all the environments of the tropics are present: glaciers, beaches, plains, rainforests, and deserts. In addition, Colombian will show a perfect blending of three cultures - Indian, European, and African. Different choices all around that will make you enjoy your holidays. It is difficult to decide from among the many destinations Colombia has to offer. Yet whatever the decision, adventure will not be missed on your vacations. For adventure holidays: Amazon Jungle. With the largest tropical rainforest and the most copious river in the world, the Amazonas Jungle we share with our neighbors is another of Colombia’s top vacation destination. The Colombian Pacific. With a yearly rainfall above 10,000 cm³, the 1,300 km long Pacific Coast of Colombia is one of the most humid regions on the planet, where Humpback whale sightseeing is the main tourist activity. Providencia and Santa Catalina are the most romantic vacation destinations in Colombia, surrounded by an intense sea which captivates tourist.
Colombia Destination Guide Bound by both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the equatorial South American country of Colombia has had a turbulent recent history with its natural beauty and archaeological sites overshadowed by the prevalence of violence stemming from cocaine trafficking and civil conflict. The diverse landscape offers a variety of climates and experiences ranging from Amazon jungles to sun-soaked beaches and modern cities to ancient ruins. While some areas of Colombia are still considered too dangerous for tourists to venture to, if you stick to the urban cities such as Bogota and Medellin and provincial capitals, while taking precautions and adhering to common sense, the country is relatively safe. If in doubt, be sure to check the current government warnings for any developments. Warnings aside, there's much to enjoy in the country that brought salsa, cumbia, Shakira and Gabriel Garcia Marquez to the world. The terrain itself traverses coastal beaches, the alpine Andes, central highlands and flat plains. The Spanish-speaking country became independent from Spain in the 1800s and this colonial legacy can be seen in the well-preserved architecture of Cartagena and Villa de Leyva. Visiting pre-Columbian ruins in Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) brings to mind swashbuckling scenes from an Indiana Jones movie -- machete optional! Colombia is also blessed with abundant natural attributes from the snow-capped peaks and glacial lakes of Parque Nacional de Cocuy to the sandy stretches of beach and deep bays of Parque Nacional Tayrona on the Caribbean coast. Adrenalin junkies not sated by the three-day hike to Ciudad Perdida can enjoy heart-pumping action in San Gil -- the adventure capital of Colombia - with rafting, abseiling and rock climbing among the activities on offer. To savour the true essence of Colombia, sample the local cuisine and abundance of tropical fruits. Empanadas are a popular dish of meat and potatoes wrapped in a pastry pouch. With coffee and sugar plantations a major part of the country's primary industries, Colombians are unsurprisingly renowned for having a sweet tooth. Locals like to indulge in desserts such as the milk-based arequipe, and drink their coffee black. Each South American country has its own regional music and dance style and for Colombia that's salsa and cumbia. For a taste of Columbia's renowned nightlife, head to Bogota or Cali, known as the salsa capital of South America. Don't be intimidated by the tricky step changes, locals are more than happy to teach you. For a Latin American destination with a difference, Colombia has all the moves.
Bogotá Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country. Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers. Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers. Bogota: culture and nightlife merged as one. Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife. Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide. The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day. Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations: Climate Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F) Altitude 2,640 meters above sea level Location Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts. Airport El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport. Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor. Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas. How to get there? By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá. No olviden suscribirse
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849 El mejor servicio de serenatas romanticas solista tipo pop en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
Bogotá Travel Guide - Bogotá's sheer size and (outdated) violent reputation are intimidating for visitors, but the city opens up to the savvy traveler with i...
Vive la candelaria con el tour de mitos y leyendas en la candelaria Comunicate a nuestros telefonos (1) 753 9777 - 310 341 9849
Guide Best Places to Visit in Bogotá Colombia monserrate teleferico precio cerro de monserrate tarifas He creado este vídeo con el Editor de vídeo de YouTube (
nota del canal capital hecha sobre fantasmas. incluido en el tour de mitos y leyendas de Bogota Travel Guide. llamanos (571) 7539777 Las noches románticas en Bogotá son la mejor manera de compartir celebraciones especiales en pareja como el cumpleaños, una reco...
Public transit system and car rentals Taxi: a good and inexpensive way to get around For safety reasons, avoid hailing a taxi in the street, especially at ni...
Public transit system and car rentals Taxi: a good and inexpensive way to get around For safety reasons, avoid hailing a taxi in the street, especially at night. It is always better to ask for one in your hotel or by calling a taxi company. Inside the car, you will always see an ID for the car and for the driver, as well as a pricing chart that indicates the price in pesos ($) according to the meter. Taxis only accept cash. Trips to and from the airport, outside the city boundaries, at night and on holidays have an added fee. Note that it is harder to get a taxi during rush hour (7 to 9am and 5 to 8pm). If you plan to take a taxi during those times it is best to call early. Taxi companies in Bogotá and phone numbers Radio Taxi: +57 (1) 288 8888 Taxi Real: +57 (1) 333 3333 Taxi Estrella: +57 (1) 212 1212 Taxatélite: +57 (1) 222 2222 Taxis Libres: +57 (1) 311 1111 Taxi Express: +57 (1) 411 1111 Transmilenio: A practical public transit option These are the articulated red buses that run through the city that are made from two buses united by a pivotal joint. The are stations located approximately every 500 meters along the routes. A one-way trip costs $1,700 pesos (US$1) which includes transfer onto connecting buses (green buses that go to neighborhoods that don't have Transmilenio service yet). To find a route map visit: Ciclovía On Sundays and holidays from 7am to 2pm, 121 km of the city's main roads become Ciclovías which are reserved for cyclists, rollerbladers and pedestrians. The program has been a model in South America, and it allows close to one million people to spend time outside and be active each week. Ciclorutas Bogotá has a large network of bike paths (ciclorutas). The more than 344 km practically cover the entire city. Travel the streets in a fun, safe and health promoting way. During certain times of day, it is even faster to travel by bike than any other way.
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
El mejor servicio de serenatas en Bogotá, para mas información llamanos 315 3054 o al cel 310 341 9849
BOGOTA, Colombia, March 28, 2015 /CNW/ -- Ecopetrol S. A. (NYSE: EC; BVC: ECOPETROL; TSX:
Stockhouse 2015-03-28JIM TOMLINTampa Bay Times ... pm ... No. 27 Honda ... Age: ... No ... Age: ... Bogota, Colombia ... Bogota, Colombia ... Bogota, Colombia ... Bogota, Colombia. 2015-03-27BOGOTA, Colombia — A lawyer for a fugitive Colombian millionaire at the center of the South American ...
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-03-27BOGOTA, Colombia, March 26, 2015 /CNW/ -- Ecopetrol S. A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC; TSX: ... Simon Gaviria).
Stockhouse 2015-03-27BOGOTA, Colombia, March 26, 2015 /CNW/ -- Ecopetrol S. A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC; TSX:
Stockhouse 2015-03-27BOGOTA. , Colombia, March 26, 2015 /CNW/ -- Ecopetrol S. A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC; TSX:
Stockhouse 2015-03-27(Source: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Colombia ) Bogota DC, March 24, 2015- ... / IVM ... gov. co ... :22
noodls 2015-03-27BOGOTA, Colombia, March 26, 2015 /CNW/ -- Ecopetrol S. A. (NYSE: EC; BVC: ECOPETROL; TSX: ... 1 ... of Article 27) ... 2.
Stockhouse 2015-03-27(Source: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Colombia ) Bogota D. C ... The variation of 0.8 ... million ... co.
noodls 2015-03-27Penalosa, former mayor of the highland city of Bogota, Colombia noted is that a city is made for people not for cars ... ) ... ).
Sun Star 2015-03-27I told the Comandante that yesterday, when the Russian delegation was in Bogota holding talks in the ...
noodls 2015-03-27The evening’s bill of goods featured Juan Cortes, a Bogota-based artist, who was to access the ...
The Daily Beast 2015-03-27Morena: ... Luis: ... Alejandra: ... Morena: ... On our first day of shooting we went to do a "pagamento" in a mountain top near Bogota.
Huffington Post 2015-03-27Bogotá, Distrito Capital (Spanish pronunciation: [boɣoˈta] ( listen)), from 1991 to 2000 called Santafé de Bogotá, is the capital, and largest city, of Colombia. It is also designated by the national constitution as the capital of the department of Cundinamarca, even though the city of Bogotá now comprises an independent Capital district and no longer belongs administratively to that department. Bogotá is the most populous city in the country, with 7.363.782 inhabitants as of 2010. Bogotá and its metropolitan area, which includes municipalities such as Chía, Cota, Soacha, Cajicá and La Calera, had a population of 7,881,156 in 2005.
In terms of land area, Bogotá is the largest city in Colombia, and one of the biggest of Latin America. It figures amongst the thirty largest cities of the world and it is the third-highest capital city in South America (after La Paz and Quito) at 2,625 metres (8,612 ft) above sea level. With its many universities and libraries, Bogotá has become known as "The Athens of South America". Bogotá owns the largest moorland of the world, which is located in the Sumapaz Locality. The city ranked 54th in the 2010 Global Cities Index and is listed as global city of the Beta+ kind by the GaWC.
Bogota talk, Bogota walk
It's a Bogota blizzard on my Bogota block
Bogota white rims with a Bogota bitch
White Bogota diamonds I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
I'm Bogota rich
[Verse 1]
This Bogota slingin', blingin' like diamond ring
I cut the tape and do my thing
Gim'me the paper, keep the fame
I'm off the leash, you keep the cage
I ain't playin' keep the games
I'm the beast they couldn't tame
The one the witness couldn't name
I'm the bird they couldn't blame
Smokin' citrus in my chain
Choppin' Christmas with my blade
While my bitches entertain
I got vicious in my veins
I got hate all in my heart
I got revenge all in my brain
Now you just heard a killa start
Snatch a bitch and pull her brain
Smack her ass and roll away
I just give that bitch a look ain't gotta tell that hoe behave
When she actin' like a dog
I'mma treat her like a stray
Rent her mouth for an hour
But I keep it for a day. EH!
Bogota talk, Bogota walk
It's a Bogota blizzard on my Bogota block
Bogota white rims with a Bogota bitch
White Bogota diamonds I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
I'm Bogota rich
[Verse 2]
I got the gun they call the Escabar
Yams in the restaurant
Beef on the fork got burnt, cooked extra-hot
Carry city Columbia
Put a hundred in one in ya
Sticks on the carpet, crib lookin' like Columbi-yard
White Pablo cocaine
Wait out in Spokane
Fuck I look like, listening to these poor lames
I drive some shit that'll take up like four lanes
This MMG piece, gotta lift this with four cranes
I grip on my old grain
And toke on this dope green
My bitches is supreme, and this ain't no new thing
This pits ain't gone curb, but you pussies gone purr
Hold up
That ain't that clean and this package burnt
Hold up
Bogota talk, Bogota walk
It's a Bogota blizzard on my Bogota block
Bogota white rims with a Bogota bitch
White Bogota diamonds I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
I'm Bogota rich
B O G O T A, B O G O T A
B O G O T A, B O G O T A