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My name is Claire and this is my video answering the question, "How does mass media influence society?".
Music: Beautiful Love- The Afters, All Around Me- Flyleaf, Already Over-RED, Diary of Jane- Breaking Benjamin, Stop and Stare- One Republic, Faces- Scary Kid...
This is a video on the psychology of propaganda. Prof. Kroth reviews five major techniques for how American mass media manipulates and twists the view Americ...
The behind the scenes machinations of big money and politics are so well hidden from most of the population, that if people actually knew how things were rea...
This was part of a presentation for a visual language and culture class. It was meant to supplement a presentation on the evolution of mass media. (Fueled by...
"Witty", "erudite", "infinitely charming", "insightful" and "educational" are just some of the many critical plaudits that haven't been garnered by this vide...
Documentary exposing the deceit in the Media, and how you are manipulated, deceived and fooled around with, to shape and control you and make you believe what they want you to. "I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30 years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the images and sounds of their television. Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your mind is being shaped and molded." -Hal Becker, Futures Group think-tank veteran "These individuals, they do go back a long way and they have understood completely your psyche, they've had generations, centuries to study it. Their type of sorcery involves different kinds of techniques but it's still the same effect: Tele-Hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthesia, Embedding, new names, new terms for a very old, well-known practice to get you into group-think, into subservience, to get you to embody dialectical divisions of which there is no end in our society, to fashion your allegiances for you, to implant associations that your mind might not normally associate, to purvey escapism, rampant escapism and projection of fantasy into reality, to inflate false personas so you don't have to be you, you can live it out through the person on the screen, and the excessive eroticization especially of the female." -Michael Tsarion, "The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media" Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003 ______________________________________________________________ LICENSE INFORMATION & DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS: Video contains Creative Commons / Public Domain footage & audio and can be freely distributed for private, public & commercial uses as long credits to the creator is given along with proper license attributions. Under CC (BY) License. It was created using a Creative Commons (BY) License, and per license terms which states "Creative Commons with Attribution (by): Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these." Original Source video found at:;=source_video Proper credits given: "Documentary on how the media lies to manipulate us - YouTube-1.MP4" by Proconstitutioner1 Creative Commons Attributions page: Above is all needed details for distribution of this video, including the source, which is YouTube. The videos in YouTube's Creative Commons library are in the CC BY license, which means they can be freely redistributed for commercial purposes as long credit is given - something I have done, again see info above and the rest of this info provided. Here is a link to YouTube's license and info terms for Creative Commons CC BY videos: Here is a more in-depth link to what can and can not be done with a CC BY License: As stated in above link below paragraph 1.1 "Combinations" (, a CC BY license means: "For example, the Creative Commons Attribution (BY) license allows one to share and remix (create derivative works), even for commercial use, so long as attribution is given." Thus there is no further details or documentation to provide, since a CC BY License which my video falls under, already and automatically includes rights for Redistribution & Commercial Use. Category: Education License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
20 minutowy filmik prezentujący walkę JKM z medialną rzeczywistością. To jest mój pierwszy filmik. Za wszelkie błędy przepraszam. Nie chciałem, żeby filmik b...
20 minutowy filmik prezentujący walkę JKM z medialną rzeczywistością. To jest mój pierwszy filmik. Za wszelkie błędy przepraszam. Nie chciałem, żeby filmik b...
Abby Martin goes over the 6 corporations (Since this episode was aired in 2013) that control nearly everything in the mainstream media, and discusses a few o...
The full video of one of Chomsky's best speeches on how the media works. Date - March 15, 1989 Son pocos los contenidos de gran difusión mediática que realmente proporcionen información fidedigna del curso de los acontecimientos que afectan al planeta, los gran medios están controlados por una élite de poder que pretende conducirnos hacia un estado de esclavitud conceptual, intelectual y espiritual. David Parcerisa analiza esta vez, hasta qué punto es peligroso dejarse llevar demasiado al pie de la letra por todo aquello que se presenta como opción informativa en TV. Salvo algunas honrosas excepciones, los grandes medios constituyen un arnés para nuestro sentido común, nos tratan como a niños de 5 años, y encima se ríen en nuestra cara mientras dirigen nuestras energías sutiles hacia donde ellos quieren...
Interview with Noam Chomsky on May 22, 2012, at M.I.T. Cambridge, MA conducted by Chris Steele (Filmed/Edited by Dan Banta and Trenton Cotten, translated by ...
Doug discusses the use of television as a tool for psychological manipulation. He talks about the idea that TV and mass media not only shapes and influences ...
In this video we can see some bad and good thing that mass media is doing with our lives.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How do you envision someone from the Middle East? Bassam would like to show you how the media you're exposed to is affecting your perception of, well, everything. And maybe not in a beneficial way. Hear Bassam share his idea on how we can change the way we interact with our media and each other in a way that allows for far more "truth" to be present. Bassam was born in Egypt, lived in France and England as a child, and immigrated to the US at age 13 as a foreign student. He attended the University of Utah where he completed three degrees in Computer Science as well as an MBA. He started his professional career at a young age, programming professionally at 15, completing his first Master’s degree at 21, and awarded his first patent at 28. Bassam is currently Chief Business Officer at publicly-traded software company inContact where he leads the company’s customer and enterprise operations. During his 4-year tenure with the company, its market capitalization has grown from under $100 million to nearly $600 million. Prior to inContact, Bassam was with many leading-edge technology companies such as Omniture (acquired by Adobe), Siebel Systems (acquired by Oracle), IBM, and Phillips Electronics. Bassam is passionate about helping and mentoring others and sits on a number of civic, non- profit, and start-up technology boards. He feels grateful to be able to call Park City, Utah his adopted hometown but enjoys international travel. Bassam writes frequently on both his personal blog and industry journals covering a broad range of topics from self-improvement to personal finance to business management. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Full Report here Leftist gatekeepers ignore the architects of the lies and instead blame big oil. It fits their anti corporate world view. It does not fit the evidence though. 911 was wrongly associated to Iraq, The second invasion on Iraq in 2003 was based on a number of deceptions. They were accused of producing Weapons of Mass Destruction. Notably there were accusations of having : 1 Chemical weapons hidden under Saddam's palaces, (William Safire NYT) 2 Biological weapons in mobile weapon labs inside trucks, which had anthrax. (Judith Miller, Lewis Libby, Colin Powell) 3 Nuclear weapon's materiel purchased from Niger (Michael Ledeen, Condi Rice) Then they were accused of meeting in Prague with and passing anthrax to Al Qaeda who was in turn accused of attacking the US with anthrax inside letters. (Israeli security, Fred Barns, Gary Schmitt) 1 So there weren't any chemical weapons under Saddam's palaces 2 There were no mobile trucks and Iraq didn't have anthrax 3 Iraq Never bought yellow-cake uranium from Niger or the Congo. 4 There was no meeting with Al Qaeda thus its also impossible to transfer anthrax at a meeting that never took place especially as it turns out neither party had anthrax to give or take. Without Israel lying about anthrax, Colin Powell does not go to the UN with a mock vile of anthrax and there is no Iraq War.
Marek Piekarczyk,Andrzej Nowak,Antoni Degutis,Paweł Mąciwoda,Dwane Cleavland.
This video, produced in collaboration with the World Bank Institute, uses animation as an innovative learning medium designed to present in an engaging forma...
Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal...
"Voices from the Archive" lecture by Noam Chomsky, March 15, 1989 - "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" - Part 2 - Recorded at t...
En kort genomgång kring grunderna i vad massmedia och masskommunikation är.
Watch TRUTH TALK NEWS LIVE "Where truth the media ignores is the top story! Weeknights 7pm EST Subscribe and share: http...
In the event that this video is temporarily not available through Google Video, you may access the program through this weblink:
Conferința "Fericire versus Divertisment în epoca Mass-Media", susținută la Constanța de biofizicianul Virgiliu Gheorghe - 8 mai 2014.
FRIDAY NIGHT TRUTH VAULT look back to a June 9, 2012 TRUTH TALK NEWS broadcast discussing COINTELPRO infiltration of the truth movement, P.R.O.M.I.S, Michael...
Un documentar în care ni se prezintă cât de uşor se lasă oamenii manipulaţi, aşteptând să li se spună de aşa-zişii experţi cum să gândească, ce să mănânce, c...
A feature on the Mass Media in the UK study abroad program at Michigan State University.
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The American political system has entered a new period of high-tech politics in which the behavior of citizens and policymakers, as well as the political age...
Khutba given by Sheihk Khalid Yasin about the Quran as an instrument of Mass Media.
Have you fallen for it?
Cafè teologico del 15/02/13 a Città di Castello presso LA CANTINA DEL SEMINARIO tema: I Mass Media corrompono? relatrice: Annalisa Colzi.
Conferința „Fericire versus divertisment în epoca mass-media" susținută de Virgiliu Gheorghe în cadrul conferințelor ASCOR Iași.
The Full Blog Post With Downloads Can Be Found On My SEO Training Blog: Why Not Join In My Free SEO Sunday Webinar Series, Recorded every Sunday Evening 9pm EDT (New York Time), Register once and get access to all the free seo webinars and replays here Get Free Commando SEO Software Tools at Follow Me On: My Blog About Internet Marketing & SEO The Maverick SEO Show Podcast on iTunes: Twitter Google+ Without the custom url it is: Why Not Join In The SEO Strategy Discussions in Facebook Facebook Fanpage For Latest SEO News & Updates SEO Training Videos & Search Engine Optimization Tips Finally, An Affordable Premium Press Release Service! The Ultimate Web 2.0 SEO & Syndication Tools & Strategies The Fastest Ranking Video SEO Software On The Planet Talk soon, -Tony
Independent and alternative historian, Mike King (Michael S King), is Scott's returning guest this program on Far Out Radio. Support ...
You can purchase my book here: Chatroom: Call in Phone # (209) 647-1600 Participant Code: 666219 Push * 6 on your keypad if you would like to speak Call in through Skype" Add Skype ID: freeconferencecallhd.2096471600 Participant Code: 666219 Push * 6 on your keypad to speak The greatest means of control is not actualized through military might, physical subjugation, or brute force. The greatest means of control is actualized through the manipulation of the psychological condition of the human species. ~ Lenon Honor This book "The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program" takes a critical look at the psychological impact of September 11th, 2001. It was on that date that the global population witnessed a horrific event that stimulated extreme levels of fear. This fear, which was not consciously processed, brought forth a profound trauma that was submerged within the subconscious mind of the global population. Since September 11th, 2001 mass media has consistently triggered this subconscious trauma through the use of cyclical fear-based programing. In triggering the subconscious trauma, the global population has been rendered into a state of perpetual fear. As a consequence, the global population continues to externalize power and does so without conscious awareness. This book "The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program" also provides solutions as to how the global population can resolve the trauma of September 11th, 2001. In resolving the trauma the global population will be empowered to step beyond the limiting restrictions of subconscious programming and embrace the infinite possibilities of conscious creativity. This book is 144 pages in length. The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11)[nb 1] were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) refers to an indoctrination process which results in Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal o A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation. In recent decades the term has acquired a derogatory meaning, and distinction should be made between the derisive use of the term and reference to actual, proven conspiracies. Different types of conspiracy theories have been distinguished, ranging from those merely based on a hunch to ones backed by evidence, and from localized, single-event conspiracies to pervading universal phenomena Lenon Honor is a writer, musician, video producer, talk show host, counselor, lecturer, motivational speaker, and media analyst. His website provides a wealth of information and inspiration in regards to manhood, fatherhood, marriage, children, family, and personal growth. His website explores the various means through which the psychological condition of the human species is manipulated through mass media. His website is a resource for anyone who is actively pursuing their own personal growth and empowerment. Lenon Honor is the author of four self-published books Writings for the Fathers of the World of Tomorrow (2007) Deep in the Garden of Consciousness (2011) The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program (2013) 360 Inspirational Quotes (2013) Lenon Honor also offers personal consultations, marriage counseling, and is available for radio interviews and public speaking engagements. Tags: Alex Jones, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, mind control, subliminal messages, 911, Judy Wood, September 11th, Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, Media Manipulation, Jordan Maxwell, Mark Passio, Sonia Barrett, Lenon Honor, edward bernays, Psychology, trauma based mind control, Loose Change, propaganda, freeman fly, conspiracy con, conspiracy theory, illuminati, bob tuskin, dhealthstore
Conferința "Fericire versus Divertisment în epoca Mass-Media", susținută la Constanța de biofizicianul Virgiliu Gheorghe - 8 mai 2014.
Derfitat Gedli tigrigna
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News World Новости Украины Сегодня За Украинскую символику арестовали жителя Крыма СМИ Украины Новости Украины Сегодня LAST NEWS For Ukrainian symbols arrested the resident of the Crimean mass media of Ukraine Ukraine news LAST NEWS Today И еще одно уголовное преследование за украинскую символику. Теперь силовики оккупированного Крыма привлекают к ответственности крымского татарина. Он держал украинский флаг на шевченковском митинге 9 марта в Симферополе. ★ Источник: ★ Подписывайся на канал ↓ Subscribe for the channel ★ ★ ★ Мы в Twitter: Вооружённый конфликт на Юго Востоке Украины - боевые действия на территории Донецкой и Луганской областей Украины с участием армейских подразделений и ВВС Украины, формирований МВД, СБУ, пограничной службы, государственной охраны Украины, Национальной гвардии Украины, ВСУ, батальонов территориальной обороны Донбасс, Азов, Шахтерск, Айдар, Днепр и др., С одной стороны, и бандформирований, наемников, в основном подчиняющихся руководству самопровозглашённых республик ДНР и ЛНР (ополчение) — с другой стороны, а также российских военных войск. Датой начала считается 7 апреля 2014 года, когда и.о. президента Украины Александр Турчинов, объявил о начале силовой операции. Украинские власти именуют свои действия (АТО) - антитеррористической операцией , пророссийские силы и российское руководство — карательной операцией. На канале представлено много новостей, а именно: новости украины, новости украины сегодня, украина новости сегодня, последние новости, новости сегодня, донецк, луганск, украина 2014, последние новости украины, украина последние новости, новости донецка, новости луганска, новости донбасса, юго восток украины, юго восток украины сегодня, новости россии, украина сегодня, украина новости, россия, новости онлайн, боевые действия на украине, война на украине. Горячие точки на востоке Юго-Востоке Украины где АТО имеет место это Донецк, Луганск, Счастье, Металлист, Горловка, Первомайск, Авдеевка, Дебальцево, Станица Луганская, Иловайск, Мариуполь и Донецкий аэропорт, которые неоднократно подвергаются минометным обстрелам и систем залпового огня Град с применением тежелой техники БТР, БМП и пулеметных расчетов.
Kings Cereal Advertisement, mass media Mr. Francis
Say No thanks to the BBC Mass Murdering Media....
Mass media effects on public opinion Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People source: Our Facebook Group: Our Twitter: In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself. В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
Hagmann & Hagmann Report - January 13, 2015 Illuminati Controlled Mass Media Doug Hagmann provides a comprehensive analysis on the news of the last two weeks. Hagmann & Hagmann Report. illuminati illuminati 2015 HD illuminati documentary illuminati music industry illuminati song illuminati members in the philippines illuminati conspiracy illuminati music 2014 illuminati signs... Hagmann & Hagmann Report - January 13, 2015 Illuminati Controlled Mass Media Doug Hagmann provides a comprehensive analysis on the news of the last two weeks. As Joe Hagmann continues to ... we now here two ways on listening in JETRADIO 1 Rock Blues Android Radio Player App It's Free To Download And You Can Go To ... Hagmann & Hagmann Report Hagmann & Hagmann Report - January 13, 2015 Illuminati Controlled Mass Media Hagmann & Hagmann Report - January 13, 2015 Illuminati Controlled Mass Media
I had a good idea and then it didn't work
The establishment only defends behavioral freedoms that pose no threat to the state. The Truth About Russia's Anti-Gay Law - . The establishment only defends behavioral freedoms that pose no threat to the state. The Truth About Russia's Anti-Gay Law - The establishment only defends behavioral freedoms that pose. The establishment only defends behavioral freedoms that pose no threat to the state. The Truth About Russia's Anti-Gay Law - This is a video for my CMC 100 class explaining that people.
Raw Real Talk once again exposes the Belly of The Beast—Racism and Prejudice is an epidemic that is steadily on the rise in America and globally. Racism stems from an ignorance that should. This video is about the news concerning Justin Bieber ad his racist joke he made back when he was 15 years old with friends. He apologised once he got found out, which in my opinion is a meaningles .
From the emergence of mass media via Television, political campaigns have used the medium with great effect to build belief in their candidates. From Eisenhower’s patriotic “I like Ike” campaign, to LBJ’s “Daisy Girl” commercial, campaigns used the broad appeal of television to create belief. Today, technology has democratized conversations and put power into the hands of real people—emphasis on real. What can Madison Avenue learn from this transformation? In this panel, we discuss how brands and marketers can adopt the road-tested tactics of successful political campaigns, including smart data segmentation, rapid response, emotional storytelling, and influencer engagement. By moving supporters up the ladder of engagement and asking them to take more and more meaningful actions on behalf of the things they care about, brands can create a community of advocates prepared to act on their behalf anytime, anywhere.
Neleen Leslie is a Mass Media Communications Ph.D. student at FSU. She talks about her experiences at FSU and what it was like to make the transition from Jamaica to the United States.
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The Full Blog Post With Downloads Can Be Found On My SEO Training Blog: Get MassMediaSEO Press Releases at Why Not Join In My Free SEO Sunday Webinar Series, Recorded every Sunday Evening 9pm EDT (New York Time), Register once and get access to all the free seo webinars and replays here Get Free Commando SEO Software Tools at Follow Me On: My Blog About Internet Marketing & SEO The Maverick SEO Show Podcast on iTunes: Twitter Google+ Without the custom url it is: Why Not Join In The SEO Strategy Discussions in Facebook Facebook Fanpage For Latest SEO News & Updates SEO Training Videos & Search Engine Optimization Tips Finally, An Affordable Premium Press Release Service! The Ultimate Web 2.0 SEO & Syndication Tools & Strategies The Fastest Ranking Video SEO Software On The Planet Talk soon, -Tony
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Almost every day the average person turns on the television and watches the daily News. Most of us rely on what they are telling us, but what if i told you they are all a bunch of liars?. FRIDAY NIGHT TRUTH VAULT look back to a June 9, 2012 TRUTH TALK NEWS broadcast discussing COINTELPRO infiltration of the truth movement, P.R.O.M.I.S, Michael Ricconsciuto, Danny . This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How do you envision someone from the Middle East? Bassam would like to show you how the media you're.
This video was created for Intro to Mass Media - CMST 102 - at South Puget Sound Community College. I do not own the images being presented. All of the ideas discussed are my own. Please feel free to comment if you have questions or comments. Enjoy!
Through the mass media, Globalization can distort these internal, societal collisions, distorting ... 2015-04-04The newspaper's publisher, Ekaterina Movsumova, spoke at the event on promoting restaurants through the mass media.
noodls 2015-04-03The foundation, in a statement, said large graphic warnings, like hard-hitting mass media campaigns, ...
The Times of India 2015-04-03... for all levels focusing on skills and knowledge essential to creating for mass media and art.
noodls 2015-04-03The letter described mass media coverage as "serving low voyeurism and generating circulation through horror".
The Guardian 2015-04-03Community members, school board members, Thomas Reffue’s friends and classmates, and John Reffue’s ...
Tampa Bay Online 2015-04-03The value of Swanson's book, which tells the story of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, ratified by President ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-03The letter described mass-media coverage as "serving low voyeurism and generating circulation through horror".
The Guardian 2015-04-03With a glee spawned via mass media that has largely avoided any analysis of the proceedings in an ...
The Examiner 2015-04-03It is partially because the mass media in the West is twisting all the facts, again and again, and ...
CounterPunch 2015-04-03... activities, campus government, journalism, speech and mass media and creative and performing arts.
noodls 2015-04-03TEWKSBURY, Mass ... Work will be performed by Raytheon in Andover, Billerica, Burlington and Tewksbury, Mass ... Tewksbury, Mass.
PR Newswire 2015-04-02TEWKSBURY, Mass ... Work will be performed by Raytheon in Andover, Billerica, Burlington and Tewksbury, Mass ... Tewksbury, Mass.
noodls 2015-04-02Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication. Broadcast media (also known as electronic media) transmit their information electronically and comprise television, film and radio, movies, CDs, DVDs and some other devices like cameras and video consoles. Alternatively, print media use a physical object as a means of sending their information, such as a newspaper, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets. The term also refers to the organizations which control these technologies, such as television stations or publishing companies.Internet media is able to achieve mass media status in its own right, due to the many mass media services it provides, such as email, websites, blogging, Internet and television. For this reason, many mass media outlets have a presence on the web, by such things as having TV ads which link to a website, or having games in their sites to entice gamers to visit their website. In this way, they can utilise the easy accessibility that the Internet has, and the outreach that Internet affords, as information can easily be broadcast to many different regions of the world simultaneously and cost-efficiently. Outdoor media is a form of mass media which comprises billboards, signs, placards placed inside and outside of commercial buildings and /objects like shops and buses, flying billboards (signs in tow of airplanes), blimps, and skywriting. Public speaking and event organising can also be considered as forms of mass media.
Avram Noam Chomsky (/ˈnoʊm ˈtʃɒmski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher,cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics" and a major figure of analytic philosophy. His work has influenced fields such as computer science, mathematics, and psychology.
Ideologically identifying with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian socialism, Chomsky is known for his critiques of U.S. foreign policy and contemporary capitalism, and he has been described as a prominent cultural figure. His media criticism has included Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (1988), co-written with Edward S. Herman, an analysis articulating the propaganda model theory for examining the media.
According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar from 1980 to 1992, and was the eighth most cited source overall. Chomsky is the author of over 100 books. He is credited as the creator or co-creator of the Chomsky hierarchy, the universal grammar theory, and the Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem.
When I grow up I wanna be just like you
No, you don't believe me, you don't
Yes, a fly chick come in a whip, let me see ya sit
Me and Nelly holdin' it down, 'bout to freak the shit
Hearin' me spit, so you can ask me who I sound like
But I don't care what you process, you vocals is tight
Yeah it's me, yeah Ms. T in the place to be
Hearin' my name bang, now you wanna connect with me
I don't wanna be like nobody but me life lady see
Can't nobody do it better than me
So, if I look like, sound like, clown like
Let's cut to the chase, do you see this serious look on my face?
This music is a taste given you a little snip
'Cause the whole wide world ain't heard shit
So, let me be quick to sit you down in your place
And tell you right to your face
Sista, you ain't nothin' but a faker, a playa hata
I'm Ms. Toi, first native baby, I'm a G and you will never fade, uh
Go and tell that girl, Ms. Toi what you wanna be
Go and this stylin' chick who you wanna be
Go and tell ya royal highness what you wanna be
I wanna be like me
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
So you wanna be a Midwest Hippie off the banks of the Mississippi
Your chances winnin' are iffy slim or pretty
Give ya 1 like Penny if you want it the hard way
Who that is dirty comin' right down Broadway?
Here the champagne, platinum and wood frames
Wood grain all up in the hummers and the mustangs
Code name Nelly got messages on the tele
By Lisa, Tomika, Angela, Rachel, and Sister Shelly
Oh really, you say some of these names might ring a belly
Ain't no tellin' Cuda school eh, night schoolin' Nelly
Come here ho, come here ho, here I go, well, here I go
Alcohol get you horny and freaky then drink some more
P.O. trippin' 'bout a nigga takin' drug enhancements
Askin' me if I been smokin' while my [unverified] readin' Branson
I say, no sir not by far just in the car, just caught a ride
Wit four niggaz that I met at the bar, now tell me
Go and tell that girl, Ms. Toi what you wanna be
Go and this stylin' chick who you wanna be
Go and tell ya royal highness what you wanna be
See baby girl, I wanna be like me
I said, you can tell Murphy Lee what you wanna be
Go on and tell a Lunatic who you wanna be
Nelly Nel, Ms. Toi Murphy Lee what you wanna be
I wanna be like me
This a sick flick with another hit again
We usin' our names while we rockin' this thang mayne
So if you came in wit which would never happen
You respectin' my game, I'm doin' this shit rapid
Now, we handclappin', stackin' papers for Ali
Just 'cuz I'm doin' it right, you wanna be like me?
Just take a bag of doin' thangs and grab a hustler and put yo name on it
And maybe you'll respect yourself in the mornin', young pimpin'
I wanna be just like you big dog, no you don't, why not?
Let me tell ya, tell me then, tell me then, tell me then
What the fuck, you don't wanna be is like that nigga Ali
Strugglin', strapped quick to put your brain on your lap
Now, think about that how I come through bump you
Skull cap, I'll fuck you, laugh at you ,find a place that I can dump you
Hump hump you, underground won't even confront you
Just slump you, laugh body bag, now I gotta trunk you, yeah
Go and tell that girl, Ms. Toi what you wanna be
Go and this stylin' chick who you wanna be
Go and tell ya royal highness what you wanna be
Check, check, you don't wanna be like Nelly Nel
What you wanna be? You don't wanna be like Ms. Toi
You don't wanna be like Murphy Lee, who you wanna be?
You don't wanna be like Ali, what you wanna be?
You wanna, you wanna, I wanna be like me
Go and tell that girl, Ms. Toi what you wanna be
Go and this stylin' chick who you wanna be
Go and tell ya royal highness what you wanna be
I wanna be like me
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
Waita, they get a load of me, waita they get a load
L.A., Watts, Inglewood
C.P.T , yo, Ren, let's go this shit
We make bitches suck dick every drop off the dime
And niggaz mad as fuck when I'm bustin' my rhyme
These superhoe niggaz shit's hard to find
Got these nasty ass hoe niggaz standin' in line
D.J. Yella back with Ren
Lookin' for a bitch to stick my dick in
"She swallowed it" once again
Is she riddin' these dick 'til it's startin' to pain?
We out in L.A., nigga bangin' hoes
Bitches suckin' dick, nigga ass and toes
Slow lights, camera, action, fuckin'
Yella and Ren still, "Always into somethin'"
Too much talkin', not enough fuckin'
My dick over two butts of top-notch sneak suckin'
And tell that bitch, she better swallow the nuts
The homie told me that I wrath for sluts
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
I like bangin' these hoes
Get these nasty bitches stepped outta they cloth
Ren and Yella closed the doors
We 'bout to get our role motherfuckin' strip-show
Live in L.A., Compton and Watts
Lookin' at all lyin' bitches comin' in flocks
Lookin' for nut, with the bill stick
Too bad bitches the black and Filipino shit
We sit with these hoes, can't love with the dick
Ren got the shit they love to fuck wit
All night sentence open your mouth, open your blouse
Let my black ass get to your raws, you want the Villain up in here
Lickin' your nickle sip some rippals, smoke some bud on the hot turf
I'm the motherfuckin' shit around here
Bangin' these hoes every year
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
If ain't fuckin' you best to live
Lookin' all these hoes we 'bout to receive
We got 'em layin' in coach playin' with they clip
Puffin' on the weed and talkin' big shit
How many dicks did she take in her ass
Especially when she know, she like it hard and fast
Put your hands together for the dig sucker
Ren's gonna pimp her, y'all gonna fucker
Make that bitch start to come a lot, keep the trick hot
Make the bear rot, not tight like the four knots
The pussy is flews, make the whole crews laid like a newels
We all good now, lookin' at the camera smile
You won't be suckin' dick for a while
That's how's going down when just fuckin' you
With Villain straight from Compton bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Yeah, this is how we do it
For the ol' three, Play Boy T, "Yella's cousin"
MC Ren, oh yeah, big man, wee, still my nigga, uhh
Takin' this shit over, uhh, for the real niggaz
L.A., Watts, Inglewood
C.P.T, yo, Ren, let's go this shit
We make bitches suck dick every drop off the dime
And niggaz mad as fuck when I'm bustin' my rhyme
These superhoe niggaz shit's hard to find
Got these nasty ass hoe niggaz standin' in line
D.J. Yella back with Ren
Lookin' for a bitch to stick my dick in
"She swallowed it" once again
Is she riddin' these dick 'til it's startin' to pain?
We out in L.A., nigga bangin' hoes
Bitches suckin' dick, nigga ass and toes
Slow lights, camera, action, fuckin'
Yella and Ren still, "Always into somethin'"
Too much talkin', not enough fuckin'
My dick over two butts of top-notch sneak suckin'
And tell that bitch, she better swallow the nuts
The homie told me that I wrath for sluts
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
I like bangin' these hoes
Get these nasty bitches stepped outta they cloth
Ren and Yella closed the doors
We 'bout to get our role motherfuckin' strip-show
Live in L.A., Compton and Watts
Lookin' at all lyin' bitches comin' in flocks
Lookin' for nut, with the bill stick
Too bad bitches the black and Filipino shit
We sit with these hoes, can't love with the dick
Ren got the shit they love to fuck wit
All night sentence open your mouth, open your blouse
Let my black ass get to your raws, you want the Villain up in here
Lickin' your nickle sip some rippals, smoke some bud on the hot turf
I'm the motherfuckin' shit around here
Bangin' these hoes every year
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
If ain't fuckin' you best to live
Lookin' all these hoes we 'bout to receive
We got 'em layin' in coach playin' with they clip
Puffin' on the weed and talkin' big shit
How many dicks did she take in her ass
Especially when she know, she like it hard and fast
Put your hands together for the dig sucker
Ren's gonna pimp her, y'all gonna fucker
Make that bitch start to come a lot, keep the trick hot
Make the bear rot, not tight like the four knots
The pussy is flews, make the whole crews laid like a newels
We all good now, lookin' at the camera smile
You won't be suckin' dick for a while
That's how's going down when just fuckin' you
With Villain straight from Compton bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Nigga, fuck that bitch
She laid out, make her suck this dick
And fuck that trick
We up here nigga bangin' hoes
Bitch niggaz gettin' hot 'cause we bangin' these hoes
Yeah, this is how we do it
For the ol' three, Play Boy T, "Yella's cousin"
MC Ren, oh yeah, big man, wee, still my nigga, uhh
Takin' this shit over, uhh, for the real niggaz
I'll take a breath
As I pick sunflowers
On the ground they follow you and they desire your light
As I do with the air
That fill
Me I swell
Of you
To stay Closer
Because here is cold
And there by the stars,Your heat seems
To Have Power,To bronze ice
And whiten the darkness
But all around me fades away and you stop time
But it's slow as a day with no water
My path towards you I can't see it
I don't need sight
Cause I feel I am right
I feel
With skin
And nose
Your love
In wisdom and out my past
In the air catching every signal
I collect your trails in me
And I breathe your silent words
And warm a bit also
All around me fades away and you stop time
But it's slow as a day with no water
My path towards you I can't see it
I don't need sight
Cause I feel I am right
I feel
With skin
And nose
Your love
Cause I feel it on my skin
As I smell it in my nose
How your love is good to me