The winning structures will be constructed by KKL-JNF, and will be open to the public as showcases for green building.  The ceremony at which the contest winners were announced took place on September 9, at the plenary session of the annual ILGBC conference.

The purpose of the Living Green contest was to raise awareness of green construction among the Israeli public, to coach the community of architects and planners in Israel as to the requirements of the new regulations for green construction, and to stimulate green innovation in Israeli construction.
Participants had to examine the implementation of the model at a location of their choice, and present their considerations as to the topographical conditions of the location, the local climatic conditions, and construction materials and technologies. The landscaping of the outdoor areas also had to be taken into consideration, and the relationship between outdoor and indoor spaces suitable to the climate in Israel, as well as the social and environmental contexts of the unit and of the space also had to be clearly defined.
The contest, as noted, was not just theoretical, and the winning proposal is to be built later on as a model structure open to the general public, which will be moved around the country and spread the message of green building to Israeli cities and towns.
The contest was held in two separate tracks, a professional track and a student track. There were about a hundred applicants, and scores of proposals were submitted, some of them applying to existing buildings, and others to new buildings. A diverse and multidisciplinary panel of judges, headed by Dr. Orr Karassin, who chairs the KKL-JNF Committee for Sustainable Development, and who is an academic scholar and an expert on environmental policy, reviewed the proposals and graded them in accordance with the criteria previously determined.
                                                       For further information, comments or permission please contact
Ahuva Bar-Lev
KKL-JNF – Information and Internet Department