Latest environment news

CSG doubts fan fears in Barwon

Peter Hannam 7:51 PM   Santos Energy is seeking approval for a new waste treatment plant at its controversial pilot coal seam gas field in northern NSW without identifying how it will dispose of the briny and potentially toxic end product.

Melbourne's blast from Antarctica? If only

Warming up: possible record temperatures recorded on the Antarctic Peninsula.

Peter Hannam 3:05 PM   To call this week’s wintry chill across southern Australia a “burst from Antarctica” would be doing a disservice to parts of the frigid continent.

Toad plague fear in Sydney

Asian black-spined Toad. The colder climate version of the cane toad.

Luke Malpass 5:35 PM   Northern Sydney is facing the possibility of a toad infestation, as one Asian black-spined toad has been found in the Warringah area and residents are being alerted to keep their eyes and ears out for another.

Study shows acceleration in melting of Antarctic ice shelves

More ice cover doesn't mean more ice overall.

6:13 AM   Satellite data from 1994 to 2012 reveals an accelerating decline in Antarctica's massive floating ice shelves, with some shrinking 18 per cent, in a development that could hasten the rise in global sea levels, scientists say.

Power sector to get special treatment under Direct Action

Hazelwood: Australia's most emissions-intensive major power plant.

Peter Hannam and Lisa Cox 3:59 PM   The Abbott government has proposed a major concession to the heavy-polluting electricity industry in its Direct Action climate change policy by exempting individual companies from caps on emissions.

Britain's greenhouse gas emissions fell 8.4 per cent in 2014

Cutting carbon: Britain makes big gains.

6:27 AM   Britain's greenhouse gas emissions fell 8.4 per cent in 2014 due to a decline in fossil-fuel power generation, preliminary government data showed on Thursday.

Tree-clearing law cops a blast from the Blue Mountains

Clearing trees: eight large trees cut in East Killara.

Peter Hannam   The Blue Mountains City Council has joined resident groups in Sydney to renew calls for the tightening of land-clearing laws that have enabled many home owners to clear nearby bushland without a permit.

Swift parrot flying into crisis

A flock of one of the most endangered parrots in Australia, the swift parrot, has been spotted feeding in the Royal National Park.

Andrew Darby   The swift parrot, Australia's fastest nectar-eater, is rapidly heading for extinction.

Australia's most-polluting power stations proving risky for investors

The International Energy Agency says that by 2020 one quarter of the world's subcritical power stations need to be shut down.

Lucy Cormack 12:15 AM   Report author says Australia has "by far the most carbon intensive power stations globally, the least efficient of all the major economies."

Storm warning issued for south-east

Cameron Atfield   A storm warning has been issued for Queensland's south-east after cells began forming west of Brisbane on Thursday afternoon.

Abbott government resists US moves against coal power

Prime Minister Tony Abbott during question time on Wednesday.

Lisa Cox, Mark Kenny   The Abbott government has again put itself on a collision course with US President Barack Obama, this time over government funding for coal-fired power plants.

WikiLeaks reveals local health and environment rules under threat

Trade Minister Andrew Robb says the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations are at "a make-or-break point" over the next month.

Philip Dorling   Australian health, environment and public welfare regulation, including plain tobacco packaging legislation will be open for challenge from largely US-based corporation, if a new  deal that is part of the Trans Pacific Partnership goes through. 

Clean energy industry offers to break deadlock on renewable energy target

renewable energy

Lisa Cox   The peak body for the clean energy industry says it is prepared to accept a significant compromise on Australia's renewable energy target if the government agrees to preserve two agencies it planned to abolish.

Police dog Ulrich saves missing stroke victim Herbert Bartlett

missing stroke victim Herbert Bartlett

Rachel Olding   Lying in long grass next to a lake, stroke victim Herbert Bartlett was barely visible to the eyes of rescue crews.

Oil downturn slows progress in bringing solar power to mines

Energy costs account for as much as 40 per cent of the operating costs at some mines, according to Ernst & Young.

James Paton   High oil prices spurred mining companies to look at renewable energy to cut their diesel fuel bills. With crude plunging, it's a different story today.

Voters should dump governments and generate their own power

Elizabeth Farrelly dinkus Dinkus

Elizabeth Farrelly   When you stand at New Zealand's northern tip you can see the seam, stretching to infinity, where two oceans meet. In history, similarly, there are times when the clash of vast forces becomes momentarily visible. For Sydney, the 1960s was such a juncture, where reactionary rissole culture, embodied as the Askin government, clashed head-on with the vectors of global change - Vietnam, rock'n'roll, Utzon.

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Native vegetation 'to get the chop' in NSW

The spotted-tailed quoll is listed as vulnerable in NSW.

Peter Hannam   The NSW Liberals have been accused of caving into their Nationals coalition partners with their plans to scrap acts protecting native vegetation and threatened species if re-elected at this weekend's poll.

Tropical rainfall on the rise as big storm events increase, study finds

Wetter: The number of multiple storm cell events is rising, satellite data shows.

Peter Hannam   Rainfall is increasing in the tropics across the world with the rise attributed to more big thunderstorms, new research by an Australian-led team has found.

SolarCity launches community microgrids with Tesla batteries

Solar panels backed up with batteries could provide power in the advent of a disaster.

Jeremy C. Owens   SolarCity, well-known for rooftop solar systems, is expanding to so-called microgrids, larger power systems that can be tapped by communities when the power grid goes down.

Epic chase of pirate fisher continues

Plundering 'white gold': The Nigerian registered Thunder.

Andrew Darby   Just before Christmas, the notorious pirate fishing vessel "Thunder" was found by conservationists at work in the Antarctic. Once spotted, it fled. Nearly 100 days later this epic chase off the coast of West Africa is still underway.

Heat on Australia to 're-engage' amid chill in climate negotiations


Lucy Cormack   A Lowy Institute report argues that Australia may struggle to explain its position to other parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, given that the conditions for moving beyond 5 per cent have been met.

Records melt across inland Australia in unusual March heat

Heat out back: extreme warmth sets many March records.

Peter Hannam   A prolonged burst of heat across inland Australia earlier this month set late-season records at dozens of weather sites and will probably have worsened drought conditions, the Bureau of Meteorology said.

Near-perfect weather expected on polling day

Ideal weather is expected for most of NSW on election day

Peter Hannam   Weather conditions should be ideal for voting across NSW on Saturday, ensuring that turnout is unlikely to be influenced by the heavens.

Biggest polluters set to miss deadline for action on climate change

Carbon emissions reduction goals are likely to miss the proposed March 31 deadline.

Alex Nussbaum and Alex Morales   Less than a week before the United Nations deadline for countries to file greenhouse-gas pledges necessary to keep a global climate change deal on track, it looks like most of the world is missing in action.

Martin Ferguson steps up attack on Luke Foley over CSG

CSG: Political point of contention.

Peter Hannam   Martin Ferguson, a former trade union chief and resources minister in the Rudd-Gillard Labor governments, says he has no plans to exit Labor, despite attacking his party’s coal seam gas policies in NSW.

Sydney weather: rain hits commuters

rain in city

Commuters are facing a miserable trip home after a rain front passed over the city on Tuesday afternoon

'Take it or leave it', government tells renewable energy industry

Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane (pictured) and Environment Minister Greg Hunt say they will look to the crossbench for support on a new renewable energy target if Labor will not agree.

Lisa Cox   Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane has told the clean energy industry that the government's latest offer on the renewable energy target is a "take it or leave it" position.

Arctic melt leading to weakest Gulf Stream in a 1,000 years

Arctic melt is affecting the Gulf Stream.

Stefan Nicola   Gulf Stream water currents in the Atlantic Ocean have slowed to the weakest in as long as 1,000 years, threatening shifts in US and European weather, as well as coastal sea levels including in New York and Boston.

Hunter Valley industries call for protection from coal mine expansion

Groups call for permanent protection: Rio Tinto's Warkworth open-cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley.

Peter Hannam   Horse breeders and wine and tourism groups want permanent protections to be passed within 100 days of the new parliament.

Putting a price on species survival

The leadbeater's possum.

Lucy Battersby   Saving the tiny but beautiful yellow-and-black-striped southern corroboree frog from extinction in the next five years will cost $3.7 million, and it is only one of 20 species that Zoos Victoria want to save.