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Catherine Rodie

Catherine Rodie is a freelance writer from Sydney.

How probiotics can help breastfeeding mums


Why skin to skin is so important

Skin to skin contact, otherwise known as kangaroo care, is important for many reasons.

Catherine Rodie While it may sound self-explanatory, there's more to 'skin to skin' than you may think.

Remembering lost children at Christmas

Catherine Rodie This December 25th will be Rachel Nobel's third Christmas without her young son Hamish, who died in a tragic accident aged just 20 months.

Do we need celebrity bottle-feeding ambassadors too?

bottle feeding baby

Catherine Rodie Breastfeeding celebrities are great, but many mums say that we need to see bottle-feeding celebrities, too.

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6 beauty tips for tired mums

Catherine Rodie For those of us with young children, eight hours sleep is a distant memory. And while we can’t do much to secure more shut-eye, there are some ways to fake it.

Five perfectly normal motherhood taboos


Catherine Rodie There are some things that you just don't say. Things you can't say. Taboos. And when it comes to modern motherhood, there are rather a lot of them.

Breastfeeding mum kicked out of restaurant for drinking beer


Catherine Rodie When Crystal McCullough and her husband arranged to meet friends for an early dinner with their baby, they didn’t expect that it would end with a controversial news story.

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Breastfeeding mums less likely to suffer from PND, but all need support

Catherine Rodie A new study has shown the a complex relationship between a mother’s intention to breastfeed, her ability to do so, and postnatal depression.

Do you suffer from Precious Firstborn Syndrome?


Catherine Rodie Testing ‘no more tears’ shampoo in your own eyes, warming cucumber sticks so they're not cold straight from the fridge, waking a sleeping baby to check they’re still breathing: these are all symptoms...

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Breastfeeding friendly café goes viral

Breastfeeding cafe sign

Catherine Rodie A photo of a breastfeeding-friendly sign in a cafe has been posted to Facebook and shared by hundreds of mums around the world.

When you don’t bond with your baby

baby bond

Catherine Rodie They say that there is no bond greater than the bond between a mother and her child. But for some women, the mother-baby bond takes more time and effort to develop.

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The breastfeeding ‘selfie’ trend that wants to #normalisebreastfeeding


Catherine Rodie If you're on Facebook or Instagram you may have noticed a new hash tag recently: #normalisebreastfeeding.

Dealing with baby name regret

Catherine Rodie What happens when parents have a change of heart about the name they’ve chosen for their baby? Parents describe what they've done after realising their baby's name wasn't quite right.

Comments 18

New parents need empathy, not telling off

Baby crawling on floor

Catherine Rodie If Dom Knight's recent Daily Life article is anything to go by, it would seem I owe my childfree friends a massive apology.

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